Bulletin 2015 National Officers' Workshop Held At
A MONTHLY NEWSLETTERAL-IRFAN OF MAJLIS KHUDDAM-UL-AHMADIYYA NIGERIA BULLETIN EM C BE E R 2015 NATIONAL OFFICERS’ D WORKSHOP HELD AT JAMIA 2015 I S S : 3 AHMADIYYA, ILARO, OGUN STATE U E N O REPORTS FROM SADR’S OFFICE AMSA 1 Sadr’s Trip to South-Africa. 4 Transition to a new executive MAJLIS STORIES CHILDREN’S CORNER News from Ilaqas and Dilas. Happenings around Drawing Challenge 2 the country 5 JAMA’AT NEWS News from the worldwide Ahmadiyya 3 community. AL-IRFAN BULLETIN Volume: 2 Issue: 8 DECEMBER 2015 MKAN URGED TO IMPLEMENT SCHEME OF WORK Owing to low level of interest and zeal towards learning among youths, Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya, Nigeria has been urged to sincerely adopt and implement the Majlis’ scheme of work contained in the Brochure at its various local, district and state levels. his plea is contained to ignorance and illiteracy, in the Communique the communique issued by the encouraged members Organization at the to adopt programmes end of a 3-day National as a means of Officers’T Workshop held at propagating Islam, Jamia Ahmadiyya, Ilaro, Ogun adding that youths State between 25th and 27th cannot progress December, 2015 with the theme intellectually “Training the Officers for Optimum without developing Preformance”. constant reading The programme, declared open culture. by the Sadr, MKAN, Bro Abdur It also mobilized full Rafi’ Abdul Qadir, witnessed moral, financial and 291 participants across six spiritual supports of Southwestern states. Topics members for Ahmadi treated include “Roles of Members Youths All African Games towards AYAAG Programmes, (AYAAG), where more than 25 “Health Talk on Preventive countries are invited, holding in Healthcare”, “Officers’ Trainings February and March for successful on Majlis’ Scheme of Work and hosting.
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