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Index Abraham, Cherian, 32 B2B payments, 196 Aceto, Peter, 9–10, 156–159 consumer payments, 196–198 Affi rm, 5 online micropayments, 200–201 Age of Context (Scoble & Israel), 177–178 as payment rails, 195–196 Al-Bassam, Kareem, 17, 112 protocol, improving, 198–200 Alipay, 31 wallets, 201 Amazon, 5 usage, 186–190 American Express, 8, 61, 150 creating and processing, 188–190 Andreessen, Marc, 13 digital push payments, 190 App stores for banks, 133–139 BitWall, 201 Apple Bluetooth, low-energy, 97–98 EasyPay, 98–100 Braintree (now PayPal), 7, 38, 39–40 iBeacon, 97, 98–100 and Simple, deal between, 39–40 low-energy Bluetooth, 97–98 Bruene, Jim, 21–22, 34–35, 136, 139 Passbook, 32–35, 100 Business models, enduring, 143–176 Application programming interfaces (APIs) for bank partnering, 156 online and mobile commerce, 122–123 future of banking, venture capitalist Asia, social banking in, 70–71 insight on, 164–167 ING DIRECT Canada, 156–159 BBVA. See Simple innovation ecosystem, investing in, 168–171 Big data, as driver of innovation, 4–5, MoneyGram, 152–155 115–141 new era in banking and fi nancial services, and open platforms, 115–141 159–164 app stores for banks, 133–139 competing, 160–162 application programming interfaces imperatives to partner for innovation, (APIs) for online and mobile 162–164 commerce, 122–123 next 50 years, 172–174 coping strategies for banks, 123–125 digital, 173 PayPal’s open platform, 125–133 platform and identity friendly, 174 platform services, rise of, 121–122 relationship management, 173–174
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