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Osmanli Araştirmalari the Journal of Ottoman Studies OSMANLI ARAŞTIRMALARI THE JOURNAL OF OTTOMAN STUDIES SAYI / ISSUE 55 • 2020 OSMANLI ARAŞTIRMALARI THE JOURNAL OF OTTOMAN STUDIES İSTANBUL 29 MAYIS ÜNİVERSİTESİ OSMANLI ARAŞTIRMALARI THE JOURNAL OF OTTOMAN STUDIES Yayın Kurulu / Editorial Board Prof. Dr. İsmail E. Erünsal – Prof. Dr. Heath Lowry Prof. Dr. Feridun M. Emecen – Prof. Dr. Ali Akyıldız Prof. Dr. Bilgin Aydın – Prof. Dr. Seyfi Kenan Prof. Dr. Jane Hathaway – Doç. Dr. Baki Tezcan İstanbul 2020 Bu dergi Arts and Humanities Citation Index – AHCI (Clarivate Analytics), Scopus (Elsevier),Turkologischer Anzeiger ve Index Islamicus tarafından taranmakta olup TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM Sosyal ve Beşeri Bilimler veri tabanında yer almaktadır. Articles in this journal are indexed or abstracted in Arts and Humanities Citation Index – AHCI (Clarivate Analytics), Scopus (Elsevier), Turkologischer Anzeiger, Index Islamicus and TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM Humanities Index. Baskı / Publication TDV Yayın Matbaacılık ve Tic. İşl. Ostim OSB Mahallesi, 1256 Cadde, No: 11 Yenimahalle / Ankara Tel. 0312. 354 91 31 Sertifika No. 15402 Sipariş / Order [email protected] Osmanlı Araştırmaları yılda iki sayı yayımlanan uluslararası hakemli bir dergidir. Dergide yer alan yazıların ilmî ve fikrî sorumluluğu yazarlarına aittir. The Journal of Ottoman Studies is a peer-reviewed, biannual journal. The responsibility of statements or opinions uttered in the articles is upon their authors. Elmalıkent Mah. Elmalıkent Cad. No: 4, 34764 Ümraniye / İstanbul Tel. (216) 474 08 60 Fax (216) 474 08 75 [email protected] © İslâm Araştırmaları Merkezi (İSAM), 2020 Osmanlı Araştırmaları / The Journal of Ottoman Studies Sayı / Issue LV · yıl / year 2020 Sahibi / Published under TDV İslâm Araştırmaları Merkezi ve İstanbul 29 Mayıs Üniversitesi adına the auspices of Prof. Dr. Raşit Küçük – Prof. Dr. Mustafa Sinanoğlu Sorumlu Yazı İşleri Müdürü / Managing Publication Process Erdal Cesar Yayın Kurulu / Prof. Dr. İsmail E. Erünsal, Prof. Dr. Heath Lowry Editorial Board Prof. Dr. Feridun M. Emecen, Prof. Dr. Ali Akyıldız, Prof. Dr. Bilgin Aydın, Prof. Dr. Seyfi Kenan, Prof. Dr. Jane Hathaway, Doç. Dr. Baki Tezcan Yayın Danışma Kurulu / Prof. Dr. Engin Deniz Akarlı (İstanbul Şehir Üniversitesi) Review Board Prof. Dr. Evangelia Balta (Yunanistan) Prof. Dr. Kemal Beydilli (İstanbul 29 Mayıs Üniversitesi) Prof. Dr. Ali Birinci (Polis Akademisi, Ankara) Prof. Dr. Linda T. Darling (Arizona Üniversitesi) Prof. Dr. Suraiya Faroqhi (İbn Haldun Üniversitesi, İstanbul) Prof. Dr. Pál Fodor (Macar Bilimler Akademisi, Budapeşte) Prof. Dr. François Georgeon (Paris Doğu Dilleri ve Medeniyetleri Enstitüsü) Prof. Dr. Şükrü Hanioğlu (Princeton Üniversitesi) Prof. Dr. Mehmet İpşirli (İstanbul Medipol Üniversitesi) Prof. Dr. Ahmet Karamustafa (Washington Üniversitesi, St. Louis) Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kavas (İstanbul Medeniyet Üniversitesi) Prof. Dr. Metin Kunt (Sabancı Üniversitesi) Prof. Dr. Gülru Necipoğlu (Harvard Üniversitesi) Prof. Dr. Ahmet Yaşar Ocak (TOBB Ekonomi ve Teknoloji Üniversitesi) Prof. Dr. Abdülkadir Özcan (Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakıf Üniversitesi) Prof. Dr. Henning Sievert (Heidelberg Üniversitesi) Prof. Dr. Mustafa Sinanoğlu (İstanbul 29 Mayıs Üniversitesi) Prof. Dr. Abdeljelil Temimi (Tunus) Prof. Dr. Bahaeddin Yediyıldız (E. Hacettepe Üniversitesi) Kitâbiyat / Book Review Editor Doç. Dr. Emrah Safa Gürkan Yay. Kur. Sekreteri / Sec. of the Ed. Board Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Ertuğrul Ökten Sekreter Yrd. / Ass. Sec. of the Ed. Board Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Özlem Çaykent, Cengiz Yolcu, Abdullah Güllüoğlu, Sinan Kaya Style editor Adam Siegel Tashih / Correction Mustafa Birol Ülker – Prof. Dr. Bilgin Aydın Sayfa tasarım / Design Ender Boztürk ISSN 0255-0636 İÇİNDEKİLER / CONTENTS Musul Kazası’nın Cizyegüzârları ve Bölgesel İlişkileri (XVII. Yüzyılın Son Çeyreği) / Poll Tax (Jizya) Payers of the Mosul Kaza and Its Regional Relationships (The Last Quarter of 17th Century) • 1 Oğuzhan Samıkıran ‘Üzerime bir kubbe ve âsâr-ı binâlar etmen’ : Osmanlı Mimarlığında Açık Türbe Modası (1661-1763) / ‘Do not build a dome and monuments on me’: Uncovered Tomb Taste in Ottoman Architecture (1661-1763) • 51 Mustafa Çağhan Keskİn Kudüs Vakıflarında İstihdam: 18. Yüzyılda Vakıf Görevlilerinin Sosyo-Ekonomik ve Demografik Özellikleri / Employment in the Waqfs of Jerusalem: Socio-Economic and Demographic Characteristics of Waqf Staff During the 18th Century • 99 Şerİfe Eroğlu Memİş 18. Yüzyıl Sonunda Ayanlık Siyaseti ve Germiyanzâdeler / The Politics of the Local Notables at the end of the 18th Century and the Germiyanzâdes • 145 Murat Dağlı Osmanlı Sanayisi Hizmetinde Kırk Yıl: İngiliz Mühendis Frederick William Taylor’un Hayat Hikâyesi (1807-1875) / Forty Years in the Service of the Ottoman Industry: The Life Story of English Engineer Frederick William Taylor (1807-1875) • 181 Serdal Soyluer Laramanlar: Gizli Hristiyan Arnavutların Mihaliç’e Sürgünü (1846-1848) / The Laramans: The Exile of the Crypto Christian Albanians to Mihalic (1846-1848) • 207 Yakup Ahbab ix “All We Hope is a Generous Revival”: The Evangelization of the Ottoman Christians in Western Anatolia in the Nineteenth Century / “Bütün Ümidimiz Cömert Bir Uyanış”: On Dokuzuncu Yüzyılda Batı Anadolu’da Osmanlı Hıristiyanlarının Evanjelizasyonu • 243 Merİh Erol Birinci Dünya Savaşı’nda Erzurum’un İşgali: Rus Basını ve Literatürüne Göre İşgalin Rusya’da ve Dünyada Yankılanması / The Fall of Erzurum to Russian Occupation: The Reflections of the Occupation According the Russian Press and Literature and in the World • 281 Ramİn Sadıgov KİTÂBİYAT / BOOK REVIEWS Murat R. Şiviloğlu, The Emergence of Public Opinion: State and Society in the Late Ottoman Empire Abdulhamit Kırmızı • 319 Gennaro Varriale (ed.), ¿Si fuera cierto? Espías y agentes en la frontera (siglos XVI-XVIII) Francesco Caprioli • 324 Cem Behar, Kan Dolaşımı, Ameliyat ve Musıkî Makamları: Kantemiroğlu (1673-1723) ve Edvârı’nın Sıra Dışı Müzikal Serüveni Beyza Topuz • 328 Elif Akçetin and Suraiya Faroqhi (eds.), Living the Good Life: Consumption in the Qing and Ottoman Empires of the Eighteenth Century Tayfun Ulaş • 333 Nedim İpek, İmparatorluktan Ulus Devlete Göçler Ayşegül Kuş • 336 VEFEYÂT / OBITUARY Elizabeth A. Zachariadou (1931-2018) Marinos Sariyannis • 339 Kemal H. Karpat (1923-2019) A. Deniz Balgamış, Alim Arlı • 343 x Musul Kazası’nın Cizyegüzârları ve Bölgesel İlişkileri (XVII. Yüzyılın Son Çeyreği) Oğuzhan Samıkıran* Poll Tax (Jizya) Payers of the Mosul Kaza and Its Regional Relationships (The Last Quarter of 17 th Century) Abstract To determine the contribution of the poll tax registers (jizya defters) on the history of Ottoman non-Muslims and the Ottoman city has been considered as a problem within the scope of the relationship between the Ottoman city and the non-Muslims. The main purpose of the research is to reveal the both urban and rural settlements of non-Muslims in Mosul Kaza; the characteristics of migrations and immigrants; the spatial organization of crafts; the regional relations of Mosul and the effects of variola. The objectives of the research are: What are the urban-rural population and the income level? What is the impact of the conceptual confusion in the register termi- nology to determine both social and demographic features? What is the relationship between the quantities and qualities of crafts and the features of mahallas (quarters)? What is the reason of disproportion in the number of master-apprentice? What is the relationship between the contents of poll tax registers that belong to the cities which have border for neighboring countries and the Ottoman border policies? What is the relationship between the spread of variola and weaving? This research is based on the poll tax register of the Mosul Kaza dated 1103/1691-92. Various documents and registers in the Ottoman Archives (in İstanbul) and sharia court records of Diyarbakır and Mardin have been used in order to interpret the data in the register. The following findings have been obtained: 49% of the native non-Muslims in the kaza have been habitant in the city and 64% of them was ednâ (low-class in terms * Hatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi. Osmanlı Araştırmaları / The Journal of Ottoman Studies, LV (2020), 1-50 1 MUSUL KAZASI’NIN CIZYEGÜZÂRLARI VE BÖLGESEL ILIŞKILERI of income level). The rate of ednâs in rural areas was 77%. In the city, the migrants from rural areas (the rate is 29%) and different cities (the rate is 61%) have been encountered. Rencbers who constituded the majority of scattered (perakende) poll taxpayers that are classified as “who do business/work in the city” and “who are pass-byers” included porters, crafts and capital owners. The majority of rencbers, architects, jewelers, saddlers, weavers, and the craftsmen who composed of the sub- sectors of weaving was in the mahalla of Dergâh-ı Nestûrî. The crafts who played role in the production of the river transportation vehicles had concentrated in the same mahalla. Some Muslim apprentices worked with non-Muslim masters. The rate of apprentices in the city was 13%. The rate of immigrant apprentices was 26%. 1/3 of the jewelers and 31% of the sword maker was composed of immigrants. There were no non-Muslim bakers, butchers, millers and horseshoers in Mosul. The variola mainly affected the tailors, rencbers, weavers, painters, and carpenters. The traces of the Ottoman poll tax have been founded in the proverbs. The rural poverty has been higher than the urban poverty even if there was no signifi- cant difference between rural and urban population in terms of non-Muslims. The low income level in the rural
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