Extensions of Remarks E302 HON. JIM GIBBONS
E302 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks March 14, 2000 drinking water delivery options. Only 8.3% We urge you to support H.R. 1695. of Aviation's efforts to acquire Ivanpah Val- said they would rather have their drinking Sincerely, ley land for an airport; and be it further water from a water utility company. This legis- JEFFREY GOODELL, Resolved, that the Las Vegas Chamber of Vice President, Government Affairs. Commerce as the representative of more lation gives consumers the ability to pay for than 6,000 member businesses in Southern new or refurbished individual household water Nevada, encourages the House of Representa- well systems with convenient monthly pay- AMERICAN ASSOCIATION tives to pass H.R. 1695, providing the Bureau ments, like other utility bills. OF AIRPORT EXECUTIVES, of Land Management with the authority to Alexandria, VA, March 3, 2000. It is my understanding, Mr. Speaker, that or- sell the identified land in the Ivanpah Valley Hon. JAMES GIBBONS, ganizations like the National Ground Water to Clark County; and be it further U.S. Representative, Cannon House Office Resolved, that copies of this Resolution be Association, a group that has a long and dis- Building, Washington, DC. transmitted to Nevada's Congressional dele- tinguished record preserving and protecting DEAR REPRESENTATIVE GIBBONS: The U.S. gation. America's precious ground water resources, House of Representatives will shortly be con- DONALD L. ``PAT'' SHALMY, strongly endorses this legislation. It is my sidering H.R. 1695, which would permit Clark President General Manager. hope that other organizations and commu- County, Nevada to purchase 6,500 acres of federal land in the Ivanpah Valley for a fu- nities that support common sense, innovative ture commercial airport site.
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