CONGRESSIONAL ~ECORD-SENATE 4877 Hundred Million Appropriation in Public Works Bill for Con 3082
.1934 CONGRESSIONAL ~ECORD-SENATE 4877 hundred million appropriation in Public Works bill for con 3082. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the municipal gov struction of public highways; to the Committee on Appro ernment of Balayan, Bantagas, P .I., regarding Philippine .priations. independence; to the Committee on Insular Affairs. 3007. Also, petition of Dr. J.M. Howe, of Austin; Dr. S. A. 3083. Also, petition of the municipal government of Laboe, Woodward, of Fort Worth; Dr. J. S. McCelvey, of Temple; Province of Bohol, P.I., regarding Philippine independence; Dr. Joe S. Wooten, of Austin; Dr. J. M. Frazier, of Belton; to the Committee on Insular Affairs. Dr. John W. Brown, State health officer, of Austin; Dr. 3084. Also, petition of the city of Cleveland, Ohio, urging Henry F. Hein, of San Antonio; and Dr. E. W. Wright, of passage of Senate bill 752; to the Committee on the Bowie, all of the State of Texas, all members of the State Judiciary. board of health, urging appropriation in the first deficiency 3085. Also, petition of J. Neilson Barry, opposing the joint bill for 1934 for the United States Public Health Service to resolution for a 3-cent postage stamp to commemorate Rev. use in its cooperative county health unit work in the several Jason Lee; to the Committee on the Post Office and Post States; to the Committee on Appropriations. Roads. 3068. Also, petition of Hubert M. Harrison, general man 3086. Also, petition of the American Institute of Mining ager, East Texas Chamber of Commerce, Longview, Tex., and Metallurgical Engineers; to the Committee on Mines urging inclusion of four hundred million appropriation in and Mining.
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