Signalling Virtue, Promoting Harm: Unhealthy Commodity Industries and COVID-19
SIGNALLING VIRTUE, PROMOTING HARM Unhealthy commodity industries and COVID-19 Acknowledgements This report was written by Jeff Collin, Global Health Policy Unit, University of Edinburgh, SPECTRUM; Rob Ralston, Global Health Policy Unit, University of Edinburgh, SPECTRUM; Sarah Hill, Global Health Policy Unit, University of Edinburgh, SPECTRUM; Lucinda Westerman, NCD Alliance. NCD Alliance and SPECTRUM wish to thank the many individuals and organisations who generously contributed to the crowdsourcing initiative on which this report is based. The authors wish to thank the following individuals for contributions to the report and project: Claire Leppold, Rachel Barry, Katie Dain, Nina Renshaw and those who contributed testimonies to the report, including those who wish to remain anonymous. Editorial coordination: Jimena Márquez Design, layout, illustrations and infographics: Mar Nieto © 2020 NCD Alliance, SPECTRUM Published by the NCD Alliance & SPECTRUM Suggested citation Collin J; Ralston R; Hill SE, Westerman L (2020) Signalling Virtue, Promoting Harm: Unhealthy commodity industries and COVID-19. NCD Alliance, SPECTRUM Table of contents Executive Summary 4 INTRODUCTION 6 Our approach to mapping industry responses 7 Using this report 9 CHAPTER I ADAPTING MARKETING AND PROMOTIONS TO LEVERAGE THE PANDEMIC 11 1. Putting a halo on unhealthy commodities: Appropriating front line workers 11 2. ‘Combatting the pandemic’ via marketing and promotions 13 3. Selling social distancing, commodifying PPE 14 4. Accelerating digitalisation, increasing availability 15 CHAPTER II CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND PHILANTHROPY 18 1. Supporting communities to protect core interests 18 2. Addressing shortages and health systems strengthening 19 3. Corporate philanthropy and COVID-19 funds 21 4. Creating “solutions”, shaping the agenda 22 CHAPTER III PURSUING PARTNERSHIPS, COVETING COLLABORATION 23 1.
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