DOUBLE U.S. Bi(Is Bonn Chiefi
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. K' FRIDAY, SEPfBSiBER 22, 1961 Arwaga Daily Wef Preae Roa '-'Vf 0sm!t(te&r EwntteS^ . Far.tlMWMk ^ •aft le, im Wsreeeit el O. fnriM rimHa. ■— • ,■ ■'' . 13,339 IS THE LAST «< ‘'A ?• W l V|o::i r l: , er r>; M anehe»tsr-~-A Ciiy o f VUlago Charm. -;^ V-. / ' I . ■•• (t,V'' -'A. V/ VOL. LX30, NO. 861 . (TWELVE PAGES—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, SEPTEBfBER 23, 1961 tfleeafled aeverttoiac ea Pace U) PRICE nVB GSirTS 1+/ ■ ‘ ..!| i vi;,.. P h o n * Ml 3^123 Pounding Too Hard with Shoe State Newa Russians Troika Plan R oundup U.S. Bi(is Bonn Chiefi Starts to Boomerang Caustic LiQuid T o F in is h Hurled in Face Washington, Sept. 23 By TOM HOOB ^up a troika-type board of U.N. im- Of Storekeeper United Netions, N. Y., dedsecretaries to nm the far- Congress struggles on toward reaching UJ7. ofganlsatKfii until filial adjournment today but Sept. 23 (/P>r-Ju8t one year a new secretary-general could be Hartford, Sept. 23 (iP) — . « « . * '’|!^I|JS * * • it remains highly doubtful ago today Soviet Premier chosen. Most now are coming Police searched today for 4 whether the 1961 session can Khrushchev began' a shoe- around to the U.S. position that a single chief must be named eith man who hurled a caustic wind up tonight as most leg pounding campaign to bludg liquid in the face of a store eon the U nlt^ Nations into, er on a stop-gap or permanent ba islators hope. sis. keeper, apparently because he Senate Demooratle leader Mlfte replacing Dag Hammarskjold New Plan The idiift is reflected in a move was resentful at having been Mansfield of Montana told newa- with a board of three men. by a ' group of neutrala for the asked to pick uh a bit of. men it will be a miracle' If the eef- Then fate handed the Commu General Assembly to name an in slon doesn't run Into next week. nists a tragic opportunity: Haip paper. terim aeeretariat chief. The plan The victim, Daniel S. Miller, 42, Others said they had not given up marskjold's death. Now their cam has not yet been presented for Linked to DOUBLE hope on finiahii^ up tonight,' how- paign ia beginning to boomerang. was admitted to Mt. Sinai Hospital. mally. but more than 30 countries over. They seem to b e ' pounding too H e had bums on the eyes, lips, SAVE 2.00 SAVE 2.00 are reported to have lined up be tongue and arms. The hospital The Senate has most of the re hard with that shoe. hind it. Many are fresh from this maining business and Mansfield, would not comment on his chances HOBNAIL BEDSPREADS ^ With the Asixns and Africans month’s Belgrade Conference of of keeping his eyesight. Gen. Clay PLAYTEX LIVING GIRDLE called his colleagues in at 8 a.m. Nonallgned Nations, where they EST., three hours shesil of the fearful of the vacuum created by Miller told police a Negro be and PANTY GIRDLE Hammarskjold’s death, Moscow shied away from opposing Moscow tween 25 and 30 yean old made a norms! time. The House was to and decline to condemn the Sov Berlio, Sept. 23 (AVrHItlt rag. 5.99 convene an hour later. apparently had hoped to stampede small purchase at his store (Mill rag. 6.95 them into backing its three-head- iet resumption of nuclear tests. er's Market, 139 Brook St.) yester American ofh(;ials insisted to* Three appropriatione bills arc ad ''troika” plan for a board,.rep- U.S. Secretary of State Dean day they are advising West the most important leglslstlon day morning and dropped a paper resehtlng the Communist, Western Rusk attempted to give the neu wrapper on the floor. Miller asked standing in the way of adjonm- German leaders to face Bp to and neutral nations. Under this trals a push yssterday by app^- him to pick it up, which the man the existence of the East Ger 4-95 3.99 ment. Hiey are: > the-United Nations would be run ing for the assembly to d ^ Soviet did. a new soft cotton lining 1. Foreign aid, which has psssed by a 3-m‘an committee instead of opposition and choose “an out man Communist' state. both branches. The Senate voted Later, Miller said, the same man a 12.000 tufts a lint free tufting a single, . forceful secretary-gen standing world leader” as tem But an American mhatoe a rMuced to discontinue 14.196,600,000, the House $539 returned and ordered a canned food spokesman said there ha-ve been eral such as Hammarykjold. porary secretary-generaL item. Miller turned, picked up the a ex. small, S>M-L. (ex. large 5.95> a full and twin ' ' million less. Conferees did not even n ie neutrals were retported to no official announcements of this meet yesterday hut Manafield said But instead of a stampede, the can, and was turning around again new American attitude. have decided to wait until after when the man flung the liquid in a bon-bon fringe • white, rose, green, yellow, blue hs thought behind-the-scenes talks Russians' latest campaign loosed President Kennedy addresses the The spokesman emphasised that SAVE 30c had paved the way for quick agfree- a tide of resentment alpong the his face. refusal to grant the ' E ast Car assembly on Monday to put for Miller hurled the can at his as ment today. smaller nations. For>. many of ward their plan formally. The mans control of AlUed aeceat to NEW, LONGER WEARING them the United Natlona is their sailant. The man hit him over the Berlin remains firm westem pol- 3. A $3.94 billion public works President is expected to call for head before leaving the store, he SAVE 60c Ull, carrying funds for rlverg end major, foreign policy forum and *-y. ACETATE TRICOT PANTIES strengthening the United Nations, said. ■ , News reports hinting at a pos harbors, fiood control, reclamation they hesitate to see it deetroyed. and it would, be hard for him to NYLON DUST MOPS and atomic energy projects.. This A number of smaller countries sible westem de facto re<;ognnlon rag. 59e State Airman Killed. of East Germany, surprbwd and has passed the House; it is to be had toyed with the idea of setting (OonUnaed on Page Five) debated in the Senate this morn Bar Harbor, Maine, Sept. 33 tqwet West Oiermans. reg. 1.99 ing. —An airman from Dow Air Force The Berlin newspaper Der . Ta- 2 for 88c - 3. A $1 hiUion catch-all final Base, Bangor, was killed Friday gessplegel linked' these reports. to money bill, loaded, with ' supple night and another one critically a background meeting held for • Sizes 5 to 10 But U,S, DidnH Gain hurt vdien'their car overturned on newsmen yesterday by Gen. Lu a white, pink, blue. maiz mentary funds for doaens of agen 6 1.39 cies. It has passed the House ihid a highway in Acadia National cius D. Clay, President Kennedy's was clesrsd yesterday by the Park. special envoy to Berlin.. In New Rilled in the mishap was Air York, tbe Columbia Broadcasting a detachable mitt, type head Senate Appropriatlona Committee. SAVE 1.00 The Senate argued for almoet 12 man 1/c Paul Joyce, ,28, son of System said it was IdsntUying New Red Tests Held Clay as the source for such hours yesterday on a compromise t Mrs. Zola Joyce, 66 Handlton St-, o u ^ o W n a lu r e kashirespun a washable, white, pink| yellow Hartford, Conn. He has a wife, stories. Mexican Fanh lAbor Bill that West German policy always has would extend for two years the Klyomi, and a daughter, PauA, V.- (orlon "acrylic) - IM , living in Bangor. been based on the principle that present program of . importing Ekud Germany does not exist aa 34 fa 40 SAVE 7.00 workers. Propaganda Setback Hospitalized in Bar Harbor was Airman 2/c David Howerton, 30, a state and the' Communist ad Opponents insisted that this pro ministration there is illegal. This reg. gram should not be ' continued Santa Barbara, Calif. CALDAK TV TABLE SETS Park Ranger Robert Matherall also has been the poUcy of Ctor- Short Sleeve Slipon ................. 3.99 2.99 without more protections for ay HABtlir KEIXT emission and the Defense Depart* many’s westem AUies. American migrant workers and ment. And both agencies declined aaid the airmen's car failed to Long Sleeve Cardigan................... 4.99 3.99 Washington. Sept. 23 (P)—Rus negotiate a curve at high speed, The Amierican officials say the reg. 19.99 sia’s resumption of nuclear tests any comment on the matter. (Oenttoned on Page Six) The government took steps yes smashed into a rock on the side >eople of West Qennany and. Ser I Long Sleeve Slipon ...........................4.99 3.99 after a 3-year halt has given the of the road near Otter ClUfs, and in* should ndlvf.vrMlise. MM'tba Soviets their worst propaganda terday to protect the public’s Communists rcfUhe in -\ E x tr a Size Long Sleeve health from ' potential radiation flipped ever. Cardigan, 42 to 46 ................ .599. 4.99 setback since Red tanks crushed many Is hers to stay, at least 12.99 the 1956 Hungarian revolt, ’ the hazards, natural and man-made. aemeyears. gray heater, black, brown, white, kelly green, Five Exi^uted, UJB. Informations Agency reports. Through the White House, the . KiUed in Crash Tito sanu aouroes"say the E ast beige, blue, red.