A Project of the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva Small Arms Transfer Control Measures and the Arms Trade Treaty A Small Arms Survey Review (2007–10) Small Arms Transfer Control Measures and the Arms Trade Treaty A Small Arms Survey Review (2007–10) About the Small Arms Survey The Small Arms Survey is an independent research project located at the Graduate Institute of International and Develop- ment Studies in Geneva, Switzerland. It serves as the principal source of public information on all aspects of small arms and armed violence and as a resource centre for governments, policy-makers, researchers, and activists. The project has an international staff with expertise in security studies, political science, law, economics, development studies, sociology, and criminology, and collaborates with a network of partners in more than 50 countries. Small Arms Survey Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies 47 Avenue Blanc 1202 Geneva Switzerland t +41 22 908 5777 f +41 22 732 2738 e
[email protected] w www.smallarmssurvey.org Cover photograph: Alexandre Meneghini/AP Small Arms Transfer Control Measures and the Arms Trade Treaty A Small Arms Survey Review (2007–10) Back to Basics: Transfer Controls in Global Perspective (from Small Arms Survey 2007: Guns and the City, Chapter 4: pp. 116–43) .............................................................................................. 5 Arsenals Adrift: Arms and Ammunition Diversion (from Small Arms Survey 2008: Risk and Resilience, Chapter 2: pp. 41–75) ............................................................................................. 33 Who’s Buying? End-user Certification (from Small Arms Survey 2008: Risk and Resilience, Chapter 5: pp. 154–81) .......................................................................................... 67 Devils in Diversity: Export Controls for Military Small Arms (from Small Arms Survey 2009: Shadows of War, Chapter 2: pp.