APPLE LIGHTHOUSE Green Trading Stamps Will Be Given With All Charge Accounts if Paid in Full on or Before 10th of Each Month Visit the Premium Parlors TOYLAND on the Bring to See New Toys, Dolls, Games, Wheel Goods, Etc., Etc. ALL ARE WELCOME WIHS FIRST PRIZE Fourth Floor the Children the Interesting Home J ournal Patterns Save $?H. Green Stamps Mrs. King, pattern ex- Secure Valuable Premiums Basement ! pert, is with us dem- Display of North Pacific Dis- onstrating' the catting Olds, Worttnam $ King Now is the time to make your and handling of pat- dimes and dollars do their full Untrirnmed tributors Judged as Best terns and introducing Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods 1iit7 an1 rrnt rrtnr Ymfla cnfr.ci 'ma more thoroughly our FREE by saving S. & H. L Among Fruit Designs. advance weekly pat- Pacific Phone Marshall 4800 Home Phone A 6231 Green Tradinsr Stamps! Ask tern service. Main FL for book with 10 stamps free. 4th floor. HATS -Finis- HOOD RIVER IS SECOND French h u and Scotch asement 100 Specials" for 3 Datjj Felts at Judges Likely to Complete Scrutiny of Manufacturers' and Land Extraordinary Saving Opportunities for Today, Tomorrow and Friday Products' Show Today Day's 35c Fancy Ribbons. 25c Yd. $15 to $22.50 Coats at $9.98 75c Bungalow Aprons, 49c $5 Vacuum Cleaner, $2.98 J Men's $1.25, $2 Pants 98c Pr. Programme Is Varied. 5-i- n. 29c Beautiful fancy ribbon, all Continuation of our marvelous Women's excellent Dress Aprons Golden Rod band carpet cleaner These are good sturdy Pants for Easement The Millinery Sec- pure large asst. of Coat Sale. All te models. made and long, light at a bargain; only a limited quan- working men, in khaki, jean or and extra full dark or tion will be crowded tomorrow, patterns and colors. Standard 35c Extra fine materials, over 20 styles colors, of splendid quality . tity; standard $5.00 value. Spe-ci- al ; all sizes in the lot. 300 quality this Bale, yard, to select from. Choice at Well made, 75c Aprons for this sale, only pairs. $1.25 to $2.00 grades for here's the most remarkable for 250 $9.98 for 490 $2.98 980 offering of the season! 500 24-I- n. handsome untrirnmed Hats will TODAY'S PROG RA HUB AT 25c Plain Ribbon, 19c Yard Women's $15 Suits, $5.00 $1.00 Outing Gowns, 79c Silk , 48c Yard Boys' 75c Knickers, 49c MANUFACTURERS' be sold at s mere fraction of AXD 5-i- n. flan-n- el 24-in-ch Good boys LAND PRODUCTS pure silk Ribbon in 75 Women's tailored Suits on sale Women's heavy warn! Outing Beautiful silk poplin in serviceable Pants for their worth. There are innu- SHOW. or plain , black and all positively one day plain models, Gowns, neatly made and pret- black, and wanted colors, rich heavy and ; merable styles in French satin Spe-ci- al Spe-ci- al excellent colors. Sizes 8 to 16 Afternoon. colors, excellent 25c quality. fancy mixed materials. Sizes to tily trimmed, cut full and long. finish, good heavy' quality. finish and scratch felts in sail- price for this sale, yard, 42. Standard $15 grades S5.QO Regularly $1.00, special now price for this sale, yard, years. Standard 75c grades 490 t o'clock Motlon-Pict- ur Ex- 190 790 480 ors, rolling and soft brims, etc hibitors' League. Special enter- Excellent assortment of wanted tainment lor managers of Port- 98c Handbags, Special. 55c $10.00 Dresses, $4.95 Child's $10 Coats, $4.95 Rich Fancy , 39c Yard Boys' Night , 48c shades browns, blues, greens, motion-pictur- e land theaters and 36-in- Attractive new Handbags in many Handsome Dresses for street or Children's new Winter Coats in at- 24-in-ch and ch fancy silks in Good, heavy, warm Night Shirts grays, reds, etc Also in black. their families. Addresses on the well-fleec- motion-pictur- e Industry. Shaw's styles; excellent quality; splen- afternoon wear. Serges and other tractive new models and extra good a great variety of new patterns for boys. Made of heavy, ed Splendid quality and O Qr Royal Hawaiian Troubadours. didly made. Standard price is 98c; popular materials, attractive mod-el- s, materials. .Several styles. Sizes and colors. Standard values 65a outing ; full and priced special at only McElroy's concert band. Eilers 16 years. eight octavos eight girls at very special for thi3 sale, 550 all sizes. Special 6 to 14 years. Reg. $10 at $4.95 and 75c. Special sale, yard. 39s long. Sizes 8 to 480 eight pianos. Socks, 15c Smart Sailor Shapes Evening. Fancy Dress Trimmings, 25c $10.00 Raincoats for $5.95 Children's Rain Capes $1.09 65c, 75c Dress Goods, 48c Men's 25c Lisle 36-in- "sec- 8 o'clock Parent-Teach- er As- Hundreds of yards of high-grad- e Poplin and materials in Fine striped rubberized materials, Fine all wool serges, ch wide Men's fine silk lisle Socks, sociation. dress trimmings, narrow and wide .women's Raincoats all are guaran- fitted with storm hood sizes 6 to and black and white checks 42 onds," with heels, toes and 9 i o'clock Mrs. Gillespie's Stand-ar- d 65e 75c. soles. stainless black. All At89c widths, beautiful colorings. teed rainproof in tan," blue, black. 14 years. Priced special for this inches wide. Standard and Fast, School of Dramatic Expression. 25c Basement Large and small sail- Rose and other features. values to $1.25, yard 250 Regular $10.00, special at S5.95 sale at low price of, each $1.Q9 Special this sale, yard, 480 sizes. Standard quality at 150 McElroy's concert band. Shaw's ors in both soft and stiff Royal Hawaiian Troubadours. 10c Torchon , 5c Yard $1.50, $1.75 Dresses at 98c Children's Outing Gowns 48c 30-Inc- h Corduroy, 48c Men's $2.50 Sweaters, $1.39 crowns. Made of good quality Eilers eight octavos eight girls SO-in- ch price. . Also six styles at eight pianos. Special features. Wide or 'narrow linen torchon Attractive Dresses, made of good Fine warm outing flannel .Gowns costume corduroy in all A wonderful Sweater at this different Hourly attractions on platform in laces in a great variety of pat- materials and percales, for girls 4 to 14 years; neatly the popular colors, good heavy Extra heavy, shaker knit and made in veivei ana piusn turoans. land products section. Motion terns in edges and insertions. dark or light colors, many styles, made, full length, best patterns weight, rich finish. Extra special very roomy. All sizes, 36 to 44. Shapes that are worth OQ. pictures, lectures and vaudeville 10c special, yard, Priced special and colors; special each price this sale, yard- - Standard $2.50 quality at up to $4.00 special forCJJt in free theater. qnality; the 50 all sizes. at 980 at, 480 for 480 $1.39 25c Neck Pleatings, 10c Yd. $5 and $6 Bathrobes $3.98 35c Brassieres for 25c 27-Inc- h Jap Silk, 39c Yard Men's 12V2c Socks for 9c $2.5Q Hat Shapes The great bank of shining apples, Beautiful new pleatings in nar- Women's heavy Bath Robes, made Women's splendid Brassieres, made Beautifully finished Jap silks in Extra good quality heavy flanked by a lighthouse built of ap- row, medium or wide widths, nets of double-face- d material, trimmed of good materials, new models and a great variety of new shades; Hose for men in black or tan. In "by al color. All sizes. ples, which was installed the North or laces, white or cream, dainty with cords, frogs, rich colorings, prettily trimmed, sizes 34 to 44. 27 inches wide. 50c quality spe-ci- seamless, and fast At 59c Pacific Fruit Distributors under the au. and fine. Reg. 25c; now, yd., 1O0 all sizes. $5 to $6 Robes at $3.98 35c Brassieres, special, pair for this sale, yard, 390 Standard 12V2 grade, pair at 90 pervlsion of C. A. Malboeuf at the Man- 2f0 Basement Many of these are ufacturers' & Land Products Show at 25c Cushion Cords, 19c $3.50 to $5 Silk Waists $1.98 Gingham Aprons, 12Vc 52-In- ch , 98c Yd. Men's $1.50 Union Suits 98c especially designed for elderly the Armory, was awarded the grand Men's Win- women. Made splendid grade prize yesterday. The prize consists of Fine mercerized cords for cush- Hundreds of beautiful Waists are Neat attractive Aprons, made of Fine all wool broadcloth in black A splendid bargain in of a gold medal banner and $100 in cash, ions, robes, etc.; scores of colors included. Plain or fancy silks. splendid qualrty gingham, assorted and rich colors, nice weight for ter Underwear, good heavy Winter . Small, stiff crowns set aside for the finest apple-advertisi- ng to select from; excellent 25c qual-it- y. Scores of attractive styles, all colors and patterns. Placed on tailored garments, rich finish. weight Union Suits," patent crotch. with drooping and roll EZCh display in the competition. In the gale, yard, All sizes. $1.50 quality at brims. Worth to $2.50 judging novelty and beauty of design, Special this sale, each, 190 sizes. $3.50 to $5 Waists at $1.98 sale now at special price 12V0 Special this the 980 980 Ji't' excellent condition and appearance of the fruit and merits as a medium of 25c Embroidery, 9c Yard Women's Petticoats, 39c $1.75 Wool Sweaters, $1.19 $1.25, $1.50 Silks at 69c Men's $1.25, $1.50 Shirts 79c advertising the apple were taken into men in plain or consideration. Mill ends of beautiful emb. edges Fancy cotton Petticoats in rich Good heavy Sweaters for girls; 24 and 27 inch new fancy silks Fine Shirts for The exhibit is placarded with cards and insertions in scores of dainty colorings ; styles' with deep flounces rough neck, full and long, assorted in great variety of beautiful new pleated bosoms, excellent materials bearing epigrams on the merits of the patterns, fine and shear materials. and air are nicely made. They are colors; closely woven. Formerly patterns, dependable quality. Reg. and attractive patterns; cut full Notion Day apple. At one side is a model of the $1.75, special now only special, yd. standard sizes and good fit. globe surrounded by placards bearing Standard values to 25c, yard 90 a wonderful bargain. Special 390 at $1.19 $1.25 and $1.50; 690 790 on them the legend, "Buy them by Bargain Circle the I Outing Gowns, 59c 36-Inc- h Lining 63c Yd. Men's Work Shirts for 48c box," printed in 10 languages. Embroidered Pieces, $1.48 Dress Skirts to $5 at $1.98 75c Satin Main Floor Hood River Second. . A manulacturer s sample line of Women's ' Dress Skirts in plain Women's good heavy Outing Flan- Full 36 inch lining satin in black The very best Shirts to be found Hood River's apple exhibit won sec- beautiful hand-embroider- ed pieces, serges and mixtures; good practi- nel Gowns, cut full and long, well and colors, good heavy durable at this price. Chambray, , Clark's or Coat's Spool Cotton ond prize, a silver 'medal banner and scores to select from, splendid cal plain models. Standard values made, splendid material. Regular quality. Standard value 85c. Spe khaki and fancy- - materials, full all sizes special, dozen 510 $60. This display was a pyramid of well Special Large spool Corticelli Sewing beautiful boxed apples rising and cul- gifts. Worth to $6, now $1.48 to $5 00, special now at $1.98 75c grade special now at 590 cially marked down to, yard 630 cut and made. 480 minating in a replica of Mount Hood, Silk, in black, white and colors. which was lighted with changing col- Velvet Ribbons, Half Price $1.50 Kimonos, Special, 98c Women's $1 Corsets, 59c 36-Inc- h Sateen for 18c Yard Reg. $1.00 Underwear 69c 50c size. Special, spool ored lights. 350 full-leng- th 36-in- ch 10c Cube Pins, in assorted col- The Sealei -- Dresser Company was Hundreds of yards of rich satin Women's flannelette ki- Several new models, made of good Extra fine quality mercer- Men's wool Shirts and Drawers in awarded third prize. Its exhibit was back velvet ribbons, nearly every monos, attractively made and nice- quality ; excellent bonings, ized sateen, in black and colors, gray or brown; splendid quality of ors, on special sale now only 50 simple, but striking. The booth was Regu-la- r 30. Spe-cial- ly fine wool in medium weight. 15c Dressmakers' Pins, put up cen- color, no black, widths Nos. 1 to ly trimmed; all best colors. nicely finished. Sizes .18 .to silk finish, beautiful colors. soft lined with dark mosses and in the : in one-four- th pound boxes ter stood a siege gun, built of red 22. Wednesday one-ha- lf price. $1.50. Special now at 980 85c to $1 Corsets, pair 590 reduced this sale, yd. 180 All sizes. $1.00 quality at 690 1O0 apples. 25o Sleeve Protectors now 150 The judges began their work Mon $4 Blanket Robes, $1.98 , Waists Worth to $1.25 at 59c Child's $2.50 Dresses, $1.48 Women's Union Suits at 48c Boys' Sample Shirts 25c 10c Skirt Markers on sale 50 day afternoon and probably will have 65c Combination Folding Coat the major part of the judging finished Mill seconds, full size, blanket Hundreds of beautiful Waists, Children's attractive wool Dresses Excellent Union Suits, in medium Hundreds of these excellent Shirts by this evening, although the great robes, in fancy patterns, made of sheer materials, pret- at this special price. Sizes 6 to 14 sizes, fine close rib, long sleeves, for boys; samples, some a little and Pants Hangers now 250 fine 15c Sanitary Belts now variety of exhibits that must be con- rich colorings, splendid for auto. tily made and attractively trimmed years. Prettily trimmed and ex-cell- ankle length, perfect fitting. Spe- soiled. Sizes for boys 8 to 15. at 1O0 sidered will make the work rather slow $3.50 to $4.00 Robes now all sizes. Priced special at 590 materials. Special cially reduced this sale to Standard values to 75c. Sp'l 250 25c Hair Curlers on sale 180 . today. $1.98 $1.48 480 5c Hair Wavers on sale 3V2 C J. Slnsel, of Boise, Idaho, who served at the Land Show two years $4 Wool Blankets $2.69 Pr. J Women's $15.00 Coats, $7.98 $2.00 Corsejjs for $1.29 50c Vests, Pants for 37V2c 25c Cashmere Socks for 19c 10c Folding Drinking Cups 70 ago, is here again as a judge. Working 10c Trouser Hangers now wool fancy-checks- , 100 'splendid are in- Excellent new of garments Men's fine wool Cashmere Socks in at 50 with Mr. Sinsel are E. D. Whitney and Full size blankets in of these Coats models, made Fine warm Winter for Standard 5c Removable Collar S. four-poun- d good are good nicely black, and natural, medium D. Parker. a blanket of cluded; models and all coutil, finished and women, ribbed cotton with soft Supports on sale now at The show was well crowded all yes- excellent quality. Worth to $4.00 made of excellent materials, sev-er- al well bound. Models suitable for fleece lining, nicely finished and weight, seamless feet. Soft . 2V0 terday afternoon in spite of the inter- special sale, styles. Priced special the average figure. Special fitting. Special at Standard 25c quality, pair at 15c Women's Supporters 100 est in the election that was expected this a pair, $2.69 $7.98 $1.29 perfect 37A0 190 10c Wire Coat Hangers now to keep many from attending. In the 70 evening programmes were given $1.25 Portieres, 69c Each 25c Ratine, 15c Yard Corsets and Corset Waist 98c Women's Umbrellas, $1.29 10c Toilet Paper, 5c a Roll 5c Wire or Wood Hangers 30 under 5cBasting Cotton, the spool the ausDices of the Builders' Exehnnee 1000-she- et 4r0 Rich heavy tapestry portieres, Mill ends of beautiful ratine in Many models are included in this Splendid Umbrellas women, Full roll of fine Toilet 45-y- the Oregon Industry League and the in for 2V2C Darning Cotton, d 26-in- 10 good large size. or light colorings and special sale. Corsets and Corset ch fancy handles and Tissue paper, extra good quality. federation of States Societies. assorted colors, rich dark frame, ! 20c Dress Weights, yard good qual-it- y. 10c grade priced for this 150 Vote Returns Flashed. Standard values to $1.25. Marked pretty neat patterns. Standard 25c Waists of extraordinary guaranteed rain and sun proof. Standard 5c Common Pins, 2 pkgs. 50 Election returns were flashed in the down for 'this sale, each 690 grade, the yard, at only 150 Worth to $2.50. Special 980 $1.50, $1.75. $2.00 grades $1.29 special sale, the roll, for only 50 Hairpins," ballroom of the Armory and attracted 10c Bone the box 70 a large crowd. L. Curtains to $2.25, 98c Pr. Plaid Dress Goods, 11c Yd. $1.50 Juliets for. 98c Men's Umbrellas at 98c 25c Hose Supporters, 15c 25c Stickerei Braids, bolt 150 The concert by McElroy's band in the 25c Frilled Elastic, yard 190 afternoon and evening attracted many Beautiful curtains, 2Yz to 3 yds. Double width cotton plaid Dress Women's turned sole Felt Juliets Full size Men's Umbrellas, strong, Children's silk webb Hos.e' Support- 5c Safety Pins, in assorted sizes, and the Hawaiian troubadors were a long, in Nottingham, and , Goods. Many very attractive pat- with ribbon or neat fur trimmings. durable jframes, guaranteed rain- ers in assorted colors, rutfber cush white only, on sale now 2V?0 populaw feature, with hourly pro- lovely patterns, qualities worth terns to select from, good heavy Assorted colors, complete range of proof, plain and fancy handles. ion buttons. Formerly 25c, but grammes in the Land Products exhibit sale, 25e Machine Oil, large size 150 hall. $1.50 to $2.25. Special, pair. 980 quality. Special, the yard 110 sizes. $1.50 grades, special 980 Special for this sale, each. 980 specially priced this pr. 150 15c Stocking Protectors at 1O0 Arrangements have been made with 10c Shoe Trees on sale now Eilers Piaon House for a special fea- Curtains, 49c Pair Printed Crepes, 9c Yard $1.25 Siesta Slippers, 79c $1 to $1.25 Union Suits, 79c 50c Sleeve-o- n Shields at 25c 80 ture which will begin this afternoon. Standard lOo Cnrling Irons 70 Lloyd W. McDowell, director of special White or ecru fine Nottingham Beautiful printed Beatrice Crepe in Beautiful slippers in fine heavy Good heavy Winter Union Suits The new Garment Shield at a spe- Pin Cushion and Pin Holders events, completed the' arrangements lace curtains, 2y2 yards long, ex- a great variety of patterns. This Felt with lambswool soles, attrac- for women, perfect fitting, extra cial price; excellent quality in as- combined on sale now at yesterday for a three days' engage- splendid de-- good sizes. The price is 250 ment of the Octavos from the Eilers cellent paterns, splendid quality. is a material. All tively trimmed with pom pom. All quality, all sizes. Standard sorted standard 35c Scissors, assorted sizes 180 house, who will appear afternoons and - Special for this sale, pair, 490 pendable colorings. Yard 90 sizes. $1.25 Slippers, pair 790 $1.00 and $1.25 grades at 790 50c. Special now, pair at 250 Pearl Buttons, fresh or salt wa evenings in the Land Products' exhibit ter. Sizes 14 to 24. Regular ball, giving concerts on eight pianos. 12 V8c Swisses, 10c Yard Berkeley , 10c Yard 75c Rubbers for 48c Pair Girls' Union Suits, 48c 25c Beauty. Pins, 10c Card The principal features for this even- price, 10c the dozen, now 50 ing are the programme by students of 40. pieces of choice new Swisses in Mill end of fine Berkeley Cambric. Women's good quality Storm Rub- Fine warm Union Suits for girls, Pretty little Pins of excellent qual- Hair Nets, with or without elas- the Gillespie School of Expression, and spots and fancy paterns, fine Lengths come 1 to 8 yards. 36-in- ch bers, modern heel, excellent qual- 6 to 14 years, drop seat, high ity, dozen on each card, plain or tic All colors. Five for 100 the programme of the Parent-Teacher- s' Regular price 15c, special complete range 75o long sleeves, ankle fancy patterns. Formerly 25o the Association. quality, 36 inches wide. wide. Standard ity, of sizes. neck and 25c Skirt Markers on sale 190 Programmes for these meetings are: 120 ; special sale, yard, 1O0 for thi3 sale, the yard 1O0 Rubbers, special, the pair, at 480 length. Special for this sale, 480 eard, special price, the card 1O0 10c Featherbone, special, yd 80 Programmes Are Announced. Shirting 18c Yard Women's Shoes, $1.98 Hose, 9c $2.50 Dolls, Special $1.48 "Elite" Adjustable Dressmak- Gillespie School of Expression Reading. Remnants, Half Price Flannel, Pair Children's Pair ing Forms priced at $5.73 (Klpllntf), 27-in- "Recessional" Mrs. Katherine ch wool splen- Good, hose children, Epecial 200 dolls at a great Boyersmlth; "Tha Youth," Hundreds of splendid remnants of fine Shirting Flannel. Hundreds of pairs of these durable for Extra Elixir of icena I 24-inc- h, (Stallage), Miss Kmma . Fleck; reading, materials, all good useful Mill ends in any length required. did Shoes on our bargain tables. full ribbed cotton, in black or tan, bargain. full jointed and Demonstration r "Hig-he- Culture In Dixie" Dtx), Mrs. Pearl cuttings from ma- weight and best colors. Popular styles and' assorted leath-er- s. seamless feet, sizes to 10. sleeping eyes. Attractive shoes and Iotspelch: "The Elixir of Youth." scene II. lengths, best Medium 51? Mies Fleck: reading;, "Angela's Missionary terials, special for this sale at Vg 25c quality, special, yard at 180 Every size. Special, pr. $1.98 Special for this sale, pair at 90 Stockings. $2.50 grades at $1.48 'OMO' Dress Shields Offering" (Oreeman), Mrs. Lillian Downing; reading. "Preparing for the Dinner Party" Yd. Boys', 25c Hose, 17c $8.00 Raincoats, $5.95 Dept., (Wiggln), Miss Slgne Lack; "The Elixir of $1.25 Comforts, Special 98c 50c Table , 36c Girls' Shoes $1.69 Pr.. Women's Men's Main Floor Youth," scene III, Miss Fleck; reading, "The Full size bed comforts, good and Mill ends of fine mercerized Table Hundreds of pairs of boys and Women's fine silk lisle hose with Men's splendid Raincoats in rich Let Miss Morrison, of the OMO Spoken Word" (Calvin), Miss Edna Bertsch; long-m- "The Elixir or Youth," scene IV. Miss heavy, filled with cotton down, Dainask, 64 inches wide, comes in girls' Shoes all good, dependable linen soles, toes and heels, fast shades of tan. Cut full and ade factory, help you select the Fleck; reading, "Carlotta" (Daly). Miss durable, covering. Standard $1.25 lengths iy2 to 7 yards. Choice pat-tern-s. qualities. Complete range of sizes. black "Seconds" of 25c qual-it- y. well and every Coat is guar- Shields best suited to your new Carol Mitchell; reading, "In the Pantry" 44. (Dixon), Mrs. Blanche Little; "The Elixir grade for this sale at only 980 50e Damask, yard 360 Girls' to 2, Boys' to 13V2, $1.69 Special sale, 17c; 3 for 5Q0 anteed rainproof. 36 to S5.95 gown. Come today and take of Youth," scene V, Miss Fleck; reading, advantage of the special prices "Morning In Blrdland" (Thomas), Miss 8c Squares, 55c Shoes, 98c Sleeping Garm'ts 55c Women's 10c Kerchiefs, 5c Charlotte Banfield; vocal. "Greetings to Mill Ends of Outings, 75c Scarfs and Women's Pair Child's 20c No. 2 Shields 130 Spring". (Strauss), Werren Sisters Swiss at- Odd chil- sleeping garments; or fancy Handkerchiefs, No. 3 Shields Quartet, Mrs. Mabel Hamilton, director; 5000 yards of extra heavy outing Dresser Scarfs and Squares in lines of women's and Broken lines of Plain 25c Nainsook 150 esthetic drill, "Feast of Rosea" (Hardwlcke), flannel, 27 in., well fleeced, tractive patterns, beautifully fin- dren's Shoes to close out. Many these are a well known brand; made of very sheer materials, 30c No. 4 Nainsook Shields 180 twelve young women, Charles Mitchell at lengths to 10 yards, best patterns, ished with pretty laces. Standard hundred pairs ,m jhe lot. All good good assortment of sizes; Regular many are finished with dainty 30c Coat Shields, asst. coL 200 the piano. special, now 10c grade, ea. special Parent-Teach- Association "Back to the Special for this sale, yard, 80 75c quality, now at only 550 qualities. Special, pair, only 980 values to $1.00; 550 laces. Standard 50 50c Sanitary Belts, 390 Home" movement. R. E. Arne; "Develop 25c Sanitary Belts, special 190 ment of Human Efficiency in the Realm of Special, 36-Inc- h Outing 11c Slippers 29c 65c Vests and Pants, 48c Women's 12V2c Hose, 9c Pr. Education." Samuel E. Webb. L.L. B.. N. 72x90 Sheets, 39c Flannel, Men's, Women's Chicago; 36-in- W. University of Mrs. Robert F. 72x90, good 3600 mill ends ch Men's o women's warm Carpet Women's Winter weight Vests and Women's fine cotton Hose in black Clark, contralto, accompanied by Mrs. T. Full bleached sheets, yards of r I.. Stiles, vocals; memory training and dem- heavy durable quality, neatly Outing Flannel in lengths up to 10 Slippers, very comfortable for Pants, nicely finished garments, or tan, seamless feet, fast, stain- onstration. David Roth (expert) ; Stuart hemmed, ready for use. Special yards. Best patterns and colors. house wear. Sizes 4 to 11. On with warm fleece lining, high neck, less dye, all sizes. A standard 12V2e McOulre. baritone, accompanied by W. R. the pair Boone, vocals; "The New ECucatlQn," Dr. for this sale, only, each, 390 Formerly 15c, special now at!10 specie sale now at, the pair 290 long sleeves. 65c grades now 480 grade, special now, 90 Underwear C. H. Chapman. ' MARKET SHEDS ARE BEGUN Great Basement Sale of Aluminum Cooking Utensils Specials -' Awnings on Yamhill Street Will Pro- 5-- 25c Pudding Pans, V2 quart 19 90o Cov. Sauce Pan, 70 $1.40 Covered Kettles, qt Sl.lO At the Center Circle Buyers 4-- tect and Dealers. 30c Pudding Pans, at 23 $1.10 Cov. Sauce Pan, qt 85 $2.25 Tea Ketfles, $1.59 On Main Floor 40c Pudding Pans, art at 60o Bailed Kettle, $2.50 Tea Kettles, art C'on 8 truct 1 c n of the new umbrella 30 '42 $1.88 sheds over the public market on Yam- 27c Pie Plates, 8Va-in- ch for'20 75c Bailed Kettle, 59 $2.75 Tea Kettles, $2.17 Women's $1.00 fleeee-- 7 hill street was started Monday by the 30c Pie 9V2-inc- h 90c Bailed Kettle, Hundreds of other special bargains which Plates, for 23 70 lined Union Suits at Ef firm received the contract. It 10V2-ine- Utensils, is expected the work will be finished 35c Pie Plates, h for 25 $1.10 Bailed Kettle, 85 in Kitchen Glassware, Odd lines Women's $1 ZETg by December 1. 50c Frying Pans, ch now 39 90c Covered Kettle, art 67 Crockery, 'Tinware, Etc. Conven- Vests and Pants The sheds are to be of steel and cor- 35c Handle Strainer, special 25 $1.10 Covered Kettle, art 820 iently arranged on special tables in forvJU rugated iron, 2-- Children's Union Suits at with awnings 75c Covered Sauce Pan, qt, 59 $1.25 Covered Kettle, 97 Basement Housefurnisbing section. 500 covering the backs of the booths and Lipped Kettle, Lipped Sauce Pan, Covered Sauce Pan, Tea Kettle. t Women's $1.25 Pants and Vests extending over the sidewalk to pro- Wednesday 1--qt. Expense special at tect the purchaser and the dealer. 35c Lipped Sauce Pans, B D"c Lipped Sauce Pans, t. Mazda Electric Lamps Make Home Cheerful Without Extra 850 Fountains for use in washing produce 270 42 Women's Uniqn Suits, are to be Installed also. Puling8 40-lVa- tt - Lamps Ea.-100-- Watt Lamps $1.00 dTaTanst: 39? 22c Pansf lt U I Lamps 30c Ea. -60 Watt 40c 70c Webfoot oil dressing, for the hunters' shoes. Keeps the water out. Ask the dealer. Adv.