The Westfield Leader and The Times goleader Online Extra Online Someone’s Looking Have them look at you. We’ll put your message here for hundreds of thousands to see. www.goleader.com/online (908) 232-4407 [email protected] www.goleader.com Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, January 8, 2009 OUR 119th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 02-2009 Periodical – Postage Paid at Westfield, N.J. www.goleader.com [email protected] SIXTY CENTS WF Mayor Sees ‘Challenging’ Year Given State’s Fiscal Problems By MICHAEL J. POLLACK told The Westfield Leader Monday savings” have been yielded in Specially Written for The Westfield Leader that he “would not be surprised” if the Westfield through reducing WESTFIELD – Despite touting his cut was at least $300,000 to $400,000, headcounts. Since 2006, eight full- administration’s role in “reinventing “if not more.” time positions have been reduced to government,” Mayor Andy Skibitsky, “I would note that in 2008,” the eight part-time positions; three full- last Friday, said Westfield would con- mayor said in his address, “the state time positions and two part-time po- tinue to be “challenged” by the State claimed it was ‘cutting’ costs by re- sitions have been completely elimi- of New Jersey’s long-term fiscal prob- ducing state aid to municipalities, nated, for an immediate savings of lems. when, in fact, by cutting the very $350,000. The mayor, delivering his State of appropriation specifically dedicated Under his yearly council appoint- the Town Address in front of an audi- to offset local property taxes, what ments, the mayor welcomed Carol ence that included former mayors and the state was really doing was pass- Salvaggio as court administrator. Ms. councilmen, as well as politicians on ing its fiscal problems on to the local Salvaggio has served as one of the the national and state levels, said he is governments. town’s two deputy court administra- “very concerned” about another re- “Tonight,” the mayor continued, “I tors for 12 years. Fellow deputy court duction in state aid. am calling on the governor to cease administrator Anne Margeotes will In 2008, Westfield lost more than making cuts to the funding specifi- remain in her current role; the town $400,000 in state aid, and though cally earmarked for property-tax re- will not hire anyone to fill Ms. 2009’s numbers have yet to be final- lief.” Salvaggio’s former position; it will ized, Town Administrator Jim Gildea Mayor Skibitsky said “significant be lost to attrition. Similarly, the town will not hire anyone to fill the slot vacated by former assistant Town Engineer Kris McAloon, who was officially named town engineer on Friday. Michael J. Pollack for The Westfield Leader TOP ENGINEER...Westfield residents applaud as Kris McAloon, top center, is introduced as the new town engineer at last All current council committee Friday’s Westfield Town Council reorganization meeting. He replaces Ken Marsh, who retired. Mr. McAloon previously chairs will remain: finance, Sal served as assistant engineer, a position that will not be filled. Caruana; public safety, Mark Ciarrocca; public works, JoAnn Neylan; code review, James Foerst. Rep. Leonard Lance (R-7th, Mirabella: Freeholders to Ready Hunterdon) spoke to those whom he will represent in Washington, D.C. He said he intends to represent those Road Projects for Fed Stimulus in the Seventh District to the “best of his ability” in a “bipartisan and in- By PAUL J. PEYTON state funding to help workers up- members of the county’s Workforce deed non-partisan way.” Specially Written for The Westfield Leader grade their skills by offering pro- Investment Board will visit local busi- Mr. Lance announced to the crowd COUNTY — Union County Free- grams at Union County College nesses next month, as well as conduct that he would have an office in holder Al Mirabella took over as (UCC). He said the county would business roundtables to learn how the Westfield, located at 425 North Av- chairman of the nine-member board work with UCC, Kean University and county can help retain and create jobs. enue, in addition to one in Hunterdon on Sunday, saying, “There is an ur- the Union County Vocational-Tech- Following on 2008 Freeholder County. He said several veteran mem- gent sense of uncertainty and worry nical Schools to expand adult educa- Chairman Angel Estrada’s “Go MR. LANCE GOES TO WASHINGTON...Congressman Leonard Lance (R-7th, bers of his staff – including Amanda among many Union County resi- tion and basic skills programs for Green” initiative, Mr. Mirabella said Hunterdon) is shown in a mock swearing-in ceremony with House Speaker Nancy Woloshen, the campaign manager of dents.” county residents. the county will work with UCC, Kean Pelosi (left) and his wife, Heidi Rohrbach, following the official ceremony on Tuesday. his congressional campaign – will “The reality is we are facing the operate in Westfield. greatest economic challenge in a gen- “Our door will always be open to eration,” he said. Lance Takes Oath As New all residents of Westfield,” Mr. Lance “County government is not immune said. from the fiscal impact. Like other Mr. Lance said he anticipates that governmental entities, Union County Congressman for the Region the current Congress will be the most will be forced to take a look at By PAUL J. PEYTON garding the ($600-$775 billion) “consequential since the New Deal.” workforce reductions in both tradi- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader stimulus package. I am pleased there He said as the Congress addresses a tional and non-traditional ways,” Mr. WASHINGTON, D.C. — Leonard is a preliminary indication that it will second stimulus package that could Mirabella said. “We will revisit this Lance was one of 53 new members include tax relief, and that relief is approach $1 trillion, he “promises to budgetary issue later this month with officially sworn into Congress on desperately needed by middle class recognize the American taxpayers a focus on additional sources of rev- Tuesday. The congressman replaces residents and by small businesses.” first.” enue as well.” Mike Ferguson, who retired after four He said he “favors tax cuts to stimu- Former Mayors Bud Boothe, who Looking at the struggling economy, terms, in representing the Seventh late the economy.” He said he also is celebrating 50 years living in Mr. Mirabella unveiled a “six-point” District, which includes Westfield, hopes the package is “fully vetted in Westfield, and Ron Frigerio were in plan to assist the unemployed while Cranford, Scotch Plains, Fanwood, the appropriate committees in the attendance, along with Assemblyman also sparking new job development. Garwood and Mountainside. House” as well as being “responsible Jon Bramnick (LD-21, Westfield), The plan includes outfitting a mobile During a teleconference with dis- to the taxpaying public.” former council members Betty List, facility with computers and counse- trict reporters after his swearing-in The new congressman said he Jubb Corbett and Jim Hely, as well as lors. The vehicle will travel to loca- ceremony, Mr. Lance said he and his would not know what committees he State Supreme Court Judge Douglas tions around the county to assist family as well as individuals from the will serve on until next week but is Fasciale and Board of Education county residents with unemployment district attended the noon ceremony. hoping to be on a committee that President Ginny Leiz. benefits and provide information on Greg Ryan for The Westfield Leader His press secretary, Angie Lundberg, “deals with financial issues.” Fourth Ward Councilman Tom job openings. SETTING HIS PRIORITIES...Freeholder Chairman Al Mirabella, left, addresses said two busloads of constituents and When asked about the incoming CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 In addition, the county will seek the crowd during Sunday’s reorganization meeting. Pictured, left to right, are: officials attended the festivities. administration of President-elect Freeholders Dan Sullivan, Angel Estrada, Rick Proctor and Nancy Ward; back row, A mock swearing-in ceremony for Barack Obama, he said, the “inaugu- Deborah Scanlon, Bette Jane Kowalski, Chester Holmes and Rayland Van Blake. each new member with Speaker Nancy ration of a new President is always a Linken, Petruzzelli Begin Pelosi was held later in the day. time of optimism and hope.” Mr. Mirabella has instructed Al and Vo-Tech to develop “Green Col- “We voted for Speaker [of the “My experience in the State Legis- Faella, director of parks and commu- lar job training” in areas such as envi- House], and obviously, I voted for lature has been to work in bipartisan Terms; Sluka Garwood Pres. nity renewal, to work with towns in ronment cleanup, urban forestry, re- John Boehner of Ohio, the Republi- capacity and, certainly, I will con- By RAYNOR DENITZIO mittee and as the council’s represen- developing a priority list of infra- cycling, green construction and trans- can leader; but I certainly look for- tinue that effort here in Washington,” Specially Written for The Westfield Leader tative to the borough’s library. He structure projects for roads, bridges portation projects. ward to working with Speaker Pelosi Mr. Lance said. GARWOOD — Two new borough will also hold positions on the recre- and buildings “so that we can obtain Also, UCC teenagers attending and the majority, as well,” he said. The new congressman said he looks council members were welcomed ation, fire and streets and roads/ecol- funding under the new federal stimu- UCC’s College for Teens program Mr. Lance said he “looks forward forward to working with the other onto the borough’s governing body ogy committees. lus package” set forth by President- will be introduced to “conservation to working with all members of Con- dozen members of the New Jersey and a new council president was se- Mr.
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