The Tinbergen Hueting Approach in the Economics of Ecological Survival
Munich Personal RePEc Archive The Tinbergen Hueting Approach in the Economics of Ecological Survival Colignatus, Thomas Samuel van Houten Genootschap 9 March 2009 Online at MPRA Paper No. 13899, posted 10 Mar 2009 05:47 UTC DRAFT The Tinbergen & Hueting Approach in the Economics of Ecological Survival Thomas Colignatus Samuel van Houten Genootschap 1 1st e ition, March ? 2009 Copyright ( Thomas H.A.M. Cool http://,,,. ata,, cool. ata, Colignatus is the preferre name of Thomas Cool in science. /a,ful e0ceptions e0clu e , nothing of this publication may be copie or publishe by means of print, photocopy, microfilm, electronics or other,ise, unless a ,ritten permit has been given by the la,ful o,ners of the copyright, an this also hol s for ,hole or partial re,or1ings. 2ehou ens uit3on ering oor e ,et gestel mag 3on er schrifteli41e toestemming van e rechthebben e5n6 op het auteursrecht niets uit e3e uitgave ,or en verveelvou ig en/of openbaar gemaa1t oor mi el van ru1, foto1opie, microfilm, electronica of an ers3ins, hetgeen oo1 van toepassing is op gehele of ge eelteli41e be,er1ing. Supporte by Samuel van Houten Genootschap 7etenschappeli41 bureau van het Sociaal /iberaal Forum Scientific bureau of the Social /iberal Forum http://,,,. ata, 8ublishe by IS2N 90- JE/ A00 Ne erlan se uniforme genre in eling 5NUGI6 681, 65A & 691 CI8-GEGEBENS CONINC/IJCE 2I2/IOTHEEC ES-GRABENHAGE 2 Contents in 2rief Introduction 7 Roefie Hueting and Sustainable National Income 11 The choice on sustainability: information or the meta-S F approach to a shift of preferences 14 The Old Man and the SNI.
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