T he K elo w n a Co u rier , , Fluirsday, July 8tli, 1948 N U M B E R 91 Audited Paid Circulation V O L U M E 44 TWICE WEEKLY—MONDAY & TH U R SD A Y Serious WORLD NEWS FLASHES Cherry Damage ( By Canadian Preea ) Youthful Army RATEPAYERS CLAIM WATER Betw een 50 and 60 Percent HEALTH MENACE B . C G o v ’ t W i l l Spend $5' M illio n - t ' 1 1 A petition, signed by 25 residents I , i J* • I’J . * ,e’ . » of the Manhattan Beach area, re­ O f Cherry Crop Dam aged For Province’s Flood-Sw ept A reas; i ’ quested City Council to take action in pumping out the water along Manhattan Road. It was stated the Valley to G etEqual H elp stagnant water is becoming n health menace. A s Result of H eavy Rain VICTORIA —- A special session of the Legislature Wed­ Following a brief dlsusslon, coun­ cil took the stand that it would be nesday received a bill permitting the government to borrow willing to loan a pump to residents, NEW ALDERMAN Cherries Damaged from Splitting Throughout Entire ?r,CKXJ,000 for reconstruction and rehabilitation of flood-swept but is could not assume responsib­ Valley —j Damage in Kelowna Will Run 60 to 80 areas of the province. Premier Byron Johnson said equal aid ility for dc-floodlng the area. Chairman of public works. Jack Per Cent for Bings and 15 to 50 Per Cent for will be given other flooded parts of the province as well as the Horn, said the department is busy Lamberts — Complete Reports Not Available for Fraser Valley. building up roads along the lake- The bill also empowers the government to spend as it secs front, and beyond that, is could not Another 24 Hours — Request Permission to Ship accept the responsibility for pri­ No. 3 Orcl^ard-run Cherries fit from the consolidated revenue Aind. A second bill appointed vate property. It was pointed out a dyking board to supervise dyke reconstruction and removal residents In the vicinity of McDou- of water and debris from lands. The legislative members will gall and Lake Avenues hired d pump when the water flooded low- Yield Well Below 1 9 4 7 Figure have their expenses paid and not $250 indemnities as rumored. lying areas, whUo the city loaned The premier said the victims in the Kootenays where the property owners another pump. damage was estimated at $1,000,000 and other sections of the e t w e e n fifty and sixty per cent of the Okanagan Valley’s province will get some rehabilitation. The Fraser Valley dam­ B cherry crop has been heavily damaged by splitting due to age has been estimated as high as $30,000,000, The Federal 0 . L JONES the heavy rain which fell throughout the area during the past Government will share in the valley reconstruction. hours. In the Kelowna area alone, which produces a good In a preliminary report. Lands Minister Kenney estimated ARRIVES BACK proportion of the* cherry crop, damage will run between € 0 $1,500,000 will be needed to meet reh'abilitation in districts and 80 per cent for Binges, while dahiagc to Lamberts ranges outside the valley. Another $1,500,000 will be required for repair from 15 to 50 per cent. FROM OHAWA A;. C. Lander, sales manager of B.C. Tree Fruits, stated Of provincial highways and bridges. The Federal Government O. L. Jones, MP., Yale, arrived has granted $5,000,000 for direct relief and rehabilitation and back In Kelowna late Wednesday full reports are not in from field inspectors, and it will probably another ^,500,000 as its 75 per cent share in rebuilding the night, after attending the final ses­ bt another 24 hours befoje full extent of the damage is known. sion of Parliament, "V. esterday’s rain ^l*^as general throughout the valley, while hail Fraser Valley dykes, ___ Mr. Jones, who took part in the was also reported in the north end of the Oliver district. Pre­ Premier Johnson told the Legislature the government will debate when B.C. floods were dis­ ALD. RONALD PROSSER cussed, referred to the damage sus­ cipitation in the Kelowna area amc^nted to .30 inch. not pay for crop or livestock losses, tained in the Okanagan Valley. Who look oath of office at In an effort to salvage some of the crop, Tree Fruits has The newly-elected M.P. was cri­ last Monday night’s council meet­ requested the grades committee at Ottawa to permit shipping CONSIDER LIFTING HOME RENT CONTROLS tical over the fact that no definite ing. Mr. Prosser, who was elected action was .taken by the govern­ to fill the unexpired term of ex- No. 3 orchard-run cherries. This comprises cherries damaged OTTAWA — Different opinion between cabinet members ment to stem the rising cost of liv­ aldcrman O. L. Jones, was named from dry circular and horseshoe s’dits providing they do not is holding up the final decision on whether contrbls on domes­ ing, despite the fact a committee chairman of the electric light and extend*beyond the centre of the cherry. Mould, lca.kers, decay tic rentals will be lifted next March. Some members of the made certain recommendations af­ water utilities committee and de­ ter thoroughly investigating the ris­ puty chairman of health and social and side splitting will be eliminated. c.abinet suggested Finance Minister Abbott retain controls ing prices. assistance. These posts were form­ Members of the "Federated Shippers Association held a for another year as least. One report said the controls would be Mr. Jones found the various gov­ erly headed by Mr. Jones. meeting in Kelowna to discuss what changes could be made in lifted April 1, 1949. ernment departsments very co-op­ order to salvage the .-i)lits. ' erative, and said many ministers ALMOST SURE OF RAIL TIEUP JULY 15 showed keen interest in many WOMAN DIES The cannery deal for splits is expected to be completed things directly affecting the Ok­ Miss Margaret McKim, sister of this afternoon, although returtis to growers would be compara­ MONTREAL — Frank H. Hall, chairman of the union anagan. A. McKim, 855 Bernard Ave.. died tively small due to the large number of splits. committee conducting wage talks with the railroads said today in Trail, B.C., on Saturday, July 3, at the age of 29 years. She is sur­ The 1948 cherry crop was ex- “ — ----— ------— ^ ------the negotiations had “blown up” and the strike among the BUILD SIDEWALK Work on constructing a cement vived by her parents, Mr. and Mr*. pected to be about 35 per cent low 122j000 rail employees would start on July 15 as planned. sidewalk at the foot of Bernard Walter McKim, Trail, thiee sisters er than last year’s production. How­ “There is no chance of settlement by direct negotiation,” Complete with uniform and sword, this youngster heads a platoon Ave. will get underway shortly. and two brothers. ever with both Bings and Lamberts WILL DISCUSS of boys between the ages of 10 and 12. They belong to the severely damaged, the yield will he said. Rcizakars, a private army of a Hyderabad political party. The now be well below the 1947 figure. He said the “company had offered 10 cents and hour and parade was on birthday Of the Nizam of Hyderabad, reputedly the FLOOD MENACE world’s richest man. Relations between Hyderabad and the Do­ Bright Sunshine we refused. We offered to settle at 20 cents and they declined.” minion of India are strained because of the princely state s re­ P la n s Underway to H o l d C o l o r f u l • The bright sunshine this mhrn- Last winter the rail workers asked for a boost of 35 cents an ported refusal to Join the Dominion, although its ^population is ing did not help matters. JBYuit AT hour. There was no comment from the railways on Hall’s an­ predpminantely Hindu and it is completely surrounded by Indian officials pointed out that had there , ■ ■ ■ , states. . ' P a r a d e o n O p e n i n g D a y o f R e g a t t a been a wind during the night to ...... ,0' nouncement. . . shake the water from the fruit, Labor Minister Mitchell announced today he is summoning promptu parade and band concerts splitting would not have been as municipal councils to a conference of the parties involved in the railways wage dis­ Move Will Be Made to Instil On Bernard Avenue on. both morn­ setious Some orchardists stated for the iniplementation. of the “Regatta Spirit” Into Local ings of the regatta. “Judging from pute in a final effort to avert a national transportation strike. MAY DEMOLISH LAKE LEVEL .the interest that'is being taken, this the first hour, and one authoritative Citizens year’s parade should be bigger and source said some farmers are won- ti^ton on Friday, July 16. DEAD BODY MAY END MANHUNT BOAT WHARF (Water Rights Branch figures) better than ever,” Mr. Shirreff de­ dering whether it would be worth Mayor W. B. Hughes-Games and ‘ feet More than 50 letters have been clared. while harvesting the crop. Alderman Jack Horn were to re- —Finding of the badly-decomposed body City Council Monday night took “This is definitely the worst split- Present the city, but in view of the one more step that may eventually 'Level this mom?^ —^— 104.63 written to business firihs and vari­ The colorful floats will represent of a man in harbor waters here may end the hunt‘for the 104.63 ous organiaztipns by the parade commercial and non-commercial or­ ting we have ever experienced,” lead to the dem olishi^ of the old Level on Monday 1 ganizations, local clubs and associa­ L. R. Stephens, secreta^ ^^id he would delegate slayer of Mrs. Alma Johanna Baker, 30-year-old waitress, killed Jones boat wharf which has come Decrease ...... - nU committee of the Kelowna. Regatta, in her suburban Burnaby home on May 21. in for a lot of criticism from resi­ asking for co-operation in the mam­ tions, while the parade will also crated Sh^erk stated. The crop representatives ^at„Mon- 1948 pea& level (Jane 28) 104.82 is not as heavy as last year, with day night s council meeting. ^ dents living along the lakefront. 102.50 moth street parade which will be feature, local horseback riders, no-, Since* her death, police have sought her husband, Percy Agreed maxlihami ------held here on the opening night of velties, clowns and comic floats. In view of the fact a caravan Council . some time ago receive^* Previous record high 19M 104.50 the result picking operations will J. Baker, charged with the murder of his wife and the mother a petition asking that the old the regatta. Representatives of the three armed he more costly. tour, sponsored ' by the Cariboo 1942 high ...... 104.12 services will also take part. Highway Association will be iri of his two young children. Police believe the body may be that wharf be torn down. It was term­ Hugh Shirreff, chairman of the Meanwhile rains yesterday tend- ed “unsightly, unsafe and unsani­ Tihe parade will start on Gleuu ed to nullify the hesitant drop in ^n ticto n on that date, officials of of Baker. parade committee said efforts will Avenue, proceed up to the Vernon T the various cities and towns south tary’’ by the petitioners. 'Follovdng it will be torn down under sections be made to instil more of the “re­ the level of Lake Okanagan. Description of the body arid clothing tallies closely with legal advise from the city solicitor. road, north to Bernard Avenue, and In I fact, reading of the Watw of the, bordei Will take part in the. 41 and 42 of the building and fire gatta spirit” into local citizens this down the main street to the city the description of Baker. A pocket penknife was found in the Council Monday night de6ided to year, through the medium of im- Rights Branch shows the lake level discussions. : notify the owners of the wharf that liihits regulations. . park. ■ went up about a quarter of an The report, which was made pub­ Clothing. Mrs. Baker had been stabbed 63 times. No motive for The international aspect will also inch yesterday as intermittent rains lic in 1946 following an exhaustive the slaying is known. be included, in that children repre­ fell, at times reaqhing downpour survey in the Okanagan, will be senting various nationalities, will proportions. Lake level today, ac- fully discussed. Valley officials feel U.S. RECORD ARMAMENT PLAN STARTS lie standing on colorful floats. cording to the Water Rights Branch if the reporF-is implemented, it Prizes, besides the monetary val­ is 104.63 feet the same mark as would put an end to flooding in NEW YORK—United States has started its biggest peace ue, will also take the form of cups.. shown on the gauge last Monday. the Okanagan. A' miniature trophy will be pre­ time armament program. Between 200,000 and 250,000 men sented outright to winners. According to Dave Chapman, Sr., ' T” ^ will be drafted for military service during the next year—the local weather observer, rainfall for inch. From 8 a.m. Tuesday to 8 a.m, first peace time conscription in American history. the period from 8 a.m. Wednesday Wednesday, the precipitation am- PROPERTY OFFER to 8 a.m. today amounted to ‘.30 ounted to .01 inch,^ . Fear of Russia spurred Congress to pass administration LOOD damage in the rural areas as a result of the high la.ke Growers’ Supply Ltd., made an cefence legislation and provide more than $1,000,000,000 for level will be in excess of $o2,000, while damage 4o offer to City Council Monday nltfht the navy, army and air force in 1948-49. Kenneth C, Royal, F to purchase one acre of property Start Work homes along the lakeshore in the city, may more than double in the new industrial section of the I f s Still secretary' of the army, has acknowledged the armament drive, this figure,; according to preliminary estimates made this week.- city to construct a warehouse. The forced by “bitter actualities,” might itself create the risk of war, Although no accurate figure will be obtainable for another offer was accepted. but he d'eclared: “we had no alternative.” ,1 ’ two weeks, the City of Kelowna .and the Kelowna Board of raC INCREASE Kelowna has. not yet felt the mid-summer heat, but U.K. DEALS WHEAT PACT DEATH BLOW Trade are endeavoring to furnish the provincial government with an estimate of flood damage. The Board of Trade has already plans are being made for the coming hockey LONDONr—Britain has withdrawn from the international completed a 'preliminary survey of rural areas, while a isuryey IN ELECTRICAL season. Reason is due to the possible official opening of •wheat agreement it was officially announced today. A statement of the city district will start tomorrow. Forms are now being CO NSUM PnON Kelowna and district war memorial arena on November said Britain was ready to negotiate a new agreement but was printed and these will be obtainable at 9 o’clock tomorrow 11, and for that reason sports-minded individuals have clear any new agreement could not come into effect before the Numerous Applications Re­ decided it is time that the initial frame-work of the morning. They may be obtained from the local flood committee, ceived for Store Space in beginning of the crop year of 1949-50. Consumption of electricity is still hockey season is laid. . ' headquarters-in the city'poH^®^®^*^ on Mill avenue.^^ersons going up, according to Alderman New Building The withdrawal was decided upon because the British Go­ affected by floods should have the forms completed by Tuesday^ Ron Prosser who submitted June ,A general hockey meeting will be held in the Ke­ vernment is of the opinion “guaranteed sales of exporting coun­ July 13, so that the necessary information can be given th^ electrical consumption figures t«. Work on constructing Kelowna’s lowna Board of Trade rooms at 8 p.m., next Tuesday, City Coimcil Monday night. Mr. tries are insufficient to ensure its successful operation.” provincial government. second theatre started this morn­ and the^eneral public is invited to attend. In view of This step was a death blow to the 36-nation pact intended Prosser reported an increase of 41 ing, when the contractors. Smith Mayor W B Hu^es-Games and med to deal with the flood reports per cent over the corresponding Brothers and Wilson, started stak­ many major decisions to be made a large turn-out is tc bring order into international wheat marketing. Under the Alderman J. H. Horn will leave as they are turned in. month of last year. ing out the property. anticipated. ' pioposed pact, world prices would have been fixed for exports for Victoria to confer with govern No Acenrate Figure Last month a total of 754,436 kwh The theatre, which will cost more “With the memorial arerta expected to be ready this of American, Canadian and Australian wheat. ment officials bn Friday, July 16, The mayor said it is impossible were consumed, compared with than $250,000, will be one of the 'TheThe mayor received a telesr^telegrain moment to give an accurate 534,920 during June, 1947. The $60,- most modern in the Interior of B. ‘ winter, Kelowna is on the threshold of its greatest hockey from Hon. E. T. Kenney, provincial figm-g on flood damage until the 000 electrical bylaw, approved by C. Provision has been made tor season,” said a keen hockey fan, “It’s vital that we start HOSTILITIES TO RESUME IN PALESTINE minister______of lands and mines, ata- j^j^g recedes. About______3()0 local_____ hom- ratepayers last week, will assist in five stores, which will face Bernard out, the right way and that’s why everyone interested . JTAIFA—The Jew s agn"eed to a 30-day extension in the tingimg %ne •••ill wiU^arrangewau ao /vonfArAnOA es __ were____ Reeled aneciea by uy seepage waieiwater bringing the electrical system up to Avenue. Numerous ' applications with the B.C. cabinet upon their alone, while property of scores of standard. have been received for rental space should turn out for Tuesday’s meeting.” truce in Palestine but the Arabs refused, according to an arrival in Victoria. other homes was severely damaged. Mayor W. B. Hughes-Games also in the building, and these will be announcement made in a statement from the United Nations’ A committee composed of Magis- In addition, it has^cost the city reported that officials of the West considered within the near future.’ truce headquarters here today. The entire UN mission will be trate Harry H. Angle, chairman, many thousanife of dollars to,fight Kootenay Power and Light Com­ T. Green has been sent in from withdrawn from Palestine tomorrow. Mayor Hughes-Games, Alderman J. the floods. During the peak,_ it was pany had informed him that addi­ Vancouver by the contractors , to Sales Tax Causes Confusion as Som e Hom, George Meckling, city engin- n e ce s^ h a e a - tional heavy power' lines will be act as foreman of the project. T am disappointed hostilities are to be resumed in PaRs- eer and Vic Gregory, has been for- Turn to Page 12, Story 2 run into the city. Meanwhile, the construction firm tine," said Count Bemadotte, UN mediator. stated that work on the hoisting the steel beams on the memorial Complain Bookiceeping Staffs W i l l He*s H ere A gain ! ! arena started today. A huge crane CLAIM ARABS OPEN OFFENSIVE was brought in from Vancouver to H ave to be Enlarged to H a n d l e L e v y CAIRO—The Israel high command at Tel Aviv announced handle the job, and it will probably today Egyptian forces had “opened an offensive” on the Jew'ish take about three weeks to place Ogopogo Rears His Head Before Five the beams. Though many difficulties in con­51 cents, in order to evade the tax. settlement of Beertuvia, 23 miles south of the Jewish capital “We will complete the arena as nection with the new three percent *ce Cream Riddle as the four-week Palestine truce has less than 24 hours to go. soon as possible," Ray Taylor, su­ sales tax have now been ironed but One cafe owner predicted the Both sides are known to be preparing to resume fighting. perintendent for Smith Bros, and , — it has been in effect for eight cost of counter checks would rise There was no indication whether the alleged attack was on Wilson stated. days — majority of city consumers up to 200 per cent. Other complica­ That elusive monster, who in­ bility was good,” Mr. Johnson re­ the humps in detail as they were and retailers are not looking very not far enough out of the water. tions at restaurants: are fee cream a large scale or was another periodic clash such as have marked variably pokes up his head around lated. “The water seemed to be kindly on the tax, a Courier sur­ alone Is not.taxable, but a iipoon- the cease-fire. Tel Aviv dispatches said air raid sirens sounded Regatta time, has been seen again, churning at that particular spot “But they were all of the same vey shows. proportions. We may have been REMAND JA P ful of anything else with it makCs in the Jewish capital this afternoon. , and judging from the several e :^ Then I saw a black thing that Botll buyers and sellers refer to the total order liable for tax; an witness accoimt^ Mr. Ogo really might have been its head. Next ap­ skeptics on stories of the monster the levy as a “nuisance tax.” Re­ before, but we believe now.” ice cream soda Is taxable, but if exists. , peared three distinct black humps, SELLING tailers have already noticed a slow­ the soda is bought along with a 25- FURTHER CUTS IN BERLIN’S LIGHT, GAS Ogopogo, the Okanagan’s “famed just a short distance out of the w»- Jack Ritch concurred on that. ing down in business occasioned by oent sandw i^ It is not taxable BERLIN —^The Russians' economic strangulation of Wes­ denizen of the deep,” put on a ter, spaced about six feet apart “For 26 years I’ve been hearing the time taken to compute the lax, since it becomes part of a meal un­ tern Berlin today forced drastic new cuts in the use of electri- brief show near the Kelowna A- Five More Converts stories about the Ogopogo and I UQUOR particularly on small articles. Some der 51 cents. quatic Monday night, according to never believed ’em. I’m siire now Toshio Hirosawa, Japanese. 1669 retailers are of the opinion they “We arc continually confronted citv and gas. Unemployment ^ew among 2,000,0CX) Germans “Lots of people since have tried might have to enlarge bookkeeping five young people, who insist “we to explain it away as carp, or big there’s an Ogopogo and that's -wmat Abbott St„ pleaded guilty in city with the problem of when is Ice in the blockaded American, British and French sectors of the are adults and in our r i ^ t minds.” fish or just a log. That’s a lot of we saw,” he ;was quoted as saying; police court this morning to • a staffs to handle the new sales tax cream not ice cream and when is a Doug Johnson, who works in the back wash. As far as we are con­ The five new disciples of Ogo- charge of keeping liquor for sals accounts. taxable item not taxable,” said one citv. ' '' ' ■ ■ , city office, said he was the first to and was remanddd on bail by Po­ Restaurant owners claim they owner, with a shrug of dismay. * The western allies are working out emergency emplqjTnent see Ogo. about 300 yards offshore cerned that was Ogopogo. The fer­ pogoism agreed that it was a thril­ ry was just leaving'at the time, and ling show.for the 40 seconds or so lice Magistrate H, Angle unttt July were miming into the greatest am­ In Kelowna drug stores, there arc schemes to keep the idle industrial workers off the streets. Un­ from the Aquatic diving strad. someone on it should have seen the “monster” appeared above the 12 for sentence. ount of trouble. Customers who worries too, it is reported, even favorable weather slowed all allied air lifts this morning. Yells of excitement followed quick­ The charge followed a police raid come Into the restaurant in groups though prescriptions are not tax­ ly as Miss Mabel Hall, Lloyd Tag­ Ogo because it was just as dose surface. 'There were no small boats to the ferry as it was to us on the around at the time, and Ogo seemed on his ptremises early Dominion of three, four or more, now ask for able. • By 10 a.m. only 19 American transport planes had arrived gart, Jack Hitch and L«lie John­ separate checks when their indivi­ at Templehof airfield. L'nconfirmed reports said Soviet >Iarshal Aquatic verandah.” to be headed out to the middle of Day — the second liquor jcaid to Turn to Page 7, Story 1 stone spied the “monster.” two months. dual purchases are not in excess of Sokolovsky had gone to Moscow for consultation. “It was only 8 o’dfetk and visi­ Mr. Johnson could not describe the lake, Mr. Johnson said. THURSDAY. JULY 8. 1B48 tmMMmutwmMcmmsm

tained by the government for catUe the present demand but to buUd millions. in lh« Firansiar Valley, It waa an- up a backlog of hay for future use. THE KELOWNA COURIER nounci^ briit week by the Hon. F. The minister appealed to farm­ Difficulties of control were illustrated re­ Putnam, mtniater of agrioUturc. ers throui^out the province to cut IW« cently while vast fires were burning in north­ Great difficulty haa been experien­ and secure all the bay they can be­ An independent newspaper p u b U *^ ced due to transportation difficul­ cause loss of crops from flood da­ every Monday and Tburaday at ISiO ern Ontario, A 65 year old farmer who had Personnel of a board, which has ties end extremely poor haying wea­ mage has made It necessary to Water S t, Kelowna, by 'Xbe Keiowna lived all his life in the forest areas, started a yet to be named but which wlU ther in aecurlng top grade hay- Mr. bring In largo quanUUes of hay. Courier Ltd. study all matters appertaining lo IhJtnnm stated tliat W. MacQllUv- He said, “There Is an assured mar­ stnni{> lire ty enlarge his farm. It destroyed the watershed, has roy of the department of agricul­ ket at fair prices for all the sound, Authorized as second claaa raall. a neighbor’s home, threatened half a dozen been completed, it was announced ture had been to the prairies for well cured hay that farmers will by the Hon. E. C. Carson, Minister of the purpose of obtaining additional ^havo for sale In excess of their own Post Office Dept, Ottawa villages and brought him a two-month jail sen­ I AM QUITE prepared to pay a . Now every time he goes to make ------1— #------j^jjg purchase, ho will bo annoyed Public Works, who on behalf of the supplies of hay not only to meet requirements.” man a reasonable price for a thing government of British Columbia, MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATION tence in the evening of a respectable life. without much arguement, but it at being gyped by paying more tax was alrc has been carrying on negotiations docs bum me up to get “milked c s on the taxes he was already pay­ with the federal authorities in tills F,astrrn Advertising R apre^toU vo: and this new sales tax policy in ing. HeTl be irritated and that’s respect. The Fraser River board mnmm A WcckUca, Concourse Building, Toronto. British Columbia has several very poor public relations. will comprise the following Dom­ Lo the Poor Eskimo! glaring examples of the provincial r p m inion and Provincial roprcscnlatlv- government's Intention to “milk.“ THAT THE EXAMPLE happened T n. P. MaeLBAW. Pnblb*ar Canadian school children, their no.scs in cs: O make sure that your family will ------. , , Uio public for all It Is worth. Take. to be liquor Is Incidental. *rho same Provincial representatives — A. geograp h y books on a fine spring d ay, have for instance, the question of double situation exists on all articles which L. Carruthers, deputy minister of receive the greatest possible benefit THURSDAY. JULY 8th, 1948 often envied Eskimo youngsters. They had no*t“*aflo”' r p m now carry indirect taxation. Excep­ public works; George Melrose, de­ ting, of course, that In the liquor puty minister of lands; Major R. C. schools, spent their days spearing fish and ^ EXAMPLE let's take the example the provincial government Farrow, comptroller, v/atcr rights; KfTl 'infl frnm the schoolbook n ictu rcs. seem ed man who goes to buy a boUlo of gets an additional flnanclol slice, Twin Tragedies seal, and irom tnc scnooioooK pjcrurts, ocvuivu government's own liquor There was no provtaclal tax on such Bruce Dixon, inspector of dykes, and George Alexander, deputy min­ and comfort from your estate, your Forc.st firtvs and floods, twin tragedies of to g et along all righ t w ithout baths, storq. One might find many similar things as automobiles for example. ister of fisheries. Thr* dnwn south can quit envvimr examples, but I like this one be- At least there wasn't until the sal- Dominion representatives — F. ’s springtime, again point uj) the nc- Ihc kids down *■ * ** ,*^ a ^ cauro the transaction Is made at ea tax was Imposed, G. Goodspeed, assistant chief en­ Will must embody a plan which cc.ssity of measures that will guard against the copper-skinned children of the Arctic, mo government’s own store and r p m gineer, department of public works; 11 1,; .-'Hifrlit tin with them and C ana- the government Is the vendor and THERE HAS BEEN considerable K. Morton, district engineer at works out well and smoothly in practice. their annual loll of life and property. I r o g r c s s Has cau gh t up w m incm a n a v.an i successful vendor that it confusion during this past week New^^oatmlnstcr; A. J. Whitmore, ♦ • da'.s first h'skimo day school has been cstab - tnadc — wasn’t it $9 millions ??— regarding the sales tax and there Ilritish Columbia’s Fraser Valley has just of Vancouver, chief supervisor of Estate planning is a mutter to which this trust lishcl at Port Drabaut on tl.c Beat,fort Sea, nrollt l..t year. ^ . »>“ vIJJToal fisheries for the department of fish­ experienced the fate of other parts of the eries and C. E. Webb, of Vancouver, company has devoted special thought and just aliout’as f.ir north as one can get without sO LET’S TAKE the man who job of public relations on this tax district chief engineer, water and earth where men iiave settled along great etf,.,,i,:,irr /-.n tl»n Jr-n rnn ill'll ro vers tlic oolc ^ocs to make a purchase at the before It was Imposed. Obviously power bureau of the department of attention. Consult our officers and avail rivers, stripped forc.sts, cluirncd grasslands stepping on tile lec c p , P • government’s own store. Lets say the machinery was not ready. If It mines and resources. * W e suppose it had to com e sonic tim e, he goes to purchase a bottle of rye was It was very careful to keCp all In announcing the personnel, Mr. and clearcr>T T rvwrMT> iii«» throuidi has a sales tax. People living out- embraces such matters as the con- Farmlands which wer^ almost useless, out schooling since the first Eskimo crossed strucion of storage dams, establish­ J. Falconer R.R.2., , B.C. have bcQn saved to support hundreds of thou­ over iromfrom /\siaAsia in a century whichwnicii methe new pay""\he“^tel H thi ment of flood control reservoirs ai the headwaters of the Fraser and sands of families. The programs integrate un­ Eskinto’s kids wonid be able to identify better its tributaries, power development, ORDER NOW FOR FALL PLANTING der one authority all the resources pf a river than we can. or liouor alone of the dozen adjoining suburban irrigation, and the propagation of fish, which is dependent upon ac­ LIVE IN COLD CLIMATES valley so that its power plants and dams, its .NO doubt their health will benefit and £?';b\Tn.n^nt'a"29 6.30 p.m. ferry; dress, no uniforms, indirect taxes, out ne av. m _ with, the board will work only part Lovely shades Columbine ...... 20c —A joint meeing with the 2nd Ke­ Bring swimming costume. time, Mr. Sewell and Mr. Turnbull Pinks mixed shades ...... - ...... ISc lowna Troop was held at the United ------Scouts— should------bring _ ^ money for retaining their present posts. Mr. Lovely‘Carnations shades 6-100 ...... ,...... 25c Church Wall A number of games camp to this meetuig. , Kennedy will be attached to the and competitions between patrols patrol Competition Education Department as building Delphiniums ..^...... -..... Kelowna In Bygone Days supervisor, advising on matters re­ Hemeoral Artificial Sprays Waterproof ...... ,.$3.00 ICE were held. ^ The Beavers are ahead at the end From the Files of The Kelowna Courier lating to school buildings. A. W. Gray, district commissioner, month and have won the All available hay is being ob­ BURTCII ICE DEUVEBIES gave both troops a talk aM show- ^ pictures for* June. The ed them a new game. We hope ev- petition still goes on for the Domestic and Wholesale t e n YEARS AGO tion before the board of enquiry w h « ; S ^ Thursday, July 7. 1938 . into Okana^ _ !^ e level was a PHONE 818-Rl X,. i hnnirirpoo- su rp riseasit wished the lakcnun- C h a rg e s that the city bootee^ inn^ le^el at 99. Kelowna had e Natural Ice O t t e ^ ^ t r S ° s o h ? ^ e ^ 5 £ ? t i r S ! The leaf^ butterfly is so like a mg system is asked for a minimum of 98. • Laboratory Tested the city budget is a racxet were _____ O Holiday D ^veries hurled by ^ THIB'rY TEARS AGO at the city corned meetmgpn^^ Thursday, July 4, 1918 Next S i n g , Tuesday. July 6 . guish it at first glance. dav nifilit and electrified a prosaic mr i* tt meeting to such an extent that a Professor^Mc^an was the chief M ar Dbnnybrook resulted. Aid- speaker at the dairvmen’s picmc at m Sutherland said members .of the the Belgo last ^Saturday, S u m m e r council were no more than dum- Complete Stocks of All Types of Bricks. mies ^oon-fed by the city offi­ A yoxmg Holstein bull calf was recently sold at Milwaukee for the cials. ■ * • ^* . , ■ fabulous figure of $106,000. Four Vancouver seeded players Shoes IMMEDIATE DELIVERY have marched throughinrougn allau oppoa in the big shavings hopper ' ' ■ ■ _ V , tion in the men’s singles competi- at the planing plant of Kelowna tion k^thri m h annuli Interior of Sawmill caused excitement on Sat- B C'championships on the Kelowna urday jnoniing, but was soon .ex- © FLUE LININGS, 8x12, 8x8 Tennis Club courts and, Me now in tmgmshed, , , * ® h y d r a t e d L IM E battiT^SecedhJth?^!.®. ^ A party of more than 30 women name p ^ ^ frmt packing and general farm ® CLEANOUTS ® THIMBLES sih-onff renresentations to the post' work arrived from the coast on offiS department are being made Wednesday._MMt of them are em- by the Kelowna city council, the p lo y ^ on th e^K i.O , bench. — Everything Y o u Need for Chimney Building — board of trade and other brganiza- ^ _ ..x'-- S that the department, establish Hon T. a . Crerar. mmister of a letter carrier service in the city, ^culture, has ben successfiH in ® ® ‘ * * ’ • having :(he Canadian Bankers Asso- Building permits for the first ciation ^provide a liberal sum of six months of the year totaUed money for,prizes for boys and girls under 17 who exhibit calves and Rehovate the PLASTERER •' • • pigs. ■ ■ fo??enfor S ^ju n ^r higK hoS The chief of police has been ask- clL sir were ca'iSed out with a ed by the city council to see that O utside of S e a t deal of aplomb this year andJaw regarding ^eding of auto­ Immediate Delivery created considMable interest throu- mobiles is complied with, ghout the kelowna schools, the pu- on our complete line of pils being made to realize the inri- FORTY YEARS AGO Y o u r H om e portance of their graduation certi­ Thursday, July 2, 1908 ficates more than in any other pre­ The Kelowna Sawmill Company vious year. has been gazetted as a limited lia­ PERMANENTLY bility company with a capital of Rutland Adanacs took the second $100,000, , . divided into 1,000 shares and Plaster game of the playofit series for the of $100 each. Morrison Cup and Central Oka^- ' , . , „ i aean League baseball championship Yesterday was Summerland’s day. For Work and for Play — for serious ECONOMICALLY Western Hardwall Plaster at Kelowna on July 4 by defeating Aided by the stimulating effect of Kelowna Red Sox 7-6, 200 ardent supporters and the strains o f . tbeir splendid brass band, the walking and for outings gay —. e with Western Whiterock Finish t w e n t y YEARS AGO soccer team won 3-0 and the base­ ball team 14-4 against Kelowna. ’Thnraday, July 5, 1928 YVeVe all the cool, .smart shoes you need! Western Hydrated Lime T h e political campaign is gather­ ing momentum, with J . W. Jones, The meeting last Saturday to Sling pumps, sandals, wedges. Low to high Conservative, and D. W. Suther­ form a jockey club proved a fizzle heels, whites and colors — canvas, calfskin, Perfect Putty Coat Processed Lime as the attendance was poor. land, Independent, holding' daily • ♦ • • . alligators, etc. , CEDAR GRAIN Arch Beads, Corner Beads meetings. F. R. E. DeHart made an inter­ esting collection of produce for the You’ll get comfortable, smart shoes at Rannards The Okanagan apple crop is es­ exhibition at Calgary despite the Stucco Wire, Metal Lath timated to be 32 per cent greater earliness of the season. The Fax* —at low prices. x ASBESTOS SIDING than the 1927 yield. mers’ Exchange contributed some, Stonelath, Stonebord fine cherries and T. MKinley had Disapproval of any further ex­ exhibited some splendid peaches penditure on the lake, road from See them in our windows SHINGLES Gauging Plaster of Paris ani S 8row. » no„.irrig..ea construction of an upper road was Florida Exterior Stucco voiced this week by, the Summer- Thirty persons left on Monday ESTIMATES land Board of Trade. for the Calgary exhibition. They ‘YOUR FRIENDLY CLOTHING STORE” rode from the Landing to Calgary UPON A branch of the Women’s Insti­ in a special car on which was a WESTERN GYPSUM PRODUTS tute has been organized at East Ke- large sign, 42 feet long, carrying REQUEST lotvna, with Mrs. C. B, Goldsnuth, the slogan, “Kelowna, The Orchard I president; Mrs. J. S. Ferguson, vice- City.” Each Kelownian wears a president; and Mrs. George- Shaw badge bearing the words: “Kelow­ and Mrs. Porter, dirtectors; Mrs. A. na, B.C., ’The Heart of TTie Okana­ E. Miller, secretary. ^ gan.” Leckie Hardware Ltd. has gain­ ed third place in a dominion-wide The city council, at a meeting C o .ltd . window dressing contest. held on June 23, unanimously s ^ lected G. H. Dunn to fiU the posi­ Kelowna, using Gould and John- tion «uxi vacated through------the resigna- 248■ Bernard_ J Ave. Phone 221 ston, the Svimmerland battery, beat tion of R. Morrison Penticton 4-3 on Dominion Day. — "AH ADEQUATE SERVICE FOR A GROWING COMMUNITY” ■ ■ m ' ^ * “TRY COURIER CLASSIFIED ADS Penticton council’s recommenda- FOR QUICK RESULTS PAQB THItBK TH B EiEI^OWMA COUKIKR THURSDAY. JUDY », IMS PLAN RASPMRRY TAtrd Mounthatten Retufiu From India SOCIAL JULY 16 iUP Ml JKSlE04AkSSl AT WINFIELD

WINFIELD—-At n recent meeting H tT dP ff T W ORDER YOUR of the United Church Missionary Group, plana were made for o rasp­ berry Roclal to be held at Lake- COAL TODAY! shore Inn, July 10. There wUl be a horse shoe pitch­ CONCRETE ing competition, bean bag throw and since ll»2 b l o c k s other atractlona. Ice cream and soft drinks, raspberries and lunches will POST PAID FROM HUNTLEY & arc ideal for per­ be served at booths operated by manent structures the ladles of the organization. PALMERS FACTORY IN around the farm W m . HAUG • O • READING, ENGLAND — silos, founda­ Miss A. Hclt and Miss Jean Bar­ ber took their classes on a school tions, walls, etc.

LOFTY TABLELANDS Postpaid anywhere, in Britain and Eire The tablelands of Tibet vary in $3.40 height from 14,000 to 17,000 feet...... I ■■ H /-j’/' •' I' '

Kelowna, BX3. m Lawrence Avenue. PARCEL NO. 3 CONTAINS: ★ To or From any point in Western Canada and U.S.A. nnd,V:^'KiuaHNA BjCENON, falgh Commissioner for India. 1 Drum Carnival Assorted Biscuits (2 lbs.) ★ Furniture Vans ESPECIALLY EQUIPPED for long distance and loc^ moving. Postpaid anywhere in Britain and Eire $2.20 resigned recently. * Haines ..... Carpentry and Wood­ ★ Furniture packing, crating and shipping by ex­ • • • working perienced help. NEW CHURCH Mr. and Mrs. I. Hunter, with Mr. Cobb .... The Complete Hoihe Hand- and Mrs. George Schubert, motored man’s Guide PARCEL NO. 4 to Penticton recently to attend me Patrl .... How to Help Your Child CONTAINS: TO BEH U ILT 'wedding of a niece of Mrs. Hunter Grow Up and Mr. Schubert. , Mr. and Mrs. Stafford .... Troubles of Electrical 1 Tin Carnival Assorted (1 lb. l^'^'oz.) D. CKapman & Co.y Ltd. Schubert remained over the week­ Equipment 1 No. 1 Shortcake (1 lb.) A T W IN Jm D end in Pentltton. Colvin ...... Land and Landscape Motor Haulage ConlraotoTB, Warrfiousemen and- Distributors...... * *■ •■ ■ ■ ■ Osborn ...... bur Plundered Planet 1 Mixed Fruit Cake (1 lb. 6 oz.) Contracts taken for motor haulage of all desoriptt

vcrware and ribbons at the first an* Children a llorsenianslitp Class. 16 nual presentation of the gymkhana years and under, competing for W»e AUTO-BUS-TRUCK-TRAILER & TRACTOR SPRINGS LOCAL RIDERS aponwored by the Okanagan Light Capt A M. T^nple tx«pby“-»-Mol- Horse Improvement ----- and------Show —As- lie KendeU. Vernmi. riding ,, Win- sociation on Dominion Day celcbra- some'*; 2. I’cnny Wilmot vcimon, FIGURE WELL riding "Wendy"; 3. Tommy WhJte, Good weather, splendid horses, Kelowna, riding “Monty". • clever riding and an appreciative .^Western Slock Horse 1. Doug^^^ IN GYMKHANA audience marked the event which , riding PENTnCTON—Kelowna and Ver- was held in Queen’s Park, •Ladd": 2. Allan Hyndman, Pentic­ ton, riding "Grcybird"; 3. Kric non riders captured most of the sil- Full results arc as follows: Hyndman. Penticton, riding "Luc­ ky". I'iro Itace (12 years and under), LOCAL BOXLA Dronze horse donated by Aid. T. Red Sox Take Firm E. I.«ight as prize—1. Ilae Hyndman, 2401—3rd STREET S.E. CALGARY. ALTA. Penticton, riding “Mouso’’; 2. Alan SQUAD WINS Swift, Penticton, riding “Bess"; De­ nis Atkln.son, Penticton. riding Hold O n Third Place "Buck.” IN OVERTIME Saddle Class, Senior, Sec. A, 15.2 and over — 1. Paddy Beldham, Kelowna Bruins Defeat Arm­ , riding "Mark”; 2. Juno Alter Win Over Omak strong Eagles ^6-10 in July 1 Osborne, Vernon, riding "St. Fixture A. Rcndcll, Vernon, 2 1 2 0 2 0 Saddle Class, Senior, See. B, un- third place In thc_Okanagan_yallcy Kelonna 16, Armstrong 10 (International) Basehall League 37 4 8 24 7 3 dcr 15.2 — 1. Phyllis French^ Ver ARMSTRONG—Kelowna Bruins non moron Maida M2 vcnrs and Omak humbled Kelowna at Omak r r KUsch.’ If’ ..!”;.;” 3 1 0 punch home six goals and give u n d ^^?C h S g c^C u p and rep lica- «-4 the Sunday before. ^ v cU . rf ...... 4 1 0 them a 16-10 victory over the dc- 1. Rae Hyndman, Penticton, riding Dick Murray’s boys made the O’Shaughnessy, O’Shaughnessy, 3b 3b 4 4 I 2 fending Armstrong Eagles in a rc- '■ Mousc’’V2!‘ mou1o R'cndVn.'vcrrioir most of five hits and three errors Zaccarelli, p ...... 4 0 0 gular senior B fixture of the Intcr- ridlm/ "Winsome’’ to take a 4-9 lead in the second Newton, c ...... 4 1 1 lor Lacrosse Association. Intermediate Jumping 13-10 years inning. Kelowna scored once more Lcsmclstcr, cf ...... 3 1 0 A slow, dribbling goal, that three incl. Challenge Cup and replica — in the third to give the Sox a 5-0 — Bruins made a stab at and missed, 1.' Bobby Murdin, Kelowna, riding lead that looked good for the whole 33 8 27 15 5 forced the game Into overtime. "Thunder”; 2. Chris Cameron, Ver- distance. Score by innings: During the lost quarter, the Eagles non, riding “Buck”; 3. Sandy Boyd. But Omak codld not be counted ■ Omak ..... 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1—4 wore at their best form, outshooting Vernon, riding “Boots.” out that easily. The Amerlcs kept Kelowna .. 0 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 x —5 ^he Bruins 11-0 and outscoring them Section Competition — 1. I^ndcll chewing away at the lead and ab- SUMMARY—Earned runs: Omak 5-2 to knot the count at 10-all at team Vernon, Including Robert etted by loose fielding on the part 2, Kelowna 4. Two-base hits: Me- the regular GO mimics. Middleton, on “Maisic, ’’Mary Clarke of the Sox, almost took the game Cormick, Corson, Tostenson, Kitsch, . Period scare set olt an­ on “Okanagan Sunshine,” June Os- out of the fire. Newton. Three-base hit; Favell. scoring spree £pr the borne on “St. George,” and E. A. pitching Show Home run: McCormick. Bases on City seven that left little Rendell on “Mclfa”; 2. Cameron o„,,*hnnw Bob Corson and right- Off Corson 1; off Zaccarelli doubt as to the better team that - - ^ 2. Struck out: Bv Corson 5: bv Zac- night. Eagles wore hardly in the

Easy-ftolng—^yos—and ^ood-lookfng toot Lccklo Cameron on “Naada”; 3 Cameron batted in: Picard, McCormick, Shat- ‘ Oldtimcrs’ Night Loafers put you on friendly term s .with your feet—so team, Kelowna, Paddy Cameron on but the Sox tuck, O’Shaughnessy 2. Stolen bases: Reg Martin with two, and single- com fortable and so well built. Buy a pair, and months "Wakener,” M. Berard on “Madge,” fielding was also Nash 2, N6wton. Officials: P. Ciacia, tons by Albert and Ernie Bianco from* now you’ll appreciate their long-wearing Slim Berard on “Red,” and Glen weak over near. J- Braimear. Attendance: 600. Col- and Jimmy Eldon and Ron Holland Coe on “Tony.” ly the whole lection: $72. Weather: overcast. in the extra canto sewed up the q u a litie s . Musical Mugs — 1. Bob Middle- route. game for the visiting Bruins. ton, Vernon,, riding “Maisie”; 2. It was Zacca- It was veterans’ night for the Arthur Kraft, Okanagan Falls, rid­ relli’s third lea­ BOX SCORE Eagles, with some of the staia of ing “Queenie”: 3. Max Berard Ke­ gue win in a Box score for the Kelowna Red yesterday in strip, including QUALITy lowna, riding “Midge.” row in his three Sox 6-4 league loss at Omak on “Puffy” Woods and Kelowna’s Per­ Senior Jumping, Challenge Cup appearances on-June 27 appears below. Due to a cy Maundrell. But on the score SHOES “Easy does it” with and replica — 1. G. D. “Paddy” the mound. He transportation mix-up, the Kelowna Cameron, Kelowna, riding “Dusky”; Kodak Verichrome Film has given up 19 scorekeeper was unable to make 2. Eric Hyndman, Penticton, riding hits in the three the Omak trip and the Courier has 481 “Lucky”; 3. Joyce LaLonde, Vernon, ZaccarelU games. just received the box score from ® r’eeSved^a in your camera. Yon just aim riding “Valley Belle.” _ Equitation Test, Challenge Cup Sunday ball fans saw a fair smat- Bob Neilson, league secretary al ^e'^eived and shoot — and get the picture. for annual competition J 1. W.... T. tering of extra base knocks—seven Omak. * r, Sherdown and Holland led the “Jock” Cameron, Vernon, riding to be exact, including a homer by Kelowna AB R H PO A E scoring parade, both with five and Canadian Kodak Co., Limited, Toronto. “Naada”; 2. Capt. A. M. Temple, Ross McCormick, Omak centre Hicks, 2b ...... 3 one for six points. Al Bianco was Penticton, riding “Smoky’ 3. E. A. fielder, and a triple b y‘ Sox right Kielbiski, 3b ...... 5 up at the six-point level, too, with Rendell, Vernon, riding “Melfa.” fielder Cec Favell. Tostenson, lb ...... 4 ^ three goals and three helpers, It's m ade in Canada K o d a k Film Tent Pegging, Challenge Cup and xhis' Sunday, Sox start on their Kitsch, If .. 4 j At Salmon Arm, also on Thurs- ...... replica ^ 1. Keith Berard, Kelowna, home-and-home series with Tonas- Zaccarelli, ss ...... 4 day night, the Kamloops Royal the film in the familiar yellow box riding “Thunder”, and Max Berard kgt, playing first in the American ...... 0 Klippers fought off a strong last This WsBk's Specials Kelowna, riding “Midge”; 3. Alan town. Kelowna also has postponed Nei^on, cf ...... - 4 0 period rally to hold on to a 12-8 Hyndman, Penticton, riding “Grey- games to play at Penticton and V. C o u s^ , c ...... 4 triumph over the Salmon Arm sep­ — at' bird,” and Eric Hyndman, Pentic- against Oroville here before the 5 , - ^ ■■" T . tet. '•KODAK" IS A TRADE-MARK ton, riding Lucky”; 3. W. T. Cam- league schedule is completed. O Shaughnessy, rf 1 SUMMARY »Vi ■■■- eron, Vernon, riding “Naada”, and BOX SCORE a q t Armstrong S G A P E. A. Rendell, Vernon’, riding “Mel­ Omak AB R H PO A E Omak — ANNOUNCEMENT fa.” 3 3 0 dumping (knock dovm and out)-- J-^BighUey, 3b...... 5 0 0 J. Lightley, 3b, p .. 4 Sherdown ...... 13 5 • 1 0 BENNETT Picard, rf, 3b ...... 4 Goloudy ...... 0 0 0 2 I-ohiiih«ck.^.«t, «0 0 B. Lightley, 2b .... 3 ing “Mark.” - Petersen ss Henderson ...... 0 * 0 1 4 RUDY’S TAXI The event ran with extreme Femrs^, ss Petersen, ss ...... 3 Norman ...... 4 1 0 0 HARDWARE smoothness throughout and practi- Mc(:qrmick, c Nash, cf ...... 4 Meniece ...... 4 1 2 2 Wishes to announce the opening of a new office cally right on schedule. Much of Nash, id ...... Settle, lb ...... -..... 3 Watt 9 1 12 for your convenience this efficiency was due to the work Shattuckj c ...... 4 ® Maundrell of Miss Rose Oiven, president of ^runm , n ...... Griffith, rf 4 the local club, and her assistants. Corson, p, rf •— -* 3 0 Sidney NOW TWO LOCATIONS notably^Stewart Jacteon, "tiie ring- ments included Mrs. E.^Y. 'Wel^ Winters COLD PACK CANNERS master; the secretary, Miss Irene and Roy H. Walsh, as whippers-in, 32 6 10 27 10 2 Marshall 270 BERNARD AVE...... Phone 111,6 Peterson For preserving your fruit Very Special Popowich Price AND NEXT TO THE BUS DEPOT Phone 610 GUI ...... and vegetables. A general " 91-3-c SUMMARY: utility utensil for year Kielbiski, Tostenson, S iiip s"-;; Petersen, Nash, Shattuck, Griffith, ’round use. Corson. Two-base hits: KielbisW, Zaccarelli, Corson, Three-base hit: Keio^vna Beautiful Blue Durable . 2 ) 9 Peterson,' Home run: Tostenson. Ritchie, g ...... 0 0 Pitching summary: 4 runs, 9. hits ^ Bianco 8 Enam el off Corson in 7 2/3. innings; 0 runs, e ’Bianco 0 hits off J. Lightley in 1 2/3 inn- Eldon Eidon ,...... 6 Quart Size Complete ings. Winning pitcher: Corson, Martin ...... 7 with rack. . Reg. $2.95 MacFarlane ...... 0 Ball 3 Talbot ...... 0 NEW GAME L. Bampone ...... 0 Holland ...... 11 LAWN MOWERS Pinder ...... — 0 TRADE-IN THAT OLD ACT ORDERS Weddell ..... 0 .5 0 Gee il Worn out LAWN-MOWER IssociMir New regiU^ioiis -under the game GanoMi...... 0 * l 7 act have been made by the Provin- jy, ^ ^ -- - Mow with a smile when you Government to cover the registra-. bianco 0 use a Smart’s Blue Bird 18” Less tion of guides. The fees for regis- ...... Trade-in tering are raised and the qualifica- ^ 5-blade master lawn mower. Allowance tions made stiffer. 44 16 13 18 Ball Bearing 3.00 Under the latest regulations, ap- oonre hv neiiods proved by Order-in-CouncU, the 0—10 Easy Running three classes of guides are one, two Kelowna 6—16 and three, instead of the old A, Oficials: B. Gourlie, A. FUe. $ ^ 4 . 5 0 B and C. To qualify as a first class guide a petson must have served as a BASEBALL For all your Picnic and Caniping needs. Shop at your guide for three years during the CABIN COOK STOVES neighborhood ASSOCIATED STORE. Our policy is last 10 years and must have suit­ able equipment for outfitting any STANDINGS IDEAL FOR PICKERS SP E C IA L ! quality merchandise at the lowest prices every day. person desiring to himt. Previously Sunday Results and PACKERS’ QUARTERS charged $10 for certification, a per­ Omak 4, Kelowna 5. - SUGGESTIONS FOR FRI. and SAT., JULY 9 and 10 son to receive a first class guide’s licence now must i« y $15. Tonasket 4, Penticton 20. T ak es: 16” wood. Useful sized .5 0 Brewster 7^ Oliver 8. Second class guides also murf Oroville 6, Bridgeport 12. oven. have served for three years as a Games Next Sunday Happ3Tvale guide during the past 10 years but. Reg. $37.50. 20 Kelowna at Tonasket, ■ Penticton PORK AND BEANS oz. 19 c he does not have to have thefi^rclass equip­ at Omak, O liva at Oroville, and ment for outfitting that a guide does. His registration fee is Brewster - at, Bridgeport. $10. double what it was jpreviously. Standing (jlass three guides are to be w. L. Pet. RITZ BISCUITS 18c known as assistant guides and may Oliver ...... —- . 9 2 .818 TOMATOES LETTUCE act as a guide in the hunting of Omak ...... - . 7 2 ,778 game birds or in angling for trout, KEILOWNA ...... 6 4 .600 and, when employed by or under Orovule ...... 4 6 .400 Bennett Hardware Assorted Brands MEAT PASTE 2 23c CABBAGE — CARROTS the supervising of a first or second Penticton ...... 4 7 • .364 class guide, to guide big game himts. Tonasket ----- ...... 3 6 ,333 Telephone 1 Telephone 1 The registration fee for third class B r^ster ...... —.. 3 6 .333 6 .333 TOMATO KETCHUP Aylmer 23c — NEW POTATOES guides is increased from $3 to $5. Bridgeport ...... ■ 3 Citrus Fruits when Available 3 FO R 2 5 c Small tins ...... Plasterers and Bricklayers Red Bird or Owl O FO R 5 1 c Mil at Market Prices

'EAMONS ATTENTION! Soda Biscoits INSTANT 5 lb. Bag N ectars We carry a complete stock at all times COFFEE R. A R R O W No. 1 Assorted Flavors 60s HARDWALL PLASTER — LIME - WHITE SAND — 7 2 . C 2 i 6 c 4 S c 3 7 c ZONOLITE PLASTER AGGREGATE - WHITE CEMENT — MORTAR COLORS — STUCCO WIRE — METAL LATH, etc. INDEPENDENTLY OWNED There is an* Associated Merchant in Your Neighborhood BRICKS OF ALL KINDS — FLUE LINING CORNHl SUPPLY Over 500 Stores NORMAN APSEY PLASTERERS and BRICKLAYERS’ TOOLS Cor. Raymer and Pendozi St- Okanagan Mission —- Phone SS1-R2 ■— in B.C. — PHONE 256-Rl — naORREON BROS. to serve you. SEDLACK & SMITH Kelewna Builders Supply Ltd Reid’s Comer Cor. Richter St. and Bernard 1054 Ellis Street (Just north of the station).. PHONE 757 — PHONE 389 — ~ PHONE 279-R — P A 0 E m v m THE KEMIWNA COURIEE r m j m n A Y , j u l y ». i m Juno at 5 pjm. wlum Bov. K. Kujath joinerd in marriapi, Utelen W ed d in g s E m a m RotMntrotffir, iKCtmd daugh­ ADKIN8--DROWN ter of Mr. and Mr*. A, HcMentrotcr, of Swan River, Manitoba, and Her­ On Saturdor, July 3, at 2J30 p.m. bert Kaiser, second son of Mr®. A. the United Church was the setting Wolschlagcr, Olds, Alberta, and the of a charming wedding with Dr. M. late Mr. A. Kaiser, Success, Sas­ W. Lees offlciallng, when Audrey katchewan. Louise, second daughter of Mr. and MID-SUMMER Mrs. Kuiicrt Brown, hecame the ’Tlic bride was gowned in white brido of Mr. Edward John Wlddt- satin, tt»c draped bodice, with cotnbe Adkins, only eon of Mr. and sweetheart neck and lUj- point cuffs Mrs. S. J. W. Adkins, of Gambler fitted to a bouffant skirt with crin­ Harbor. oline effect and long train. Her 11- Given in marriage by her father, liusion net veil, over tho train, was the lovely bride was gowned in caught to her head with a coronet white velvet, the yoke and edeeves of seed pearls. She wore a three- of lace. Scalloping formed the top strand string of pearls, gift of the of the dccp-walstcd bodice, which groom; and carried a shower boa- fitted toi a full gathered skirt with quet of lilies and forget-mo-npts. train. A Mary Queen of Scot’s head­ ’The bridesmaids. Miss Ruth Hen­ dress caught the fingertip veil of kel, Miss Elsie Kracmer and Miss embroidered nylon not; and slio Bcrtlm Halt, were similarly gown­ carried a shower bouquet of red ed, tho former In yellow faconno roses. Her only ornament was nn crepe; Miss Krncmer in green and opal ring, gift of the groom. Miss Halt in pink, nylon taffeta. n»o MLss Flora Brown, isistcr of the bodico of each gown, with puffed bride, and Miss Patricia Conrad, of sleeves, was slightly shirred, com­ Vancouver, ns bridesmaids^ wore ing to a point in front, fitting to a similar frockli of crisp eyelet or­ bouffant skirt. A shoulder-length gandy, with matching crownlcss veil fell from a Dutch cap head­ hats, edged with ruffied net and dress and the girls corried cascade mohair, and largo bows. Flora’s bouquets of sweetpeas and baby’s dress of pale pink had a buttoned breath. Jacket with pcplum flaring below 'The flower girls, Genevieve and the waistband. Her colonial bou­ Elaine Cirankcwich, were dressed SATURDAY quet was set in green with green In organdy, htghwaisted, with a stream ed Her single strond of deep, frilled collar; Genevieve in pearls n gift of her sister. Pat­ rnauvo and Elaine in yellow. They JULY 10™ ricia’s baby blue frock was sleeve­ wore chapel veils and carried bas­ less; a small cape being tied at the kets of Sweet William and as tho TO neck. The brooch she wore was bride entered tho church, strewed the bride's gift. Her colonial bou­ ro.so petals before her. quet was set in blue. The girls The bridesmaids, were attended SATURDAY wore matching lace mits. by Mr. William Hcmmcriing, who Miss Betty Ann Brown, as her acted os best man, Mr. Edmund sister’s bridesmaid wore a frock Wolschlagcr and Mr, Leonard Ros­ JULY 17™ with baby blue taffeta bodice and en tretcr, cousin of the bride. Ushers puffed sleeves. Pink net over blue were Mr. Adolph Halt and Mr. Her­ taffeta formed the bouffant skirt, bert Hommorllng. to which tiny black velvet bows Miss Helen Gcislcr, accompanied were tied. Her bandeau of pink by Miss Irene Kraemcr at tho piano, ribbon was clustered with pinlc and sang TTogethcr, Life’s Pathway We white sweetpeas and baby’s breath, Tread;"'M iss Kraemcr also played lier silver locket and chain were tho wedding march. a gift of her sister. She wore pink The church was decorated in O utsfatidiiig Savings in H ar silk lace mitts and her white col­ pink, blue and white streamers. onial bouquet was set in pink with A reception was held at Orange pink streamers. Hall whero some 200 guests nsscmb- Mr, George innes acted as best led. After supper had been served H om e Furnishings man and ushers were Mr. Bruce a musical program was given, fol­ Brown, brother of the bride, and lowed by tho opening of gifts. Later Mr. Ken Parks. tho bride cut the cake, and after Mrs. Herman Cowle played the everyone had been served, tho eve­ organ and accompanied Mrs. Phyl­ ning closed with games. ' HOUSEHOLD SCALE lis Trenwith in her solo, "Still as The bride’s mother was dressed f the Night’’ by Bohm. in navy crepe with pink yoke in­ SILVER TEA SET Canterbury bells, delphinium and sertion, with blue straw hat and 66 PCE. DINNER SET Very neat and very strong, with bright larkspur, sweet william and pink accessories; while the mother of COMPLETE SERVICE FOR EIGHT ^ . red and white enamel finish and heavy roses, decorated the church, and the groom wore a grey pinstripe Handsomely designed and plated to last a lifetime. 3 pieces pews were marked with white sa­ suit, with blue straw hat. “Daffodil”—a lovely service in a lustrous off-white semi- steel dial face. Stands 9 inches high are of heavy copper, with rolled border. Rose pattern. Cream tin bows, pink roses and baby’s Out-of-tovm guests included Mr. porcelain china with a hand-painted ^daffodil design on and weighs up to 25 lbs. by ounces. and sugar gold plated inside. Six-cup teapot has black breath. and Mrs. A. Rosentreter, Miss Hilda ebony handle and close-sealing hinged cover. Get this lux­ At a reception for some 100 and Mr. Bob Rosentreter, cousins every piece. Bright yellow daffodils are contrasted with fine Sparkling white, grey and black face is friends at 901 Bernard Avenue, of the bride, all of Swan River; Mr. green bands and the complete set is finished with gilt edges. urious set now at a real saving!. 3 pieces. < home of the bride, Mrs. Brown wel­ and Mrs. A. Wolschlagcr and their easily read. comed guests, wearing a tailored son Edhiund, of Olds; Miss Ruth 66 pieces. fyock of natural linen with amber Henkel, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Clran- ReguUr. $48.00. *36.95 Shop Early for These $ 1 0 . 9 5 buttons. Her hat of Balenciago kewich and their daughters Gene­ brown was trimmed with a~ large vieve and Elaine; Mr. and Mrs. Ed­ SU N SE T S A L E P R IC E ...... - M v $ 4 . 9 5 pink rose arid beige net and ^ e die Henkel, Mr. Charles Henkel each wore matching accessories.^ Pink and Mr. Art Rode, all of Trochu', carnations and white sweetpeas Alberta. - formed her corsage. A blue crepe frock with white The groom’s mother wore an af­ accessories formed the bride’s go­ 21-Piece Semi-Porcelain Tea Set ternoon dress of radar blue cut ing-away outfit. The couple left sheer, pleated at the shoulders and for Trochu where they will make Has rich gold-flowered design and gold with side drape. Her hat of white their home. line edge. Reg. $13.75. . ' ^ ^ ^ Milan, straw had-navy ribbon and veil and her accessories were white. THOM—WRAIGHT . ^ 1 0 . 9 5 She wore a gold locket inlaid with —A charming wed­ 21 pieces ...... diamonds and a ruby and her cor­ ding ceremony took place on July sage was of white, carnations and 1, at 5 p.m., in St, Margaret’s An- Best quality 2-inch smooth CHINA white sweetpeas. 7-Piece Water Set ^ ^ican Church when Kathleen Ag­ plane with finished mahogany The, toast to the bride was pro­ nes, only daughter of Mrs. Florence handles. Designed for accurate SPECUU. 32 T C L Made up of one 80 oz. “ice stopper” jug posed by Mr. Tom Pitt, the groom E. Wraight and .the late Mr. A. G. wood finishing. A fine value and six 7 oz.bell shaped safety edge responding; and to the bridesmaids, W rai^t, of Peachland, was united tumblers. Reg. value $1.20. by Mr. Frank, Cooney, of Vernon, in marriage with > Stanley Philip, for both hobbyists and BREAKFAST SET Mr. George Innes replying- Mr. only son of Mr. and. Mrs. James craftsmen. Reg. $4.70. ^ . .9 9 Innes read a cable from Mr. and Thom, of Penticton. Canon F. V. To grace your table for years Set ...... -...... —...... Mrs. C. L. Toovy, of Uxbridge, Eng­ Harrison officiated. ^ to come! Lovely glazed pottery land, a family with whom the Given in marriage by her uncle, Each White Howard Cups groom had stayed while overseas. George E, I,ewis, the bride wore a breakfast set in your choice of Mr. and Mrs. Jo Curts, great-uncle floor length gown of white silk net soft pleasing pastels. Each Here they are! Plain white semi-porce­ and aunt of the bride, wired from and lace, .the skirt full and draped piece is finished in a solid pas­ lain cups at a real savingl Reg. value 29c. Detroit, Mich-, Miss Ann Curts, Vic­ in folds, the fitted bodice haHng a RATCHET BRACE $ toria,: aunt of the bride; and Mr. square neck and long sleeves. Her tel shade. Complete service for and Mrs. Reg Sanford and Baby Best quality full length embroidered veil was , Single Bit six. Don’t miss getting your Each ...... * 2 9 Barbara, brother-in-law and elder held in place with orange blossom,; Millers - Falls set! 32 pieces. sister , of the groom, and .Mr. and and she carried a bouquet of deep ' brace with steel Climax 35^ lb. axe with Mrs. Jo Conrad, Vancouver. red roses. Mrs. Vernon Amos, the ’ Reg. value $13.40 Pottery Assortment Mrs. E. D. Hare and Mrs. Jim reinforced ma- matron of honor,- was gowned in „ selected hickory handle Beautiful _art..pottery_ vases and- figurines Mitchell presided at the tea table pale blue floor length gown of net ’ hogfahy handles Brown Banded Tea Pot .tb brighten your mantlepiece. 12 differ­ and servers were Binty Adkins, and silk with shoulder length veil, and high po­ well fastened to head. ent pieces to choose from. Reg. value Elva Baldock, Marion Bourke, and. carried a bouquet of pale pink ■: lished s t e e 1 Brown mottled body with various color­ Carol Curts, Mrs. Edward Dickens, carnations. Reg. Vqlue ^ .9 5 . ed bands at top. 6 cup size. $2.25. Mrs. Ken Dwyer, Jane Kobayashi,. Mr. Vernon Amos was the best frame. Regular Mary Jean, Sanborn and Doreen man. During the signing of the; _ Valiie $5.00., .7 9 Each ...... —...... ■ ® l - 7 9 Sutton. register at the home of the bride,'' $< Each The four-tiered cake was set in Mr. C. C. Inglis sang "Because”. • Each pink tulle, with pink rosebuds scat­ The receptiqh was held on the lawn 3 . 9 5 tered on the cloth and pink tapers at the home of the brides’ mother,, in double crystal holders on each the table centred -with a three-tier­ side. ' ed beautifully decorated’ wedding For her going-away outfit the cake and yellow cahdles and a i^l- bride wore a figured crepe frock in ver bowl of roses. — shades of wine and blue, with bal­ Canon F. V^- Hrift isOn proposed ; r lerina skirt and powder blue shor­ the toast to the bride and the groom ty. Her black bandeau was con­ responded, Mr. Inglis proposed the ^ MM 4 Pee. Bedroom Snite cocted of mohair, ribbon and forget- toast to the matron of honor, and me-nots and her accessories were the best man gave the response. ^ PRICE (4 PIECES) black. Deep Tied roses formed Her The bride’s mother wore a silk jer­ EXTRA SPECIAL! corsage. Her bouquet was, caught sey dress of pale blue with brown by Doreen Sutton. accessories and the mother of the The couple was driven to Pentic­ groom, a two-piece dress of pale Here it is!—Popular waterfall design at a real ton by Mr. and Mrs. George Innes, blue, with white accesosries. Both sale price! Vanity 40” X 16” X 30” high. Has 5 and from there they flew to Van­ wore corsages of white carnations. spacious easy sliding drawers and large plate couver. Hiey will make their home For travelling the bride wore a in Kelowna. pale yellow silk jersey dress glass mirror. Large chest has 4 rooniy drawers. Out-of-town guests included Mr. with light, tan short coat and mat­ Full size bed and smart chair-style bench. and Mrs. Frank Cooney and their ching accessories. Many out-of- daughter Birdie, Vernon. town guests from Kelowna and A real Furniture Sale Value. Penticton were present. The couple j i W KAISEB—BOSENTBETER* left for Waterton Lakes, Calgary PORCELAIN TOP A large wedding took place , at and Banff, and will reside in Pen­ ALARM CLOCKS HOT PLATE EGG BEATER Grace Baptist Church Saturday. ticton on their return. CHROME TAB1£ Produced by Western'Clock Has two 5%” diameter 660 Has red plastic “D ” handle. watt elements, each control­ Double beaters. Ball bear­ With 4 CHAIRS Co. Outstanding value and led by separate switch. ings. A real good kitchen Wrinkle enamel finish. Size quality in clocks. tool. Here is your opportunity to 1 0 ^ x 2 0 x 5 ”. Sale put a sparkling chrome en­ $ Each ...... ^ * 4 5 * 5 . 5 0 1 .4 9 semble in your kitchen at Each Each really worthwhile savings ! WOODWORKING EQUIPMENT AND Table top is of lifetime por­ CLOTHES LINE TIN BREAD FOOD • DOUBLE celain and 4 chairs are up­ MACHINE TOOLS holstered in durable leather­ A 2-piece matched set consisting qf an PULLEY PANS CHOPPER BOILERS ette. This set will last a Round bottom pahs of lifetime and always keep its IS” traveling and 16” dressing case, co­ 6” wooden wheel pulr bright tin. Size 4j^x7^ Food opening 3x4”. 2” sparkling new appearance! Both pots hold 115^ FO R A Co m p l e t e r e p a i r b u s i n e s s vered with heavy embossed fabricoid. ley with heavy gauge x 3 j4 ” deep. plate and cutter. Very quarts each. In 3-coat TO BE SOLD AS ONE UNIT, THE wire frame. Shop early 2 for .25 good quality. white enamel with red SALE PRICE Hard wearing inner lining. Black, or for yours at only, each Size 6 X X 4j4" Each— trim. Each PROPERTY OF THE LATE J. R. CAMPBELL brown. deep. Each Reg. value $2.55 7 c ? 2 . 9 8 I offer for sale the following:: 36” wood and metal 5 PIECES .... ® 59-50 Set ...... ,....^ 2 1 .9 5 Exceptional value 19c turning lathe; large drill press; 4 in. planer; 1 2 in. band ^ 2 .1 9 sawj bench grinder; all complete with motors and at­ tachments. Also paint sprayer, planes, saws, chisels, oiUe>i HM meW M i ta m e t t i i a n vvrenches and many other valuable tools and items of small stock. U SE OUR PRICED LOW FOR IMMEDIATE SALE LISTEN Convenient . to the CREDIT PH O N E 893, or caU at 1989 A B B O T T S T R E E T NEWS No44A a t KELOWNA Mc&Mc PLAN —Mrs. Mary E. R. Winter. CKOV (KELOWNA) LIMITED THURSDAY. JVIY 8, 1*4# ip m » n i .0 « i m PA G E S IX Automatic Telephone M FUMERTON'S CHURCH Exchange W ill Open SERVICES A t Peachland in Sept. h QUAUn BLANKETS

PEACHLAND — The new auto­ float to be entered in the Pentic­ HUDSON’S BAY POINT BLANKETS — matic telephone exchange wUl bo ton Peach FesUvaL’ thought the ST MICHAEL * ALL In operation at Peachland by next move was a good idea. A commit­ , 100% Wool — Made in England. Standard CHRISTIAN FIRST UNITED September, the newly-formed Pea- tee is working on building a suit­ colors in Point to 110 lbs. to the pair. The United Church of Canada ANGELS’ CHURCH chland Board of Trade has been In­ able float. Dr. M. W. Lcca - Minister formed. Telephone offlclals state nic trade board also received a SCIENCE SOCIETY (Anglican) letter from the municipal council ■ plr'iS'.*.':...... *27.50 Rcv.'D. M. Pcrlcy - Assistant the rates will remain the same, but Comer Bernard and Bertram S t Rlcl)ter and Sutherland no new Installations will be made asking the board to deal with stag­ Mrs. T. Hill - Musical Dlfcctor nant water around Trepanlcr auto 4 Point - 12 lbs. to the pair Rector: until after the automatic exchange First United, comer Richter St. is in operation. camp, as it I s a breeding spot for Size’72 X 90, per p air...... and Bernard Avo. Vcn. D. S. Catchpole, B .A . B.D. This Society is a branch ^ Tlw Trade board offlclals were Infor­ pests, etc. The road to the camp is med by the post offlcc department also in bad sliapc, and it was felt PASTEL COLORS SOA CA and $QC AA Mother Church, The First Cbmrai SUNDAvTiuLY IMh by the board that this Is purely a of Christ, Scientist, In Boston, that there would have to be a con­ Per p a ir...... AaFaUU «I9«VU H • - SUNDAY. JU LY Ilth siderable increase in revenue and muiticlpol matter, and boili the Massachusetts. road and the stagnant water should 11.00 am.—"The Lord’s Prayer: TRINITY VII population before a new post of­ SERVICES “LEAD US NOT INTO TEMP­ fice could bo elected. However, bo rectified by the council. THE PRICE PER SINGLE BLANKET IS TATION” 0.00 am .-H oly Communion. considerable improvements will be The Board of Trade also sent a HALF THAT OF THE PAIR JULY nth—SACRAMENT made to the present premises be­ letter to coupcll recommending a 11.00 am —Morning Prayer fore long. J. Cameron and A. Pent- mobile Ore flehting unit to give the Sunday School, 9.45 ajn. Reception of New Mcmbcra 7.30 p.m.—Evensong land were appointed as a commit­ entire district fire protection. “AYRES” ALL WOOL BLANKETS IN Testimony Meeting, 8 p.m. on tee to Investigate the possibility « * • Wednesday. 7.30 pm.— of the post offlcc moving to a new Norman Haye arrived from Pro­ WHITE AND COLORS — “ABRAHAM WOULD SACRI­ gress, B.C., Friday of last week, Reading Room open Wednesday location on the main street. Sizes 72 X 84, 7 lbs., at per pair ...... $18.50 afternoon. 3 to 6 pan. FICE Ills SON” Wednesday Total of $84320 was collected In and is a guest at the Edgewator 10.00 a.m.—Holy Communion. the district toward the B.C. Emer­ Hotel for a few days. Sizes 72 X 90, 7yi lbs., at per p a ir $22.50 Christian Science Preacher: Dr. M. W. Lees • * • Thursday at 8.45 p.m. over CKOV gency Flood Relief Fund. Apprec­ iation was expressed to the Ke­ Miss Rosemary Wilson left Sat­ Sizes 72 x 84 Bed Throws “Reversible” lowna Board of Trade for the as­ urday of lost week for Victoria, at each ...... $12.95* sistance and efforts in getting flood and will attend summer school relief for people In Peachland who there. BETHEL BAPTIST were affected by high water. • • « FIRST LUTHERAN FIRST BAPTIST J, A. McKen2ie, referring to the ■ Mrs. J. K. Todd returned home CHURCH from the coast Friday of last week. Balcony Floor Specials CHURCH CHURCH (Next to High School) • • * ELLIS STREET MISSION GUIDES P. C. Gerrie, principal of the t f Corner of Richter and Doyle (Next Bus Terminal) Minister: IVOR BENNETT, B.Th high school, accompanied by Mrs. "July Clearance ATTEND CAMP Gerrie and daughter, Shirley Mao, left for Victoria Saturday of last LADIES’ SUMMER STRAWS PRICE ■— R. LAMB - Pastor SUNDAY, JU LY 11th SUNDAY, JU LY lllh week. He will spend the next two $3.95 to $7.50 in assorted colors and styles. OKANAGAN MISSION — Girl weeks marking junior matricula­ 9.30 a.m.—Services at Rutland 9.45 a.m.—Sunday School. SUNDAY. JU LY 11th Guides of 1st Okanagan Mission tion examination papers. Mr. Ger­ LADIES TROPICAL SUITS—in assorted 10.00 a.m. — Sunday School at Company joined about 40 Guides 11.00 a.m.— rie will bo returning via Chilliwack 1,1 ’ Colors fo r ...... $19.95 Kclownja. 11 a.m.—Morning Worship from Kelowna at summer camp at where he will be an instructor fot 11:15 a.m.—Services at Kelowna “THE HOLY SPH irr’ “UPROAR IN JERUSALEM" Okanagan Cehtre Tuesday morn­ the two weeks camp. ing where they will spend 10 days • • • ■ ' SHORTIE COATS in values to $45.00 7.15-pm.— under canvas. Mr. and Mrs, A. .$25.00 \ 7.15 p.m.—Evening Service School was out on Wednesday, for ...... “GOD”S PLACE FOR THE Dralte and Mrs. HL Dunlop and June 30, and the teachers, Miss I l i s t e n t o THE LUTHERAN “THE TOUCH OF FAITH ...... JEW " ------Heather, accompanied by Mrs. E. Florence Brown, Miss Laura Roue- Wilson, provided transportation for HOUR EVERY SUNDAY, Bible Classes for yoimg folks Instrumental and vocal music hand and E. Atkin, have departed the following: Patrol leader, Pam­ to their homes for a holiday. now at 8.00 am . over CKOV. and adults. ela Drake, seconder, Ruth Mills; * « « New- N Y L O N S Rosemary Dunlop, Lois Wilson, A Cordial Invitation to alL Yon Are HeartUy Invited to Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Fulks left ’A bible-centred Church Nancy Drake, Marina Weiss and Thursday of last week for a' trip KAYSER and CORTICELLI — Worship With Us. exalting Christ. REV. W. WACHLIN. M a ii^ Karpenko. Mission Guides through the States. , 51 Gauge—new shades for summer, Blue Dusk, Splendour, will have one large tent together, and will be under the supervision • Casual Nu Beige, sizes 8J^ to 11. _ of Mrs. Arbuckle and Miss Marcia at per pair...... $1*85 THE PEOPLE’S Altken, R.N. Sunday, July 11, is visitors day after 1 p.m. and the LETTERS TO 45 Gauge—in assorted colors with pencil seams EVANGEL road to guide camp is well marked at per pair ...... — ...... $1.65, MISSION through Okanagan Centre. TABERNACLE ZENITH HALL THE EDITOR one block South of Post Office M!r. Didk Rowley, with Dixon 1448 Bertram St. Evangelical - Independent and Cherry, have moved to Ke­ EXPRESSES THANKS Pastor: G. GREATOREX Pastor - G. G. BUHLER lowna. Cherry Rowley will later Vancouver, B.C., jpin her mother in Vancouver fo» “July 5, 1948. SUNDAY SCHOOL - 9.45 am. the summer holidays. A" Class for Every Age ■ • • • . Editor, Kelowna Courier: SUNDAY, JU LY 11th m o r n in g WORSHIP - H am. Miss Dorothy Hawkins is staying You will be glad to know that Commvmion Service in town for a short time. the B.C. Flood Emergency Fund 9.55 a.m.—Sunday School and * * * has now reached a total of well Departm ent Store Bible Class. (Phone 518-Ll for EVENING MESSAGE — Fablicize the Good. Let others Nelson Hawkins, of Vancouver, over $2,000,000, and that adminis­ . Bus Schedule.) 7.15 p.m. know each week what your spent the week-end at the home of tration expenses in connection with “Where Cash Beats C re d i t ” “DEATH ENDS ALL . • •” church is doing. his father, Mr. Russel Hawkins. the campaign have tot£(lled only 11.00 a.m.—Devotional Service * m m $190. Special Features; List it here with other Mrs. Louis de Cocq and Mrs. A. Great credit for this remarkable 7.30 p.m.—Evangelistic O Orchestra begins—^7.15 , Church Services McClymont left last week for sum­ success must be given to the media 0 Electric Guitar mer school at Victoria. x of public information which con­ * * * tributed so generously in publiciz­ dow of a rattlesnake recently c a u ^ t e Male Quartet _ City Churches - District in this district reminds me of an VISITORS AND FRIENDS ARE Visiting Orchard Workers Churches Mr. and Mrs. A. Snowden and ing the need for the fund and the progress of the drive. incident which I witnessed some Welcome! Judy have returned from a trip to years ago. a l w a y s WELCOME New Westminster and at present On behalf of the thousands of fiood victims who will have cause I was staying at the time with my are staying at the Kumfy Kourt. brother at Maadi, a small residen­ Beantifol Bungalow * • • to be appreciative, I thank you for tial suburb about 17 miles out of Dr. and Mrs. Newby have moved your splendid .co-operation with —FOR SALE — Tvrisg Grace Crawford has left to the Vancouver office of the B. C; Cairo, and one afternoon he- ar­ wm travel to into Bill Hay’s summer cottage. ranged for my benefit a visit by a spend the hoUdays with her p^ents Sunday for a Spencer HHHER' AND YON • • • «' Weekly Advertising Bureau, which Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Nye, North was mos.t valuable to us in co-or- ; professional snake-catcher. Situated on Abbott Street close to park Cup Cricket League game there. Mr. and Mrs. J . B. Pettigrew Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Farquhar and ■ These men, of whom there ara Vancouver. ■ ______' As soon as Athletic Oval is opened son, of Vancouver, are spending two dinating the support of newspapers Five rooms and contains oil furnace, air conditioning, have returned from a fortnight’s throughout British Columbia. quite a number operating in Egypt, for play, home games wdl be re­ motor trip to Vancouver where weeks holiday at Okanagan Auto are all of one clan and hail from stone fireplace, expensive fixtures, stucco, rock wool in­ sumed here. Court. Yours sincerely, they visited their son-in-law and AUSTIN C. TAYLOR, a village several hundred miles up daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Will Stiell. the Nile. It is said of them, prob­ sulation. ACCEPT RESIGNATION Mr. and Mrs. A. Bradshaw with Chairman, B.C. Flood Em­ ergency ]^nd. ably correctly, that they are, by VERY ATTRACTIVE FOR ...... $8,500.00 HOT DOGS ! Council Monday night accepted, Miss Irene Graystpn is visiting their daughter, of New Westmins­ heredity, immune from snake-bite. with regret, the resignation of Miss her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. ter, are visiting at the Mission. This particular man came down B. M. Ladubec, due to ill health. and Mrs. Grayston, , be­ STOP SIGNS from Cairo for the occasion and A letter of appreciation will be fore going to White Rock to join Ian and Eric Dunlop spent the Kelowna, B.C., had not, as far as was known, ever Ltd. sent Miss I>adubec. - ' ■ holiday week-end at Beaver Lake, July 6. 1948. W hillis & Gaddes her parents. been in Maadi before. Mortgages on (jity Homes where it was so crowded with tou­ Editor, Kelowna Courier: When he arrived a party of us _ Mrs, Alicei Kihlbom has returned rists, even the wood shed was put After seeing quite a bad colli­ went out with him, my brother BEAL ESTATE - INSURANCE into use. — _ , c»i- after a six weeks’ trip, which took' • • sion at the comer oit Richter St. leading the way beside a canal- Phone 217 Kelowna. B.C. O ur Claim s R ecords Snow her to salt Lake city, where one of and Sutherland Ave., and having bank, and the snake-catcher was her ex-pupils, Albert Bell, is a so­ Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brown and myself been instnunental in pre­ invited to “do his stuff.” loist in the Tabernacle. During a Mr. and Mrs. M. (Slendenning, of venting another by holding up war­ He then took the lead and wal­ DOCTORS month . in Hollywood she was en­ Vancouver, paid a visit to Mr. and ning hands to a speeding motorist ked slowly along the canal-bank, This point should be plain to any­ must observe the first law of na­ tertained by another ex-pupil, Dick Mrs. B. Baird on their holidays at the same point, I wrote on June whistling softly as he went. After one without argument. ture-self-preservation. They can­ t r y o u r h o t d o g s ! Addison, tenor with Earl Carrol's through the Okanagan and Koot­ 17, asking for the restoration of going several hundred yards he not let the consequence of increas­ Are Susceptible to enay. In the second place, to refuse a D-E-E-E-UCIOUS ! “Glamour Revue”, who is also mak­ STOP signs which were taken away signalled us to stop. He then star­ justified increase of pay to the fruit ed price of apples to the consumer ing a picture. Another pupil, Helen some time ago. miese caused cars ted to walk up and down opposite influence them on the issues involv­ Accident and Sickness Too Mrs. E. Farris and Dick Hall re ­ workers is to penalize them for en­ Short Orders a Specialty. Pender, was on location. Mrs. Kihl- to stop as they came east or west a particular spot, going perhaps 15 gaging in this industry. ed. We in the fruit industry can bbm returned via aircraft. turned by plane via Penticton from on Sutherland. It is a dangerous yards'in each direction. As he did only'climb on the band wagon. SOUVENIRS Vancouver on Tuesday. The ceiling so his whistling changed to mutter­ Other industries are advancing MUTUAL OF OMAHA comer, especilly for those going their wage schedules in an endea­ Yours very truly, Mr. and Mrs. John Pasemko, of was low and the plane flew at 15,- south on Richter or east on Stith- ing, the muttering to talking and PETER D. MAGUIRE. “Dapper” Postcards 000 ft. most of the trip so it was vor to keep UP with the ever climb­ MAGAZINES Peachland, who spent several nights eriand becuse the church, while the talking to imprecation. My (Mutual Benefit Health at Manhattan, have left for a trip necessary to wear oxygen masks. brother, who, understands and ing living costs. well set back, hides approaching •The fruit workers are not re- Ice Cream Bricks through Alberta in their 37-foot cars from one another. speaks Arabic fluently, told me that and Accident Association) auto trailei^, accompanied by Mr. J. Local fishermen had a good catch The Traffic Control Advisory, this man had' as pretty a flow of spofisible for the high cost of living. R. Burnell, of Vancouver. Mr. Pas­ at the McCulloch Lakes on Sunday. foul language as he had ever come Surely the Federation of Shippers The largest exclusive Health and • * • Committee replied on the 23rd that INSULATE FERRY emko built his trailer in Peachland, it was felt that Richter St. should across among the Fellahih; that in cannot think that by refusing to .Accident Company in the world Ralph Kuipers and Walter Wil­ fact he was an artist. adjust their wage schedules that Offers a plan of Income Pro­ the largest on thte continent, except not be made a ‘through street’ in COFFEE one in California which is a foot son Eipent the week-end linder, can­ view of the number of schools lo­ As he cursed and walked up and they can halt the vicious circle. NOW! tection covering both accident longer. A carpenter, who moves vas on the beach near O. C. Gold­ down the snake-catcher was grad­ That sounds like putting one’s fin­ and .sickness giving 24 hour a , cated on it. ' SHOP from place to place, Mr. Pasemko smith’s. Since nothing further can be ex­ ually getting closer and closer to ger under a steam roller to stop its Keep Cool in Summer day coverage for built the home , on wheels to cope pected froni the authorities I want the canal-bank and taking fewer progress. Until such time as gov­ with the housing shortage. It has Howard Hanlan has returned to draw this matter to the atten­ and few steps in each direction. • ernmental intervention, there is SA V E 30% PROFESSIOi^AL from a business trip to Vancouver. nothing we can do but climb on the three rooms, bathroom, hot and cold ♦ * • tion of the public so that, when Suddenly, pulUng up the long in Fuel Next Season water; rock gas range and refrig­ there is a bad accident, I shall not baggy sleeve of his burnous, he band-wagon. PEOPLE erator and as much kitchen cup­ Mr. and Mrs. H. Boyd spent a few feel to, blame for omitting to give pounced and his bare arm shot for­ Freezing wages of fruit-workers ROCK W O O L HEADQUARTERS board space as in an average house. days at visiting Mrs. ward into a clump of long grass. at the present level would result in Benefits start from the first day - Virgil Bubar, a former resident ol warning. driving thpse workers to other INSULATION and may be payable for a , lifetime. It. is 50 degree insulted, has fluores- ' Richter Street, during school time He brought out a live wriggling cent lights, sleeps six; has four the Mission. is plastered with Caution Signs. snake about three to four feet in higher paid employment and empty Medical and Hospital Benefits towns in the whole fruit growing Pneumatically Installed by clothes closets and a three-piece But these restrict speed to 15 miles length and flung it forcibly on the Latest Method and Skilled are available also for family chesterfield suite. It has aluminum The little cottage next to Mrs. K. ground. This,, apparently, partly area. Thompson, has been' sold and an per hour between 8 a.m. and 5 Workmen. groups. top and black Masonite sides. p.m. on school days only. At other stunned the snake as it made no It is not only the employees on Fill in the coupon for particu­ addition added. It is now occupied effort to escape. With a small stick hourly pay who would be affected Let us Estimate Your by Mr. and Mrs. H. Cole and family hours (on- school days), and at all lars. hours on Saturdays. Sundays, and the man pushed the snake around by a wage-freezing policy. The Requirements. of Kelowna. monthly salary workers in packing­ Over two and one half million * • ■ • in July and August, there is no until its head was pointing away No Obligation to Buy. dollars on deposit with the Re- restriction except the city speed and its tail was nearest to him. house and cannery plants are also Ken Shepherd has l«en using his Then, again with lightning speed, affected. The pay of these people ceiv’er-General of Canada for fog sprayer on the mosquitoes very limit of 30 m.p.h. Already the Cau­ WE SPECIALIZE tion Signs are down, and, to all he seized it with his fingers im­ was frozen during the war when the sole protection of Canadian effectively the past Tew evenings. several advances were made in the Policyholders. . • * • intent and purposes both Richter mediately behind its head and held IN INSULATING it up. He then brought the snake’s hourly pay schedules. Should these Miss Winnifred Baldwin has re­ Street and Sutherland Avenue are SIDE-WALLS E. E. SCOBEE ‘through streets’. mouth up to his loose-hanging left key men and women, by sheer ne^ turned from a week-end in Pen. sleeve and” the creatiu-e’s fangs cessity be called. on to take a, stand Provincial Manager ticton visiting relatives. I am aU in sympathy with the move to slow: dP traffic_pn Richter snapped together through the ma­ in the present controversy, a •(^ery ' for the h o l y B IB L E , 6th Floor, Lumhermm’s Bldg. Street, especially in school time, terial of the sleeve. A jerk and embarrassing situation will surely B.C. INSULATION Vancouver, BlC. but if the T.CA^.C. imagines for presto! the fangs were tom out. result. . ,, Sunday School Supplies In conclusion,' Mr. Editor, I would LTD. — Telephones — OKANAGAN one moment that the chance of col­ The snake was then put into a sack. and Pacific 1447 — Pacific 7724 liding with cross traffic on Suther­ Altogether, within about> an hour, like to point out that workers in Phone Mr. B, James at 766, T e n d e r s land slows up motorists on Richter the man' caught eight snakes of the fruit industry cannot allow -tfc SACRED MISSION r Street, it is very much mistaken. three different varieties including themselves to be penalized and I Name TENDERS WILL BE OKANAGAN MISSION — Direc. I happen to live at this com er and several cobras. i tors of the Okanagan Mission Com­ I know. Trucks, cars and those This method of snake-catching is RECORDINGS RECEIVED for the munity Hall Association held their noisy abominations, motor-cycles, undoubtedly effective but is hardly I Street ....^...... regular monthly meeting Tuesday MISS BETTS NIGHSWANDER We welcome your order. speed on Richter either before en­ recommended for the uninitiated. COMPLETION OF night in the hall. There were eight tering, or after leaving, the school G. S. HUGH-JONES. Graduate of Winnipeg .School of Art, will conduct j City or Town ...... — THE DOMINION members present and Mr. Good- zone. . KRUMM BROS. land, of National Film Board was Only constant police vigilance at f r u i t WORKERS’ d il e m m a SUMMER ART COURSES i Age ...... Occupation------ENTOMOLOGICAL introduced. Members voted that the all hours will purb this. What I am for Adults and Children j e ^v e l l e r s Community HaU Association would pleading for is that Sutherland Av­ Editor, Kelowna Courier: Bernard Avenue LABORATORY, sponsor the showing of National enue may be prevented from being Dear Sir: from July 12 to August 14 Films in the hall every fifth week a ‘through street’ also, for where ' It is with great concern that we MORNING CLASSES— Monday, Wednesday, Friday Trout Creek, from September to March. A pre­ there are two ‘through streets’ cros­ leam that a strike vote is to be view sheet will be distributed. A. sing one another, sooner or later taken by the Fruit and Vegetable 9.15 to ll.30 a.m. Film Council Board, composed of someone is going to be killed. Only Workers Union. Per Lesson: Adults 7Sc; Children 50c Sumnierland, B.C. Gordon McKenzie and Mrs. E. Wil­ those who are completely stubborn The very serious consequences KELOWNA FUNERAL PARLOR son, was elected to interest the (not to use a stronger term) will which could result, ^ould a strike EVENING CLASSES— 7.30 to 9.30 p.m. ^ • Plans and specifications public: and advertise these enteh- disagree with me. be tailed, should be borne in mind One Thursday Evening Class Each Week “Understanding and Dependability*’ taining evenings, a suitable plan I. submit that it is better to be by all. Per. Lesson: Adults $1.00 . may be seen at the was discussed for the addition to realistic and to take measures for The main point at issue is an laboratory. the hall and will be drawn to scale the prevention of accidents before, increase in pay. This has been re­ before caUing a general meeting to rather than after, someone is kilr fused by the B.C.F.G-A., and by the AN EXHIBITION OF THE BEST W O ^ The lowest.or any ten­ devise means. led. , Shippers Federation. WILL BE HELD AT END OF COURSE The social committee for last Yours truly, In the first place, it is a matter A rthur R. Clarke month will carry on during July. "Member ot the British Institute of EmbahnersT der, not necessarily D. S. CATCHPOLE. entirely beyond the jurisdiction of accepted It is hoped to arrange for Saturday the B.CJF’.GJL It is a matter coi.- For further information PHONE 219-Ll or call at PHONES: night dances to commence again. ceming the Shippers and theiy em­ 313 Gadder Avenue Next meeting will be at the home SNAKES ALIVE Day W Night: Day: S3 91-T2C Editor. Kelowna Courier: ployees only. The B.CJE*.GA. has of BJr. and Mrs. Frank Smalldon, absolutely no voice in the question. the first 'Diesday in August. The diQilay in a local shop win- PAGE SEVJSN THE KELOWNA COURIEE THi;KS»Ay. auL¥ 8. i« i WOOD FOR SALE m o ic B NEON FAINTIMai liiumtcxiiiil* l»«ttT«rr 1019 Ail tyi)^) of oignn A l^ KENAKEN FUEI- Co. Nowl C. II. TA’TLOR K eSffiTS^^ ‘ 04J Cteme.it Ave. Fhon«1031^ , 'H' ■Ml*'

>*uu It eatdi b u s i n e s s FO R SA L E P R O P E R T Y , anm e**M pM BUSINESS »i*«ur-6*« <*»M. It ^...... PERSONALS (Miscellaneous) FO R SA L E (•d. »4d «*»<• In' Iwekww- PERSONALS FUR REPAIRS. RELINING and re- FOR SALE-ELECTRIC PUMP There K - SERVICE DECORATORS styling ehould be done before stor- Complete with 130 ft. tin pipe. Call INTERIOR AGENCIES LTD. If It'i done wlto P ^ t we do u . ^ coats. For complete satlafuction or phone between 4 and 5 p.m. at E M E R G E N a PAINTING PAPER ^ jg Malfet at Kelowna Fur Craft. 1309 Ethel St. PboPhone B92-U. 01-lp 4 ROOM BUNGALOW. NEW. IN something new under the sun HERB PEKRUL ROY BTOLA 549 Bernard Ave.Ava 01-7p ——------highly desirable part of town, with­ PHONE NUIRBERS 050-L 1042-R FOR SALE—10 ft. CLINKER plan­ 78-tfc ing hull by Turner—Windshield. in easy walking distance of all ICELOWNA UPHOLSTERY shopping areas. Complete with two w hen you suh the 247 Lawrence Ave. LICENCED ELE^ICAL Recovering, repairing, remodeling, forward steering wheel and remote ^ ‘ THA^n.JIAKOLD A. FOI^S S r U U lT «lvo., control, AJl .^ W l^ .‘S,'’,i.rr5j7ccl m 'S .','’!: HELENA RUBINSTEIN WAY Phone 034-X free.' Evinrude In _pcrfwt condition. $9(W Courier Courtesy or nearest offer, delivered. Write J. , __ MOTOR BOATS and ROW BOATS LAUNDER EASE <5 r'lnrir 2424 W 2nd Vancouver. cherry, plum and peur FOR RENT S. Clark. 2-12-1 W. 2nu. Vancouver, frees. To complete the picture it has IMHIID SUNSHIHI — Novor beforo a aun lanniog ritv Park have now added a water extractor preparation liko this. Ciroa you a quick, golden O.K. BOAT HOUSE e.uy i-arii further speed their drying scr- a good garage, with work-shop and Special Rates for Fishermen vice. Just one more reason why you NEW HAMPSHIRE and Rhode Is- fuel bin. Terms are available tan. And wonderful to eay —• contains a now 83-tfc A M BULAN CE . .. 878 (Tackle If dcjjlrcd) get the whitest wash at land Red Pullets, 3 to 8 months old. Total price ...... $5,800.00 powerful insect ropellont. Non-groasy with a froth, Write for prices. George Game, tangy scent.. 2 oz. 05c, 3-3/5 OZ. $1.25 P O L IC E ...... 311 ^ net to F^J^»ltor,, iVlegirko&T. A-r^5in8:.B.C: COMPACT^ NEW __E1GOT_B^^^^ SUNfROOF CRIAm — A combination mako-up founda­ H O SP IT A L ...... 84 All utnrir tftinmntecd For best re- OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY 91-tfc home, good lot in garden, fruit F IR E H A L L ...... 196 All work guaranicca. ror ma% vr«m rriNVENTENCE. 91-tfc ------—— —— ------— trees, lawn, anaand garage,garage. This xnis is an tion and sunburn preventive. Keeps tlio ekin aoD suits SCO Johnson at 764 Cawton FOR YOUR CONVEWIENC------MEDIUM SIZE ICE REIFRIGERA- oustanding buy for a good sized fa- and smooth. Dolicatoly ecented. Non-greasy. 2 oa. DRUG.STOEE8 OFENi Ave. ______MOTOR REPAIR SERVICEl—COM- TOR, white enamel inside and out. mlly or someone wishing to rent .05, 4 o*. 1.25 Sunday, July 11, 4 to 5.30 p.m.— plcto maintenance service* Electrical Perfect condition. 600 Patterson Ave. rooms. Located about 0 blocks from BROWN’S PHARMACY FUR STOltAUL, contractors. Industrial "EleeWe, 256 or phone 1049-Ll. 91-lc down-town on the south side, it can SUNBURN Oil — For tlioso who prefer an oil pro- Wcdticsdbay, July 14, 7 to 0 pjn. Store your Furs at M A N D ^S ! Ln^renco Ave.. phone 768, 82-tfc FOR SALE—ONE U.S. ARMY-Air- be purchased for the remarkably toctivo. Assures an oven, golden, healthy all-over TRENCH'S Only 2% of valuation for storage —------—------force rubber boat. 1000-lb. capacity, small sum of $2,600.00, which also tun wlion used beforo and during exposure. Easy to OARAGES OPEN and Insurance. Flat storage rate, HAVE YOU SOME FURNITURE -height approx. 40 Ibg, Apply 1062 includes floor coverings, and kU- use. Men liko it too! 3 oz. $1.25, 0 oz. $1.50. Sunday, July 11 $2.00 per coat; Cloth coots $1-^ lo*" sale? Ranges, etc.? We’ll pay Maple St. Phone 730-L. 91-2p chen stove. Balance of payment on K£IX>WNA m o t o r s , 1010 Pen- cleaning charge. Mandcl’s, you the best prlccs._Sce us first! O. easy terms. do2i St. nard Ave. 80-tfc. Jones Furniture Co. Ltd. 58-tfc FOR SALE—LATE MODEL 8-tubo E IX IS ST. SERVICE STATION Phllco car radio with telescope acr- h a v E JUST LISTED A VERY 1317 Ellla St. ____ HAVE IT DONE NOW I MASONRY CONTRAC'TOI^—PlM- Dodge or Plymouth. Phone 622-R •w’ELL LOCATED LOT 60 feet wide CUSTOMS HOURS — CHIMNEYS — . tcrlng, stucco, ^ e n t and brick or 50. 91-lP by 122 feet deep. IT HAS' ONE — STOVES — W . R. TRENCH LTD. 8 ajn. to 11 pjn. DS.T. ^ r k . Orsi & Sons, 572 G lenw <^ STOCK c.-rr>rK f FOR o r TMMFDIATE IMMEDIATE CHERRY TREE ON IT AND A STATIONERY — FURNACES — , Ave. Phone 494-L. 81-tfc IN STOCK F OR IMMEUIAHi, VERY ATTRACTIVE BIRCH TREE DRUGS a Cleaned and repaired thoroughlyi DELimaatY THIS LOT IS HIGH AND A BASE­ — Wo Prepay Postage on all Mall Orders -— HELP WANTED NO MESS! FOB SUMMER ICE Requirements 3%S ( 3 ^ Cubic Feet) MENT CAN BE DUG WITH COM- Mac’s Chimney Sweeping Service phone BURTCH ICE DELIVERY, 4S (4 Cubic Feet) PLETE SAFETY. , Phone 73 Kelowna, B.C. WANTED FOB PERIOD OF 3 Phono 164. 82-tfc Five Bridges. Phone 818-Rl. 58-tfc Wettlaufer Concrete Mixers power- Price only ...... $850.00 months: Experienced domestic or ------—— ------ed with International gas engines, AROUND THE WORLD WATER -r- WATER — WATER — crank start, mounted on pneumatic housekeeper for modern ranch for these and all other types of home at 'Winfleld. Good accommo- yes, send flowers anywhere. Suit- for Water—Domestic and Coinmer- rubber-tired wheels, trailer type property dation and highest wages paid, able always. Appreciated. We_ spe- cial—Sco^ Okanagan Well DrlUers..Drillers.. $500.00 PROPERTY FOR SALE OBITUARIES 77-tfc 2-S 2%-S Concrete Mixers, powered PROMINENT Write Mr-i. F.*C. Brown, R.R. 1 or cialize In floral designs for weddings. Phone 1000. ' SEE with Johnson air cooled gas engines, phone 3-R2 for appointment. funerals, etc. Phone 88. RICHTER HAVE THAT OLD WASHER re- JOHN E. HOBROBIN 91-1-c GREENHOUSES. 83-tfc trailer type, $275.00 . INTERIOR AGENCIES LTD. JOHNSON & TAYLOR clnditioned like new^ 2 ^ -S Skid-Mounted concrete mix 266 Bernard Ave. Kelowna, B.C. Real Estate U X PEOPLE A heart seizure proved fatal dur­ WANTED— GOOD ALL ROUND I WANT TO KNOW! rollers for all t ^ M of vrashers. See powered suitable for mix- ing the morning of Monday, July 5, BAKER, for bread and sweet Does ariyone in Kelowna manufac-, Pete’s Washer Service. Phone^ll35. ing feed for farm use, etc., S75.00.$75.00. “WE COVER THE VALLEY" VERY ATTRACTIVE FOUR room 1948, to a Vancouver trucker, John doughs; Plenty of machinery and ture upholstered furniture, Chester- Above prices, f.o.b. all rail heads. bimgalow on large lot, close' in. COMING HERE Eno Horrobin,; who was holidaying stoker fired oven. Retail trade most- fldds, chairs, etc? Does anyone re- Immediate Delivery From Stock. here. Mr. Hotfrqbin, aged 56, died IN THE GOOD OL’ SUMMER WINFIELD COMMUNITY possession. Price .... $5,800.00/ suddenly at the Jubilee Apart- ly, very little wholesale, no night pajj. recover these things I You . _poriie sell the things they RITCHIE EQUIPMENT COMPANY OLD In- work. Prefer single man. Good ^et! We do! “Buy direct from the ^ things W y do LIMITED HALL. Apply C. G. Fallow, Secre- tj/wtutc! Axrr» r’o m 'F R bath ments, where he arid his wife were 205 West 1st Ave. Vancouver, t^ y . R.R.1, Kelowna. 90-2Tc f ^ r o ? e ^ ^ 4 S terior of British Columb a should staying during their visit. wages if able to do the work. Write manufacturer and save * want—all ’through the classified ------^------:------six weeks. receive a good stimulant judging Remains were forwarded by the Box 834, Kelowna Courier. 91-2c Okanagan Upholstering^ Co., 246 q, t^e Kelowna Courier. Telephone, FAirmont 9228 wi-vTj r«Mi?nnv Lawrence Ave. (upstairs 90-4C NEW 6 ROOM MODERN HOUSE price ...... $5,200.00 from the calibre of American busi- Kelowna Funeral Parlor to Van- GIRLS WANTED 83-tfc Cheapest, most effective medium in with full basement. Circulating fire- ncssmen who will be taking part louver for iunT Scott’s). Phone 819. ■ __ the valley. 77-tf picking from July 15. Transporta­ ______WAR ASSETS PAINT place.______All maple floors, linoleum on _ SEVERAL______. CHOICE ______BUILDING in the International Good Neighbor ial there on Saturday, July 10. Mr. tion provided. Phone 291-X. 91-2-^ HAIL A CHARIOT! WASHING MACHINES and VAC- Good outside paint, light grey, gold- kitchen and bathroom floors. Lovely i^ts*close~in, for sale at present, Tour, sponsored by the Okanogan, Horrobin was born at Northfleld, NAIL A CAB ! UUM cleaners serviced and repaired, en buff, aluminum, brown, medium cupboards. Call at owner, 689 Pat- Cariboo, Alaska Highway ^ssocia- , and lived in this WANTED—YOUNG WOMAN, age BE SURE IT’S RUDY’S We pick up and deliver. All repairs green, $2.95 per gal. in 5-gal. cans, terson Ave. 91-lp JOHNSON & TAYLOR tion. province all his life. Mrs. W. V‘. between 20 and 30, for store work. THAT YOU NAB! cash only. Pete’s Washer Service. Slate grey and dark grey,^ $1.95 per ------Phone 846 270 Bernard Ave. Names of prominent U.S. citizens Witt, Elliott Ave., Kelowna, is a Taping essential. No shorthand or Just Phone 610. Phone 1135. 88-tfc gal. in 5’s. First grade outeide white, ,p^Q l a RGE ADJOINING CITY who will be making the tour next sister-in-law of the deceased. bookkeeping necessary. Must be able “Rudy’s Taxi and Transfer” ------cream, ivory (Gener^ Paint Co.) building lots on paved street; ajl week, were released by L. E. Rad­ Besides his wife, Ada Kathleen, to meet the public. Reply giving age, 83-tfc GOO! GOO! WOO! WOO! $4.75 per gal. m 5’s. Shingle stain, facilities adjacent, $875 cash. Phone ley, secretary of the organization. he is survived by two daughters, education, experience and salary ex­ BLAH - BLAH - BLAH green, red or brown, $2.50 per gal. o^^er 1045-Ll. 91-tfc NEW N.H.A. ^lOME . FOR SALE! The party is scheduled to leave Bernie, Vancouver, and Phyllis, , in pected. Box 831, Kelowna Courier. SILVER PLATE (That’s baby talk! Deciphered it in 5’s. Mail orders shipped promptly ______Wenatchee 7.30 a.m.,a.m. Julyam j 14, ar-— Duncan, B.C.; one brother, Earl, at ^ 89-tfc Remember, re-silvering makes it means: “Mom can’t kid me, her kin c.O.D. 412 Holden Bldg., Vancouver, , The best built home in Kelowna on rivine in Kelowna the same day Qcean Falls, B.C., and ,t\ro sisters, ,-TDT iirATVTrrpn V/-4P rtFiMERAL silverware again, for a fraction of take me to town...... when— — she ^ g o ^ b .C. 89-3° OKANAGAN INVESTMENTS Ltd, fine residential street. High and dry. where they will stay overnight. Louise, Vanc^ver, and Charlotte, GIRL WANTED Pe ^ Harding & Full basement, furnace, 3 bedroon^,. leaving the Orchard- - - City —■ the fol- Los Angeles, Cal. housework. Sleep in: 89-tfc Interior Plating, 173 Front St., Pen- Ig^^^Ltd. R^t-a-Bug^ ServieVis FOR SALE—REGISTER!^ Black Phone 332 Phone 98 dining and living rooms. Lovely lowing day, the caravan will visit oa-w. __ _ an.tfe Snnniol PiinnioR Male and tincton, B.C. so. reasosable.” 80-tfc Cocker Spaniel Puppies. Male and cabinet kitchen. Cash r^mred j^amloops and stay overnight in TRY COURIER CLASSIFIED —r------female, one month old. 1425 Richter FOR SALE $4,640. N.Hi payments $36.29 pg^gigtoke, returning to the U.S. FOB QUICK BEBIJLTS POSITION WANTED TRACTOR WORK — PLOWING, RUPTURED?—SPRING, ____ELASTIC _ phone______662-L. 89*lP . or belt trusses are available at P. WHY WAIT a week for your watch A very nice modern house. Garage month. Details on application. K,a,y,aae following ai day. vemmi. Brief stops will discing and excavating. J. W. Bed- be made at Vernon, Penticton, LODGE NOTICES MECHANIC WITH 25 YEARS ex­ ford, 949 Stockwell Ave. Phone 3 . •^iUits & Co.. Ltd. Private fitting r e p AIK? Get a 48-hour watch and attached to house with upstairs stor- BUSINESS BLOCK FOR SALE— c,?mmerland and OUver. perience, cars, trucks, machinery, 105-4L. 57~tfc adequate stocks. 52-tfc clock repair service a t KOOP’S age, retail area, two stores. Rental ^ u t originally schedul- wants steady position, capable of JEWELLERY, 1467 Ellis Street, room 27’xl8’ at greatest length with ^iq OO per year. Full price $7,500. 9 T^nt had 4 he can- (n e a r the b u s depot) Headquarters Heatolator fireplace, hardwood floors ed for June 2, but had to be can­ running shop or what have you to, HEAR YOU ARE! FO R R E N T celled due to flood conditions. offer. Apply Box 837, Kelowna Cou­ HEAR YOU WILL! for Diamonds, Silverware, GIFTS and many built in features. PETER MURDOCH Several Okanagan busmessirien rier. 91-lp _ ____ SLEEPING ROOM FOR TOURISTS FOR ALL. 71-tfc Kitchen small and very compact 267 Bernard Ave. Phone 301 See your “Hearing Aid Centre’ facing front. Master bedroom 15’xl4’ will join the caravan when it ar­ OKCHARD c i t y l o d g e No. S9 b . a a d a . . , m Pe„dozl S..Phon= — — 3 cAKAW ES - rives at the various towns and cir LO.O.F. CARD OF THANKS of colors cupboards (cedar lined). Small bed- ties. , ' ' ■ . ; ■ . . ; ^ Meets every Tuesday—^Women’s the best! “Telex” “Western Electric” ■ ______. ______------Choice quality. Variety BUSINESS Following American busmessmen Institute Hall, Glenn Ave. W E WISH TO THANK OUR friends oiTaranteed “fresh b a t i ^ stock. SLEEPING ROOM FOR RENT — Also all bird and goldfish supplies, room l l ’xl2’ ^ with large cupboaM along with newspaper representa­ N.G. — Bro. F. G. Freeman and neighbors for their kind ex- 82-tfc Private entrance^Centrally locat^. 530 Bernard Ave. Phone 72. 38-T-tfc (cedar lined). Modern bathroom. OPPORTUNITIES tives will join the caravan: J. S. pressions of sympathy, and beauti­ South end. 1868 Ethel St. 91-2p Baragar, secretary Ellens.burg Sec’ty — Bro, A. Fev-Ki-James ful floral offerings tendered during KELOWNA DRYGOODS STORE Phone 965-R the siclcnesrand^ d^^ Hemstitching, Dressmaking and Al- LARGE S L E ^ IN (5 ROOM _ h u sb a n d and father. Special thanks terations—Ladies’ and Girls’ Ooats rent —r - - . — — to the nurses in the Kelowna Gen- oiir specialty—buttons covered. See home, July and August. 94i M ^v y ggj.ments, upholstered furmture and sary. „ ■+ kima Chamber of Commerce; LOYAL OBDEB oral Hospital and to Rev. Dr. Lees, our samples of Imported wooRen Ave. furs—for 10 years—or we pay^ the ^^is bungalow is yegr ■weU shu-^ __TO ______INVEST _ Miller,______president,._____ Washington _ State • «. a a_.ASIXTy^warkT.- OF MOOSE Lodge No. 1380 zippers—all. ------colors andxse, sizes. Marahan Seams S... 90-2.P90-2tP . ^ COMING EVENTS pinked. 631 Harvey Ave,, Kelowna, ing a beauti^l setting. A vei^r nice lowna Courier. Meets 2ndi and UNITED BROTHERHOOD of Car- B.C,' 75-tfc SLEEPING^OOM, TWIN BEDS, in WHIZZER POWERED sociation. Cashmere; Irwin H. Jon­ . 4th Thursday ' In quiet, private home by week or w a r r io r MOTORBIKES property. Price $8,500. Terms can be j ^ Q ,j , j Q g g es, president Stevens Pass Sunset ' each month at 3 S to tt^ S e H a u 'IJS y S AIX:OHOUCSICS ^ANOWmODS O N ^ O T O - for July and August only. Four-cycle motor, 150 miles per arranged, Highway Association, Wenatchee. p.m. in .Women’s poative ^pennqMnt 030-w^olseley Ave. Phone 1055. 90-2p -tailless steel fenders, bal- ___ C. (5. Johnson, president, Wenat­ SS'ihW-Taaaday- »< tia mentt a. ^olaelay gallon, stainless steel fenders, bal­ OKANAGAN INVESTMENTS c a l l f o b 'TENDEES Institute' Hall. 8.00 pun. . o ^u c . . . ------. loon tires. Full price ...... f. $225. chee Chamber of Commerce; Jam­ or inconvenience. It is a personal _ T * 0 ‘R'P'N rT LIMITED Tenders will be received at the es W. Wallace,______KPQ,_ vice-president _____ Sec’y: R. Blakeboirpugb, Ph.' 186 and confidential service rendered W A N lx iiD 1 Krill'l l Immediate delivery. ___ “MOTORCYCLE SALES LIMITED” ■ 280 Bernard Avenue Dominion Entomological Laboratory, Chamber of Commerce; PERSONAL by other alcohoUcs whj)_ have fo_,^^^ F o F i i l E M O r m f o F A UG UST- The House of Friendly Service ”SummerlandrB.G;ir fpr:-Gonstruction_jjg^^^^-Qpjj,pyjgy_j)aily-World,-We- IN BUSINESS SINCE 1909 freedom through Alcoholics A n on y------t „ 561 W. Broadway, Vancouver of a garage and implement and jjatchee; Joe Hamilton, district en- TRANSPORTA’nON TO VANCOU­ •nous Write P.O. Box 307. Kelowna, fu^shed cabin on , ______chemical storage building; Mze 40x2o gjj^ggj._ highway department, Wen- B.P.O. Elks VER desired Friday afternoon or 20-tfc suitable for family, 2 adults, 4 child- Indian - Royal Enfield ■ Triumph Motorcycles 88-tfc ------„ „„ T a ft. atTrout Creek Point, Summer- Wilder R. Jones, chairman, Saturday morninQ by young busi­ ■ ' ' ' '______' ______— ren. Dr. W. A. Shandro, Gameau ------132 ACRE F/m M — 20 cultivated, jgnd, B.C. Plans may; be seen at the yga^s committee Wenatchee Cham- meet 1st andl nessman. Share expenses. H. Brown. FOR ALL WASHING MACHINE Theatre Bldg., Edmonton, Alta,91-4c TOAS’TERS RADIOS IRONERS more can be. Water piped to bouse Laboratory, Summer- Commerce; Chester Kimm, 3rd Mondays Phone 811 between 9 am . and 5 and pressure pump troubles Phone ' ■ ■ ■______— —^^ Refrigerators Washing Machines and barnyard. House bemg wired lowest or any tender not jjjanaging secretary Wenatchee ELKS’ HALL p.m. ' . ' ■ . ' ■ 91-lp 1135. 89-tfc URGENTLY REQUIRED—RENT— -v^E FIX ’EM /dLL! necessarily accepted. 91-lc chamber of Commerce. _ .. . _ . TJTJTvT,. 1 ------R. w. Little, Robcrt Voglfcr, Tan PARTY WILL GIVE RO(DM AS PLASTER^AND STUCCO, PUTTY House for family of three-i-pre fe r^ Hememberi___“When______there’s_____ some- $4,700. E. Diggins, RR No. 1. 'Ender- Lawrence Ave. security for loan of $100, Box__8^5, coat, sand finish^ * interior and ex- ably within walking distance pf_ thing to fix, just phone 3 ^ -byr 89^P-VEBNON-ASSESSMENT_DIS'miCT_Qg^’^gQ^ and L. E. Radley, all of xr>m?RT\r 4 roo m NOTICE is hereby given...... that a chelan; Tom------WSborn~Brewster; - ■ « o Kelowna Courier. g rior e S a - ^nTgaTd“ “ “ “ ''■ ff.'S; ATTRACTIVE MODERNJO D ^ N 4 ROOMROO gf Revision under the provi- Lyle Brinkerhoff, Bob Rosenpff, (X KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS PARTY WISHES, LOAN OF $1,000 . -frao PleaT»vmvr 4 pnmvr Stucco men started de-flooding operations "in“This is sales tax is xnethe wuisiworst ncau-head- FOR “RELIABLE AUTOMOBILES” ' — South Pendozi St. — OKANAGAN MOTOR SALES condition. 2178 Woodlawn St. 90-lp | p L L Y in the lacrosse box in the (^ity Park we have ever had.” commented day, July 9th! Okanagan Motor Sales Open every night except 'Thursday. 242 Lawrence Avenue ______Tuesday night. Earthen dykes were grocery retailer. “It will mean 242 Lawrence Ave. Phone 1110 piSH ’N CHIPS - DOUGHNUTS 15 ft. HOUSE TRAILER $700.00. Ap- good oak floors. There are cement thrown u p . and a piunp b^pnging fy,Qj.g bookkeeping and more 90-tfc Home-Made Pastries - Good Coffee. 1947 Packard Clipper i Sedan ply 1630-Vernon Rd., Kelowna. walks. Immediate possession. $6,850 to the city was put into action 80-tfc thought ’on the part of clerks mak­ 1942 Packard Clipper''Sedan 90-lp Wednesday, after the puriip had ing out the orders. It takes twice LOOKING FOi •WE’LL SHOP FOR YOU” 1939 Hudson Sedan > _— ; ■ ------— ------n e w 6 ROOM HOUSE in excellent been going steadily aU night, “Pin­ H you know what you want but live welcome Visitors! WOULD SELL ELECTRICAL Pho- location with fireplace in living as Tong now to put an order too far away to find it yourself. Welcome to Kelowna! 1938 Ford Sedan Convertible ky” Raymer, boxla spokesman, de­ through.” small 1935 Ford Sedan nograph (single record player at a j-Qom, hardwood floors and full re­ scribed the situation as “very pro- write to Select Shopping Serx'ice. “RENT A BIKE” time. (Also records). Would p ll at ment basement. Price ...... $9,600 Many retailers criticized the go­ Dominion Bank Building, Vancou- by hour, day or week, it’s great sport 1929 Chevrolet Coach nusing.’ Wednesday’s rain, how- vernment for not having all the de­ 1929 Chevrolet Pick-up reasonable price because of elimina- ever, was nearly undoing the MODERN HOME ver 93-tfc CAMPBELL’S BICYCLE SHOP tion of middte^man. J. H. Roy, Room CARRUTHHRS & MEIKLE LTO. pumping effects. tails of the tax figured "out right ------Leon Sc Ellis St, Phone 107. 80-tfc when they -slapped the tax on.’’ ENROL NOW! OKANAGAN MOTOR SALES 18, Mayfair Hotel. 364. Bernard Ave. Kelowna, B.C. Scores of purchasers are reported WHAT HAVE YOU? WE HAVE “Reliable Automobiles” WRITE! WIRE! PHONE! FURS—FURS—FURS- Phone 1110 FOR 8^^1947 put- to be making several trips in and T h e O.K. VaUey Hairdressing the most up-to-date and exten- 242 Lawrence Ave. out of stores for small articles thus Appfy Box 838 School. Kelowna, B.C., Government sive facilities in the Valley for the sm Ph?ne'’S im ’’" ‘‘’"‘ M 'S BEVEJTOE EABNmO_ HOUSE CANCER GROUP evading the tax if they were pur­ improved’ RVgisterexl 'Teachers, lat- rare of y furs and fur coats. cat v-' n v TRADE—1943 Two- sale. Guaranteed returns chased all at one time. Kelovtma Courier est equipment;■ 453 Lawrence Ave., From__ m auerauonsalterafions 10 to fireproof stoiage - fP----- H- ^ - A j L E OFJ3QU3LJ, rb,.i-,-Viaca 1946 UEWXa xsxixv Biqyqi^ vestment.vesunem. Apply directly _ ,behind One of the minor difficulties fac­ 91-1-p 77-tfc ^ e e Mandel’s. 512 Bernard Avenue. just overhauled and painted. Bal- Stewart Nurseries, Bankhead. WANTS MONEY Phone 414. 4 5 -tfc now equipped with 8 tons cap- ny ------ed during the first few days was, the shortage of paper at Victoria. NONE BETTER draulic hoist. Low mileage, 27,000, iir^ . e . _ excellent condition mechanically and etc. Apply 631 Harvey Ave. 90-2p FAJiM. FOR SALE—40 acres. Crops FROM CITY As a result, there were not suffici­ Bread. Cakes. Buns and other de­ GO-GO-GET AN OGOPOGO! excellent condition mechanlcauy ^ — including alfalfa, grains, good build- ent form s; and tax tickets for dis­ ATTENTION ! licious “HOME” BAKERY products. The" Souvenir of the Okanagan, otherwise. 'Truck less hoisL $l,zay. cABIN CRUISER FOR immediate jnes (high and dry) electricity, fruit tribution ti> all retailers here, fflie “ Fresh Daily” at your grocers. On sale everywhere, attractively Will trade for delivery worth almut ggig. ‘Hed Wing” 40 h.p. Wdhderful ^ “gg „,iies niain line CJPB.— Council Monday night received a (Belgo) letter from the B.C. Cancer Foun- tickets are used for keeping track OWNERS of SPITFIRE m a d e in KELOWNA. boxed, ready to mail. Ideal for tour- $700. R. R. Chase, R.R3, buy. See any time, RANGE SAWDUST Support “HOME” Industry! 82-tfc ists. visitors. Go. <3d. Get Ogopogo! Kelowna. ______91-2P lowna Courier. BURNERS ______120 PACKARD K m AN FOR S. SELL AIBPOBT HAY THE INVISIBLE MENDER Apply after 5 pjn. at 1624 Richtqr 'R O P E R T Y WANTED '“a fieu J . W. Gammle’s offer to purhase ______ters. Goddard’s Ltd.. S ^ o n Arm. ^ for the Social Security and Munlci- We now have NICKEL- . ,___ rsfv*« air- Protcct your good clothes by hav- SL 91-lp for a total of $50 Ing them invisibly repaired. Consult - _ _ _ WANTED—CK)OD FAMILY HOME B.C., for values that defy fomi^U- i | ^j,g cancer soc- pal Aid Tax will arrive in Kelowna PLATED HOPPERS for close in. south side—fireplace and tion. ^ k for J ^ p jgjy deficit of $15,0(». F^day and w iR _ re in ^ hiere unW was accepted by City (^uncil on March at “Mandels”, 518 Ber- F O R SA L E furnace.'preferably with 3 bedrooms and lists. “AU requirements stetea. J' _ *». ------.t.. Immediate Delivery nard Ave. 85-tfc^ ______«***«*>•«» Frithers, however,--- took the the •following Wednesday, Hie wUl Mond.\y night. _— ------— Z~ 16 f o o t SPEED BOAT. soUd ma- 1-wiU pay all cash. Please give fuU Businesses Hotels, Auto C ^ ^ ^ view of the fact ar- be in a position to^ aimanswer any tax. SCOTT PLUMBING —— ------ORDER Your VENETIAN BLINnpS ______hogany, double cockpits, 1942 Dodge ______particulars and address to Box 833. i l s t ^ g C am jft_O rchari^ 5 n ^ ound $5,000 was. collected locaUy as questions pertaining to the WORKS SEPTIC TANK now from Me &A Me. MeasurementsMeAsureznenta motor, as new.new, water soeedspeed noup tDto T^AinixnnaKelowna rvmriAr.Courier. 90*2o90-2p HoldingSLHoldings. It* THE climate. LAna oi a result of 4theWa cancer rsumaiffiLcanpal^ ^ '' . • aw ' acHmitn ■ “ Ann Lindsav Zbitnoff. 1005 Stockwwfi taken. Estimates , gl'ven. No obliga- 45 m .^ . Entire unit in perfect con opportunity! the c ity j^ o t accept any financial 242 Lawrence Ave. Ave,~was gi-anted permission to tion. Enijuire about our Mrvice, dition throughout For information FOB Pf^T'mcitTV|E JOB TBPT^ — ^ A t t a n w n /n>j$ respon^Uity. construct«m ^ct a temporarT^ptictemporary septic tank^ 87-tfe phone 297. Penticton. 91-lc ING TBY COtJBIEB JOB SHOP TBY OOHBDSB C X a n s t a m f respon«»u» jr TBDBUD&T, JULY a, IHI THE KELOWNA COURIER PA O B E IG H T


E veryM y's e»cHeA about M e o a ta e s to SUHFEW AY'S [•w


m Baking Supplies P e a c h e s Lynn Valley, 20 oz. can ...... Z 7 » SHORTENING PACIFIC MILK .6 or an A pple Ju ice Sunrype, 20 o z . can 2 f 2 r 3 p PIE CRUST M IX“"af!^”^- GINGERBREAD MIX™'^“‘14 oz...... :.... 2 0 c S a l m o n Fancy Keta, 8 oz. can CAKE FLOUR'44 oz.^ pkg. TEA BISK 40 oz. pkg...... G reen Beans Pride of the Okanagan, choice, 20 oz. can ...... 17c WAFFLE FLOUR

Pride of the Okanagan, choice, £3 CORN STARCH pkg T o m a t o 20 oz. can ...... - M m ^ ^ ROGERS SYRUPsib VANILU All Brands, 16 oz. pkg. PEEK-FREANS 37c C e rio Liquid, 8 oz. bottle ...... 25ie! Pure Lard 25c FI OUR CRAFT RITZ BISCUITS s o. p.g 19c FLOUR r o s e p a s t r y 47ie Bakeasy, 16 oz. pkg. 30g SWEET PICKLES S T o. 34c Wide Mouth Masoii, per doz,.... H o u s e h o l d CATSUP'""^iT“ so.«=...... 24c Berkshire Ontario, per lb. lid s Wide Mouth Mason, per doz...... 230 Cheese ...... :.:..40C PERFEX BLEACH 16 oz. H.P. SAUCE soz bottio^^ MRS. STEWART’S Ontario Matured, lb. — ...... Lids Mason Kerr, regular, per doz. 150 Cheese 55c 10 oz...... OLIVES, ..25c CT A Pr'lJ SIVER GLOSS 9Hc 5 1 A liv fl laundry, 16 o z ...... A*w '' LARGERIPE OLIVES r 31* Rubber Rings parao. 70 Bread Polly Anne wrapped, 3 2iSc SALTED PEANUTS s o. bag 19c S.0.S STEEL WOOL 4 pads 13c Standard quality, per quart ... SA U D DRESSING 8 o. iar 25c Certo CRYSTALS 4 oz. pkg. 120 Milk 16c BOTTLE CAPS per pkg 35c CLASSIC CLEANSERpkg I F Cheese Velveeta, 2 lb. box ...... $1.05 M iscellaneous Jewel, quarts, per doz. .... b ’CEDAR POLISH 4 oz bo. 23c PUMPKIN S S .” 14c First Grade, all brands, lb...... ' FLOOR WAX "”TlVan 37c Sealers Sure Seal, pints, per doz. Bntter ^J,Cr TOMATO PASTE 6 0. 12c BRASSO Medium, tin .... 27c BABY FOODS 3 ^°^ 25c ^ u o Pufldings CORNBEEF tini®i?“!^ 23c M ic e ROUND GRAIN "I Q f i 9 c CHICKEN 42c 11b. Cello pkg...... :....iliw l# 4 oz. pkg...... - ...... -...... -...... " CATELLI SPAGHETTI 1115c

SARDINES suvet,Silvet, ZYzz% oz... oz...... 12c GOLD MEDAL W a l n u t s PIECES Jello leliies 4 oz. pkg. 9 c 2Yz lb. $1.69 4 oz. Cello pkg...... - ...... - .... 2 3 c ...... - ...... KELLOGG’S 9 | r 12 oz. A* I V DRURY STRONG TEUS CORN FLAKES ^ HOW TO MAKE'EM... Buckeriield’s IN THE JULY ISSUE DOG MASH 5 lb...... 43c W EL C H ’S SUGARIPE Lemon Pie Filler 17|< GRAPE JUICE 16 oz. . O r PffllI16S CJAAD POLAR WHITE 9 FOR |||^ large 2 lb. pkg. —...... —...... — 3 9 c ...... '...... magazine 511 AIT NAPTHA LAUNDRY ^ 13'^ RUBBER lIVi* FLY SWATS each ...... i Prices Effective July 9 - 14 Inclusive ( ORAm'^YEOmOUS AT SAmOS%

Ck>mplete selection of fhe season’s finest in &esh produce Bjiy w ith confidence—e v w uifc moet {ileese jw i ewigr Cafsliage local Hothouse, lb...... PiGnlc Shoulders smoked tenderized ...... lb. 3 9 c ! Local Green P er Pound local dry t—- 2 lbs. 11c

Side Bacon ^ lb. cello pkg...... :—-- each ..^^)c young tender ...... — 2 lbs. 19c Gvicuinliers Local Field 1 9 c crisp, ^een local,,lb. . . 25c Pork Shoulder 34c Per Pound Green Peas fresh young.. 2 lbs. 27c Beef, Blue Brand ...... lb. 4 * ^ E C

Beef, Blue Brand ...... lb. 4 0 c BACK BACON PORKUVER SAIMGE WIENERS Breakfast No. 1 Campfire 54 lb. Cello SUced per lb...... 4 2 ^ per lb...... — 37^ Pkg. . . :...... 40« per lb...... 2 0 ^ Tmm smjowwA coi PAQE NINE r m u m D A Y , j v l y s. i m

East to West OGDEN'S R o l l s B e s t Successful Piano Recital Given EAST KELOWNA MOVIE 0 O O E S A s Prizes Presented To Pupils MUSIC PUPII5 QUICKIES ^TO of motion picture cxcilcmcnL The ing, Richard Irwin and Arthur Mr. F. D. Price, of Winnipeg, is scone wherein Miss Goddard Is tied Jackson. to the stake by Indians and about Prizes for girls and boys over 12 EAST KELOWNA spending a few days holidays at home. to, be tortured Is a model of sus­ The Following Local (seniors) went to Adclla Wachlin EAST KELOWNA—The commun­ • • • pense and edge of the scat enter­ and Bruce Catchpole, while Merle ity picnic, sponsored by the P.T.A., tainment. Cooper’s rescue of ho^ Miller, Joan Campbell, Margaret Mr. and Mrs. Ivor Price, of Trail, took place Wednesday of lost week who are on holiday at the homo of by a clover ruse and their subes- M erch an ts Shugg, Nancy Jean Ellis. Norma at Kalomolka lake. Everyone had quent pursuit by the enraged In­ I ’umcr, Glennys EUergot, Brenda Mr. and Mrs. J . S. Ferguson, Mrs. an enjoyable day. There was base­ Price’s parents, left for a few dnyBC dians is film fare at its very best. Butler, Barry Olson and Darryl ball, softball ond swimming, and CROSSROADS WALTER’S WOOD- Dclcourt, received special mention. visit in Vancouver. Tlicy Intend re­ Easy to roll — plenty of ice cream for the child­ turning to East Kelowna sometime Joan Crawford, the winner of the SUPPLY LAWN GROCERY Eileen Graham, who leaves for ren. 1943 Academy Award, gives a per­ delightful to sm oko Victoria College In the fall, was this week. Arrangements were In the hands • • • formance worthy of the first lady REID’S CORNER Phono 814-L 2091 RIOIITER S t Phono 1090 given a parting gift of an opal bar of the screen in Warner Bros.’ pin, “a memento of ten happy years of Mra H, R. Perry, Mrs. D. Evans, Mr. and Mrs. W. Robertson, with •‘PIPE SMOKERSLASK FOR OGDEN:S,CUT PLUG, M. N. Barwick, and R. A. Wldmey- Mrs. L. Lunan, motored to Beaver- Humoresque, which plays at the SOUTH KELOWNA with a pupil who was a Joy to Empress Monday and Tuesday. M A X W E L L ’S teach." It was Eileen who won the er, with S. Dyson in charge of dell at the week-end to attend the transportation. wedding of Miss Frances (Babe) In Fannie Hurst’s popular and GROCERY MERCHANTS Grote Stirling salvor competing in moving story of a wealthy woman’s 2900 PENDOZI St. Phono 551-Ll the musical festival for the instru­ The turnout was not ns large as Seddon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. WES’TOANJ^ expected, as most people nro busy Frank Seddon, and granddaughter love for a brilliant concert violinist. BUSINESS AND mental championship of the Valley. Miss Crawford, who co-stars with Young pianists taking part in the thinning. Residents providing the of Mr. an Mrs. Robertson. The Sed­ GLENMORE STORE PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY trucks were C. Ross and E. O. Mid- don family were former East Ke­ John Garfield, reasserts herself as GORDON'S MEAT recital were Barry Olson. Lorna an actress of amazing depth, abil­ Rankin, Doris and Ella Sutherland, oieton lowna residents. MARKET LTD. GLENMORE Phono S67-R ity and sincerity. 425 Bernard Ave. Phones 178-179 ACCOUNTANTS FINANCIAL Joan Macl-aurin, Donna Luck, Syd­ The story itrelf is a compelling CIIARTERED ney and Mark Kelley, Nancy Jean one and (3arlicld as Paul Boray, COOPER’S GROCERY Ellis, Eleanor Anderson, Mary Mar­ the virtuoso. Is most convincing. PETTMAN BROS. INVESTORS SYNDICATE OF garet Povah, Mary McKenzie, Be­ East Kelowna School Pupils Paul, presented with a violin on (GIBB GROCERY) 1053 PENDOZI St. Phono 388 CAMPBELL, IMRIE CANADA LIMITED thel Greenwood, Brenda Butler, his eighth birthday, studies for 1302 S t Paul St. Phone 75 -1020 Head Office: Winnipeg, Canada Donald Bennett, Darryl, Glenn and years with no worldly success un­ W A LD RO N ’S & SHANKLAND Diana Delcourt, Miles Trcadgold. Promoted To Higher Grades A. P, PETTYPIECE til he comes under the sppnsorship G IL M ERV YN CHAR*inEBED ACCOUNTANTS Albert Gibb, Glenda and Kay Fitz- of Helen Wright (Joan Crawford), GROCERY Representative - Kelowna, B.C. wick, their teacher. beautiful, neurotic wife of a rich 1705 RICHTER S t Phono 380 1383 Ellis St Phone 133 Phones 838 & 839 EAST KELOWNA—Following is Phone 960-L3 P.O. Box 394 a list of East Kelowna sehool pupils Refreshments and ice cream were man, who helps him along the way 102 Radio Building -Kelowna who successfully passed examina­ served and a dance brought a hap­ to eminence In the conqert field. JULY DON’S G R O C ETER IA JULY py evening to a close. tions this year: Tremendous conflict develops when RUTLAND Phone 440-L 15th DIVISION m. Mrs. M. PERRY Helen is made to realize that her 9th PUBLIC INSURANCE AGENTS patronage and l^ve may be doing imiimiimiiinmmimmiiMmiiimiiimiiiiiiiimnmMiimmnmuimmiimmmimmimiHiMitiuii Promoted from Grade I to Grade H: Paul more harm than good. Jacqueline Bentley, Jeannie Booth, As Paul’s closest friehd, Oscar GORE and SLADEN C. M. H O RN ER. C.L.U. Beverley Christie, Fred Danshln, BOY Levant has never been funnier or Gerald Evans, Judith Goddard, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS better. J. Carrol Naish as Paul’s fa­ LIGITENS District Representative, Northern Alan Gore, Ivy Haase, James Kam, SCOUT ther and Rutb, Nelson as his mother B le a c h Financial Reports - Income Tax Okanagan Peter Lebidow, Harry Middleton, are both cast in difficult roles. The George Millar, Fred Nevokshouff, rest of the supporting cast includes Perfex, 32 oz. HOUSEWORK 1476 Water St. Phone 208 MUTUAL LIFE OF CANADA Harold Nevokshouff, Frank Rehlln- COLUMN Joan Chandler, Tom D’Andrea, Peg­ The Perfect Bleach and Res.: 964-R and 247-R ger, Kenneth Ross, Rennie Smailes, gy Knudsen, Craig Stevens and Storilizer-Oooflorlzor Robert Thorneloe, Yvonne Wilcox. Paul Cavanagh, and they handle and Disinfectant Promoted from grade H to grade HI The Scouters Council met in the their roles admirably. 3 0 c H. BRYNJOLFSON Tree Fruit Board Room on the Unit Supervisor Larry Evans, Shirley Kam, Vera aiiiiiiiimiiiiHtiiiimtiimniiiiiiiiumniii...... D. H. CLARK, B.Com. Knoff, Rosemarie Senger, Stanley fourth Thursday of June, for their • S. R. DAVIS Senger, David Silvester, Jean Sol- final n^eeting for the summer. In Acc-onnting and Andltlng District Representative mer, Alice Spalek, Moira Thomp- the unavoidable absence of the dist­ Malkin’s rict commissioner, the chair was ta­ INCOME TAX SERVICE Casorso Block - Phone 410 n, Eveline Usselman. ken by Scoutmaster Acland of the Dated,, Room 7 Phone 457 SUN L IFE OF CANADA DiVISION n , Mrs. N. A. IVENS 1st Kelowna Troop. An interested 1 lb...... Casorso Block Grade m 'to Grade IV: guest was Nigel Pooley, president Coffee Douglas Bailey, Adrain Eberle, of the Central Okanagan Associa- Graham Gore, Martha Haase, Laur- tion. FOR TASTY A. W . GRAY ence Haase, Myrtle Knoff, Corie Among other matters, the council AUTOMOBILES Parkes, Raymond, Senger, Kay discussed the possibility of a spe- Insurance Real Estate Spalek, Helen Stremel. Chris Tur- cial insignia to be worn on the V in e g a r ton, Rose Wakabayashi, Kathleen scarves, indicating the, district to $ Fire - Automobile - Floaters * LADD GARAGE LTD Agent for Confederation Life Wisebeck, Doreen Wells. which the troop belongs. The idea CANDIES y White Sunrype, 33 oz...... ——- • Dealer for ^ Grade IV to Grade V: ■ came from the adoption by_toe Ver- RUTLAND, B.C. TT t- -D non and other North Okanagan STUDEBAKER and AUSTIN EATON’S Con- apple emblem, stit-- CABS and TRUCKS Frederick, IVfery c^ed on the scarf of each Scout Massey Harris Farm implements P uts You in the Rehlmge^ John- Senger, Robert near the point, at the back. Vari- Lawrence Ave. Phone 252 Sum m er Sw im ... Senger, Gabriel Usselman, Joseph qus designs ’ were considered, in- H. C. GUEST Usselman. eluding an “ogopogo,” but no deci- Strawberry and Apple District Representative Holiday Ifighlighis From Grade y to Grade VI: sion was reached. ’The various Mary Fitzgerald, Grace Freder- troops are to be asked to consider BEAUTY SALONS MANUFACTURERS LIFE The ^dsummer Sede ick, Lionie Liihan, David Pries, the idea, and bring back suggfes- INSURANCE CO. Catedogue David Ross, Charlie Wakabayashi, tions. .After the business session, re- Phone 452-Ll Kelowna, B.C. O bzoezy berthing Robert Wilson, Marion Wilson. freshments were served, ASM Os- 'There’s nothing to equal J a m T IL L IE ’S solis Grade VI to Grade VH: w e ll,su b b in g fo rS M G e o rg e Y o - BarbaraBaUey,-AlanBorrett.Ro- absent on his honeymoon. Rogers’ (3olden Syrup for BEAUTY SHOP 0 Son styles for the whole Better Buy Specialists in all forms of LAWYERS fandly bert Deglow, Larry Hewlett, Kay- The executive meeting of the As­ Beauty work. sho Ito, Richard Koide, Nick Mar­ making delicious candies at 48 oz...... 0 Bonsebold helps sociation, held Monday evening, .. :,.:..68c For that attractive hair-do kin, John Rogers. Tony Senger, Roy discussed a number of problems, in­ home. • PHONE - 426 C. G. B E E ST O N 0 Conipeg* Beqqliranonla Wakabayashi, Harry Wells. cluding finance, and agreed to meet DIVISION 1, M. N. BARWICK BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and OXadUdsyMoisi again the last Monday in August to Grade VH to Grade VlH: formulate plans ifor the annual fin­ NOTARY PUBLIC CHARM BEAUTY & CORSET Howard Carter, Betty Elvedahl, ancial appeal in October. The Cen^ Toilet Paper SALON No. 1 Casorso Block Thomas Harvie, Edward Holitzki, tral Okanagan and North Okanagan associations ‘will co-ordinate their PERMANENTS Telephone 854 Kelowna, B.C. Shizuye Ito, Barbara Smith. Grade Vm to Grade IX efforts in this regard this year. The Machine, Machineless and district commissioner reported upon Purex ...... for 2 fLc Carol Evans, Lillian Egolf, -Aittie Cold Wave. the aimual meeting of, the Boy ' ’ ' ' ■ ' ' ■ - •- — " " . - . . -1. . ■ - ..A...- Hair Styling and Tinting Green, Linda Harsent, Heromi Ito, Scouts of America, held in Seattle 662 Bernard Ave. Phone 642 OPTOMETRISTS EATONS Edward Johnson, Annie Rehlinger, in May, which he had attended as J Sally Turton, Helen Usselman, Sa­ one of 15 delegates from Canada. chiko Uyeyama. ' Difficulties in regard to camp costs Rogers’ handy recipe books J o r, an*! finding leaders to take some of P e a c h e s BICYCLE REPAIRS EAST KELOWNA -Grades _6, 1 the troops to camp were, talked tell of scores of ways that and h held a_ graduation party In |jy the executive, and the «Ua- Lynn Valley, 20 oz...... CAMPBELL’S ORDER the Commumty Hall; Tuesday of trict commissioner and president you can make fudges, caza' FREDERICK JOUDBY ^ a rt week. . . , - . , delegated to see what could be done BICYCLE SHOP Optometrist OFFICE - The program consisted of various jatter problem, mels and many other cand7 2686 Pendozi St. Phone 551-B games, a quiz and several musical ■ * * * . . C.CJH. and English BICYCLES (comer Osprey Ave.) Box 119 items. During the^ evemng^a pre- ^he 2nd Kelowna Troop went off treats. Repairs and Accessories TELEPHONE sentation was made to M. N. B ar- g^^^p at Sugar Lake On Sunday, I Rice Kri^pies Leon and Ellis»St. Phone 107 ■ ' -- ' Under Scoutmaster Yochim. The 1st Scot K. Hambley, R.O. Troop is going to Pillar Lake on July 11, it is imderslood. 'The Oka­ Kellogg ...... ~ Optometrist nagan Mission Troop plans to camp d a i r i e s PHONE - 856 Catfaecilir W iIIsoi& at Echo Lake, near Cherryville, later in the month. Suite 3, Mill Ave. Bldg. l a k e v i e w 1476 Water Street, Kelowna BUILDING CONTRACTORS The Kinsmen are to be congra­ Apple JiBice DAIRY tulated upon the' fine Job they haye done in renovating the Scout Hall. Maintenance of a - building of this Use it, too, in cakes, pies Sunrype, 20 oz...... Pastenrized Milk and Cream SURGICAL BELTS •STUCCOING — PHONE 1012 — nature is quite a problem, as the Daily Delivery Phone 705 CHARM BEAUTY & CORSET Kelowna ScOut Association found in and cookies . a pure hone SALON LEON AVENUE the days when they had the lull res­ Distributors of: Camp Surgical • PLASTERING ponsibility of its upkeep. sugar product. Order today Belts and Breast Supports 275 KELOWNA DENTISTS The Kelowna Liohs ^CIub is back­ from your grocer. Private fitting rooms - FREE ESTIMATES — Graduate Fitter ing the 1st Troop , strongly, and are A fuU line of Girdles, Corsets, aiding them to - acquira rthe'heces- DR- MATHISON Corsellettes and Bras, safy tents' and other equipment for 662 Bernard Ave. Phone 642 camp. One of the most noticeable DENTIST things about Scouting in the USA is the manner in which the business Willits Block Phone 89 and service organizations get behind SURVEYORS KelowKiai the movement with every kind of support, particularly financial. The universal support of the Boy Scouts W ill G ive by all religious denominations was UR HAGGEN & C U R R IE exemplified at the recent , Seattle B.C. LAND SURVEYORS convention when the blessing at J. W. N. SHEPHERD Civil and Mining Engineers each of four successive luncheons Dental Surgeon. and dinners was given in ttirn by Phone 1078 286 Bernard Ave. a Protestant clergyman, a Catholic Shepherd Block - Phone 223 ' KELOWNA priest, a Jewish Rabbi and an El­ Pendozi and Lawrence Ave^ der of the Latter Day Saints. Welch’s, 16 oz. . VACUUM CLEANERS GOOD SCORES Send for a copy of the Dr. F. M. Williamson Rogers’ Cook Book . . . it’s DENTIST ELECTROLUX IN RIFLE SHOOT (Canada) Limited B.C.D. Rifle Associaion sharp­ ftee. Write B.C.' Sugu ^ 1476 Water St. Factory representative shooters keep nudging the perfect Refining Co.'Ltd., P H O N E SOS Sales, Service and Supplies mark, last Sunday’s scores at the L. M. FLINTOFT Something New from Something Old! •weekly shoot on the Glenmore Vancouver, B.C. M.B., pkg. Phone 139 1643 Ellis St. range show. • P. Rankin was down two at 33 ENTERTAINMENTS Smarten up your Chesterfield, Odd Chairs, to lead the pack for the 200-yard target; George Hill was just, a shade DANISH MONARCHY Breakfast Nook^ Booths, etc., by letting us off to top the 500-yarders with 34, • Portable P-A System The Danish government is a con­ RE-COVER, REPAIR or REMODEL to while G. C. Rose and Sam Lee tied CLEANSER D.C. or A.C. stitutional monarchy and the king, in- the eoOryard distance with 33 for all occasions with limitations stipulated in the your own specifications. / out of a possible 35. Old Dutch ...... constitution, is the -supreme auth­ Aggregate scores for the day • 3-Piece Orchestra ority, working through his minis­ were: ters. Free Estimates — Reasonable Rates G. Hill 94, P. Rankin 94, G. Ken­ Phone 867 - BEET PATTEN nedy 93, S. Lee 90, H. Simkins 89, ______OIL FROM EAST J . Johnson 86, G. Rose 84, P. Jan­ jmAn RiTPKRSTmON Throughout the war oil from the sen 84. H. Hildrcd 81, R. Simkins Shop at your local A nomad tribe of Arabs in an- Middle East was supplied in lara* 76, J. Lcedam 75, G. W, Jansen 60. cient had a supcsstition that quantities for the United Nations, Fred Kits^ retired after , two evil woiild overtake a family if a All oti from British sources w'os ranges with a score of 56 to play Store girl, after matrlaj:e, set eyes onprovided under Brititii reverse lend 247 LAWRENCE AVE. in the Omak-Kelowna baseball IS her mother again. lease. game. THE EBI.OWNA COUEIEE THUESDAY, JULY 8. IM8 PAGE TEN Mies laken Graham returned on It W8» In honor of Mrs, C. H. REBEKAHS HOLD Saturday from Vancouver, accom- Pete King, of Vancouver, and Mias A D elicious C ool D rink l>aR7 ln£ her aunt, Mias Marcella StrctlJcl Walton, of Montreal, guest Moodic wIUj whom ehe liad been of Mrs. R. P. MacLcan. that Mrs. FINAL MB^lNG DlrecHontt Mdk® tea ©koctly a» wiwal:: spending acveral daya Misa Gra­ still h. F. Mr. and Mrs. David Gibson, of ALAM toria. Sis. H. Ross. P.N.G., will m a m m m a Thomason. represent Iho Kclowno IsOdge. Sis. Boston, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Aquatic Club Make Regatta Plans Edith Granger, P.N.G., Assembly Tommy McLaughlin for a holiday . A £ ■ a n a Applications invited for two teachers, a matron Conductor, Is among the number of several weeks. ' " S ( g who plan to attend • • • With the Regatta less than four weeks away, the Ladic-s Auxiliary to and kitchen staff for next term, opening Sept. 14. Several appeals for flood relief Misses Roberta and Velma Cnsslls the Aquatic Club at their regular Monday night meeting formed commit- Prospectus on request. were received but as the Lodge had retumed last week from a fort- tees to carry out the various tasks. already contributed to the local night's holiday in Calgary and in charge of the banquet committee is Miss Rosemary King and Mrs. HUGH F. MACKIE, fund, the only other contribution Black Diamond, In Black Diamond Mary Stewart, while Mrs. Pat Trueman is raffle convener, helped by Mrs. was given to a special Oddfellow's the eislcrs stayed with their uncle, Anne Nicholson and Mrs. Gertie Johnston. Invitations will be looked Fundi Mr. Mllson HJtatlock, and In Calgary nftcr by Miss Marybelle Ryan and Miss Marjorie Wright and Mrs. Evo- WAR CANOE Rev. A U STEN C. M A CKIE, Plans to hold a picnic nt the lake- they visited theli* grandparents, lyn MacLcan and Mrs. Alice de Pfyffcr will make the corsages. M.A.B.D., Principal and Chaplain. shore home of Sis. Rose TiUing- on Mr, and Mrs. W. G. Kidwell, Marybelle Ryan will be in charge of souvenir cards and see that Wednesday. July 20, are in the • • • flowers are placed in the hotel rooms of visitors. Concession conveners hands of the entertainment commit­ Mr. and Mrs. D. Milne Hockin, are Mrs. Eve Willis and Mrs. Margaret McKenzie. tee, ns arc plans to hold a joint with Bobby, loft Sunday to drivr^ Buckland is in charge has been used In the purchase of family basket picnic with the Odd­ to Vancouver, whore they will visit billciting, her helpers 30 dozen silver teaspoons and in- fellows on August 22. ^ Mrs. Hockin’s parents, Mr, and flto. jjejng Mrs. Ida Kcr, Mrs. Edna laid linoleum for the powder room; Sis. S. Larcombe gave a report Thomas Steele, and spend a fort- pj^-kcr, Mrs. Isobcl Stillingfloct, and part wlH go to rcdccoration of DANCE on the Dlmc-A-Tlme meeting held night's holiday. WiUa Weyenberg, Miss Margo the dance parivllion, with Mrs. Kay recently at the home of Sis. F. ^ „ , * * , , _ . Wright and Mrs. Claudia Cruise. Buckland and her commUtco of Howell. Work done at these meet­ Dr. Helen Zernon rcturacd Sat- ^ Mrs, Isobcl StUllngflcet and Mrs. PLACE AQUATIC ings Is for a bazaar to bo held in urday from a week’s business trip Wives of directors of ^QuaUc McLennan, in charge. Costa to the ;Peacc River district. Dr. Club will form the reception com- ^ minimum the fall...... Members who have had birthdays Zeman flew, via Vancouver, to mittcc. 0ng q group of members Is making TIME - 9 1.30 since the New Year were each pre- Fort St. John and from there visit- ^ profit of $190 was realized the drapes. jtfented with a corsage of roses by cd Dawson Creek, Pouce Coupe and season’s opening fashion A donation of $25 was recently Sis. B. WHg and Sis. L. Sutherland. Prince George, returning via Van- gjjQ^ ^ca. Part of this amount voted to Flood Relief, - FRIDAY, JULY 9 The Noble Grand was given a spe­ couver, by plane. WHEN? cial corsage and the good wishes ccssorics. Her corSage was of white MUSIC BY CARL DUNAWAY and his ORCHESTRA YES, WE GUARANTEE THAT of the Lodge were conveyed to Her Mr, and Mrs. C, R. Mann, with YOU WILL SAVE MONEY HERE! Dick and Graham, arrived by car carnations and pink sweetpeas. by Sis. E. Granger. She was plso W eddings Mr. Jim Spall gave the toast to Since we manufacture upholstered furniture right here presented with a bowl of pansies last week from Vancouver and arc spending a month at the Blue Bird the bride to which tho^ groom re­ PROCEEDS TO FLOOD RELIEF in Kelowna, use finest materials, naturally you save ! by Sis. M. Havvthome. Birthday sponded and Mr. DesCfiamps toas­ festivities were carried further Camp, Dick is one of Vancouver’s WE SAY: SEE 1 COMPARE ! RUY f accomplished young artists, his ted the bridesmaids. AND CLUB FUNDS when a specially decorated cake Miss Elva Baldock, gifted young and ice cream were served for work having been seen in travelling exhibits as well as in several pri­ pianist, played “Murmuring Breez­ lunch. es’’ by Jensen. EVERYONE’S INVITED ! OKANAGAN UPHOLSTERING Dqring the evening Sis. B. Wiig vate collections. Graham is a tal­ ented young pianist. ■ White tapers in silver holders and UPSTAIRS; Company 242 Lawrence Ave. took charge of a contest which pro­ ■ vases of red roses flanked the three- vided considerable fun. This was • • • OUR PHONE NUMBERS IS 819. Mr. and Mrs. John L, Adam, of tiered wedding cake at the bride’s won by Sis. A. Dore PJP. aiid Sis. tabic. H. Tutt, vice-grand. The next lodge Toronto, are spending a holiday meeting will he held September 8. with Mr. Adam’s parents, Mr. and Cables were read from the bride’s Mrs. J . G. Adam, Lake Avenue. Mr. LYON—-SUTTON maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Philip. Meek, with Adam is in the inspectors’ depart­ An interesting wedding took place Mrs. Fred Ford, p£ Glastonbuiy, ment of the Royal Bank in Toronto. at the Kelowna United Church, Somerset; and her paternal grand- Agnew, returned last week after a • * • ' fortnight’s holiday spent in Banff, Monday, June 28, at 2.30 p.m., when Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Sutton, Calgary and Edmonton. Mrs. Meek’s Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Boyer, of E d ­ Dr. M. W. Lees united in marriage, Southampton, England; and wires sister. Miss Airhee Agnew, of Cal­ monton, with their daughter, Flor­ Florence Winifred Margaret (Peg- I ^ , and Mrs. John Ruppel, ence, have arrived to spend the gy) Sutton, elder daughter of Mr* B^ssoula; and Mr. apd Mrs. Stan Sdthebland's gary, accompanied theni back to Kelowna to spend July here. In summer in Kelowna, and are at and Mrs. R. Felix Sutton, and Ron- Calgary. , , . Caigaiy Mr. and Mrs. Meek were present staying in the home of Mr.' aid George Lyon, second son of ,^°ses centred the table^at DANCE and Mrs. Ken Vernon, during their Mr, and Mrs. David Lyon, of Nel- which B^s. W, J- D- Slmrt and Mrs. guests at .the Palliser Hotel, while visiting Mrs. Meek’s brother,, Mr. absence at the Coast. Mr. Boyer is gpjj G. A. Prior presided. Servers were John Agnew, and in Edmonton they a retired manager of the Royal rrCi. 1. Miss Joan Butt, Miss Dorothy Fow- Bank of Edmonton. a Mrs. Art Neill, Miss Joan Pat- 7 stayed with Mr. and Mrs. William marnage by her f^her,^ wo e grson. Miss Millicent Richards and Payzanl. Finn’s H all It was that friends might meet gown fashioned with pure white * • *.. satin bodice embroidered in silk, Out-of-towp guests included Mr. Mrs. Peggy Cowie left Wednes- Mr. and Mrs. John L. Adam, of Toronto, brother and sister-in-law long sleeves and lily 3nd Mrs. Morgan Lewis, Westbank; . day for her home in Saskatoon and sweetheart neck, in e boaice George Owen, Vernon; Mr. where she will spend the holidays of the hostess, that Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hampson entertained infor­ joined the full skirt of net over taf­ and Mrs. Harold Race and Mr. and WEDNESDAY with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A feta, in points, below the waist. M. McIntyre. . mally at their home on Vimy Ave­ Mrs. Adin Tetz, Beaverdell. nue, after live, on Thursday, The floor-length veil of embroider­ For her going-away outfit the ed net fell from a coronet of net TRY COURIER CLASSIFIED ADS bride wore an aqua wool classic J u l y 1 4 Pianists who are leaving for Banff .aPPliqued^ce le^es; and^e ^essmaker suit with three-tieredmrcc-wcicu on July 12 to study at the School of /^a^ried a P pocket effect. Her red felt hat was \ ( 9 p.m. — ? Fine Arts include Mrs. Ethel Ma- ® Barbara Ann S cotf model, shoes gee. Miss Joan Campbell, daugl^er Imirloom pearls belonged to he were red and she wore a .■ A ' ■ i . of Mr. and Mrs. Jim K Campbell, -.c, cic- corsage of white carnations, SPONSORED BY RUTLAND ROVERS and Miss Judy Wilson, daughter of . Miss Elva Baldock, who caught OiAe/i-A-O ifeo M WHOLESALE,! Mr. and Mrs. R, HuAter Wilson, ter’s bndesinaid, wore .embossed bouquet, gave it to tne brlue’s inert nianist and orchid organdy over teffeta,_ with / ' Jacques Jolas, concert pianist and puffed sleeves mother. Good Music Refreshments m snm cahh[d ■ cup^d teacher at the Julllard School of vimiO’-inf cUrt ■ xue The tuu^iccouple ux.uvcdrove to lu Penticton, Music, New York; and Glenn Nel- arid after a short honeymoon will THE S[AP0t»T (POWH nSH (0 L''- son, teacher of piano techriique, of with bustle; attend summer school inyVictoria. GENTS — 75c LADIES — 50c Toronto and Vancouver, are among T * showed The groom is principal of Beaver- .H.H.B. riSH DOCKS YAHCOUVEt, B.( ’ the instructor, this ‘lw c e ? p e £ ° S ^ Mrs. Ira Swartz, who is leaving coSS ' — SUGGESTION ! the Courier staff on Saturday, will shaped gold b o WCOTT—MULHERN & At the United Church Manse. 9S3 -y rose taffeta, high-waisted, with tiny Glenn Avenue, on Thursday, June nagan ^ ss io n durmg their, absence ^ and 24. at 2.30 pm .. Dr. M. W. Lees Treat the Family this week-end ! — bustle Her fair hair was bound officiated at the marriage of Miss S W 'I J n l S l ^ l S c e S trio ^ S e with matching, rufflea rioDon, yel- Noreen Mulhern, daughter of Sky ^ n e Trail trip rosebuds and forget-me-nots; and Mrs. Samuel Mulhern and Roy CAKES — COOKIES — BUNS and her S . silver bmgle, was a Bowcott, all of Beaverdell. where doughnuts — p ie s McKenzie Co. Ltd. & S ^ L ' a f e h f i d V u X i g S . of .the ^ o m . _Sh,._ea,ri=d n the couple wiU. reside. 345 BERNARD AVE PH O N E 214 nnttacro Ti/Trc Oraham nlanc to shower houquet of sweetpeas. ------— CUP CAKES — : sS n d P a r t ^ A u ^ r t in Banff while Mr. and Mrs. Graeme Hugh-Jones her daughter Eileen is attending Montana, acted as best man Gwendda and Martha, have . “Fresh Daily to Your Grocer” the School of Fine Arts ushers were Mr. Adm Tetz,^ of Bea- -yancouver to spend verdell, and Mr. Bob S j ^ , assist- juiy and August at Cadder House, TEA, NABOB GREEN LABEL per „ 89® Guests at Eldorado Arms include ed by John Sutton, brother of the Hugh-Jones recently arrived Mr. and Mi^. S. W. Miller, of Van­ bride. . ■ from Hong Kong to rejoin his fam- couver, with Sharon; Michael and l \^ s Barbara Williamson sm g jj having preceded him COFFEE, NABOB Plavotainer, per lb...... 59® Stevie, who are spending a month; “Through the Years’’ during the .j.^ November, since Mr. and Mrs. R. T. DuMoulin, with signing of the register, and at the ^j^g^ ^be children ha^e been at- Susan and Tony, a fortnight, ^ s o reception, she tending Queen’s Hrill School. I ^ s . Sutherland's Ideal Bakery COCOA, NEILSONS ...... 23c ' ■ 34c frorri Vancouver; and Mr. and Mrs. the cutting of the ‘^^e. , Hugh-Jones was formerly Tnxie P A. DuMoulin, of London, On- The church Boss, of Victoria, where she attend- K e l x u i m a tario, who are spending five weeks, with red rdses and^ white peonl?^ g^ both St. Margaret’s and St. ffi"'S^«n;ernre’K'’and the Jte Sehoo-S; DAD'S OATMEAL COOKIES 29® Mrs. peter Sloan and Dr. and Mrs. K. J. Haig, with their small daugh­ liams and Miss Elva Baldock. TOILET TISSUE Wb .eS »an 2 19® ters Karen and Dorothy; arid Mrs. R. P. Shannon and her daughter At. a reception at the Willow Inn Julie, aged six. Mr. and Mrs. Char­ for soirie 80 guests, ■ Mrs. Sutton, O f c o y r s e f i V s t c h o i c e / PURE MAPLE SYRUP eog botue 55® les A Johnson, of Okanogan, Wash., who helped to receive, wore a navy Seattle, are among the American ed *unic and cross-oyCr cape t (Il’a flnesti) Say; “Beat Foods” and get the PURE APPLE JUICE2^°M7® guests; while Dr. and Mrs. A. N. Imed h it top-selling Tea/ mayonnaise—not just salad Ttpid Ae from Victoria navy and white straw pillbox nat Reid are Erom^vicx ria. trimmed with navy satin and dressing! TOMATO JUICE Fancy 20 oz tm 15® Mr. and Mrs. B., E. Barnes, of net. Red rosebuds formed her cor- Best Foods has no starchy filler. But Monmouth, Illinois, are visiting sagd. ■ • it does have the freshest eggs, added fresh egg yolks, fresh salad oil, mild vinegar and 2 4 or ier Mrs. Alice Kihlbom, after spend- Mrs. Lyon, the SWEET MIXED PICKLES 39® ing the winter in Arizona. Mr. and wore a choice Apices perfectly blended and cfou6/e- Mrs. Barnes made a leisurely trip w h i p p e d l Smoothest eating you’ve ever by car, stoppin-g off at Coronado, with yellow rosebuds and white ac ta s te d ! APPLE JUICE, SUNRYPE os o. 47® San Diego, Los Angeles, Long Beach, Fresno and Saefemento, SWEET TENDER PEAS o„z «ns "°^29® visiting relatives and friends, with 2 2 a side trip to Yosemite National Park, 'raey stopped in Seattle for CUT GREEN BEANS Fa„cy.20og 19® several days,; with irelatives and Best fbods friends. Mr. and Mrs. Barnes plan to spend another week here before SALAD DPSSING « o . jar 43® continuing to Banff, Lake Louise, and Calgary. They will return via North and South Dakota, Glacier Park and Yellowstone. r e a l . * a a ■ siwciaisHeiiB Renowned Prodnds Mrs. A. B. Latimer, of Halifax, FINE CHINA is visitng her sister, Mrs. A. H. AT THE McKENZIE CO. LTD. Mudie, Bankhead. Mrs. Latimer, who used to live in Calgary, latter­ Mayonnaise ly has been staying with her son- in-law and d au ^ter, Mr. and Mre. Reg Hayden, in Halifax. ' TOMATO KETCHUP HEINZ is o . bo 28® “THE SHOP OF THOUGHTFUIj Mr. and Mrs. William Bowen, GIFTS” HEINZ BAKED BEANS tin ^2 1 S- -Penticton;—and—Mrr-and—MrSz-Al-- ~I459T]Ilis Street.- bert Curts, Westbank, were guests IN TOMATO SAUCE at the Adkins-Brown wedding, Sat­ k e l o w n a B.C. HEINZ BAKED BEANS tin...... urday. HEINZ SPAGHETTI AND CHEESE, tin2 NURSES DANCE mOM W AKBS A S)ISC O VEPri 2 Transfers HEINZ WHITE VINEGAR oa„o„ BIG SUCCESS "lHEKe’5 64 INTM2 OHB0y/iU.ASKMCWV . n e e ? set. Does, wTreaeues, : ro GET KBtW O & 'S in every Pack^e of Ketlosg*s PEP " ^ i s s Marian Davies, . president w e f M E ? PtANES ANP SPOflTS; PEP. IWANTTO HEINZ SANDWICH SPREAD *and convener of the recent Regis­ COUecr^TBAfiSFBRS, Yoa'U want to coUett these SweU 16 oz. tered Nurses’ Association annual Transfer Pictures! There arc 64 dance, reported at last week’s meet­ all in fill! colour. In the set. Fnn ing held in the Nurses’ ’‘Residence, to g a v e and trade. ^ n » that socially and financially the niodierto get you K c U o s b P ep . HEINZ SWEET PICKLES 16 oz. tin dance and raffle were successful, AndPephaa Aidi a AND SW EET MUSTARD gross receipts being $615. Mrs. Mad­ eline Rolph was appomted to the central health and welfare commit­ 1 Tin Vegetable tee to help seiwe in administration 1 Tin Green Vegetable of the fund, and it was decided to donate $50 to tlie B.C. Flood Relief. and 1 Tin Tomato Soup Games of cards and refreshments A L L F O R ...... — . -.....- ...... -- took up the remainder of the eve­ ning. T h e next meeting of the Ke­ lowna Chapter RN.A.B.C. will be held in September. PAOF FLEVEH TH E KEEOWHA COUIHBR rtfUmViAV, JULY 0, l9iS OBSERVE GOLDEN m m Naocjr Oale wiU remain in Kelowna ffio»i o* July **^1 ^ n a to EASTERN STAR spend Auirust at Savary lalaml___ WEDDING MONDAY m e m m r s h o n o r PEACTILAND--Mr. and MW. F. E. Witt, residents of Pcachland for Sum m er Tim e JULY BRIDE too Pa#t| six years, will be observ­ NO BUTTER ! ing theif golden wedding annlvcr- IS saay here on Monday, July 12. Want to snap your finger# at At a recent meeting of tl>e Ke­ butter and turn out a grand calto Members of the family, along , lowna Eastern Star, at the home of with friends, will hold a rc-unlon without it? Here's how: Capl. and Mrs. George Hawes, Har­ On Wednesday evening Miss at toe Pcachland home next Mon­ LEMON CAHJE vey Avenue, member# honorca Mi*» Patricia Conrad, of Vancou­ day from 3 to 9 p.m. W edding Tim e Miss Marguerite Bowes, a bride- ver, ha# been upending a week at Laura Lee was joint hostess with MAN’S WORLD 2 cups sifted flour clcct of July, when the worthy ma­ the home of Mr. and Mra. Rupert Mrs. Mac Trueman, when she en­ William Foster, of Victoria, and 2 teaspoons baking powder Brown. MIm Conrad was a brides­ tertained for her sister, formeily tron. Mr*. Orpba Cushing, on bchaU Mr. Ted Affleck has left for Van­ Walter Ttmzcau, of Vancouver, have l/j cup shortening creamed of the chapter, presented her with maid at the Adkins-Brown wedding Mina Marlon Lee, at the home of arrived In Kelowna to spend some with a scant teaspoon of Mr. and Mrs. Trueman. Glcnwood couver where ho wUl spend the a torchicre lamp. on Saturday. summer at the home of bis mother, time on too UtUo cherry survey, a Love's Crcaracx • • • Avenue, at a kitchen shower. 68 Lombard Street Meek. 0 0 0 Miss Joan Burkholder, her son’s Patten. He left on Monday, accom­ Pacific’s smooth, creamy-rich for appointment to dibcuss yoiir floral arrangements Toronto t r y c o u r ie r c l a s s i f i e d a d s Miss Rosemary Lansdowne Is tak­ fiancee, when covers were laid for panying Mr. Patten, by car, to ^ v e ing a post graduate course in social twelve. to Edmonton to attend the Elks texture means satisfying for that important day. FOR QUICK RESULTS • • • services at University of B.C. convention. nourishment. You’ll like it. 0 0 0 *171030 leaving by car for Edmon­ Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Bentall ton to attend the Elks’ convention Jo and Herb Capozzl, accompan­ are leaving at the week-end to tion Include Mr. and Mra Lorle ied by Roy Plnder, left on Saturday ROYAL ANNE FLOWER SHOP spend several days at Bowen Island Scott, with Lorraine and Tommy; for Vancouver. Both Herb and Roy (RICHTER GREENHOUSES)' TO THE LADIES with Mrs. Bentall’s mother, Mrs. S. Mr. and Mrs. Ian Bennett, with were big factors in Kelowna’s 15-13 Pacific M ilk E. Turner. Roddy and Bruce, and Mr. and Mrs. defeat over Kamloops at the la­ Irradiated and Vacuum Packed There’s a smart new KIDDIE’S TOGGERY and • • * Andy OUerich. In Mr. Fred Thortip- crosse game Saturday night, before BABY’S WEAR SHOP out in South Pendozi, it’s just Mr. and Mrs. Edward Scantland son’s car were Mr. Ber^ Patten and they continued their trip to toe ■ ■ B ■ .opened recently and is called the “KENNA-MAE are spending a fortnight in Van­ Mr. G. S, Spiers. After the trip to coast. The Capozzl brothers vml couver, guests at the York Hotel. Edmonton, the group will attend attend summer school at University 0 0 0 SHOP” the Calgary Stampede. of B.C. • Located next to Hankey’s Bakery at 3049 South Miss Rosemary Newton and Miss m • • ' • • • ■ . Pendozi, the “KENNA-MAE SHOP” specializes in togs Margaret Lane flew back from Van­ Commander and Mrs. Michael Tom Hadfleld, John Wallace and couver to Penticton on Saturday. Stirling, with Peter, five, and Jil- Jack Lowe, of Yarrow’s Ltd., arrlv- ■ for tiny tots, for babies and youngsters of all ages. They had spent a fortnight at the lian, three, are holidaying for some ed from Victoria on Tuesday to Consider this a personal invitation frort “LAURA” home of Mr. and Mrs. John New­ ten days ,at Sunny Beach Camp, start work assembling the new ton, brother and sister-in-law of while visiting relatives and friends. C.N.R. tug. \ j Q Who is at your service at all times. Miss- Newton. • • * * * * Commander Stirling, who spent 18 p.B-WIUITS E [j] Remember t h e ...... years in Kelowna where he grew Mri Jack Phillips and his young SPECmUZING IN PRESCRIPTION SERVIIE Dr. and Mrs. L. W. Bassett, of up, is a son of Hon. Grote - Stirling son, Allan, returned from Vancouver Victoria, with Michael, eight, and and a brother of Mrs. Dick Stirling. on, Tuesday, having spent the week­ Dianne, six, are here spending a In 1933 he joined the Royal Navy end at the Coast. /^ e H H a - A fa e S I w fi holiday with Mrs. Bassett’s parents, where he trained, later joining the Mr. and Mrs. Jack Conway, Richter Royal Canadian Navy. Mrs. Stir­ J. E. Cripps, Vancouver, is a guest t on South Pendozi ' Street. at the Willow Inn while on a busi- ♦ ♦ • ling is the former Shelagh Russell, ■ of Toronto. Commander Stirling is nes trip. Mr. Cripps is assistant D r u b S t o r e Mr. and Mrs. Ed Purdy have re­ on the Canadian Joint Staff, Wash­ manager of the Metropolitan Life turned from Philadelphia after ington, D.C. Insurance Co. Mr, Harry Donald, spending a month in the East, when of Vernon, who has represented the they attended the celebration of the ENGAGEMENT company in the Valley, and was a THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF 50th wedding anniversary of Mr. recent guest at the Willow Inn, has and Mrs. A. Gallon, Mrs. Purdy’s Mr. and Mrs.. Franklin D. Burk­ holder, of Kelowna, formerly of Ot­ been transferred to the New West- DANGER LURKS IN KELOWNA ? parents. On their return trip, Mr. niinster branch. Mr. Wesley T. Hen- and Mrs. Purdy were accompanied tawa, announce the engagement of ders of that branch, will take Mr. e v e r y OPEN WOUNDl by Mrs. Gallon, Mrs. Purdy’s sister, their youngest daughter, Frances Joan, to Mr. Douglas Davidson Mc­ Donald’s place in the Okanagan Mrs. Alex Slater, and her 14-year- district. ■ ■ APPLY 'DETTOL'ATONCE old son, Sandy. Dougall, only son of Mr. and Mrs. COMPETENT ■ W. H. H. McDougall. TThe marriage Mrs. O. L. Jones entertained in­ \vill take place at First United Skinny Men, Women H e f t formally at her home last week Church, July 24, 2 p.m.. Dr. M. W. Gain 5, 10, 15 lbs. when her guest of honor was Mrs. Lees officiating. Stenographer & Typist J. S. Woodsworth, of Toronto. Get New Pep, Vim^ Vigor •ENGAGEMENT WANTED Mrs. Jim Hume entertained in­ Mrs. Richard Bowes announces What a thrill! Bony limbs fill but; formally at tea on Tuesday when the engagement of her second daughter. Marguerite Edith, to John ugly hollows fill up; neck no longer she invited a few friends to her scrawny; body loses half-starved, home to meet Mrs. Alex Slater, of W. Scott, only son of Mr. and Mrs. William John Scott, of Strathclair, sickly “bean-pole” look. Thousands Philadelphia. Snapdragon and cam­ of girls, women, men, who never There is a vacancy in the City Offices for an ex­ panula were used- in decoration, *016 Manitoba. The wedding will take perienced stenographer and typist for which position could gato before, are now proud hostess was helped in serving her place Saturday, July 24, 3.30 p.m. of shapely, healthy-lookihg bodies. at the First United Church with written applications wil be received by the undersigned guests, by her sister-in-law, Mrs. 'They thank the special vigor- up to noon on Saturday, 17th July. Jack Hiune. Mrs. jBYed Dowle, Mrs. Dr. M. W. Lees officiating building, flesh-building tonic, Os- For Cuts, Bites,, Reg Foote, Mrs. Len McKenzie, Mr. and Mrs. J . F . Fuiiierton re- ■ trex. Its tonics, stimulants, ihvigor- Applicants are requested to state age, experience and Mrs. Len Smith and Mrs. Don ators, iron, vitamin B, calcium, en­ Scratches, Sore Throat Wheatley, were among the guests. turned to their home on Vimy Ave­ salary required. . nue, Monday, after pending a rich blood. Improve appetite and and ail Personal Uses month and a half holidaying at the digestiop so food gives you more G. H. DUNN, Mrs. J. S. Woodsworth, of Toron­ strength and nourishment; put flesh to, is spending several weeks with coast. In West Vancouver they \ City Clerk. her son and daughter-in-law in stayed with their daughter, Mrs. on bare bones. Don't fear getting too fat. Stop when you’ve gained the Westbank. - Herga Riches; and in Victoria with DETTOL' Kelowna, B.C. Mrs. Fumerton’s brother and sister- 5, 10, 15 or 20 lbs. you need for 91-2-c Mrs. Hilda McLennan, Mrs. Jim in-law, IVfr. and, Mrs. Albert S. normal weight. Costs little. New THE MODERN ANHSEPnC July 7th, 1948. “get acqumnted” size only 50c. Try Elden, Mr. R. P. Walrod and Mr. Lock. famous dstrex Tonic .Tablets for Kills Germs Fast Won’t Hurt Te Carl Dunaway spent Monday mght new vigor and added pounds, this in Penticton, when they put on _a Mrs. A. J. Pritchard left on Fri» Avaihbto in amulafed Alligator day for a holiday in Victoria where very day. At all druggists. ' A powerful antis^He concert for the Rotary Club at their of black, brown or red—also meeting at the Incol Hotel. she plans to spend three weeks at * Does not hum or the Cherry Bank Hotel, later spend­ daiulaled natural rawhide. sting like iodine ing a week in Vancouver. JH NOW YOU CAN BUY • Non-poisonous TO VANCOUVER M rs. Eileen -Ashley has left fo* S lW ‘4 l c l l S Non-staining Pulman, Wadi., where she wiU take QnickI' Stop itcUng of iiuect bites, beat rash, • , ’ 1 HANKEY’S BAKERY ecsema. hives, pimples, scales, scabies, athlete's O You'll adore It— the Ardenette Kit by a course on physical education at foot and other externally caused skin troubles. * Agreeable odour D tno'i. r PR O D U C TS Washington State University. Use quick-acting, soothing, antiseptic D. D. D. Elizabeth Arden I It’s the perfect partner to via GRE YHOUND ■ • ♦ • PRESCRIPTIOffi Greaseless, stainless. Itch • Concentrated-— stops or your money back. ‘Vour druggist economicalinuse DOW N TO W N Mrs. Georgina Maisonville left •locks D.D.D.PRESCRIPTION.' travel, fitted with exquhite Elizabeth Arden on Wednesday for Penticton and Essentials for Loveliness. The Ardenette Kit Full service has been resumed to We use tongs and slide when Vancouver' where she will be. a Vancouver. Now you can travel in .. serving you! guest at the Hotel Georgia. She assures yoO of beauty . . . wherever you go l 5 3 c and • supreme comfort o’ver scenic high­ “Money-Handling Hands” not used plans to fly to Victoria later to 1 /Here!, spend two months with her brother $5 $ 1 . 6 0 ways aboard .Greyhound s smart and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. O French Cream Slice Jack Logie. new 1948 Super coaches . . . and • Meringues SAVE on every trip! O Cheese Cakes F/Sgt. W. Murray Thompson and m O Wil'-nt Butter Cream Tarts Mrs. Thompson, accompanied by H o m e O ' Coconut Macaroons Miss Mary K. Smith, all of Ottawa, © Walnut Chocolate Delights drove here to spend a holiday with P e rm a n e n ts • Swiss Nut Crescent Mr. and Mrs. W. R. TiTiompson, Ver­ © Danish Pastries non Road, F/Sgt. 'Thompson’s par­ TAKES ON NEW O Buns—-Cookies— Cup Cakes ents. TTiey left on Monday, accom­ AMAZINGLY EASIER © "BIRTHDAY CAKES panied by their parents, to spend a IMPORTANCE! a specialty ! week in Vancouver and will later with new, round return to Ottawa "Via Seattle and Make a dramatic entrance the States. PLASTIC CURLERS HANKEY’S ■ - Miss, Betty Beaumont is spending in a softly sophisticated ' the summer in Vancouver “with her BAKERY parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. A, Beau­ Deluxe Kit. DOWN-TOWN SHOP LOCATED mont and Miss Peggy Martin will with plastic in JOHNSTON FOOD MARKET be with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. curlers INSTANT R o u n d Phone. 1092 A. Martin, before 'going to summer Trips R B U e F school in Victoria. $250 ...... / »

from Regular Kit, fiber curlers PLUS . . . NOTICE $150 e Economy Fares Refill, no ROLLIT Ball Point A Convenient Schedules ' ( W i x x x ^ l ... THE curIerB^$|aS— © Newest Coaches . See our wide selection of Comfort and Safety TAN-CEL cool summer dresses — HOME PERMANENT beautifully designed to THE CREME COLO WAVE A B B O T T and BERN A RD suit YOU . . . MODESS W IL L B E “Look Your Loveliest” Soft « Safe • Neat in a dress CLOSED from REFRESHING 12s 33c - 2 fob65c ON RELIEF for 4 8 s ECONOMY ^ 1 o 2 3 Be Brightl feel Bighfl BURNING FED m o d e l s b e l t s 29, For further infomaation on fares and schedules wnh Ice-MIm. Ibis sixwhing. whiter mrdt- “Finest in Fashions and ‘ ciosl oteauB oisMts.dxtA toot aauda, hdps see your local Greyhound Agent sdieve bemingciUoiises snd'j^intalcorns— 'Fabrics” sstd pins pep ioioybar step, IXm’c act wdaicies sMj}^ For redecoration. Drop in Tuesday to see the in votf Mxnr uom «dses in yoor fee#'Use EWO^S WESTERN' C A N A D I A -s.' Ice-Mint tadsy—end find one wfatt sesu WATER SOFTENER 243 Bernard Ave. foo* cosafoit cay be. SoaU jar 30#—4 ox. new bright and cheery atmosphere. Phone 735 eoooootiy i»r tl.OO. per p k g ...... -...... '30c UY TODAY, 59^ 98T GREYHOUND THURSDAY. JITLY 6, 1&«I THE KBXOWNil COURIER PAGE TWELVE needed before many roads can bo H istoric Ixindm ark Begins New Function TRUCKS TO AID built up, while considerable more More About gravel Is needed for the Alter beds REPAIRING ROADS at the aewer dbmossl plank Durtng a brief discussion on the SAVE yourself that 3% Sales Tax SURVEY City Council authorlred Oie hir­ sewer system, Mr. Horn said the W

PEACHLAND — Mrs. J. G. San­ CARS C M GLENMORE — Children of the Regular meeting of the City derson was hostess at a miscellan­ Glenmore Community Sunday Council will be held at the City eous shower at her home honoring Driver Fined $7$ and Costs School welcomed their parents apd Hall next Monday night commen­ 0 ^ Miss Kathleen Wralght, whose mar­ After- CoUiding ..with ..Two friends to an open session on Sun­ cing at 8 p.m. riage took place July 1. Guests pre*- day. morning. Children taking spe­ sented useful and beautiful St^ts to Othef Vfehicles cial parts included, La Rue Wi^gge, ' Lend-lease and reverse lend-leaso the July bride. The rooms were de­ Lom a Rankin arid Vera Alithpflf, between India and the United Sta­ corated with pink and white strea­ One woman received slight in­ who gave scripture readings, and tes in the Second World W ar ap­ mers and bells as was also the juries and two cars were damaged Kay Sriowsell who told the story of proximately balanced each other. chair for the bride and the box the to the extent of $175 in an ear'y George Grenfell — "The Myster­ Direct from a famous Fifth gifts were presented in. Helping to Sunday evening accident in Ellison, ious River/’ MY MARKBTlNe° open the parcels was Mrs. A. Mark between cars driven by John Ab­ Claire Gray gaVe a trombone Avenue salon to you! Same and her mother, Mrs. P. E. Wraight. bott and O. E. Krause. solo and the three Sharpies bro­ preparations as used in ex­ .4 ^ "ONE TOO / ■ Peggy Neil presented her with a Mrs. Krause received treatment thers a vocal trio. Ewalt Selpinsky beautiful bouquet of pink roses. at Kelowna General Hospital for sang a solo and Shirley Roegem re­ pensive salon waves. Simr After a few words of thanks from cuts to the knee., police reported. cited the 23rd Psalm. Maureen pie, step-by-step directions. Miss Wraight, lunch was served by Aftermath of an odd Saturday Pointer sang the “Number Song.’’ the hostess assisted by Miss Annie night auto accident came in dis­ Under the auspices of the Sun­ Latest improvements to in­ Topham, Mrs. O. Williamson, Miss trict police court Tuesday when A. Catherine Long, Miss Ruth Wilson. W. Wolske was fined $75 and costs, day School Mission, a vacation bi- sure a softer, mqre flattering ^ ble school is being held in the hall far less tim e! As)s. The bride’s cake was made ana or in default three months inpris- from July 5-16, every morning wave in for the new, improved beautifully decorated by Mrs. S, onment, on a charge of dangerous from nine to twelve. All children RICHARD HUDNUT HOME PERMANENT at our G. Dell. _ _ _ _ _ "^Stipendiary Magistrate H. Angle are welcome. cosmetic counter; $3.25* Refills $1.75. was told Wolske was driving the KAYCEES STILL car that collided with two other vehicles on the Vernon Road, just PHONE ■ outside the city limits. Damage to CITY GETS WITHOUT WIN the three cars was said to be shght. K of C. Girls, still without a win Police said the drivers of the $2,900 FROM this year in the senior women’s other autos were* John Lingor, Rut- “Hi! I Bought My Bicycle division of the Kelowna and Dis­ land, and' G. E. Freeborn, Long trict Softball Association, will have Branch, Gnt. HOUSIN^CORP. at CAMPBELL’S, It’s a their last chance tonight when they honey!” take on Kelowna High School at City coffers benefitteid to the MORE GOOD NEWS FROM “LAUNDER EASE”! 6.30 at the Kelowna Elementary extent of $2,900 as a result of the Buy them at grounds on Wolseley Ave. sale of wartime houses to ex-ser­ As an added service we are now open WEDNESDAY The Kaycees played twice al­ vicemen. At last Monday night’s AFTERNOONS . . . take advantage of this- service! ready this week, catching up on council meeting, a cheque for this postponed games.—- and lost them DATE NOT SET amount was received from Central CAMPBELL’S BROWN’S OPEN 8.30 a.m. to 8 p.m. DAILY both. They lost to Winfield 16-10, ------0 -ci Mortgage and Housing Corporation, Monday night, and ta Rutland 13-8 About 10,000 People So bar covering the sale of lots on which BICYCLE SHOP - PRESCRIPTION Ever think, you would get two house chores Tuesday. Both games were played Have Reffistered on Voters’ the houses were built. 'The lots on the Wolseley Ave. grounds. were valued at $1Q0 each, and 29 Corner Leon Ave. and Ellis St. PHARMACY LTD. done at one time? It’s simple when you bring List homes have so far been sold to ex- 2 Blocks South of Post Office your w.ash here. In the half hour our machine ^ Total of 10,000 people have al­ takes to do your clothes—^you get your mar­ IMMEDIATE ready registered on the provincial keting done. Start doing your laundry the easy voters’ list for the forthcoming LAUNDER EASE way this week. South Okanagan provincial by-el­ DELIVERY ection. Ross Oatman, government agent said today. Bendix Ironer CHINA WASH b a s in s Date of the by-election. caus^ ‘ ' Dryer through the resignation of W. A. C. cr:' - Complete with chrome plat­ Bennett, who unsuccessfully contes­ B e ted the Yale federal by-election, i ed trim, has not b een , set. A ■ by-election- must be held within six months SCOTT PLUMBING frbrii the date of Mr. Bennett’s re­ WORKS signation, which was on May 14. About an additional 8,500 names 242 Lawrence Ave. are expected on the voters’ list. R I G H T ^ iU e B u d m ! on LEON AVENUE South Okanagan constituency e ^ tends from Okanagan Centre soum .to Summerlahd. , So far no candidates have indica­ CURRENT BEST SELLERS ted they. -wiU run in fhe forthcom­ AND RENTERS ing by-election. When you bring y o m OUR STQCK OF SWIM SUITS IS Whatever else yon may Watch to us you are miss, don’t fall to see READ assured exactness and UNEQUALLED FOR STYLE, "UNCONQUEEED” MORE OBGHAIil) THEM*” precision from start to EMPRESS I recommend this pih;. finish. QUALITY, VALUE ! tore to you . . . HELP NEEDY PHONE 58 ABOUT SEATINO —Will Harper. “THERE IS A TIDE’’ —Agatha Christie “TEMPER IN :fflE WIND'^ AT GLENMORE Note times and COME EARLY —-Clyde Brion Davis Call with confidence THUBS.. F E roA Y at 6.30 and 9.09 MON. TUESDAY ■ at 6.45 and 9 pan. “THE TRAIL’S END” GLENMORE — In spite of the la­ SAT, Continnons from 1 pjn. —William Macleod Raine bor bureau’s report of . plenty of SAT. shows start 1 pun.. 3.39, 6.18 — Note starting Times — “THE CHINESE ROOM” Doors open at 6.15 available labor in Kelowna, there and 9 pjn. —Vivian Copnel is a scarcity of orchard help in the W ATTEND MATINEES if at all “STRONGHOLD” outlying disticts. Many Glenmore KELOWNA possible —^Donald Barr Chidsey growers are hard pressed for help with thinning. Getting the cherry crop harvested at the same tinw Is MORRISON’S complicating the situalion/Then the^ Next to Treadgold’s, bri LIBBARY & NEWS STAND frequent rainy days, too wet for for Men and Boys Agents for Vancouver Son thinners to work, arid threatening PENDOZI STREET to cause cherries to split, help to add up to a worrying season. MEN ^ $2-95 $6-00 lifflBKS (EMllw- f M N O T I C E BOYS $2-95 $3-95 t t t , CROWE’S AUCTION ROOMS on Leon Avenue, Kelowna. HAVE FOR PRIVATE SALE THIS WEEK-END UffiKSKS ri 7 : goods from several homes and include some really fine quality furniture, stoves and washing machines.

1 dinner wagon, 2 office desks o ® e 2 radios, 1 vacuum cleaner — Hoover “1 ChirrardimreTnset“for“8 persons ~ : 2 Really good ice boxes- TO 1 nice dinette suite MEN — $ 3 4 9 JUUUBTTB 3 Waterfall bedroom su ites— beauties—at reasonable prices. It 1 Diningroom suite, 8 pieces; chest of drawers b o y s — 99<= $3.49 SNAPPER SAYS: Dressing tables; several small end tables You have to work to get some snaps. 2 Davenports and 6 chairs; 2 Buffets; Kitchen Cabinet C A L L IN AND SEE OUR SELECTION, THERE’S A Take them to Ribelin’s and you 1 Oil enemal range ; 6 good kitchen ranges at reasonable willbe satisfied with the results. SUIT HERE TO SUIT YOU! IN6 DN0 0 EREI prices and lots of other goods also/ RIBELIN FOR PHOTOS ! DON’T FORGET OUR AUCTION SALE AT 1.30 vyARNER ACMIEV EV.RNT, gy y MOUNTED STUDIO P. M. SATURDAY, JULY 10th .^ n s , D(MiUe PORTRAITS When we have 18 good doors to sell; 1 wash basin, elec, _ _11 j a m w 8x10, oil colored, $2.00 each wire, pots and pans; lino. Also some good glass and China ware for sale this week. R ad io s, kitchen sets. iIEINHEGuIeSCO JERlirWAlD Always something of interest at our Saturday sales at Geo. A. M eitde Ltd. aI,o CAKTOOV u td N EW S Ribelin Photo Studio Crowe’s Auction Rooms. KODAK FINISHING “QUALITY MERCHANDISE” BUY BOOK TICKETS and SUPPLIES Convenient — Economical a t all CROWE’S A U aiO N ROOMS P h. 108 274 B ern ard Ave. Abo NEWS PICTUBES DRUG STORES Phone 921; Res. 6S3-L. 229 LEON AVE. Kelowno, B.C.