Archaeology and Cultural Heritage 2 Environmental Statement Document 6.10.1
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T N E M U C 6.10.1-6.10.4 O D Archaeology and Cultural Heritage The Yorkshire and Humber (CCS Cross Country Pipeline) Development Consent Order Under Regulation 5(2)(a) of the Infrastructure Planning (Applications: Prescribed Forms and Procedure) Regulations 2009 Document 6.10.1 Policies and Plans Document 6.10.2 Key Consultations and Meetings Document 6.10.3 Known Archaeology Tables Document 6.10.4 Vertical Aerial Photographs Examined at the National Monument Record Application Reference: EN070001 June 2014 T N E M U C O D 6.10.1 Plans and Policies The Yorkshire and Humber (CCS Cross Country Pipeline) Development Consent Order Under Regulation 5(2)(a) of the Infrastructure Planning (Applications: Prescribed Forms and Procedure) Regulations 2009 Application Reference: EN070001 June 2014 Environmental Statement Volume 6: Ch. 10 Archaeology and Cultural Heritage 2 Environmental Statement Document 6.10.1 Appendix 6.10.1: Plans and Policies Saved policies from Selby Local District Plan (Adopted February 2005) ENV25 Development within or affecting a conservation area will be permitted provided the proposal would preserve or enhance the character or appearance of the conservation area, and in particular: 1) The scale, form, position, design and materials of new buildings are appropriate to the historic context; 2) Features of townscape importance including open spaces, trees, verges, hedging and paving are retained; 3) The proposal would not adversely affect the setting of the area or significant views into or out of the area, and 4) The proposed use, external site works and boundary treatment are compatible with the character and appearance of the area. Where necessary in order to be able to fully assess proposals, the council will require applications to be accompanied by detailed plans and elevations showing the proposed development in its setting. ENV27 Where scheduled monuments or other nationally important archaeological sites or their settings are affected by proposed development, there will be a presumption in favour of their physical preservation. In exceptional circumstances where the need for the development is clearly demonstrated, development will only be permitted where archaeological remains are preserved in situ through sympathetic layout or design of the development. ENV28 (A) Where development proposals affect sites of known or possible archaeological interest, the District Council will require an archaeological assessment/evaluation to be submitted as part of the planning application. (B) Where development affecting archaeological remains is acceptable in principle, the Council will require that archaeological remains are preserved in situ through careful design and layout of new development. (C) Where preservation in situ is not justified, the Council will require that arrangements are made by the developer to ensure that adequate time and resources are available to allow archaeological investigation and recording by a competent archaeological organisation prior to or during development. Selby District Council Core Strategy (2013) Policy SP18 Protecting and Enhancing the Environment The high quality and local distinctiveness of the natural and manmade environment will be sustained by: The Yorkshire and Humber CCS Cross Country Pipeline Environmental Statement Volume 6: Ch. 10 Archaeology and Cultural Heritage 3 Environmental Statement Document 6.10.1 1. Safeguarding and, where possible, enhancing the historic and natural environment including the landscape character and setting of areas of acknowledged importance. 2. Conserving those historic assets which contribute most to the distinct character of the District and realising the potential contribution that they can make towards economic regeneration, tourism, education and quality of life. 3. Promoting effective stewardship of the District’s wildlife by: a) Safeguarding international, national and locally protected sites for nature conservation, including SINCs, from inappropriate development. b) Ensuring developments retain, protect and enhance features of biological and geological interest and provide appropriate management of these features and that unavoidable impacts are appropriately mitigated and compensated for, on or off-site. c) Ensuring development seeks to produce a net gain in biodiversity by designing-in wildlife and retaining the natural interest of a site where appropriate. d) Supporting the identification, mapping, creation and restoration of habitats that contribute to habitat targets in the National and Regional biodiversity strategies and the local Biodiversity Action Plan. 4. Wherever possible a strategic approach will be taken to increasing connectivity to the District’s Green Infrastructure including improving the network of linked open spaces and green corridors and promoting opportunities to increase its multi- functionality. This will be informed by the Leeds City Region Infrastructure Strategy. 5. Identifying, protecting and enhancing locally distinctive landscapes, areas of tranquillity, public rights of way and access, open spaces and playing fields through Development Plan Documents. 6. Encouraging incorporation of positive biodiversity actions, as defined in the local Biodiversity Action Plan, at the design stage of new developments or land uses. 7. Ensuring that new development protects soil, air and water quality from all types of pollution. 8. Ensuring developments minimise energy and water consumption, the use of non- renewable resources, and the amount of waste material. 9. Steering development to areas of least environmental and agricultural quality. Beverley Borough Local Plan (adopted June 1996) Policy E35 Development proposals which would result in damage to, would lead to the destruction of or would adversely affect the settings of scheduled and non- scheduled sites of archaeological importance will not be permitted where the site is considered to be of national importance. Boothferry Borough Local Plan (adopted April 1999) Policy EN2 In considering proposals for development the local planning authority will take into account the likely effects on the following:- i. The character of the locality and amenity of local residents; ii. Any nature conservation interests on the site and in the immediate locality; iii. Ancient Monuments, Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas; The Yorkshire and Humber CCS Cross Country Pipeline Environmental Statement Volume 6: Ch. 10 Archaeology and Cultural Heritage 4 Environmental Statement Document 6.10.1 iv. The character of the landscape and particular built and natural features within it; v. The quality and versatility of agricultural land; vi. The existence and provision of community and recreational facilities; vii. The protection of and quality of natural resources; viii. The need to conserve natural resources and reduce the need to travel development which would significantly adversely affect these interests and which cannot be satisfactorily dealt with by the use of planning conditions/agreements or by mitigation works will not be approved. Policy EN55 Development that would adversely affect any known site and monuments of archaeological significance will only be allowed then the applicant can provide sufficient information to enable the impact of any development to be assessed and that full provisions has been made either for the preservation of the remains in-situ or where in situ preservation is not justified the proper investigation and recording of the site to be undertaken. Such arrangements will normally be achieved through the imposition of conditions on planning permissions. Policy EN56 Improved accessibility to historical sites will be encouraged where such access would not prejudice the character and long term protections of the site. Favourable consideration will be given to development which facilitates this so long as there will be no adverse effect on the site or significant amenity or highway problems created. Consideration will be given where appropriate to entering into management agreements with interested parties to ensure the continued protection of features of archaeological interest. East Yorkshire Borough Wide Local Plan (adopted June 1997) Policy EN13 Archaeology Proposals will not be permitted where they would adversely affect the site or setting of nationally important archaeological remains whether or not they are a Scheduled Monument. On sites which are of local archaeological significance, proposals will only be permitted where full provision has been made for the protection, or where this not practicable or justified, the proper investigation and recording of the site. Sufficient details will be required, including where necessary the results of field evaluation, the enable such an assessment be made. UK Marine Policy Statement March 2011 The UK Marine Policy Statement (MPS) sets the framework and high level policy context for the marine planning systems. The MPS provides the high level planning framework for decision making in the marine environment (which includes the intertidal area), policy objectives for key offshore activities, and the context and considerations that should be taken into account in the next stage of marine planning (regional level inshore and offshore Marine Plans). Marine Plans conform with the MPS and NPPF and NPS and give an area specific expression of the MPS. The Yorkshire and Humber CCS Cross Country Pipeline Environmental Statement Volume 6: Ch. 10 Archaeology and Cultural Heritage 5 Environmental Statement Document