TITE MORNING OREGONTAIT. WEDNESDAY, NOVE3IBEK 4, 1914. 11 APPLE LIGHTHOUSE Green Trading Stamps Will Be Given With All Charge Accounts if Paid in Full on or Before 10th of Each Month Visit the Premium Parlors TOYLAND on the Bring to See New Toys, Dolls, Games, Wheel Goods, Etc., Etc. ALL ARE WELCOME WIHS FIRST PRIZE Fourth Floor the Children the Interesting Home J ournal Patterns Save $?H. Green Stamps Mrs. King, pattern ex- Secure Valuable Premiums Basement ! pert, is with us dem- Display of North Pacific Dis- onstrating' the catting Olds, Worttnam $ King Now is the time to make your and handling of pat- dimes and dollars do their full Untrirnmed tributors Judged as Best terns and introducing Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods 1iit7 an1 rrnt rrtnr Ymfla cnfr.ci 'ma more thoroughly our FREE by saving S. & H. L Among Fruit Designs. advance weekly pat- Pacific Phone Marshall 4800 Home Phone A 6231 Green Tradinsr Stamps! Ask tern service. Main FL for book with 10 stamps free. 4th floor. HATS Satin-Finis- HOOD RIVER IS SECOND French h u Felts and Scotch asement 100 Specials" for 3 Datjj Felts at Judges Likely to Complete Scrutiny of Manufacturers' and Land Extraordinary Saving Opportunities for Today, Tomorrow and Friday Products' Show Today Day's 35c Fancy Ribbons. 25c Yd. $15 to $22.50 Coats at $9.98 75c Bungalow Aprons, 49c $5 Vacuum Cleaner, $2.98 J Men's $1.25, $2 Pants 98c Pr. Programme Is Varied. 5-i- n. 29c Beautiful fancy ribbon, all Continuation of our marvelous Women's excellent Dress Aprons Golden Rod band carpet cleaner These are good sturdy Pants for Easement The Millinery Sec- pure silk large asst. of Coat Sale. All te models. made and long, light at a bargain; only a limited quan- working men, in khaki, jean or and extra full dark or tion will be crowded tomorrow, patterns and colors. Standard 35c Extra fine materials, over 20 styles colors, of splendid quality percale. tity; standard $5.00 value. Spe-ci- al whipcord; all sizes in the lot. 300 quality this Bale, yard, to select from. Choice at Well made, 75c Aprons for this sale, only pairs. $1.25 to $2.00 grades for here's the most remarkable for 250 $9.98 for 490 $2.98 980 offering of the season! 500 24-I- n. handsome untrirnmed Hats will TODAY'S PROG RA HUB AT 25c Plain Ribbon, 19c Yard Women's $15 Suits, $5.00 $1.00 Outing Gowns, 79c Silk Poplin, 48c Yard Boys' 75c Knickers, 49c MANUFACTURERS' be sold at s mere fraction of AXD 5-i- n. flan-n- el 24-in-ch Good boys LAND PRODUCTS pure silk Ribbon in moire 75 Women's tailored Suits on sale Women's heavy warn! Outing Beautiful silk poplin in serviceable Pants for their worth. There are innu- SHOW. or plain taffeta, black and all positively one day plain models, Gowns, neatly made and pret- black, and wanted colors, rich heavy corduroy and wool tweeds; merable styles in French satin Spe-ci- al Spe-ci- al excellent colors. Sizes 8 to 16 Afternoon. colors, excellent 25c quality. fancy mixed materials. Sizes to tily trimmed, cut full and long. finish, good heavy' quality. finish and scratch felts in sail- price for this sale, yard, 42. Standard $15 grades S5.QO Regularly $1.00, special now price for this sale, yard, years. Standard 75c grades 490 t o'clock Motlon-Pict- ur Ex- 190 790 480 ors, rolling and soft brims, etc hibitors' League. Special enter- Excellent assortment of wanted tainment lor managers of Port- 98c Handbags, Special. 55c $10.00 Dresses, $4.95 Child's $10 Coats, $4.95 Rich Fancy Silks, 39c Yard Boys' Night Shirts, 48c shades browns, blues, greens, motion-pictur- e land theaters and 36-in- Attractive new Handbags in many Handsome Dresses for street or Children's new Winter Coats in at- 24-in-ch and ch fancy silks in Good, heavy, warm Night Shirts grays, reds, etc Also in black. their families. Addresses on the well-fleec- motion-pictur- e Industry. Shaw's styles; excellent quality; splen- afternoon wear. Serges and other tractive new models and extra good a great variety of new patterns for boys. Made of heavy, ed Splendid quality and O Qr Royal Hawaiian Troubadours. didly made. Standard price is 98c; popular materials, attractive mod-el- s, materials. .Several styles. Sizes and colors. Standard values 65a outing flannel; full and priced special at only McElroy's concert band. Eilers 16 years. eight octavos eight girls at very special for thi3 sale, 550 all sizes. Special 6 to 14 years. Reg. $10 at $4.95 and 75c. Special sale, yard. 39s long. Sizes 8 to 480 eight pianos. Socks, 15c Smart Sailor Shapes Evening. Fancy Dress Trimmings, 25c $10.00 Raincoats for $5.95 Children's Rain Capes $1.09 65c, 75c Dress Goods, 48c Men's 25c Lisle 36-in- "sec- 8 o'clock Parent-Teach- er As- Hundreds of yards of high-grad- e Poplin and bombazine materials in Fine striped rubberized materials, Fine all wool serges, ch wide Men's fine silk lisle Socks, sociation. dress trimmings, narrow and wide .women's Raincoats all are guaran- fitted with storm hood sizes 6 to and black and white checks 42 onds," with linen heels, toes and 9 i o'clock Mrs. Gillespie's Stand-ar- d 65e 75c. soles. stainless black. All At89c widths, beautiful colorings. teed rainproof in tan," blue, black. 14 years. Priced special for this inches wide. Standard and Fast, School of Dramatic Expression. 25c Basement Large and small sail- Rose drill and other features. values to $1.25, yard 250 Regular $10.00, special at S5.95 sale at low price of, each $1.Q9 Special this sale, yard, 480 sizes. Standard quality at 150 McElroy's concert band. Shaw's ors in both soft and stiff Royal Hawaiian Troubadours. 10c Torchon Laces, 5c Yard $1.50, $1.75 Dresses at 98c Children's Outing Gowns 48c 30-Inc- h Corduroy, 48c Men's $2.50 Sweaters, $1.39 crowns. Made of good quality Eilers eight octavos eight girls SO-in- ch price. velvet. Also six styles at eight pianos. Special features. Wide or 'narrow linen torchon Attractive Dresses, made of good Fine warm outing flannel .Gowns costume corduroy in all A wonderful Sweater at this different Hourly attractions on platform in laces in a great variety of pat- materials gingham and percales, for girls 4 to 14 years; neatly the popular colors, good heavy Extra heavy, shaker knit and made in veivei ana piusn turoans. land products section. Motion terns in edges and insertions. dark or light colors, many styles, made, full length, best patterns weight, rich finish. Extra special very roomy. All sizes, 36 to 44. Shapes that are worth OQ. pictures, lectures and vaudeville 10c special, yard, Priced special and colors; special each price this sale, yard- - Standard $2.50 quality at up to $4.00 special forCJJt in free theater. qnality; the 50 all sizes. at 980 at, 480 for 480 $1.39 25c Neck Pleatings, 10c Yd. $5 and $6 Bathrobes $3.98 35c Brassieres for 25c 27-Inc- h Jap Silk, 39c Yard Men's 12V2c Socks for 9c $2.5Q Hat Shapes The great bank of shining apples, Beautiful new pleatings in nar- Women's heavy Bath Robes, made Women's splendid Brassieres, made Beautifully finished Jap silks in Extra good quality heavy cotton flanked by a lighthouse built of ap- row, medium or wide widths, nets of double-face- d material, trimmed of good materials, new models and a great variety of new shades; Hose for men in black or tan. In "by al color. All sizes. ples, which was installed the North or laces, white or cream, dainty with cords, frogs, rich colorings, prettily trimmed, sizes 34 to 44. 27 inches wide. 50c quality spe-ci- seamless, and fast At 59c Pacific Fruit Distributors under the au. and fine. Reg. 25c; now, yd., 1O0 all sizes. $5 to $6 Robes at $3.98 35c Brassieres, special, pair for this sale, yard, 390 Standard 12V2 grade, pair at 90 pervlsion of C. A. Malboeuf at the Man- 2f0 Basement Many of these are ufacturers' & Land Products Show at 25c Cushion Cords, 19c $3.50 to $5 Silk Waists $1.98 Gingham Aprons, 12Vc 52-In- ch Broadcloth, 98c Yd. Men's $1.50 Union Suits 98c especially designed for elderly the Armory, was awarded the grand Men's Win- women. Made splendid grade prize yesterday. The prize consists of Fine mercerized cords for cush- Hundreds of beautiful Waists are Neat attractive Aprons, made of Fine all wool broadcloth in black A splendid bargain in of a gold medal banner and $100 in cash, ions, robes, etc.; scores of colors included. Plain or fancy silks. splendid qualrty gingham, assorted and rich colors, nice weight for ter Underwear, good heavy Winter velveteen. Small, stiff crowns set aside for the finest apple-advertisi- ng to select from; excellent 25c qual-it- y. Scores of attractive styles, all colors and patterns. Placed on tailored garments, rich finish. weight Union Suits," patent crotch. with drooping and roll EZCh display in the competition. In the gale, yard, All sizes. $1.50 quality at brims. Worth to $2.50 judging novelty and beauty of design, Special this sale, each, 190 sizes. $3.50 to $5 Waists at $1.98 sale now at special price 12V0 Special this the 980 980 Ji't' excellent condition and appearance of the fruit and merits as a medium of 25c Embroidery, 9c Yard Women's Petticoats, 39c $1.75 Wool Sweaters, $1.19 $1.25, $1.50 Silks at 69c Men's $1.25, $1.50 Shirts 79c advertising the apple were taken into men in plain or consideration.
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