PLP 2016-17

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Accelerating the pace of capital formation in agriculture and allied sector ” is the main theme of this Potential Linked Credit Plan for 2016-17

Tiruvarur district is one of the three Delta districts and falls in zone II of Agro-climatic zone. The district has a total population of about 12.64 lakh comprising 6.27 lakh males and 6.38 lakh females as per 2011 census. Agriculture is the main activity in the district. The Gross District Domestic Product and per capita income are `. 3, 57,213 lakh and `. 27,408 respectively for the year 2010-11. The district produces about 13% of total paddy production in the state. Net cultivated area constituting 73% of the total geographical area of 2377sq.kms. There are 17 rivers namely Odampokkiyar Vettar Vennar, Mudikondan, Nandalar, Nattar,Koraiyar, Valavaikkal, Kaattar, Pandavaiar, HarichandraNathi, Mullaiyar, Pamaniyar, Adappar, Vellaiyar, Marakka Koraiyar, Vadavar Extn. and 4 lakes namely Vaduvur lake, Thirumeni lake, Uthayamarthandapuram lake, Muvanallur lake in the district. There are 13 canals covering a total length of 612 km in all the blocks of the district which act as the major source of irrigation. The grosss area irrigated is 280143Ha and net area under irrigation is about 150700 Ha. The soil type prevailing in the district are Sandy coastal Alluvium Soil and Red Sandy Soil. While Paddy is the main crop in the district, rice fallow pulses are cultivated in about 1,20,923 ha during the year 2014-15 in the district. Sugarcane, Cotton, Groundnut, Sugarcane and Gingelly are the other crops and are being cultivated in about 5145ha, 1658ha, 486ha and 275 ha respectively during the year 2014-15. The district has good scope for development of wastelands the development of Dairy, Goatery and inland fisheries. The district is having good network of Commercial and Co-operative banks.

In order to augment the ground water the district administration had constructed artificial recharge structure in about 1620 village tanks and 1415 in various rivers for about 145 KM at an interval of 100 meters to recharge first aquifer which is available at a depth of 5 meters below the surface. Further to recharge the second aquifer, the district administration has constructed an innovative structure called ‘ Sub Surface Dyke’ to impound the water across the river bed in sub-surface and recharge the second aquifer by way of constructing number of bore wells in the upstream direction through the clay layer and allow the water to reach the second aquifer. As the results are very much encouraging, such low cost sub surface Dykes may be tried in all the rivers flowing across the district to recharge the depleted ground water.

I.2 Sectoral trends in GLC

The details of achievements under ACP during the last two years upto 2013-14 and target for 2014-15 and target for 2015-16 are given below: (`. lakh) 2013 -14 2014 -15 2015 -16 Sector Target Achievement Target Achievement Target Crop Loan 108840.36 180494.65 122770.00 150354.90 169673.00 Term 71249.90 8210.85 76580.00 39046.90 69547.00 Loan Total Agri. 180090.26 188705.50 199350.00 189401.80 239220.00 Credit SME 7206.01 4577.90 8700.00 7447.60 10390.00 OPS 17320.00 17645.98 19090.00 17325.90 22870.00 Total 204616.27 210929.38 227140.00 214175.30 272480.00


PLP 2016-17 Tiruvarur district

The banks have been achieving the ACP targets during the year 2012-13 and 2013-4. However, during the year 2014-15, they could achieve only 214175.30 lakh i.e 94.29% of the target of 227140 lakh and this is due to mounting NPA in the district. The banks are very selective and mostly only regular and prompt customers are considered for credit facility. It is observed that the achievement under crop loan has been very good comparing to other sectors. This is because of all agri jewel loans are being classified under crop loan. During 2014-15 the banks have achieved 122.47% under crop loan, 50.99% under investment credit, 85.23% under MSE sector and 90.75% under Other Priority Sector. The investment credit, which is most important for capital formation in agriculture to have sustained growth, is not picking up in the district, is a cause of concern. Bankers may take necessary steps to increase the credit flow under investment credit.

I.3 NABARD Initiatives in the District

Producer Organisation Development Fund

NABARD, during the year 2013 has sanctioned `. 1, 12, 39,000/- as financial assistance for purchase of Milch animals and Farm machineries to Pasumpuvi Farmers Club Federation under Producers Organisation Development Fund for creating livelihood opportunities to the members of the Pasumpuvi Farmers Federation in block of Tiruvarur district. Under this project around 120 farmers’ club members were issued with 2 milch animas each for income generation which would go a long way to help these farmers to come out of the clutches of money lenders. To encourage Farm mechanization which is the need of the hour to help small and marginal farmers, NABARD has financed the Farmers Club Federation towards purchase of Tractors, Laser Leveler, Rotavator, Cultivators and 25 power tillers. These machineries would help the farmers to conduct their farm activities in the absence of farm labours which is very much prevalent in these days.

Rural Innovation Fund

NABARD, during the year 2013 has sanctioned financial assistance of `. 4, 19,500/- (Rupees four lakh nineteen thousand and five hundred only), of which `. 3, 69,500/- as loan and `. 50, 000/- as grant assistance to Shri.S. ILANGO, the Innovator of the project for setting up Delta District Milky Mushroom Development Centre at Velukkudi, Tiruvarur. This centre would train Small and Marginal farmers to grow milky mushroom to earn their supplementary income from the activity.

During the year 2015 NABARD has sanctioned and commissioned under RIF a common facility centre/ E- Weaving centre with Novel Electronic Cardless Jacquard Loom for Handloom Weavers in Ammayyappan Village, Tiruvarur.

I.4 Banking highlights

The Lead Bank in the district is Indian Overseas Bank. Banking and financial services are provided by 22 commercial banks( with 136 branches) , Thanjavur DCCB & Kumbakonam DCCB (with 13 branches) & 137 PACS and Pandian Grama Bank (with 4 branches). The CD ratio in the district has always been more than 100% during the previous years. However, the commercial banks could achieve only 95% during the year 2014-15.

As credit support from banks plays a pivotal role in integrated rural development, monitoring & improving of ground level credit for priority sectors under the Annual Credit Plan at various fora of bankers, such as, DCC & BLBC meetings, need to be given importance, for which all bankers have to work in tandem with each other under the guidance & support of the District Administration and Lead Bank for strengthening the submission of timely data on GLC, Rupay KCC, Crop Insurance, PMJDY Insurance Schemes and JLGs.


PLP 2016-17 Tiruvarur district

I.5 Potential Linked Credit Plan for 2016-17

The PLP projections for the district for 2016-17 were estimated at `. 2630.68 crore in Base PLP i.e 2012-13 to 2016-17, the revised projections for 2016-17 have been put at `. 3292.28 crore. The changes in terms of increase/decrease is due to changes in cost of various agri inputs, cultivation expenses and labour cost as also the trend in GLC flow. Taking into account the new categories of priority sector introduced recently in the revised Priority Sector guidelines of RBI, the revised PLP projections for 2016-17 have been made at `. 3292.28 crore, comprising of `. 2835.61 crore for Agriculture ( `. 1935.97 crore for Crop Production, `. 574.08 crore for Agri. Term Loans, `. 132.97 crore for Agri. Infrastructure & Rs192.59 crore for Ancillary activities in agri.); `.135.53 crore for MSME Sector; `. 20.00 crore for Export Credit; `. 70.55 crore for Education; `. 60.24 crore for Housing; `. 6.29 crore for Renewable Energy; `. 143.81 crore for Others and `. 20.25 crore for Social Infrastructure. The details of sector/activity-wise and block projections are furnished in Annexure I.

I.6. Financial Inclusion

As on 31 March 2015, 260 BCs were appointed to serve all the villages in the district. Though there were some issues in connectivity and non-availability of POS, they are being sorted out. The major services through BCs, inter alia, include cash deposit & drawal, RD, loan remittance, deposit canvassing & NPA recovery in a limited way and government payments like MNREGS wages/Old Age Pensions/School Students Scholarships.

The Financial Inclusion has now gained a lot of significance recently by the announcement of three insurance products viz., Pradhan Manthri Jeevan Jyothi Bhima Yojana”, “Pradhan Manthri Jeevan Suraksha Bhima Yojana” and “Atal Pension Yojana” under PMJDY by the Hon’ble Prime Minister for the benefit of all SB account holders with the ultimate objective of penetration of micro insurance, especially among rural poor in the country. Banks in coordination with the Life Insurance Corporation and other General Insurance Companies are to take special steps for enhancing the coverage of people, especially in rural areas, under these PMJDY schemes. Further, the satisfactorily operated SB account holders under PMJDY are also to be offered with simple over draft facilities upto `. 5000, which can be categorized as ‘weaker section loans’ under the revised Priority Sector. In order to further strengthen the FI initiatives in the district, all the bank branches may conduct Financial Literacy Awareness Programmes in their villages as per the directions of RBI.

II. Core Banking Solutions for CCB: NABARD is implementing the same for Thanjavur and Kumbakonam DCCBs on ‘Application Service Provider Model’ with TCS as Technology Service Provider.

III Area Based Scheme

Animal husbandry sector plays a vital role in providing subsidiary employment to rural folk and guaranteed household income to landless agricultural labourers, small and marginal farmers. It also contributes to minimize migration, empower women and protect the environment. Hence, it is proposed to introduce area based approach through Banking Plan for Rural Poultry & Goat rearing with the involvement & association of Lead Bank, Animal Husbandry Department and Farmer Training Centre.

IV Critical Infrastructure:

Tiruvarur District is one of the three Delta District which depends mainly on cannel irrigation. It is observed and felt by the WRO department and the farmers in the District that 4 Grade Walls in Pamaniyar River at a cost of `. 393 lakh, 1 Grade Wall in Korayar River at a cost of `. 100 lakh, 3 Grade Walls in Vennar at a cost of `. 600 lakh, 2 Check Dams in Kannanar at a cost of `. 140 lakh and Modernisation of Channel at a cost of `. 1000 lakh may be vii

PLP 2016-17 Tiruvarur district taken up on priority basis. It is estimated that all the projects mentioned above with a total financial out lay of about `. 22.33 cr would facilitate to irrigate about 35153 acres of wet land in the district. Vadavar extension channel identified during the last year has been sanctioned and work has commenced. Other important infrastructures may be given due priority for better irrigation facility. Construction of about 200 drying yards would help farmers to dry the harvested paddy in the drying yard instead of roads which creates lots of hardship to vehicular traffic and avoidable loss to the farmers.

As the theme of this year’s Potential Linked Credit Plan is “Accelerating the pace of capital formation in agriculture and allied sector”, we seek the cooperation of all the banks and line departments functioning in the district to accelerate the credit dispensation to help capital formation in the field of agriculture to exploit the credit potential assessed in the current years Potential Linked Credit Plan for overall development of Tiruvarur district. Conclusion Co-ordinated approach among all the stake holders is crucial to enhance capital formation in the district through Term lending. Fora such as DCC/DLRC/BLBC can be very effective not only in monitoring the credit flow but also to pinpoint the focus areas for the benefit of the bankers and the borrowers. With incidence of drought becoming more frequent, emphasis on water management and conservation, promotion of integrated farming and realising the potential of JLG financing as a credible collateral substitute can spur the growth of the district’s economy.


PLP 2016-17 Tiruvarur district

Appendix A to Annexure I

Broad Sector wise PLP Projections (2016-17)

State : District: Tiruvarur

(`. lakh) PLP S. No. Particulars Projections 2016-17 A Farm Credit 1 Crop production, Maintenance & Marketing 193597.25 2 Term Loan for agriculture and allied activities 57407.57 Sub Total 251004.82 B Agriculture Infrastructure 13297.26 C Ancillary activities 19259.17 I Credit Potential for Agriculture (A+B+C) 283561.25 II Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises 13552.54 III Export Credit 2000.00 IV Education 7055.00 V Housing 6024.00 VI Renewable Energy 629.43 VII Others 14381.00 VIII Social Infrastructure involving bank credit 2025.00 Total Priority Sector (I to VIII) 329228.22


PLP 2016-17 Tiruvarur district

Appendix B to Annexure I

Summary of Sub-sector-wise Projections (2016-17) State : Tamil Nadu District: Tiruvarur (`. lakh)

S.No. Particulars PLP Projection 2016-17 I Credit Potential for Agriculture A Farm Credit i Crop production, Maintenance & Marketing 193597.25 ii Water Resources 4702.54 iii Farm Mechanization 14612.52 iv Plantation & Horticulture(including Sericulture) 6389.76 v Forestry & Wasteland Development 706.71 vi Animal Husbandry- Dairy 19167.26 vii Animal Husbandry- Poultry 5031.74 viii Animal Husbandry- Sheep, Goat and Piggery etc 5088.46 ix Fisheries (Marine Inland Fisheries etct) 825.41 x Others- Bullock, Bullock carts 883.17 Sub total 251004.82 B Agriculture Infrastructure i Construction of Storage facilities- (warehouse,market 9819.42 yards etc) ii Land Development, Soil conservation and Watershed 2392.43 Development iii Others- (Seed production, Bio-Pesticide etc) 1085.41 Sub Total 13297.26 C Ancillary activities i Food and Agro processing 6955.17 ii Others( Loans to PACS/LAMPS, ACABC etc) 12304.00 Sub total 19259.17 Total Agriculture (A+B+C) 283561.25 II Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise i MSME – Working Capital 7200.00 ii MSME – Investment Credit 6352.54 Total MSME 13552.54 III Export Credit 2000.00 IV Education 7055.00 V Housing 6024.00 VI Renewable Energy 629.43 VII Others- Loans to SHGs/JLGs etc 14381.00 VIII Social Infrastructure involving bank credit 2025.00 Total Priority Sector(I toVIII) 329228.22


District Profile

District - Tiruvarur State - Tamilnadu Division -

1. PHYSICAL & ADMINISTRATIVE FEATURES 2. SOIL & CLIMATE Total Geographical Area ( 2374 Agro-climatic Zone ZONE II No. of Sub Divisions 2 No. of Blocks 10 Climate Semi-arid dry sub-sumid climate No. of Villages (Inhabited) 573 Soil Type sandy Coastal Aluvial Red Sandy Soil No. of Village Panchayats 430 3. LAND UTILISATION [Ha] 4. RAINFALL & GROUND WATER Total Area Reported 209709 Normal 2012 2013 2014 Actual Forest Land 2452 Rainfall [in mm] 1230.0 956.61 930.65 1201.39 Area Not Available for Cultivation 113 Variation from Normal -273.39 -299.35 -28.61 Permanent Pasture and Grazing Land 786 Availability of Ground Water Net annual recharge Net annual draft Balance Land under Miscellaneous Tree Crops 2059 [Ham] 324.37 268.03 56.34 Cultivable Wasteland 37139 5. DISTRIBUTION OF LAND HOLDING Current Fallow 3561 Holding Area Classification of Holding Other Fallow 8446 Nos. % to Total Ha. % to Total Net Sown Area 154004 <= 1 Ha 111941 61 48180 26 Total or Gross Cropped Area 280143 >1 to <=2 Ha 30091 16 42893 24 Area Cultivated More than Once 126139 >2 Ha 42032 23 91073 50 Cropping Inensity [GCA/NSA] 1.82 Total 184064 100 182146 100 6. WORKERS PROFILE [in '000] 7. DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE [in '000] Cultivators 61 Category Total Male Female Rural Urban Of the above, Small/Marginal Farmers Population 1264 627 638 1006 258 Agricultural Labourers 200 Scheduled Caste 431 215 216 389 42 Workers engaged in Household Industries 7 Scheduled Tribe 3.03 1.47 1.57 0.94 2.10 Workers engaged in Allied Agro-activities NA Literate 946.47 503.09 443.39 737.89 208.58 Other workers 145 BPL 8. HOUSEHOLDS [in '000] 9. HOUSEHOLD AMENITIES [Nos. in '000 Households] Total Households 327 Having brick/stone/concrete houses NA Having electricity supply NA Rural Households 235 Having source of drinking water NA Having independent toilets NA BPL Households NA Having access to banking services NA Having radio/tv sets NA 10. VILLAGE-LEVEL INFRASTRUCTURE [Nos] 11. INFRASTRUCTURE RELATING TO HEALTH & SANITATION [Nos] Villages Electrified 573 Anganwadis NA Dispensaries NA Villages having Agriculture Power Supply 573 Primary Health Centres 59 Hospitals 8 Villages having Post Offices 84 Primary Health Sub-Centres 195 Hospital Beds 576 Villages having Banking Facilities 573 12. INFRASTRUCTURE & SUPPORT SERVICES FOR AGRICULTURE Villages having Primary Schools 573 Fertiliser/Seed/Pesticide Outlets [Nos] 358/390/170 Agriculture Pumpsets[Nos] 19354 Villages having Primary Health Centres 573 Total N/P/K Consumption [MT] 27742/11458/12379 Pumpsets Energised [Nos] Villages having Potable Water Supply 573 Certified Seeds Supplied [qtl] 1780 Agro Service Centres [Nos] 1 Villages connected with Paved Approach Roads NA Pesticides Consumed [lts] 23578 Soil Testing Centres [Nos] 13. IRRIGATION COVERAGE [Ha] Agriculture Tractors [Nos] 2209 Plantation nurseries [Nos] 2 Total Area Available for Irrigation (NIA + Fallow) 154004 Power Tillers [Nos] 2958 Farmers' Clubs [Nos] 230 Irrigation Potential Created NA Threshers/Cutters [Nos] 199 Krishi Vigyan Kendras[Nos] 1 Net Irrigated Area(Total area irrigated at least once) 150700 14. INFRASTRUCTURE FOR STORAGE, TRANSPORT & MARKETING Area irrigated by Canals / Channels 150700 Rural/Urban Mandi/Haat [Nos] 7 Wholesale Market [Nos] NA Area irrigated by Wells NIL Length of Pucca Road [Km] 4772 Godown [Nos] 125 Area irrigated by Tanks 3304 Length of Railway Line [Km] 254 Godown Capacity[MT] 21770 Area irrigated by Other Sources NA Commercial Vhehicle (No.) 4121 Cold Storage [Nos] NA Irrigation Potential Utilized (Gross Irrigated Area) 280143 Non Commercial Veheicle(No) 110638 Cold Store Capacity[MT] NA 15. AGRO-PROCESSING UNITS 16. AREA, PRODUCTION & YIELD OF MAJOR CROPS Type of Processing Activity No of units Cap.[MT] 2013-14 2014-15 Avg. Yield Crop Food (Rice/Flour/Dal/Oil/Tea/Coffee) 25 Area (Ha) Prod. (MT) Area (Ha) Prod. (MT) [Kg/Ha] Sugarcane (Gur/Khandsari/Sugar) NA Paddy 175813 1535390 193961 1306140 1420765 Fruit (Pulp/Juice/Fruit drink) NA Pulses 113079 142310 120923 73970 108140 Spices (Masala Powders/Pastes) NA Groundnut 3546 11440 16580 5690 8565 Dry-fruit (Cashew/Almond/Raisins) NA Cotton 5329 3580 5145 3550 3565 Cotton (Ginnining/Spinning/Weaving) NA Gingilee 1520 1060 275 200 630 Milk (Chilling/Cooling/Processing) 4 31000 Ltrs Sugarcane (in canes) 486 61240 486 58800 60020 Meat (Chicken/Motton/Pork/Dryfish) NA Vegetables NA NA NA NA NA Animal feed (Cattle/Poultry/Fishmeal) NA Production of Cotton(lint), Jute, Mesta & Sanhemp are in Bales(177.8 kg per bale in ) 17. ANIMAL POPULATION AS PER CENSUS 2012 [in 18. INFRASTRUCTURE FOR DEVELOPMENT OF ALLIED ACTIVITIES '000] Category of animal Total Male Female Veterinary Hospitals/Dispensaries [Nos] 89/60 Animal Markets [Nos] 4 Cattle - Cross bred 147 21 126 Clinician Centres/Mobile Unit 1/1 Milk Collection Centres [Nos] 217 Cattle - Indigenous 48 11 37 Artificial Insemination Centers [Nos] 37 Fishermen Societies [Nos] 7 Buffaloes 2 0 2 Animal Breeding Farms [Nos] 1 Fish seed farms [Nos] 5 Sheep - Cross bred 1 0 1 Animal Husbandry Tng Centres [Nos] 1 Fish Markets [Nos] 10 Sheep - Indigenous 4 1 3 Dairy Cooperative Societies [Nos] 65 Poultry hatcheries [Nos] NIL Goat 287 67 220 Improved Fodder Farms [Nos] 1 Slaughter houses [Nos] 7 Pig - Cross bred 0 0 0 19. MILK, FISH, EGG PRODUCTION & THEIR PER CAPITA AVAILABILITY Pig - Indigenous 1 1 0 Fish Production [MT] (2013-14) 10040 Per cap avail. [gm/day] Horse/Donkey/Camel NA NA NA Egg Production [Lakh Nos] NA Per cap avail. [nos/p.a.] Poultry - Cross bred NA NA NA Milk Production [lakh lts] 116 Per cap avail. [ml/day] Poultry - Indigenous 155 45 110 Meat Production [MT] NA Per cap avail. [gm/day]

Item Nos. 1, 6, 7, 9 & 10 - Latest Census ; Item Nos. 2, 3, 5, 12, 13 & 14 - Dept. of Agr/Dir. of Eco. & Stat.; Item No. 4 - Dept. of Agr./Water Resources; Item No. 8 - BPL Sources (if not mentioned against Survey ; Item No. 15 - District Ind Centre/Dir. of Eco. & Stat.; Item No. 16 - DACNET; Item No. 17 - AH Census ; Item Nos. 18 & 19 - Dir. of Animal Hus./Dir. of Eco. & the respective item): Stat. Banking Profile Appendix - 2

INDIAN OVERSEAS BANK District TIRUVARUR State - Tamil Nadu Lead Bank -

1. NETWORK & OUTREACH (As on 31/03/2012) No. of No. of Branches No. of non-formal agencies assoiated Per Branch Outreach Agency Banks/Soc. Total Rural Semi-urban Urban mFIs/mFOs SHGs/JLGs BCs/BFs Villages Population Commercial Banks 22 136 73 63 NA 7 120 4 7640 Regional Rural Bank 1 4 3 1 NA NA NA NA NA NA District Central Coop. Bank 2 13 5 8 NA NA NA NA NA NA Coop. Agr. & Rural Dev. Bank 1 6 6 NA NA NA NA NA NA Primary Agr. Coop. Society 137 137 137 NA NA NA NA NA NA Others 1 1 1 NA NA NA NA NA NA All Agencies 164 297 219 78 7 120 4 7640 2. DEPOSITS OUTSTANDING No. of accounts Amount of Deposit [Rs.'000] Agency 31-Mar-12 31-Mar-13 31-Mar-15 Growth(%) Share(%) 31-Mar-13 31-Mar-14 31-Mar-15 Growth(%) Share(%) Commercial Banks 322402 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 26526400 30704600 32240200 5.0 99.5 Regional Rural Bank 1681 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 98800 119400 168100 40.8 0.5 Cooperative Banks #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1724200 2268200 -100.0 Others #DIV/0! #DIV/0! NA NA NA #VALUE! #VALUE! All Agencies 28349400 33092200 32408300 3. LOANS & ADVANCES OUTSTANDING No. of accounts Amount of Loan [Rs.'000] Agency 31-Mar-12 31-Mar-13 31-Mar-14 Growth(%) Share(%) 31-Mar-13 31-Mar-14 31-Mar-15 Growth(%) Share(%) Commercial Banks NA NA NA NA NA 27227500 28016500 30738300 9.7 98.7 Regional Rural Bank NA NA NA NA NA 339400 381000 409300 7.4 1.3 Cooperative Banks NA NA NA NA NA 3907900 3341400 -100.0 Others NA NA NA NA NA 57200 44500 -100.0 All Agencies 31532000 31783400 31147600 4. CD-RATIO 5. PERFORMANCE UNDER FINANCIAL INCLUSION (No. of A/cs) CD Ratio During 2014-15 Cumulative Agency Agency 31-Mar-15 31-Mar-14 31-Mar-15 Deposit Credit Deposit Credit Commercial Banks 103% 91% 95% Commercial Banks NA NA NA NA Regional Rural Bank 333% 319% 243% Regional Rural Bank NA NA NA NA Cooperative Banks 227% 149% Cooperative Banks NA NA NA NA Others NA NIL Others NA NA NA NA All Agencies All Agencies 6. PERFORMANCE TO FULFILL NATIONAL GOALS (As on 31/03/2015) Priority Sector Loans Loans to Agr. Sector Loans to Weaker Sections Loans under DRI Scheme Loans to Women Agency Amount % of Total Amount % of Total Amount % of Total Amount % of Total Amount % of Total [Rs.'000] Loans [Rs.'000] Loans [Rs.'000] Loans [Rs.'000] Loans [Rs.'000] Loans Commercial Banks 26465900 86.10 18211800 59.25 2686000 8.74 51200.00 0.17 1288700 4.19 Regional Rural Bank 315600 77.11 309500 75.62 NA NA NA NA 124200 30.34 Cooperative Banks #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! NA #DIV/0! Others #DIV/0! NA NA NA All Agencies 26781500 85.98 18521300 59.46 2686000 8.62 51200 0.16 7. AGENCY-WISE PERFORMANCE UNDER ANNUAL CREDIT PLANS 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 Average Agency Target Ach'ment Ach'ment Target Ach'ment [Rs. Ach'ment Target Ach'ment Ach'ment Ach[%] in [Rs.'000] [Rs. '000] [%] [Rs.'000] '000] [%] [Rs.'000] [Rs. '000] [%] last 3 years Commercial Banks 13574614 13999279 103 17953576 17943396 100 20699399 18902995 91 98 Regional Rural Bank 239127 173993 72.76 402779 412452 102 509734 448954 88 88 Cooperative Banks 1432659 2370949 165.49 1927072 2607090 135 1244823 1856581 149 150 Others 90000 35000 38.89 178200 130000 73 260044 209000 80 64 All Agencies 15336400 16579221 108.10 20461627 21092938 103 22714000 21417530 94 102 8. SECTOR-WISE PERFORMANCE UNDER ANNUAL CREDIT PLANS 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 Average Broad Sector Target Ach'ment Ach'ment Target Ach'ment [Rs. Ach'ment Target Ach'ment Ach'ment Ach[%] in [Rs.'000] [Rs. '000] [%] [Rs.'000] '000] [%] [Rs.'000] [Rs. '000] [%] last 3 years Crop Loan 10220772 14020244 137.17 10884036 18049465 165.83 12277000 15035490 122.47 141.83 Term Loan (Agr) 2982728 638053 21 7124990 821085 11.52 7658000 3904690 50.99 27.97 Total Agri. Credit 13203500 14658297 111 18009026 18870550 104.78 19935000 18940180 95.01 103.60 Non-Farm Sector 407000 267318 66 720601 457790 63.53 870000 744760 85.60 71.60 Other Priority Sector 1725900 1653606 96 1732000 1764598 101.88 1909000 1732590 90.76 96.15 Total Priority Sector 15336400 16579221 108 20461627 21092938 103.09 22714000 21417530 94.29 101.83 9. RECOVERY POSITION 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Average Rec. Agency Demand [Rs. Recovery Demand [Rs. Recovery [Rs. Demand [Rs. Recovery [%] in last 3 Recovery [%] Recovery [%] Recovery [%] '000] [Rs. '000] '000] '000] '000] [Rs. '000] years Commercial Banks NA NA #VALUE! NA NA #VALUE! NA NA #VALUE! #VALUE! Regional Rural Bank NA NA #VALUE! NA NA #VALUE! NA NA #VALUE! #VALUE! Cooperative Banks NA NA #VALUE! NA NA #VALUE! NA NA #VALUE! #VALUE! Others NA NA #VALUE! NA NA #VALUE! NA NA #VALUE! #VALUE! All Agencies #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0!

Sources : Lead Bank & SLBC