March 08,1880
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PORTLAND% DAILY PRESS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 18G2.---VOL. 17. PORTLAND, MONDAY MORNING, MARCH 8, 1880. ίΕ?Κ»"ίΚ! TERMS $8.<M> PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, WANTS. TRADE CIRCULAR. MISCELLANEOUS. EDUCATIONAL. THE [Ν. Υ. Times.] Published every dcy (Sundays excepted) by the PRESS. Dr. Garcelon's Grief. PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO., Wanted. OFORGE A. The result of the late LIBBY, MONDAY municipal elections in and a in MORNING· MARCH 8. At 109 Exchange St., Portland. board, by lady strictly private RETAIL TRADE Maine shows that the people of that State are KOOMfamily, must be nice people, and location. good Teacher of the sank in IY.rmh : Eight Dollars a Year. To mail subscrib- Address, G. L. B. Press Office. marOdlw* Organ, the mire of tyranny. This figure may- 358 We do not read anonymous letters and communi- er s Seven Dollars a if in advance. MIDDLE STREET. Year, paid nel be a mixed one ; but as it is taken from a Demo- dly cations. The name and address of the writer are in cratic newspaper, it is to the occa- THE ΜΛΙλτΓδΤΑΤΕ PRESS Wanted. all cases indispensable, not necessarily for publica- applicable OF Instruction in and sion. It is well known that the late GIRL to into tbe live miles from PORTLAND, ME., English Class- tion but as a guaranty of faith. Governor s published every Tdursday Morning at $2.60 a go country, Caution. good It if> a to take care Address n to those who use fact lha: of the Dr. Alonzo year, if paid in advance at §2.00 a year. A Portland, of children. A oril plaster*. universally acknowledged ical Studies. e cannot undertake to return or preserve com- State, Garcelon, so justly P. O. Box references, and 1679, Portland, giving are not famed for his crusade Given to munications taat used. against gum-chewing, Rat ε η οι Advertising: One inch of space, the stating where you may be seen. mar3d3t* Porous Plasters Are To All Others. private pupils by the subscriber. Benson's Superior was of constitutes a Capcine actuated by the highest and noblest im- length column, "square." a number of to make and im- 75 cen*s The great demand for them lias caused unscrupulous parties sell worthless §1.50 per square, daily first week; 2>er House Wanted. Evkky regular attaché of the Pkkhs is furnished pulses when he counted out a majority of Re- week after; three insertions or less, $1.00; continu- tations under the name of Capsicum or Capsicin. As the market is flooded with inferior plasters selling J. W. the upper part of the a desirable rent, in a The Trade is COLCOIID, with a Card certiticate who had been elected to every other day after first week, 50 cents. city following Circular respect- signed by Stanley Pullen, publicans the Legisla- ng IN good Address with price per. at any price it is for the consumer to know which is the best It is well known that some of the Half square, three insertions or less, 75 cents; neighborhood. the Re- important Editor. All steamboat and hote manager* and counted in a of year, BOX. 1984. Portland. fe28dtf fully presented by undersigned railway, ture, majority Democrats one $1.00: GO cents per week after. have been examined and found to contain injurious which make them 143 Pearl Street. week, tail Houses of Portland, with a view to cheap plasters ingredients dangerou will confer a favor upon us by demanding credential!» and Special Notices, one-third additional. jan24 dtf Greenbackers who had not been elected. "Amusements" and "Auction show the extent and variety of art icles to use, causing paralysis and other diseases. of every person claiming to represent our journal. Under head of Wanted. Devoted to tl|& Constitution of our fathers, and $2.00 per week; three inser- handled, and the names of those NEAKI BV Λ New York. PRICE CT8. Sales," per square by a man having a good knowledge large JOHNSON, Pharmaceutical Chemists, «5 with his tions or $1.50. dealers who make this weather-eye serenely fixed upon the less, SITUATIONof the grocery and flour business, and is well City the best I'AUITION.—See that the word on eacb is CITY ADVERTISEMENTS Advertisements inserted in the "Maine State CAPCINE plaster correctly spelled. THE LIST. office of acquainted in middle and eastern Maine. Would market and trade centre for the eod&wlro BLACK Superintendent of the State Insane Pit ess" has a circulation in every part people (which large travel or work on stock. Inquire of DBERING, for for first of Maine. Here is the list in black letters men Asylum, Dr. Garcelon proceeded to doctor the of the State), §1.00 per square insertion, MILLIKEN & CO. fe24d2w* CITY OF PORTLAND. of the and 50 cents per square for each subsequent inser- election returms "according to the Con- tion. is hereby given that I shall in who, by au unhappy accident being in to WANTED. not publish, stitution and the laws." There was some Address all communications tjyParties prepared to visit Port- NOTICEaccorilancc with an ordinance of the City, on the Oth important official positions, PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. 100 Heus of tlie land, may order goads from the follow- TUESDAY, day of March next, a list of deliberately opposition to this statesmanlike course. following Breeds; all the taxes assessed residents ing classiiications with perfect reliance ATARRHINE, upon amounting to abused their the laws which There were who affirmed that the or Leghorns, Plymouth Rocks Braliinas, twenty dollars and then un- trust, perverted people that their orders will be at- upwards, remaining in for 250 Standard promptly paid in the bills commited to me for the failuro to dot an or cross a I should not 1» ENTERTAINMENTS. exchange Apple A SAIPB, SSTTIFLE, speedy remedy ye«>r 1879. it was their sworn to execute and tended to. Satisfaction guaranteed or together with the names of the assessed duty justly Trees. None but good stock wanted. persons used to defeat the will of the voters as ex- refunded. therefor. H. W. II ERSE List of trees sent 011 Ad- money Y, to their spirit and in- application. Treasurer and Collector. impartially according pressed at the ballot-box. As if the technical- THERE WILL BE A dress P. 0. BOX 134, Saccaranpa, -FOR— Portland, Feb. 28,1880. feb28dtd TOOLS, HOUSE tent, who sought by wicked trickery to ities of law were not of more account than the Maine. Α«ίΒΙ('υΐ/ΙΓΙΙΒΑΙ.Furnishing Goods, Plant Stands, Bulbs, &c, political and wishes of the a mar4 dGt WM. C. SAWYER & CO.. 22 Market Square thwart the will of the people as expressed at opinions people of State. When and Κ 3SEC1AIV WATCHES, Diauioutl suspicious mischief-making as Clc rit the polls and who not only dis- Situation Wanted. Aifl Jewelry un«I Silverware. brought men, who were afraid that Dr. Garcelon would CHAS. 11. 201 Middle street a or some LAMSON, k CATARRH. themselves but smirched the LEAP YEAR PARTY gentleman from Scotland, place grace upon throw out election returns to elect his politi- BY where he can make himself useful. Good Drug», Faint*, Oil*, fair fame of the State whose cal friends waited on him to ask him what he AND EXHIBITION OF writer and capable of keeping books. Would do APOTHGOABIEM;Ajgts. Pratt's Astral Oil. officials they ipying. Salary no object, but want something t ο W. W. WHIPPLE & CO., 21 Market CATARRH was to do, he smote his chest and Square CATARRH, unfortunately were. Their names and nlaces· manly said do.». Address G. H., Press Oflice. mli4 Devclopcï a Deadly Drug*. Medicines, that he would do right though the heavens Toilet Articles & Poisoi# in the APOTHECARY; Druggists' Sundries. Head should be known of all men that they should fall. He would GEO. C. Cor. A Franklin Sts strictly obey the Con- FRYE, Congress which saturates the It* left to run its courge, LOST AND FOUND. may receive the just punishment of being stitution and the laws. Chafing under the un- and km carried SOON DESTROYS Toilet Articles &c. breath, deserved censure of Fancy Skating APOTHECARIEHfCheiuicalH,Imported Perfumes, Soaps, as infamous all citizens Republican newspapers, FRED T. MEAHER & 473 St to the Lungs, Kowiug the SOFT TISSUES regarded by good AT CO., Congress which charged him with consuiracv and theft. Lost. A RT PHOTOGRAPHY. the seeds of CONSU VI P- OF THE NOSE AND and that the learn rising generation may by anil the a forgery, excellent Garcolon wrote let- ^\_Absolutely permanent Photographs specialty. of which it is a THROAT,affect* both ONYX LOCKET, one side rod the other Falmouth Hotel TEON, their the of wicked. ters to the New York black. The tinder will be by LAMSON, opposite. example folly being journals, defying his de- AN suitably rewarded fruitful cauNV. and Roller it Sight Hearing, tainers toshow Skating Hall, by leaving at 217 and 219 Commercial street. pïïôtôîîraphy, by To this list is the names of such where he had deviated ouo iota mar5 CON causes HAD BREATII appended dlw* Artistic ANT, CATAÏSKHIISE from the law and thu 478Vz St., Preble Ho us The Promoter and Pcrfeclor ot Ammîuiî- Constitution. According Congress opposite η Continual DROP· other men as have taken offices to which quickly clcauNeN and to his view of the the I?IATERIAIjS9 Architect*' A tation. case, people of Maine the l!Vn in the knew were not Picture Art Goods heals diseased Throat, they tlicy elected, and who stood and hut for a larch 10 ARTISTS'Engineers' Supplies, Frames, The Reformer autl Vitalizer of by him, few disappointed Wednesday Evening, $25.00 REWARD.