Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 171 / Tuesday, September 5, 2006 / Notices 52367 conditionally allocate a portion of the titled: Ivanpah Valley Airport Public and terminal capacity, this level of nationwide qualified highway or surface Lands Transfer Act, the FAA, operations would result in unacceptable transportation limitation to a Corridor representing the Department of levels of congestion and delay. project to facilitate its financing and Transportation (DOT), and the BLM, Therefore, additional airfield, roadway, construction. representing the Department of the and terminal facilities would be Interior (DOI), will serve as joint lead required to meet future operations and E. Priority to Tolling Programs Federal agencies for the preparation of passenger demand in the region. Projects selected for the CFP will be this EIS. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: granted priority under the limited toll The Clark County Department of programs contained in the Intermodal Aviation (CCDOA), the sponsor of the Andrew M. Richards, Manager, Federal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of project, has proposed to construct and Aviation Administration, San Francisco 1991 (ISTEA) (Pub. L. 102–240; Dec. 18, operate a new supplemental commercial Airports District Office, 831 Mitten 1991), the Transportation Equity Act for service airport (the Ivanpah Valley Road, Room 210, Burlingame, CA the 21st Century (TEA–21) (Pub. L. 105– Airport) 30 miles south of the Las Vegas 94010, Telephone: (650) 876–2778 and 178; June 8, 1998), or SAFETEA–LU. metropolitan area in the Ivanpah Valley Jeffrey Steinmetz, Planning and Additionally, the DOT may consider (the Proposed Action) in order to ensure Environmental Coordinator, Bureau of using its experimental authority under sufficient commercial service capacity Land Management, Las Vegas Field SEP–15, or any other experimental for the metropolitan area. CCDOA Office, 4701 North Torrey Pines Drive, programs that may apply, to grant propose that the new supplemental Las Vegas, NV 89130, Telephone: (702) flexibility with respect to tolling. commercial service airport would be 515–5097. Comments on the scope of operational by the year 2017, and would the EIS should be submitted to the F. Access to DOT Experts supplement existing capacity at addresses above and must be Coalitions accepted for the CFP will McCarran International Airport postmarked no later than Monday, have access to DOT experts (McCarran Airport). CCDOA’s proposal November 6, 2006. knowledgeable in the areas of planning, to construct a supplemental airport SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In the the environment, public-private requires approval by the FAA. Such Ivanpah Valley Airport Public Lands partnerships, finance, construction, Federal action is subject to the National Transfer Act, Congress directed the safety, operations, and asset Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and Bureau of Land Management (BLM), management. requires preparation of an EIS, which acting on behalf of the Secretary of the will evaluate the environmental impacts G. Other Discretionary Funding DOI, to transfer property in Ivanpah of the proposed Ivanpah Valley Airport Valley, Nevada to Clark County for the The DOT will work with Applicant(s) and other reasonable alternatives for purpose of developing an airport facility to identify other possible discretionary meeting the aviation needs of southern and related infrastructure. That transfer funding sources. Nevada. has been completed. In accordance with Authority: 49 U.S.C. § 101. CCDOA has proposed to construct the Ivanpah Valley Airport Public Lands and operate a new supplemental Transfer Act, should completion of the Issued on: August 24, 2006. commercial service airport in response Maria Cino, NEPA process lead to the determination to the need for supplemental that an airport should not be Acting Secretary. commercial service to the Las Vegas constructed at the site, it will be [FR Doc. E6–14634 Filed 9–1–06; 8:45 am] metropolitan area. McCarran Airport, transferred back to BLM ownership. BILLING CODE 4910–22–P which is owned and operated by Clark The Ivanpah Valley Airport Public County, is currently the primary commercial passenger and cargo airport Lands Transfer Act also directed the DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION that serves as a gateway to the Las Vegas Departments of Transportation and metropolitan area and southern Nevada. Interior to prepare a joint EIS ‘‘with Federal Aviation Administration The number of commercial service respect to initial planning and construction’’ prior to construction of an Notice of Intent To Prepare an operations has increased substantially at McCarran Airport over the past decade, airport facility and related infrastructure Environmental Impact Statement for largely as a result of the rapid growth in on the proposed Ivanpah site. The FAA the Southern Nevada Supplemental tourism, convention business, and and BLM will prepare an EIS for what Airport, Clark County, NV, and To service industries associated with the is being called the Southern Nevada Conduct Public Scoping Meetings gaming and entertainment industry in Supplemental Airport. The EIS will address a range of alternatives that AGENCY: Federal Aviation Las Vegas, as well as an increase in Administration (FAA), Department of population. Forecasts predict continued achieve the purpose and need and that Transportation (DOT). growth in aircraft operations at rates are reasonable. The range of alternatives identified during the scoping process ACTION: Notice of Intent to Prepare an significantly exceeding the national may include alternatives other than the Environmental Impact Statement and to average. Proposed Action. The alternatives may Conduct Public Scoping Meetings. Although McCarran Airport will be able to accommodate passenger demand include, but are not limited to, SUMMARY: The Federal Aviation in the next few years with the planned expansion of McCarran Airport and use Administration (FAA) and the Bureau of expansion and development of new of other existing airports. The Land Management (BLM) are issuing terminal facilities, parking lots, and alternatives will also include a no- this notice to the public that an roadways, FAA forecasts indicate that action scenario as required by NEPA. Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) by the year 2015, activity at McCarran The FAA and BLM intend to use the will be prepared to consider the Airport will reach 706, 684 annual preparation of this EIS to comply with construction and operation of a new aircraft operations (takeoffs or landings), applicable laws having public supplemental commercial service representing an approximate 15 percent involvement requirements. Comments airport in southern Nevada. In increase over existing operations. addressing your issues should be accordance with Public Law 106–362, Without additional airfield, roadway, addressed to the listed contact persons VerDate Aug<31>2005 17:24 Sep 01, 2006 Jkt 208001 PO 00000 Frm 00051 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\05SEN1.SGM 05SEN1 sroberts on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES 52368 Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 171 / Tuesday, September 5, 2006 / Notices and must be postmarked no later than DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION highways using innovative technologies Monday, November 6, 2006. and practices to accomplish the fast Federal Highway Administration Public Scoping Meetings: The FAA construction of efficient and safe and BLM intend to conduct a scoping [Docket No. FHWA 2006–25748] highways and bridges. ‘‘Highways for process to gather input from interested LIFE’’ is focused on accelerating the rate parties to help identify issues of concern Agency Information Collection of adoption of proven technologies. The Technology Partnerships component of associated with the Proposed Action. In Activities: Request for Comments for New Information Collection. the program allows the FHWA to give addition to this notice, Federal, State, grants or enter into cooperative and local agencies, which have AGENCY: Federal Highway agreements or other transactions to jurisdiction by law or have special Administration (FHWA), DOT. move proven but under-utilized or un- expertise with respect to any potential ACTION: Notice and request for utilized market-ready technologies and environmental impacts associated with comments. methods into practice in the highway the Proposed Action, will be notified by construction business. Members of the SUMMARY: The FHWA invites public letter of an agency scoping meeting. transportation industry would be comment about our intentions to request To notify the general public of the required to prepare a proposal the Office of Management and Budget scoping process, a legal notice describing the innovation, the problem (OMB) approval for a new information describing the Proposed Action will be collection, which is summarized below it addresses, how it differs from other products currently available, the placed in newspapers having general under SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION. We circulation in the project area. The are required to publish this notice in the potential for payoff, and the steps newspaper notice will notify the public Federal Register by the Paperwork required to bring the innovation to that scoping meetings will be held to Reduction Act of 1995. commercialization. The proposal would be reviewed by a panel to evaluate and gain their input concerning the DATES: Please submit comments by select proposals for ‘‘Technology Proposed Action, alternatives to be November 6, 2006. considered, and impacts to be Partnerships’’
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