The Archives of The University of Notre Dame 607 Hesburgh Library Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-6448
[email protected] Notre Dame Archives: Alumnus NOTRE DAME msmm mSeptembe r 1968 THE WARRIOR and HIS GAME .'•?W- • -^^^ 'P^- Hi Aluniui Ask "I believe that a Christian is one who does in every circumstance what he believes Jesus would do if He were in the same position. .. .J have never been able to picture Jesus with a gun or flying a bomber ready to kill " MORE ABOUT VIET WAR and trust in Jesus Christ, the Prince of very simply, "For God, Country and Ed Banks '58 suggests that those Peace. Notre Dame." who doubt his words about the con I believe that a Christian is one —Arthur L. Conrad *35 duct of the war in Vietnam, conse who does in every circumstance what Bensenville, III, quently are disgusted by the immoral he believes Jesus would do if He were ity of our participation in that con in the same position. In my frequent BRADEMAS AND SUMMA flict, go over there and see for reading of the New Testament, I have I received in the mail from US Rep. themselves. I suggest his description never been able to picture Jesus with John Brademas of Indiana a copy of a and his avo%val of having deliberately a gun or flying a bomber ready to kill speech he delivered in Congress re ordered artillery fire which resulted in and thus I refuse to do it either. siding the success of SUMMA. the slaughter of innocent men, women When Jesus died for you and me on Although I am not so ungrateful as and children more than justifies the the cross, he knew it was an injustice to completely dismiss the speech, I concern felt by millions of Americans, and yet he accepted it (and thereby would like to question the maimer of including the late Senator Robert F.