Ordeal by Water at Kitselas ,Canyon Vsnderzalm
, l L,~/;-.,':.,. ff'/~ I.~ ......RY, C~P. •~,•~.=,.',:-,~ ,ULLDf~'~.33, V.[L.;~,RrA, f" C • " ', ,~61 V'~'/- IX4 TERRACE.KITIMAT ( RUPERT SIlHL t SJiLVA6E LTD;/ /ALLMETALS & BATTERIES / / IoN, ..SAT, I ld a'l/y "herald 'l .o.....o,.,. OPIENTIL 6 p,m,.,h. ,,,,,,,....,I resume 72 No. ,s4 Thur~oy, Auonst ,o, ~978 ~d ~0 Exeent m Blaokflies Nobody'$ Problem Efforts to uncover any information concerning the pes~ blackfly problem that bugged local residents all day yesterday were unsuccesszm and despnte numerous telephone calls to government agencies, the insects are still a mystery.. The tiny, black flies were ubiquitous in Terrace si.'neeear/y.w, eanes aay. mar: ning, swarming en masse and covering and cHngmg to morning ann skin at anyone who ventured outdoors. The major problem in our information search appeared ~o be the fact that there is no local department or agency which concerns itself with insects or pest con- trol. Provincial conservation officer for Fish and Wildlife in Terrace Dave Crack oagreed the flies were a nuisance, but could shed no light on their na.mes or ~eir gins except to speculate they might be caused by me weamer. Terrace's record-salting temperatures recently were followed by record: setting rains then high humidity which could have cause(] premature hatching o~ the fly larvae.' The Federal Fisheries l)eprtment in Ten'ace likewise did not have any in- formation on the insects. The Skeena Health Unit presumably has a entymology.sub-section (..because of the connection between certain insects and disease) but mere apparenuy were no health inspectors in town yesterday.
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