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Zoologisch-Botanische Datenbank/Zoological-Botanical Database

Digitale Literatur/Digital Literature

Zeitschrift/Journal: Systematics and Phylogeny

Jahr/Year: 2014

Band/Volume: 72

Autor(en)/Author(s): DeBusschere Charlotte, Fannes Wouter, Henrard Arnaud, Gaublomme Eva, Jocque Rudy, Baert Leon

Artikel/Article: Unravelling the goblin puzzle: rDNA phylogeny of the family (Araneae) 177-192 72 (2): 177 – 192 25.7.2014

© Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung, 2014.

Unravelling the goblin spiders puzzle: rDNA phylogeny of the family Oonopidae (Araneae)

Charlotte de Busschere *, 1 , Wouter Fannes 2, Arnaud Henrard 2, 3, Eva Gaublomme 1, Rudy Jocqué 2 & Léon Baert 1

1 O.D. and Phylogeny, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels, Belgium; Charlotte de Busschere* [Charlotte. [email protected]], Eva Gaublomme [[email protected]], Léon Baert [[email protected]] — 2 Section In­ ver­tebrates non-insects, Royal Museum for Central Africa, Tervuren, Belgium; Wouter Fannes [[email protected]], Arnaud Henrard [[email protected]], Rudy Jocqué [[email protected]] — 3 Earth and Life Institute, research Center, Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain la Neuve, Belgium — * Corresponding author

Accepted 20.v.2014. Published online at www.senckenberg.de/arthropod-systematics on 18.vii.2014.

Abstract The mega-diverse haplogyne family of goblin spiders (Oonopidae Simon, 1890) has long been among the most poorly known families of spiders. However, since the launch of the goblin Planetary Biodiversity Inventory project knowledge about Oonopidae is rapidly expanding. Currently, Oonopidae is placed within the superfamily Dysderoidea and is divided into three subfamilies. Nevertheless, the monophyly and internal phylogeny of this family has not yet been investigated based on DNA sequence data. Hence, this study reports the first phylogeny based on ribosomal sequence data including 37 oonopid genera and representatives of all families within the Dysderoidea. These results suggest that the majority of the oonopid genera constitute a natural group. Moreover, two subfamilies Orchestininae and Sulsulinae and several morphologically defined groups e.g. the Zyngoonops- and Dysderina-groups, were well supported. In contrast, the Pelicinus-, Stenoonops- and Scaphiella-groups were not corroborated. Although most genera represented by more than one specimen were recovered as monophyletic, our study casts doubt on the monophyly of the Aschnaoonops Makhan & Ezzatpanah, 2011. Further- more, the results corroborate that a low degree of body sclerotisation might be considered as a plesiomorphic trait.

Key words 18S, 28S, , Dysderoidea, Trogloraptoridae.

1. Introduction

Goblin spiders (Oonopidae) are small haplogyne spiders, sil species have been found in various ambers (Penney ranging in size from 0.8 to 3 mm. They occur through- 2006; Dunlop et al. 2012). Most fossil species have been out the temperate and tropical regions of the world in a assigned to the genus Orchestina Simon,1882, indicating large range of habitats such as deserts, mangroves, sa- that this genus was already widespread by the end of the vannahs and rainforests (Jocqué & Dippenaar-Schoeman (Saupe et al. 2012). Currently goblin spiders 2006; Fannes et al. 2008; Grismado 2010). On a smaller include more than 1325 recognized species and 97 genera scale, goblin spiders can be found in litter (Ubick 2005), (Platnick 2013), but this might be regarded as a fraction canopy (Fannes et al. 2008) or even in caves (Harvey of the total diversity as it is estimated that between 2000 & Edward 2007). Oonopidae are also well represented and 2500 species might exist worldwide (Platnick 2006; in the fossil record; more precisely, several oonopid fos- Agnarsson et al. 2013). This underestimation of oonopid

ISSN 1863-7221 (print) | eISSN 1864-8312 (online) 177 de Busschere et al.: Phylogeny of Oonopidae spiders


Fig. 1. The spider family Oonopidae is characterized by a high level of morphological diversity in traits such as the degree of body sclero- tisation, ranging from heavily sclerotized taxa within the Oonopinae, e.g. Silhouettella loricatula (A), to soft-bodied oonopids, e.g. placidus (B). (Pictures from A. Henrard)

diversity could be related to their small size, their wide tor bristles on the tarsi (Forster & Platnick 1985; Plat- geographic distribution, their occurrence in different mi- nick et al. 1991; Ramírez 2000). The monophyly of the crohabitats and the rather recent use of adequate sam- Oonopidae is based upon the presence of a completely pling techniques such as knock-down fogging (Platnick fused, unpaired testis; female palp lacking a claw; tarsal 2006). The U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) organ flat, exposed or capsulate, with a distinctive longi- funded the goblin spider Planetary Biodiversity Project tudinal ridge originating at the proximal end of the organ; (PBI) from 2006 in which more than 45 researchers were legs I and II with one more tarsal organ receptor than involved with the aim to revise this mega-diverse fam- legs III and IV (Burger 2009; Burger & Michalik 2010; ily. Since the start of this goblin spider PBI project, a Platnick et al. 2012). tremendous amount of taxonomic work has been done However, monophyly of this family has not yet been with the result of a twofold increase in described species adequately tested with molecular data. Additionally, the and more than 70 publications. Based upon these thor- internal phylogeny of the Oonopidae is rather poorly in- ough revisions of several genera, a high level of morpho- vestigated. Hitherto, cladistic analyses have been limited logical diversity is observed within this family in traits to species-level work (Henrard & Jocqué 2012; Andria­ such as carapace shape and ornamentation, arrangement malala & Hormiga 2013; Fannes 2013) solely based on and number of eyes, genital morphology and degree of morphological data. At the supraspecific level, Platnick body sclerotisation ranging from soft-bodied taxa e.g. et al. (2012) recognized three subfamilies within the Oonops Templeton, 1835 to heavily sclerotized taxa e.g. Oonopidae: the Orchestininae (containing only the soft- Silhouettella Benoit, 1979 (Fig. 1). Additionally, sexual bodied genus Orchestina), the Sulsulinae (con­taining dimorphism is observed in several genera e.g. the soft-bodied genera Sulsula Simon, 1882, Dal­masula Platnick & Brescovit, 1995 and Brignolia Dumitrescu & Platnick, Szüts & Ubick, 2012, Unicorn, Xiombarg Georgescu, 1983. Bri­g­noli, 1979, Puan Izquierdo, 2012 and Cor­testina However, our current knowledge of the phylogeny Knof­lach, 2009) and the Oonopinae (containing all the of the Oonopidae is severely limited and solely based re­maining genera, including those with a heavily scle- upon morphological data. Hitherto, Oonopidae is placed rotized abdomen). The Orchestininae and Sul­su­linae are as the sister group of the family Orsolobidae within the treated as more primitive oonopid subfamilies (Platnick superfamily Dysderoidea based upon the morphological et al. 2012) based upon the presence of a well-sclerotized analyses of Platnick et al. (1991) and Ramírez (2000). sperm duct in the bulbus, a feature also found in Orso- The remnant families within the Dysderoidea are the lobidae and all other spiders (Forster & Platnick 1985; Segestriidae and . Griswold et al. (2012) Platnick et al. 2012). Platnick et al. (2012) consider the suggested that the recently described family Troglorap- soft-bodied New Zealand genus Kapitia Forster, 1956 as toridae might be a primitive member of the Dysderoidea the sister group of other Oonopinae. Furthermore, within based on spinneret morphology among others. Orsolo- the higher Oonopinae, a distinction can be made be- bidae and Oonopidae are suggested to be sister groups tween soft-bodied genera such as Birabenella, Oonops, based upon (1) the presence of only two tarsal claws, (2) Neotrops Grismado & Ramírez, 2014 and Oonopinus Si- claw dentition bipectinate (although few oonopids have mon, 1893 and hard-bodied (armoured) genera (Fig. 1). unipectinate claws, such as Templeton, These are characterized by a distinctly sclerotized abdo- 1835, Tapinesthis inermis Simon, 1882 or Birabenella men, and have been considered to constitute a mono- Grismado, 2010; Platnick & Dupérré 2009c; Henrard phyletic group (Platnick & Dupérré 2010b; Platnick et & Jocqué 2012) and (3) the presence of propriorecep- al. 2012). Within the armoured oonopids, six large ge-


nus groups have so far been recognized based on puta- (Mallatt & Sullivan 1998; Hedin & Maddison 2001). tive synapomorphies: the Stenoonops-group (Platnick Polymerase chain reaction was initiated with an initial & Dupérré 2010b), the Dysderina-group (Platnick & denaturation at 95°C for 2′30″ followed by 35 (18S, 28S) Dupérré 2011b,a, 2012), the Scaphiella-group (Platnick cycles. Each cycle started with a denaturation at 95°C & Dupérré 2009a, 2010c, 2011c), the Pelicinus-group (30″) followed by an annealing step of 30″ (annealing (Álvarez-Padilla et al. 2012; Platnick et al. 2012), the temperatures 18S1F/18S5R: 57°C; 18S3F/18SBI: 58°C; Gamasomorphoids (Álvarez-Padilla et al. 2012) and the 18Sa2.0/18S9R: 48°C; 28SZX1/28SC: 48.5°C). Each Zyngoonops-group (Fannes 2012). However, as noted cycle ended with an extension step at 72°C (1′30″). Gen- above, these subfamilies and genus groups are not based bank accession numbers are provided in Table 1. DNA on quantitative phylogenetic analyses, and their validity samples are deposited in the Royal Belgian Institute thus remains to be tested. of Natural Sciences (Belgium, Brussels) and stored at The main goals of this study are to infer the first phy- – 20°C. Sequence data for missing outgroup specimens logeny of the Oonopidae based on ribosomal DNA se- were obtained from NCBI Genbank (Table 1). Approxi- quence data and to use this phylogeny to evaluate how mately 97% of the sequences are new from this study well several morphologically defined groups delineate (Table 1). well supported phylogenetic relationships.

2.3. Alignment procedures 2. Materials and methods Sequences were edited and assembled in SeqScape Soft- ware v2.5 (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA). 18S sequences were aligned based on two methods re- 2.1. Taxon sampling sulting in (1) a MAFFT alignment, based on the E-INS-I algorithm of the program package MAFFT (Katoh et al. 2002) implemented online (MAFFT version 7 (Katoh The dataset includes 106 Oonopidae taxa representing & Standley 2013), default settings), and (2) a structure 36 genera and stemming from different continents and informed manual alignment taking into account the es- several specimens representing Segestriidae, Orsolobi- tablished secondary structure of Androctonus australis dae, Dysderidae and Trogloraptoridae (Table 1). A few Ewing, 1928 (Accession number: X77908 available at: specimens representing the Filistatidae and Liphistiidae http://www.rna.ccbb.utexas.edu). Based upon the infor- were included as outgroup taxa. Specimens or tissue of mation of the secondary structure of A. australis, un- specimens were provided by members of the PBI pro- paired (loop) and paired (stem) regions were delimited. ject. Specimens were collected from 2001 until 2012 by 28S sequences were aligned solely based on the E-INS-I different sampling techniques (mainly sieving, pitfall algorithm (MAFFT) as only a partial fragment of the 28S trapping, fogging, hand collecting). Fixation and preser- was obtained. Poorly aligned positions were eliminated vation conditions of the collected specimens might have from the 28S alignment by using the most relaxed op- varied among collectors. Most specimens were sampled tions in Gblocks 0.91b (Castresana 2000; Dereeper et and stored in 70% ethanol which is common for mor- al. 2008). A concatenated 18S-28S alignment was created phological work. A minority of the samples was fixed by concatenating the MAFFT 18S and 28S alignments. and stored directly in 97% ethanol at – 20°C. Specimens Estimates of average evolutionary divergence within were identified to family, genus and/or species level by each species, genus and family were obtained by calcu- members of the PBI project (Table 1). lating the number of base differences per site within each group in MEGA5 (Tamura et al. 2011).

2.2. DNA extraction, amplification and sequencing 2.4. Phylogenetic analyses

Samples were extracted with a NucleoSpin® tissue kit Phylogeny reconstructions were obtained using Maxi- (Macherey-Nagel, Düren) according to the manufac- mum Parsimony (MP), Maximum Likelihood (ML) and turer’s protocol. Three overlapping fragments of 18S (c. Bayesian Inference (BI). Gaps were treated as missing 1800 nt) were amplified using the following primer pairs: data. MP analyses were conducted with PAUP*4.0b10 18S1F/18S5R (c. 820 nt), 18S3F/18SBI (c. 850 nt) and (Swofford 1993, 2002). MP analyses were initiated with 18Sa2.0/18S9R (c. 650 nt) (Giribet et al. 1996). In addi- 1000 random addition sequence replicates with TBR tion, partial fragments of the 28S ribosomal DNA were se- branch swapping and a time limit of 20 s per replicate in quenced with the primer pair: 28SZX1/28SC (c. 1200 nt) PAUP*. The most parsimonious trees were filtered from

179 de Busschere et al.: Phylogeny of Oonopidae spiders — — — — — — — — — — — — 28S KF929198 KF929197 KF929165 KF929193 KF929175 KF929156 KF929153 KF929152 KF929154 KF929155 KF929157 KF929166 KF929167 KF929168 KF929176 KF929190 KF929162 KF929161 KF929164 KF929163 KF929151 KF929158 KF929159 KF929160 — 18S KF929093 KF929092 KF929091 KF929124 KF929129 KF929126 KF929123 KF929125 KF929122 KF929130 KF929095 KF929082 KF929113 KF929110 KF929107 KF929109 KF929111 KF929112 KF929056 KF929057 KF929058 KF929071 KF929083 KF929119 KF929117 KF929120 KF929121 KF929106 KF929108 KF929105 KF929114 KF929115 KF929116 KF929118 KF929104 COLL. / DET. PBI expedition / N. Platnick M. Ramirez PBI expedition / N. Platnick C. Viquez / N. Platnick C. Viquez PBI expedition / N. Platnick L. Baert M. Ramirez L. Baert M. Ramirez K. Edward A. Henrard C. Griswold M. Ramirez M. Ramirez M. Ramirez B. Baehr / N. Platnick PBI expedition / N. Platnick PBI expedition / N. Platnick M. Ramirez C. Griswold / Y. Kranz / Y. C. Griswold Kranz / Y. C. Griswold Kranz / Y. C. Griswold K. Edward Fannes R. Jocqué / W. M. Ramirez M. Ramirez PBI expedition / N. Platnick PBI expedition / N. Platnick M. Ramirez M. Ramirez M. Ramirez M. Ramirez PBI expedition / N. Platnick PBI expedition / N. Platnick M. Ramirez M. Ramirez — — 2009 2009 2009 2007 2009 2009 2005 2009 2005 2012 2001 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2006 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 YEAR CONTINENT South America South America South America South America South America South America South America South America South America Oceania Africa South America South America South America South America South America South America South America Asia Asia Asia Africa South America South America South America South America South America South America South America South America South America South America South America South America COUNTRY Chile Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Nicaragua Ecuador Galapagos Uruguay Galapagos Argentina Australia France Madagascar Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Brunei Brunei Brunei Umbrawarra Congo Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Chile Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador — — — 420 404 574 554 597 587 4778 5981 3276 5979 14993 15089 29902 16987 14892 16983 15105 30830 30840 49559 49544 49536 30834 36337 36338 36317 15103 30842 30839 30831 14989 15091 15092 PBI-nr 52 99 65 63 30 228 268 218 274 277 282 139 280 344 259 226 211 203 271 267 266 209 292 293 294 224 204 269 278 202 212 227 220 265 272 221 DNA-nr F F F F F F F F F F M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M — — — — — — SEX SPECIES elqui yanayacu orellana bonaldi schmidti barragani gertschi ramirezi gertschi termitophilus sp . loricatula sp . yasuni tiputini perdido otonga bellavista galeras jatun kapit kapit kapit sp . sp. vlad yanayacu cotopaxi tandapi cosanga silvae homonota tiputini fusiscuta righty vlad GENUS Birabenella Scaphios Scaphios Niarchos Escaphiella Niarchos Escaphiella Escaphiella Escaphiella Neoxyphinus Pelicinus Silhouettella Silhouettella Tridysderina Aschnaoonops Bidysderina Tinadysderina Tridysderina Tridysderina Tridysderina Brignolia Brignolia Brignolia Cavisternum WFAAI Paradysderina Paradysderina Scaphidysderina Scaphidysderina Aschnaoonops Aschnaoonops Birabenella Dysderina Paradysderina Paradysderina Paradysderina Subfamily Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Family Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Table 1. Summary of Table specimen information. Column “Genus”: undescribed genera have been assigned five-letter codes according to the PBI-conventions. ColumnsGenbank accession “ 18S ” and 28S ”: numbers in italics are not from this study.

180 ARTHROPOD SYSTEMATICS & PHYLOGENY — 72 (2) 2014 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — KF929173 KF929143 KF929142 KF929144 KF929186 KF929187 KF929189 KF929181 KF929174 KF929182 KF929183 KF929184 KF929185 KF929149 KF929150 KF929171 KF929169 KF929172 KF929170 — — — KF929067 KF929065 KF929063 KF929022 KF929066 KF929085 KF929084 KF929050 KF929052 KF929051 KF929100 KF929101 KF929088 KF929087 KF929086 KF929089 KF929097 KF929096 KF929134 KF929133 KF929075 KF929076 KF929077 KF929078 KF929079 KF929080 KF929098 KF929099 KF929081 KF929021 KF929061 KF929059 KF929062 KF929060 KF929064 B. Baehr B. Baehr B. Baehr M. Ramirez R. Jocqué A. Henrard L. Baert R. Jocqué / W. Fannes R. Jocqué / W. Fannes R. Jocqué / W. Fannes R. Jocqué / W. Fannes R. Jocqué / W. X. Wang R. Jocqué N. Platnick L. Baert A. Henrard M. Ramirez M. Ramirez M. Ramirez R. Jocqué / W. Fannes R. Jocqué / W. N. Platnick L. Baert Jäger P. / C.J. Grismado C. Griswold R. Jocqué M. Ramirez A. Henrard A. Henrard M. Ramirez M. Ramirez A. Henrard R. Jocqué R. Jocqué R. Jocqué R. Jocqué R. Jocqué L. Baert B. Baehr 2004 2008 2008 2004 2008 2012 2009 2005 2006 2008 2007 2007 2007 2010 2009 2012 2005 2005 2005 2005 2010 2009 2008 2006 2007 2005 2010 2012 2005 2005 2010 2008 2008 2008 2007 2007 2009 2008 Australia Australia Australia South America Europe Europe South America Africa Africa Africa Africa North America Africa South America South America Africa South America South America South America Africa South America South America Asia Australia Africa South America Europe Europe South America South America Europe Europe Africa Africa Africa Africa South America Australia Queensland Queensland Argentina Belgium France Galapagos Ghana Congo Guinea Congo San Felasco Congo Cuba Galapagos Guinee Argentina Uruguay Uruguay Ghana Cuba Galapagos Laos Queensland Cameroon Argentina Spain France Ecuador Ecuador Belgium Belgium South Africa South Africa Cameroon Congo Galapagos Queensland — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 4779 6728 4777 9211 10364 23342 23366 16977 31069 16912 32879 14910 14891 14894 16986 14770 16980 30836 30832 16985 23284 69 74 50 89 95 71 94 70 36 49 33 146 149 148 100 421 286 115 111 144 198 298 279 353 136 140 143 113 297 284 327 418 206 213 309 114 285 147 F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F M M M M M M M M M M M — — — — — — — tropicus sp . yukii sp . pulcher pulcher apicalis WF004 sp. sp. sp. spinimanus sp . distincta sp . sp . poguazu labarquei labarquei WFAAI2 spinimanus peltifer sp . sp . thevenot pombero placidus pulcher waorani waorani inermis inermis sp . sp . sp . sp . deserticola olivernashi Prethopalpus Opopaea Opopaea Opopaea Opopaea Oonops Oonops Opopaea WFAAI WFAAE WFAAJ WFAAQ Heteroonops Ischnothyreus Lucetia Lucetia Melchisedec Neotrops Neotrops Neotrops WFAAI Heteroonops Ischnothyreus Ischnothyreus Ischnothyreus Melchisedec Neotrops Oonops Oonops Neotrops Neotrops Tapinesthis Tapinesthis Farqua Opopaea Opopaea Opopaea Opopaea Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Table 1 continued. Table

181 de Busschere et al.: Phylogeny of Oonopidae spiders — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 28S KF929191 KF929147 KF929148 KF929145 KF929178 KF929177 KF929179 KF929195 KF929196 KF929188 KF929180 KF929173 KF929146 KF929136 KF929135 — 18S KF929042 KF929074 KF929073 KF929094 KF929039 KF929090 KF929044 KF929045 KF929072 KF929038 KF929041 KF929053 KF929040 KF929132 KF929131 KF929070 KF929069 KF929103 KF929049 KF929127 KF929128 KF929102 KF929068 KF929047 KF929048 KF929046 KF929067 KF929055 KF929054 KF929043 KF929023 KF929024 KF929025 KF929035 COLL. / DET. P. Grootaert / A. Henrard Grootaert P. M. Ramirez M. Ramirez M. Ramirez R. Jocqué A. Henrard & R. Jocqué A. Henrard R. Jocqué R. Jocqué R. Jocqué A. Henrard & R. Jocqué A. Henrard R. Jocqué M. Ramirez R. Jocqué R. Jocqué R. Jocqué Y. Kranz Y. Jäger P. N. Platnick M. Ramirez PBI expedition / N. Platnick N. Platnick N. Platnick Kranz / Y. Schwendinger P. R. Jocqué / W. Fannes R. Jocqué / W. M. Ramirez M. Ramirez B. Baehr M. Ramirez / A. Henrard Grootaert P. N. Ferretti M. Ramirez M. Ramirez M. Izquierdo B. Baehr M. Ramirez 2012 2009 2009 2010 2007 2009 2007 2007 2008 2009 2007 2005 2007 2008 2008 2009 2008 2010 2009 2009 2010 2005 2007 2008 2009 2008 2004 2008 2012 2010 2006 2009 2010 2005 2004 YEAR CONTINENT Asia South America South America South America Africa Africa Africa Africa Africa Africa Africa South America Africa Africa Africa Asia Asia South America South America South America South America South America Asia Europe South America South America Australia South America Asia South America South America South America South America Oceania South America COUNTRY Singapore Ecuador Ecuador Argentina Congo Congo Cameroon Congo South Africa Congo Congo Chile Congo South Africa South Africa Brunei Laos Cuba Argentina Ecuador Cuba Cuba Thailand Germany Ecuador Argentina Queensland Argentina Singapore Chile Argentina Argentina Chile Zealand New Argentina — — — — — — — — — 6775 6774 8914 4774 6740 4779 14882 16995 30872 30913 30955 16798 16775 16774 36321 14898 15934 30833 14886 10364 16990 43348 15059 14909 42236 10375 PBI-nr 96 83 53 241 399 250 237 232 186 196 183 185 156 191 157 119 341 338 291 302 229 276 300 299 153 214 142 146 393 412 245 137 415 145 100 DNA-nr F F F F F F F F F F F F F F J M M M M M M M M M M M — — — — — — — — — SEX SPECIES sp. sp . Sum1 SaWa5 pavesiiformis macrofoliata saaristoi cornuta crypta fannesi fractipes communis sp . communis sp . sp . sp . sp . sp . sp . sp . sp . sp . sp . sp . sp . sp . tropicus sp . chechehet catleyi sp. sp. borealis sp . GENUS Orchestina Orchestina Orchestina Orchestina Orchestina Orchestina Orchestina Orchestina Orchestina Orchestina Orchestina Orchestina Orchestina Orchestina Australoonops Australoonops Xyphinus Xyphinus Stenoonops Triaeris Scaphiella Scaphiella Oonopoides Xyphinus Triaeris Triaeris Triaeris Prethopalpus Orchestina Puan Unicorn Orchestina Unicorn Duripelta Opopaea Subfamily Orchestininae Orchestininae Orchestininae Orchestininae Orchestininae Orchestininae Orchestininae Orchestininae Orchestininae Orchestininae Orchestininae Orchestininae Orchestininae Orchestininae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Oonopinae Orchestininae Sulsulinae Sulsulinae Orchestininae Sulsulinae Oonopinae Family Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Oonopidae Orsolobidae Oonopidae Table 1 continued. Table


the saved trees. Bootstrap support values were obtained with 1000 bootstrap replicates (time limit set to 60 s per — — — — — — — — — — bootstrap replicate). BI analyses were performed using KF929137 KF929140 KF929141 KF929139 KF929138 KF929194 KF929192 MrBayes ver. 3.2.1 (Ronquist & Huelsenbeck 2003) available on the University of Oslo Bioportal computer cluster (Kumar et al. 2009, http://www.bioportal.uio.no). In a first setup, both18S , 28S and the 18S-28S alignments KF929026 KF929027 KF929029 KF929028 KF929036 KF929031 KF929034 KF929033 KF929032 KF929030 KF929037 JX240253 JN689079 JN689046 JN689050 JN689087 DQ639767 were analysed under a general time reversible (GTR; Yang 1994) model with all model parameters estimated from the data, a gamma distribution to account for site rate variation (+G) and a proportion of invariant sites (+I) as selected by jModeltest (Posada 2008). In the second setup, a mixed model was applied to the structural 18S alignment. The mixed model takes into account the sec- ondary structure by modelling the RNA paired (stem) re- gions separately from unpaired (loop) regions. The stem regions in which nucleotide pairing results in strong cor- M. Ramirez M. Izquierdo M. Ramirez M. Ramirez M. Ramirez Batista & Arnedo 2011) - Batista ( Bidegaray Batista & Arnedo 2011) - Batista ( Bidegaray A. Henrard Batista & Arnedo 2011) - Batista ( Bidegaray R. Jocqué R. Jocqué M. Ramirez Batista & Arnedo 2011) - Batista ( Bidegaray Jäger P. et al. 2012) ( Wood A. Henrard ( Hedin & Bond 2006) relation of substitutions across sites, were modelled by the doublet model and a 4 × 4 model (GTR + I + G) was — — — — — — — — used for the loop regions. All analyses were run with two 2010 2009 2008 2010 2010 2008 2004 2012 2012 different Metropolis-coupled Markov chains (MCMC, four chains) for 10 million generations with sampling every 1000th generation. To ensure that MCMC conver- gence was reached, we evaluated the average standard deviations of split frequencies (ASDSF), the potential South America South America South America South America South America Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe North America — Europe Asia scale reduction factors (PSRF) and the plots of likelihood versus generation. 25% of the trees were discarded as burn-in and posterior probabilities were calculated from the remnant set of trees. ML analyses were performed us- ing the program RAxMLGUI 1.3. (Silvestro & Micha- Argentina Chile Chile Chile Argentina Spain Turkey Portugal Canary Islands Belgium Belgium France Spain USA — France Malaysia lak 2012). The GTR model with a gamma distributed rate of variation across sites was implemented for the 18S — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — MAFFT alignment, 28S alignment and the concatenated data set. A mixed RNA/DNA model setup (RNA6A) was used to conduct the ML tree reconstruction for the 18S 86 — — — — — — 305 416 304 106 307 199 180 303 391 417 structural alignment. The best scoring tree (with the high- est likelihood score out of 100 heuristic searches starting F F F F F from distinct randomized maximum parsimony starting M M M — — — — — — — — juv. trees) is visualised with bootstrap values calculated from 1000 pseudo-replicates. florentina sp . pucara araucana maxima boesenbergi troglophilus crocata silvatica erythrina hombergi hombergi teruelis sp . hibernalis cf.pallida sp . 3. Results Segestria Segestria Orsolobus Ariadna Ariadna Ariadna Harpactocrates Dysdera Dysdera Dysdera Harpactea Harpactea Parachtes Trogloraptor Kukulcania Pritha Liphistius 3.1. rRNA sequences

The most successful amplification results were obtained for the 18S ribosomal gene fragment. More precisely 120 taxa representing 36 oonopid genera were obtained. The amplified fragment is on average 1630 nt long and has an average GC content of 50%. 92 positions representing five loop regions were highly variable and excluded from the phylogenetic analyses. The 18S MAFFT alignment Segestriidae Segestriidae Orsolobidae Segestriidae Segestriidae Segestriidae Dysderidae Dysderidae Dysderidae Dysderidae Dysderidae Dysderidae Dysderidae Trogloraptoridae Filistatidae Filistatidae Liphistiidae

Table 1 continued. Table comprised 1781 positions of which 689 were variable

183 de Busschere et al.: Phylogeny of Oonopidae spiders

(540 parsimony informative sites). The 18S structural 3.2.1. Oonopidae alignment comprised 1801 positions of which 703 were variable (551 parsimony informative sites). The average The monophyly of the Oonopidae was consistently level of intraspecific 18S sequence variation was 0.18% strongly supported by analysis of the 28S alignment (1.00 (calculated for Paradysderina vlad Platnick & Dupérré, Posterior Probability (PP), 54.6 ML, 93 MP, El. Suppl. 2011, Neotrops waorani Grismado & Ramirez, 2013, Fig. S1) and the combined 18S-28S alignment (1.00 PP, Heteroonops spinimanus Platnick & Dupérré, 2009, Or- 96 ML, 70.5 MP, Fig. 3). The latter is in contrast with chestina communis Henrard & Jocqué, 2012, Tapines- the less consistent results based on the 18S alignments, this inermis and Brignolia kapit Platnick et al., 2011). which contained a higher number of oonopid genera (37 Intrageneric 18S sequence variation within 20 oonopid versus 27). Within all analyses based on both structural genera was on average 1.8%, which was much higher and MAFFT 18S alignments, monophyly of Oonopidae than within one dysderid genus (Dysdera Latreille, 1804: was not recovered. However, BI analyses consistently 0.5%) and the two segestriid genera (Segestria Latreille, produced trees with a well-supported polytomous clade 1804: 0.6%, Ariadna Audouin, 1826: 0.2%) (El. Suppl. containing all taxa representing Oonopidae, Dysderidae Table S1). In general, 18S sequence variation across all and Orsolobidae (Fig. 2). Within this clade the majority oonopid specimens was high (average 6.4%, El. Suppl. of the Oonopidae genera were recovered as a monophy- Table S1). The 28S-rRNA dataset contained 64 taxa re­ letic group but with weak support (MAFFT: 0.72 PP, presenting 27 oonopid genera. Gblocks eliminated 13% Structural: 0.63 PP), Dysderidae monophyly was robustly of the 28S alignment resulting in a partial 28S fragment, supported (PP = 1) while in contrast the orsolobids (Orso- which was on average 959 nt long and had an average lobus Simon, 1893 and Duripelta Forster, 1956) were not GC content of 59%. Intraspecific (calculated for Neo- monophyletic and varied in their phylogenetic position trops waorani, Tapinesthis inermis, Brignolia kapit) and depending on the type of alignment and the analysis type. intrageneric variation was on average 0.2% and 5.3% re- The latter was also observed for a small set of soft-bodied spectively (El. Suppl. Table S1). The 28S alignment com- oonopid genera (Birabenella, Heteroonops and Oono­ prised 974 positions, of which 497 were variable (421 poi­des) and the genus Stenoonops Simon, 1891. More parsimony informative sites). The combined 18S-28S precisely, the BI based on the structural 18S alignment dataset contained 57 taxa (27 oonopid genera) and 2752 taking into account the secondary structure reconstructs characters of which 1024 were variable (801 parsimony a tree in which the genera Birabenella, Heteroonops and informative). Oono­poides are monophyletic (0.97 PP) and placed as a sister clade of Orsolobus pucara Forster & Platnick, 1985 although with very weak support (0.54 PP, Fig. 2). The BI based on the MAFFT 18S alignment placed He­ 3.2. Molecular phylogenetics teroonops and Oonopoides within a well-supported clade containing the majority of the Oonopidae (0.96 PP) while Birabenella and Stenoonops were placed more as a sister Evolutionary history was reconstructed by means of BI, clade of Duripelta borealis (tree not shown). The phylo- ML and MP carried out on the structural and MAFFT 18S genetic position of Heteroonops and Oonopoides within alignment (Fig. 2), 28S alignment (El. Suppl. Fig. S1) a well-supported clade containing the majority of the and the combined 18S-28S alignment (Fig. 3). For each Oonopidae is also recovered in the 28S phylogeny (El. of these different alignments, all three analysis types (i.e. Suppl. Fig. S1). BI, ML and MP) resolved consistently similar clades of species groups within the Oonopidae, however, the de- gree of resolution varied with BI analyses tending toward 3.2.2. Intrafamilial relationships in Oonopidae more resolution and MP analyses toward less. Higher- level relationships were more difficult to resolve based Almost all oonopid genera of which more than one on each gene separately. In contrast, different analysis specimen was included in the analyses were recovered types on the combined 18S-28S alignment resolved con- consistently as monophyletic although five exceptions sistently the same higher-level relationships. are observed, i.e. specimens of the genera Silhouettella One possible drawback of ribosomal DNA genes is the Benoit, 1979, Opopaea Simon, 1891, Paradysderina, possibility of amplification of paralogous copies which A­schnaoonops and Unicorn. The genus Orchestina is might confound phylogenetic reconstruction (Murphy et well represented in the 18S analysis by 16 specimens al. 2006; Vink 2013; Vink et al. 2011). The consistent sampled at different continental regions. Within this phylogenetic results among the two rRNA-gene trees, the genus two well-supported clades are observed. Within absence of uninterpretable sequence chromatograms, the the first clade two specimens sampled in Asia (Singa- absence of multiple PCR bands and of long-branch at- pore) form a distinct group separated from specimens traction currently suggest no indication of the presence from Africa (Congo & Cameroon). The second clade of paralogous copies in these datasets. Nonetheless, the contains specimens sampled in Africa (Congo & South possibility of paralogy should still be kept in mind and Africa) and South America (Argentina, Chile & Ecua- future comparison with additional genes is encouraged. dor). Interestingly, O. pa­vesiiformis Saaristo, 2007 sam-


Fig. 2. Phylogeny of Oonopidae and related families based on the 18S se- quence data. Majority rule consensus Bayesian tree is shown. Squares at nodes indicate per column the analy- sis method (BI: Bayesian Inference, ML: Maximum Likelihood, MP: Ma­ xi­mum Parsimony) and per line the type of alignment (18S structural, 18S MAFFT). Colours of squares re­pre­ sent bootstrap values as following: strong support (black: BI ≥ 0.95; ML, MP ≥ 0.70), moderate support (grey: 0.75 ≤ BI < 0.95; 0.60 ≤ ML < 0.70; 0.50 < MP < 0.70), weak sup­ port (white: 0.50 < BI < 0.75; 0.50 < MP, ML < 0.60) and no support (square with diagonal line).

0.05 expected changes per site

185 de Busschere et al.: Phylogeny of Oonopidae spiders pled in Argentina is more similar in its 18S sequence 4. Discussion to O. fannesi Henrard & Jocqué, 2012 stemming from South Africa than to Orchestina specimens sampled in South America. The genus Opopaea is also represented by several specimens (7) stemming from different sam- 4.1. Monophyly and internal phylogeny pling locations. Within Opopaea, specimens from Aus- of the Oonopidae tralia (Queensland) form a well-supported group clearly differentiated from the remaining specimens sampled in Africa and the Galápagos that are, in contrast, very 28S and combined 18S-28S data support the hypothesis similar in 18S sequences. 18S sequences from different that Oonopidae are monophyletic. Similarly, 18S weakly specimens of Triaeris Simon, 1891 sampled at different supports a clade containing the majority of the oonopid locations show no variation. genera with exception of four genera. One of these gen- A number of genus groups within the Oonopidae are era is the soft-bodied genus Birabenella which is consist- consistently resolved across genes and analysis types ently placed outside the clade containing the majority of (Figs. 2 – 4). Several of these genus groups are congru- the Oonopidae genera across the type of alignment used ent with currently defined morphological groups. More in the BI. In contrast, the phylogenetic position of Het- precisely we found strong support for the monophyly eroonops, Oonopoides and Stenoonops varies across the of the following groups: 1) all specimens of the Dysde- type of alignment used in the BI. For Heteroonops and rina-group, 2) the two Sulsulinae genera, 3) Opopaea Oonopoides a similar phylogenetic position in the 28S and Brignolia, 4) Cavisternum Baehr, Harvey & Smith, phylogeny in comparison with the BI based on the 18S 2010 and Xyphinus Simon, 1893 and 5) Heteroonops MAFFT alignment was observed supporting the position and Oonopoides across both genes. Based on 18S to- of both genera within a clade containing the majority of pologies containing most taxa, we found strong support the Oonopidae (El. Suppl. Fig. S1). Regrettably, no 28S for the monophyly of the following groups: 1) all speci- sequences were obtained for Birabenella and Stenoonops mens belonging to the Zyngoonops-group and speci- excluding the comparison with the 18S results. However, mens of Triaeris, 2) genera belonging to the Pelicinus- it is interesting to note that Birabenella’s phylogenetic group, 3) Lucetia Dumitrescu & Georgescu, 1983 and position is in agreement with its plesiomorphic traits Melchisedec­ Fannes, 2010 and 4) a clade including such as unipectinate claws and visible seminal ducts Opopaea­ , Brignolia, Prethopalpus Baehr et al., 2012, (Grismado 2010). Cavi­ sternum­ and Xyphinus. In contrast, specimens of When Simon (1890) established the family of the the Scaphiella-group were not recovered as monophyl- Oonopidae, he classified the genera based upon the de- etic but as two distinct monophyletic groups including gree of body sclerotisation into either armoured “lori- 1) Niarchos Platnick & Dupérré, 2010 and Scaphios cati”, with abdominal scuta, or soft-bodied “molles” Plat­nick & Dupérré, 2010 and 2) Escaphiella Platnick lacking scuta (Simon 1890). Recent work states that the & Dupérré, 2009 and Scaphiella Simon, 1891 respec- soft-bodied oonopids almost certainly are not monophy- tively. A clear distinction between armoured versus letic (Platnick & Dupérré 2010b; Platnick et al. 2012), soft-bodied Oonopidae was not recovered. However, while in contrast, Platnick et al. (2012) suggested that soft-bodied Oonopidae were placed more basal within armoured oonopids might constitute a monophyletic the Oonopidae.­ group. Although both 18S and 28S topologies do not support the monophyly of these informal morphological groups, it is interesting to note that most soft-bodied gen- 3.2.3. Higher-level relationships era included in this study were placed more basal within the Oonopidae. This phylogenetic pattern supports a low This study allows a preliminary insight in the phyloge- degree of body sclerotisation as a plesiomorphic trait netic relationships among families currently placed with- while a higher degree of body sclerotisation seems a de- in the superfamily of the Dysderoidea. Across all align- rived trait among Oonopidae. Moreover, the 28S results ments, monophyly of Dysderoidea sensu Griswold et al. are in agreement with previous work that hypothesized (2012) is not recovered. However, we found strong sup- that Orchestina and the Sulsulinae are among the most port for the monophyly of a group containing Oonopidae, primitive oonopids (Platnick et al. 2012). Orsolobidae, Segestriidae and Dysderidae based on the 18S dataset (Fig. 2) and for a clade containing Oonopi- dae, Orsolobidae and Dysderidae based on the 28S and 4.1.1. Orchestininae concatenated datasets (Fig. 3, El. Suppl. Fig. S1). The monophyly of Dysderidae is supported across genes and Within this study the subfamilies Sulsulinae and Orches- analysis types. In contrast, neither Segestriidae nor Orso- tininae are well supported. Interestingly, Afrotropical lobidae were found to be monophyletic based on the cur- Orchestina species are not recovered as a monophyletic rent data sets. Moreover, our phylogenies do not support group. However, it should be noted that this is the first a placement of Trogloraptoridae within the Dysderoidea analysis that includes Orchestina members of different (Figs. 2, 3, El. Suppl. Fig. S1). continents, something that was not tested in the phy­


Fig. 3. Phylogeny of Oonopidae and related families based on the concat- enated 28S and 18S sequence data. Majority rule consensus Bayesian tree is shown. Squares at nodes indicate the analysis method (BI: Bayesian Inference, ML: Maximum Likeli- hood, MP: Maximum Parsimony). Colours of squares represent boot- strap values as following: strong sup­­­port (black: BI ≥ 0.95; ML, MP ≥ 0.70), moderate support (grey: 0.75 ≤ BI < 0.95; 0.60 ≤ ML < 0.70; 0.50 < MP < 0.70), weak support (white: 0.50 < BI < 0.75; 0.50 < MP, ML < 0.60) and no support (square with di- agonal line).

0.2 expected changes per site

logeny of Henrard & Jocqué (2012). Within a first clade, Other known Asian species – e.g. Orchestina truncatula Asian species studied here are placed together with Afro- (Tong & Li 2011), O. justini (Saaristo 2001) – also ap- tropical species belonging to the macrofoliata-group as pear to have these special setae on the labium as well defined by Henrard & Jocqué (2012). Personal observa- as other characters diagnostic of the marcofoliata-group. tions (HA) of these (undescribed) Asian species confirm Furthermore, the results remarkably support two sub- the presence of modified labial setae that are characteris- groups within the macrofoliata-group (cf. “brown clade” tic for the macrofoliata-group (Henrard & Jocqué 2012). and “orange clade”, see Henrard & Jocqué 2012).

187 de Busschere et al.: Phylogeny of Oonopidae spiders

Although the macrofoliata-group is not supported as an sal abdominal scutum is large, but in females it is greatly exclusively African clade, the concept of the group by it- reduced or absent (Platnick & Dupérré 2011a,b; the ge- self is still well supported by particular characters that are nus Semidysderina Platnick & Dupérré, 2011, not includ- not present in the South American members and by the ed in this study, shows a similar sexual dimophism). In current results of the molecular data. The second clade our analysis, Paradysderina is paraphyletic with respect contains both South American species and Afrotropical to Scaphidysderina, suggesting that these generic names species. These species share the presence of a posterior may be synonyms. However, more extensive phyloge- plate-shaped sclerite in the female genitalia (see Burger netic studies are needed before any firm conclusion can et al. 2010), a character that typifies to some species of be drawn. In most Paradysderina and Scaphidysderina the probosciformis-group. However, the African group in species, the females lack any trace of a dorsal scutum. this clade, represented here only by O. fannesi and O. However, females of P. fusiscuta Platnick & Dupérré, saaristoi (members of the “green group” in Henrard & 2011 and S. scutata Platnick & Dupérré, 2011 appear to Jocqué 2012) is perhaps the more ambiguous of all, given have a small dorsal scutum at the anterior part of the ab- the low support obtained by Henrard & Jocqué (2012) domen (Platnick & Dupérré 2011a,b). Interestingly, our and because it shares some of its own characters with study casts doubt on the monophyly of Aschnaoonops. many other species of the world. This idea is supported This genus contains 40 species and is widely distributed by the molecular analysis in which the South American in northern South America and the (Platnick species seem to emerge as a related group of that Afri- et al. 2013). The present analysis includes only three spe- can clade. Interestingly, O. fannesi (known from South cies of Aschnaoonops, all from Ecuador, but even this Africa) appears to be more similar to O. pavesiiformis small, geographically restricted sample is not recovered (from Argentina, probably introduced from Europe, un- as monophyletic (Fig. 2). On the basis of similarities in published data) in 18S sequence variation than to O. male genital morphology, Platnick et al. (2013) have saaristoi. These results are in agreement with Henrard suggested that Bidysderina is more closely related to & Jocqué (2012) who concluded that the position of O. Dysderina than to Aschnaoonops. However, in the pre- saaristoi within the clade containing O. fannesi and O. sent analysis, B. perdido is closer to A. cosanga than to lanceolata Henrard & Jocqué, 2012 was questionable. In D. tiputini (Figs. 2, 3). addition, O. fannesi and O. pavesiiformis (pers. obs. HA) share the type of male palpal tibia that is less strongly swollen than that of O. saaristoi as well as the two bris- 4.1.3. The Zyngoonops-, Pelicinus-, Scaphiella-, tles emerging from a tubular projection near the anterior and Stenoonops-groups margin of the labium (Henrard & Jocqué 2012). The SEM illustrations of Saaristo & Marusik (2004), cor- The Zyngoonops-group is strongly supported in both the roborated by own observations (HA), show similar struc- 18S and concatenated analyses, not surprising, given that tures for O. pavesii that are clearly absent in O. saaristoi. there is considerable morphological evidence for mono- In conclusion, this group of species seems to be more phyly (Fannes 2013). The monophyly of the Pelicinus- heterogeneous than those from macrofoliata, with some group is supported by the 18S data, but in the concat- widespread characters that seem to be not exclusive of enated analysis the genera Pelicinus and Silhouettella are a particular fauna. In contrast, the macrofoliata-group not placed as sister taxa (Fig. 3). Our current data provide seems to be a more homogeneous group that shares sev- little support for the Scaphiella-group. The proposed eral conspicuous morphological characters restricted to sister relationship between Scaphiella and Escaphiella some species from Africa and South Asia. However, fu- (Platnick & Dupérré 2009a) is confirmed, as is the sister ture studies on the genus Orchestina from other regions relationship between Niarchos and Scaphios (Platnick & (e.g. Europe, Australia) should test this hypothesis. Dupérré 2010a), but the four genera are not recovered as a clade (Fig. 2). Future inclusion of the remaining gen- era (Pescennina and Simlops) may improve the support 4.1.2. The Dysderina-group for the Scaphiella-group. The Stenoonops-group is re­ presented in this study by Stenoonops and Australoonops The monophyly of the Dysderina-group is corroborated, which were not recovered as sister taxa (Fig. 2). Platnick and Neoxyphinus Birabén, 1953 is recovered as sister to & Dupérré (2010b) hypothesized a close relationship be- a clade with all other taxa in the Dysderina-group. The tween these genera, but as only a few species could be other genera are divided in two clades, one comprising examined by scanning electron microscopy, they cau- Paradysderina and Scaphidysderina Platnick & Du- tioned that ‘this hypothesis remains poorly tested’. pérré, 2011, the other comprising Dysderina and its al- lies (Aschnaoonops, Bidysderina Platnick et al., 2013, Tridysderina Platnick, Berniker & Bonaldo, 2013, and 4.1.4. The Opopaea-group Tinadysderina Platnick, Berniker & Bonaldo, 2013; Figs. 2, 3). The close relationship between Paradysderina and The genus Opopaea is one of the most species rich and Scaphidysderina is not surprising. These genera share an widely distributed oonopid genera (Platnick & Dupérré unusual instance of sexual dimorphism: in males the dor- 2009b). Males of Opopaea have a greatly enlarged pal-


Fig. 4. Summary phylogeny of Oono­ ­ pidae highlighting congruence among morphological group annotations, se- quence data and inferences. Topology­ is based on majority rule Bayesian­ consensus tree of 18S-RNA struc- tural alignment. Squares at nodes indicate per column the data parti- tion (18S structural, 18S MAFFT, 28S, 18S-28S alignment) and per line the analysis method (BI: Bayesian­ Inference, ML: Maximum Likeli­ hood, MP: Maximum Parsimony). Black squares indicate that the clade was recovered in the majority rule con­sensus tree of the given analy- sis, white squares indicate that the clade was not recovered and squares with diagonal line indicate that the clade was not tested due to missing se­quence data for one or fewer taxa from the clade. Taxa with diamonds are classified as soft-bodied Oonopi- dae. WFAA refers to the undescribed genera belonging to the Zyngoonops- group.

pal patella that originates subbasally or medially from the al. 2012). Nevertheless although our results should be in- femur (Platnick & Dupérré 2009b; Baehr 2011; Bae- terpreted with caution given the relatively modest taxon hr et al. 2013). Males of Prethopalpus, Malagiella and sampling, our sequence data do not support a placement Camptoscaphiella (the latter two are not included in this of Trogloraptoridae within the Dysderoidea as proposed study) share this feature with Opopaea. Females of Opo- by Griswold et al. (2012). In contrast we found good paea can be morphologically confused with members of support for the grouping of the Oonopidae, Orsolobidae, the genera Brignolia. Hence, it is not surprising that both Segestriidae and Dysderidae thus excluding Troglorap- 18S and 28S topologies recovered a strong monophyl- toridae from this natural group. etic support for Opopaea and Brignolia and that a well- supported clade consisting of Brignolia, Opopaea, and Prethopalpus was recovered in the 18S phylogeny. 5. Conclusion

4.2. Dysderoidea

This study reports the first sequence data and most Our dataset allows us to obtain preliminary insights into comprehensive phylogeny including a wide array of the higher-level phylogenetic relationships within the su- oonopid genera in combination with representatives of perfamily of the Dysderoidea consisting of the Oonopi- the superfamily Dysderoidea. At present we suggest that dae, Orsolobidae, Segestriidae and Dysderidae. The re- the majority of the oonopid genera constitute a natural cently described family Trogloraptoridae has been sug- group and we highlight the need for future inclusion of gested to be a member of the Dysderoidea (Griswold et remaining genera before drawing firm conclusions on the

189 de Busschere et al.: Phylogeny of Oonopidae spiders

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(Uni­versity of Coimbra), D. Andriamalala and G. Hormiga (The Dereeper A., Guignon V., Blanc G., et al. 2008. Phylogeny.fr: ro- George Washington University), C. Griswold (California Academy bust phylogenetic analysis for the non-specialist. – Nucleic Ac- of Sciences), K. Edward (Western Australian Museum), Y. Kranz- ids Research 36: 465 – 469. Bal­ten­sperger (Natural History Museum Bern), M. Izquierdo (Mu- Dunlop J.A., Penney D., Jekel D. 2012. A summary list of fossil seo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales), N. Ferretti (Universidad Na- spiders and their relatives. The World Spider Catalog, version tional de la Plata), P. Jäger (Senckenberg), N. Platnick (American 12.5. – Online at http://research.amnh.org/entomology/spiders/ Museum of Natural History), M. Ramírez and C. Grismado (Mu- catalog/index.html. seo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales), S. Danflous (Conservatoire Fannes W. 2012. Systematics and Phylogeny of Zyngoonoid Gob- d’espaces naturels de Midi-Pyrénées), N. Scharff (University of Co­ lin Spiders (Araneae, Oonopidae). – Department of Biology. pen­hagen). We would like to thank the two anonymous reviewers Leu­ven, KU Leuven. PhD dissertation. 279 pp. and editor for their suggestions. Ultimately, we gratefully acknow­ Fannes W. 2013. The goblin spider genus Zyngoonops (Araneae, ledge Matías Izquierdo, Norman Platnick, Cristian Grismado and Oonopidae), with notes on related taxa. – Bulletin of the Amer- Gus­tavo Hormiga for their useful remarks. This paper is publication ican Museum of Natural History 379: 117. BRC 305 of the Biodiversity Research Center (Université catholi­ ­ Fannes W., De Bakker D., Loosveldt K., Jocqué R. 2008. Esti- que de Louvain). The authors have no conflict of interest to declare. mating the diversity of arboreal oonopid spider assemblages (Araneae, Oonopidae) at Afrotropical sites. – Journal of Arach- nology 36(2): 322 – 330. Forster R.R., Platnick N.I. 1985. A review of the austral spider 7. 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Fig. S1. Phylogeny of Oonopidae and related families based on 28S sequence data. Majority rule consensus Bayesian tree is shown. Squares represent bootstrap values of BI, ML and MP analyses respectively with strong support (black: BI ≥ 0.95; ML, MP ≥ 0.70), moderate support (grey: 0.75 ≤ BI < 0.95; 0.60 ≤ ML, MP < 0.70), weak support (white: 0.50 < BI < 0.75; 0.50 < MP, ML < 0.60) and no support (square with diagonal line). Table S1. Estimates of average evolutionary divergence calculated as the number of base differences per site averaging over all sequence pairs within each species, genus and family in MEGA5 (TAMURA et.al. 2011, option: pairwise deletion).

18S 28S taxa p taxa p Paradysderina vlad 2 0.002 Orchestina communis 2 0.008 Neotrops waorani 2 0.001 2 0.005 Heteroonops spinimanus 2 0.000 2 0 Brignolia kapit 3 0 3 0.001 Tapinesthis inermis 2 0 2 0.002 Oonops 2 0.019 3 0 Orchestina 16 0.039 5 0.074 Tridysderina 3 0.006 3 0.010 Paradysderina 5 0.016 4 0.044 Scaphidysderina 2 0.017 2 0.052 Opopaea 7 0.012 5 0.017 Xyphinus 3 0.030 2 0.063 Ischnothyreus 4 0.029 2 0.125 Neotrops 6 0.022 4 0.071 Scaphiella 2 0.028 4 0.130 Escaphiella 4 0.012 Niarchos 2 0.037 Scaphios 2 0.022 Lucetia 2 0.004 Silhouttella 2 0.051 Aschnaoonops 3 0.012 Australoonops 2 0.005 Birabenella 2 0.007 Melchisedec 2 0.013 Unicorn 2 0.006 Triaeris 4 0.000 Brignolia 3 0.000 3 0 Dysdera 3 0.005 Ariadna 3 0.002 2 0.016 Segestria 2 0.006 Dysderidae 7 0.008 Segestriidae 5 0.007 Filistatidae 2 0.010 Oonopidae 102 0.064 57 0.119