-- b at .e AILROAD& ALONG THE RIVER FROT NEW' }M-MAGE AUCTION BAAm AUC ON SAr I--m- . SYRUP IUOVE91D NY IU CANNING FACIMBT AT 1.EWWI'PA UPlsCPAL mwiov of the TO REUE OPERtATIONS. Closing Dsys RANLMGlAD Of..' Sviut et a sastaleet trat STATION CORNX OF SiXTH AND B STRETLS. It FRevises That r the Deom Hunting Arks in CeoUrs ef CMeN- Oly certmi DA- Ne.2,4=12twe =t6nLt a T:50 A.M d. PITTSBURu EXPRESI.-Parlar ika frat et sa and Dining Harrisburg to Pittsburg. vOM Feeses MOaVE '%m~ THE~AY 10:50 A.M. .a PENNYLVANIA LIMITED.- stsreetien-Wsh and Oyster MIY TEZH DAY A. 1. AT Pu.a g. Dialg, S in and Observe- FOUR -P.M. lst e hud and tam = FIGS. 4115), blackgy=LOtwt-ee 19 t Lan .s, e tion Cars Harrisburg to Chicago Clalnasti Ia- Market. st L 2a."atae 49 In ak County No. , talb t dlanapilts. S. Cleveland and Taeds. i 100, AUCTIO the W SALE mg," elee ot II D. U Bufet Parlor Car to rrisburg. C., So. 20:30 AM.10 al. FAST Buftt LINE.-Puflman The and wharf A dispatch from San Francisco, CaL, last Term. of - e in Parlor Car to Harrisburg. Buffet Parlor Car Never Imitated in large canning factory an male.wi ablm s Harrisburg to Pittsburg. property at Lewisetta. In Northumberland Light asy: The actXi 40 greatest import- two years, Iatet at te Of the entire re 8:30 P.M. daily. CHICAGO AND ST. ,LOUIS EX mce taken today by'the triennial maining stock of PRESS. Slsepli Car Washington to St. LeeIs county, Va., at the mouth of the Coan Episcopal and Sieping and Dining Cars Hrrsburg to in- Quality. river, has been purchased by the Messrs. :onvention was the doion by the house 'a.t . eM tthe ,.hse.- danapol. StLouis, Lauliytil (via Ci)cinattI 9f bishops, by a vote of 37 to of canon CHARLE F. BENSAMIN, Fine and Chicage. Garner for $7,00. L.wisetta was estab- 21, WILLIAM H. DUNOANSO. Furniture and Carpets now T:15 P.M. daily. ST. LOUIS XPRIESS.-Pnlman An Excellent Combination. lished about twelve ago and for a 6. which relates to the solemnization of Car to St. Louis. years 1:45Sleeping Barrisharg time was one of the busiest places on the narrliage. All of its provisions had pre- DUNCANBON BEOS., AUCII0NEiRS P.M. daily. WESTERN EXPRESS.-Pullmaan The pleasant methed and beadlewest. the in 122 to Pittsburg and Chicago. Dining ot Potomac, the oyster canning factory there riously been argued, except those contained EXCTOR'S SALE OF building $ F street, Car to PINE BUILDING LOT formerly Chicage. wel-known remed. 3RWP 01P manuefte- n section 4, which ON D STREET Ir 1:45 P.M. daily. CLEVELAND AND CINCINNATI FIG& giving employment to several hundred forbade the marriage of BETWEEN AND 19TH tured by the CALFORNIA FIG 8YRUP 00.. - persons divorced for STREETS NW., AND V& ACRES OF GROUND EXPRES&-.P%0 Sleeplag CarM Washington hands. The plant has, however, been closed any cause not existing ADJOINING THE NATIONAL LUTHERAN the to Pittsburg and Harrisburg to Cleveland and Intrate the valao eCCa man theO iuid laia- down for several It understood it efore marriage. HOME. occupied by Julius Nashville (via Cincinnti and Ltaisville). Dining years. is. Lansburgh Car. dyve prineples at plants knewa to be .miaetnen, is to be rehabilitated by Its new owners "For any cause hot iexisting before mar- By vite of the authript In rmevested ex:- 20:40 P.M. daft PACIFIC EXPRUSS.-Pllmam ecutor of the last will and testament at Nathan A. Sleeping Car to Pittsburg. ladative and geaesting them in t hem mnt s- and that this fail the canning of oysters 1age," Is understood; to refer to such Poole, late at the District at Columbia, dseeasC Furniture Co. T:50 A.M. dai. . with frteeiag to the taste and seoPtablettoe aysteQ, for shipment to the inland towns of -the muses as inannity, tnability to execute maid will having bena dedy admitted to record and tb-h Car. and Coaches to probate an to real and p el estate in the offe Buffao. via Emporium Junction. It Is the me pe et strentheaier lazative, leas- north and west will be resumed. Ccontract, the existedee of a -living wife f the t r of vill et the District of Columbia, By order of the Julius Lansbur Furniture Co., who hate instruct- T:50 A.M. for and Four medium sized arks are In cir' or Ike baisofs, which I will a frmtt theepetive m e gh Kane. Canandalgua. Rochester ing the systen egeetually. Aipnageuide, head- hunting husbabd, rrac- and at the hours Niagara Falls daily except Sunday. course of construction nar the Point Ically -render the maitage null and void. the named, the ed us to close out in the as 30:50 A.M. for Elmira and Itesovo excep aches and fevr gently yet and enabling Jones sert realestate, situate in the Ditrnt Co. every piece entire building, they have already For daily., promptly. lighthouse below Alexandria. One of them rhis action -bas been a bone of .conten- tetewththe Bunday. Williamsport daily, 3:30 P.M. me to overcome habitual constipatinn peiant- a lba, improvements therenu: 7:15 P.M. daily. BUFFALO NIGHT EXPRESS. Is being constructed far-Mr. Rodney Burns Ion, strong element, In the. church hold- TU AY. THE TENTH DAY OP advertised the fact that they will not carry a dollar's worth of it to their "Ith thrnagh Buffet Sleeping Car and Coaches te ly. Its perfect freedom ton every objecibabl. and is nearly completed. These arks are n1g that the' r einaitU6 Of the innocent OCTOBE, A.D. 1901. AT FIVE O'CLOCK P.M.. Bufalo. via Em rium junction. to a lot 21 and part at lot 22, In 1:43 P.M. quality and substance, and its Meting "s the kid- small one-room house boats and are occu- iarty divorce gilbtid on the 'ground square 14,fI nt new on I will sell day fr Erie: for Rochester. Buffalo pied at, points the river where fish- if infidelity. should not be forbidden. The 33 feet 1 inch -m D t by depth 16 toj building 9th street, c'mmencing Tuesday, October g, and Niagara IaIs daily except Saturday. with neys, liver and bowele, without weakehing Or b- along have to inches to an alley. Sleeping Car Washington to Rochester. ing .and ducking is good and where living oishops refuse4 accept this view AND ON FRIDAY, THE ELEVENTH DAY OF 1901, at 10:30 a.m., and continue fro m day to until the 30:40 P.M for Erie. Canandaigua. Rochester. But. ritating them. make it the deal laxattie. accommodations are scarce. of the matter. OCTOBER, A.D. 1901, AT FIVE O'CA)CK P.M.. day entire stock is falo and Falls Ptfina In the The schooner R. D. Bibber has been The question Is Ao means settled, as onehalf interest ko acres of Car WashingtonNiagaato daily. Steeplag procem of maatfaetastg musam tue&. as large by grund, known on of. 4:00 PM. ltocbh,.ter Saturidays only. chartered to load Ice in the Kennebec river the Whole subject IS 'how to come up in and being the th half Ht t 6 t Haddock's disposed "CONGF.3SIONAL LIMITE.D." daily t1ey are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal for the of 1ill, situate soutbe-st of the National Lutheran for New York. all Parlor Cars. with Car the American -Ice Company here. This house deputies, -Where it is expected fromn Dining qualities of the remedy are obtained fras mesna is the first of the fleet of nine or to cause a Hcme and aojolning the groundm thereof. This Ba.ltlmr~re. ten four- protracted idebate. The canon, property is 3ust west at Winthrop and FOR PiIILADRLPIIA. NEW YORK AND THU and other aromatic plaWts, by a method known to masted schooners that within the next a6s finally passed by the house of bishops, north of Ivy City. Heights PAST. month will the winter of ice feads: male: Sale the CAIUFOLNIA FIG SYRUP In bring supply Terms of Ore-half cash, balance I. ee pres-.7:00 (Dining Car), 7:20. 8:15. 9:00. 10:00 CO. only. oeder to fill the houses at "Canon at 0% per annum Begins (Pintn: the wharf. 36-Of the of matri- year Interest, payable semi-an- Tomorrow, Car). 1,):25 and 11:00 (Tning Car from to get its beneficial ageets and to avoid imitations. sofemnization secured Wilmington) A.M. 12:45. 3:15, 4:50 Oat Prices at the fish market were somewhat rmony. nually, by deed of trust en the property from tDinag please reuemibe- fte fall ame the lower than were sold, or all cash, at the optics of the prbaser. A 10:30 A. M., Baltimore), 6i:50. 10:00 and 11:50 P.M. On st company today they in the early "1. The solemnization of matrimony in deposit of reaired on each piece Sundays. 7:00 (Dining Car). 7:20. 8:15. 9:00, em the part of the week, as follows: For i his in which the $100 ot property 10=5. 11:00 (DinIng Car from printed front ot every gackags. ranging church, mutual consent of at time of sale. Lveyanetag, etc., at purchas- 12:15. Wilmington) A.M.. Spanish mackerel, 15c. per pound; croak- ach party entering into this state of life er's cost. Terms of sale to be with 3:15. 4:50 (Dining Car from Baltimarel. ers. 2c. complied i WITH AN ASSORTMEN r OF 6:50. 10:00 andI 11:50 P.M. For per pound; pan rock, 6 to 8c. per I a given In the presence of a minister, who. fifteen days from day of sale, otherwise the right FURNITURE FOR only. Expreas, 7:45 A.M.. 12:15 P.M. pound; medium rock, 100. per pound; black Itaving pronounced In the name of is reserved to resell the property at the risk and week days. them, coat of the . 2:01. 4:10 and 5:40 P.M. daily. bass, 8 to 12c. per pound; bluefish, or tail- the Holy to be man )Wd wife, de-al purcher, after Eve days' THE ENTI Ier Boston withet 7:45 California Fig 4 Trinity, in- advertIsement of .uc resale km some newapaper E HOUSE. 4.*50 P.M. change. A.M. week days ors, to 5c. per pound; large trout, 4 to 6e. okes the Divine blessing upon union. in -Was anda daily. per to their_ published on, D. C. Baetmore. 6-15. 7:00. 7:20. 7:45. 7:50. 8:15. pound; gray trout. $3 $5 per barrel; "2. The requirements- of the laws of the' H. POOLE, Eeeutor, :00. ".* 10:25. 10:50. 11:00 A.M.. 12:15. butterfish, 3. tQ 4c. per pounl; catfish, 15 to' tate regarding the onditions for the civil Feudall building. 12;45. 1:28, 2:01. 3:15. 3:3) (4-00 Lmited Syrup Co., 35c. per bunch; eels, 15 to 25c. per bunch; ontract of thall The other half interest in the northern half ot Julius Lansburl h Furniture Co. 4:10. 4:20, 4:33. white 5 to marriage In all casea be lot 6, Haddock's- will be 30:00 11:354:50. 5:40. 6:15. 6:50. 7:15. 7:40. SAN FRANCISCO, AL. perch, 15c. per pound, or 10 to arefully observed befbre the marriage is Hill, sold at the same 7:00. 70:40, and 11:50 P.M. On Sundays. 50c., per bunch, and carp, 4c. per pound, or a olemnized. time and at the same price as that obtained by 7:2W. 7:60. 8:15. 9:00. 9:05. 10:25. 10:50; LOUIVILLE, Ky. NEW YOK, n. . 40c. each. the executor, If purchaser so desires. Marcos, Note9, Auctioneer. 11:00 A.M.. 12:15. 1:15. 2:01. 3:15. 8:30 (4:0 '13. No minister shag solemnize the mar- oe2-d~de DUNCANSON BROS.. Auctiomeers. Limited). 4:20. For by The supply of oysters on -hand -at the i 4:10, 4:50. 5:40. 6:15. 6:50. 7:15, sale all Druggsita.-Price, Ag4 9ebe. Iage of any 7:45. 11th street person vho is a minor under DAYS. For 10:00. 10:40 and 11:50 P.M. fe20-ta.th&s.&e.tt wharf this morning was larger i he law of the unles THIS EVENING. VU"E PVTU EMT&W Pope's Creek Line. 7:45 A.M. and 4:33 P.3. than It has been for several days. Prices i he pkice jot-tnarfiage, week day%. Sundays. 9:05 A.M. are about the parent or guardian of uch tminor is MARCUS Ver Ann,.pe is. 7:00. 9:00 A.M.. 12:15 and 5:46 same as they were early in fresent and or shall hav3 sale of NOrM, APCTIONEE. P.M. week days. OPEN THEIR the week, the smaller consqntinsg given H. K. Fulton's Auction Chancery valuable Sundays, 9:00 A.M. and 5:40 P.M. CAMPAIGN. oysters selling at written consent to or is BALE OF A Kxpress for Florida and on from 50 to (I bushel and thojmarriage, poer- 2EUVr8E TWO-'ORY FRAMS points Atlantic Coas cents. per the nanently resident In Sale of real estate, D I 0 NO. 007 IUne. 4:30 A.M.. 3:12 P.M. daily. Denmocratie Orators Addres the Peo- large stock at 65 to 75 cents per bushel.' .forelgn country. No improved TENtTh 5mm Express for Florida and points on Seaboard Air ninister shall solemnize a marriage ex- LIne. 11:01 A.M. daily. "Florida ple of Rockville. Vessels In and Out. *pt In the Unredeemed being the srtue of a decree of the Suprema.Cet o the- and Metropoll- Passing presence pf at least two wit, Pledges. three-story Disric o tan Limited," 6:55 P.M. daily. Special Correspondence of The Evening Star. The two-masted the minister or the witnesses Coum~a.pauedIa~i~Came N. Vxpress for Richmond only 9:05 A.M. week days, shooner Ella R, Hill, repses, .being John Doyle Carmody, Auctioneer. brick stores, Nos. 1013 m8, the unar ,gd tttee, = r fo ose 5:00 P.M. daily. ROCKVILLE, Md., October 9, 1901. laden with pine lumber and shingles from Personally acquainted :,with the parties. I will sell at public auction. at the store ot Acconimodation for Quantico. 7:46 A.M. daily and The democrats of Every minister shall wjithout delay formal- H. K. Fulte., 314 9th at. nw., cnmenciag on and 1015 7th Street N. 4:25 P.M. week days. Montgomery county Newberne, N. C., for Johnson & Wimsatt, I y record. in tlie proper register the name. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER NINTH, 1001 AT TMN 3ER. A.D. 1901. AT BAEP-PAZT POUR O'tRam Ticket omces, corner Fifteenth and G Streets. formally opened their campaign this after- came into O'CLOCK all the - P.M. the foilWigderhdra tt.stae and at the port last night in tow of a tug. ge and residence of each party. Such rec- A.W, Unredeemed 1'edges in W.; three brick station. sixth and B Streets, where or- noon with a mass in The ord shall be his store on which is due one year's interest or story ithu city of --Maut Diutrket of a ders can be left meeting the Opera M. J. Stephenson has to the signed by the minister who Part of for the checking of baggage to gone ierforms more, consisting of DIAMONDS AND PRECIOUS No. wit: let mumbered letele (lit. in uquare destination from hotels and residences. House at this place. The demonstration lower river and will load a the ceremoepy, and if practicable STONES, SET IN dwelling 711 K numbered i hundred and "1441" for cargo of oys- the FINE MOUNTINGS, IN EVERY ffty-eme te51,. bWisa- Telephone-call Pennsylvania Railread also marked the of the ters for this >y married parties, and by at least two STYLE OF JEWELRY; GOLD, SILVER, GOLD- for te "we at a poea the went lU e of Cab Service. opening campaign market. vitnesses of the FILLED AND METAL Street N. W.; three- P. B. HrTCHNSON. J. t. In the state and addresses were The Schooner William L. marriage. CASE WATC11ES. Plain WOOD. delivered Franklin has "4. No minister shall 'Solemnize a Gold Seal and Set Rings, Gold Chains. Chsrmi. stee5 as, itat ar5 ethmufrs h Manager. General Passenger Joshua sailed from Alexandria- for the Severn marriage Lockets- and brick dwell- feet 10% ihebe; hence Agent. by W. Hering, candidate for con- river, etween any two persons unless, nor until Fobs, Badges, Medals, Studs. Cuff story thence11o nrthm 7.S feet. troller; J. Frank Turner, candidate for cierk Md., and will load glass-making sand inquiry, he shall have satisfied Buttons. Cuff Links, Searf and Lace Pins Er- ~as 115 feet 10% lnchus; thenace suth n.to & Ohio for the Old Dominion bottle works at >y himself rings, Bracelets, Spectacles, Weglasees, Solid SD- ing No. 618 M Street feet to the place of bgmlg Chesapeake Ry. of the court of appeals, and Lloyd Wilkin- Alexandria. hat neither persoa has been or Is the hus- ver and Plated Ware..Gnns, Revolvers, Fld and Terms of sale: One-third (4) cash and balance Trains leave fr in Pennsylvania Station. The and >nd or the wife of any other person then Opera Glasses, Books, Umbrellas, Canes, Dress N. W.; brick is one and two years. with interest frm the date son, ex-speaker of the Maryland house of Seabelle, Ruth and Lottie China Closets, Sidebeerds, Extension Tables, Din- two-story per 3:0 P.M. Ellat Oil or sle at six res per annum. s hed DAILY-Cincinnati and St. Ioala Spe- Thomas have all arrived in with Iving; unless the forrner marriage was an- Goods, Sealakins, Furs, Paintings, Typewrita, by beed elal-ASlid train for Cincinnati. Pullman. Sleepers delegates. ly purchased a schooner of .120porttons fromoys- t lulled by a decree oft some civil court of ingMusicalChairs,andGuiltMechanicalMantel andInstrumentsPier Mirrors.and otherMail stable and Of treat on the prowerY sold. or all cash, at the to Cincinniti. Louisville, ters from the Blackistone Island numerous articles. to three-story of the ~rchauur. A deposit of and Inis Lexington. Indianapolis The attendance was a great disappoint- neigh- jurisdiction- for cause Raeks, Wardrobes, FineSale [setcontinueCurtainsmorningsand Per-and "Ktim $168 raquired St. without change. Otwervation Parlor borhood. :ompetent existing evenings until all lots are sold. brick warehouse In the at time of s t rm of sale are not com- Car Washingt.n to Virginia Hot week ment to the managers. An effort had been The scow >-fore such former marriage." tieres, Hair Mattresses,H. K. Bolsters and Pillows. plied with within ffteen Dining Car Springs days. peake bay andPansythesailed'Potomactodayriver.for LittleMr. The have FULTON, Pawnbrokpr. days frem the date ot Parlor Cars Cincinnati to Chicago. made to get out a large crowd and make it Hunting creek, Va., with a cargo of lum- bishops yet to consider canon JOHN DOYLE CARMODY, Auctioneer. d2-St rear two two- =s. the truates meeerve the Irght to rueI the 11:10 P.M. DAILY-F. F. V. Ilmited-Holid train Murphyber fromhas gone to Baltimore to take pos- 7, providing for the' discipline of persons thereof; Property at the risk and cost of e defan for 'in.-innati. Pullmnan Sleepeis to the big meeting of the campaign, but when Alexandria. riake Laurel their permanent place of FUTURE DAYS. after ting pur- L-exingtOn lnd Clncinnati, sessionBoat ofNo.the20vessel.of theCapt. Thomas Bryant narrying after having been divorced. This and basement brick chaser. five (5) days' advertisement of sch Touisville withiat change. Com- the assemblage was called to order the at- Consolidation Coal LIso will cause story 10ale to uame newspaper pobhtaed in the of pa-tinent Si--per to Virginia Hot Springs Tuesdays Company sailed from Alexandria today livel* distussion. Another THOS. J. OWEN & SON, AUCTS., 913 F ST. N.W. Washzington. All eonveyaaclng. leveajas city Car tendance did not exceed fifty, and this was with a mportant feature of.theiwork of the house Nos. 449 gas ant eSaturdays.and Dining, Sleepers Cincinnati to load .of the Alexandria Chemical dwellings and and recording at cost of p .rre -ntr. Uhi'zngo Rt. Louws. only increased as the if bishops today was-the appointment of a TRUSTEES' SALE OF A DESIRABLE TWO- ALKANDER WOI, Reservatin and tickets at slightly meeting pre- Company's fertilizer for points on the 451 Tratee. rme. 513 Chesapeake and Ohio Enthusiasm was Chesapeake and Ohio canal. !ommittee of five to,aet 4*lth similar com- STORY, SEVEN-ROOM AND CELLAR BRIOK New York Avenue MAURICE D. ROHENBRG Trustea. Pennsylvania avenue; 600 Fourteenth gressed. totally lacking. force Is away on his annual leave. nittees of DWELLING, NO. 1961 FOURTH or6-ot Jentfer street. near F. and at the station. A number who have heretafore been knawn The-schooner Cherubim, with a cargo of priests a'ad laymen, constitut- A.M.L., bldg.. 7th and b ata. %.w. 3Main 1441. for Telephone call. ng a joint committee of to consider STREET, ECKINGTON, D. C. N. W.; brick Cab service. as independent democrats were noticed in about 100,000 feet of lumber from Norfolk fifteen, B virtue of a certain deed of trust, re- two-story H. W. FULLER. for Thomas -R. he proposed changel In the name of the duly JAMES W. RATCLOTE, AUCTIoNER. Tolephnon Main106. General the audience. Riley and Libby & Co.. corded in Liber No. 2433, folio 195. et seq.. one of No. 452 Passenger Agent. In calling the meeting to order Mr. Hat- has arr'ved in port and is unloading at :iurch; The committeef has no power to the land records for the District of Columbia, and dwellingen alley TRUSTEE'* SALA OP VAIXASIZ :XPWK-KD tersly W. Talbott, chairman of the state athebusiness11th streettrip wharf.to this city. bet, but Is-to-rep3rt Its findings at the next- at the request of the parties secured thereby, we in rear of New York Ave- REAL ESTATE I EAST WASHINgTUN PAM. central committee for the The steamer Dennis Simmons at ,eneral convention, 'to be held in iloston will sell at public auction, in front of the prem- By virtue of a decree of the iepreme COurt ot BALTIMlORE & 0-110 -bounty, explain- arrived n 1904. ises, on TUESDAY. OCTOBER TWENTY-SECOND, nue the District of Cohumtia. pauued in equity ragn ed that the small attendance Was doubtlesa Alexandria yesterday from North Carolina AT N. W.; and vacant will RAILROAD. with a The hbuse of 190', HALF-PAST POUR O'CLOCK P.M., the N2.o S. I of r for msae. at puldic sacties due to the fact that this is a very busy cargo of shingles, and after unload- deputies adopted'the report CHANCERYfollowing describedSaLEm landOP andPREMInESpremises, situateiig qin en TUURSDAY, THE SEVENTNTE DATOr Leave Washingtoe. ave. and 0 season ing a of them t%-the joint committee' on marginal read- lot 50 feet on'L Street and New'Jersey at. with the farmers, and -stated that it tomac partriver, has returnedthere cameto hison stationto this ( 'hurch, held a'i~ folliowfug of- the county of Washington. District of Columbia: by OCTOB. 195.1 AT WWUR O'CLAK P.M.. In Chicago Northwest. '10:50 p.m after afif lote 1at St. Louis am.. *S:05 did not mean a lack of interest. He pre- city to finish the discharging of her cargo. ngs', agreeing f0 amendment Aim- Lot No. 39, in Carl Alexander Johnsona's subdivision treat CC the prmiss twelve Clacanati. and Indianapolis *10: dicted that the fromThe 4-Zepleyvisit toandhisElennahome on the- eastern f nating these readiri s *hich' are brigimal of part of square 17, In George Truesdeal's addi- 110 feet on Colfax Street Cseia.ten madeblI ockbythirty-wothe heiw-t-aw4M2 in -tKastaim==Wi Wim.. *3:45 p.m.. *1:10 night. idemocrats would all turn Russell, having E )- out on shore.completed the 'ith the cominfttee tion to the city of Washington, as per plot re- 3gto1 Park, in the coulty Ot aubingtens. Eia- Pittsburg and Cleveland. *10:50 a.m., '8:31) p.m. election day. Mr. Clagett HIolland unloading of their cargoes, corded N. E. trict of to of and *100 night. was as have Sailed for a river The vote on tlfi-Ihalif tf'oposition, as in Liber No. 2433, folio 195 et seq.. one of Colunmbia, according the plat Iee chosen presiding officer. point to load. records of the surveyor of the DIstri.t of Co- BY virtuePt a th.(e t usme recorded in the .4 at the seteeyor for s" Columbus and Wheeling. *8:5 Dr. Hering briefly reviewed the record of The tug Camilla, with two lumber-laden Lmended, was: Clerical-Aye, 52 dioceses; lumbia. the Equity am ofW District In Uhber N. Is. folio 3:4 p.1 tay, 6; L teD pased Couq t. together p.m. dally) for Elkton and points on N. & the democratic pary during -he thirty schooners in tow, came into port last night. rei. Mra.diviAed,ThOA J4yAW 1WAye, 45e.lecteddioceses;to Terms: $800 cash, of which a elepdslt of $50 Nict,Lurkleeeta. M . BuNkbet at.Y Me. with the improvements. conastiag ot a cosaforte- years since 1867 that .it was in control of The Five Sistern Is fi port, unloading a 6 divI@4, 2- will be required at time of sale. Balance to suit 2161. we will maIs auction. in Mle frame dueang hon. of spresentThe6a,reportthe as.soclEtkne 4ft~' statenon womian'sgo purchaser. Terms to be with within the respective premises, at the time. f,=!blw Terms: (ite-third eash and the h.nme In Annapolis, t7:15, t8:35 a.m.. t12:15. t5:30 p.m. the state government. He defended 'the cargo Virgilia- pine lumber from Aquia' 4?0 back complied ten stated equal Is one ad two tw Sundays 8:30 a.m., 4:35 p.m. new law creek, at the. -wharf o the hon ie of' 'i cfion on the days from day of sale..otherwise tae property vill the following real estate. situate In the city o bAtalnsto Teamu Tram no election and' declared it to be ab- Deelares Cuban Candidatefoot of for-10thPremi-,street I be resold at risk and cost of Washington. District of together with day o sale, deferred paymats to hear tsty Baltimore. week days. x2:35. 5:0 S:30. axi:05. solutely fair and one that will do much southwest. tmendment. j r defaulthu.J purc-haser, Coi~mbia, Ax per cent, d X7:15. xh:30. 8:35. x9:30. x10:00 am.. z12:10 n., The -house of after usual public advertisement. the Improvements thereon and appuartenancea to payable semi-.saity, da be 32:14. x1:10. toward doing away -with- eorruption. The The tug Favorite, with Standard Oil depaties tomorrow will. ANDREW WILSON, the smm. beloging at In anyarbe repesented 4wooniasory notes of the purchaser x3:00. x4:00. z4:8. 4:35. 5:05. No. ake up the canon Trustee, appertaliig hered of on am pet Z:10. 25:30. Z6:20. 6:30, z8:00. 110:00. 111:1, speaker devoted considerable time to a dis- barge 77 in tow, has arrived in port ua o# mosriage and di- 505 E at. n.w. to wit; s~dex 11:35 p.m. Sundays x2:35. z7:05. x7:15. 6:8, cussion of the state census and stated thit from Baltimore for the Standard branch rcree. selo-d&ds WM. J. FRIZZEL1 Trustee. On TUESDAY. THE [PIFTIENTU DAY 03P' 2. at purebser-s optio. dep,..,"S'- 30:10 a.m.. x12:10. xI:10. 1:15. 13:00. x3:30. 4:33. it became necessary, because of .he frauds here. laptistBoth Church,housd-sunaniniously selected=,;recdBos- OCTOBERL. 1901. AT HAL"-AST YOUR Teem 18:05. 35: I. 6:3. on as the THOMAS J. OWEN, AUCTIONEER. O'CLOCK P.M.. the mubiota numbered eighteen ~ Z -W --eoepeiwt afiteena daynfreen x8:0. 10:001.x1l:. all:= p.m. in the federal census in certain sections of The schooner duza has been taken to the i the Baptistcplace f6r holdingIi ls theih;next tri-r (18) and nineteen (IS), 12 the auzenubee day at *@se. at the Atfte 09sar1-r at thetimerti s". ROYAL BLUE LINE the he wharf of T. R. foot of 0 minial conventili. TRUSTEES' SALE OF HOUSE AND Mrui at te ad" os of defaultin county, perpetrated, said, f0r the Riley, street The PREMISES four hundred and Oft (450), each, OWin r-. ucsr. All trains illuminated with Plntach light. purpose of promoting the chances of a well southwest, to complete the unloading of special committee submitted resolu- IthidKNOWN-km ess ueaAS andNO.eme-thiud1409 TWEEFTHkm te yenSTREEI1vi8a age of 21 feet as 7th ast,a.b. the rusees. Bultitnmre. New York, Bonton known leader for election to the her cargo of laths. nta,Ions Mr.In regardand Mrs.'to the. .'deathck.of President -NORTHEAST. two satoe 1015 W. the Philadephia. ad republican Palma to the request for a definition of his~ Default been a attPree-story East, *2:35, *6:05 (Diner), 18:30 United States Sfenate. Dr. declared The Mary Elvis has sailed for a Which werd unanimbusly: adopt- having made under certain deed ith w. s d-d" EquIty eidAg.D **9-6 (iner), t10:00 (Diner) am., Hering lower mcKiley-,d of trust, dated October 19, A. D. 101. and re- On ILMIC SAME DZY (TUESDAY), AT FIVE *12:10 the present campaign to be of vital river port and will load back to this mar- by a standing vote. The resolutions 0. 0. *1:10 (Ler). *B:, "Royal Lindted," impor- ket. blow: corded in Liber No. 1619, folio 378 et seq.. one of O'CLO)CK P.M.. part of lot numsbered two (2). In l & 0Q.. ADCTS ., ! ST. N.W. 14:00 (Buffet), *5:. (Diner. *8:00 and *11 tance, and stated that the result of next I, of Odd Fellows,- 151istt Sarepta the Ind records of the District of Columbia. the thesqure umere liat- hu6n 1l-d .d twenty- p.m. (Sleeping car opes at 10:00 o'cloc) month's election *ill determine which party Genera1 Port News. "Resolved, That the general c6nvefition undersigned trustees will. on THURSDAY, OC- oft feet fen e K mRuSTuw uMLa OW VAWAEAWz PUI4TOen all if the TOBER TO AMD BAMENT Parlor cars on day traIns. will control the affairs-of thestate for many Lightship No.. 72, which has been over- Protestant church, meeting in the sifbe the SEVENTEENTH.maimInA.D. 1901. AT HALF-da a6.oL Mutrnuc. ry te fual depth of STON AND BEIK Atlaatie come. Interpreted to imein that. Sqnor. Palma be- of PAST FOUR P.M., in front of the premises, sell 100 feet tobenthe=12!AOthe ead I~me APARTMEN-T HOUSE MO. 17m6 g -TEUS to In the course re- ity San its rear0 hr City. fie:0 a.m., t12:10 sofs and 11:10 years of his hauled at a Baltimore will Francised, hereby records at auction the theahteatrE D. and 13:00 p.m. marks the spealter refered lir a sympa- ship yard, be 'ecling' of deep regret that so dista'ly's public following described land .and ~ bIOrckdMl MOREWEI!,WAMIHINGTON, ib. lieve.taken thatto thethe aramyDiamondoughtShoalnot tostationbe paid.off I rime In premises, situate in the county of Washington. in OnEI)DAYTM~ ST75THDAYM OV of viN 6ai &nadd St "use, deat *D~aily. tzer eef e thetic way to the Boers in their canlict resulted the death of our chief said District, and designatedl as all of lot num- OCTODEB. 1801, T A UT YOM1 29. IM, ad resoldd is Uher Pie. 3631, igM with England, and the utterance was greet- Cape Hatteras early next week, under her nagistrate, 'William McKinley, and ex- bered thirty (20), in John E. Beall et al. subdivi- O'CLOCK P-IL. parft At the let inmored ixt- atsqof the land records of the Distrct 0. for ed with liberal applause. own to relieve of hope that this common sorrow alon of lots in block numbered km the teen (16). in equmatenbered hundwed and meiaZet ande at theOaSSequlat at sp~~sthe bolder I o Bgage caled and checked enhdees left' at steam, Lightship No. 71, >ression eight (8) bug u seured ticket eace, 618 Penmsylvania avemW Mr. Turner followed. Like .his predeces- now on the nay unite dot people in a bond that may Washington Brick Machine Company's mldIvisicna forty-nine (449, ba~th,.eeON* feet tut therebr, we. as -aafs--' trM- ew York aea., aorthwest, eontinues Generalstation.Gomes,No. 71"arewillinspiredgo to theby I end more of part of the tract of land called thereof as M Wr by fu. deplt of IDS tees, will o@IU at~icuctionIsfrust at the and 15th street, and at depSL sor, he paid considerable attention to the and more to exalt our govern- "Trinidad," ixtem feet; e Telephone ticket uses fee B. and O. =tide A&- new election law, thelighthouseloftist.supplypatriotism.depot atWithPortsmouth,him I Va.,be'- IInent In truth and being part of the tract formerly knawn as "Yeungs- anhee a Oft of odd bet 414). desers"e eais--- TUATTE bITEmNa -amale stating that it had been justice. So Cat. D. B. MARTN, 3gr. Pam. Tanne. enacted and after being, overhauled will be held as borough." as said first mentioned subdivision is mnar the mmna 126 feat CTOM.. A.D. .K. AT .A.-PAN in as the . self-defense, many of the ne- "Second-That guilt of this assassina- Book n moutelw:=~bat the -u amMd lot OR the . | :described who were a reserve vessel to relieve the ships on the tIon is recorded In County No. T. folio 81, the =f " *the "le groes eliminated from politics coast stations aggravated by -the fact that it Is a office of the surveyor of said Distiet. lne of an awly. and resgr thenme Vonth along real etae eituaftIt the 6;j~S Waisgt.' ou, Ils. in some of the southern states were set- when necessary. Captain rnenace to the American Idea of law and Terms of sale: One-third cash, lly1 feet; teme in 30 $et 4Ice .et.f"O.RSC.l-mba,*.." .e . et twe-te toAdamspay aIs sacredin commanddebt withoutof No. 72.throwing' a balance in equal an=thin. north feet. nd Met frent by the he AMIANGTON-MIyE,-FALA CiUSCB. tling in Maryland in such numbers as to The menaden espect for the country's rulers. Installments at one and two years from day of Ouence eaet SWet fbu dep. thereof at umast. bTATION. AiLkDUC~T BRIDGE. create the fear of their dominancy of state hieavy burden upon-therepubics.fishing in ChesapeakeNoeover,-bay "Third--That we appreciate the conscien- sale, secured by the promissory motes of the par- ed twe.egt .... a... tle.....dl.l.o. S Te Falls Church - 16:15. 16:50, 1E7:), 268. affairs at no very distant date. He attempt- is reported to be unusually fine this year,i bous ability of his public service, the chaser, and a deed of trust on the property sold, arts St ot zm are te ie is 35:30. 10:830, x11:30. 12:30, 1113, 2:80. 5. ed to show theandarmya largelist numbershould beofrevisedboats areso thatengagedthe 1 of his or all cash, at purchaser's oprian. Sale to bc. .ee anfifty...,r , u se 14:81. 5. x5:30. z6:3U, 7 xli33:30, that during the four ye2arr, of in it from eauty prirate life, and the noble closed within fifteen days from of ..ered.one Sat, and 6. 18, 10:31),S 12.l Governor Lowndes' administration the Northumberland and Westmore- ense of his great faith. day sale. A tict et Cobumbia is at U. Samsiar might, hourly after P.M.Hny nie- land counties, Vs. The season is just open- deposit of $100 required at time of sale. AR| I~sr No.. I7, faeo to West Endl on Shaday. iTo West groes of the state were emboldened to bens andhad nothe thought of reward when they 'I "Be It resolved, further. That a copy of conveyancing, recording and stam:Is at purchaser's To Myer and Ari.-t6:15. $7. 17:50 1345 :1g, commit crime, and stated that republican ing, run of the fish will continue hese resolutions be fqi'warded to Mrs. Mc- cost. ~:a6..7:45 P.M., 18:45, 19:4 success this time would be a menace for about six weeks longer. The fish are Cinley and to the B. F. LEIGHTON, t1:6f1A:gg to caught for their oil and Congress of the United Trustee, trust on the said, with itaeret at Ms Ie Namek.Chace aeemheds. S a.m.to 5:30 p.m every home in Maryland. He said that the for manufacture Itates." O)flm. ld 5th at. n.w. pregierty hue and cry about Into fertilizer. After, a brief RICHARDI E. PAISO, Trustee, disfranchisemcnt came The little discussion of the proposed 482 La. are. "." with bad grace from the republicans, schooner Cora L. McKenney, mend-ment of an expla,natory nature to sec- ee10tol7inc Offire n.w. SOUTHEuRN RAILWAY. who, Capt, Chariee McKenney, is hauled out on ."-.' t Schedule eorrected to June 1, 1601. he said, had In 1864 disfranchised many prealdeheythe dsee on his phedges to t lon 6 of canon 19, the matter of marginal C. G. SIOAN & CO.', AUCT1S., 1407 G ST. N.W. a".e.--'.''"r Tram.n, leave from Pennsylvanta Statism. thousands of the best citizens of Maryland. small marine railway at the Alexandria eadings wastakenup. .se t. he e,-.i'"wf.teen days.fe. 5:01 am. Daily. Loeal for War- Mr. Turner referred to Mr. ship yard and will be given a th6rough day of ae at erteus. wE essi at am* ad em lenton, Charlotte and way statonr.Harriaoma..rg. Gorman in overhauling. 11:15 am. Daily. U. glowing terms and paid a graceful tribute Baldwin-Douglas Marriage. Attractive Sale of House- of U. Fast Mal., Bleeping to The little schooner Rebecca Smith, Capt. 4..a.. MATTHEWS. Tssem. eartoNewOrean,. Columbia, Sana and Schley, both of whicly refer- James Elliott, which has been beached pecial Correspondence of The libening Star.- Jacksoeville. ating at Saulsbury with sleeper fee ences were received with applause. the on hold Office Fur- ese-eas 1 0 staust s. Asheville. Chattanooga and Memphia, ad at Dam. In making the -closing speech Mr. Wil- Maryland side of the river near Fox's LAUREL, Md., October 10, 1901. Effects, Tille with sleeper for Birmingham and at Char. kinson stated that the republicans had rais- ferry, opposite Alexandria, to have new A very pretty wedding took place at Cen- lotte with aler for Augusa SoItd traln Wash- metal put on her, has been launched, niture, etc., from House C. 0. EmOAN a 00l.. ADOIIONEEaS. 14g G S. bngton toeNas. Dinig ear service. ed the issue of "bossism and Gormanism," work having been completed. the1 enary Methodist Episcopal' Church of this 11:37 am. Daily. Laeal for Warrento. and and that the democrats were ready to meet The schooner ilace at 7:30 o'clock slast night, the con- TRUT~ ALEOF 3IJILDING lO ON VE. Chariotteermills. it. His remarks were along lines similar Benjamin Franklin, Capt. racting parties being Miss Margaret H. of Representatives, ston. 4:01 p.m. Week Days. Loeal Wrest to those of Ernest Herbert, a well-known trader to and fer Sepal, the speakers who preceded him. this port, is laldwin, daughter of Dr. T. Morgan Bald- Straaberg Barrisoerg. Yesterday was the final day of registra- lying at Parham's point, in rln, and Mr. George L. Douglas, both of warehouses and reeddi taber 3~g foaes ATe seq.oth p~.Duy ma rer and tion in this and the Lower Machodoc creek, being fitted with a Rev. age and 4:30vlIe Warrestem Char. county, day was mark- new mast. She will be ready for service aaurel. Watson 'Case, pastor of Cen- the of the hlnder Oftherma seuetee 9:50 p.m. Daily. Wahlngoand Chattanooga ed by unusual activity by both parties. The again in about two enary Church, officiated. The edifice was havi hesa amade is the payment Sf Limited (via Lynchburg)- ars to democrats filed numerous affidavits weeks. astefully decorated' many private sources, by. moke. Knoxville. elein Eos. against The oyster tonging fleet from the eastern with potted plants- and Chattanooga. lemphia and N4ew suspected rnon-resident voters, the number shore is colden rod, and presented a pretty effect. On SATURDAY, OCTOBilR TWELITH, 1901 AT Orleans. Through each to Memphis. Dining car in Rockville district alone beginning to arrive in the Po- church was crowded the doors TEN A.M., within our auction rooms, 140? 4 st. service. reaching eighty, tomac In large numbers. Yesterday a fleet 'he to with n.w., embracing Handsome Mahogany Bed Room 0:55 p.m. Daily. N. Y. and Fla.Epem e. while the republicans were also active in of nine from the he friends and relativ'es of the contracting Suite. Mahogany Folding Bed, Plush usitK. is aqua.. 43. is the city of Wa--Muu=a. tag cars to Augusta. with for this particular. The result of the Pocomnoke neighborhood 'arties, and many outd.of-town people were Parlor Suite and Charleatom conneetions Alkeg registra- arrived at Cedar point and began opera- and Odd Pieces, Fancy Tables and Rockers, Oak and to Savannah. Jackuouvilje and tion will not be learned until next Tues- tions there. resent at the ceremony. Messrs. W. R. and Walnut Bed Room Furniture, rase and Teem: Oae-thEd eneb. the balance is --esh Port Tampa. Trough coach to Jacksomville. alt- day. revision day. Iardwick, S. D. Cox, '3. A. Yogts and H. Enameled Beds, Oak Chiffonier, Bookcases and lag at Danvtlle with Pullman sleepers from Rich- Mr. Robert Murphy of Nomini has recent- c4er Adpst of 100 wilthe eqared at M mond and Norfolk for Chariotte. Tourist sleeper |. McCullougb officiatied as ushers. After W.ashington to San Francisco Mondays, Wedmis- Vanderbilt Coaching Exploit. Baltimore parties for service on he ceremony Mr. and Afra. Douglas left for days and Fridays. Dining car service. Chesa- trip to the north, and will be gone 1045 p.m. Washingon and NEW YORK, October 10.-The Vanderbilt sev- .* an"est chelau'lti ura's... Daiy. weeks. Lounges, Couches, Deli and Flat-top Desks, Oee Limited-the only exclusivel Southweterm ral On theh. return they will Pallman train lbe- coaching party arrived at the Holland Chairs. Fine China. Toilet tween Wash n and the Soth. Sleeping cass House at o'clock Sets, Cae, Rugs and 5. Trute tosheile. i~e Eatta and xaah. 1:-32 this (Thursday) morn- will be Its commander. esidence. Matting, Stoves, Kitchen Utenis 3OHN HAMIt.TO. tille. and to Atlanta. Macos. Bim m, Mem. ing after a trip to Philadelphia and return Mr. John B. Perry of the harbor police AND AT TWELVE M., phis. Montgosmery. Mobile and New Orsn,(Nab in less than Falls Chmfih News. car Washingos to Atianta. Diiaear sse twenty-four hours. Mr. James Horses, Vehicles, Harnesa, Bicyeles, &c. THOMAS DOWUNG & co.. AIenef..... TRAINS8 ON BLUEMONT RAJCII. H. Hyde held the rein. when the coach Mr. Harry D. Reninger of Clifton Beach, pecial Correspondence of alte ZEening Star. Leave Washlmgton 8:10 am.. 1:00 4:25 lid., returned home yesterday evening Terms cash. p.m. 4:40 week ptm.. drew up In front of the Holland House, fr'om FALLS CHURCH, fl., Octobier 10, l191 Se1-2t *C. .SIDAN&CO.,Atimes... EmR1rsmarmorahmoran and p.ma.. days, andO9 ~. and oL u~smuj. 6:25 p.m.. Sundays esly. for Blnsmeut. and 6:25 5th avenue and 30th street. He said that Mr. Joseph E. Faulkner, keeper of the Atteannual eeting "the Woman's WAIER 5. WusLIAMS & CO.. AUCTIONEEag. p.m.. week days. fee Lmeeberg. the trip was a uig success as well an the station at [issonay Sca Baptist Runing, srrive Washingtne 8:34 a.m. and 5'46 fastest and smoothest light Maryland point, in the Por. a.., daily. and 6:34 a.m. and 2:46 p.m.. week coaching trip of its STREET NORTHWEST. eS t sq.. St the lend eeeee St the Distet St hys. from Blemet. and 60 a.m., week days kind. cers were elO Stamburgh, By virtue et a deese, 'er the Supsemee Court et a resident; Mrs. thle District of slumbua pnedn in esaitys er the Yvice presIdent; we will sale, Erg'"traI South arrive w-ag.,e. Cocker the Go. W. Noe. 2218M. a~sr fer at- ~e e. 0:45 am.. 6M am.. 7:35 am, da. 3:15 p.m. Arithnaetlam. Ers. ~#cUyand tress- and *9:0 m. dafly. From From the Scotsman. GOMES EXPLAINS PALMA'S VIEWS5. tieu, on MONDAY, THE FOURTENHDAY OP :grgsohmg r DCTOBEK. 1901, AT RATW-PAST FOUR 8 patett..inail.y'. Edward Cocker, who lived in the reIgn which D'LCC .M..i utothpris, let Tichets. peepigear of Charles is ulon, meet 'Cfve.C. HL, No- ...Wm a. faai sa. ,iSur reservattoms and chiefly known to the la the elty of Washlnyten, tagethar wit the - ertem unse and calued otheI. IL. pres-' dent Will-Pay Army, ember 5 andf6. -e " Ua, hotnetls and fer an ent generation by. the saying in common Rev. George W. -0I of the First Umias use. A dispatch from Havana ways: 'Gen. Max!- haowa 48Q a.m. P.M.. estU ast teate 'nnAS S Op., seodusm left at TYbe es "According to Cocker" means in ac- an oJen letter to t Te jbhst. mw.; 513 Pa. ave. amw. ad at Vem. cordance with arithmetical (3QGomes, in the'press, a premcribed by the dsesse: COs-tied rules. I saw says that the recent reply of Senor ( ln cask ae the eesma-m. et the sale, em- 'Phone 1441 her P. R. R. Cabe fseruie. the other day amid the treasures of a pri- Estrada- tuick andhi ftighsar PRANK 6. GANNON. Sd V. P. ad Ges. M-. Iateret mat said dssed 4yameat 6 Itand tid be 1 e~ds Tate a copy of the first of intm.+n par . 3fa tgschae's ep. U. H. HARDWICK. General Passr cellector editgon niews 'as to -the 'policy he would follow ig The muembers of urch Lodge, No. Agget. Cocker's immortal work on U e Qd L S. DROWN. Gemeeui arithmetic, pub- elected president of CulH should edQ. i ath -pat StIn al Apeut. lishedi by T. Passenger at the Three 'Bibles not be ] odge In Alexand Seaboard Air Line Railway on London bridge. Only two, 'or at AETHR A. noru3y, 1~ggs, three, perfect copies are'known to the bo meets la se. mw. LEArE WA~SHINGTON P . .,3. ggTggOK "His word. with referene to the army," san P 21:01 Ad.M.. VIA. AID .rLAIIPA PWs DaLr. collector. One is in the British znaria, will meet in as=on wIth ee-dis MAL-hr This 'srnsums. enme a. amw. asPulmnsthae , particular copy, its brown opgrocco DU CEESON -~am pitifully faded, bears on its title pag. the *a PM ILa. AND Mi====0I=A= DM21 inscription, "Cocker's liee that isome formtala should be diawsed and Artthmetick,,.perused MUOTI@N 5Amm g UAat SIYg , eee-.0 A.Rw and Aih=ta. Ths published by John Hawking by the au- aine e~5 thor's correct copy." It ostnin what pur- tsto be a portrait of Coekerj' mmvifle and man siage.~ S ,~ erhowever. shake thir heads uract amount due may be knjown.. The Cu.- An.- New 0ss.. hdaes the authenticity of this work of ower ~ s.e., am. es.ses art. T'here iustsesQp!tseer)pgs.e Nab.~t4r~s* 1. asp are any engraved portuets of Ithe epoeh, ghting, unpstrandh~f-awved,. and 4 'g, Deismi 4:35 D Y.~..5 but there was only -one Cookse-.5t. Prt- it an insult to ihe nlow to Insinnate a lah Museum copy has n atvit,.d there afthe election of a. mnd~ea teor the a onss: 14663. 1. eaa amesama U~ eae. Is too much reaoon to fear- ththIes- befliment was added by some a==erne Gee. Pass. Ge. owner of -an earlier .rdg . Ag. Age. centp ini mi This rare relic the at bern Um.a.i gami g. gUne gUrng, LOaNDoW. Octekber 2B-'-.e s regaded mees atata tat there Una be aft oar- Skeptics Tt Relieves d a 1 med tict ~ a disae arta Ne. Ptasur to-the Dainy Ctired.---mea ce e sa nw Mail. e tonr hen14der -"aiegg fr &s of the In ten saanis I nas te ee~~ o4 f0ut sua of the idt 'asuer; Msaammamng tried It--a s h~teJe Umar ybsMjs.~ fkverse by maisa. instat a Telm ~~Wasg.*e gy.ie cemied a pgseg alosig the bohiser te be eis seies., if