Senate February
780 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE FEBRUARY. 5. REPORT ON NUMBER OF ENLISTED MEN IN THE ~ families. All farme:r;s now want electric SENATE REGULAR ARMY service. A l'3tter from the Secretary of War, trans REA is cutting down our loan appll~ations WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1947 mitting, pursuant to ·law, a report on the because of insufficient loan authoriza.tions. number of men on active duty on Decem Our request for an allotmel,lt for 1947 has not The Qhaplain, Rev. Peter Marshall, ber 31, 1946, who enlisted or reenlisted in the yet been approved. We have never had too D. D., offered the following prayer: Regular Army after June 1, 1945 (with an much money. There is always a lag between accompanying report); to the Committee on the time you vote the authorization and the Our Father, in the midst of the compli Arme(l Services. time we get it spent, but we can't turn a tap cated situations of life and the unsolved until we get the ~uthorization. AUTHORITY To GRANT EASEMENTS IN LANDS TO As to the program being put on a business problems of the world, deliver Thy serv ADMINISTRATOR OF VETERANS' AFFAIRS ants from any sense. of futility. Let basis, less than one-half of 1 percent of all A letter from the Administrator, Veterans' REA loans are delinquent, and they are paid them feel the .support of the prayers of Administration, transmitting a draft of pro ahead several million dollars. The Govern hosts of true patriots throughout this posed legislation to authorize the Adminis ment is making enough clear profit on the land and, above all, the uplift of the ever trator of Veter;ms' Affairs to grant easements money loaned to us over.
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