THE INSTITUTION OF LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS, LONDON. Some French Train Services and Locomotive Performances. BY C. F. BURTT, Member, Lewes. With an abstract of the discussion upon the Paper. NINETEENTH PAPER (OF TRANSACTIONS). SESSION 1913. Read on Friday, October 3rd, 1913, at Caxton Hall, Yictoria Street, Westminster. Presided oYer by Mr. William A. Lelean, MJ.Mech.E., Yice-Chairman. LONDON : gnblisbeb bp tbe Institufion 1913. Price One Shilling and Sixpence net. Downloaded from at UNIV OF VIRGINIA on June 4, 2016 PAPER No. 19. Some French Train Services and Locomotive Performances. BY C. F. BURTT, Member, Lewes. In presenting this paper before the Institution, the author wishes to emphasisc the fact that it has not been written with a i.iew of criticising French practice-as that may be well left to the discussion-but with the idea 'ot bringing to the notice of the meeting the actual practice prevailing on the railways under consideration. To draw comparisons of the methods that prevail in one country with that of another is, in the opinion of the writer, hardly compatible with reason or justice, as the customs and requirements of one nation are frequently so entirely different from that of others. France is served by six great railway systems, each accommodating a \veil defined area which their names indi- cate; the Nord, Est, hlidi, Paris Lyon et M&ditterranCe, Paris a Orleans, and the Etat, tvhich latter serves a district situated between I3orde;iux in the west and Dieppe in the north. France is perhaps unique to the extent that being a country largely devoted to agricultural pursuits, it has few really very large towns besides Paris, Lille, Lyon, Mar- seille, Bordeaux and Nantes, and these are situated many miles apart, and in no instance excepting Bordeaux and Nantes do any two lincs serve the same district or even town of any importance from a competitive point of view.
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