Ten years of the Vienna Initiative 2009-2019 Initiative Vienna of the years Ten Ten years of the Vienna Initiative 2009-2019 Ten years of the Vienna Initiative 2009-2019 This volume is published by the European Investment Bank on behalf of the Vienna Initiative Steering Committee. Ten years of the Vienna Initiative © European Investment Bank, 2019 98 -100, boulevard Konrad Adenauer – L-2950 Luxembourg 3 +352 4379-1 U
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[email protected] Disclaimer The views expressed in this volume are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of the European Investment Bank. Print: QH-02-19-820-EN-C ISBN 978-92-861-4393-9 doi: 10.2867/497184 eBook: QH-02-19-820-EN-E ISBN 978-92-861-4365-6 doi: 10.2867/090735 PDF: QH-02-19-820-EN-N ISBN 978-92-861-4370-0 doi: 10.2867/197475 II Table of contents Introduction: Managing a supra-national public-private 1 platform still based on sovereign interests Boris Vujčić, Chairman of Vienna Initiative PART I. HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVES 11 1. Ten years of the Vienna Initiative: a chronology 13 Mark Allen 2. Reflections on multi-country and multi-player issues 53 Erik Berglöf, Anne-Marie Gulde-Wolf, Piroska Nagy-Mohácsi and Thomas Wieser 3. A perspective from the World Bank Group 71 Fernando Montes-Negret, Jean-Marie Masse, Mario Guadamillas, Miquel Dijkman, Matija Laco and Alena Kantarovich 4.