SIGNA VITAE 2016; 12(1): 106-110 Stray bullet injuries in a tertiary care center NICHOLAS BATLEY, RINAD BAKHTI, RANA BACHIR, AFIF MUFARRIJ Department of Emergency Medicine, American University of Beirut Medical Center, Beirut, Lebanon Corresponding author: Aff Mufarrij Department of Emergency Medicine American University of Beirut Medical Center P.O.Box - 11-0236 Riad El Solh Beirut 1107 2020 Phone: +961-1-350000 Ext: 6636 E-mail:
[email protected] ABSTRACT and the region to document cases of stray will fall at its terminal or free fall velocity bullet injuries presenting to the ED. Bet- based on bullet characteristics like weight Background. A stray bullet injury is de- ter laws and educational policies need to and shape, its kinetic energy, and whether fned as an accidental frearm injury oc- be implemented to help discourage this it lands base or nose frst. (5) Te degree curring outdoors by an anonymous at- practice. of tissue damage also varies based on the tacker. Stray bullet injuries are rare, but not size of the organ or tissue and the resist- uncommon in certain parts of the world. Key words: stray bullets, emergency depart- ance of the tissue to strain. (6) A bullet that In Pakistan, 165 patients with stray bullet ment, injured body part, consequences of hits ‘nose frst’ will have the highest termi- injuries were recorded between 2006 and stray bullets, hospital admissions, severity of nal velocity and might cause more damage. 2010. injury, surgical intervention, Lebanon (5) Tis can occur from both handguns and rifes. With an AK47 rife, the veloc- Objectives.