T he K elo w n a Co u rier Kelowna, British Columbia, Fluirsday, July 8tli, 1948 N U M B E R 91 Audited Paid Circulation V O L U M E 44 TWICE WEEKLY—MONDAY & TH U R SD A Y Serious WORLD NEWS FLASHES Cherry Damage ( By Canadian Preea ) Youthful Army RATEPAYERS CLAIM WATER Betw een 50 and 60 Percent HEALTH MENACE B . C G o v ’ t W i l l Spend $5' M illio n - t ' 1 1 A petition, signed by 25 residents I , i J* • I’J . * ,e’ . » of the Manhattan Beach area, re­ O f Cherry Crop Dam aged For Province’s Flood-Sw ept A reas; i ’ quested City Council to take action in pumping out the water along Manhattan Road. It was stated the Okanagan Valley to G etEqual H elp stagnant water is becoming n health menace. A s Result of H eavy Rain VICTORIA —- A special session of the Legislature Wed­ Following a brief dlsusslon, coun­ cil took the stand that it would be nesday received a bill permitting the government to borrow willing to loan a pump to residents, NEW ALDERMAN Cherries Damaged from Splitting Throughout Entire ?r,CKXJ,000 for reconstruction and rehabilitation of flood-swept but is could not assume responsib­ Valley —j Damage in Kelowna Will Run 60 to 80 areas of the province. Premier Byron Johnson said equal aid ility for dc-floodlng the area. Chairman of public works. Jack Per Cent for Bings and 15 to 50 Per Cent for will be given other flooded parts of the province as well as the Horn, said the department is busy Lamberts — Complete Reports Not Available for Fraser Valley. building up roads along the lake- The bill also empowers the government to spend as it secs front, and beyond that, is could not Another 24 Hours — Request Permission to Ship accept the responsibility for pri­ No. 3 Orcl^ard-run Cherries fit from the consolidated revenue Aind. A second bill appointed vate property. It was pointed out a dyking board to supervise dyke reconstruction and removal residents In the vicinity of McDou- of water and debris from lands. The legislative members will gall and Lake Avenues hired d pump when the water flooded low- Yield Well Below 1 9 4 7 Figure have their expenses paid and not $250 indemnities as rumored. lying areas, whUo the city loaned The premier said the victims in the Kootenays where the property owners another pump. damage was estimated at $1,000,000 and other sections of the e t w e e n fifty and sixty per cent of the Okanagan Valley’s province will get some rehabilitation. The Fraser Valley dam­ B cherry crop has been heavily damaged by splitting due to age has been estimated as high as $30,000,000, The Federal 0 . L JONES the heavy rain which fell throughout the area during the past Government will share in the valley reconstruction. hours. In the Kelowna area alone, which produces a good In a preliminary report. Lands Minister Kenney estimated ARRIVES BACK proportion of the* cherry crop, damage will run between € 0 $1,500,000 will be needed to meet reh'abilitation in districts and 80 per cent for Binges, while dahiagc to Lamberts ranges outside the valley. Another $1,500,000 will be required for repair from 15 to 50 per cent. FROM OHAWA A;. C. Lander, sales manager of B.C. Tree Fruits, stated Of provincial highways and bridges. The Federal Government O. L. Jones, MP., Yale, arrived has granted $5,000,000 for direct relief and rehabilitation and back In Kelowna late Wednesday full reports are not in from field inspectors, and it will probably another ^,500,000 as its 75 per cent share in rebuilding the night, after attending the final ses­ bt another 24 hours befoje full extent of the damage is known. sion of Parliament, "V. esterday’s rain ^l*^as general throughout the valley, while hail Fraser Valley dykes, ___ Mr. Jones, who took part in the was also reported in the north end of the Oliver district. Pre­ Premier Johnson told the Legislature the government will debate when B.C. floods were dis­ ALD. RONALD PROSSER cussed, referred to the damage sus­ cipitation in the Kelowna area amc^nted to .30 inch. not pay for crop or livestock losses, tained in the Okanagan Valley. Who look oath of office at In an effort to salvage some of the crop, Tree Fruits has The newly-elected M.P. was cri­ last Monday night’s council meet­ requested the grades committee at Ottawa to permit shipping CONSIDER LIFTING HOME RENT CONTROLS tical over the fact that no definite ing. Mr. Prosser, who was elected action was .taken by the govern­ to fill the unexpired term of ex- No. 3 orchard-run cherries. This comprises cherries damaged OTTAWA — Different opinion between cabinet members ment to stem the rising cost of liv­ aldcrman O. L. Jones, was named from dry circular and horseshoe s’dits providing they do not is holding up the final decision on whether contrbls on domes­ ing, despite the fact a committee chairman of the electric light and extend*beyond the centre of the cherry. Mould, lca.kers, decay tic rentals will be lifted next March. Some members of the made certain recommendations af­ water utilities committee and de­ ter thoroughly investigating the ris­ puty chairman of health and social and side splitting will be eliminated. c.abinet suggested Finance Minister Abbott retain controls ing prices. assistance. These posts were form­ Members of the "Federated Shippers Association held a for another year as least. One report said the controls would be Mr. Jones found the various gov­ erly headed by Mr. Jones. meeting in Kelowna to discuss what changes could be made in lifted April 1, 1949. ernment departsments very co-op­ order to salvage the .-i)lits. ' erative, and said many ministers ALMOST SURE OF RAIL TIEUP JULY 15 showed keen interest in many WOMAN DIES The cannery deal for splits is expected to be completed things directly affecting the Ok­ Miss Margaret McKim, sister of this afternoon, although returtis to growers would be compara­ MONTREAL — Frank H. Hall, chairman of the union anagan. A. McKim, 855 Bernard Ave.. died tively small due to the large number of splits. committee conducting wage talks with the railroads said today in Trail, B.C., on Saturday, July 3, at the age of 29 years. She is sur­ The 1948 cherry crop was ex- “ — ----— ------ --------— ^ --------- - the negotiations had “blown up” and the strike among the BUILD SIDEWALK Work on constructing a cement vived by her parents, Mr. and Mr*. pected to be about 35 per cent low 122j000 rail employees would start on July 15 as planned. sidewalk at the foot of Bernard Walter McKim, Trail, thiee sisters er than last year’s production. How­ “There is no chance of settlement by direct negotiation,” Complete with uniform and sword, this youngster heads a platoon Ave. will get underway shortly. and two brothers. ever with both Bings and Lamberts WILL DISCUSS of boys between the ages of 10 and 12. They belong to the severely damaged, the yield will he said. Rcizakars, a private army of a Hyderabad political party. The now be well below the 1947 figure. He said the “company had offered 10 cents and hour and parade was on birthday Of the Nizam of Hyderabad, reputedly the FLOOD MENACE world’s richest man. Relations between Hyderabad and the Do­ Bright Sunshine we refused. We offered to settle at 20 cents and they declined.” minion of India are strained because of the princely state s re­ P la n s Underway to H o l d C o l o r f u l • The bright sunshine this mhrn- Last winter the rail workers asked for a boost of 35 cents an ported refusal to Join the Dominion, although its ^population is ing did not help matters. JBYuit AT PENTICTON hour. There was no comment from the railways on Hall’s an­ predpminantely Hindu and it is completely surrounded by Indian officials pointed out that had there , ■ ■ ■ , states. ' P a r a d e o n O p e n i n g D a y o f R e g a t t a been a wind during the night to . .... .,0' nouncement. shake the water from the fruit, Labor Minister Mitchell announced today he is summoning promptu parade and band concerts splitting would not have been as municipal councils to a conference of the parties involved in the railways wage dis­ Move Will Be Made to Instil On Bernard Avenue on. both morn­ setious Some orchardists stated for the iniplementation. of the “Regatta Spirit” Into Local ings of the regatta. “Judging from pute in a final effort to avert a national transportation strike. MAY DEMOLISH LAKE LEVEL .the interest that'is being taken, this the first hour, and one authoritative Citizens year’s parade should be bigger and source said some farmers are won- ti^ton on Friday, July 16. DEAD BODY MAY END MANHUNT BOAT WHARF (Water Rights Branch figures) better than ever,” Mr. Shirreff de­ dering whether it would be worth Mayor W. B. Hughes-Games and ‘ feet More than 50 letters have been clared. while harvesting the crop. Alderman Jack Horn were to re- VANCOUVER—Finding of the badly-decomposed body City Council Monday night took “This is definitely the worst split- Present the city, but in view of the one more step that may eventually 'Level this mom?^ —^— 104.63 written to business firihs and vari­ The colorful floats will represent of a man in harbor waters here may end the hunt‘for the 104.63 ous organiaztipns by the parade commercial and non-commercial or­ ting we have ever experienced,” lead to the dem olishi^ of the old Level on Monday 1 ganizations, local clubs and associa­ L.
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