Supercritical Water Oxidation of Octol – Containing Wastewater
Global NEST Journal, Vol 21, No 2, pp 172-179 Copyright© 2019 Global NEST Printed in Greece. All rights reserved Supercritical water oxidation of octol – containing wastewater Gurbulak E.1,*, Yuksel E.1, Tekbas M.1, Doruk T.2, Eyvaz M.1, Bektas N.1 1Gebze Technical University, Department of Environmental Engineering, 41400, Kocaeli, Turkey 2Ondokuz Mayıs University, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, 55105, Samsun, Turkey Received: 23/05/2018, Accepted: 12/02/2019, Available online: 15/02/2019 *to whom all correspondence should be addressed: e-mail: Abstract Considering both the dramatic increase in octol use and the nitro aromatic and heterocyclic nitramine groups in its This study investigated optimum operating conditions of structure, it has become a non-negligible nitro-compound supercritical water oxidation (SCWO) for octol and source of pollution (Chatterjee et al., 2017). This pollution compared the degradation of its components TNT (2,4,6- has harmful effects on the environment and health due to trinitrotoluene) and HMX (octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro- its characteristic of persistent resistance to biological 1,3,5,7-tetrazocine, octogen) under the same conditions. degradation (Snellinx et al., 2002). Jong et al. (2006) Pilot scale experiments were conducted at various determined that HMX had a more recalcitrant structure temperatures, reaction times and oxidant amounts. than other well-known explosives including TNT and RDX. Removal efficiency, by-product analysis and toxicity tests Although 2,4,6 TNT has potential carcinogenic effects, its were selected as the performance criteria for the SCWO.
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