A Map of Scientific Competencies
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INDICATORs y São José do Rio Preto Ribeirão Araçatuba Preto Araraquara Presidente Campinas Prudente Marília Bauru Piracicaba Assis São Paulo Macro- Paraíba Valley metropolitan São Paulo A map of Itapetininga Metropolitan Region São Paulo scientific Southern competencies Coastal Region Study shows where researchers are concentrated and describes the impact of their production in the 15 administrative regions of the state of São Paulo Fabrício Marques n February 2017, the Academy of Sciences of sulted by entrepreneurs interested in opening the State of São Paulo (ACIEsp) introduced new businesses, for example. There they will find PUBLisHED IN MARCH 2017 a survey regarding the scientific competen- out the location of well-established researchers I cies of each of the 15 administrative regions who could help them deal with their challenges,” of the state. Titled Map of Science in São Paulo, says José Eduardo Krieger, dean of research at the study assembles a set of indicators from 2002 USP who was president of ACIESP until 2015, to 2011 that show everything from the concen- when the study was commissioned. The entire tration of researchers in each region and their map can be seen at bit.ly/MapaCiênciaSP. fields of knowledge to the size and impact of Sponsored by Banco Bradesco, the map, as their scientific production. Also included are was expected, shows a heavy concentration of graphs that group the researchers according researchers along the São Paulo-Campinas axis. to the number of articles published in two time However, it also reveals some nuances. The São periods—over the entire 10 years of the study Paulo Metropolitan Region (SPMR), the site of and between 2009 and 2011. “This is a snapshot two USP campuses as well as public universi- of São Paulo science during the first decade of ties such as the federal universities of São Paulo the 21st century. It shows the different kinds of (UNIFESP) and the ABC (UFABC) and private expertise by region in this state that is directly institutions such as Mackenzie or the Getúlio responsible for half of all Brazil’s scientific pro- Vargas Foundation, has the most scientists in duction,” says Marcos Buckeridge, a professor nearly every field of knowledge. However, the at the Biosciences Institute of the University of lead is more significant in some fields. This is São Paulo (USP) and president of ACIESP. “The true of Applied Social Sciences, with 59% of the idea was to have a data platform that can be con- state’s researchers; Health Sciences, with 54.9%; 28 z FEBRUARY 2018 Density of São Paulo Campinas Ribeirão Preto researchers 9.17% 5.76% Metropolitan Region of the state’s population of the state’s population The science occupations 51.27% of each of the 15 of the state’s population HIGHLIGHTS HIGHLIGHTS administrative regions of the Agricultural Sciences, with Agricultural Sciences, with HIGHLIGHTS 22% of the state’s 13.6% of the state’s state of São Paulo, comparing Social and Applied Sciences, researchers; Engineering, researchers; Biological the percentage of the local with 59% of the state’s with 18.5%; Exact and Sciences, with 11.4%; population with the researchers; Health Sciences, Earth Sciences, with 16.6%; Health Sciences, with with 54.9%; Linguistics, and Linguistics, Literature, 10.5%; and Human Sciences, percentage of researchers in Literature, and Arts, with and Arts, with 15.1% with 6.3% selected fields of knowledge 54.3%; and Human Sciences, with 51% SOurCE MAP OF SCIENCE IN SÃO PAULO / ACIEsp São Paulo São José do Araraquara São Paulo Paraíba Valley Piracicaba Rio Preto Paraíba Valley 5.48% 3.33% 3.8% 1.96% of the state’s population of the state’s population of the state’s population of the state’s population HIGHLIGHTS HIGHLIGHT HIGHLIGHT HIGHLIGHTS Engineering, with 15.2% Agricultural Sciences, Linguistics, Literature, Exact and Earth Sciences, of the state’s researchers; with 15.3% of the and Arts, with 4.3% of Bauru with 15.3% of the state’s and Exact and Earth state’s researchers the state’s researchers researchers; Engineering, Sciences, with 10.8% 3.53% with 14.2%; and Linguistics, of the state’s Literature, and Arts, population with 7.9% HIGHLIGHTS Agricultural Sciences, Araçatuba with 11.1% of the state’s 1.69% researchers; Health Presidente Sciences, with 6.4%; of the state’s population Prudente and Biological Sciences, with 6.3% 2.05% HIGHLIGHTS of the state’s population Agricultural Sciences, Assis Marília with 3.2% of the state’s 1.34% 1.1% HIGHLIGHTS researchers; and of the state’s population of the state’s population Human Sciences, with Engineering, with 2.4% 2.4% of the state’s HIGHLIGHT HIGHLIGHTS researchers; and Linguistics, Literature, Human Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, and Arts, with 3.3% of with 2.7% of the state’s with 2.1% the state’s researchers researchers; and Applied Social Sciences, with 1.9% Linguistics, Literature, and Arts with 54.3%; and Human Sciences, with 51%. In other fields, lead- ership occurs but by smaller margins. In Exact São Paulo Southern and Earth Sciences, 38% of researchers live in Macrometropolitan Itapetininga Coastal Region the SPMR. The regions of Campinas (16.6%) and Araraquara (15.3%) rank second and third. How- region ever, in Engineering, São Paulo is at the top of Region of Jundiaí and Sorocaba 2% 1.12% of the state’s population of the state’s population the list, with 36.8% of all researchers, followed 6.4% by Campinas (18.5%) and the Paraíba Valley re- of the state’s population DiaGNOsis DiaGNOsis gion (15.2%). “The survey shows clearly that, Very low density of Very low density of ERRO ERRO pi researchers. Varies researchers. Varies O O I although competencies are concentrated in the DiaGNOsis from 0.06% of the from 0% of the SPMR, other parts of the state exhibit specific Limited density of AURÍC state’s researchers in state’s researchers M researchers. Varies from S areas of expertise,” says Buckeridge, referring 1.7% of the state’s Health Sciences to in Linguistics, Literature, ON I 0.5% in Agricultural and Arts, to 0.5% in T to the Araraquara Metropolitan Region, which researchers in Exact and ra Sciences Agricultural Sciences T boasts USP campuses, the São Paulo State Uni- Earth Sciences to 2.6% us in Human Sciences ILL versity (UNESP), and the Federal University of PESQUISA FAPESP z 29 São Carlos (UFSCar) while in the Paraíba Valley an aerospace hub has emerged A sample of the Map of around São José dos Campos. São Paulo Metropolitan Region There is one field of knowledge in Science in São Paulo 7,708 researchers 65,769 articles which the São Paulo Metropolitan Re- 822,764 citations gion does not contain the largest contin- Total number of researchers and 12.51 citations per article gent of science professionals. This area is their scientific production Agricultural Sciences, in which Campi- (articles, citations, and citations nas appears with 22% of the state’s re- per article) in the field of Health Campinas searchers, followed by São Paulo, with Sciences, between 2002 and 2011, 1,398 researchers 19.3%; Piracicaba, with 15.3%; and Ri- in the 15 administrative regions 10,916 articles beirão Preto, with 13.6%. “What created 130,672 citations the equilibrium is the presence in the 11.97 citations per article Campinas region of the Agronomic In- stitute and the University of Campinas (UNICAMP),” Buckeridge says. “In turn, the significance of Piracicaba relates to Macrometropolitan 296 researchers the Luiz de Queiroz College of Agricul- 949 articles ture, which is part of USP.” 7,052 citations 7.43 citations per article SOurCE MAP OF SCIENCE conomist Marcelo Pinho, a profes- IN SÃO PAULO / ACIEsp sor at UFSCar, recommends caution E when making comparisons among regions. “The comparability of the data is impaired by the enormous disparity in recent years have encouraged a great- between the dimensions of the mesore- er concentration of scientific activities gions in both demographic and economic It takes about rather than a decentralization. “There terms,” he says. He notes that the SPMR has been an expansion of higher edu- has approximately 20 million residents 20 years for cation, but most of it occurred near the while the Araraquara region has yet to a scientific city of São Paulo,” he says, referring to reach one million. “It would be more pru- the establishment of the UFABC and in- dent to filter that difference by evaluating competency stallation of UNIFESP campuses in the scientific production per 100,000 resi- cities of Santos, Diadema, Guarulhos, São dents or by GDP,” he says. According to to become José dos Campos, and Osasco. “In most Pinho, the concentration of researchers cases the expansion was not designed to in greater São Paulo should attract atten- well-established promote regional development,” he says. tion only after it exceeds 50%, the figure in a region, says Even in the case of the UFSCar campus corresponding to the percentage that the installed in Sorocaba in 2011, says Garcia, capital city and its vicinity represent in UNICamP’s the local impact will not be felt for some the state population as a whole. “That time. “They are hiring researchers who happens only in Health Sciences and in Renato Garcia have potential and are already attract- the group of subject fields associated with ing master’s candidates, but doctoral Humanities and Social Sciences, includ- students are still opting to attend more ing Linguistics, Literature, and Arts.” well-established centers. It takes about Having expressed those reservations, 20 years for a scientific competency to Marcelo Pinho says that the data reflect state’s population, that region is home to become well-established in a region.” regional concentrations of competencies 14% and 15% of the researchers in those The analysis used as its starting point that were already known.