Agenda Corporate Services Committee 6th Meeting of the Corporate Services Committee February 19, 2019, 12:30 PM Council Chambers Members Councillors J. Morgan (Chair), J. Helmer, P. Van Meerbergen, A. Kayabaga, S. Hillier, Mayor E. Holder The City of London is committed to making every effort to provide alternate formats and communication supports for Council, Standing or Advisory Committee meetings and information, upon request. To make a request for any City service, please contact
[email protected] or 519-661-2489 ext. 2425. Pages 1. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest 2. Consent 2.1 Budweiser Gardens: City Approval of Zamboni Capital Lease Agreement 3 2.2 2018 Annual Update on Budweiser Gardens 13 2.3 2019 Debenture Issuance 30 2.4 Declare Surplus - Portion of City-Owned Land Abutting 15 McAlpine 34 Avenue 2.5 Residential Tax By-Law for New Affordable Housing Program Projects - 39 27 Centre Street, London 2.6 Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) Board Meeting Update - 42 City of Toronto, ON January 24-25, 2019 3. Scheduled Items 3.1 Not to be heard before 1:00 PM - Apportionment of Taxes 44 4. Items for Direction 4.1 Grand Theatre - Municipal Accommodation Tax Funding Request 60 a. Request for Delegation Status - Deb Harvey, Executive 64 Director, Grand Theatre 4.2 Future Tax Policy - Possible Directions 65 5. Deferred Matters/Additional Business 6. Confidential (Enclosed for Members only.) 6.1 12:30 PM - Personal Matters/Identifiable Individual A matter pertaining to personal matters about an identifiable individual, including communications necessary for that purpose, as it relates to an interview for Eldon House Board of Directors.