Seeking Legitimacy Aili Mari Tripp Index More Information Www
Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-42564-3 — Seeking Legitimacy Aili Mari Tripp Index More Information Index Abdullah II, 276, 277 Algerian Women Claiming their Rights abortion, 131 (FARD), 218 Algeria, 198 ʿalimat (women religious scholars), 167 Bahrain, 132 alternance government, 151, 175 Egypt, 274 Amazigh, 3, 21–23, 25–26, 32, 42, 67, Maghreb, 262 69, 74–80, 84–86, 91, 99, 103, MENA region, 130 107, 150 Morocco, 132, 182–183 Activism, 3 Tunisia, 34, 48, 132, 235, 252 Algeria, 195, 198, 202, 223 Abou Hafs, Rafiki, 171, 184 Chaoui, Mouzabit, Tergui (Algeria), adoption, 118 79 Algeria, 118 Kabyle. See Amazigh (Algeria) Lebanon, 266 Maghreb, 264 Morocco, 118 Morocco, 155, 163, 165 Tunisia, 120, 139, 252 nationalism, 12 Adorno, Theodor, 13 tattooing, 78 ʿadoul (notary), 1, 166 Tuareg, 21, 75, 78 Advisory Council of the Family and Amnesty International, 207, 210, Children Morocco, 186 274 Afghanistan, 55, 203–204, Aquim, 42 248 Arab Barometer, 10, 27, 68, 76, 79, Afrobarometer, 11, 27, 79–80, 81–84, 93–93, 95–96, 98–99 83 Arab Spring, 46, 61, 106–107, 146, Ahmed, Dawood, 53, 112 151, 155, 211, 245 Al-ʿAdl wal-Ihsane (AWI), 152, 164, Egypt, 273 172–173, 175, 177–178 Tunisia, 45–46, 48, 91, 233–234, Al Fakhar, Sayyida Aisha Bint 242, 245–248, 255, 263, 281 Chaqroun, 86 Arabization Al Haddad, Tahar, 235–237 Algeria, 2, 198 Al Hurra, Sayyid, 21 archetypes, female, 21 Al Kabbaj, Fatima, 165 Association démocratique des femmes Al Kattani, Hamza, 86 du maroc (ADFM), 26, 31, 50, Al Nafzawiyya, Zayneb, 21 61, 100, 113, 151–152 Al Nusra Front, 269
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