TAWARIKH: Journal of Historical Studies, VolumeVolume 10(1), 10(2), October April 20192018 Journal of Historical Studies SYAFIQ A. MUGHNI, AHMAD FIRDAUSI & AKMALIYAH Volume 10(1), October 2018 Print-ISSN 2085-0980 Dar al-Ulum of Deoband: An Education,Contents Propagation, and Islamic Political Movement in India Foreword. [ii] ABSTRACT: This paper, by using the historical method, qualitative approach, and literature review, describes the history of “Dar al-Ulum” (House of Sciences) of Deoband in its role and development as an educational, ETTYpropagation, SARINGENDYANTI, and political movement NINA HERLINA of Islam in &India. MUMUH The movement MUHSIN was ZAKARIA, brought to life from the awareness Triin Tangtu the side onof theSunda Mughal Wiwitan kingdom Doctrine in the wake in the of XIV-XVII Islamic decline Century in .the [1-14] midst of the British colonialism and the Muslim-Hindu conflicts. The figure in focus, especially in the related history of renewing Islamic thought, RETNOis Shah WINARNIWaliyyullah. & In RATNA Shah Waliyyullah’s ENDANG thoughts,WIDUATIE, there are several salient aspects responsible for making the sublime teachings of Islam turn to bad shape, including the change of the system of government or the Jember’s Development from the Traditional Authority to Modern Government. [15-30] Caliphate into an absolute monarchy system; the divisions among Muslims; and blind imitation (taqlīd) to the interpretations of the past generation of ‘ulamā (Islamic scholars). Shah Waliyyullah’s successor, Sayyid MUHAMMADAhmad Shahid, ADI founded SAPUTRA, the “Mujahidin” UMASIH (Struggle) & SARKADI, movement. Upon its subsequent spread of popularity Theamong Impact people, of Discovery this movement Learning finally and split Critical into Thinkingtwo groups: the first one preferred “jihād” physically, towardswhile another Learning “jihād” Outcomes in intellectual of Indonesian form or Historythrough. [31-44]thought. The last-mentioned group was under the command of Mawlana Muhammad Qasim, Maulana Muhammad Iqbal, and Maulana Muhammad Ishaq. They realized their movement’s aspirations by establishing the “Madrasah (Islamic modern school) Dar al- SOPAAT RAHMAT SELAMET & SETIA GUMILAR, Ulum” of Deoband. This “madrasah” produced ‘ulamā, who were aware of the Indian Muslims’ life that they Theshould Roles master of Indigenous knowledge Entrepreneurs and technology into Dealingthe farthest with extend the Dutch in order Colonialism to become solid and undivided. In inits Garut, development, West Java, “Dar 1903-1942 al-Ulum” of. [45-58] Deoband has not only been the most important traditional educational institution in India, but also has played a significant role in Islamic propagation and political so influential a REFNImovement YULIA, promoting ZULFA composite & HENDRA nationalism NALDI, and representing the interest of Indian Muslims. ImprovingKEY WORDS the: GovernmentMadrasah of Deoband; Policy on Islamic the Arat Education; Sabulungan Propagation Tradition and Politics; Indian Muslims. in Mentawai Islands. [59-74] INTRODUCTION inhabited since 7,000 years BC (Before Info-tawarikh-edutainmentIndia is a country where one. [75-86] of the most Christ). However, not earlier than around the in its soil. According to John McLeod (2002), the valleys of Indus and Sarasvati, both of renowned world civilizations once flourished year 3,200 BC did a settlement find place in andTAWARIKH: other scholars, Journal of theHistorical land has Studies been will provide a peer-reviewed forum for the publication of thought-leadership articles, briefings, discussion, applied research, case and comparative studies, expert comment and analysis on the keyAbout issues the surrounding Authors: Prof. the Dr. history Syafiq educationA. Mughni isand a Professor historical at studiesthewhich Faculty in aregeneralof Adab the and and largest Humanities its various rivers UIN aspects. (Statein India Islamic Analysis that University) will flow be Sunanpractical Ampel, and Jalan rigorous A. Yani No.117in nature. Surabaya, The TAWARIKH East Java, Indonesia. journal, Ahmad with print Firdausi, ISSN M.Fil.I. 2085-0980, is a Senior was Lecturer firstly published at the Faculty on of October Dakwah and28, Communication 2009, in the context UIN Sunan to commemorateAmpel in Surabaya, the East Youth Java, Pledge Indonesia. Day Dr.in AkmaliyahIndonesia. isSince a Senior issue Lecturer of October at the 2009 Faculty to of date, Adab the and HumanitiesTAWARIKH UIN journal Sunan has Gunung been Djati, organized Jalan A.H. and Nasution published No.105 by Minda Cipadung, Masagi Bandung Press 40614, owned West by ASPENSIJava, Indonesia. (the Association Corresponding of authors:Indonesian [email protected] Scholars of History, Education) in Bandung,, Westand [email protected] Java, Indonesia. This journal is published twice a year i.e. everySuggested October Citation: and April. For period 2012 to 2017, the TAWARIKH journalDar was al-Ulum accredited of Deoband: by Ditjendikti An Education, Kemdikbud Propagation, RI and(Directorate-General Islamic Political Movement of [email protected] in Education, India” in TAWARIKH: Ministry of Journal Education of Historical and Culture Studies of, theVolume Republic 10(2), of April, Indonesia); pp.87-102. and Bandung,indexed Indonesia:also by SINTA Minda LevelMasagi 2 Mughni, Press owned owned Syafiq by Kemenristekdikti by A., ASPENSI, Ahmad Firdausi ISSN 2085-0980RI & (MinistryAkmaliyah. (print). of(2019). Research, “ Technology, and Higher Education of the RepublicArticle of Timeline: Indonesia) Accepted in Jakarta. (November Available 10, 2018); online Revised also at: (January www.journals.mindamas.com/index.php/tawarikh 15, 2019); and Published (April 30, 2019). © 2018© 2019 by Minda Masagi Press owned by ASPENSI in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia 87i ISSN 2085-0980 and www.journals.mindamas.com/index.php/tawarikh SYAFIQ A. MUGHNI, AHMAD FIRDAUSI & AKMALIYAH, Dar al-Ulum of Deoband from the Himalaya’s mountains to South Asia concessions from the Mughal King and the fall and pour out into the Arabian Sea (McLeod, of Bengal into British hands after the Mughals 2002:11-12; LoC, 2011; and Pandian, 2017). were defeated at Flassey in 1757 AD (cf In 712 AD (Anno Domini), under the Anwar, 1979:210-211; Nasution, 1996:163; leadership of Muhammad bin Qasima al- and Truschke, 2017). This condition made the Mughal empire in of Caliph Walid bin Abd Malik, Islamic forcesThaqafi, occupied the Umayyad the Sind warlords and South at the Punjab time territories. Muslims succeeded in building a a very difficult condition, namely the choice to strong Islamic kingdom around the region fight with Hindus to reject British colonizers of Pakistan (at present), and were able to thereor cooperate was an withawareness Britain that to fight Islam Hindu in the survive until the period of the sultanate of Indianforces. subcontinentIn this depressed was condition,in a phase finally,of decline. Delhi in the 13th century AD (Khan, 1975:1; In such conditions, a spirit of revival emerged, Janbozorgi, 2005; and Rahman, 2015). one of the most important pioneers was the The glory of Islam in India was manifested Dar al-Ulum or House of Sciences’ movement during the Mughal empire, which was started (Lal, 1973; HAMKA, 1975:164; Shani, 2005; by Babur (1526-1530); then, Humayun and Miftahi, 2012). (1530-1556); Sher Shah Sur (1549-1556); This article, by using the historical method, Akbar the Great (1556-1605); Jahanghir (1605-1627); Shah Jahan (1627-1658); Aurangzeb Alamgir (1658-1707); and qualitative approach, and literature review ended during the time of Bahadur Shah II elaborate(Sjamsuddin, the 2007;Islamic Jesson, political Matheson movement & Lacey, (1837-1857). The last Sultan was deposed in2011; India. and It Suttonwill be &described Austin, 2015), and analysed tries to and banished to Rangoon, now the capital pertaining: (1) Shah Waliyullah as an of Myanmar, by the British invaders and Intellectual Root; (2) Dar al-Ulum of Deoband; died there in 1862 AD (Nasution, 1986:106; (3) Against British Colonialism; and (4) Mukhia, 2004; and Eraly, 2007). Jamiyat-i Ulamā’-i Hind in Indian Subcontinent. After the Aurangzeb Alamgir (1658-1707) government, signs of the collapse of Islam in FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Shah Waliyullah as an Intellectual the waning of the Sultan’s authority. This is Root. Shah Waliyullah al-Dahlawi (1703- dueIndia to began the failure to appear. of the This Sultan is because, in managing firstly, his resources. Many Governors and Guardians of renewing Islamic thought in India. If of the Provinces were half independent and, traced,1762) is Deoband an impartial scholars figure have in theindeed history even, stood alone until the territory of the intellectual sanad (chain) continuing to Shah Mughal empire diminished, becoming limited Waliyyullah al-Dahlawi. Almost all systems to only around Delhi. Secondly, the Brahmins of religious knowledge in general, and the (Hindu Priets) showed enthusiasm to rebuild science of Al-Hadith (words and deeds of the glory of the Hindu kingdom. This was Prophet Muhammad) in particular, up to the marked by an increase in Hindu power under present development in the Indian continent the leadership of the Maratha kingdom, originated from him (Hermansen, 1986; which succeeded in liberating many Islamic jurisdictions. The Maratha kingdom increased Abbas, 2015). in the Deccan; and because of the civil war KemalAny & discussion Kemal, 1996; of the Miftahi, existing 2012; kalam and among the Mughal rulers
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