New Holland Honeyeater

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New Holland Honeyeater I NEWHOLLAND HONEYEATER BREDIN CAPTIVITY A report from Metropolitan Fauna Warden, Mr coloured plastic rings, in an efiort to determine A. prompted R. Marshall, the Editors to visit the the sexes by observation of behaviour. A few davs aviaries of Mr Alwyn Pepper of Scarborough, IaLer ooe bird was lound dead cause unknown- It wa.s indeed a delight to observe birds kept in so we watched the remainder very closely. One ideal conditions and cared for with enthusiasm large bird continuousty chased, with much bill snapping, and dedication. Mr Pepper's main aviary is of only one of the inmates. The submissive bird considerable extent and ls a walk-through type. was trapped and removed. to a separate ISottlebrush, Pines, Banksia, Eucalypts, Acacia enclosure. By now my wile teli sure she had a true and pair. Hakea are all well-established, while the ground As spring progressed the larser bird,s plumage cover is of Grevillea, Kangaroo Paw and perennial becamemuch darker and vivid. Observa- lrons proved grasses; running water is an added attraction. this bird the male whilst the female remained smaller in stature and duler in coloura_ Birds sharing the aviary are: one pair of Scarlet tion. From time to time various species of nnches Robins, one pair White-Daped Honeyeaters, Goul- and doves were experimentally introduced. No dian and Painted Finches, several Peaceful Doves dice. The honeyeater's territorial aggressiveness and three Red-plumed Pigeon$. forbade other inmates-with one exception. A Dair The smaller aviary is about 14 ft. x 11 ft. x 10 ft. of ground-loving Red-plumed pigeons lSpiniiex.y and it was in this aviary that Mr and Mrs Pepper (Lophophaps Jeffuginea) were not molested in anv successfully bred the New Holland Honeyeater. It way. In facL Lhe pigeonsbuilL thei.r typicat ground ls not known whether this is the nrst successful nest, and closely sat on two white eggs, tttrougn breeding of this kind in captivity; but flrst or not a week of very unseasonable bitter coia anO triit it is a notable achievement requiring considerable with ice piled around the nest perimeter. Unfor_ yery time and patience. The aviaries are indeed a model tunately the frigid weathar proved fatal to for other aviculturists. the femate pigeon. A report by Mr Pepper on the successful breed- To return to our honeyeaters. Close observation ing was submitted to the Chief Warden of Fauna. showed the female commencing to carry building This report reads: material into the dense top of a pruned pencil pine "As tree. The nest site was some eight feet ofi the an aviary inmate the New Holland Honey- ground. The bird always went through the ealer (Phylidonvris ?rouoeholland,ioe is a very side ) oI tree and emerged through the top. It was handsome bird strikingly coloured black, white .the not until two weeks tater (29/IO/71) that and yellow. civen the correct conditions it is the remale commenced sittiug. At no Lime did apparently quite hardy and wiII breed successfully we rnspecLthe well-hidden nest so we can nol say how in conflnement. To be able to observe these lovely many eggs were laid. See later notes. birds at close quarters, and study their behaviour is indeed a fascinating and rewarding pastime. On the 11th November both birds were runnine They are so vastly different, in all respects, from a shuttle servicelo the nest with sugar_waterand the usual run of everyday flnches, parrots, etc. small insects. I confess my wife and I were as Please don't think I'm knocking these latter species excited as the actual parents. The parent birds as f've kept them for forty years and will probably were naturally kept very busy until the young !ffere continue to enjoy their company, ready to leave the nest. A bucket of freshly picked blossom would immediately attract the femaie and Watch them gracefully and efforflessly twist and woe betide the henpecked male if he dared turn in mid air as they hawk for insects. Watch approach the flowers whilst the femate was feed- their fantastic flash of gold as they flit from flower ing. This aggressive female behaviour to flower to cling precariously whilst probing seemed their strange in view of later events long curved bius deep into colourful blossoms in their never ending search for nectar. On the 21st November, which was three davs before the nrsr youngsler emerged, the male bi_ The New Holland's strong territorial instinct came the aggressor in no uncertain manner. With demands a roomy aviary to themselves. Mv wife snapping bill he swooped at his tady love at everv placed four wild trapl,ecl unsexed birds in her opportunity. Her only reluge was the nesting site. 14 ft. x 11 ft. x 10 ft. aviary in January 19?1. They were very aciive and vocal in attempting to gain The eagerly awaited day dawned on the 24th dominance over each other. With the adveni of November. Number one baby emerged about four early spring their aggressiveness increased. The p.m. and fluttered to a low bush. Horrors! We birds were then caught and banded with difierent belatedly remembered the killer reputation of the 'qcu"Jq 'aloq 35J€l € ur€luot a3E1u€^ sql 01 >lc€q,^aaguaql puts 'Ja^oc ol {q€q oq punoJ ore.& sqlolc ellq^\ qloq Isar[ 3uo JoIJV eql pas€qc 'u1dop .$ag ,tDlclnb al€tu eqJ 'qloIt palced flsnonulluoc pu" elq€lsls€Jrl lu"JJe aql 'JaulE'luoJpooJ arll punoJ€ pa^oru puB SuluJ€l\ dIJ.l punoJ spJlq sIlJ qlolc allLl1d E se{Ilu asaql peJouFI JalSBunof snolcoaaJd oIIO SuIuJ€rd aql qc€3 JaaO sll€c proaar II€3 paqtl3rls ,tl1q3l1 sBld e>lllu aaES puts a8tsluts,t q8lr{ B oq raau alelu o'!\1 lulod lllrp€ 01 Jepro uI ^J€r^? 3q1 uI SaaJl 01 souoqdoJalul aql'fllulc!^ aql u-rpoJeadd€ (snlDnbJo?snrlporC) pexg aa 1s3u aq1 psutsdap per{ Suno^ el{l ralJv spJ-rgJaqclng,{eJC ueq,t'uolsBcco euo uO dJ?rats '8op ISroC rno 3q? Jo uoISaJ Jaddn eql ur sluaJBd rlaql qlrid rrroJJ JIeq pu€ loora uolloc'uiaop Blur€z rtrlr,ll paurl ac€Id Jrarll 3)lts1.,[llnJactsJ8 01 a5elloJ Ja,/!\ol aql 'sass€J8 puB slJllooJ ruu Jo pJlJulsuoa adBqs lJeI pu? ssau.'{qsluaJaqul rregl lsol 3uno.{ 3rI1 ltsql 'pelJBdap SIaaAt o^g Se,{\ 'lsAU -dnt l€cldf1 oltl sBra pBr{ 8uno.{ ar{l JalJts 1S3UJO lno IIIUn lou 1I JO }no prlql p3^Jesqo fq 8ul s{a3,4\aulos pduftrlEXasB/( r-lcIIJA\"}SaU JIIJ:?SaN Iee,r 3q1 01 sts,4d.sluar€d aql -paad punoJ3 aq1 Jo saqcul ,4AalB qcu€Jq uepplq 's3AOp JeUuslU eql u! peqtlaJls 'eprs 'qaJed Jo IIa,u .&oI € uo ,{q aprs 01 panulluoc -lno punoJ5 s5ur,{1 pu€ sJer]l€eJ psuJnJ r{lli aql sJals8unof, o.4[1 3I{1 $la3,4A.eaJql lsJg 3ql JOd uo aqlequns o] d)trlsdrullJruos spJlq dLlJ lq8rlJp 'Eunod aql Jo ernlJrd € sr 8urq1€q aStsrIoJ lellrpolrod ql€q puts pau8rsf, ',{dd€r{ paal dleq ol palllurad s€,t[ alslual aql saJJoJ€c .{IJBIncIU€d € sr uoouJalJts alBT puz 'JeAaA\oH pa^lo^ul 'ourrlsEd ec€3d Jequerac aql fq JBIndod € sr SurqlEq I"unruuroC ,{€p E s"na ItsnlIJ JO adr{l alxos paunsaJd os paJnlulun sJrull I€JalJs sJr{l€q pu"IloH nAaNaqJ ;6uutr1DB s€rd alerusJ eql pu€ Sultu sJ3qlB3J ou 3JA^\ eJaql 'spJrq qloq Jo auo uroJJ pasII€3J A1( Jnor^eflaq slql Jo s,t€p .ual e JelJv 'Jnlq aJ€uBrua s>l€enbs polraxE p€or{ aql punoJts olrq.r IIB sBr$ ecu€ulurop altsur Jo rtBld 'acuetJadxa Jo sEaJ€ poBJ€Iua pe.{€ldsrp al€ru aqJ, ec€Id sa>l€1 -stp slql leq1 J3rtr plol I€cIqJsJd ruorJ ',rolla{ 'uolllnlul uollBlndoc lslrqa sanulluoa .{Bldslp srqJ dlaJua. JaItr sdBqJod Jo lJBd J3q uo ssau -passna ,.{Iusruond,4laJnd s€/t\ uolslcsp slql Jaqlaqia. Jo sBaJ€ aFr€I .{EIdsIp ol rtlpld€r 5uuo11ng sSuIA{ '^\oqs peqclaJ?slno 'qrJad u-r€lJacsts l,uBJ I iou pl€s eJr.4. .{J I fru Jor{ oq1 uo ,rol SurqcnoJc 'Saluoloc lou Sts1t\1,r lng er{l JoJ z oN uoleJ uaoq .{q uollelndor salr^ur aIEtuaJ eUJ :uo|?DlndoC 'Ja?ltsw 'lc€J a^"q plno,& 1r aq1 ur .{Es B p?q p,I JI 'splr]d€ pooS 'oluoJd uaeJ8 Jo aJJnos B aJB.{I)Icrql uI tno al€ur ltsq1 p3luEnd. pu€ Jno-r^Bq3q pelu€Id sollsrqJ, ls€dal JBIndod B aJe s€pBcIC s€1t\ 'JIe a^lsserB8€ dlSulruaas srql ,{q lasdn,{Iqlrra} I p-rur ur pei,u€tl dlel€rpauurr aJB pue ^J€I^ts aql JAIJASqOeJaru € sE 8u]lllurp€ purltl l,uop I'Ilal!\ rl5norql fg fll€rnleu slrasur asaql Jo duBI I ( isapra 'auo Jaqtunu JoJJ" -rlcesur palselq oN) .uraJaql al\uql slcasul .{u€!u sr{€p ordl lsau 3ql uoJJ paSJarua o.{{1Jeqrunu .{qBg puB trISuIpJoccB sqnJr{s pue saaJl an.ll€u u€rIBJl 'lqSnEISUOqllr[ 1JUI SE,^AsdlqEq JdrJ LlJeoJddE01 -snv ql.r1t{paluEld.{IrABaq 'JauJoa sr aJcB JaUBnb JnO u"d Jeq uo ldruall€ duv JEJ 13ur uepprq pdd 'sprlq aqt fq pdldoJ Jrtrs luun rlBtxJJ dlEunuoJun dql l€ -dBus parltnq'a^oJp el€ur 3q1 eql paJou8r aJ€ slcesur elrqorutur asaql ,{€s ol aEuBJlS pu€ aH Jo lJEd 'ureJaql )Iaea B pocuaruruor.{{oN padd€Jl auocaq pu€ uorlnlos J€Bns aql uo.tllcoJeJ luaJ€ddB Jo .lq8rl 'AJ€IA€ olur ,{B,r Jror{l pug sqloru ,{u€trI aql punoJB 'cla peJJoJSuBJl SpJo,!\ Jeqlo uI SaIUOIOC sqluou JoJ XidBq ,{IlEuJnl.oou ua^a IIr^\ spJrq JAqlOu€ 01 pLl€ puB Japun oql suorsBccouo paopul ls€J>l€aJq.{lsEl € al€ur aql ol pauodsu€Jl d3{ >lcol pu€ iqFII aql .4q polc€Jllts slrasur Furfg snoJarunu se.$.
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