THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES THE “KINTYRE” FILES - 02b - 1768 to 1995 An online search of the files related to Kintyre, the steamers and services on the Clyde and West Highlands and the files related to Knapdale and Kilberry produced nearly 7,000 results, the main problem being that these files, presented online in tabled batches of ten, need to be ‘re-tabled’ so that they can be presented in chronological order, a long and time-consuming process. Though the results of the ‘re-tabling’ process are not ‘pleasing to the eye’, the successive addition of ‘re-edited’ tables distorting the widths of individual columns and Microsoft Word programs steadfastly refusing to correct the columns widths to uniform widths, it remains that the work(s) are at least ‘serviceable’ in that, probably for the first time, the user can gain any proper historical view of ‘Kintyre On Record’, from the 1300’s onwards to at least the 1990’s. Not helping in these mateers of ‘uniformity’ is the fact that, any additional detail found on the files, that seen if one clicks on the file references, has been added to the file entries, rather than require users to do this for themselves and the detail, at a glance, often suggests to the user that it is worthwhile actually going to Edinburgh to further explore particular files. The original idea had been to list all 7,000 ‘Kintyre-related’ files in a single document but, in view of the results of processing the first ‘Kintyre-related’ file, a single such document might run well in excess of 1,500-pages and, because of its size, bebe unlikely not only to upload to the internet but too be impossible for those with slow, ‘dial-up’ internet connections, bebe impossible to download too.
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