HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF SUHRA WARDI ORDER IN KASHMIR Dissertation SUBMITTED FOR THE AWARD OF TliE DEGREE OF Master of Pliilosopiiy Pi t Of <f. ff Islamic Studies V V- 9i KS*^ '.' MOHAMMAD IRFAN SHAH UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF PROF. SAYYID AHSAN ,lK^^ot^ DEPARTMENT OF ISLAMIC STUDIES X^ ALIGARH MUSLIM UNIVERSITY ALIGARH, INDIA 2014 0^ ^ .J J v^^ 01 JAN 20;A-t,' 5 DS4401 Phones: Ext. 0571-2701131 Int. 1365, 1366 Fax : 0571-2700528 Email :
[email protected] DEPARTMENT OF ISLAMIC STUDIES ALIGARH MUSLIM UNIVERSITY CHAIRMAN ALIGARH-202002, U.P., INDIA 03/11/2014 To WHOM IT MAY CONCERN This is to certify tiiat Dissertation entitled "Historical Development of Suhrawardi Order in Kashmir" is the own work of Mr. Mohd Irfan Shah working under my supervision. Further certified that the work is fit for submission to be evaluated for the award of the degree of M.Phil. (Islamic Studies). (Prof. Sayyid Ahsan) Chairman & Supervisor -J^rom tfie Core of My ^eart- ^ea^ca^^eafK^o^ My (Late) (grand Tarents & 'BeCovedTarents <Pa0e !Nb. Dedication A.cknowledgemeiits u-vi Transliteration Table Introdnction 01-23 Chapter 1: Emergence of Islam in Kashmir: Religions, Political and Cultural Perspective 24-64 Chapter 2: Origin of Suhmwardf Order and Its Development , ^ ,, ^ . „ - . 65-112 mKashnur Chapter 3: Makhdum Shaykh Hamzah: ' 113-170 Pioneer of Suhrawardt Order in Kashmir Conclusions ^_^ ^_, 171-174 BibUography ^^^_^^^ "AcknowiedgmBntS" Allah Almighty says, "And those who strive in Our (cause) We will certainly guide them to Our paths: for verily Allah is with those who do right" (Holy Qur'ah, Al- Ankabut, 29:69}.