God Speed, Class of 2018

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God Speed, Class of 2018 FLORIDAWWW.THEFLORIDACATHOLIC.ORG | June 2018 Catholic MIAMI ARCHDIOCESE ARCHBISHOP ARCHBISHOP IMMACULATA- CARROLLTON SCHOOL COLEMAN CARROLL EDWARD MCCARTHY LASALLE OF THE SACRED HEART Valedictorian Salutatorian Valedictorian Salutatorian Valedictorian Salutatorian Valedictorian Valedictorian Ryan Alejandro Rebecca Matthew Maria del Shannon Gabriela Nathalie Cruz Camacho Zasloff Estenoz Rocio Velilla Mary Hurley Blanco Fuentes OUR LADY OF LOURDES God speed, BELEN JESUIT class of 2018 FLORIDA CATHOLIC STAFF Hispanic Scholars, 5 percent. Valedictorian Salutatorian r DPNNVOJUZTFSWJDFIPVST Valedictorian Salutatorian Claudia Evely MIAMI | The smiling faces all around completed. Andres Jorge Pichardo Forte Dones you are only part of the story of the class rDPNQMFUFEZFBSTPG$BUIPMJD Moscoso of 2018 in the Archdiocese of Miami. But CARDINAL GIBBONS FEVDBUJPOSFQSFTFOUJOHQFSDFOUPGUIF CHAMINADE-MADONNA even the numbers below — as impres- graduates of six schools that keep those sive as they are — don’t paint a com- statistics. God speed, class of 2018. Don’t plete picture. Numbers don’t convey the forget your roots. Hold on to your faith. hours of effort, the strength of character And continue to make your parents and or the depth of dedication of this year’s your Church proud. 3,062 graduates of the 12 Catholic high schools, and one virtual school, in the ST. THOMAS AQUINAS archdiocese. So keep that in mind as you read about some of their accom- Valedictorian Valedictorian plishments (inside) and peruse these Valedictorian Salutatorian Ethan Nicholas statistics. Julia Kimberley Todd Cabanillas r DPMMFHFCPVOE QFSDFOU Echemendia Wyse-Sookoo ST. BRENDAN r SFDFJWFETDIPMBSTIJQTGPSDPM- CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS MFHF QFSDFOU r TDIPMBSTIJQNPOFZSF- ceived. Valedictorian Salutatorian r/BUJPOBM.FSJU $PNNFOEFEPS Chad Zahra Cerutti Shivji MONSIGNOR EDWARD PACE Valedictorian Salutatorian Valedictorian Salutatorian Sophia Cristina Valentina Stefan Diego Acosta Espinoza Hengartner Ramos Summa Cum Laude Summa Cum Laude Summa Cum Laude Aleisha Grace Lazaro Fleurantin Li Alfonso 2 YOUR MIAMI COMMUNITY Florida Catholic June 2018 Peter Ordely and Ludny Desta of Fort Lauderdale do some of the work required of Camino participants during the May 5-6 weekend. Their Church wedding was scheduled to take place in June. (PHOTOS BY ROCÌO GRANADOS | FC) Camino: A love story preparation program, “has been a of marriage) retreat May 5-6, which More than 25,000 very beautiful experience.” NBSLFEUIFUIBOOJWFSTBSZPGUIF Camino volunteers Oliver and Nancy Castellanos dance during their They will get married in a few movement founded in Miami. presentation at the May 5-6 Camino, “Together Forever,” where they couples have months in her native Colombia. “The story of Camino is a story of shared their experiences as a married couple with engaged couples They had differing expectations love,” said Father Manny Alvarez, preparing for marriage in the Church. gone through the for the retreat, which is required for pastor of Immaculate Conception marriage in the Catholic Church, Parish in Hialeah, during the clos- “Without Camino this love rev- 25,000 COUPLES marriage prep Rodriguez said. But when listen- ing Mass of the Camino, which was olution wouldn’t exist. Without 'PSZFBST IVOESFETPGNBS- ing to the testimonies of the vari- attended by the couples making the these pioneers I would not exist, my ried couples who have gone program in 45 ous couples, “you begin to reflect retreat, their parents, and some of priesthood would not exist,” Father through Camino have shared their on things you didn’t ask yourself the movement’s founding couples. Alvarez said. experience of marriage with more years before.” Father Alvarez mentioned that He is the first son of “caminantes” than 25,000 young Hispanic cou- ROCÍO GRANADOS “Stories of love and suffering; he is the son of “caminantes,” or to become a priest. The second one, ples preparing for marriage in the of La Voz Católica staff how they managed to get up and walkers, as Camino participants are Father Matthew Gomez, was or- Church. The veterans help prepare move on and how to have a nice known. His parents went to the sec- dained May 12. the soon-to-be-wed for the realities marriage, that impressed us a lot,” ond Camino and he grew up with “The Church takes pride in mar- of married life. MIAMI | For Angélica Rodrí- said Fazzarella, a native of Brazil. the children of that small group, a riage,” Father Alvarez said, and “if “Here they say things the way guez and Philip Fazzarella, attend- He and his fiancée took part in the group that “began to make a revo- couples do not have God in the cen- they are,” said Jorge Alvarez, a ing Camino, the two-day marital 861st Camino del Matrimonio (way lution here in the archdiocese.” ter of their lives, there isn’t an au- Camino volunteer for 30 years. thentic love.” Marriage must be “a “They do not tell anyone that you total surrender to one another, and are going to find a paradise in your of both to Christ.” marriage. They tell you that you Summer Advertising Special Camino exists, he added, “to can be like me, 55 years of being For new advertisers! help them have a marriage that will married to the same woman, and last for a lifetime, not until they get bored.” PLEASE SEE CAMINO, 3 Looking to increase summer revenue? Take a look at our SUNsational deep discounted rates Contact us today! Valerie Casko Tim Shea Michael Carlock 407-373-0078 407-373-0085 C 407-373-0077 D D D FLORIDACatholic 11871-0621 June 2018 www.thefloridacatholic.org YOUR MIAMI COMMUNITY 3 Camino’s history: Laypeople saw a need ROCÍO GRANADOS Bosco Parish in Miami. But these together and she said, “We have to ple. “We met once a week to discuss parishes began sending couples, of La Voz Católica staff were massive events for about 300 name it because this is like a way, the talks we were going to give, how which is the way it works to this day. couples at a time. Jacomino wanted the way of marriage. I told her, we were going to organize it. For a Camino retreats have taken place MIAMI | Camino came to be in something more personalized, with ‘That’s exactly it.’” long time, we were the same couples at various Miami locations, begin- XIFOBMPDBM$BUIPMJD "MGSFEP work and study groups resembling 0O.BZ UIFGJSTUSFUSFBU giving the talks.” ning with Sts. Peter and Paul Par- Jacomino, noticed many couples those used in Cursillo. He shared took place. “I think it was like eight “Alfredito had an idea to create ish, St. Mary Cathedral, St. John who were about to marry but had no his idea with a group of couples who or 10 couples and they were the ones something different that did not ex- Vianney College Seminary, and Our idea what marriage was. Jacomino were also Cursillistas from Sts. Peter we had brought. I brought a cousin ist at that time,” said Conchita Agui- Lady of Perpetual Help Parish in felt called to do something. He was and Paul Parish in Miami, and to- who was going to get married in the lar, also part of a founding couple Opa Locka (which merged with St. already married and belonged to gether with their priest, Father Jorge Church,” said Jacomino. “It was a with her husband, Carlos. “We did +BNFTJO 'PSUIFMBTUZFBST the Cursillo movement. Gonzalez, and with support from group with a lot of hope, with a lot not know if it was really the answer or so, the retreats have been held at At the time, the only marriage then-Father Agustín Román — later of love.” to what society needed at that time. SEPI, the Southeast Pastoral Insti- prep in Spanish that existed in the Miami’s auxiliary bishop — they “It was very exciting because we "GUFSZFBST UIFIBOEPG(PEIBT tute in Miami. archdiocese was a Pre-Cana course created Camino. started from scratch,” said Emilita always been there.” To find out more, including the offered by the late Franciscan Fa- Mamucha Pelaez named it. Ja- Melian, who with her husband, After the firsts retreats, the pro- dates of upcoming retreats, visit ther Angel Villaronga at St. John comino remembers that they got Rene, were another founding cou- gram began to be known and the www.caminodelmatrimonio.org. Gary CAMINO Troyanowsky FROM 2 and Giovanna Soberon dance you can say that every day you must during one work at your marriage. Every day is of the talks different, all situations are differ- presented ent.” by veteran married After taking part in their own couples to Camino, he and his wife, Estrella, the engaged have guided and helped subsequent couples couples by serving as facilitators at taking part in the group discussions. He said be- the May 5-6 ing part of Camino has helped him Camino, in in his own marriage and to believe preparation more in the institution. Some of the founding couples of Camino pose for a photo with Father for a Church According to Camino’s statistics, Manny Alvarez, far left, pastor of Immaculate Conception Parish in wedding. POMZQFSDFOUPGUIFDPVQMFTXIP Hialeah, at the closing Mass of the 861st Camino May 5-6. They are take part in the retreat get divorced, holding the photograph of the couples who made the first Camino back think that the expectations have Pelaez. “In Camino, you always compared to 25 percent of couples in May 1973. Father Alvarez’s parents were among the engaged couples CFFOFYDFFEFE5PEBZUIFSFBSF work in couples. It is not a matter who don’t take part. who made the second Camino. (PHOTOS BY ROCÌO GRANADOS | FC) couples that even came all the way of giving a talk and being done. It is “The main idea is for there not from Broward,” said Jacomino of about trying to actually make (mar- to be any divorces, that they get the ments, home finances, and natural years ago.
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