1 Kings of Macedon. Uncertain mint or Amphipolis. Antigonos II Gonatas 277- 239 BC. Struck circa 270 BC Tetradrachm AR 30mm., 16,41g. Horned head of Pan left, wearing goat skin, lagobolon over shoulder, in the center of a Macedonian shield decorated with seven eight-pointed stars within double crescents / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΝΤΙΓΟΝΟΥ, Athena Alkidemos advancing right, brandishing thunderbolt in her right hand, holding shield decorated with aegis on her left arm, kalathos to inner left, monogram to inner right. very fine SNG Oxford 3257. Starting price: 180 GBP

2 Kings of Macedon. . Antigonos I Monophthalmos 320-301 BC. In the name and types of Alexander III. Struck under Aspesias, Satrap of Susiana, circa 316-311 BC Tetradrachm AR 24mm., 17,05g. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ, Zeus Aëtophoros seated left, in left field, wreath, below throne, E above strut, ΠP monogram below. good very fine Price 3854. Starting price: 75 GBP

3 Kings of Macedon. Babylon. Philip III Arrhidaeus 323-317 BC. In the types of Alexander III of Macedon. Struck under Archon, Dokimos, or Seleukos I, circa 323-318/7 BC Tetradrachm AR 25mm., 16.,97g. Head of Herakles to right, wearing lion skin headdress, paws tied beneath chin / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ, Zeus seated left on high-backed throne, right leg drawn back, his feet resting on a low foot rest, holding long scepter in his left hand and, in his right, eagle standing right with closed wings, M in left field, ΛY beneath throne. very fine Price P181. Starting price: 75 GBP

4 Kings of Macedon. Babylon. Philip III Arrhidaeus 323-317 BC. In the types of Alexander III of Macedon. Struck under Archon, Dokimos, or Seleukos I, circa 323-318/7 BC Tetradrachm AR 26mm., 16,77g. Head of Herakles to right, wearing lion skin headdress, paws tied beneath chin / [ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ] ΦΙΛΙΠΠ [ΟΥ], Zeus seated left on high-backed throne, right leg drawn back, his feet resting on a low foot rest, holding long scepter in his left hand and, in his right, eagle standing right with closed wings, M in left field, ΛY beneath throne. very fine Price P181. Starting price: 75 GBP

5 Kings of Macedon. Babylon. Philip III Arrhidaeus 323-317 BC. Tetradrachm AR 27mm., 16,70g. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / ΦIΛIΠΠOY BAΣIΛEΩΣ, Zeus seated left with eagle and sceptre. Controls: wheel and two monograms. very fine Price P189. Starting price: 75 GBP 6 Kings of Macedon. Kolophon. Philip III Arrhidaeus 323-317 BC. In the types of Alexander III. Struck under Menander or Kleitos, circa 323-319 BC Drachm AR 18mm., 4,22g. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin headdress / Zeus Aëtophoros seated left, holding sceptre, lyre in left field, A beneath throne, ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ to right. very fine Price 1769; Müller 241. Starting price: 75 GBP

7 Kings of Macedon. 'Kolophon'. Philip III Arrhidaeus 323-317 BC. In the types of Alexander III. Struck circa 323-319 BC Drachm AR 17mm., 4,38g. Head of Herakles to right, wearing lion skin headdress, paws tied beneath chin / ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ, Zeus seated left on low-backed throne, right leg drawn back, his feet resting on a low foot rest, holding long scepter in his left hand and, in his right, eagle standing right with closed wings, monogram of ΠA in left field. good very fine Price P46; Müller P135. Starting price: 75 GBP

8 Kings of Macedon. Sardeis. Philip III Arrhidaeus 323-317 BC. In the name and types of Alexander III. Struck under Menander or Kleitos, circa 322-319/8 BC Drachm AR 16mm., 4,25g. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ, Zeus Aëtophoros seated left, in left field, bee above TI. very fine Price 2626; ADM I Series XIV. Starting price: 75 GBP

9 Kings of Macedon. Sidon. Philip III Arrhidaeus 323-317 BC. RY 13 of Abdalonymos=321-320 BC Tetradrachm AR 26mm., 16,92g. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin headdress / ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ, Zeus seated left, holding eagle and scepter; in left field, date N; below throne, ΣΙ. very fine Price P169; Newell 41. Starting price: 75 GBP

10 Kings of Macedon. Sidon. Philip III Arrhidaeus 323-317 BC. In the name and types of Alexander III. Struck under Laomedon. Dated RY 12 of Abdalonymos (322/1 BC) Tetradrachm AR 26mm., 16.,50g. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ, Zeus Aëtophoros seated left, M (date) in left field, ΣI beneath throne. very fine Price 3498; DCA 877. Starting price: 75 GBP

11 Kings of Macedon. Sidon. Philip III Arrhidaeus 323-317 BC. Struck under Laomedon. Dated RY 13 of Abdalonymos (321/0 BC) Tetradrachm AR 26mm., 16,64g. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ, Zeus Aëtophoros seated left, N (date) in left field, ΣI beneath throne. very fine Price P169; DCA 878. Starting price: 75 GBP 12 Kings of Macedon. Tarsos. Philip III Arrhidaeus 323-317 BC. In the name and types of Alexander III. Struck under Philotas or Philoxenos Tetradrachm AR 28mm., 16,87g. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ, Zeus Aëtophoros seated left, in left field, Nike standing right, holding wreath, monogram beneath throne. nearly very fine Price 3038 corr. (monogram). Starting price: 75 GBP

13 Kings of Macedon. Tyre. Philip III Arrhidaeus 323-317 BC. In the name and types of Alexander III. Struck under Laomedon. Dated RY 29 of Azemilkos (321/0 BC) Tetradrachm AR 26mm., 17,14g. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ, Zeus Aëtophoros seated left, in left field, -|O (Phoenician 'K = 'Ozmilk [king of Tyre]) above ||| ||| =/||| (Phoenician date [29]). very fine Price 3275 (Ake); DCA 737. Starting price: 75 GBP

14 Kings of Macedon. Uncertain mint in Cilicia. Philip III Arrhidaeus 323-317 BC. In the name and types of Alexander III. Struck under Philoxenos, circa 320- 318/7 BC Tetradrachm AR 26mm., 17,04g. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ, Zeus Aëtophoros seated left, AI in left field, BΣ beneath throne. very fine Price 2952 (Side ? mint). Starting price: 75 GBP

15 Kings of Macedon. Amphipolis. Alexander III "the Great" 336-323 BC. Struck under Antipater, circa 332-326 BC Tetradrachm AR 25mm., 16,75g. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ, Zeus Aëtophoros seated left, Macedonian shield in left field. good very fine Price 57; Troxell, Studies, Issue D2. Starting price: 75 GBP

16 Kings of Macedon. Amphipolis. Alexander III "the Great" 336-323 BC. Tetradrachm AR 25mm., 16,91g. Head of Heracles right, wearing lion-skin headdress / ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ, Zeus sitting left, holding eagle and scepter; grape bunch in left field. good very fine Price 29. Starting price: 75 GBP

17 Kings of Macedon. Arados. Alexander III "the Great" 336-323 BC. Tetradrachm AR 27mm., 17,17g. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ, Zeus Aëtophoros seated left on throne; kerykeion in left field, AP monogram below throne. good very fine Price 3332; SNG Alpha Bank 675; SNG Saroglos 579-81. Starting price: 150 GBP

18 Kings of Macedon. Arados. Alexander III "the Great" 336-323 BC. Lifetime issue, circa 328-323 BC Tetradrachm AR 25mm., 17,14g. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ, Zeus Aëtophoros seated left, caduceus in left field, AP monogram beneath throne. very fine Price 3332; Duyrat group IV, series 11. Starting price: 75 GBP 19 Kings of Macedon. Babylon. Alexander III "the Great" 336-323 BC. Struck under Stamenes or Archon, circa 324/3 BC Tetradrachm AR 27mm., 16,83g. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ, Zeus Aëtophoros seated left, grape bunch in left field, monogram beneath throne, M in exergue. very fine Price 3642. Starting price: 75 GBP

20 Kings of Macedon. Babylon. Alexander III "the Great" 336-323 BC. Struck circa 325-323 BC Tetradrachm AR 29mm., 16,27g. Head of Herakles to right, wearing lion skin headdress / AΛEΞANΔΡOΥ, Zeus seated to left on backless throne, holding eagle in his right hand and long scepter in his left, to left, bee, beneath throne, monogram, in exergue, M. nearly very fine Price 3621. Starting price: 75 GBP

21 Kings of Macedon. Kolophon. Alexander III "the Great" 336-323 BC. Struck under Antigonos I Monophthalmos, circa 310-301 BC Drachm AR 17mm., 4,32g. Head of Herakles to right, wearing lion skin headdress / ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ, Zeus seated left on low throne, holding long scepter in his left hand and, in his right, eagle standing right with closed wings, B in left field, N beneath throne. very fine Price 1801. Starting price: 75 GBP

22 Kings of Macedon. Lampsakos. Alexander III "the Great" 336-323 BC. Struck circa 323-317 BC Drachm AR 17mm., 4,27g. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress / ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ, Zeus seated left, holding eagle and scepter, forepart of Pegasos left in left field, buckle beneath throne. very fine Price 1378. Starting price: 75 GBP

23 Kings of Macedon. Miletos. Alexander III "the Great" 336-323 BC. Drachm AR 17mm., 4,29g. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / AΛEΞANΔPOY, Zeus seated left with eagle and sceptre, monogram in left field, monogram beneath throne. nearly very fine Cf. Price 2125. Starting price: 75 GBP

24 Kings of Macedon. Side. Alexander III "the Great" 336-323 BC. Tetradrachm AR 26mm., 16.,99g. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / AΛEΞANΔPOY ΒAΣIΛEΩΣ, Zeus seated left on throne, holding eagle and sceptre. Controls: Monogram in left field, ΔΙ below throne. very fine Price 2949. Starting price: 125 GBP

25 Kings of Macedon. Sidon. Alexander III "the Great" 336-323 BC. Undated issue, struck under Menon or Menes, circa 332-323 BC Tetradrachm AR 25mm., 17,30g. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin; uncertain countermark / Zeus Aëtophoros seated left, holding sceptre; ΣI below throne, ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ to right. very fine Price 3475. Starting price: 75 GBP 26 Kings of Macedon. Susa. Alexander III "the Great" 336-323 BC. Struck circa 316-311 BC Tetradrachm AR 24mm., 17,26g. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin headdress / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ, Zeus seated left, holding eagle and sceptre, wreath in left field, monogram beneath throne. very fine Price 3853. Starting price: 75 GBP

27 Kings of Macedon. Tyre. Alexander III "the Great" 336-323 BC. Struck under Demetrios Poliorketes, circa 301-286 BC Tetradrachm AR 25mm., 17,08g. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ, Zeus Aëtophoros seated left, in left field, monogram in circle, monogram in circle beneath throne. very fine Price 3546; Hersh, Tyrus 2b. Starting price: 100 GBP

28 Kings of Macedon. Uncertain mint or Magnesia. Alexander III "the Great" 336- 323 BC. Drachm AR 16mm., 4,27g. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin headdress / AΛEΞANΔΡOΥ, Zeus seated left, holding eagle and sceptre, ram's head under throne. very fine Cf. Price 1921 (also monogram in left field). Starting price: 75 GBP

29 Kings of Thrace. Ephesos. Macedonian. Lysimachos 305-281 BC. Struck circa 295/4-289/8 BC Tetradrachm AR 29mm., 16,94g. Diademed head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΛΥΣΙΜΑΧΟΥ, Athena Nikephoros seated left, left arm resting on shield, transverse spear in background, bee to inner left, monogram on throne. nearly very fine Thompson 166; Müller 426; HGC 3, 1750i. Starting price: 75 GBP

30 Kings of Thrace. Lampsakos. Macedonian. Lysimachos 305-281 BC. Tetradrachm AR 30mm., 16,69g. Diademed head of the deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon / Athena Nikephoros seated left, shield decorated with Medusa's head resting against base of throne, spear resting behind; ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ to right, ΛΥΣΙΜΑXΟΥ to left, monogram to inner left, [crescent in exergue]. very fine Thompson 54; Müller 398; SNG France 2534. Starting price: 75 GBP

31 Kings of Thrace. Pergamon. Macedonian. Lysimachos 305-281 BC. Struck circa 287-282 BC Tetradrachm AR 29mm., 16,61g. Head of the deified Alexander the Great facing right, wearing a diadem and the horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena, helmeted, enthroned left, holding Nike, crowning the king’s name, in her outstretched right hand and resting her left elbow on a shield decorated with lion’s head at her side, behind her rests a spear, herm to outer left, monogram in circle to inner left. nearly very fine Cf. Thompson 217. Starting price: 75 GBP 32 Kings of Thrace. Sestos. Macedonian. Lysimachos 305-281 BC. Tetradrachm AR 30mm., 16,48g. Diademed head of the deified Alexander the Great to right with horn of Ammon over his ear / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛΥΣIMAXOΥ, Athena seated to left on throne, leaning her left elbow on her shield decorated with lion's head and holding Nike, crowning the king's name, in her right, behind, transverse spear with point below left, rose to inner left. nearly very fine Thompson 29; Müller 331. Starting price: 75 GBP

33 Attica. Athens circa 500-480 BC. Tetradrachm AR 21mm., 16,88g. Archaic helmeted head of Athena right / AΘE, owl standing right, head facing, olive sprig to left, all within incuse square. nearly very fine, test cuts Seltman groups M & G; HGC 4, 1590. Starting price: 100 GBP

34 Attica. Athens circa 470-465 BC. Transitional issue Tetradrachm AR 24mm., 17,12g. Head of Athena with profile eye to right, wearing disc earring, and a crested Attic helmet adorned with three olive leaves and a pi-style palmette / ΑΘΕ, owl standing to right, head facing the viewer, olive sprig with berry and crescent moon in upper left field, all within incuse square. good very fine Starr Group IV; HGC 4, 1595. Starting price: 650 GBP

35 Attica. Athens circa 454-404 BC. Tetradrachm AR 25mm., 17,05g. Head of Athena with profile eye to right, wearing disc earring, pearl necklace and a crested Attic helmet adorned with three olive leaves and a pi-style palmette / ΑΘΕ, owl standing to right, head facing the viewer, olive sprig with berry and crescent moon in upper left field, all within incuse square. very fine Kroll 8; HGC 4, 1597. Starting price: 120 GBP

36 Attica. Athens circa 454-404 BC. Tetradrachm AR 24mm., 17,24g. Head of Athena with profile eye to right, wearing disc earring, pearl necklace and a crested Attic helmet adorned with three olive leaves and a pi-style palmette / ΑΘΕ, owl standing to right, head facing the viewer, olive sprig with berry and crescent moon in upper left field, all within incuse square. good very fine Kroll 8; HGC 4, 1597. Starting price: 120 GBP

37 Attica. Athens circa 454-404 BC. Tetradrachm AR 25mm., 17,12g. Head of Athena with profile eye to right, wearing disc earring, pearl necklace and a crested Attic helmet adorned with three olive leaves and a pi-style palmette / ΑΘΕ, owl standing to right, head facing the viewer, olive sprig with berry and crescent moon in upper left field, all within incuse square. nearly very fine Kroll 8; HGC 4, 1597. Starting price: 75 GBP 38 Attica. Athens circa 454-404 BC. Tetradrachm AR 24mm., 17,24g. Head of Athena with profile eye to right, wearing disc earring, pearl necklace and a crested Attic helmet adorned with three olive leaves and a pi-style palmette / ΑΘΕ, owl standing to right, head facing the viewer, olive sprig with berry and crescent moon in upper left field, all within incuse square. good very fine, test cut on obverse Kroll 8; HGC 4, 1597. Starting price: 120 GBP

39 Attica. Athens circa 454-404 BC. Tetradrachm AR 24mm., 17,28g. Head of Athena with profile eye to right, wearing disc earring, pearl necklace and a crested Attic helmet adorned with three olive leaves and a pi-style palmette / ΑΘΕ, owl standing to right, head facing the viewer, olive sprig with berry and crescent moon in upper left field, all within incuse square. nearly extremely fine Kroll 8; HGC 4, 1597. Starting price: 120 GBP

40 Attica. Athens circa 454-404 BC. Tetradrachm AR 25mm., 17,28g. Head of Athena with profile eye to right, wearing disc earring, pearl necklace and a crested Attic helmet adorned with three olive leaves and a pi-style palmette / ΑΘΕ, owl standing to right, head facing the viewer, olive sprig with berry and crescent moon in upper left field, all within incuse square. good very fine Kroll 8; HGC 4, 1597. Starting price: 75 GBP

41 Attica. Athens circa 353-294 BC. Tetradrachm AR 24mm., 18,50g. Helmeted head of Athena right / AΘΕ, owl standing right, head facing, olive sprig and crescent to left, all within incuse square. nearly very fine Kroll 16; HGC 4, 1599. Starting price: 75 GBP

42 Attica. Athens circa 353-294 BC. Tetradrachm AR 22mm., 17,39g. Helmeted head of Athena right / AΘ[Ε], owl standing right, head facing, olive sprig and crescent to left, all within incuse square. nearly very fine Kroll 16; HGC 4, 1599. Starting price: 75 GBP

43 Attica. Athens circa 353-294 BC. Tetradrachm AR 25mm., 18,52g. Helmeted head of Athena right / AΘΕ, owl standing right, head facing, olive sprig and crescent to left, all within incuse square. nearly very fine Kroll 16; HGC 4, 1599. Starting price: 75 GBP

44 Attica. Athens circa 350-294 BC. Tetradrachm AR 22mm., 16,91g. Helmeted head of Athena right / ΑΘΕ, Owl standing right, head facing; olive sprig and crescent behind. very fine Kroll 15; SNG Copenhagen 64. Starting price: 75 GBP 45 Asia Minor. Uncertain mint circa 500-400 BC. Obol AR 10mm., 0,61g. Gorgoneion facing / Gorgoneion facing within concave circle. very fine Cf. CNG E-321, lot 166 and CNG E-174, lot 69 (Samaria), otherwise unpublished. Starting price: 75 GBP

46 Asia Minor. Uncertain mint circa 240-180 BC. Civic issue in the name and types of Alexander III of Macedon Tetradrachm AR 29mm., 16,51g. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin headdress / Zeus Aëtophoros seated left, holding sceptre; AΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ to right, monogram in left field, monogram in exergue. very fine Price 2825. Starting price: 75 GBP

47 Ionia. Ephesos circa 202-133 BC. Drachm AR 19mm., 3,88g. E - Φ, bee with straight wings, seen from above / BIANΩP, stag standing right before palm tree. very fine SNG Copenhagen 291. Starting price: 75 GBP

48 Ionia. Miletos circa 295-275 BC. In the name and types of Alexander III of Macedon Drachm AR 18mm., 3,97g. Head of Herakles to right, wearing lion skin headdress, paws tied beneath chin / ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ, Zeus seated left on low-backed throne, right leg drawn back, holding long scepter in his left hand and, in his right, eagle standing right with closed wings, to left, civic monogram of MI. nearly very fine Price 2151. Starting price: 75 GBP

49 Lycia. Phaselis 221-188 BC. In the name and types of Alexander III of Macedon. Dated CY 10 =209/8 BC Tetradrachm AR 35mm., 16,69g. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin; c/m: anchor within oval incuse / ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ, Zeus Aëtophoros seated left; in left field, I (date) above Φ. very fine Price 2847; DCA 315. Starting price: 75 GBP

50 Pamphylia. Aspendos circa 465-440 BC. Stater AR 20mm., 11,00g. Warrior advancing to right, holding shield and spear / EΣ-ΤϜEΔΙ, triskeles to right over lion crouching to left, beneath lion, ΠΦ, all within incuse square. very fine SNG France 12. Starting price: 75 GBP

51 Pamphylia. Perge 221-188 BC. In the name and types of Alexander III of Macedon. Dated CY 21=201-200 BC Tetradrachm AR 35mm., 16,63g. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus Aëtophoros seated left; KA (date) in left field, c/m: anchor. very fine Price 2935; DCA 314. Starting price: 75 GBP 52 Cilicia. Tarsos. Mazaios, Satrap of Cilicia circa 361-334 BC. Stater AR 23mm., 10,72g. Baaltars seated left on throne, his head and torso facing, holding sceptre in left hand, right hand holding grape bunch on vine above Aramaic letters, grain ear above arm, B'LTRZ in Aramaic to right / Lion to left, attacking a bull to left, unclear Aramaic legend above. very fine SNG France 343-345 var. (extra letter beneath throne); SNG Levante Suppl. 20 var. (same). Starting price: 100 GBP

53 Cyprus. Kition . Azbaal circa 449-425 BC. Stater AR 21mm., 11,08g. Herakles, wearing lion skin, in fighting stance right, holding club overhead in right hand, bow extended before him in left hand / Lion attacking stag crouching right, l az-bal (in Phoenician) above, all in dotted square within incuse square. nearly very fine, test cut on reverse Zapiti & Michaelidou 6; Tziambazis 17. Starting price: 75 GBP

54 Cyprus. Lapethos circa 435 BC. Stater AR 24mm., 11,03g. Helmeted head of Athena left / Head of Athena facing, wearing crested helmet, within incuse square nearly very fine, test cut on reverse BMC -; Tziambazis -; cf. Savoca Coins Silver Auction 26, Lot 254 Starting price: 75 GBP

55 Cyprus. Salamis. Euelthon (or successors) circa 530-500 BC. Stater AR 21mm., 10,94g. Ram recumbent left, e-u-we-le-to-to-se (in Cypriot [= Euelthontos]) in two lines, above and below / Large ornate ankh enclosing pa (in Cypriot), pa-u-si-o (in Cypriot) counterclockwise around from lower right, all within incuse square. very fine, test cut on reverse Zapiti & Michaelidou 12-3 var. (letters on reverse); Tziambazis -; SNG Copenhagen -. Starting price: 75 GBP

56 Cyprus. Uncertain mint circa 500-480 BC. Siglos - Stater AR 19mm., 10,91g. Ram walking left, upon which an ankh symbol is superimposed / Laurel branch with bud at top, and a leaf and fruit on each side, anchor to left, Ξ and ankh-like symbol to right, all within incuse square. nearly very fine, test cut on reverse Zapiti & Michaelidou 2 var. (no symbols in field on reverse); Asyut pl. 32, N-O var. (same); SNG Copenhagen Supp. 625 var. (same); E.S.G. Robinson, "Greek Coins Acquired by the British Museum, 1938-1948" in NC 1948, 5 var. (same). Starting price: 75 GBP

57 Phoenicia. Tyre circa 126 BC-AD 65. Dated CY 99 = 28/7 BC Shekel AR 26mm., 13,39g. Laureate bust of Melkart right / ΤΥPΟΥ ΙΕΡΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΣΥΛΟΥ, eagle standing left on prow, palm branch at shoulder, ЧΘ (date) above club to left, ΣA to right, Phoenician B between legs. nearly very fine DCA Tyre supp. -; Rouvier -; BMC -; RPC I -. Starting price: 75 GBP 58 Phoenicia. Tyre circa 126 BC-AD 65. Dated CY 98 = 29-28 BC Shekel AR 26mm., 13,76g. Laureate bust of Melkart right / ΤΥPΟΥ ΙΕΡΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΣΥΛΟΥ, eagle standing left on prow, palm frond in background, ЧH (date) above club to left, monogram or letters to right, Phoenician letter between legs. nearly very fine RPC I -; BMC -; DCA Tyre supp. - (cf. 341). Starting price: 75 GBP

59 Phoenicia. Tyre circa 126 BC-AD 65. Dated CY 92=35/4 BC Shekel AR 27mm., 13,22g. Laureate bust of Melkart right, lion skin around neck / TYPOY IEPAΣ KAI AΣYΛOY, eagle standing left on prow, palm frond in background, to left, (koppa)B (date) above club, BN to right, Phoenician A between legs. very fine DCA Tyre suppl. 313. Starting price: 75 GBP

60 Phoenicia. Tyre circa 126 BC-AD 65. Uncertain date Tetradrachm - Shekel AR 22mm., 12,87g. Laureate bust of Melqarth to right, wearing lion-skin around his shoulders / Illegible inscription, eagle with closed wings standing left on prow of galley, palm frond in background, to left date above club, to right, monogram, letter between legs. fine Cf. HGC 10, 357. Starting price: 75 GBP

61 Seleukid Kingdom. Ake-Ptolemaïs. Antiochos VIII Epiphanes (Grypos) 121-97 BC. Struck circa 121-113 BC Tetradrachm AR 29mm., 15,53g. Diademed head of Antiochos right, within fillet border / ΒAΣΙΛEΩΣ ΑNTIOXOY EΠIΦANOYΣ, Zeus Ouranios, draped, standing facing, head left, holding star in outstretched hand and long sceptre, crescent above, monogram in field; all within laurel wreath border. very fine SC 2336.2. Starting price: 75 GBP

62 Seleukid Kingdom. Ake-Ptolemaïs. Antiochos VIII Epiphanes (Grypos) 121-97 BC. Tetradrachm AR 30mm., 15,60g. Diademed head of Antiochos right within fillet border / ΒAΣΙΛEΩΣ ΑNTIOXOY EΠIΦANOYΣ, Zeus Ouranios, draped, standing facing, head to left, holding star in outstretched hand and long sceptre, crescent above, monogram in field; all within laurel wreath border. good very fine SC 2336.2. Starting price: 125 GBP

63 Seleukid Kingdom. on the Orontes. Demetrios I Soter 162-150 BC. Dated SE 161=152/1 BC Drachm AR 17mm., 4,13g. Diademed head of Demetrios I right / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΔHMHTPIOY ΣΩTHPOΣ, cornucopia, below, two monograms above AΞP (date). good very fine SC 1642.3c; HGC 9, 806. Starting price: 75 GBP

64 Seleukid Kingdom. Antioch on the Orontes. Tryphon 142-138 BC. Drachm AR 17mm., 3,80g. Diademed head right / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΤΡVΦΩΝΟΣ ΑVΤΟΚΡΑΤΟΡΟΣ, spiked Macedonian helmet with cheek guards, adorned with wild goat's horn above visor, monogram to inner left. very fine SC 2033b; SMA 265a; HGC 9, 1060. Starting price: 100 GBP 65 Seleukid Kingdom. Apameia. Alexander I Balas 152-145 BC. Quasi-municipal issue, dated SE 163=150-149 BC Bronze Æ 20mm., 6,91g. Diademed head right / Zeus standing left, holding helmet and scepter; monogram and ΓΞP (date) to left; c/m: palm frond in rectangular incuse. very fine SC 1804c2; HGC 9, 904; DCA 133. Starting price: 75 GBP

66 Seleukid Kingdom. Damascus. Demetrios III Eukairos 97-87 BC. Dated SE 221=92/1 BC Tetradrachm AR 27mm., 15,79g. Diademed head right / ΒAΣΙΛEΩΣ ΔHMHTPIOV ΘEOV ΦIΛOΠΑTOPOΣ ΣΩTHPOΣ, cult statue of Atargatis standing facing, arms extended, holding flower in left hand, barley stalk rising from each shoulder, to outer left, N above A, AKΣ (date) and monogram in exergue, all within wreath. very fine SC 2451.4; HGC 9, 1305. Starting price: 75 GBP

67 Seleukid Kingdom. Damascus. Demetrios III Eukairos 97-87 BC. Dated SE 222=91/0 BC Tetradrachm AR 29mm., 16,06g. Diademed head right / ΒAΣΙΛEΩΣ ΔHMHTPIOV ΘEOV ΦIΛOΠΑTOPOΣ ΣΩTHPOΣ, cult statue of Atargatis standing facing, arms extended, holding flower in left hand, barley stalk rising from each shoulder, to outer left, N above monogram, BKΣ (date) in exergue, all within wreath. very fine SC 2451.6; DCA 304; HGC 9, 1305. Starting price: 75 GBP

68 Seleukid Kingdom. Damascus. Demetrios III Eukairos 97-87 BC. Dated SE 222=91/0 BC Tetradrachm AR 31mm., 16,17g. Diademed head right / ΒAΣΙΛEΩΣ ΔHMHTPIOV ΘEOV ΦIΛOΠATOPOΣ ΣΩTHPOΣ, cult statue of Atargatis standing facing, flowers in hands, grain ears on shoulders, to outer left, N above monogram, BKΣ (date) in exergue, all within wreath. very fine SC 2451.6; DCA 304; HGC 9, 1305. Starting price: 75 GBP

69 Seleukid Kingdom. Damascus. Demetrios III Eukairos 97-87 BC. Dated SE 219 = 94/93 BC Tetradrachm AR 31mm., 15,97g. Diademed head right / ΒAΣΙΛEΩΣ ΔHMHTPIOV ΘEOV ΦIΛOΠΑTOPOΣ ΣΩTHPOΣ, cult statue of Atargatis standing facing, arms extended, holding flower in left hand, barley stalk rising from each shoulder, N over monogram to outer left field, ΘIΣ (date) in exergue. nearly very fine SC 2451.2. Starting price: 75 GBP

70 Seleukid Kingdom. Tyre. Demetrios II Nikator, 2nd reign 129-125 BC. Dated SE 183=129 BC Tetradrachm AR 27mm., 13,63g. Diademed and draped bust right / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΔΗΜΗΤΡΙΟΥ, eagle standing left on prow, palm frond behind, to left, IEPA above club surmounted by Tyre monogram, to right, ΑΣΥ and ΓΠΡ (date), monogram between legs. good very fine SC 2195.1b; HGC 9, 1122; DCA 230. Starting price: 75 GBP 71 Judaea. Hasmonean Kingdom. Jerusalem. Judas Aristoboulos I (Yehudah) 104-103 BCE. Prutah Æ 14mm., 2,40g. (Paleo-Hebrew) in five lines within wreath / Double cornucopia adorned with ribbons, pomegranate between horn very fine Meshorer Group U; Hendin 1143; HGC 10, 634 Starting price: 75 GBP

72 Judaea. Hasmonean Kingdom. Jerusalem. Alexander Jannaeus 103-76 BCE. Prutah Æ 14mm., 1,69g. (Paleo-Hebrew) in five lines within wreath / Double cornucopia adorned with ribbons, pomegranate between horn very fine Hendin 1144; Meshorer TJC Q Starting price: 75 GBP

73 Judaea. Jerusalem. Alexander Jannaeus 104-76 BCE. Prutah Æ 14mm., 2,47g. [ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ], anchor / Star within diadem. very fine Cf. Hendin 469-72. Starting price: 75 GBP

74 Judaea. Jerusalem. Alexander Jannaeus 104-76 BCE. Prutah Æ 15mm., 1,83g. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡOY, anchor / Star within diadem. good very fine Cf. Hendin 469-72. Starting price: 75 GBP

75 Judaea. Jerusalem. First Jewish War AD 66-70. Dated year 2=67-68 CE Year Two) around amphora with wide=) שנת שתים .Prutah Æ 18mm., 2,98g Freedom of Zion)Around vine leaf with=) חר[ו]ת ציון / rim, and two handles small branch and tendril. very fine Hendin (old) 661; Hendin (2010), 1360; Meshorer 196. Starting price: 75 GBP

76 Judaea. Jerusalem. First Jewish War 66-70 CE. Dated RY 2 Prutah Æ 16mm., 2.,44g. Footed amphora, no lid / "Of the freedom of Zion", grape vine. very fine Meshorer 196a; Hendin 661. Starting price: 75 GBP

77 Judaea. Tiberias. Herodians. Herod III Antipas 4 BCE-39 CE. Dated RY 33 Unit Æ 23mm., 13,35g. TIBE-PIAC, within wreath / [HPΩΔOY TETPAPXOY], palm branch, L ΛΓ (date) across field. nearly very fine Hendin 1204; TJC 80; RPC 4923. Starting price: 75 GBP

78 Nabataean Kingdom. Petra. Aretas IV, with Shaqilat 9 BC-AD 40. Drachm AR 15mm., 3,57g. Laureate and draped bust of Aretas right / Jugate draped busts of Aretas, diademed, and Shaqilat right. nearly very fine Cf. Meshorer, Nabataea, 99-111. Starting price: 75 GBP 79 Nabataean Kingdom. Petra. Malichus II, with Shaqilat AD 40-70. Drachm AR 17mm., 4,67g. Laureate and draped bust of Malichus right / Veiled and draped bust of Shaqilat right. very fine Meshorer, Nabataea 135 var. (RY 17); Schmitt-Korte II -. Starting price: 75 GBP

80 Nabataean Kingdom. Petra. Rabbel II, with Gamilat AD 70-106. Drachm AR 14mm., 3,97g. Laureate and draped bust of Rabbel right / Veiled and draped bust of Shaqilat right. good very fine Meshorer, Nabataea Sup. 10. Starting price: 75 GBP

81 Kings of Parthia. Ekbatana. Artabanos III AD 10-38. Drachm AR 19mm., 2,80g. Diademed bust left, long pointed beard, long hair, no ear or earring visible / Arsakes I seated right on throne, holding bow; monogram below bow. good very fine Sellwood 61.7; Shore 337; BMC Parthia pg. 150, 33; MACW 619. Starting price: 75 GBP

82 Kings of Parthia. Ekbatana. Artabanos III AD 10-38. Drachm AR 22mm., 3,56g. Diademed bust left, long pointed beard, long hair, no ear or earring visible / Arsakes I seated right on throne, holding bow; monogram below bow. good very fine Sellwood 61.7; Shore 337; BMC Parthia pg. 150, 33; MACW 619. Starting price: 75 GBP

83 Kings of Parthia. Ekbatana. Osroes II AD 190-208. Drachm AR 19mm., 3,32g. Diademed and draped bust left, wearing long beard and tiara / Archer (Arsakes I) seated right on throne, holding bow, monogram below bow good very fine Sellwood 85.1; Sunrise 453; Shore 437 Starting price: 75 GBP

84 Kings of Parthia. Mithradatkart. Phraatakes 2 BC-AD 4. Drachm AR 18mm., 3,31g. Diademed and draped bust left, wearing long beard and tiara; crowned by Nike; star and crescent in left field / Archer (Arsakes I) seated right on throne, holding bow, monogram below bow very fine Sellwood 56.6; Sunrise 400 Starting price: 75 GBP

85 Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt. Alexandreia. Ptolemy IV Philopator 222-205 BC. Struck circa 219-205/4 BC Drachm Æ 40mm., 61,13g. Diademed head of Zeus-Ammon right / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ, eagle with closed wings standing left on thunderbolt, filleted cornucopia to left, ΔI between legs. nearly very fine Svoronos 1125; SNG Copenhagen 199. Starting price: 75 GBP 86 Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt. Alexandreia. Ptolemy IV Philopator 222-205 BC. Struck circa 219-205/4 BC Drachm Æ 41mm., 67,44g. Diademed head of Zeus-Ammon right / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ, eagle with closed wings standing left on thunderbolt, filleted cornucopia to left, ΔI between legs. nearly very fine Svoronos 1125; SNG Copenhagen 199. Starting price: 75 GBP

87 Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt. Alexandreia. Ptolemy V or Ptolemy VI 204-180 BC. Or 180-145 BC Tetradrachm AR 25mm., 13,03g. Diademed head of Ptolemy I right, wearing aegis around neck / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΠTOΛEMAIOY, eagle standing left on thunderbolt, no control marks. very fine Svoronos 1231 and 1489; SNG Copenhagen 244-5 and 262-8. Starting price: 75 GBP

88 Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt. Alexandreia. Cleopatra III and Ptolemy IX Soter II (Lathyros) 116-107 BC. Dated RY 1=116/5 BC Tetradrachm AR 26mm., 14,33g. Diademed head of Ptolemy / Eagle standing left on thunderbolt, L A (date) in left field, ΠΑ in right field, ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ around. good very fine Svoronos 1659; SNG Copenhagen 347. Starting price: 150 GBP

89 Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt. Alexandreia. Cleopatra VII Thea 50-31 BC. Dated RY 19=34/3 BC Tetradrachm AR 23mm., 10,28g. Diademed bust of Ptolemy I (?) right, wearing aegis / ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ, eagle with closed wings standing left on thunderbolt, palm frond over shoulder, L IΘ (date) over headdress of Isis to left, ΠΑ to right. nearly very fine SNG Copenhagen 415; Svoronos 1833. Starting price: 75 GBP

90 Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt. Damaskos. Cleopatra VII Thea Neotera 51-30 BC. Dated SE 280=33/2 BC Bronze Æ 19mm., 7,05g. Diademed and draped bust of Cleopatra VII to right / ΔAMAΣKHNΩ[N] to right, L ΠΣ (date) to left, the Tyche of Damaskos seated to left on rock, her right arm outstretched and holding cornucopiae in her left, at feet, river-god Chrysoroas swimming right, all within laurel wreath. very fine RPC I 4783; SNG Copenhagen 419; Svoronos 1893; HGC 9, 1462; DCA 497. Starting price: 500 GBP

91 Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt. Damaskos. Cleopatra VII Thea Neotera 51-30 BC. 80 Drachmae Æ 25mm., 17,77g. Diademed and draped bust of Cleopatra VII right / Eagle standing left on thunderbolt. fine Cf. BMC 4-5; cf. Svoronos 1872. Starting price: 75 GBP

92 Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt. Paphos. Ptolemy VI Philometor 180-145 BC. Second sole reign, RY 20=162-161 BC Tetradrachm AR 26mm., 14,12g. Diademed head of Ptolemy I right, wearing aegis around neck / Eagle standing r. on thunderbolt; LK (date) to left, ΠA to right. good very fine Svoronos 1432; Paphos Hoard -; SNG Copenhagen -. Starting price: 200 GBP 93 Arabia Felix. Himyarites and Sabaeans circa 300-200 BC. Imitating Athens Drachm AR 15mm., 4,13g. Helmeted head of Athena right, Sabaean "D" on cheek / ΑΘΕ, owl standing to right, head facing the viewer, olive sprig with berry and crescent in upper left field, all within incuse square. nearly very fine Munro-Hay-; SNG ANS-. Starting price: 75 GBP

94 Arabia Felix. Himyarites and Sabaeans (?) circa 300-200 BC. Imitating Athens Drachm AR 14mm., 3,50g. Helmeted head of Athena right, Sabaean "D" on cheek / ΑΘΕ, owl standing to right, head facing the viewer, olive sprig with berry and crescent in upper left field. fine Munro-Hay-; SNG ANS-. Starting price: 75 GBP

95 SASANIAN KINGS. Yazdgird (Yazdgard) I. AD 399-420. Drachm AR 30mm., 4,26g. Bust right on floral ornament, wearing mural crown with frontal crescent and korymbos / Fire altar with ribbons, flanked by two attendants, each wearing plain crown with korymbos, to left of flames, crescent above pellet, crescent above pellet to right. very fine SNS type Ib1/1a. Starting price: 75 GBP

96 Sasanian Kingdom. Vahrām (Bahram) V AD 420-438. Drachm AR 29mm., 4,22g. Bust right, wearing mural crown with korymbos set on crescent / Fire altar with ribbons, flanked by two attendants, crescents and "aw" flanking flames, "l's" on altar shaft. very fine SNS type Ib2/1, Var. 1; Göbl type I/1. Starting price: 75 GBP

97 Sasanian Kingdom. Vahrām (Bahram) V AD 420-438. Drachm AR 28mm., 4,22g. Bust right, wearing mural crown with korymbos set on crescent / Fire altar with head of Bahram right on shaft, flanked by two attendants. very fine SNS type Ia2/2; Sunrise 922. Starting price: 75 GBP

98 Corinthia. Corinth. Pseudo-autonomous issue circa 43-2 BC. P. Tadius Chilo and C. Iulius Nicephorus, duoviri As Æ 22mm., 5,20g. Bellerophon advancing right, head left, leading Pegasus right by bridle; porch to right / Poseidon seated right on rock, resting on long trident. fine RPC I 1117; BCD Corinth 318. Starting price: 75 GBP

99 . Caesarea. AD 54-68. Hemidrachm AR 14mm., 1,60g. NERO CLAVD DIVI CLAVD F CAE[...], laureate head right / Nike standing right, with foot on globus, inscribing shield set upon knee. nearly very fine Cf. RPC I 3646; cf. Sydenham 83. Starting price: 75 GBP

100 Cappadocia. Caesarea-Eusebeia. Nero AD 54-68. Hemidrachm AR 14mm., 1,62g. Laureate head right / ARME-NIAC, Nike advancing right, holding palm and wreath. very fine RPC I 3644; Sydenham, Caesarea 81. Starting price: 75 GBP 101 Cyprus. Koinon of Cyprus. AD 198-217. As Æ 31mm., 16,01g. Laureate bust right / Temple of Paphian Aphrodite. very fine Parks 25; SNG Copenhagen 92. Starting price: 75 GBP

102 Seleucis and Pieria. Antioch. Nero as Caesar AD 50-54. Struck under , AD 50-54 Didrachm AR 20mm., 7,10g. NEΡωNOC KAICAPOC ΓEΡMANIKOY, bareheaded and draped bust right / ΔIΔPAXMON, simpulum and lituus. very fine Prieur 70; McAlee 272; RPC I 4171. Starting price: 150 GBP

103 Seleucis and Pieria. Antioch. Nero AD 54-68. Dated RY 7 and year 109 of the Caesarean Era=AD 60/1 Billon-Tetradrachm 26mm., 12,29g. NEΡΩNOΣ [...] ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΥ, laureate bust right, wearing aegis / Eagle standing left on thunderbolt, with wings spread, palm branch to left, retrograde Z and ΘΡ (dates) to right. nearly very fine Prieur 81; McAlee 257/2; RPC I 4181. Starting price: 75 GBP

104 Seleucis and Pieria. Antioch. AD 69-79. Dated "New Holy Year" 1 (?)=AD 69 Billon-Tetradrachm 23mm., 14,36g. AYTOKPAT[...], laureate head right / ETOVC [...], eagle standing left on club, with wings spread, holding wreath in beak, palm frond to left. good very fine Cf. McAlee 355; cf. Prieur 132; cf. RPC II 1970. Starting price: 75 GBP

105 Seleucis and Pieria. Antioch. , as Caesar AD 76-78. Dated "Holy Year" 3=AD 70/1 Billon-Tetradrachm 25mm., 14,06g. [...] OYEΣΠ, laureate bust right, wearing aegis / ETOYΣ Γ IEPOV (date), eagle standing left on [palm frond], with wings spread, holding wreath in beak, club to left. very fine Prieur 140. Starting price: 75 GBP

106 Seleucis and Pieria. Antioch. AD 96-98. Struck AD 97 As Æ 28mm., 15,54g. Laureate head right / Large SC; B below; all within wreath. very fine McAlee 421b; RPC III 3480. Starting price: 75 GBP

107 Seleucis and Pieria. Antioch. Caracalla AD 198-217. Struck AD 216-217 Billon-Tetradrachm 27mm., 11,87g. AVT K M A ANTΩNЄINOC CЄB, laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust left / ΔHMAPX ЄΞ VΠA TO Δ, eagle standing facing on leg and thigh of sacrificial animal, head and tail right, with wings spread and holding wreath in beak, Δ-Є flanking head. very fine Prieur 226; McAlee 682. Starting price: 75 GBP 108 Seleucis and Pieria. Antioch. AD 218-222. Billon-Tetradrachm 26mm., 13,42g. ΑYΤ Κ Μ Α ΑΝΤWΝЄΙΝΟC CΕΒ, laureate head right, with slight drapery / ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ЄΞ YΠΑΤΟC ΤΟ Β, eagle standing facing with spread wings, head and tail left, holding wreath in his beak, Δ-Є across upper fields, star between legs. good very fine Prieur 261. Starting price: 75 GBP

109 Seleucis and Pieria. Antioch. Elagabalus AD 218-222. Struck AD 219 Billon- Tetradrachm 27mm., 12,97g. ΑVΤ Κ Μ Α ΑΝΤωΝЄΙΝΟC CЄΒ, laureate head right, with slight drapery / ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ЄΞ YΠΑΤΟC ΤΟ Β, eagle standing facing with spread wings, head left, holding wreath in beak, Δ-Ε across upper fields, star between legs. good very fine McAlee 758; Prieur 250. Starting price: 75 GBP

110 Seleucis and Pieria. Antioch. Elagabalus AD 218-222. Billon-Tetradrachm 25mm., 13.,38g. ΑYΤ Κ Μ [...]ΟC CΕΒ, laureate head right, with slight drapery / ΔΗΜΑΡ[...]ΟC ΤΟ Β, eagle standing facing with spread wings, head and tail left, holding wreath in his beak, Δ-Є across upper fields, star between legs. good very fine Prieur 261. Starting price: 75 GBP

111 Seleucis and Pieria. Antioch. Gordian III. AD 238-244. Struck AD 240 Billon- Tetradrachm 28mm., 11,98g. AYTOK K M ANT ΓOPΔIANOC CЄB, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gordian III to right, seen from behind / ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ЄΞΟYCΙΑC, S C, eagle standing right with wings spread, head to left and holding wreath in beak. nearly extremely fine McAlee 860; Prieur 282. Starting price: 75 GBP

112 Seleucis and Pieria. Antioch. Gordian III. AD 238-244. Billon-Tetradrachm 28mm., 13,93g. AYTOK K M ANT ΓOΡΔIANOC CEB, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust left / ΔHMAPΧ EΞ ΥΠATOC TO B, eagle standing facing, wings spread, head left with wreath in beak, beneath, S C. good very fine Prieur 290. Starting price: 75 GBP

113 Seleucis and Pieria. Antioch. Gordian III. AD 238-244. Struck AD 241-244 Billon-Tetradrachm 26mm., 11.,76g. AYTOK K M ANT ΓOPΔIANOC CЄB, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gordian III to right, seen from behind / ΔHMAPX EΞ YΠA TO B, eagle standing right with wings spread, head to left and holding wreath in beak, between the eagle's legs, crescent above ram leaping right, head to left. very fine McAlee 874; Prieur 302. Starting price: 75 GBP

114 Seleucis and Pieria. Antioch. Gordian III. AD 238-244. Billon-Tetradrachm 28mm., 11.,34g. AYTOK K M ANT ΓOPΔIANOC CЄB, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ΔHMAPX ЄΞOYCIAC, S C, eagle standing facing, head left, with wreath in beak and wings spread. good very fine McAlee 860; Prieur 282. Starting price: 75 GBP 115 Seleucis and Pieria. Antioch. Otacilia Severa AD 244-249. Billon-Tetradrachm 28mm., 11,71g. MAP ΩTAKIΛ CЄOYHPAN CЄB, draped bust right, wearing stephane and set upon crescent / ΔHMAPX ЄΞOYCIAC YΠA TO A, S C, eagle, with head left, wreath in beak and wings spread, standing facing on palm frond left. very fine McAlee 1088; Prieur 342. Starting price: 75 GBP

116 Seleucis and Pieria. Antioch. Otacilia Severa AD 244-249. Struck AD 248 Billon-Tetradrachm 25mm., 13.,08g. MAP ΩTAKIΛ CEOVHPAN CEB, draped bust right set on crescent, wearing stephane / ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞΟΥCΙΑC ΥΠΑ ΤΟ Γ, eagle standing left, head and tail right, with wings spread, holding wreath in beak, ANTIOXIA S C below. good very fine Prieur 385. Starting price: 75 GBP

117 Seleucis and Pieria. Antioch. Philip I Arab AD 244-249. Billon-Tetradrachm 27mm., 11,29g. ΑYΤΟΚ Κ Μ ΙΟYΛ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟY CЄB, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Philip I to right, seen from behind / ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ЄΞΟYCΙΑC, S-C, MON VRB, eagle standing facing with wings spread, head to left and holding wreath in beak, to right of the eagle's head, Δ. good very fine McAlee 901d; Prieur 308. Starting price: 75 GBP

118 Seleucis and Pieria. Antioch. Philip I Arab AD 244-249. Struck AD 248-249 Billon-Tetradrachm 25mm., 12,18g. AYTOK K M IOYΛΙ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟC CEB, laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞΟΥCΙΑC ΥΠΑ ΤΟ Δ, eagle standing left, with wings spread, holding wreath in beak, ANTIOXIA S C in two lines in exergue. good very fine Prieur 444; McAlee 935. Starting price: 75 GBP

119 Seleucis and Pieria. Antioch. Philip I Arab AD 244-249. Struck AD 248-249 Billon-Tetradrachm 26mm., 11,74g. AYTOK K M IOYΛI ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟC CЄB, radiate and cuirassed bust left, with trabea, balteus and left pteryx, right arm raised / ΔΗΜΑΡX ЄΞOYCIAC ΥΠΑ ΤO Δ, eagle standing left, with wings spread, holding wreath in beak, ANTIOXIA S C in two lines in exergue. good very fine Prieur 435; McAlee 954b. Starting price: 75 GBP

120 Seleucis and Pieria. Antioch. Philip I Arab AD 244-249. Struck AD 248-249 Billon-Tetradrachm 27mm., 13,93g. AVTOK K M IOVΛI ΦIΛIΠΠOC CЄB, laureate and cuirassed bust left, cuirass decorated with head of Gorgon / ΔHMAPX ЄΞOVCIAC VΠA TO Δ(?), eagle standing right, holding wreath in beak, ANTIOXIA S C below. good very fine McAlee 941; Prieur 424. Starting price: 75 GBP

121 Seleucis and Pieria. Antioch. Philip I Arab AD 244-249. Struck AD 248-249 Billon-Tetradrachm 27mm., 14,11g. AYTOK K M IOYΛI ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟC CЄB, radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / ΔΗΜΑΡX ЄΞOYCIAC ΥΠΑ ΤO Δ, eagle standing right, with wings spread, holding wreath in beak, ANTIOXIA S C in two lines in exergue. good very fine Prieur 443; McAlee 949. Starting price: 75 GBP 122 Seleucis and Pieria. Antioch. Philip I Arab AD 244-249. Struck AD 249 Billon- Tetradrachm 26mm., 12.,31g. AYTOK K M IOYΛI ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟC CЄB, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Philip I to right, seen from behind / ΔΗΜΑΡX ЄΞOYCIAC ΥΠΑ ΤO Δ, ANTIOXIA, S C, eagle standing right with wings spread, holding wreath in beak. good very fine McAlee 934; Prieur 445. Starting price: 75 GBP

123 Seleucis and Pieria. Antioch. Philip I Arab AD 244-249. Struck AD 246 Billon- Tetradrachm 26mm., 11.,37g. ΑYΤΟΚ Κ Μ ΙΟYΛ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟY CЄB, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Philip I to right, seen from behind / ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ЄΞΟYCΙΑC, S C, MON VRB, eagle standing facing with wings spread, head to left and holding wreath in beak. good very fine McAlee 899; Prieur 304. Starting price: 75 GBP

124 Seleucis and Pieria. Antioch. Philip I Arab AD 244-249. Struck AD 246 Billon- Tetradrachm 26mm., 12.,43g. ΑYΤΟΚ Κ Μ ΙΟYΛ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟY CЄB, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Philip I to right, seen from behind / ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ЄΞΟYCΙΑC, S C, MON VRB, eagle standing facing with wings spread, head to left and holding wreath in beak. good very fine McAlee 899; Prieur 304. Starting price: 75 GBP

125 Seleucis and Pieria. Antioch. Philip I Arab AD 244-249. Struck AD 248 Billon- Tetradrachm 27mm., 11.,86g. AYTOK K M IOYΛI ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟC CЄB, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Philip I to right, seen from behind / ΔΗΜΑΡX ЄΞOYCIAC ΥΠΑ ΤO Γ, ANTIOXIA, S C, eagle standing right with wings spread, holding wreath in beak. good very fine McAlee 922; Prieur 375. Starting price: 75 GBP

126 Seleucis and Pieria. Antioch. Philip II AD 247-249. Billon-Tetradrachm 26mm., 11,67g. AYTOK K M IOYΛI ΦIΛIΠΠOC CЄB, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Philip II to right, seen from behind / ΔHMAPX ЄΞOYCIAC YΠA TO Δ, ANTIOXIA S C, eagle standing right with wings spread, holding wreath in beak. good very fine Prieur 474. Starting price: 75 GBP

127 Seleucis and Pieria. Antioch. Philip II AD 247-249. Struck AD 248-249 Billon- Tetradrachm 27mm., 10.,88g. AYTOK K M IOYΛI ΦIΛIΠΠOC CEB, laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / ΔHMAPX EΞOYCIAC YΠA TO Δ, eagle standing left, with wings spread, holding wreath in beak, ANTIOXIA S C in two lines in exergue. good very fine Prieur 473; McAlee 1043. Starting price: 75 GBP

128 Seleucis and Pieria. Antioch. Philip II AD 247-249. Struck AD 248-249 Billon- Tetradrachm 27mm., 11,44g. AVTOK K M IOVΛI ΦIΛIΠΠOC CЄB, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ΔHMAPX ЄΞOVCIAC VΠA TO Δ, eagle standing right, with wings spread, holding wreath in beak, ANTIOXIA S C in exergue. good very fine McAlee 1042; Prieur 474. Starting price: 75 GBP 129 Seleucis and Pieria. Antioch. Herennia Etruscilla AD 249-251. Billon- Tetradrachm 26mm., 12,33g. ЄPЄNNIA ЄTPOYCKIΛΛA CЄB, diademed and draped bust right on crescent, three pellets below / ΔHMAPX ЄΞOYCIAC, eagle standing right on palm, holding wreath in beak, S C below. good very fine Prieur 610. Starting price: 75 GBP

130 Seleucis and Pieria. Antioch. , as Caesar AD 249-251. Struck AD 250-251 Billon-Tetradrachm 25mm., 12,09g. ЄΡЄΝΝ ЄΤΡΟΥ ΜЄ ΚΥ ΔЄΚΙΟC ΚЄCΑΡ, bareheaded, draped and cuirassed bust right, three pellets beneath bust / ΔΗΜΑΡΞ ЄΧΟΥCΙΑC, eagle standing right on palm, wings open, wreath in beak, S C below. good very fine McAlee 1152; Prieur 633. Starting price: 75 GBP

131 Seleucis and Pieria. Antioch. Herennius Etruscus, as Caesar AD 249-251. Struck AD 251 Billon-Tetradrachm 26mm., 13.,36g. ЄPЄNN ЄTPOY MЄ KY ΔЄKIOC KЄCAP, bare-headed and draped bust of Herennius Etruscus to right, seen from behind, beneath bust, Z / ΔHMAPX ЄΞOYCIAC, S C, eagle standing left on palm with wings spread, holding wreath in beak. very fine McAlee 1153g; Prieur 640. Starting price: 75 GBP

132 Seleucis and Pieria. Antioch. AD 249-251. Struck AD 249 Billon-Tetradrachm 26mm., 12,57g. AVTOK K ΓAI MЄ KVIN ΔЄKKIOC CЄB, laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / ΔHMAPX ЄΞOVCIAC, eagle standing right, with wings spread, holding wreath in beak, S C below. good very fine Cf. Prieur 510 (obverse legend). Starting price: 75 GBP

133 Seleucis and Pieria. Antioch. Trajan Decius AD 249-251. Struck AD 249-250 Billon-Tetradrachm 26mm., 12,25g. ΑΥΤ Κ Γ ΜЄ ΚΥ ΔЄΚΙΟϹ TPAIANOC ϹЄΒ, radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, two pellets below / ΔHMAPX ЄΞOYCIAC, S C, eagle, with wreath in beak and wings spread, standing right on palm frond. very fine McAlee 1119b; Prieur 539. Starting price: 75 GBP

134 Seleucis and Pieria. Antioch. AD 251-253. Billon- Tetradrachm 25mm., 10,49g. AYTOK K Γ OYIB TPEB ΓAΛΛOC CEB, laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, ••• below / ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞΟΥCIAC, eagle standing facing, head and tail right, with wings spread, holding wreath in beak, Γ between legs, S C in exergue. very fine Prieur 661. Starting price: 75 GBP 135 Seleucis and Pieria. Emesa. Caracalla AD 198-217. Struck circa AD 215-217 Billon-Tetradrachm 25mm., 12,72g. AVT K M ANTWNEINOC CEB, laureate head right / ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟC ΤΟ Δ, eagle standing facing, head and tail left, with wings spread, holding wreath in beak, between legs, radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Shamash left, O beneath eagle's head. good very fine Prieur 1001. Starting price: 75 GBP

136 Seleucis and Pieria. Emesa. Caracalla AD 198-217. Struck circa AD 215-217 Billon-Tetradrachm 26mm., 12,58g. AVT K M A ANTΩNEINOC CEB, laureate head right / ΔHMAPX EΞ YΠATOC TO Δ, eagle standing facing, head and tail left, with wings spread, holding wreath in beak, between legs, radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Shamash left, Λ beneath eagle's head. very fine Prieur 954. Starting price: 75 GBP

137 Seleucis and Pieria. Laodicea ad Mare. AD 193-211. Struck AD 208-209 Billon-Tetradrachm 28mm., 12,46g. AYT KAI CЄOYHPOC CE, laureate head right / ΔHMAPX EΞ YΠATOC TO Γ, eagle standing facing with wings spread, head left, holding wreath in beak, star between legs. good very fine Prieur 1148; Prieur & Amandry Group III, 36; McAlee, Severan, Group III, 26. Starting price: 75 GBP

138 Seleucis and Pieria. Laodicea ad Mare. Caracalla AD 198-217. Struck AD 209-211 Billon-Tetradrachm 26mm., 14,29g. AVT KAI ANTΩNЄINOC CЄ, laureate head right / ΔHMAPX ЄΞ VΠATOC TO Γ, eagle standing facing, head left, with wings spread, holding wreath in beak, star between legs. good very fine Prieur 1164. Starting price: 75 GBP

139 Seleucis and Pieria. Laodicea ad Mare. Caracalla AD 198-217. Struck AD 215-217 Billon-Tetradrachm 25mm., 14,96g. AYT K M A ANTΩNЄINOC CЄB, laureate head right / ΔΗΜΑΡX ЄΞ ΥΠΑΤΟC ΤΟ Δ, eagle, holding wreath in beak, standing facing, head left and wings spread, star between legs. good very fine Prieur 1179. Starting price: 75 GBP

140 Seleucis and Pieria. Laodicea ad Mare. AD 217-218. Billon- Tetradrachm 25mm., 13,02g. AVT K M OΠ [...] MAKPЄINOC CЄ, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ΔHMAPX ЄΞ VΠATOC Π Π, eagle standing facing, head left, with wreath in beak and wings spread, star between legs. very fine Cf. Prieur 1183-4. Starting price: 75 GBP

141 . Antioch ad Orontem. AD 198-211. Billon-Tetradrachm 26mm., 13,12g. ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΓΕΤΑC CEB, laureate head right / ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑTOC ΤΟ B, eagle standing facing, head right, wreath in beak, stars flanking. good very fine Prieur 213. Starting price: 75 GBP 142 Syria. Antioch ad Orontem. Philip II, as Caesar AD 244-246. Billon- Tetradrachm 26mm., 11,93g. MAP IOVΛI ΦIΛIΠΠOC KԐCEB, bare-headed and draped bust right, seen from behind / ΔHMAPX ЄΞ OVCIAC YΠATOΓ, eagle standing right, wing behind leg, with wreath in beak; ANTIOXIA SC in exergue. nearly extremely fine McAlee 1022; Prieur 392. Starting price: 75 GBP

143 Mesopotamia. Carrhae. Macrinus AD 217-218. Billon-Tetradrachm 25mm., 14,70g. [...] CE MAKPINOC CEB, radiate head right / ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠ[...], eagle standing facing, head and tail right, with wings spread, holding wreath in beak, star to upper left, crescent between legs, three pellets in exergue. good very fine Cf. Prieur 833. Starting price: 75 GBP

144 Mesopotamia. Carrhae. Macrinus AD 217-218. Billon-Tetradrachm 24mm., 13,66g. Radiate head of Macrinus right / Eagle standing facing, head right, holding wreath in beak; in upper left field, star; between legs, crescent; in exergue, two pellets. good very fine Prieur 836 var. Starting price: 150 GBP

145 Mesopotamia. Singara. Gordian III, with Tranquillina AD 238-244. Bronze Æ 32mm., 26,68g. AVTOK K MANT Γ[OΡ]ΔIANOΝ CAB TΡANKVΛΛINA CEB, confronted busts of Gordian III right laureate, draped and cuirassed and Tranquillina left draped, and wearing stephane in hair / AVΡ [CEΠ KO-Λ CINΓ]AΡA, city goddess, wearing turreted crown, veil, chiton and mantle, seated left on rock, holding ears of corn, above her head, Centaur Sagittarius, at her feet, half-figure of river god swimming left. very fine SNG Copenhagen 256; BMC 8-11. Starting price: 75 GBP

146 Mesopotamia. Singara. Gordian III, with Tranquillina AD 238-244. Bronze Æ 32mm., 24,34g. [AVTOK] K MANT ΓOΡΔIANOΝ CAB TΡANKVΛΛINA CEB, confronted busts of Gordian III right laureate, draped and cuirassed and Tranquillina left draped, and wearing stephane in hair / AVΡ CEΠ KO-Λ CINΓAΡA, city goddess, wearing turreted crown, veil, chiton and mantle, seated left on rock, holding ears of corn, above her head, Centaur Sagittarius, at her feet, half-figure of river god swimming left. very fine SNG Copenhagen 256; BMC 8-11. Starting price: 75 GBP

147 Phoenicia. Ace-Ptolemais. I AD 253-260. As Æ 26mm., 12,81g. Laureate and draped bust left, holding spear over his right shoulder and shield over left / Artemis advancing right, holding bow and pulling arrow from quiver on her shoulder; at her feet, hound right; in left field, caduceus. nearly very fine, smoothed Kadman, Akko 236; Sofaer 283. Starting price: 75 GBP 148 Judaea. Jerusalem. Alexander Jannaios (Yehonatan) 107-76 BCE. Prutah Æ 15mm., 3,47g. Legend between rays of star with eight rays within diadem / BAΣIΛEΩΣ AΛEΞANΔPOY, inverted anchor. very fine Hendin 1150; HGC 10, 637. Starting price: 75 GBP

149 Judaea. Jerusalem. Alexander Jannaios (Yehonatan) 107-76 BCE. Prutah Æ 15mm., 2,37g. Legend between rays of star with eight rays within diadem / BAΣIΛEΩΣ AΛEΞANΔPOY, inverted anchor. good very fine Hendin 1150; HGC 10, 637. Starting price: 75 GBP

150 Judaea. Jerusalem. Procurators. Marcus Ambibulus 9-12 CE. Prutah Æ 14mm., 1,75g. KAICAPOC, ear of grain curved to right / L-ΛΘ, eight-branched palm tree bearing two bunches of dates. very fine RPC 4955. Starting price: 75 GBP

151 Judaea. Jerusalem. Procurators. Pontius Pilate 26-36 CE. Prutah Æ 14mm., 1,53g. [TIBЄPIOY KAICAPOC LIς (date)], simpulum / [IOYΛIA KAICAPOC], three bound grain ears. very fine RPC I 4967. Starting price: 75 GBP

152 Judaea. Jerusalem. Procurators. Pontius Pilate 26-36 CE. struck under , dated RY 17 Prutah Æ 14mm., 1,58g. TIBЄPI[OY KAICAPOC], Lituus / LIZ (date) within wreath. very fine RPC I 4968; Hendin 1342; Meshorer 333. Starting price: 75 GBP

153 Judaea. Jerusalem. Procurators. Pontius Pilate 26-36 CE. struck under Tiberius, dated RY 17(?) Prutah Æ 14mm., 1,50g. TIBЄPIOY KA[ICAPOC], Lituus / [LIZ(?) (date)] within wreath. very fine RPC I 4968; Hendin 1342; Meshorer 333. Starting price: 75 GBP

154 Judaea. Jerusalem. Procurators. Antonius Felix 52-60 CE. Prutah Æ 16mm., 2,70g. [NЄPω KΛAY] KAICAP, two crossed spears and shields / Palm tree, [BPIT] above, L-IΔ across fields, K-AI across lower fields. very fine TJC 340; GBC 1348; RPC 4971. Starting price: 75 GBP

155 Judaea. Jerusalem or Samarian mint. Herod I 40 BCE-4 CE. Dated RY 3 Eight Prutot Æ 24mm., 6,08g. Ornate helmet, palms flanking / BAΣI[ΛEΩΣ] HPΩΔOY, Tripod, LΓ (date) to left, monogram to right. nearly very fine Meshorer 44; Hendin 1169; HGC 10, 651; DCA 804 Starting price: 75 GBP 156 Judaea. Neapolis. Caracalla AD 198-217. Struck AD 215-217 Billon- Tetradrachm 26mm., 12,53g. AVT KAI AN-TWNEINOC [...], laureate head right / ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟC ΤΟ Δ, eagle standing facing, head and tail left, with wings spread, holding wreath in beak, between legs, lit altar. very fine Cf. Prieur 1702; Sofaer -. Starting price: 75 GBP

157 Judaea. Uncertain mint in Samaria. Herod I 40 BCE-4 CE. Dated RY 3 Four Prutot Æ 19mm., 3,78g. Macedonian shield with decorated rim / [BAΣIΛEΩΣ HPΩΔOY L Γ], crested helmet. nearly very fine Hendin 1170; TJC 45. Starting price: 75 GBP

158 Egypt. . Nero and Poppaea AD 54-68. Uncertain date Billon- Tetradrachm 25mm., 13,24g. NEPΩ KΛAV KAIΣ ΣEB ΓEP AV, radiate head of Nero right / ΠOΠΠAIA ΣEBA[ΣTH], draped bust right of Poppaea, date before. nearly very fine Cf. Dattari (Savio) 196 (RY 10=AD 63/64); cf. RPC I 5275 (same). Starting price: 75 GBP

159 Egypt. Alexandria. AD 68-69. Dated RY 1 = AD 67/8 Billon- Tetradrachm 24mm., 11,95g. [...] ΓAΛBA KAIΣ ΣEB [...], laureate head right, L A (date) before / PΩ-[MH], helmeted and cuirassed bust of Roma right, holding spear and shield. nearly very fine Cf. RPC I 5330; cf. Dattari (Savio) 314; cf. Emmett 174. Starting price: 75 GBP

160 Egypt. Alexandria. AD 69. Dated RY 1=AD 69 Billon-Tetradrachm 22mm., 13,52g. AVTOK MAPK [...], laureate head right L A (date) to right / [EΛEY]-ΘEP[IA], Eleutheria standing left, holding sceptre and wreath, and leaning upon column to right. nearly very fine Cf. Dattari 326; cf. RPC I 5359. Starting price: 75 GBP

161 Egypt. Alexandria. Trajan AD 98-117. Dated RY 18=AD 114/5 Drachm Æ 35mm., 19,59g. Illegible inscription, laureate bust of Trajan right, wearing aegis (?) / Trajan seated left on curule chair, holding Nike and scepter, in left field before him, a trophy and female personification of Dacia kneeling right, L IH (date) above. nearly very fine Cf. Dattari-Savio Pl. 28, 719. Starting price: 75 GBP

162 Egypt. Alexandria. AD 117-138. Dated RY 17=AD 132/133 Drachm Æ 32mm., 25,67g. AVT KAIC TPAIAN [...], laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Sarapis standing right, holding a scepter with his left hand and saluting the emperor with right hand, facing Hadrian, who is standing facing, head left, resting his right hand on a stele inscribed AΔP-IA-NON in three lines, all within distyle temple, pediment decorated with disk, [L I]Z (date) in exergue. nearly very fine RPC III, 5845 var. (Sarapis presenting a globe); Dattari (Savio) 1946 var. (same). Starting price: 75 GBP 163 Egypt. Alexandria. Hadrian AD 117-138. Dated RY 12=AD 127/128 Drachm Æ 35mm., 24,02g. AVT KAI [...], laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Nilus reclining left on hippopotamus, holding reed and cornucopia, Iς above, L ΔωΔЄK (date) in exergue. nearly very fine Köln 992-3; Dattari (Savio) 1805. Starting price: 75 GBP

164 Egypt. Alexandria. Hadrian AD 117-138. ΠΡΟΣΩΠΙΤΗΣ NOMOΣ (Prosopite Nome). Dated RY 11=AD 126/7 Obol Æ 20mm., 4,87g. ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ, laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder . ΠΡΟϹω L ΙΑ (date), bust of young Harsomtous, right, wearing nemes and hem-hem crown, raising right hand to mouth. nearly very fine RPC III 6398.18; Dattari-Savio Pl. 309, 6355. Starting price: 75 GBP

165 Egypt. Alexandria. Hadrian AD 117-138. ΕΡΜΩΝΘΙΤΗΣ ΝΟΜΟΣ (Hermonthite Nome). Dated RY 11=AD 126/7 Obol Æ 18mm., 5,56g. ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ, laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder / ΕΡΜω-ΝΘ, L ΙΑ (date), Montou-Apollo standing, left, holding was-sceptre in right hand, and Boukhis bull, left, in left hand. very fine RPC III, 6324; cf. BMC Alexandria 99 (arrangement of reverse legend). Starting price: 75 GBP

166 Egypt. Alexandria. Hadrian AD 117-138. Dated RY 13=AD 128 Billon- Tetradrachm 27mm., 13,22g. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / ΠATHP ΠATPIΔOC around, clasped hands; L above, IΓ (date) below. very fine Köln 994-6; Dattari (Savio) 1525; K&G 32.468; RPC III 5728; Emmett 848.13. Starting price: 75 GBP

167 Egypt. Alexandria. Antinous AD 134-135. Year 19 Bronze Æ 31mm., 23,09g. [ΑΝΤΙΝΟΟΥ ΗΡωΟC], draped bust right, wearing hem-hem crown / Antinous on horseback prancing right, holding caduceus; IΘ (date) right. nearly very fine Blum 12; Dattari 2084; Geissen 1277; Emmett p. 62. Starting price: 500 GBP

168 Egypt. Alexandria. AD 138-161. Dated RY 19(?)=AD 155/6 Drachm Æ 33mm., 26,,01g. Illegible inscription, laureate, and draped bust of Antoninus Pius right / Draped bust of Sarapis wearing kalathos and tainia, right, L I[Θ?] (date) across fields. nearly very fine Cf. RPC IV.4, 15911 (temporary). Starting price: 75 GBP

169 Egypt. Alexandria. Antoninus Pius AD 138-161. Dated RY 8 = AD 144-145 Drachm Æ 35mm., 27,18g. AVT K T AIΛ AΔP ANTωNINOC ԐV, laureate head right / Hermanubis standing right within temple, holding caduceus and palm-branch; jackal standing right behind, L-H across fields. good very fine Emmett 1570 var. Starting price: 75 GBP 170 Egypt. Alexandria. Antoninus Pius AD 138-161. Dated RY 11=AD 147/148 Drachm Æ 35mm., 20,29g. ΑVΤ Κ Τ ΑΙΛ ΑΔΡ ΑΝΤωΝΙΝΟϹ ϹEΒ EVϹ, laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Antoninus Pius right / [L EΝΔE-]ΚΑΤ [ΟV] (date), Elpis standing, left, holding flower. nearly very fine Dattari 2543; Geissen 1578; RPC IV.4, 13617 (temporary). Starting price: 75 GBP

171 Egypt. Alexandria. AD 161-169. Dated RY 1 of =AD 161 Drachm Æ 32mm., 19,14g. Λ ΑVΡΗΛΙΟС ΟΥΗΡΟС СEΒ, laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / Ares seated left on cuirass, holding Nike and parazonium, L-A (date) across fields. nearly very fine Cf. RPC IV.4, 15062 (temporary) (shield at feet). Starting price: 75 GBP

172 Egypt. Alexandria. Lucius Verus AD 161-169. Dated RY 3=AD 162/3 Drachm Æ 34mm., 25,51g. Λ ΑVΡΗΛΙΟϹ ΟVΗΡΟϹ ϹE, laureate head of Lucius Verus with traces of drapery, right / Tyche reclining on couch, left, wearing kalathos, and resting hand on rudder, L Γ (date) above. nearly very fine RPC IV.4, 16194 (temporary). Starting price: 75 GBP

173 Egypt. Uncertain. Maximianus Herculius circa AD 286-305. PB Seal 23mm., 9,13g. Laureate and draped Imperial bust right; scepter before / Rough textured surface. nearly very fine Ex CNG 425, lot 342. Starting price: 75 GBP

174 Arabia. Bostra. Trajan AD 98-117. Drachm AR 19mm., 3,19g. AYTOKP KAIC NЄP TPAIAN CЄB [...], laureate head of Trajan to right, with slight drapery on his left shoulder / ΔHMAPX [...], Arabia standing front, head to left, holding branch in her right hand and bundle of cinnamon sticks in her left, at feet to left, camel left. very fine Cf. Metcalf 16; cf. Sydenham 185 (Caesarea). Starting price: 75 GBP

175 Ti. Veturius 137 BC. Denarius AR 19mm., 3,75g. TI VET, helmeted and draped bust of Mars to right, X to left / ROMA, oath-taking scene: Youth kneeling left, looking right between two soldiers, each of them holding spear in their left hands and sword in their right hands which touches a pig held by the youth. very fine Crawford 234/1; Sydenham 527. Starting price: 75 GBP

176 Mn. Fonteius C.f. 85 BC. Rome Denarius AR 17mm., 3,86g. MN FONTEI behind, (?) beneath chin, laureate head of Vejovis right, below, thunderbolt / Infant Genius seated on goat right, piloi of the Dioscuri flanking, in exergue, filleted thyrsus, all within wreath. very fine Cf. Crawford 353/1c; cf. Sydenham 724a. Starting price: 75 GBP 177 M. Volteius M. f. 75 BC. Rome Denarius AR 17mm., 3,64g. Head of young Hercules right, wearing lion’s skin headdress / Erymanthian Boar charging right, VOLTEI·M·F in exergue. good very fine Crawford 385/2; Sydenham 775; Volteia 2. Starting price: 75 GBP

178 P. Fonteius P. f. Capito 55 BC. Rome Denarius AR 17mm., 3,85g. Helmeted and draped bust of Mars right, trophy behind, P•FONTEIVS•[CAPITO•III•VIR] around / Warrior on horseback galloping right, thrusting spear downwards at kneeling enemy in Gallic helmet, who holds sword and shield, to lower left, another enemy warrior, kneeling right, Gallic helmet and shield to lower right, MN•[FONT•TR•MIL] above. very fine Crawford 429/1; RSC Fonteia 17. Starting price: 75 GBP

179 27 BC-AD 14. Lugdunum (Lyon) Denarius AR 19mm., 3,68g. CAESAR AVGVSTVS DIVI F PATER PATRIAE, laureate head right / AVGVSTI F COS DESIG PRINC IVVENT, Gaius and Lucius Caesars standing facing, two shields and two spears between them; above simpulum and lituus, CL CAESARES in exergue. very fine RIC 207; RSC 43. Starting price: 75 GBP

180 Tiberius AD 14-37. Lugdunum (Lyon) Aureus AV 18mm., 7,04g. TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVSTVS, laureate head of Tiberius right / PONTIF [MAXIM], Livia, as Pax, seated right, holding sceptre and olive branch; chair with ornate legs, feet on footstool, single line below. nearly very fine RIC 29; Calicó 305a; C. 15; BMCRE 46. Starting price: 1'000 GBP

181 Trajan AD 98-117. Struck AD 103-107. Rome Denarius AR 18mm., 3,01g. IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS V P P, laureate head of Trajan to right / S P Q R OPTIMO PRINCIPI, Dacian seated right on shield in attitude of mourning, curved sword below. very fine BMC 176; Cohen 529; RIC 218; Woytek 189a. Starting price: 75 GBP

182 Hadrian AD 117-138. Struck AD 134-138. Rome Denarius AR 18mm., 3,27g. HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P, laureate head right / HISPANIA, Hispania reclining left, holding branch and resting arm upon rock, to left, hare seated right. nearly very fine RIC II 305; RSC 830. Starting price: 75 GBP

183 Antoninus Pius AD 138-161. Rome Aureus AV 17mm., 6,09g. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P XXIII, laureate head right / PIETATI AVG COS IIII, Pietas standing left between two children, holding globe and child. good very fine RIC 302; Calicó 1602; BMC 984. Starting price: 2'000 GBP 184 Antoninus Pius AD 138-161. Rome Aureus AV 18mm., 7,20g. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P IMP II, bare bust right with slight drapery on far shoulder / TR POT XIX COS IIII, Victory, winged and draped, advancing left, raising wreath in right hand and holding palm with left. very fine RIC 255b var. (without drapery); Calicó 1671 var. (draped on both shoulders); BMCRE 862 note. Starting price: 2'000 GBP

185 Antoninus Pius AD 138-161. Rome Denarius AR 18mm., 2,79g. ANTONINVS AVG PI-VS P P TR P XVI, laureate head of Antoninus Pius right / COS IIII, Fortuna standing facing, head right, holding rudder on globe and cornucopiae. nearly extremely fine RIC 222; BMC 790; RSC 270. Starting price: 75 GBP

186 Diva Faustina I AD 140-141. Rome Aureus AV 18mm., 6,82g. DIVA FAVSTINA, draped bust of Faustina to right, her hair bound with pearls and piled up on top of her head / AVGVSTA, Ceres standing to left, holding two torches. nearly extremely fine Biaggi 808; BMC 403; Calicó 1758; C. 75; RIC 357a; Strack 471; Beckmann, Diva Faustina df 30 / CB 5. Starting price: 2'000 GBP

187 Lucius Verus AD 161-169. Struck AD 166. Rome Denarius AR 18mm., 3,14g. L VERVS AVG ARM PARTH MAX, laureate head to right / LIB AVG III TR P VI COS II, Liberalitas standing left, holding cornucopiae and Abacus. good very fine RIC 546; RSC 123; BMC 416. Starting price: 75 GBP

188 AD 193-194. Antioch Denarius AR 17mm., 2,84g. IMP CAES C PESC-E NIGER IVSTI A, laureate head right / [MI]NE-R VI-CTRIS (sic), Minerva standing facing, head to left, holding spear with left hand, and shield with raised right. good very fine RIC -; Cohen -. Starting price: 500 GBP

189 Septimius Severus AD 193-211. Struck AD 198-200. Rome Denarius AR 19mm., 3,18g. SEVERVS AVG PART MAX, laureate head right / P M TR P VIII COS II P P, Victory flying left, holding open wreath in both hands over shield set on low base. good very fine RIC 150; RSC 454; BMC 175. Starting price: 75 GBP

190 Septimius Severus AD 193-211. Rome Denarius AR 17mm., 2,95g. SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / INDVL[GE]NTIA AVGG, the Dea Caelestis riding on a lion right, holding thunderbolt and sceptre; below, waters gushing from rock; IN CARTH in exergue. good very fine RIC 266; Cohen 222. Starting price: 75 GBP 191 Caracalla AD 198-217. Struck AD 207. Rome Denarius AR 18mm., 2,92g. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG, laureate head of Caracalla to right / PONTIF TR P X COS II, Caracalla standing front, head to right, holding spear in his right hand and parazonium in his left, at feet to left, captive (Britannia?) seated to left, at feet to right, two river-gods reclining, each holding a reed. very fine BMC 555; Cohen 441; RIC 96. Starting price: 75 GBP

192 Caracalla AD 198-217. Struck AD 212. Rome Denarius AR 18mm., 3,72g. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG BRIT, laureate head right / P M TR P XV COS III P P, Serapis, wearing polos on head, standing facing, head left, raising right hand and holding sceptre. very fine RIC 193. Starting price: 75 GBP

193 Caracalla AD 198-217. Struck AD 210. Rome Denarius AR 19mm., 3,00g. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / PONTIF TR P XII COS III, Virtus standing right, helmeted, holding reversed spear and parazonium, foot on helmet. good very fine RIC 112; RSC 464. Starting price: 75 GBP

194 Caracalla AD 198-217. Rome AR 23mm., 5,24g. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM, radiate and draped bust right / P M TR P XVIIII COS IIII P P, Serapis standing facing, head left, raising hand and holding sceptre. nearly extremely fine RIC 280e. Starting price: 75 GBP

195 Elagabalus AD 218-222. Antioch Denarius AR 19mm., 2,60g. IMP ANTONINVS AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / CONSVL II P P, Aequitas standing left with cornucopia and scales. good very fine RIC 168. Starting price: 75 GBP

196 Elagabalus AD 218-222. Struck AD 219. Rome Denarius AR 19mm., 3,37g. IMP ANTONINVS AVG, laureate and draped bust right / P M TR P II COS II P P, Pax advancing left, holding branch and sceptre. good very fine RIC 21; BMCRE 97; RSC 143. Starting price: 75 GBP

197 Elagabalus AD 218-222. Struck AD 220-221. Rome Denarius AR 19mm., 3,01g. IMP ANTONINVS PIVS AVG, laureate and draped bust of Elagabalus right / LIBERTAS AVG, Libertas standing left, holding pileus and vindicta, star to right. good very fine RIC 107. Starting price: 75 GBP

198 Elagabalus AD 218-222. Struck AD 221-222. Rome Denarius AR 18mm., 2,87g. IMP ANTONINVS PIVS AVG, laureate, horned and draped bust right / P M TR P IIII COS III P P, Elagabalus standing left, holding patera and cypress branch, to left, star above lighted altar. good very fine RIC 46. Starting price: 75 GBP 199 Elagabalus AD 218-222. Rome Denarius AR 18mm., 3,17g. IMP CAES ANTONINVS AVG, laureate and draped bust of Elagabalus to right / ANTONINI AVG, Victory advancing right, holding wreath in her right hand and palm frond over her left shoulder. good very fine Cohen 293; RIC 153. Starting price: 75 GBP

200 Elagabalus AD 218-222. Struck AD 220-222. Rome Denarius AR 18mm., 2,86g. IMP ANTONINVS PIVS AVG, laureate and draped bust right / P M TR P IIII COS III P P, Providentia standing left, holding cornucopiae and wand, globe at feet, star in left field. good very fine RIC 42; BMCRE 249. Starting price: 75 GBP

201 Elagabalus AD 218-222. Struck AD 221. Rome Denarius AR 19mm., 2,87g. IMP ANTONINVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / P M TR P IIII COS III P P, Victory advancing left, holding open wreath, star to upper right, shields behind. good very fine Cf. RIC 45. Starting price: 75 GBP

202 Elagabalus AD 218-222. Struck AD 219. Rome Denarius AR 17mm., 3,52g. IMP ANTONINVS AVG, laureate and draped bust right / P M TR P II COS II P P, Pax advancing left, holding branch and sceptre. good very fine RIC 21; RSC 143. Starting price: 75 GBP

203 Elagabalus AD 218-222. Struck AD 218-222. Rome Denarius AR 18mm., 2,74g. IMP ANTONINVS AVG, laureate and draped bust right / TEMPORVM FELICITAS, Felicitas standing left, holding caduceus and cornucopiae. good very fine RIC 150. Starting price: 75 GBP

204 Elagabalus AD 218-222. Struck AD 219-220. Rome Denarius AR 18mm., 2,90g. IMP ANTONINVS AVG, laureate, and draped bust right / FIDES MILITVM, Fides standing half-left, head right, holding grounded vexillum and transverse signum. very fine RIC 73; RSC 38a; RCV 7512. Starting price: 75 GBP

205 Elagabalus AD 218-222. Struck AD 220-221. Rome Denarius AR 18mm., 2,47g. IMP ANTONINVS PIVS AVG, laureate and draped bust of Elagabalus to right, seen from behind / ABVNDANTIA AVG, Abundantia standing left, emptying cornucopiae held with both hands, to right, star. good very fine BMC 189; Cohen 1; RIC 56. Starting price: 75 GBP

206 Julia Maesa AD 218-224. Struck AD 220-222. Rome Denarius AR 18mm., 3,02g. IVLIA MAESA AVG, draped bust of Julia Maesa to right / SAECVLI FELICITAS, Felicitas standing front, head to left, holding long caduceus in her left hand and sacrificing from patera over lighted altar with her right, in field to left, star. very fine BMC 79; Cohen 45; RIC 271. Starting price: 75 GBP 207 AD 222-235. Struck AD 225. Rome Denarius AR 19mm., 2,76g. IMP C M AVR SEV ALEXAND AVG, laureate and draped bust right / FIDES MILITVM, Fides standing left, holding standard in each hand. good very fine RIC 139; BMCRE 220; RSC 52. Starting price: 75 GBP

208 Severus Alexander AD 222-235. Struck AD 231. Rome Denarius AR 19mm., 3,18g. IMP ALEXANDER PIVS AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / P M TR P X COS III P P, Sol, radiate, standing left, raising right hand and holding globe. nearly extremely fine RIC 109. Starting price: 75 GBP

209 Severus Alexander AD 222-235. Struck AD 230. Rome Denarius AR 19mm., 3,32g. IMP SEV ALEXAND AVG, laureate head right / P M TR P VIIII COS III P P, Sol standing right, head left, raising right hand and holding globe. good very fine RIC 102. Starting price: 75 GBP

210 Severus Alexander AD 222-235. Struck AD 228-231. Rome Denarius AR 19mm., 3,24g. IMP SEV ALEXAND AVG, laureate head right / PERPETVITATI AVG, Perpetuitas (or Securitas) standing left, leaning on column, holding globe and transverse sceptre. good very fine RIC 208. Starting price: 75 GBP

211 Severus Alexander AD 222-235. Struck AD 228-231. Rome Denarius AR 19mm., 3,31g. IMP SEV ALEXAND AVG, laureate head of Severus Alexander to right / VIRTVS AVG, Virtus seated left on cuirass, holding branch in her right hand and inverted spear in her left. very fine BMC 653; Cohen 580; RIC 221. Starting price: 75 GBP

212 Severus Alexander AD 222-235. Struck AD 230. Rome Denarius AR 18mm., 3,50g. IMP SEV ALEXAND AVG, laureate head of Severus Alexander to right / P M TR P VIIII COS III P P, Severus Alexander standing right, holding globe in his left hand and spear in his right. nearly extremely fine BMC 616; Cohen 401; RIC 105. Starting price: 75 GBP

213 Severus Alexander AD 222-235. Struck AD 228. Rome Denarius AR 18mm., 2,57g. IMP SEV ALEXAND AVG, laureate head right / P M TR P VII COS II P P, Mars standing right, holding shield and spear. good very fine RIC 83; RSC 337; BMCRE 503. Starting price: 75 GBP

214 Severus Alexander AD 222-235. Struck AD 232. Rome Denarius AR 20mm., 2,79g. IMP ALEXANDER PIVS AVG, laureate, draped and cuirased bust of Severus Alexander to right / MARS VLTOR, Mars advancing to right, holding shield and spear. very fine BMC 831-832; Cohen 161; RIC IV 246. Starting price: 75 GBP 215 Severus Alexander AD 222-235. Struck AD 228-231. Rome Denarius AR 18mm., 3,17g. IMP SEV ALEXAND AVG, laureate head right / IOVI CONSERVATORI, Jupiter standing left, holding thunderbolt in right hand over Emperor and sceptre in left. very fine RIC 200. Starting price: 75 GBP

216 Severus Alexander AD 222-235. Struck AD 231. Rome Denarius AR 19mm., 3,31g. IMP ALEXANDER PIVS AVG, laureate head right / VICTORIA AVG, Victory standing left, holding palm and shield, a seated captive at her feet. nearly extremely fine RIC IV 257; BMCRE 778; RSC 558a. Starting price: 75 GBP

217 Julia Mamaea AD 225-235. Struck AD 227. Rome Denarius AR 19mm., 3,11g. IVLIA MAMAEA AVG, diademed and draped bust right / VESTA, Vesta standing left, holding patera and transverse sceptre. very fine RIC 362 (S. Alexander); BMC 440; RSC 85. Starting price: 75 GBP

218 Julia Mamaea AD 225-235. Rome Denarius AR 19mm., 3,35g. IVLIA MAMAEA AVG, diademed and draped bust of Julia Mamaea to right / VENERI FELICI, Venus standing front, head to right, holding long scepter with her right hand and cupid in her left. good very fine BMC 189; Cohen 60; RIC 351. Starting price: 75 GBP

219 Maximinus I Thrax AD 235-238. Struck AD 235-236. Rome Denarius AR 20mm., 3,06g. IMP MAXIMINVS PIVS AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Maximinus I to right, seen from behind / VICTORIA AVG, Victory advancing right, holding wreath in her right hand and palm frond over her left shoulder. nearly extremely fine BMC 105; Cohen 99; RIC 16. Starting price: 75 GBP

220 Maximinus I Thrax AD 235-238. Rome Denarius AR 20mm., 2,53g. IMP MAXIMINVS PIVS AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / FIDES MILITVM, Fides standing facing, head left, holding military standard in each hand. nearly extremely fine RIC 7a. Starting price: 75 GBP

221 Gordian III. AD 238-244. Struck AD 241. Rome Denarius AR 20mm., 2,84g. IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / DIANA LVCIFERA, Diana standing right, holding long transverse torch. good very fine RIC 127; RSC 69. Starting price: 75 GBP

222 Trajan Decius AD 249-251. Rome Antoninianus AR 21mm., 2,62g. IMP C M Q TRAIANVS DECIVS AVG, radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / DACIA, Dacia standing left, holding staff surmounted by ass's head. very fine RIC 12b; Cohen 16. Starting price: 75 GBP 223 Quietus AD 260-261. Antioch Antoninianus Æ silvered 23mm., 2,91g. IMP C FVL QVIETVS P F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ROMAE AETERNAE, Roma seated left on shield, helmeted, wearing long dress and cloak, holding spear and Victory with wreath; star in left field. very fine, repaired hole RIC 9; Cohen 11. Starting price: 75 GBP

224 Divus Claudius II Gothicus AD 270. Thessaloniki Follis Æ 15mm., 1,23g. DIVO CLAVDIO OPTIMO IMP, laureate and veiled head right / REQVIES OPTIMO RVM MERITORVM, Divus Claudius seated left on curule chair, raising right hand and holding sceptre in left; TS•S. good very fine RIC VII 26 (R5). Starting price: 75 GBP

225 Vaballathus AD 272. Antioch Antoninianus Æ 19mm., 3,37g. [IM C VHA] BALATHVS AVG, radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / VIRT-VS [AVG], Virtus standing right, holding spear in right hand, left hand resting on shield set on ground; star to right. fine RIC V 8; BN pl. 86, 287; MIR 47, 358a0; Hunter -; Cohen 8 var. Starting price: 75 GBP

226 Maximianus Herculius AD 286-305. Nicomedia Argenteus AR 19mm., 2,92g. MAXIMIANVS AVG, laureate head right / VICTORIAE SARMATICAE, SMNΓ, campgate, with four turrets and door open. good very fine RIC 22b. Starting price: 150 GBP

227 Constantius I as Caesar AD 293-305. Struck AD 295. Heraclea Argenteus AR 19mm., 3,59g. CONSTANTI-VS CAESAR, laureate head of Constantius I to right / PROVIDEN-TIA AVGG, H Γ, the four tetrarchs sacrificing over tripod in front of six-turreted camp gate. good very fine RIC 5. Starting price: 150 GBP

228 Maximinus II Daia AD 310-313. 2nd officina. Antioch Follis Æ 16mm., 1,34g. GENIO CI VITATIS, turreted, veiled, and draped bust of Tyche right / APOLLONI SANCTO, Apollo standing left, holding patera and lyre; B, SMA. good very fine Van Heesch, Last 4 (pl. 11, 4). Starting price: 75 GBP

229 Commemorative Series AD 330-354. Special issue for the dedication of the city of Constantinople. 5th officina. Struck under Constantine I, AD 330. Constantinople Follis Æ 15mm., 1,02g. POP ROMANVS, laureate and draped bust of Genius left, cornucopia over shoulder / Eight-pointed star; CONSЄ; all within laurel wreath. fine RIC VIII 22; LRBC 1067. Starting price: 75 GBP 230 Commemorative Series AD 330-354. Struck under Constantius II, circa AD 348. Rome Follis Æ 15mm., 1,58g. CONSTANTINOPOLIS, diademed and draped bust of Constantinopolis right / Pax standing left, holding branch and scepter; P R across field. very fine RIC VIII 106; LRBC 612. Starting price: 75 GBP

231 Commemorative Series AD 330-354. Struck AD 348. Rome Follis Æ 15mm., 2,51g. Helmeted and draped bust of Roma right / Emperor standing right, wearing military attire, holding spear and shield set on ground to right; P R across field. very fine RIC VIII 104 (R4); Vagi 3049. Starting price: 75 GBP

232 AD 364-378. Struck AD 364-367. Antioch Solidus AV 18mm., 3,39g. D N VALENS PER F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust of Valens to right / RESTITVTOR REI PVBLICAE, ANTA, Valens standing front, head to right, holding labarum with his right hand and Victory on globe in his left, in left field, staurogram. nearly very fine RIC 2d; C. 32. Starting price: 150 GBP

233 . AD 379-395. Decennalia issue. Struck AD 388-392. Constantinople. 1st officina Solidus AV 20mm., 4,44g. D N THEODO-SIVS P F AVG, rosette-diademed, draped, and cuirassed bust right / CONCORDI-A AVGGG A, Constantinopolis enthroned facing, head right, with right foot on prow, holding scepter in right hand and wreath inscribed VOT X MVLT XV in four lines in left, CONOB in exergue. very fine RIC IX 71b1; Depeyrot 47/1; Biaggi 2298. Starting price: 250 GBP

234 AD 457-474. Struck AD 462 or 466. Constantinople. 9th officina Solidus AV 20mm., 4,51g. D N LEO PE-RPET AVG, diademed, helmeted, and cuirassed bust facing slightly right, holding spear over shoulder and shield / VICTORI-A AVGGG Θ, Victory standing left, holding long, jeweled cross, star to right, CONOB in exergue. very fine RIC X 605; Depeyrot 93/1. Starting price: 120 GBP

235 . Second reign AD 476-491. Struck AD 477-491. Constantinople. 9th officina Solidus AV 19mm., 4,49g. D N ZENO PERP AVG, pearl-diademed, helmeted, and cuirassed bust facing slightly right, holding spear over shoulder and shield / VICTORI-A AVGGG Θ, Victory standing left, holding long, jeweled cross, star to right, CONOB in exergue. good very fine RIC X 910 and 929; Depeyrot 108/1. Starting price: 120 GBP 236 Theodosius II AD 402-450. Constantinople Solidus AV 21mm., 4,54g. D N THEODO SIVS P F AVC, pearl-diademed, helmeted, and cuirassed facing bust, holding spear in right hand over shoulder, on left arm a shield decorated with horseman spearing an enemy below / VOT XXX MVLT XXXX, Constantinopolis seated left on throne, foot on eagle-headed prow, shield at side, holding globus cruciger in outstretched right hand and sceptre in left; star to right; S CONOB. good very fine, double struck RIC X 257; Depeyrot 81/1; DOCLR 382; Biaggi –. Starting price: 125 GBP

237 Theodosius II AD 402-450. Constantinople Semissis AV 18mm., 2,26g. D N THEODSIVS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust to right / VICTORIA AVGG, Victory seated right on cuirass and shield, inscribing XX XXX in two lines on shield; Christogram to right, star to left, CONOB in exergue. extremely fine RIC 223; Depeyrot 73/4. Starting price: 200 GBP

238 AD 527-565. Constantinople Tremissis AV 18mm., 1,43g. D N IVSTINI-ANVS P P AVG, diademed, draped and cuirassed bust of Justinian to right / VICTORIA AVGVSTORVM, CONOB, Victory advancing right, her head turned to left, holding wreath in her right hand and cross set on globe in her left, in field to right, star. nearly very fine DOC 19; MIB 19; Sear 145. Starting price: 75 GBP

239 Justinian I AD 527-565. Constantinople Tremissis AV 17mm., 1,48g. D N IVSTINI-ANVS P P AVG, diademed, draped and cuirassed bust of Justinian to right / VICTORIA AVGVSTORVM, CONOB, Victory advancing right, her head turned to left, holding wreath in her right hand and cross set on globe in her left, in field to right, star. very fine DOC 19; MIB 19; Sear 145. Starting price: 75 GBP

240 Justinian I AD 527-565. Struck AD 545-565. Constantinople. 1st officina Solidus AV 19mm., 4,36g. D N IVSTINI-ANVS P P AVG, helmeted and cuirassed bust of Justinian facing, holding globus cruciger in his right hand and shield with his left / VICTORI-A AVGGG A, CONOB in exergue, Angel standing facing, holding long staff surmounted by staurogram and globus cruciger, star to right. very fine DOC 9a var.; MIB 7; Sear 140. Starting price: 120 GBP

241 Justin II AD 565-578. Struck AD 565-567. Constantinople. 1st officina Solidus AV 20mm., 4,44g. D N I-VSTI-NVS P P AVG, helmeted and cuirassed bust facing, holding globus surmounted by crowning Victory and shield / VICTORI-A AVGGG A, Constantinopolis seated facing, head right, holding spear and globus cruciger, star to left, CONOB in exergue. good very fine DOC 5a; MIBE 1; Sear 346. Starting price: 120 GBP 242 Tiberius II Constantine AD 578-582. Struck AD 579-582. Constantinople. 10th officina Solidus AV 20mm., 4,49g. ∂ m TIb CONS-TANT P P AVG, crowned and cuirassed bust of Tiberius Constantine facing, holding globus cruciger in his right hand, and shield with horseman motif in left / VICTORI-A AVGG I, CONOB, cross potent on base and four steps. very fine DOC 4j; MIBE 4; Sear 422. Starting price: 120 GBP

243 Tiberius AD 582-602. Constantinople Tremissis AV 18mm., 1,46g. D N TIbЄRI P P AVG Pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust of Tiberius II Constantine to right / VICTORI mAVRI AVS, CONOB, Cross potent. good very fine DOC 14; MIB 20; Sear 488. Starting price: 75 GBP

244 Maurice Tiberius AD 582-602. Struck circa AD 583/4-602. Constantinople. 2nd officina Solidus AV 20mm., 4,36g. O N mAVRC TIb P P AVG, helmeted, draped, and cuirassed bust facing, holding globus cruciger / VICTORI-A AVGG B, Angel standing facing, holding staff surmounted by staurogram and globus cruciger, CONOB in exergue. very fine DOC 5b; MIBE 6; Sear 478. Starting price: 120 GBP

245 Maurice Tiberius AD 582-602. Constantinople. 7th officina Solidus AV 21mm., 4,30g. [..] N MAVR' TIb P P AVG, helmeted, draped, and cuirassed bust facing, holding globus cruciger, star to right (?) / VICTORI-A AVGG Z, Angel standing facing, holding globus cruciger and long staff surmounted by staurogram, star to right, CONOB in exergue. very fine Cf. DOC 7i. Starting price: 120 GBP

246 Maurice Tiberius AD 582-602. Struck AD 583/4-602. Constantinople. 8th officina Solidus AV 22mm., 4,30g. O N mAVRC [...] AVG, helmeted, draped, and cuirassed bust facing, holding globus cruciger / VICT[ORI-A AV]GG H, Angel standing facing, holding long staff terminating in staurogram and globus cruciger, CONOB in exergue. very fine, double struck DOC 5h; MIBE 6; Sear 478. Starting price: 120 GBP

247 AD 602-610. Struck AD 602/3. Constantinople. 4th officina Solidus AV 22mm., 4,42g. O N FOCAS PERP AVG, crowned, draped, and cuirassed facing bust, holding globus cruciger, crown with pendilia / VICTORI-A AVGG Δ, Angel standing facing, holding globus cruciger and staff surmounted by staurogram, N to right, CONOB in exergue. good very fine DOC (2) var. (unlisted officina); MIBE 6; Sear 617. Starting price: 120 GBP

248 Phocas AD 602-610. Struck AD 603-607. Constantinople. 4th officina Solidus AV 21mm., 4,78g. d N FOCAS PERP AVG, crowned and draped bust facing, holding globus cruciger / VICTORIA AAVGG Δ, Angel standing facing, holding staff surmounted by staurogram and globus cruciger, CONOB in exergue. good very fine DOC 5d; MIBE 7; Sear 618. Starting price: 120 GBP 249 with Heraclius Constantine AD 610-641. Struck AD 629-631. Constantinople. 1st officina Solidus AV 20mm., 4,12g. δδ NN [...] P P A, crowned and draped bust of Heraclius facing, with long beard and whiskers, on the left, crowned and draped bust of Heraclius Constantine facing, with slight beard and moustache, on the right, above, cross / VICTORIA AVGЧ A, CONOB, Cross potent on base and three steps. very fine DOC 26a; MIB 29; Sear 749. Starting price: 120 GBP

250 Heraclius with Heraclius Constantine AD 610-641. Struck AD 629-631. Constantinople. 1st officina Solidus AV 19mm., 4,20g. [...]ACLIЧS ET hERA CONST P P AV, crowned and draped bust of Heraclius facing, with long beard and whiskers, on the left, crowned and draped bust of Heraclius Constantine facing, with slight beard and moustache, on the right, above, cross / VICTORIA AVGЧ AT, CONOB, Cross potent on base and three steps. nearly very fine DOC 28a var. (unlisted officina); Sear 753. Starting price: 120 GBP

251 II. AD 641-668. Constantinople Solidus AV 19mm., 4,33g. VICTORIA AVGU B, facing bust of Constans, with long beard and moustache, wearing plumed helmet ornamented with cross, holding cross on globe / No legend, Constantine IV, in center, Heraclius on right and Tiberius on left, all standing facing, each wearing crown and chlamys and holding cross on globe, mintmark CONOB. good very fine Berk 156; MIB 39; DO 40; Sear 972. Starting price: 300 GBP

252 Constans II. AD 641-668. Constantinople Solidus AV 19mm., 4,31g. Crowned facing busts of Constans, with long beard on left, wearing plumed helmet, and Constantine, beardless, on right, crowned, each wearing chlamys, cross between their heads / VICTORIA AVGU and H, long cross on globe between facing standing figures of Heraclius on left and Tiberius on right, both beardless, each wearing crown and chlamys and holding cross on globe, mintmark CONOB. nearly extremely fine Sear 962. Starting price: 300 GBP

253 Constans II. AD 641-668. Constantinople Solidus AV 18mm., 4,30g. Crowned facing busts of Constans, with long beard on left, wearing plumed helmet, and Constantine, beardless, on right, crowned, each wearing chlamys, cross between their heads / VICTORIA AVGU and Θ, long cross on globe between facing standing figures of Heraclius on left and Tiberius on right, both beardless, each wearing crown and chlamys and holding cross on globe, mintmark CONOB. good very fine Sear 962. Starting price: 225 GBP 254 Constantine IV Pogonatus AD 668-685. Constantinople Solidus AV 18mm., 4,28g. d N CONI-A-NUS P , three-quarter facing bust of emperor, wearing helmet with plume, holding spear and shield / VICTOA AVGU Z (?) , cross potent on steps, flanked by Heraclius and Tiberius standing, each holding globus cruciger, CONOB in exergue, good very fine Cf. MIB 4; cf. Sear 1153. Starting price: 250 GBP

255 Constantine IV Pogonatus AD 668-685. Constantinople Solidus AV 18mm., 4,43g. Helmeted, and cuirassed bust facing, with short beard, holding spear over right shoulder and shield with horseman motif / VICTOA AVGU and L followed, cross potent on three steps between Heraclius and Tiberius standing facing, both crowned, wearing chlamys, and holding cross on globe, mintmark CONOB in exergue. good very fine Cf. DO 9; cf. Sear 1155. Starting price: 250 GBP

256 Constantine IV Pogonatus AD 668-685. Constantinople Solidus AV 18mm., 4,39g. Helmeted, and cuirassed bust facing, with short beard, holding spear over right shoulder and shield with horseman motif / VICTO[A AVG]U and Θ followed, cross potent on three steps between Heraclius and Tiberius standing facing, both crowned, wearing chlamys, and holding cross on globe, mintmark CONOB in exergue. good very fine Cf. DO 9; cf. Sear 1155. Starting price: 200 GBP

257 Constantine IV Pogonatus AD 668-685. Constantinople Semissis AV 19mm., 2,14g. d N CONSTAN-TINUS P P AV, diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right / VICTORIA AYGYS, cross potent set on globe. nearly extremely fine DOC 16; Sear 1161. Starting price: 100 GBP

258 Constantine IV Pogonatus AD 668-685. Constantinople Semissis AV 17mm., 2,19g. d N CONSTAN-TINUS P P AV, diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right / VICTORIA AYGYS, cross potent set on globe. nearly extremely fine DOC 16; Sear 1161. Starting price: 100 GBP

259 Constantine VIII AD 1025-1028. Constantinople Histamenon AV 24mm., 4,40g. + IhS XIS RЄX RЄGNANTINM, bust of Christ facing, wearing nimbus crown ornamented with two crescents in its upper quarters, pallium and colobium, raising right hand in benediction and holding Book of Gospels in left hand / + CƜNSƮANƮIN bASILЄUS ROM, bust facing, with long beard, wearing crown and loros, holding labarum in right hand and akakia in left hand, surrounded by triple border. good very fine Sear 1815 var. Starting price: 1'000 GBP 260 Constantine IX Monomachus AD 1042-1055. Constantinople Histamenon AV 28mm., 4,38g. + IhS XIS RЄX RЄςNANTIҺm, nimbate bust of Christ facing, wearing tunic and pallium, raising His right hand in benediction and holding book of Gospels in His left, in each upper quarter of nimbus, crescent / + CωnST-A-nTh bASIL [...], bust of Constantine IX facing, wearing loros and crown with pendilia, holding long cross in his right hand and globus surmounted by pelleted cross in his left. nearly extremely fine DOC 3; Sear 1830. Starting price: 120 GBP

261 Constantine X Ducas AD 1059-1067. Constantinople Solidus AV 25mm., 4,37g. + IhS XIS RЄX RЄGNANTINM, Christ seated facing on throne with curved arms / + KѠN RACΛ O ΔOVKAC, the Virgin, nimbate, crowning the Emperor; M between their heads and Θ in upper right field. nearly extremely fine Cf. Sear 1848; cf. DOC 2. Starting price: 150 GBP

262 Eudocia, with Michael VII and Constantius AD 1067. Constantinople Histamenon AV 25mm., 4,40g. Christ Pantokrator enthroned facing / Eudocia, holding jewelled sceptre in right hand, standing facing on footstool, flanked by her sons Michael and Constantius, each holding globus cruciger and akakia. extremely fine DOC 1 var.; Füeg 1.w; Sear 1857. Starting price: 300 GBP

263 Romanus IV Diogenes, with Eudocia, Michael VII, Constantius, and Andronicus. AD 1068-1071. Constantinople Histamenon AV 25mm., 4,31g. Christ standing facing on footstool, wearing nimbus cross, and crowing Romanus on left and Eudocia on right, both standing facing, wearing loros and holding cross on globe between them, IC-XC to upper centre left and right / Michael in centre, Constantius on left and Andronicus on right, all standing facing on footstools, all beardless and wearing loros; Michael holding labarum and akakia, his brothers each hold a cross on globe and akakia. nearly extremely fine DOC 1; BN 1; Sear 1859. Starting price: 250 GBP

264 Romanus IV Diogenes, with Eudocia, Michael VII, Constantius, and Andronicus. AD 1068-1071. Constantinople Histamenon AV 28mm., 4,42g. Michael (in centre) Constantius (on left) and Andronicus (on right) all standing facing, all beardless, and all wearing crowns, saccos and loros and holding globus cruciger and akakia / Christ standing facing on footstool, wearing nimbus crown, pallium and colobium, and crowning Romanus (on left) and Eudocia (on right) , each wearing saccos and loros and holding globus cruciger; IC-XC across fields. extremely fine Sear 1861; DOC 2. Starting price: 300 GBP 265 Silvestro Valier doge CIX AD 1694-1700. Venice Zecchino AV 21mm., 3,53g. SILV VALERIO DVX S M VENET, St. Mark standing right, presenting staff with cross to Doge kneeling left / SIT T XPE DAT Q TV REGIS ISTE DVCA, Christ the Redeemer standing facing within mandorla of sixteen stars. good very fine KM 436; Friedberg 1354. Starting price: 150 GBP

266 Pietro Grimani AD 1741-1752. Venice Zecchino AV 21mm., 3,35g. PET * GRIMANI DVX S•M•VENET*, Doge with standard kneeling before St. Mark, DVX downwards in field / SIT•T•XPE•DAT•Q•TV REGIS•ISTE•DVCA, Christ Pantokrator, holding Book of Gospels, standing facing within mandorla of sixteen stars. very fine, holed Fr 1401; CNI XXVIII, 11; Paolucci 9. Starting price: 75 GBP

267 temp. al-Walid I ibn 'Abd al-Malik AD 705-715. dated AH 89. Damascus? Dinar AV 19mm., 4,26g. Legend in three lines / Legend in three lines. nearly extremely fine AGC I 43; SICA 2 67-69; Album 127; ICV 167. Starting price: 100 GBP

268 temp. Suleiman ibn 'Abd al-Malik to Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz AD 715-720. dated AH 99. Damascus? Dinar AV 20mm., 4,28g. Islamic writing / Islamic writing. good very fine AGC I 43; Album 130 or 132; ICV 186. Starting price: 100 GBP

269 temp. Hisham ibn 'Abd al-Malik AD 724-743. dated AH 123. Damascus? Dinar AV 20mm., 4,23g. Legend in three lines / Legend in three lines. nearly extremely fine AGC I 43; Album 136. Starting price: 100 GBP

270 Ahmad ibn Tulun AD 868-884. dated AH 266. Misr Dinar AV 21mm., 4,05g. Legend in four lines / Legend in five lines. very fine Grabar 3; Bernardi 191De. Starting price: 100 GBP

271 al-Muktafi AD 902-908. dated AH 292. al-Rafiqa Dinar AV 23mm., 4,10g. Legend in three lines / Legend in four lines. very fine Bernardi 226Hn. Starting price: 200 GBP

272 al-Mu'izz AD 953-975. dated AH 348. Sijilmasa Dinar AV 21mm., 4,22g. Legends / Legends good very fine Nicol 365. Starting price: 100 GBP 273 Abu Kalijar AD 1024-1048. dated AH 432. 'Uman Dinar AV 24mm., 5,03g. Legends / Legends. nearly very fine Treadwell Um432G Starting price: 150 GBP

274 Al-Mansur Qalawun AD 1279-1290. AH 678 - 689. Hamah Dinar AV 23mm., 5,59g. Legends / Legends very fine Starting price: 100 GBP

275 Sulayman AD 1339-1343. dated AH 741. Tabriz Dinar AV 20mm., 9,05g. Legends / Legends very fine Diler 766. Starting price: 200 GBP

276 Spain. Seville. Felipe II AD 1556-1598. 8 Reales AR 35mm., 27,23g. Crowned royal coat-of-arms / Arms of Spain within ornate octolobe. very fine KM 54. Starting price: 75 GBP

277 Mexico. Mexico City. Felipe III (King of Spain) AD 1598-1621. 4 Reales AR 31mm., 13,48g. Crowned royal coat-of-arms / Arms of Spain within ornate octolobe. very fine KM 37.2. Starting price: 75 GBP

278 Holy . Vienna. Karl VI AD 1711-1740. Taler AR 44mm., 28,39g. CAROL VI D G RO IMP S A GER HISP HU BO REX, draped and cuirassed bust right / ARCHIDVX AVSTRIAE DVX BVRG COM TYROL 1715, crowned shield of arms over crowned double-headed imperial eagle, spreading wings, holding sword and sceptre in its claws. extremely fine, minor edge faults Herinek 391; Dav. 1035; KM 1923; Voglhuber 267/1. Starting price: 200 GBP

279 Holy Roman Empire . Hall. Maria Theresia AD 1740-1780. Taler AR 40mm., 28,00g. M THERESIA D G R IMP GE HU BO REG, mantled bust right, wearing stephane / ARCHID AUST DUX BU COM TYR 1761 X, crowned shield of arms over crowned double-headed imperial eagle, spreading its wings. extremely fine Dav. 1121; Eypeltauer 79; M./T. 959. Starting price: 75 GBP

280 Austria. Mailand. Franz I AD 1806-1835. Thaler AR 40mm., 27,84g. FRANCISCVS I D G AVSTRIAE IMPERATOR, laureate bust right / HVN BOH LOMB ET VEN GAL LOD IL REX A A 1822, shield of arms over crowned double-headed imperial eagle, spreading wings, holding sword and orb in its claws. nearly extremely fine MIR 513/4. Starting price: 500 GBP 281 Australia. Perth (Royal Mint). Edward VII AD 1841-1910. Sovereign AV 21mm., 8,00g. EDWARDVS VII D: G: BRITT: OMN: REX F: D: IND: IMP:, bare head right by de Saulles / Pistrucci's St. George and dragon, P above date, 1906 in exergue. extremely fine Seaby 3972; Fried. 34; Marsh 199; KM 15. Starting price: 200 GBP

282 Italy. Rome. Vittorio Emanuele III AD 1900-1946. Tallero AR 39mm., 28,01g. REGNUM ITALICUM 1918, mantled bust of Italia right, wearing stephane / AD NEGOT ERYTHR COMMOD ARG SIGN, Eagle facing, head left, with wings displayed; arms of Savoia on breast; above, filleted crown. extremely fine MIR 1173a; Pagani 956; Davenport 28. UNC. Starting price: 75 GBP

283 Italy. Rome. Vittorio Emanuele III AD 1900-1946. Tallero AR 39mm., 28,03g. REGNUM ITALICUM 1918, mantled bust of Italia right, wearing stephane / AD NEGOT ERYTHR COMMOD ARG SIGN, Eagle facing, head left, with wings displayed; arms of Savoia on breast; above, filleted crown. extremely fine, edge fault on top MIR 1173a; Pagani 956; Davenport 28. UNC. Starting price: 75 GBP

284 Italy. Rome. Vittorio Emanuele III AD 1900-1946. Tallero AR 40mm., 27,98g. REGNUM ITALICUM 1918, mantled bust of Italia right, wearing stephane / AD NEGOT ERYTHR COMMOD ARG SIGN, Eagle facing, head left, with wings displayed; arms of Savoia on breast; above, filleted crown. nearly extremely fine MIR 1173a; Pagani 956; Davenport 28. UNC. Starting price: 75 GBP