Dan-D-News 2013.Pdf
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uvodnik introduction uvodnik introduction and hidden. Every signage in the public The Gredelj zone might just as well de- space in a way creates choreography of our velop into a creative cluster, a place of thick Dan D 2013: D–Day 2013: Design movements, behavior and orientation, de- concentration of intertwined creative indus- fining the points of our interceptions and di- tries and interdisciplinary collaborations. At rections of our trajectories. Every add and the same time we have seen many examples visual sign in a space, regardless whether it all over Europe where such a space might dizajn i grad and the City is commercial or not, does not only drasti- enrich the entire city bringing life to the in- cally change the image of the city in which dustrial heritage threatened with devasta- we live but also alters our mental maps cre- tion or commercialization. D–Day 2013 re- TEKST Marko Golub TEXT Marko Golub ating new associative contexts related to flects about these themes but also rethinks spaces, ideas, values, living environments. design activity in that context — how does it Otkad je 2010. godine po prvi put održan u njegov utjecaj na svakodnevicu, čak i ako se Ever since it was held for the first time in 2010 Many of those activities take place on differ- It forces us to think, discuss, it provokes and correspond with the idea of public and urban, prostorima napuštenog industrijskog kom- ponekad čini diskretnim i skrivenim. Svaki at the facilities belonging to the abandoned ent instances, i.e. in the framework of dif- inspires, or irritates and manipulates. Each which social and individual interaction does pleksa Stare klaonice u Zagrebu, Dan D je oblik signalizacije u javnom prostoru kore- industrial complex called The Old Slaugh- ferent projects organized by institutions, of- product that we let in the world influences it create? How much does it contribute to our izrastao u dizajnersku manifestaciju koja ografira naše kretanje, ponašanje i orijent- terhouse in Zagreb, the D–Day has outgrown fices, university departments, galleries and our behavior and our relationship with the community’s quality of life? How does de- okuplja najbolje mlade kreativne snage iz aciju, definira točke naših susreta i smjerove into a design manifestation that gathers the associations but it is the role of the D–Day immediate environment. Each form of com- sign map a city? Hrvatske i susjednih zemalja. Međunarod- svakodnevnih putanja. Svako oglašavan- best young and creative forces from Croatia to make the network for their interrelated munication that we create and impose to the nom karakteru manifestacije pridonosi redo- je i vizualni znak u prostoru, bez obzira and its neighboring countries. The interna- connections even stronger and the need for public space influences our understanding of vito sudjelovanje dizajnerskih inicijativa iz je li njegov kontekst komercijalan ili ne, tional character of the manifestation is fur- them more visible aiming to permanently es- community as a concept as well as its inner drugih gradova regije, u kojima paralelno niču drastično mijenja ne samo sliku grada u ko- ther strengthened by regular participation of tablish their significance in the wider context. dynamics. City and public space have always slični utjecajni festivali dizajna. Dan D tako jem živimo, nego i naše vlastite mentalne design initiatives from other cities from the Hand in hand with the central three-day been in the focus of our discussions on the je postao prostor umrežavanja mladih diza- mape, te stvara nove asocijativne sklopove region where similarly influential design festi- activity at the Gredelj industrial zone, the responsibility that design and designers have jnera i dizajnerica, ali i ravnopravan akter pro- vezane uz prostor, ideje, vrijednosti, život- vals are emerging simultaneously. The D–Day 2013 D–Day plans to move to the city center towards society. pulzivne mreže regionalnih aktivnosti u pod- no okruženje. Tjera nas na razmišljanje, na thus became a special networking place for in order to underline some existing projects ručju dizajna i kreativnih industrija općenito. diskusiju, provocira i inspirira, ili pak ljuti young designers but also an equally important or those projects that have a potential to grow Ovogodišnji festival središte svojih ak- i manipulira. Svaki produkt koji smo pusti- stakeholder in the creation of a propulsive net- within the urban area. To be more precise, tivnosti seli na lokaciju bivše industrijske li u svijet utječe na naše ponašanje i odnos work of regional activities linked to design during its seven days the 2013 D–Day intends Mario Stipetić Zadar LW X VM Vedrana Mastela, Selma Štrkljević Mravak / Zagreb, Split zone TŽV Gredelj i ima za cilj na mikro raz- prema neposrednom okruženju. Svaki oblik and creative industries in general. to activate some abandoned spaces in the city IDWork.org je web aplikacija za IDWork.org is a web application for Dvije dizajnerice, dva grada. Nakit Two designers, two cities. Jewelry ini rekreirati čitav sklop temeljnih aktivnos- komunikacije koji smo osmislili i postavili This year’s festival will relocate its activ- center in cooperation with artists, designers bookmark slika i videa na temu bookmarking images and videos i odjeća, Zagreb i Split. U kolekciji and clothes, Zagreb and Split. ti koje čine dizajnersku scenu — edukaci- u zajednički javni prostor utječe na razum- ities to an ex-industrial zone called Gredelj and associations that will use them as their dizajna i umjetnosti koja se može ko- about design and art that can be Connection vide se ideje iz prijašnjih The collection named Connection jske aktivnosti kroz kontinuiranu suradnju ijevanje pojma zajednice i njenu unutrašnju aiming to recreate on a micro-level a series studios, working units, offices, stages or plac- ristiti isključivo uz pozivnicu (private used exclusively with a private in- radova modne dizajnerice Maste- shows ideas from Mastela’s previ- s fakultetima; medijacijske kroz niz pre- dinamiku. Grad i javni prostor oduvijek su of basic activities making so-called design es for gathering and exchanging knowledge invite). IDWork za spremanje dizajn i vite. IDWork for bookmarking art le — tonovi i destrukcija materijala ous works– colors and destruction davanja i gostujućih izložbi; reprezentaci- u fokusu onoga o čemu razmišljamo kada scene: educational activities, through a con- and information. At the same time, this year’s art inspiracije trenutno koristi 3000 and design inspirations is present- koja se uklopila u prepoznatljiv of material- that correspond with registriranih korisnika — dizajnera, ly being used by 3000 registered izričaj dizajnerice nakita Štrkljević Štrkljević Mravak’s recogniza- jske kroz zajedničke nastupe mladih auto- govorimo o odgovornosti dizajna i dizajnera tinuous cooperation with the faculties; me- festival throws light on several activities ilustratora i umjetnika. users — designers, illustrators and Mravak. Kroz vizualnu reprezent- ble jewelry design. The visual ra; zagovaračke kroz posredovanje dijaloga s prema društvu. diation activities, through a series of lec- around the city that need increased visibility artists. aciju rada predstavlja se interakcija presentation of their work aims to gospodarstvenicima, obrtnicima i državnim Zona Gredelj mogući je budući gradski tures and guest exhibitions; representation and stronger connection between the stake- čovjeka, odjeće, nakita i samog present the interaction between institucijama; kohezivne kroz inauguriranje kreativni klaster, mjesto guste koncentraci- activities, through joint ‘fair’ appearances holders themselves but also a dialogue with okruženja u kojem se nalazi. people, clothes, jewelry and their environment. suradničkih platformi i eksperimentalne, kroz je međusobno umreženih kreativnih indus- of young authors; lobbing activities, through the broader community on whose everyday infrastrukturno i konceptualno podupiranje trija i interdisciplinarne suradnje. Istodobno, an intermediary dialogue with business en- life they can by all means influence and with praksi onkraj dizajnerskog mainstreama te takav bi prostor, po uzoru na mnoge druge tities, trades and state institutions; cohesion which they need to integrate more intensively. na rubovima disciplina. Mnoge od spome- europske primjere, oplemenio život cijeloga activities, through the inauguration of coop- Design practice is present in all segments Hana Tintor Zagreb Laura Mrkša i Toni Šljaka Zagreb Ivan Levak Zagreb nutih aktivnosti događaju se i drugdje, prim- grada i ponovno ga udahnuo industrijskoj eration platforms and, finally, experimental of the public and urban life and no matter jerice u okviru djelovanja institucija, ureda, baštini kojoj inače prijeti ili propadanje ili activities, through the infrastructural and which form of design one practices, it has Ambijent s četiri rasvjetna tijela Papirnata dizajnerska instalacija. studija, galerija i udruga, no upravo Dan D komercijalizacija. Dan D 2013 reflektira sve conceptual support for practices on the very an enormous influence on people’s every- ‘Hanin zid’ je mala zbirka ilustracija i neutralnim sjedećim elemen- Parazitska, multifunkcionalna forma ih umrežava, njihove veze čini čvršćima, po- ove teme, ali i u takvom kontekstu promišlja edge of design mainstreams and disciplines. day lives even if it is sometimes discrete nastala u trenucima odmora od tima tvori ugodnu atmosferu za u interijeru i eksterijeru, namijenje- obaveza u zadnjih godinu dana. druženje i zadržavanje