Skerne and Wansford Parish Council Church Cottage, Wansford, Driffield, YO25 8NT e-mail:
[email protected] tel: 01377 254741 You are summoned to a meeting of the Skerne and Wansford Parish Council to take place on Tuesday May 21 2018 Wansford Village Hall at 7.30pm. Mrs Jill Pick Clerk, Skerne and Wansford Parish Council Church Cottage, Wansford e-mail:
[email protected] Tel: 01377 254741 May 13 2019 AGENDA 1 Present: 2 Apologies: 3 Election of a chairman and vice chairman 4 Chairman and vice chairman to sign declarations of acceptance of office 5 Councillors’ registers of interest forms (circulated by e-mail) and acceptance of office forms 6 Public session: At this point the meeting may be suspended for no more than 15 minutes for members of the public to make representations to the council. No one member of the public may speak for more than five minutes. Immediately after the public session the meeting will be resumed. 7 Declarations of interest: 8 To confirm the minutes of the meeting on March 18 2019 as a true and correct record: 9 To dispose of any business remaining from the previous meeting and, if necessary, decide on a course of action: i Village clean-up day ii ERYC Streetscene walkabouts of the villages (circulated). iii Update re Wansford kiosk iv Village(s) maintenance: Skerne noticeboard, Wansford bench, etc v Skerne community space: to note letters from agent Ian Pick/Warrendale Farms and Skerne resident David Tite. To agree on a preliminary course of action re the playing field: public meeting and/or village survey; applying for change of use for the area, etc vi Footpath in Skerne vii Wansford roundabout 10 Planning: i To note the following planning applications and consider a response: 19/01325/PLF – erection of two-storey extension and balcony to rear and installation of rooflights following creation of additional living accommodation at first floor and erection of a detached double garage at High Trees, Skerne (revised application 18/00796/PLF).