LORD ÀND LADY WILLINGDON Deadlock Broken • :••'.. \: '•'•;..",'•;-.', ";"••?•.•:';' -..! '.. i:.'.-.'.--:-'--~>5.:iî.-:..' \ ^Â*'^-,":'-'-•.•;.:.¿..Jí.'*:"'-''- "'.V'"- . '•' •"• '•'•'••.••;',..!,.''-.-.'';'',''• ' '••;''•' When Ladner Retires

WHEN has stood ' fruit in such good : stead , in the;. competitive classes. , "Our , pack held firm after Withdraws in Favor of Hon. Dr. S.F. Tolmie, Who Prairie Valley Pound Had to be Erected on Different Site 3,000, miles of travel,'.' remarked Mr. Was Unanimously Elected Leader of Conservative to That Chosen. Bylaw Received Third Reading. Little, "and no apple needed replac• ing."In this connection Mr. Little Party—Deadlock Appeared Certain After Six Suc• r. Work of Reconstruction of Pound on.: Jones' Flat paid a generous - tribute to the really cessive Ballots. -.Discussed. remarkable improvement shown in the Ontario pack this' year, which was considered particularly, creditable-, in TOLMIE PROPOSED BY LADNER CANYON CREEK DAM TAKEN OVER view of the fact that the eastern pro• vince harvested only half a crop this season and had very unfavorable rip• Saving of $5,500 Effected—Total Cost to Date Amounts ening '-.weather: This : improvement in New Leader Stated One of the First Duties of a Conserv- the Ontario exhibit may be taken as a to $24,409. Warm Debate on Petition Presented to tribute to the' British Columbia pack ative Government Was to Aid;the Fruit Industry and Council.;-Pumping Plant at Trout Creek Not Satis• at -previous .'shows, the fruit from the Encourage Sheep Farming in British Columbia. Pacific.province having set a fast pace factory. Defective Ditches to Receive Attention. to follow. To give' the Ontario people some no• Kamloops, B. C., Nov. 26, 10 a.m.—Hon. S. F. Tolmie, - There was.a full attendance of the that it would be a good idea to have tion of the: efficient, system that, has council at Tuesday's -meeting- and; a it in mind: for [future:; construction been evolved for the"marketing of B.C formerly Federal Minister of Agriculture, was last night unan- -~ session that went. right -up .to six •when the present ^usefulness of the -fruit, .several: large photographs were imously chosen leader of the provincial Conservatives after six o'clock. flume was past .' • shown in the exhibit; depicting scenes 'One lot, in Victoria Gardens 'was : The- tar. for the-.spring flume work at the packing houses. The attractive successive ballots - had failed to settle the question between was discussed, and >it'was''felt that the bought at the tax sale by W. C.'Kelley. booklets prepared as publicity by the shortage of time in.which to work in L. J. Ladner, Senator Taylor, Nelson Spencer and C. F. Davie. A letter from Road Inspector Elliott Associated Growers,. of which some the, spring on this /job' was quite a. showing the cost to the municipality 20,000 i were : distributed last year to Although Mr. Ladner had a clear lead over all others combined handicap. Quite a number of ditches for improvements on the lakeshore. Royal Fair visitors, were again avail• on each vote, still he failed at any time to reach the required that were offering, opportunities for able. Standing-room around the ex• road, totalled to only $500, and even improvement-were'discussed and' left hibit was at a premium,, every -after• sixty, per cent... Eventually, as a deadlock appeared certain, i this may be reduced later when the : till- Mr.Tomlin's repor-tis in: noon and evening, and it.was not un-; "account is -finally adjusted. Mr. Ladner proposed that the nomination be tendered to Hon. common to find people crowded eight Engineer Latimer wrote that in. go• and ten deep around: - the stand. Dr. Tolmie. The latter at first refused, but after consultation ing over his maps' he came across one When it is considered that the Royal, with a committee of the convention, gave his acceptance amid that he could make a tracing of, cov• attracts thousands of visitors daily, ering the territory; of'dam'':No. X BANK'SPOLICY not only from the city of Toronto it• scenes of wild enthusiasm. Dr. Tolmie stated that one of the showing capacities and levels, some of self and important markets for apples; -which' were not in the municipal of• first duties of a Conservative government in this province was but from: every province in:the Dom• fice. His offer was: accepted and he. HAS CHANGED inion, and many of the neighboring to aid the fruit industry and encourage sheep farming... Dr. • was' asked what other maps of terri- states, ; the advertising and publicity Tolmie has not decided when he will resign his Federal seat of . tories up there he had. of other. stor• value of • this exhibit can be appreciat•

age sites which the municipality did ed. Children's Day at the fair; when Victoria. He will probably run for the provincial house from not have. Free Service No Longer POST young Toronto turned out in its thou• Saanich. He will visit the for a short time on private; . U The committee in charge of electric sible—Banks Agreed on sands and took the Coliseum by_ storm, lights had some applications for light provided, some hectic hours for" those business. ibefore them, and' it was decided to ex• Charge Based on In• in charge of the British Columbia pend the system to Thos. Garnett, 'Par• vestigation. DELICIOUS WAS FLAWLESS fruit. The1 fact that such apples as dee at West Summerland, and G.- Miár- were seen in the display looked al• Kamloops, Nov. 25, 5:30 p.m.—Sixth ballot shows Lad• ' shall. The transformer arrangements most too good to be " true to the ner 310, Taylor 217, Davie 10, Spencer 5. May result in are still giving the council consider• The extended use of the banks' for Toronto lads and lassies was perhaps deadlock. \ able . trouble and they do not care to GROWN IN OKANAGAN the only' thing that prevented ' them service of different kinds, has increas• set.it up till further, word is received ed greatly in . The collection from reaching the ultimate consumer : ' from the builders. . , '.V. .-, accommodation which .they extend to more quickly than had been planned; Kamloops, Nov. 25, 4:45 p.m.—On fourth ballot Ladner The Prairie Valley pound had tó be their customers has increased^ consid• Judges Decided Color and Pack Were Perfect—Exhibit "I'll bet they're made of wax," re• obtained 316, Taylor 203, Davie 11, Spencer 7. The; fourth erected on á different site from'that erably. The handling of checking ac• Given Central Position in Striking Display marked more than one of the city- ballot was practically the same af the third. ,i Further ballot- • chosen and the bylaw received! its counts has. been. on a gratuitious basis bred skeptics; and as there were in• third reading. The pound at D. Thomp• ..•'-'•^ of British Columbia Fruit*.-. . '^'rl^L ing is now in progress at 4:30 p.m.. Ladner. heeds 327,. or 60 _ in most instances V and often this- has cessant-demands for samples, the of• f son's, on Jones Flat, was , discussed, been because no accurate information ficials in charge let it go at that per" cent.-, to win. ------and'Mr. W. T>..-Miller .was...offered., the has been' available: on which to base IMPOSING COLLECTION OF MEDALS, CUPS AND since they had only brought one,car work of reconstruction if. proper aff charges.••.••-'Competition has entered in• load from British- Columbia- for this Kamloops, Nov. 25.—3:30 'p.m.—Second ballot gave Lad-r rangements could'be made for erec• to the field'and the, service as a re• RIBBONS WON exhibit. Incidentally, Dominion Fruit tion.' .••••! sult was-" greatly increased without Commissioner G. E. Mcintosh, while ner, 307;» Taylor,-2l3; Spencer, 15; Davie, 10; spoiled, one. - The Canyon Creek dam was finally charges. However ,like most other Pack Held Firm After 3000 Miles of Travel — Not One inspecting the display, informed Mr. Kamloops, Nov. 25.—In the first ballot Ladner obtained taken over and a saving of about.?5500 commercial free accommodation to the Little that the' 350-box exhibit' he >had 284 votes, Taylci 220, Spencer 28 and Davie 13. Another vote ' has been made. The total cost to date public, this had to come to an. end, Apple Needed Replacing—-"I'll Bet They're prepared for. the Dominion and Pro to :ibe taken after lunch. .now amounts to $24,409. The balancé and now the banks have- agreed upon Wax," Comment,City-Bred Skeptics vincial governments at the Imperial due Messrs. Harrison & Lamond, the a charge, based on thorough investiga• ; Fruit Show this year had attracted > Kamloops, B. C, Nov. 25.—Leon J. Ladner, M.P. for Van• contractors, was authorized to be paid. tion. much favorable comment in the Old couver South, Senator J. D. Taylor of New Westminster, C; F. The last payment amounted to a little Lady Willingdon,first lady-of the bv. the experienced hand of C. W Country. A definite educational programme Davie, M.L.A. for Cowichan, and Col. Nelson Spencer of Van• oyer $2500. land, has ..been' presented ' with • the Little of Vernon. Under the bunting has«beeii started to teach business which edged the fruit was a colorful couver were nominated at the Conservative convention here The petition presented last week to sweepstakes box of- apples at the the council was then taken up and for men to pay for these services, and to border designed from the red, white this morning for the Tory leadership... Mr. J. Kirkpatrick of , a time there was some pretty warm demonstrate to the general public that Royal Winter Fair, grown in the pro• and blue box labels which a'", usud they must not expect something for SCHOOLS HAVE Penticton seconded the nomination of Mr. Ladner. Ballotting debating. A letter had been sent to vince that has produced the first C'-r the O-K brand fruit. The centre• the water comptroller, asking what nothing in the way of hanking serv• apple of the Empire..? This box of piece of the • exhibit'held, in'addition is now proceeding on the basis that the victor must obtain information could be secured through ice. There is no attempt to decrease Delicious, flawless in color and per to the sweepstakes box already men• sixty-one per cent of the votes. him on various phases of the system. the, competition between banks, but feet in pack,' was', after tho decision tioned, an imposing collection'' of FINE CONTEST rather that the banks should take a The pumping plant for Trout Creek had been made by tho judges, given medals, cups and ribbons taken at Kamloops, B.C., Nov. 24.—W. J. Bowser, for thirty years pride in the quality and thoroughness the central position in tho striking other shows by B. C. fruit, including • Point was not thought of very favor• of their services. a leading figure in the Conservative party, and for many years ably, for the water would have to be exhibit of British Columbia fruit, -.put the go.ld cup won at the Imperial Write Christmas Verses for pumped to Sharp's corner. Councillor on by the Associated, Growers, which Fruit Show after three successive Ogopogo Christmas attorney-general and premier, withdrew from the fight for Arkell said it had been suggested that Mrs, R. M, .Ross returned on Sat• bos attracted keen interest from thou• sweepstakeB triumphs. Around the sands of visitors at Canada's largest Card leadership of the party this afternoon in a speech that won for they* dredge the Trout Creek channel urday; from Castlegar where she has central section of tho exhibit were two winter show. The exhibit,, 35 feet rows of boxes, faced with Winosaps The school children. have been en• him the greatest ovation ever accorded to a political leader. and run the lake up to a point above been for the past few weeks. She the bridge for the bed of the creek long, faced the flower exhibit in rho and Grimes Golden In a pleasing de• joying' a competition this week, writ• As the white-haired chief signalled his passing old-time follow• was only four feet above the lake reports that the weather was very Wfut wing of the Royal Coliseum, and sign of scarlet and yellow. In all, 133 ing a verse for the Ogopogo Christmas ers broke down and cried. level. The.reove thought a better plan foggy and decided to come back to rivalled the flowers themselves for at• half-boxes comprising 16 varieties * of card that is being brought out. The 1 Mr. Bowser, in a speech that was marked with emotion, would be to dredge a channel up the Summerland where the weather man tractiveness o£ color and arrange• apples, were used in the display, all of first prize in tho High School went to road past the McKay property, and ment, As in previous years, the Asso• | them showing the same remarkable Relph Blewett for this verse: but in which he displayed some of his old-time fire, declared is more considerate. 1 then the spring freshets would not in• ciated Growers' display was arranged uniformity of quality and pack that that since coming to Kamloops he had been brought to a real• -- : / 4"—~r~-—: — In the sunny Okanagan . terfere, and once the ditch was dug it Ogopogo's come to stay; ization that his continuance as a candidate would split the would be over with, Still, the council May tho happiest season's greetings party, and, in the interest of unity, he not only resigned the felt that the cost would bo greater Be yours this Christmas day. than the rosults would warrant. Ogopogo Seen Again leadership, but withdrew from the light, although confident Mr, Darke's letter was then discuss• In the public school the first prize that he would carry the convention at the cost of splitting the ed and some one of the council said went to Kathorlno Ramsey for party. that there was an erronious idea abroad that tho distribution system If you wont swimming had boon noglectod, which was not tho On Christmas Day, case, and tho people did not appro And you mot Ogopogo, NO REASON FOR T wonder if he'd say MURDERER TO ciato how much had boon done to the system. Thero was an opinion ad TAKES A SLY GLANCE AT "Morry Christmas!" vancodi that no attontion noodod to ho Tho judges woro Mrs. iPalmor and paid to tho petition, but Councillor EXPIATE CRIME EXCITEMENT Miss Paradts of the school staff. Ritchie malntalnotl that not only bo-' BAPTISMAL CEREMONIAL causo it was presented, should it bo Indian Half-Breed Found \dlsousBort, but that those bohlnd.lt SAYS PRESIDENT paid a very big proportion of tho Guilty of Murdering raUB and taxes and that tho council WAGS TAIL AND DISAPPEARS NIGHT OTOL would cortainly have to glvo it vory White Girl Non-Commital Reply When thorough consideration, Councillor Questioned With Re• Smaii thought tho idoa of changing all Description of Ogopogo by Several Witnesses Tallies • BIG SUCCESS . Prlnco Ruport, Nov. 25.—Joo San- • of Jonos Flat back onto ditches would koy, Indian half-brood, was found gard to Action Just ho luavmg a chance for spending With Those Given by Previous Observers 'guilty of murdering Lorotta Chlsholm, 'Port Esslngton school toaohor, last monoy to i,o roul purposo for In ton of the Creature Older Citizens Are Interest „ Montroal, Nov. 25,—"No roason ex• years or so thty would ho back asking May, and was sontoncort to hang on ists for oxoltomont," doclarod W. G. ed—Avail Themselves Fobruary 1.0, to bo put on the p|po nno again. Ho Loo, prosidont ot tho Brotherhood of thought ovory ovli was blamod on Ogopogo has boon seen again, this time by several people of Opportunity Railway Traininoli, whon quostlonod wator, either was a Rhortago, or OIBO who are ready to vouch for tho accuracy of their vision and The night school 1B proving a big FORM LADIES' in rogard to tho railway situation In It was seepage, hut the wator situa• statements, and agree as to general dimensions, widths, BUCCOBB, ospoolally In tho mechanical AUXILIARY OF Canada caused by a ballot of conduc• tion got tho blnmo In any caao, lengths,,and shape of hoad, speed, and general description in rtopartmont, Quito a number of our tors, traininoli and yardmen, who re• They loft Instructions that Mr. Tom older CUIZOUB are availing thoniBolvoB CANADIAN LEGION fused a recent award of a conciliation lln go on with tho ostlmatlon oc work confirmation of that given by all tho provious witnesses of tho of tho opportunity to turn aparo hours board which rofiiHod thorn a wago in- that should ho done to tho pipe lino phenomonon. !to good account, Mr, John Dale, who oroaso. and distribution systom, and bring tn Two won known Pontlcton mon, Mr.JK Is qui to an onthuslas over machine A Ladlos' Auxiliary of tho Canadian his report at tho vory earliest date L, L, WIlklnB and his fathor-in-law,, od tho appuaranco of tho hoad as work ,1s having a flno tlmo. Mr, ,T, S. Loglon was formod at a mooting In tho possible. Mr. Quornoy, loft Thursday for West- somewhat resembling that of a shoop, Campboll and son Ton aro both groatly] G.W.V.A. hall this wook, and at an Tho discussion of ralBlng the wator hank, opposite Kolowna, to assist at a Sovoral foot to tho roar of the'hoad ploasofl at tho work that Is holng oloctlon of offlcors Mrs. Knowlos was chosen prosidont, Mrs, T ,0. Orr eloot• FOG"CAUSÉT" rates to got noopsBary funds for Im• baptism of tho Brothron ot tho Qospol nppoarort two loops about tho alzo of takon up'. Many otho'r car lovers are proving tlio systom was taken up, but Hall In tho Okanagan Laico, bötwoon an automobile whool and as thick as a ontorlng into tho spirit of tho classos, od vIco-proBldont, M;lss N, Holder it was pnst tho timo whon that could Collatoly and Wostbanlc wharf, Thoro balloon tiro, Mrs, Clifton was stand HON, 8, F, TOLMIE Thoy now havo dismantled an old tronsnror and Mrs, II, S, Jnolcson sec• ho dono ,anrt anyway they docldod woro botwoon 50 and 00 In tho party. lug nt right nnglos to the direction Elootod Leader of Conservative'Party McLaughlin car and by tho time thoy retary, A strong programme was TWOCOLLISIONS that It was bottor not to put that mat- During tho Immersion and tho at• takon by tho Ogopogo and was ahlo at Kamloops Convention havo .takon thnt apart and put It In mndo up for tho winter months, Tho : tor to tho wator hoard till It was abso• tendant religious ooromony Mr, Wil• to soo through tho openings botwoon shapoNit will ho qulto a car, Mr, Nod momhors hopo that tho WIVOB of tho 1 lutely nocoBsnry, kin's attention was attracted by tho tho half olroloH and tho water. Tlontloyj who 'IB tho Instructor, thinks rotnrnod mon will all Join and holp Seventy-one Persons Injur• Various points In tho distribution appoaranco of what ho at first thought Describing the* Ogopogo, Mr, Quor• thoro will ho no doubt but what It will bring tho Summnrland Post up to tho ed When Trains Collide Bystom that offorod opportunities for to bo a muBkrat swimming about GO noy stated tho amphibian, fish, snako glvo bottor roBults than was over ox- mark It can attain, t Near London Improvement woro illsnussod. Conn yards from tho flhoro, Tho heart waB or Boa serpent moved with a wave-like EXPLOSION IN pontort of It, clllor Arkoll thought that a big stop ralflod about two foot abovo the wator motion of Its body and tho colls np• Tho commercial class hafl more at• Tho "Old Timers" will bo ploasort Lonrtan, Nov. 25,--Snvonty-ono por- could bo mnrto If tho north main woro and along tho back of tho nook 'ap• poarort and dlsappoarort alternately at tending than Inst yoar and Mr, tuns woro Injured In twii railway <;nl- various distances from tho hoad. Tho to hoar Tcov, Mr, McTntyro at tho put. at a higher 1 o vol and .brought, peared to bo a fin or comb ot from ,12 fltovon sayB thoy can take a few extra llslona, ono near T.(.mlon and tho .thur straight ncrosR the hill, Inafond of to 1R Inches in length. Tho total oroaturo hart evidently boon disturbed STARCH PLANT oponlng of tho United Church, It noar South Knd, onwsort by denso fog. If tlioy start right away, hut it would longth waB about 15 foot, by the baptismal ceremonies, Accord• winding and twisting about as It dnos, bo unfair to ask for admittance In two will bo recalled that ho was tho pastor ing to itB UBUIU custom it gave a curi• Tt could be brought out at Cart At tho same moment tho Ogopogo Paris, iNov, 2r>,™-Toii persons woro who organized and built tho Men's Tho Summerland delegates to tho ous glance at the bathors and sank weeks' time, Wright's, This was discussed but It was soon by Mrs. IT, Clifton of Nelson reported klllort and fifty* Injured whon Manual training has somo real on- Club, and was known hero thon as Conservativo' convention nt Kamloops wan felt that this would ho a bigger avonuo, Pontlcton, and by Mrn, Fon- qnlotly into tho doopor waters off a starch manufacturing plant, exploded shore, thuBlaBts making good progress. Thoro "the sporting pastor," woro A. II, Klllott and A, E, Iloao. Investment than was warrantod, but ton ot Wostbanlc, The former doscrlb- at Haubordln, near Lillo. 1s an attonrtanco all told of close to 40, I

THE SUMMEftLAND REVIEW, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1926 DID,YOU EVER STOP TO THINK? (By Edson JR. Waite/Shawnee, Okla.) dressed and dealt with as it should be On the Gridiron E. Wills Lewis,;' editor in chief of given, and in'so doing the public get . L. W. writes: "There seems to be BRIDGET SAYS Timely Hints the Hull, Eng., "Daily Mail," says: a full and frank view of world happen• plenty of money in football, yet the (By John Tait) ings' and politics. 'That you enjoy your life because of, coaches have to hustle to make both CORPORATION ,QF THE DISTRICT OF confidence; All trading is due to a Copyright 1926.' • Fire Blight—A bacterial disease''; mutual.; confidence-' between vendor ends meet." •'.... - SUMMERLAND of'the'-apple,'crab, pear and quince,' and purchaser. The world's com• Unsympathetic Mirth Js the orchard jst's greatest .menace. merce, whether conducted on •• the The losses', frp'ni it aré" $fl.ôrpioùs:. ; Stock Exc^ang;e, tlie'Bourse, or )n the y-T su|pe(çt is me'rejy a ru^ojr;^>\h%>i ' V^hja'ïôss of .'fruiting tyoofâftipjuà, •people's "market, is djepepüe'nt "upoji1 •?jfh itP^ a 1^''8eem8 t0 ^''M m sus?-** ' ftta.V .may -be great"' epojugh ;'tb 'de• ..'Confidence!.' 'Ciredit, By which the crease' for .'éôyèral years the rouan-, jyrorld's business.is kept gofpg,'.Jwould e Mfttter o1jm, Biogk Í3, Map tity of fruit produced. : collapse 'vr'fthO/jBt mutual tr'jist.' %'- - 'iSome''yariè'ties are .more suscept- In the s^am.e-.way newspaper adver-: 1 A péryer^d sen|e of humor. j 4ft"e'*':pthm AS " .One orrMother 'i the disease attacks various parts of member, ;;tliere's angel wâ|ch^ '{Do goi5tjp}sleep,•A1-Dprothy,'T ' urge,d her the tree it.ni.ay then bexeferredito : !: 1 oyer you/r' 'for the s(a/£ of ..j^tieir g(^ds. '! iYdm'tas''^ aether;'^hp wa'j^çd to rea as-Blossom flight', "Twig .EMÎrEt; ^;''Oh, mother, arep,'t you concej BPdy'Bligbt'-br^Root $ight:^tff¡e Subscriber', to'a .-Journal, Jteel a^copfi-; ( ^ence tti'ip ^behind yop hs ^ijbp prppjri'e-exclaimed'i'tlie hopeless child. *v ; LIST terni V^iré^light is'.applied"tp the ,i .'...1 ,?i*ClJ i.' ,„ .•*.yP'''-1 ' \U.l ^di^ease .since'it affects ^îpjtender); •tory: of ,wie . jo.yjrnal.'.'" ,The vady'ertiser knows thafto^deveTop h'is busiriVss Hi's These are old and excellent recipes, leaves'; twigs 'and fruit blossoms'' ppe calendar month from the date of goods must be worth their cost; • used for many years by many people'. and kill back, causing the-leaves VRIN the first publication hereof to issue to to hang on and brown in the case So, in this- commercial trinity, the! the said Nellie Christian Mile' a' pro• • .Christmas pake newspaper, the seller and the buyer of the apple, and turn black in thé 1 ! r visional certificate in lieu of 'sucjh [lost 1927 Two pounds raisins,'2 ibSi currants, beget' a''confidence' in ' 'e'ach other: ; pear, looking'as though."the "limb's 1 certificate. -* ' Any- person having any 1 lb. butter, lib. sugar, 1% lbs. flour, were scorched by fire. which satisfies all. --What: the , commer-l KE E FYOJJ RE YES information with reference to such % lb. candied peel, 10 eggs, % cup While cutting out blight,1 and cial''^magnates 'of tlie' j^orid ",do :• on lost certificate of title is'reque3ted to molasses, 1 cup sour cream, 1 cup CLEANS CLEAR woAN- wmDi HEALTHcoucmr.—mY» this work, should be done •••before .".Chari'ge,".-you can .do thVough^the' med-; I «AM I communicate with the undersigned. strawberry jam, 1 heaping' teaspoon the regular pruning, such cuts and iiim ' of'newspaper' ad^ertisipg. ., The Dated at' thè Land Registry Office, soda, "allspice, cinnamon, nutmeg, van- wounds should be disinfected with pick of the world's .goods is -'brought' Kamloops; B.C, •• this 2t>th day of TAKE NOTICE that a Court of Revision will sit to ilia, almond; flour fruit out of that to the'?priyacy".of your home 'f'o.r' yQur) a solution made up of 1 tó ,500 -Bi• ; October, 1926. weighed for cake; bake three hours f chloride of "Mercury ' arid'-1 ,to' 500 "choice/'-and'--you^ .-know exactly .what " " E .S. STOKES, revise and correct said voters' list on FRIDAY, slowly. Cyanide' of Mercury (via 1. gram the deal'will be'. ' • Registrar ' .' Christmas Pudding *' The ,modern. newspaper in. ,,its im• each to one pint of water): carry { ; Date of first publication, Oct. 29, 10th DEPEMBER, 1926,'at ten o'clock in the fore• 1 One pound raisins, 1 lb. currants, this in a-glass container. The so• mense !,. and" influential sale is - the 1926. 43-5c world's exchange,' and' every reader : %:lb. beef suet chopped, %-lb. bread lution can be applied to wounds and noon, at the Municipal Office, West Summerland.



Established August, 1908 8 (Published at Summerland, B. C.) World of Politm er K (BY AUTOLYCUS -a) (By an Ex-Writer of^the Ottawa Press Gallery.) W.ALTER.M.' WRIGHT, Editor and Manager ."•',' "A snapper, up of unconsidered trifles" •, Member of Canada Weekly Newspapers' Aaaociatloh" Member of British Columbia Selected Vy«eWler The meeting of premiers of the countries constitut• The genial and very human Grace philosophy out of her own experience. ing the great British Commonwealth1"pf 'nations, other• wise known as the Imperial Conference, that closed this r SUBS^RJ^TJON RATES Luckhart has come out boidly and tie We can go further, • and' find ; that in avowal that the charm which music is the old days the American; Indians week'in London, will be recorded in history as ,the most $2.50 per year by mall in Canada; $3.00 by,mail outside pt said to possess for gaye'ltb smoking; a"' religious signlfl- impo'rtârit öf these gatherings held up to the present 1 r,-. , -tua Dominion—All In advance / ' " * " THE CHARM the savage breast cance; and' we; know that the pipe'/of time; .:lt is difficult to conceive,' as a matter of fact, of THAT FAILED doesn't work with peace' was a conclusive token of'amity any future Imperial Conference deliberating on more • her, whatever it may with'them;' For the /rest; 'let' us" con• weighty matters and reaching ' more important ' conclus• HPrSr^Y BySjijjjESS ROWING do with some savageB. She claims a sider this tribute to'the^yirVpes'pf the ions, than h_as>the deliberative ''assembly' of Empire kinship in this'matter with ' Charles premiers" recently brought -to'a-' closed 'For many, years The beekeepers of Summerland have been potent herb: "It is' bid and "undyipg, the'matter' of'the status of the Overseas "Dominions Lamb,' and thinks that, while" she and like wine. On its own! plane '\\\ as.u- has engaged" the attention of the statesmen arid'ebn- getting encouragement with their side line, ancl Charles are the only two persons ages human trouble "like naiisic arid Thrpugh stitutional authorities of Great Britain and the.'various in fact so many have been improving, their known to her who have openly con poetry, and is more ready" for 'appli• overseas-Dominions, it being recognized that, as the feased their aversion to music, there cation than either. Its appeal tnbj'e; DpmYniöns-''grew.- -in * population, and power, there would ' apiaries that an organization among them ihust' surely be others. There is very over, is universal; all the world Bings .b'é'a'naturaî'dèrnand 'on their part for equality 'of status r would materially help their business along. little doubt as to that—even setting and aU the w° ld smokes." '' A'*",- The Mails with the''Mother Country. The participation' of" the aside those who; are music-deaf much Dominions in the world war on a large scale'and in the •Mark«e^jai'g''ha? not so far been a serious prob• as some people are color-blind, we Among the many" curious things peace' deliberations resulting in the Treaty of Ver• f lem, but if they are to expand much farther may reasonably guess that there are • told to the world by Marco iPolo; rione sailles gave a decide d impetus to the movement in the many individuals of the type of thei s more , amusing ' than'' his recitals of The service of the Bank of Montreal is as direction of ' füll ; autonomy. Denial of demands .for this will become a question 'of importance two elderly gentlemen in' "Punch", how some of the Arab sucb autonomy' was oùf'pf the question in view' of these stràng«rs to each other in all but sym- BOILjNGi peoples' ariion'g'whom wide and comprehensive as the postal events.- From the 'first' the representatives ' of ' Canada among them. There are many little problems party,'thrown"together at a musical THEIR WINE he""trayeiled " eya'd'ed at the Imperial Conferences' stood for the gradual devel• drawing-room' 'recital. "Fond of •'i ; the pan'plabed;pn fer• system itself. opment;of "'autononiou's^p^we'rs' in keeping with- ' the and a few of greater importance to.those at 1 music?" says-one to the other;! "Oh; mented drinks by Mahomet.! In some development of the ' 'country. Sir -Wilfrid; Laurier present in the business that an organization of , ,, always "st'pp'd firmly for' the',right of the Overseas 'Domin• yes!—and-'you?" ,"Oh; yes!' '. A'.pause. communities he found'the prohibition This service enables customers living in remote some kind seems quite advisable, even if it is —then an understanding whisper — secretly ignored, open defiance' belpg ions to look ''after their''own affairs"' without iritetfer- "Let's go and';have a drink!" I won-; apparently less practiced than we' see districts to transact their banking by mail as 'etide.'-' '- Sir 'Robert Bofden'-"wils feveii-r more einphatic on nothing else than a':'branch^;of;;some''0f •the.'.pre- der whether "fhe artist' who drew- the it today. • But in1 one instance neither these points than "Sir* Wilfrid. Hon. Arthur Meighen's satisfactorily as if they could make personal position, so far as I have been able to, understand it,.\vas ^vsent' agricultural societies.; fBees dp well in picture realized how close he was' to secret nor open defiance was' resorted Charles Lamb himself in' the 'jokel The to by those who desired to Indii'lge in never so clear-cut, but there is' no- reason to 'believe, visits. despite his attitude in regard to the constitutional issue here. There is notthe handicap that is felt by gentle .Charles'; hopelessly" "cornered that- which cheers the heart of-man : as it'developed in Canada recently, that his viewpoint those in the older provinces, where a^ hard .win• 'one' evening at a 'musical friend's and makes>him a' merry countenance, but a - certain ingenuity wasbrought differs'"materially from that of his immediate prede• ; house,'and ^sitting disconsolate * amid : Jfrite for our folder, cessors in' office. Wben the Imperial Conference ppèned der must be provided again^; pur ihohey gath• the fain of melody, was''condoled "with into .play; The method Vwas ,yery! a few weeks ago it soon became apparent that, chiefly by a sympathetic acquaintance, and simple, consisting"iner.ely of ^boiling ering season is long here, and ;our many alfalfa r b ecause of the position taken by Premier. Hertzdg of replied 'that' if he could "be provided their\wine.to -(ostensibly) remove''its Sout.h Africa and the developments in .Canada arising , patches, sweet clover cover crops, as well as '^itiia jug of-beer he might weather prohibited quality ''of ^fermentation. from Lord" Byng's" refusal to" grant ''a dissolution"'!of thV storm! ' 'Oh another occasion,'ac Whether it did so I''don't' knoy, but - : i Summeriand granch Parliament to'-a Canadian Premier", the question of the the fruit blossoms, provide -plenty. :.or;jf(eVd^ig' cording iq his own'confession; Ke was I have my doubts." The"'eyasion'seejns r : statu's^of thé Dominions would have 'to''be dealt 'with.; afeji for the be^es. '^ia'&gi^ai asset to the or- so filled-with' "sheer "pain-'and inexpli• delightfully soplUs-tocaHdV-.'and.V-^r» '.' J. GRAN, Manager The solution reached jn reality "does'•' not Ir'eprésent, : 1 minds .one of the device of Peter PlnT chajdisf s to have' .the ^e|s^at -^ork during blpa- cable anguish". that he rushed out into much more'than has been'conceded by the outstanding .'trie 'noisiest"streets tie 'could 'find,'-' to dar.'s pilgrim, -who was condemned, b'y constitutional authorities since ' the Dominions partici- sqm time, vmjare :g&yg($0y^ Js6laceJ niihself! with sounds' he "was way of penance, to walk' to a distance "pa'ted'in the war and the Peace Conference. Since then < not' obligedV to listen to. There may shrine with peas in litis SlibeS. 'He-a'nd it'has Been'recognized that the Overseas Dominions are;- typ^i are ^£oj^n, ^y^ry^ncoiiragement shbuId have' been' some1 other' excuse in this a fellow sinner set out together,-'but , OF MONTREAL supreme' in regard'' to their domestic" ' affairs';; but ' this c f case, as he',-had been listening "to'ah' this particular periitent strode' away recognition has 'now' been put in'formal terms and be givpn the' j^eg men an^this is the season : ppera, and a'ccdrdin'g^ to "Parry', ''oper• gaily, and made such good time tpat Established over IÒOyeéurs agreed ito by all the nations concerned. The granting when they can take .time to attend meetings. atic "audiences' have always 'had 'the on his return journey he met 'his .un• to Ireland of full "autonomous" power made it necessary lowest ''Standard of taste of any .sec• fortunate companion only halfway to dispense with the designation ' "United Kingdom,'! but : tion ' of 'human beings 'calling them there and badly crippled into the bar• u ewüra< usui salutavo .urei that'-do'es" not' riiean'. that the ' British1 Empire will "be any Fl'iW ! « VU (Cil- yXOUXMLllt. 1 selves" musical^" ..'Thus it is "at least gain. The question and answer' which the'less united.'" The 'décision " that' the Governor-General conjectural that in "fleeing from "such ensued revealed the 'fact'- that .'the of an'Overseas Dominion will henceforth be thé'direct WATER TALK an .ordeal Lamb may have 'shown more light-toed pilgrim had taken the liber• representative. of His Majesty, "and" His Majesty alone, real' m'jisioal taste than he knew of. :; ty of boiling bis neas before starting ! has been brought about, undoubtedly, as a'result of the Following up the water question has not ••• There is an inter'sstirig point raised There is much comfort to' be obtained recent developments in Cänädäj*; and -ifor all time the by, the admissions of professed music by occasional ingenuity; ' ';' name'of' Mackenzie King 'will be associated with this gotten to be a pastime with us, but there are haters when considered in conjunction change.- It is" indeed a happy solution of this difficulty a few things we feel should be further dis• with "those" lines uttered by "one Lor• that has been reached. - In future a Governor-tjeneral will have Vice-Regâl standing,'but, like the Sovereign, cussed. Some one at the council at" its last enzo, arid generally, though illogically, taken to represent the sentiments of WILL GIVE PRIZE he will be bound by'the constitution to accept the advice session, we did not notice who; made the state• Shakespeare himself:' of his Canadian ministers,- just as the King'is bound .to'. f "The" man that-hath no music in him- full bodiedaccep t the'' advice-'of the' British'government. •'. Undoubt-'; ment that he didn't believe that Mr. Darke •; "';'; self,. - . ,.',;' ••''••"•'• ''"•?•••:'.•;-'-<••''• édly there are many people throughout the Empire"whov will have forebodings as, to the future effect of the himself wrote that letter we published over his Nor is not moved with concord of FOR BEST PACK 1 momentous findings of the Imperial' Conference. They;' sweet sounds, ' "" L; - name,. and we : want to say he most certainly eheunigma y "shake their heads and express the fear that'they Is fit' for treasons, stratagems and Gold Championship Meda! mean 'the' beginning, of the end of the' British'.'Empire.; ; did, and further, he made some statements that spoils; ' ; OT only do the But in'my''humble opinion- their fears will prove ^'un• ' deserve consideration. The' motions of his spirit are dull as Donated by Mayor L. D. founded. Instead' of removing the props which' hold, : night, :''y^'- '^^'-^^. • - '•;','' Taylor at Vancouver people. of Brit- up the British Empire, the Imperial Conference 'has Another thing arising out of the last coun• . And his' affections dark, as Erebus; ; i s h Columbia done nothing more or" less, than to replace them witha:; iiet no such man be trusted."' N foundation so., broad and . strong that, 'no matter-.what; cil meeting that is worthy of discussion is the , i^It is for„.tb-e.,-.most;\-paA?-^yerl.Qpked ANOTHER FOR BOXES get purity in chamber in West Summerland and newspaper ^ stories of spectacular recorded at both Grand Povka and : : Beer. .found-the room empty. WANTED—Clean white rags, .So. per ' •'•'•/{''•:. ''•''•••. '—70— - crime waves," juvenile delinquency Waneta. Other warm places were •• 1927 "•.Xfc. . pound. The Review. ' dh Miss Brown arrived on Monday from has decreased enormously. Castlegar and Tappen, 103, degrees, * * * ** Mrs. L. Macdonell, who has.been The. musical department of Okan• Salmon. Arm and is the guest of Miss He made the statement that" accord and Oliver, Grand' Forks, Naramata WILL ENFORCE RULE FOR SALE OR RENT — Comfortable visiting. her sister, Mrs. Geo. Craig, ing to figures prepared by the Gerry agan College was announcing a re• cottage in Peach Orchard on 1% J. Currie. . g and Enderby, 102 degrees. The hot• leaves on Saturday. ' Society (The Society for the Preven• test in Kamloops was 100 degrees, also cital:' • acres of , very good land, partly : Regular Inspection by Pro • , . .•• • —0— tion of Cruelty to Children in iNew recorded at Penticton on Okanagan * . * * •'' planted. Rent $10 per month. F. D. • —e— William Simpson was announcing Mr. Boyd, who has recently bought York.City) the number of cases Lake and Vavenby up" the North vincial Police Will Pro• Cooper, Real Estate Broker. 37-tf-c Rev. Mr. Freeman, who is in town pedigreed trees from Sunnyslde Nurs• a lot on the east side of Giant's Head, juvenile criminality fell sharply : to Thompson. \ for the Baptist Young People's con tect From Theft eries. • WEBER PIANOS—For sixty years a from O. G.-Smith, is building a new less than fifty per cent of that in pre- The highest temperature iD the low• vention, will take the Sunday morning prohibition years. The figures cover• standard o£ enduring excellence. house, starting work this week. er Fraser district was at Stave Falls The Think to Do Why take chances in buying a piano service. ing the years' 1920,,1921, 1922 and 1923 where the thermometer, reached 98.8 Provincial government will supply during which national prohibition was Mrs. Bridey (at 1 a.m.)—Oh, Jack, , Vithout such.a character, which in a Following the recent light snow and —o— -on the, warmest day. In Alberui a containers for copies of the motor wake up! I can just feel there's a in effect, and 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917 licenses with the plates next year, ac• few years may be harsh in tone and Miss Purves left on Monday to re• temperature of 100 degrees was re mouse in the room. later .rain, the municipal grader has 1918 and 1919, pre-prohibition'years. cording to information received by Mr. be a lasting grief. The WEBER is turn to England, going by way of corded. In Victoria : the hottest day Husband (drowsily)—Well, just feel been taking "advantage of the oppor• x "No safeguard," he-said, "against George 'E. Housser, chairman of .the sold exclusively by Heintzman & showed 95 degrees; there's a cat, too, and go to sleep. Co.,'T. 6. Wanless, Penticton, agent. tunity to get on the roads and quite a North Battleford, Regina and Mont• the so-called crime wave in the rising Coming now to the coldest spot, the legal committee of the Automobile : - 45-3-c ,lot of crowning has been done. real, and from there to Halifax, from generation has yet been found which 'record goes to Atlin with .54.degrees Club of British.Columbia, from Attor• which port she will sail. .,- , seems more effective than prohibition below zero. Last winter was gener ney General A. M. Manson. ' . ,« , PASTURE AND STOCK WINTERED For the sake of the city children drink Mrs. Dow -,who has been - spending ally milder than usual and apart from Every motorist will be forced to at reasonable rates. Phone 794. For an ideal Christmas gift send must go. .. t. -v. -• display a copy. of his license some• a visit "with her daughter, Mrs. S. A. Atlin no records of 40-degrees below your friends The Saturday Evening "According to data computed from" zero or lower were registered. The where on his automobile, according to MacDonald,. returned during the week police department " reports in New an act passed by the legislature last FOR SALE—Stockholm'Cream: Separ- Post, Ladies' Home Journal or Coun• coldest spots were in the upper Fraser to her home in Crestón. York city, immediately after the adop• district,. Vanderhoo! registering 32 de• year, which comes into effect on Janu• - ator,';No.'lB,'just used one season. try Gentleman. -Phone R. S. Jackson tion of national prohibition, one-third ary 1, 1927. . ••' Cost new $73; price $55'. H H .(Pot- grees'below zero and iPrince George Your letter is your salesman. It 645. 47-1-c fewer boys and girls were arrested for 31. In Cariboo thel lowest was 14 he- Regular .inspection of automobiles • ter, Penticton' 46-2pd general criminality. In succeeding to enforce this regulation will be made gets attention if well dressed. -Print• low at Big Bar and 7 below at Bar- FOR SALE — Fertilizers. .'Blood, and ; We are preparing for, your Christ• years- this proportion of arrests has kerville; 21 below at - Princeton was by the provincial police. This rule ing is its clothing. We do creditable declined still further until in 1923 and will protect' motorists from theft.and Bone OK. Orchard Dressing, Super• mas trade as never before. Watch the lowest in -the Similkameen. Oh phosphate of, Lime (the best remedy work. ' Don't be satisfied with less. 1924 they were less than 45 per cent the C. P. R. main line- the lowest was eliminate the number of cars falsely for our, window display next week. for- Bitter Pit). ' ^Prices on applica- Get prices from; The Review. of the pre-war : average.. . 16 below, at Golden, 14 below at Field registered. v ' . tion. This is the" time .to apply fer• Some unusual features will be shown. "The Gerry.- Society goes even fur• and 2 below at Kamloops; while Rev• Cases have been found of expensive ther in its reports .and finds that dur• tilizers toyour orchard."' M. G. Wil- R. Nelems of came in on Come and get ideas. .Beer's. Shoe elstoke did not experience anything automobiles registered as very cheap ing the{ period of : national prohibition worse than zero. . • v - makes, and. other cases of stolen • son, Summerland. •• : '•''.' Monday and. .is spending a couple of Store.' • • the .number of cases of juvenile delin• On the coast the lowest temperature license plates being used, or license FO R S A L E—Heatrola. Parlor Furnace days visiting at the home of Mr. and quency has fallen sharply, to less than plates, transferred , from cheaper We have letters sent in for publica• in Vancouver was 27 above zero. - New in good condition. Mrs. ..Drewitt, Mrs. A. M. Leslie. 50 per. cent of the number in pre- Westminster was:two degrees colder vehicles. . , tion that are signed with the name •Phone 90.3.-- 47-1-c prohibition years.'" The report of thé than Vancouver, while Victoria was Similar legislation... in the United that the writer wishes to have printed Children's Court ...of ;New York City States has proved very successful in FOR SALÉ—J. Brent's, No. 1 Timothy W. Sharpe, who was employed at 1.8 degrees warmer. Nowhere in the with their statements, but, because also.Q/» The Ladies' Aid of the Lakeside day, the 28th. Service at 7:30 p.m the other side of the window as Mag• peculiar instance of the. effect of the, Marmalade, 4 lbs. «Jü/V Church will hold their Annual; Sale of preächer) Rev. R. J.; Mclntyre of .Van gie and Jiggs? We wonder. neighboring mountains on the rainfall S-atur- is shown, by a comparison : with the Pure Lard, Q/f/» Work- and Home Cooking on oatur- pmiTftr_ A hearty welcome is given to Chains in the I couver. PREMIER OLIVER Steveston day, December 11, at 2:30 p.m. The opening of the Lakeside United figures' - for Ladner - and Swift's, per lb...... A^V, church parlor. , . : 47-lc; all. In connection with the opening a which, although only a few miles banquet and musical programme will Church will take- place Sunday, 28th away, had a much lighter rainfall, Powdered Ammonia O ^ CARD OF THANKS 1 be held the. following evening, the November. Service, 7:30 p.m., preach• •Ladner showing only 26.94 inches and per package ...... Ov» . Theo. Koch and family -wish; to Protect yourself against . Mrs. 29th, at 6:30, in the church. Adults er, Rev. R. J. Mclntyre of Vancouver. Steveston 33.33 inches. (New Westmin• accidents and loss of time express their heartfelt appreciation of A hearty welcome to all. In connec• ster had 49.12 inches. Victoria ,as Corn.,Flakes ri •the kindness of the friends who assist• 50c'; children under 10, 25c. A pleas Passes Quiet .Day in, Pentic• usual, had less than half Vancouver's and money with Dread tion with the above opening, a ban• per'package A..V/C/ ed them in.their recent-bereavement. ant and profitable evening is assure*d ton and Receives Dele• rainfall, 20.57 inches. naught Tire Chains. •• V: '.47-1-c Come everybody. • 47-lc quet and musical programme will be On the north coast Prince Rupert held the •following evening, Monday! gation atf Keiowna Cleanser Ö/» had nearly 2.0 inches less than the pre• Weihave all*the common per tin OL the 29th, in the. ,church. Tickets, Hon. John Olive)*, Premier of British vious year, its record, being 87.64 •w sizes in stock: adults. 50c, children under 10, years Columbia, accompanied by his son, inches. Rain fell on 203 days , in CORRESPONDENCE iPrince Rupert and , on 150 days in AT YOUR STORE 25c. A pleasant and profitable eve C. E. Oliver, arrived in Penticton by the K. V. Ry. Sunday morning. The Vancouver. By a wise provision of.1 Editor Summerland Review: ning is assured. Come everybody. premier spent a quiet day with:his rel• nature in British Columbia there is 1 & forsters During the early part of the 'sum• atives and left by the .Pentowna Mon• much greater rainfall at the sources mer, municipal employees removed I day morning for Keiowna. There he of water supply than in the cities serv• •the crossing at the southeast cqrner SYLLABUS FOR OKANAGAN MUSICAL met delegations from the boards' of ed. Thus the records show a fall of of the Empire block, which, although mumbm trade of Penticton, Summerland, 141.39 inches on Capilano creek, 62.21 . somewhat dilapidated, was of some FESTIVAL PUBLISHED , Westbank, Keiowna and inches at the Lynn intake and 107.10 Garage service. It has not yet been replaced Vernon and discussed with them the inches at Seymour intake for Van• in any way, and the conditions are The syllabus for the 1927 Okanagan proposed schedule under which it is couver service; while at Coquitlam PHONE 492 very bad during the wet weather for Musical Festival is now published and proposed to operate the new Kelowna- lake, the source of New Westminster's those who have to pass this way, and available, and lists forty-three classes, Westbank ferry.. Following presenta• supply, the gauge read 134.54 inches. will continue to be bad every time wo ranging from the smaller children to tion of the various views of -the dele• The driest spot in British Columbia have a little soft weather or even sun• adult choirs and orchestras. In addi• gates the premier promised to consult was Laluwissin week, Lytton, where shine through the winter unless some• tion to the "trophies and medals al• with the minister of public works on the whole year's rainfall only amount• thing is done immediately. Surely we ready offered by donors up and down his return to Victoria. ed to 2.76 Inches. Ashcroft had only are entitled to some of the comforts the valley, two specials have also been At the conclusion of the .meeting the 4.31 inches of rain; Keremeos, 4.32; of life at. the hands of onr masters. offeredCM^A . v,, These arer«„v: ,A „* challengTr«i^.«oe local Board of Trade entertained the Mamette Lake, 4.48, and Tranquille, Thanks for space, S, l^S" 4.85. Kamloops had 7.11 inches and Premier and delegates at dinner, when ONE INTERESTED. IL l£JlZ££ many other places in the "dry belt" for the highest marks in the juvenile pleaBlng;reference. WEB made to'the Summerland, Nov. 24, 1926. g had under 10 inches. choir classes, and a challenego cup by f . years and ten just passed hree sc ore Glacier is still the British Columbia r a Vernon donor for the highest marks {^^00^ i^^u Okanagan Valley Musical and Upstede shou)& in adult choir classes. The test pieces Later in the evening Premier Oliver residence of "Our Lady of tho Snows," for the various choir numbers may be addressed a large audience in Wesley for though all other places reported a auction sale secured from the general secretary at Hall, dealing at length with the finan• light snowfall, this mountain resort RLACKHEADS Keiowna, and the syllabus gives pub• had a fall of no loss than 418.20 inches cial position of the province, giving Don't squeeze blackheads — dis• lisher of solo numbers, so that there it without political bias, as he termed Anyox came next with 281.90 inches; T Competition festival solve them. Get two ounces of should bo no difficulty in securing the it, as a managing director of a com• then Barkorvillo with 237.70' Mill Ba""«y Peroxino powder from any drug-1 193.25*„w,-w , and 'Terrace_. , 106. " music for any class. ( It has been do pany reporting to the shareholders. r In the coast store and rub with hot, wet cloth cided.to distribute the syllabus free to districts the Tunnel camp at Britannia briskly ovor the blackheads. They December Interested people, the cost being part• Beach had 100.20 inches and Daisy simply dissolve and disappear by this ly met by advertising matter contain• Lake on tho P,G,E„ 56 inches, Vic Intending competitors may now obtain copies of safe and sure, method. ' 7^8-9-10^11 ed within tho syllabus. In this con• torla had only ,90 Inches, and New 1927 Syllabus and entry forms upon application to the nection It Is Interesting to note that TRY Westminster '1.50 inches, The Kitsll local secretary, Frank Mossop, 47-lc whllo only three music teachers of ano gauge recorded 4,00 inches, Vernon and three of Keiowna inserted ANGUS' CAFE Vancouvor, Victoria and Prince Rup• RIALTO THEATRE professional cards, there aro five Pen• ert wore almost equally unfortunate in When in Penticton llaiionaL ticton toachers among tho advertisers, the matter of foggy days, tho number As tho number of copies of the syl• You will be pleased being 28, 20 and 28,. Vancouver had West Summerland labus available for each town aro lim• with our service noary a monopoly In thunderstorms apple show ited, copies can only bo'dlstrlbutod to those having direct interest in some Rrl. & 8at,, Nov. 26 & 27— —the blgaest show wayof, whether as choir members, solo• lis kind ever attemptedists, or parent s of possible competitors Rln Tin Tin In in British Columbia..and tho like, in addition to oholr load• "The Clash of tho Wolves" ers, toachers and so on, However, Something NEW—and Different copies will bo distributed as freely as NEW DRESSES In the high Sierras u forest fire possible; and those interested' should drives the wolves out Into the open phono members of tho local commit- Thii week wo received n special «hlpment of Afternoon Froclci cattle country, and .the country too, thoso bolng Mrs, Tltohmarsh, MIBH horse show in Polrot TwilU, Popllm, Kailm Clotlti, Fancy end Plain Fl«nnoU, rises In arms to kill off the mar• Pago, Mr, Whlmstor, Mr, Bracowoll "Three-Way and tho secretary, Mr, Woavor otc. Priced from $5.50 to $18.00. Why* take tho time t« mnke a auders, "Lobo," the leader of the ^eßorse^Show Bldg. dreia nt Mil* bu»y lemon of the your whan you can b«»y them for pack, Is Rln Tin Tin, the dog star such n renionable figure. of this picture. Dec. TSlOll "HOSS" TRADING Also a 2-reel comedy DAYS AGAIN RUBBERS! RUBBERS! RUBBER! Ebeneezer Hard to Please "FEET OF MUD" Horo Is a story of tho old horso SEE INTERIOR DISPLAY rabbit trading days: Heater" Thero It nn old nml true myingi "Keep the feet dry nnd invo Frl. & Sat., Deo. 3 & mm^M. Doalor loads out a lino hay and says CIRCULATES, RADIATES, AND IS A the doctor*' bill*." We hnva nn excf>ptlonnl variety of rubbers and poultiy "Horo is a son of Nancy Wilkes, This "THE TEASER" &L DOUBLE HEATER n full rnnge of *i*oi, both In llffht nnd henvy clented rniicher*' made follow Is going to 1)0 a dandy," Doos by tho foremoit rubbor comDnnU* In Cnnndn—-"Dominion," "Kauf• Starring Laura LnPlnnt, featuring not suit old EbonooKor, so a nico black A now hoator that has throo ways of distributing man," "Goodrich," etc. The ^unlity nnd price will plenie you, Pat O'Mnlley; type of story, brll Is brought out, tho doalor remarking, liant comedy drama.' Directed by "This maro broko tho record at tho heat. Poworful, economical on fuol, and strongly con• William A. 8uter... Locale, a oma eaóevbind show Fair ton yoars ngo," Wouldn't do. structed, Outside diaphragm around body of heator town hotel and fashionable New Many more woro lod out, always ac- draws cool air ofT tho foor, heats it and circulatos into TABLE DELICACIES ra York. O Aquarum Bidg..compnnlod by tho samo kind of re. tho room, and can bo carriod through distributing plpo A Blnnce at our Grocery Window will ••"Xl«cTaS°,{hU*f»et. marks. Old Ebonoozor wasn't, satis• to othor parts of the houso. Hoat also radiates directly .peeUIlM In qunllty. Dl.crlm nntlng buyer, apprec nto thl. tjet, Frl. & 8at., Deo, 10 él 11-- fied with any of them ami finally knowing that In food.tuff., n, {n,8V0r.yl , "f \ ylttt to our "Pure into atmosphero through front of hoator, 1 t "Chip of tho Plyinff U" burst out with "You'vo boon showing Your Holiday requlremonrequirementU* calcanl foior thmeo Wu«-. A vim \o our kor [minldvmdipn mo Oomorn, and you'vo boon showing mo Wluuzors, have you got any Isors, ATTRACTIVE, SERVICEABLE AND EASY Food Grocery" will convert the worry of your Xmn* ihopplng Into Tues. & Wed., Dec 14 A 1B— a pleaiure, Let ui demonttrnte thi* to you. anaeimr hlank$ that's what. I'm looking fori" TO OPERATE "Tho Son of tho Bhoilc" Entries cloie >Nov.30 In Italy, at present, It Is consldoroil Frl, 4. 8at., Deo. 17 &, 18— VANCOUVER EXHIBITION a slandor against Musollnl to say that death loves a shining marlc.—Hamil• LAIDLAW & CO. "Olaifornia Straight Ahoad" ASSOCIATION Butler & Walden ton Herald, A Waterloo mother sent her little •WHERE IT PAYS TO DEAL" Frl. & Sat., Dee. 24 A. 25— 44oPendet* ^Lßesl SUMMERLAND Vcmeow)er B,0. son for some skin food and ho enmo • "Don and Son of Zoro" f hack with a pound of sausage,—Kit• chener Record.