Air Command Secretariat Spitfire Block Headquarters Air Command Royal Air Force High Wycombe Buckinghamshire HP14 4UE Ref: FOI2020/04064 Ms Belle [by email]
[email protected] 29 January 2021 Dear Ms Belle Thank you for your email of 25 March 2020 providing the following clarification: "I wish to see a basic break down of course content, similar to the FOI request under your reference 2017/05590. For the RAF Intelligence Officer role this would be the 22 weeks Joint Intelligence Training Group that is undertaken after IOT. The RAF Personnel Training Officer role I would like to see course breakdown of the 8 weeks at the School of Physical Training after completion of IOT. For the RAF Medical Support Officer I would like to see course breakdown for the Phase 2 training; the Initial Medical Support Officer Course. Lastly, the RAF Weapons System Officer role, a breakdown of the training at RAF Henlow in Bedfordshire and an overview of the subjects covered in aircraft and mission systems for the basic flying training." This is a clarification to your request of 16 February 2020: "I write to request copies of the most recent specialist training programmes/syllabuses for the following officer roles: RAF Intelligence Officer, RAF Personnel Training Officer, RAF Medical Support Officer and the RAF Weapon Systems Officer." I am treating your correspondence as a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA). A search for the information has now been completed within the Ministry of Defence, and I can confirm that information in scope of your request is held.