Labor in the Collapse of the GDR and Reunification: a Crucial, Yet Overlooked Actor

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Labor in the Collapse of the GDR and Reunification: a Crucial, Yet Overlooked Actor Labor in the Collapse of the GDR and Reunification: A Crucial, Yet Overlooked Actor Dissertation zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades eines Doktors der Philosophie eingereicht an der Philosophischen Fakultät I (Fachbereich Geschichte) der Humboldt Universität zu Berlin von Mathieu Denis Präsident der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin: Prof. Dr. Dr. hc. Christoph Markschies Dekan der Philosophischen Fakultät I: Prof. Dr. Michael Borgolte Gutachter: 1. Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hartmut Kaelble 2. Prof. Dr. Yves Sintomer (Université Paris 8) Tag der mündlichen Prüfung: 31.05.2007 Abstract Was labour involved in the events of 1989-1990 in Germany? Most studies of the East Ger- man revolution and the subsequent unification of Germany say no. This study argues in the opposite direction and by contextualizing the dynamics of East and West German labour of- fers a new picture of supposedly well-known events. The study explores the different ways in which East and West German labour became crucial actors in 1989-1990. It first enlightens the participation of East German workers to the revolu- tion, by revealing the multifaceted overlapping of developments in the shop floors and the streets. Dynamics within labour, the work shows, were a core constituent of the political proc- esses that marked GDR's end. The analysis then focuses on the politics of four West German unions (metal, chemistry, me- dia, and public service) and of their federation (DGB) and unearths the setting up of a tripar- tite crisis management of the East German economic reforms, between the West German gov- ernment, employers and unions. Set up as early as February 1990, this formal and informal agreement led to the adjunction of the "social" dimension to the Monetary, Economic and Social Union of May 1990, i.e. the preservation of the existing West German institutions, norms and actors of the social systems and industrial relations in unified Germany. The two collective bargaining partners became in charge of keeping social tension to a minimum dur- ing the economic reforms, through the tools of collective bargaining. The flipside of this institutional extension was the rapid setting up of trade unions structures in eastern Germany, a last aspect analyzed in this work. The rapid extension of the DGB un- ions and employers associations was an organizational "tour de force." But it came with a cost for the trade unions: the subjection of East German union activists in the "new" unions, and the renunciation to core programmatic claims at home. Keywords: Germany, East Germany, Unification, Labour, Trade Unions, Social Partnership I Zusammenfassung Waren die Arbeitnehmer bei den Ereignissen 1989/90 in Deutschland involviert? Die meisten Untersuchungen über die Revolution und die darauffolgende Vereinigung Deutschlands verneinen dies; die vorliegende Untersuchung behauptet aber das Gegenteil. Durch die Kontextualisierung der Dynamiken in der ost- und westdeutschen Arbeitnehmer- schaft schafft sie ein neues Bild von vermeintlich bekannten Ereignissen. Die Studie untersucht die unterschiedlichen Wege auf denen die ost- und westdeutsche Ar- beitnehmerschaft zu entscheidenden Akteuren 1989-1990 wurden. Zunächst stellt sie die Be- teiligung der ostdeutschen Arbeitnehmer an der Revolution heraus, durch das Aufdecken von vielfältigen Überschneidungen der Entwicklungen in den Betrieben und auf der Strasse. Dy- namiken innerhalb der Arbeitnehmerschaft, so zeigt die Studie, waren ein Kernbestandteil der politischen Prozesse, welche das Ende der DDR markierte. Darauffolgenden konzentriert sich die Analyse auf die Politik von vier Westdeutschen Ge- werkschaften (Metall, Chemie, Medien und Öffentlicher Dienst) und ihres Dachverband (DGB) und deckt die Einrichtung eines Krisenmanagements der ostdeutschen Wirtschaftre- formen, zwischen der Westdeutschen Regierung, Arbeitgebern und Gewerkschaften auf. Be- reits im Februar 1990 gegründet, führte dieses formelle und informelle Abkommen zur Erhal- tung der existierenden Westdeutschen Institutionen, Normen und Akteure der sozialen Systeme und industriellen Beziehungen im vereinten Deutschland. Die Kehrseite dieser institutionellen Erweiterung war die schnelle Etablierung der Gewerk- schaftsstrukturen in Ostdeutschland, der letzte Aspekt, welcher in der Arbeit analysiert wird. Die schnelle Verbreitung der DGB Gewerkschaften und der Arbeitgeberverbänden war eine organisierte „tour de force“. Die Kosten für die Gewerkschaften waren die Unterwerfung der ostdeutschen Gewerkschaftsaktivisten unter die „neuen“ Gewerkschaften und die Abkehr vom Kern der programmatischen Forderungen zu Hause. Schlagwörter: Deutschland, Deutsche Demokratische Republik, Vereinigung, Arbeiterbewegung, Ge- werkschaften, Sozialpartnerschaft II Table of contents Abstract ...........................................................................................................................................I Zusammenfassung......................................................................................................................... II Table of contents...........................................................................................................................III List of Tables............................................................................................................................... VII Abbreviations.............................................................................................................................VIII Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 1 Part 1: The Framework of Analysis........................................................................................... 9 1.1 Questions tackled, Questions left untouched ..................................................................... 9 1.2 The historiography on German labor in the revolution and reunification................... 11 1.2.1 Toward a global labor history, or why a dissertation on labor history in the first decade of the 21st Century? ............................................................................................ 11 1.2.2 East German labor in the collapse of the GDR and the East German Revolution: Actors or spectators? ...................................................................................................... 16 1.2.3 The West German trade unions in the revolution and reunification: A supporting role in act two ................................................................................................................. 26 1.2.4 The transfer of industrial relations: A paradigmatic model for reunification................. 35 1.2.5 Beyond the walls of academia: On the path towards an integrated history of post- war Germany .................................................................................................................. 41 1.3 Hypotheses, approach and actors ..................................................................................... 47 1.3.1 The hypotheses ............................................................................................................... 47 1.3.2 The approach .................................................................................................................. 49 1.3.3 The actors under examination......................................................................................... 50 The “East German labor” .......................................................................................... 50 Four trade unions from the German Confederation of Trade Unions ....................... 51 Other actors to consider in further research............................................................... 53 1.4 Sources: Narrowing down the choice ............................................................................... 53 1.4.1 Publications of the trade unions and employers’ associations........................................ 53 1.4.2 Trade union archives...................................................................................................... 55 1.4.3 Interviews and discussions ............................................................................................. 56 1.4.4 Sources for the study of the East German labor between 1986 and 1990 ...................... 59 Part 2: East German Labor in the Collapse of the GDR and the Revolution...................... 61 2.1 Introduction: Absent on Paper: Workers in the East German Revolution .................. 61 2.2 The Regime’s Perspective of Labor: Repression and Neutralization of Workers’ Potential Resistance in the Second Half of the 1980s ...................................................... 63 2.2.1 Surveillance and Repression In the Workplace.............................................................. 63 SED Workplace Organizations in the Second Half of the 1980s: The Party is Over .......................................................................................................................... 64 Stasi’s Involvement in Production............................................................................. 66 The Stasi Workplace Reports in the Second Half of the 1980s......................... 67 Stasi's Repressive Action in Workplaces in the Second Half of the 1980s ....... 73 Reports by the Trade Unions in the Second Half of the 1980s ................................. 75 The 1969 Directive ...........................................................................................
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