The Contract 'Bridge Journal
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BRITISH BRIDGE' I ' LEAGUE CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP ACHILLE SERRE , LONDON , E. l7 for Pairs from Clubs IF YOU KEEP • • • POULTRY WE CAN SUPPLY AN EXCELLENT RANGE OF An Open Contest APPLIANCES fo r all members af any CATALOGUE FROM Bridge, Social or Golf H. & H. BLACKNELL Club with a card room. FARNBOROUGH, HANTS PHONE: 106 The first round to be held in the Club entering . for the CONDITIONS OF SALE AND SUPPLY. This perlodlcnl l.s sold subject to U1e following Contest before the 31st Jan., conditions, namely, that It shall not, without 1947, the winners qualifying to the written consent of the publlshe111 1l111t ~:iveu, he lent, resold, hired out or oU1erwlso play in a .week-end Congress dlsposcd of by way of Tmde except at the full retail price of 1/6; and that It shall not for the remaining rounds, such he lent, rcsol.~ 1 hired out or othenvlso disposed week-end to be organised by of In n muUUiotcd condition or In any un· authorised cover by way of Tmde ; or afllxed the British Bridge League. to or ll8 part of nor publication or ndvertlalng literary or J>lctorln matter whatsoever. BACK NUMBERS. Limited supplies are now available at the Publlsbera- prla e1 /0 eaaq post free. THE CONTRACT 'BRIDGE JOURNAL Edited by M. HARRISON-GRAY VOLUME I NuMBER 4 DECE:I<!BER 1946 Regional Editors- Eire NoEL BYRNE North Eastern EWART KE.'IPSON Northern Ireland A. J. FLETCHER North Western 'A ConRESPO:SUENT' Scotland ALBERT BENJAMIN Yorkshire MRS. L. L. BEDFORD Wales . w. H . R ICARDO London MRS. M . HARRISO~-GRAY Technical Editor-GUY RAMSEY. Competition Editor J. C. H . l\1Anx. Commercial Manager- GonooN D . JoHNSTONE. The CONTRACT BRIDGE JOURNAL is the pfficial organ of the English Bridge U nion. Publishers- Phone..:...Glo.ucester 2281/z PRIESTLEY STUDIOS, LTD., COMMERCIAL ROAD, Gf.OUq:S~R • . •. • ~ ... l _. MSS. to Editorial Department-S, WATERLOO PLACE, LoNDON, S.\ V. l :; . ~ ... .' !.''_.· : ·, ._' ' '.1 t' •.. CONTENTS ... !: . ~. :_: :Page EDITORIAL . 2 IN PuRSUIT OF SLA!Its- No. 1. By J. C. H. i\1/ar. ..: :j. THE TIME HAS CoME. By Guy Ramuy 8 CRiliiE AND P UNISHliiENT 10 PERSONALITY PAGE-NO. +-S. }. SIMON .12 SIMPLE SAFTEY PLAYS-No. 2. By Dr. Paul Stem .13 ANOTHER RunnER AT THE CLun. By S . J. Simon . 15. THE TRUMP LEAD IN . D I!FI!NCE- No. 2. By Geoffrey L. Butler 17. ONE SuiT HANDS. By B. H. Davies 19 THE TAKE-OUT DounLE- No. 2. By Eclmuml Phillips .. 21· FIRST THOUGHTS- No. +. By lai11 111acleocl 22 How GooD ARE You? •. 23 DUPLICATE BRIDGE ORGANISATION- NO. 3. By Gorc/o11 D. Johnstone 24- THE NoRTHERN OUTLOOK. By Ewart Kempsoll -.. 26 AnouNo THE ColiiPETITIONS. By 111. Harriso11-Gray 28 NEws FROM EIRE. By Noel Byme .. 33 ~I!WS FROM NoRTHERN IRELAND. By .4 . J . Fletcher 34 ScoTTISH NoTES. By Albert Benjamin 35 \VELSH DniDGE NoTES. By IV. H. Ricardo 36. C Rosswono-No. +. By Carmel Skiclelsky ... 37 D ECEliiiJER ColiiPETITIO~. Set by J. C. H. 2\1arx : 38 ANSWERS TO OcronER Co!IIPETITION . · 39 ANSWERS TO NOVE.'IIBEil CO!IIPETITION +1 I . - Editorial FTER three 1 months of couple of first class players and publication, 'during which note how every bid, whatever the the irregular delivery of the stress of the moment, is produced Joumal has been received with in a dead even tone of voice. good natu~ed toleran~e . coupled Observe the firm refusal to take with genume apprecratton, the advantage of any involuntary time has come to sit back and hesitation by the partner ; the review the situation. readiness to explain any conven In our first Editorial we gave a tional bid which may not be pledge to study the wishes of our thoroughly understood by the readers. Letters have poured in by opponents. r the hundred, praising, suggesting Ninety per cent. of the lesser fry and criticising. We are grateful who offend do so through sheer for (and sometimes pleasantly ignorance. Until the error of their surprised by !) the bouquets ; we ways is brought home, they will have adopted every practical continue in their impression that suggestion ; and we have closely these malpractices are all part of examined the brickbats. the game. Few people take them Only one item has come under seriously, for the simple reason general fire : the amount of space that against astute opponents they devoted to Regional News. And give away £!lOre than they gain. so this feature must be drastically We. have unhappy recollections curtailed. of the following incident: the We would like to play the game opponent on our right had opened with our provincial friends, who with One Heart, and with no have done so much for the opposition they proceeded to bid circulation of the Journal-we themselves into a contract of Four would like to see all their names in Hearts. Holding + A· K J ; print- but we must bow to the ~ Q J 10 9 7 5 ; 0 K 8 ; + J ft wishes of the majority. we decided that the time had co~e to double.· The opponent on our It is not without misgiving that left passed, and our partner we publish this month another of continued to gaze into space until Guy Ramsey's outspoken articles. she exclaimed" My lead?" "No',• Not because we differ in any way we replied, "its your bid." This with the views expressed by this was a well chosen remark on our famous journalist, but through part, for the lady, with a look. in fear that an impression may be our direction pregnant wtth created that the type of sharp 'meaning, burst forth with Five practice to which he refers is Clubs, on what turned out to be prevalent in modem contract. five to the Queen and a bust The fact is that the offenders b.ecause, as she afterwards are but microscopical drops in the explained,· we had given her a ocean of card players. Nowhere is direct hint that we wanted the ~he standard of ethics higher than do.uble taken out I m tournament ·play. 'Vatch a 2 Many .of our readers had the Trophy contests. Thanks to the opportumty of seeing the Czech efforts of the players who helped team in action last month, and to defeat Scotland, Northern Frantisek Joles and his men, the Ireland and Wales, the Inter first continental players to visit national Championship appeared this country since the Austrians to be firmly in our grasp. The came and conquered in 1937, soon young Irish team had different established themselves as firm views, and in the last 36 boards of favourites. With their film star last month's match at Southport looks and jovial demeanour, it was they proceeded to give the English hard to believe that three of them selectors their biggest jolt to-date. had languished in Geqnan Had not '\Vales gone down to concentration camps throughout Northern Ireland at Belfast during the war, one of them losing a leg the same week-end, England would through ill-treatment in captivity. have finished second in the The fourth member of the team, Championship table instead of Hanus Pressburger, well-known at emerging more or less clear-cut Lederer's before the war, served winners of the 1946 series. with the Czech army in Gt. Britain. In most countries the system of The Czechs enjoyed their bridge selection comes under heavy fire. and their stay over here. We hope Particularly does this apply to that these popular visitors will be England, and we have a notion followed by other foreign teams. that our well-worn policy of "giving everyone a go " will be drastically And so England- have once again revised as a result of the Irish muddled through in the Camrose bombshell. Several readers have written in NORTH asking for double dummy problems. + AK95 The Joumal has been fortunate in r;:} AKJ97 securing the services of one of the 0 AJ2 greatest experts in this sphere of + 3 bridge. Mr. F. C. Bazett-Jones, VhsT EAST who has recently been released • J 10 7 3 from the Education Branch of the rv 42 rv o 10 8 6 R.A.F., has agreed to conduct a 0 9 7 53 0 Q 10 8 6 4 monthly series of articles, ·- + 642 + K Q 10 8 <:ommencing in the January issue, ·which should do much to improve SOUTH the card play of our readers. • Q8642 rv 53 In the meantime, in the column OK <lpposite is a specimen for digestion + AJ 9 7 5 <Jver Christmas. Spades are trumps, and West leads the Jack of Spades. How ma11y tricks ca11 North-South We wish our readers a rollicking make ? Send your analysis and Christmas, and real success at the comments to "Tenex," c/o The bridge table during ~he coming Contract Bridge . Journal, 8, year.