Grand Teton Moose, Wyoming 83012 John D
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National Park P.O. Drawer 170 Grand Teton Moose, Wyoming 83012 John D. Rockefeller, Jr., Memorial Parkway 307 739-3300 Mammal-Finding Guide "Why do we so delight in the wild creatures of the forest, some of us so passionately that it colors our whole life?" —Wlldlife biologist Olaus Murie in Wapiti Wilderness. General Information Habitat Types The diversity of wildlife communities in Alpine Forests Grand Teton National Park and the John Wind and snow limit life above treeline From treeline to valley floor, forests provide D. Rockefeller, Jr., Memorial Parkway (about 10,000 feet). Some plants and cover and food for many mammal species. complements the spectacular scenery. animals have adapted to the harsh Lodgepole pines dominate, but forests also Part of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosys- conditions. Plants are mat-like, animals are contain firs, aspens and spruces. Look for tem, the two National Park Service areas few. Look for yellow-bellied marmots, pikas elk, mule deer, martens, red squirrels, black offer wildlife a variety of habitats. Each and bighorn sheep. bears and snowshoe hares. habitat must supply the basic needs of wildlife: food, water, cover and living Sagebrush Rivers, Lakes and Ponds space. Familiarity with the habitats and The most widespread habitat type in the Aquatic habitats and adjacent forests, habits of park and parkway wildlife results park, sagebrush flats occur on dry, porous marshes and meadows fulfill the needs of in increased viewing opportunities. soils. More than 100 species of grasses many forms of wildlife. Diverse and abun- and wildflowers grow along with abundant dant vegetation offers excellent food and sagebrush. Lack of cover makes large cover. Water is plentiful. Look for moose, animals conspicuous. Look for pronghorns, river otters, beavers, muskrats, coyotes, coyotes, bison, badgers, elk and Uinta bison and mule deer. ground squirrels. List of Mammals Insectivora (Insect-eaters) c Southern Red-backed Vole Procyonidae – Raccoon Family c Masked Shrew Sorex cinereus Clethrionomys gapperi r Raccoon Procyon lotor c Vagrant Shrew Sorex vagrans c Heather Vole Phenacomys r Dwarf Shrew Sorex nanus intermedius Artiodactyla (Even-toed Hooves) u Northern Water Shrew Sorex palustris a Meadow Vole Microtus pennsylvanicus Cervidae – Deer Family a Montane Vole Microtus montanus a Elk (wapiti) Cervus elaphus Chiroptera (Bats) u Long-tailed Vole Microtus longicaudus c Mule Deer Odocoileus hemionus c Little Brown Bat Myotis lucifugus c Richardson Vole Microtus richardsoni r White-tailed Deer Odocoileus virginianus u Long-eared Myotis Myotis evotis r Sagebrush Vole Lemmiscus curtatus a Moose Alces alces u Long-legged Myotis Myotis volans c Muskrat Ondatra zibethicus u Silver-haired Myotis Lasionycteris c Western Jumping Mouse Zappus Antilocapridae – Pronghorn Family noctivagans princeps c Pronghorn Antilocapra americana r Hoary Bat Lasiuris cinereus c Porcupine Erethizon dorsatum u Big Brown Bat Eptisicus fuscus Bovidae – Cattle Family Carnivora (Flesh-eaters) c Bison Bison bison Lagomorpha (Rabbits and Hares) Ursidae – Bear Family x Mountain Goat Oreamnos americanus c Pika Ochotona princeps c Black Bear Ursus americanus u Bighorn Sheep Ovis canadensis c Snowshoe Hare Lepus americanus u Grizzly Bear Ursos arctos u White-tailed Jackrabbit Lepus townsendii Canidae – Dog Family Key to Symbols a Coyote Canis latrans a – Abundant – likely to be seen in appropri- Rodentia (Gnawing Mammals) x Gray Wolf Canis lupus ate habitat and season. a Least Chipmunk Tamias minimus r Red Fox Vulpes vulpes c – Common – frequently seen in appropriate c Yellow Pine Chipmunk Eutamias habitat and season. amoenus Mustelidae – Weasel Family u – Uncommon – seen irregularly in appropri- u Uinta Chipmunk Tamias umbrinus c Marten Martes americana ate habitat and season. c Yellow-bellied Marmot Marmota u Short-tailed Weasel Mustela erminea r – Rare – unexpected even in appropriate flaviventris r Least Weasel Mustela nivalis habitat and season. a Uinta Ground Squirrel Spermophilus c Long-tailed Weasel Mustela frenata x – Accidental – out of known range, or armatus u Mink Mustela vison reported only once or twice. c Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel r Wolverine Gulo gulo ? – Questionable – verification unavailable. Spermophilus lateralis c Badger Taxidea taxus a Red Squirrel Tamasciurus hudsonicus u Striped Skunk Mephitis mephitis Abundance categories are based on the park u Northern Flying Squirrel Glaucomys c River Otter Lutra canadensis and parkway wildlife database, research sabrinus projects and observations by biologists and u Northern Pocket Gopher Thomomys Felidae – Cat Family naturalists. talpoides r Mountain Lion Felis concolor a Beaver Castor canadensis r Lynx Felis lynx a Deer Mouse Peromyscus maniculatus r Bobcat Felis rufus u Bushy-tailed Woodrat Neotoma cinerea Where to Look for Wildlife Northern Jackson Lake viewed from the back deck of Jackson Lake tion. Please park in turnouts or pull vehicle onto From Lizard Creek Campground for four miles Lodge and the Willow Flats Overlook, 1/4 mile the road shoulder while watching wildlife. south, Highway 89-191 follows the eastern south of the lodge. Shrubby willows provide shore of Jackson Lake. Several turnouts and browse for moose. In evening and early morn- Timbered Island two picnic areas provide vantage points for ing elk graze on grasses growing in large A forested ridge surrounded by sagebrush lies enjoying the view of the Teton Range across patches among willow stands. Beavers have southeast of Jenny Lake. Small bands of the lake and for wildlife watching. Along the created ponds by damming streams through- pronghorns, fastest North American land ani- lakeshore, aspen groves and colorful wild- out Willow Flats; beaver ponds also harbor mal, forage on sagebrush. Elk leave the shade flower meadows alternate with extensive co- muskrats and waterfowl. of the forest at dusk to eat grasses growing nifer forests. Lush meadows attract mule deer among the sagebrush. and elk, while the lake attracts American white Oxbow Bend pelicans, Canada geese and other waterfowl. A cut-off meander of the Snake River is one Snake River mile east of Jackson Lake Junction. Slow- From Jackson Lake Dam south, the riparian Colter Bay moving water provides habitat for fish such as area along the Snake River attracts a variety of The roads and trails in the Colter Bay area suckers and trout, which become food for river wildlife. Elk and bison graze in grassy mead- provide views of a wide array of mammals. otters, beavers (at dawn and dusk) and musk- ows along the river. Bison also eat grasses in Deer feed at the edge of conifer forests. Uinta rats. Moose browse on abundant willows at the sagebrush flats on the benches above the ground squirrels flourish in dry sagebrush the water’s edge. Elk occasionally graze in the river. Beavers and moose eat willows that line meadows, while red squirrels chatter inces- open aspen groves to the east. the waterway. santly from conifer forests. Alert observers catch occasional glimpses of snowshoe hares Teton Park Road from Signal Moun- Blacktail Ponds and martens in the conifer forests. Trails in the tain to South Jenny Lake This turnout is located 0.5 mile north of Moose Colter Bay area lead to ponds inhabited by Extensive sagebrush flats are interspersed on Highway 26-89-191. Old beaver ponds have beavers, muskrats, waterfowl and sometimes with stands of lodgepole pines and aspens. filled in and now support grassy meadows river otters; hiking may also provide views of Pronghorn gather in small groups in the flats where elk graze during cooler parts of the day. moose and elk. where they browse on sagebrush. At dawn Moose browse on willows growing along the and dusk look for elk grazing on grasses and river. Willow Flats wildflowers growing among the sagebrush. The extensive freshwater marsh between Bison occasionally may be found between Jackson Lake Dam and Colter Bay can be Signal Mountain and North Jenny Lake Junc- Hikes Hermitage Point Trail Cascade Canyon and Death Canyon Beavers thrive in numerous ponds, while Trails moose forage on succulent pond vegetation Look and listen for pika and marmots in and browse on willows. Deer and elk favor boulder fields along the trails. Moose open forests. browse on willows and other shrubs growing along creeks. Black bears frequent Two Ocean Lake and Emma Matilda both canyons. Mule deer are occasionally Lake Trails seen at canyon mouths. Numerous elk summer in this vicinity, feeding on meadow grasses during cooler Taggart Lake and Beaver Creek Bull moose (foreground), bull elk (center) and parts of the day; open forests provide refuge Trails buck mule deer (background). Males have for elk during hot summer days. Moose Willows growing along Beaver Creek antlers; females do not. Antlers are shed browse on willows growing along the provide food for moose. Elk graze on lush each year—in December and January for lakeshore. Mule deer, coyotes, black and grasses and deer browse on shrubs that moose, in late winter and early spring for elk grizzly bears, martens and red squirrels also proliferated since the area burned in 1985. and deer. frequent this area. Bears Black and grizzly bears live throughout the Avoid Encounters Aggressive Bears park and parkway and may be active any Make bears aware of your presence by If a bear approaches or charges you, do not time of the day or night. To learn the making loud noises like shouting or run. It will increase the chances of attack. differences between black and grizzly bears, singing. Be especially careful n dense Do not drop your pack; it may protect your consult the summer edition of the park brush or along streams whjere water body if attacked. Bears often "bluff charge," newspaper, the Teewinot. The following stopping before contact. Bear experts makes noise. Bells are not recom- guidelines are for your protection and for the generally recommend standing still until the preservation of bears, one of the true signs mended because the sound does not bear stops, then backing away slowly.