CONGRESSIONAL ~ECORD-SENATE 4877 Hundred Million Appropriation in Public Works Bill for Con­ 3082

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CONGRESSIONAL ~ECORD-SENATE 4877 Hundred Million Appropriation in Public Works Bill for Con­ 3082 .1934 CONGRESSIONAL ~ECORD-SENATE 4877 hundred million appropriation in Public Works bill for con­ 3082. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the municipal gov­ struction of public highways; to the Committee on Appro­ ernment of Balayan, Bantagas, P .I., regarding Philippine .priations. independence; to the Committee on Insular Affairs. 3007. Also, petition of Dr. J.M. Howe, of Austin; Dr. S. A. 3083. Also, petition of the municipal government of Laboe, Woodward, of Fort Worth; Dr. J. S. McCelvey, of Temple; Province of Bohol, P.I., regarding Philippine independence; Dr. Joe S. Wooten, of Austin; Dr. J. M. Frazier, of Belton; to the Committee on Insular Affairs. Dr. John W. Brown, State health officer, of Austin; Dr. 3084. Also, petition of the city of Cleveland, Ohio, urging Henry F. Hein, of San Antonio; and Dr. E. W. Wright, of passage of Senate bill 752; to the Committee on the Bowie, all of the State of Texas, all members of the State Judiciary. board of health, urging appropriation in the first deficiency 3085. Also, petition of J. Neilson Barry, opposing the joint bill for 1934 for the United States Public Health Service to resolution for a 3-cent postage stamp to commemorate Rev. use in its cooperative county health unit work in the several Jason Lee; to the Committee on the Post Office and Post States; to the Committee on Appropriations. Roads. 3068. Also, petition of Hubert M. Harrison, general man­ 3086. Also, petition of the American Institute of Mining ager, East Texas Chamber of Commerce, Longview, Tex., and Metallurgical Engineers; to the Committee on Mines urging inclusion of four hundred million appropriation in and Mining. Public Works bill for construction of public highways; to 3087. Also, petition of the municipal government of Boli­ the Committee on Appropriations. nao, Province of Pangasinan, P .I., urging passage of the 3069. By Mr. LINDSAY: Petition of Steel & Tubes, Inc., King bill; to the Committee on Insular Affairs. Brooklyn, N.Y., urging defeat of Senate bill 2926 and House bill 8423; to the Committe<J on Labor. 3070. Also, petition of American Association for Labor SENATE Legislation, New York City, urging support of the Lewis bill, TUESDAY, MARCH H.R. 7659; to the Committee on Ways and Means. 20, 1934 3071. Also, petition of Intracoastal Towing & Transporta­ The Chaplain, Rev. Z~Barney T. Phillips, D.D., offered the tion Co., Houston, Tex., opposing House bill 7979; to the following prayer: Committee on Merchant Marine, Radio, and Fisheries. Eternal Father who hast begirt us round with loving care, 3072. Also, petition of Reichert Towing Line, Inc., Brook­ blessings beforehand, ties of gratefulness, and hast com­ lyn, N.Y., opposing House bill 7979;. to the Committee on mitted to us rules of reason as holy messengers of Thine: Merchant Marine, Radio, and Fisheries. Forgive our foolish ways, capture our truant thoughts, direct 3073. Also, petition of Edward Card Co., Inc., New York our wandering wills, as once again with contrite hearts we City, opposing House bill 7979; to the Committee on Mer­ fling ourselves as penitents in utter self-abasement upon the chant Marine, Radio, and Fisheries. world's great altar stairs of prayer that slope through dark­ 3074. By Mr. RUDD: Petition of Steel & Tubes, Inc., ness up to Thee. Cleveland, Ohio, opposing the passage of Senate bill 2926 Touch Thou our lips with truth; let kindness rule our a.nd House bill 8423; to the Committee on Labor. hearts, that we may ever devote ourselves to the furtherance 3075. Also, petition of the Association of Highway Officials of Thy promise of a regenerated world, and bring comfort of North Atlantic States, favoring appropriation similar to for grief, confidence for fear to all the sons of men whom in that made last year for road construction under the Thy name we are called upon to serve. Through Jesus National Recovery Act, also for additional funds for road Christ our Lord. Amen. construction for the fiscal year of 1935, in an amount THE JOURNAL approximating the sum of $400,000,000 for highways, to­ The legislative clerk proceeded to read the Journal of the gether with allotments for forest, public land, national proceedings of the calendar day of Monday, March 19, when, park, and Indian reservation roads, as previously appro­ on motion of Mr. ROBINSON of Arkansas, and by unanimous priated by the National Recovery Act; to the Committee coil.sent, the further reading was dispensed with, and the on Roads. Journal was approved. 3076. Also, petition of the American Association for Labor Legislation, New York City, favoring the passage of the MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE David J. Lewis bill, H.R. 7659; to the Committee on Ways A message fro!ll the House of Representatives, by Mr. and Means. Chaffee, one of its clerks, announced that the House had 3077. Also, petition of Sumlight White Laundry, Brooklyn, passed the bill <S. 2534) to further extend the operation of N.Y., opposing the increased tax on soap costs; to the Com­ the act entitled "An act for the temporary relief of water mittee on Ways and Means. users on irrigation projects constructed and operated under 3078. By Mr. SUTPHIN: Petition adopted by the Asso­ the reclamation law ", approved April 1, 1932, with an ciation of Highway Officials of North Atlantic States, com­ amendment, in which it requested the concurrence of the mending the Public Works Administration and the Bureau Senate. of Public Roads for their intelligent direction of highway The message also announced that the House had passed work under the Public Works Administration program; to the following bills, in which it requested the concurrence the Committee on Roads. of the Senate: 3079. Also, petition of Monmouth Memorial Hospital H.R. 7581. An act to authorize a board composed of the Alumnae, Monmouth Memorial Hospital Nurses Home, Long President, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of Branch, N.J., endorsing the principals enunciated in Senate Commerce, and the Secretary of Agriculture to negotiate bill 1944; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign with foreign buyers with the view of selling American agri­ Commerce. cultural surplus products at the world market price and to 3080. By Mr. THURSTON: Petition signed by 138 rail­ accept in payment therefor silver coin or bullion at such way employees, requesting the Congress to enact the Hat­ value as may be agreed upon which shall. not exceed 25 field-Keller bill; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign percent above the world market price of silver, and to Commerce. authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to issue silver 3081. By Mr. TREADWAY: Resolution adopted by certificates based upon the agreed value of such silver \Voman's Christian Temperance Union, North Adams, Mass., bullion or coin in payment for the products sold, and for urging early hearings and favorable action on H.R. 6097, other purposes; and providing higher moral standards for films entering inter­ H.R. 8402. An act to place the cotton industry on a sound state and international commerce; to the Committee on commercial basis, to prevent unfair competition and prac­ Interstate and Foreign Commerce. tices in putting cotton into the channels of interstate and 4878 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE MARCH 20 foreign commerce, to provide funds for paying additional PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS benefits under the Agricultural Adjustment Act, -and for Mr. CAPPER presented a resolution adopted by Sgt. Law­ other purposes. rence Wimmer Post, No. 80, the American Legion, of Liberal, ENROLLED BILL SIGNED Kans., favoring the prompt passage of legislation providing The message further announced that the Speaker had for the immediate payment of the so-called "soldiers' affixed his signature to the enrolled bill CS. 356) for the bonus", which was referred to the Committee on Finance. relief of the Great American Indemnity Co. of New York, He also presented petitions, numerously signed, of sundry and it was signed by the Vice President. citizens of Kansas City and Olathe, in the State of Kansas, praying for the passage of old-age pension legislation, which DISPOSITION OF AGRICULTURAL SURPLUSES-HOUSE BILL REFERRED were referred to the Committee on Education and Labor. Mr. THOMAS of Oklahoma. Mr. President, the bill just Mr. TYDINGS presented resolutions adopted by the Inde­ messaged over from the House, being House bill 7581, deals pendent Warschauer Sick Support Society, of the Bronx; with agricultural surpluses. I ask unanimous consent that Greater New York Lodge, No. 173, Independent Order of the bill be referred to the Committee on Agriculture and B'rith Abraham, of Brooklyn; Emanuel Neuman Lodge, No. Forestry. 120, and Jehuda Horowitz Lodge, No. 35, both of the Inde­ The VICE PRESIDENT. Is there objection? The Chair pendent Order of B'rith Abraham, of New York City; New hears none, and the bill will be so referred. York Lodge, No. 1, B'nai B'rith, of New York City; Staten The bill <H.R. 7581) to authorize a board composed of Island Lodge, No. 319, Independent Order of B'rith Abraham, the President, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of Tompkinsville, Staten Island, all in the State of New York; of Commerce, and the Secretary of Agriculture to negotiate Pride of Brockton Lodge, No. 373, of Brockton, and City of with foreign buyers with the view of selling American agri­ Boston Lodge, No. 63, of Boston, both of the Independent cultural surplus products at the world market price and to Order of B'rith Abraham, in the State of Massachusetts; accept in payn:ient therefor silver coin or bullion at such Independent Newark Lodge, No. 255, Independent Order of value as may be agreed upon which shall not exceed 25 B'rith Abraham, of Newark, N.J.; Independent Norwich percent above the world market price of silver, and to L-Odge, No.
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