British Intelligence Against Eoka in Cyprus 1945-1960

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British Intelligence Against Eoka in Cyprus 1945-1960 BRITISH INTELLIGENCE AGAINST EOKA IN CYPRUS 1945-1960 A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES OF MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY BY NİHAL ERKAN IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN THE DEPARTMENT OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS JULY 2019 Approval of the Graduate School of Social Sciences ___________________________ Prof. Dr. Tülin Gençöz Director I certify that this thesis satisfies all the requirements as a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. ___________________________ Prof.Dr.Oktay Tanrısever Head of Department This is to certify that we have read this thesis and that in our opinion it is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. _____________________ Prof.Dr. Hüseyin Bağcı Supervisor Examining Committee Members Assoc. Prof. Dr. M. Fatih Tayfur (METU, IR) _____________________ Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Bağcı (METU,IR) _____________________ Prof. Dr. Oktay Tanrısever (METU,IR) _____________________ Prof. Dr. Gökhan Koçer (Karadeniz Teknik Uni., ULS) _____________________ Assist. Prof.Dr. Merve Seren (Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt Uni., INRE) _____________________ I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare that, as required by these rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced all material and results that are not original to this work. Name, Last name : Nihal Erkan Signature : iii ABSTRACT BRITISH INTELLIGENCE AGAINST EOKA IN CYPRUS, 1945-1960 Erkan, Nihal Ph.D; Department of International Relations Supervisor: Prof.Dr. Hüseyin Bağcı July 2019, 367 pages This thesis analyses the role of British intelligence activities in the fight against EOKA in Cyprus between 1945 and 1960. In the study, the concepts of intelligence and intelligence failure as well as development of British intelligence system will be examined. Based on these preliminary Works, this thesis will seek to answer how British intelligence played a role against EOKA in Cyprus with respect to intelligence collection, intelligence analysis, counterintelligence and covert action. Keywords: intelligence, intelligence failure, Cyprus, EOKA iv ÖZ EOKA’YA KARŞI MÜCADELEDE KIBRIS’TA İNGİLİZ İSTİHBARATI, 1945-1960 Erkan, Nihal Doktora:Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi : Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Bağcı Temmuz 2019, 367 sayfa Bu tez, 1945 ve 1960 yılları arasında, İngiliz istihbaratının EOKA’ya karşı Kıbrıs’taki faaliyetlerini analiz etmektedir. Çalışmada istihbarat ve istihbarat hatası kavramları ile birlikte İngiliz istihbarat sisteminin oluşumu incelenmektedir. Bu öncül çalışmalar kapsamında, bu tez İngiliz istihbaratının Kıbrıs’ta EOKA’ya karşı nasıl bir rol oynadığını, istihbarat toplama, istihbarat analizi, istihbarata karşı koyma ve örtülü faaliyet bağlamında değerlendirmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: istihbarat, istihbarat hatası, Kıbrıs, EOKA v TABLE OF CONTENTS PLAGIARISM................................................................................... iii ABSTRACT...................................................................................... iv ÖZ...................................................................................................... v TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................. vi LIST OF FIGURES........................................................................... ix LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS........................................................... xi CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION..................................................................... 1 1.1 The Research Question...................................................... 2 1.2 Contribution of Study........................................................ 5 1.3 Methodology and Sources.................................................. 10 1.4 Structure of the Thesis....................................................... 14 2. INTELLIGENCE AND FAILURE........................................... 18 2.1 Introduction........................................................................ 18 2.2 The Concept of Intelligence............................................... 21 2.3 Failure in the Intelligence System...................................... 43 2.3.1 Inteligence Failure................................................. 44 2.3.2 Counterintelligence Failure.................................... 74 2.3.3 Covert Action Failure............................................ 85 3. DEVELOPMENT OF BRITISH INTELLIGENCE SYSTEM..... 95 3.1 Introduction........................................................................ 95 3.2 Development of British “Intelligence Machinery”............ 98 vi 3.2.1 The Origins of British Intelligence........................ 99 3.2.2 Modernisation of British Intelligence.................... 104 3.2.3 British Colonial Intelligence System……………. 130 3.2.4 British Intelligence System in Cyprus…………... 137 4. BRITISH INTELLIGENCE IN CYPRUS 1945-1960.............. 142 4.1 Introduction........................................................................ 142 4.2 The Start of British Rule on Cyprus.................................. 144 4.3 The British Rule on Cyprus,1878-1945............................. 148 4.4 British Intelligence in Cyprus............................................ 151 4.4.1 The British Strategy............................................... 152 4.4.2 British Intelligence and Enosis Movement (1945-1st April 1955)............................................. 160 4.4.3 British Intelligence and EOKA (1st April 1955-4th November 1957)...................... 170 British Diplomatic Strategy....................... 171 British Intelligence and EOKA.................. 175 EOKA’s Intelligence System..................... 204 Covert Action:Propaganda Wars............... 217 4.4.4 British Intelligence and the Republic of Cyprus (4th November 1957-16th August 1960)................. 233 Political Developments.............................. 233 British Intelligence and EOKA.................. 238 EOKA’s Intelligence System.................... 244 Zurich and London Agreements (1959-16th August 1960)........................................ 248 vii 5. CONCLUSION.......................................................................... 252 REFERENCES.................................................................................. 263 APPENDICES A: SOME DEFINITIONS OF INTELLIGENCE………………... 307 B: LIST OF THE MAJOR INCIDENTS IN CYPRUS…………. 309 C: APPRECIATION OF SITUATION BY DIGHENIS………… 315 D: THE BOOK “APPLE OF DISCORD”...................................... 320 E: NOTE ON THE CIC REPORT………………………………. 321 F: GRIVAS DIARIES AND OTHER BELONGINGS................. 323 G: RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MAKARIOS AND GRIVAS....... 325 H: DEPORTATION OF MAKARIOS........................................... 326 I: BRITISH COUNTER-PROPAGANDA................................... 327 J: EOKA LEAFLET...................................................................... 328 K: EOKA LEAFLET...................................................................... 331 L: SABOTAGES AND AMBUSHES BY EOKA......................... 333 M: A DAILY SITUATION REPORT……………………………. 336 N: THE CIC REPORT…………………………………………… 337 O: EOKA KILLINGS 1955-1958……………………………...… 341 P: UNNAMED LETTER FROM A GREEK CYPRIOT............... 342 Q: EOKA TERRORISM REPORT BY AUGUST 1956............... 343 R: END OF STATE OF EMERGENCY IN CYPRUS................. 344 S: CURRICULUM VITAE............................................................ 345 T: TURKISH SUMMARY/TÜRKÇE ÖZET................................ 346 U: TEZ İZİN FORMU/THESIS PERMISSION FORM ............... 367 viii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 First Drawing of the Intelligence Cycle……………. 52 Figure 2 Intelligence Cycle………………………………….. 53 Figure 3 Key Agencies of British Intelligence………………. 127 Figure 4 British Intelligence Structure………………………. 129 Figure 5 Map of Cyprus by Piri Reis, 1526…………………. 145 Figure 6 Map of Cyprus, 1878………………………………. 147 Figure 7 British Sovereign Base Areas in Cyprus………….. 159 British Soldiers Uncovering an EOKA arms Figure 8 189 cache………………………………………………. Figure 9 EOKA’s reply to Governor Harding, 1956……….. 190 Figure 10 Operation Black Mac……………………………… 194 Figure 11 Pepper Grains Used by EOKA Terrorists………… 203 Figure 12 EOKA Communication by Courier System……….. 216 Round-Up Operation at Paramlymni near Figure 13 244 Famagusta………………………………………….. Figure 14 Signing of the Treaty of Establishment …………… 251 ix LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Abwehr Germany’s Military Intelligence AKEL Progressive Party of the Working Class CA Covert Action CI Counterintelligence CIC Cyprus Intelligence Committee CIA Central Intelligence Agency CID Command Intelligence Operations Center CISC Cyprus Internal Security Committee CO Colonial Office COMINT Communications Intelligence CoS Chief of Staff CS Cypher School CYBINT Cyber Intelligence DIC District Intelligence Committee ELINT Electronic Intelligence EMAK National Liberation Front of Cyprus EOKA National Organization of Cypriot Fighters FCO Foreign and Commonwealth Office FIS Foreign Instrumentation Signals GCHQ The Government Communications Headquarters GEOINT Geospatial Intelligence HUMINT Human intelligence x IC Unites States Intelligence Community IMINT Imagery Intelligence IRD Information Research Department JIC Joint Intelligence Committee KITEM Cyprus Turkish Resistance Union LTC Lieutenant Colonel MASINT
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