GK Jan Part-1 Teachwell Institute GK_Part-1_January 2018_Theory by Puneet Bhatia Sir

‰‰ A memorandum of intent was on Invest and Invest NATION in Israel. Indian Oil and Israel's Phinergy Ltd. signed a Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin (Netanyahu Visit to India: letter of intent for cooperation in the area of metal-air Both Countries Sign Nine Agreements Israeli Prime Minis- batteries. ter Benjamin Netanyahu was on a six-day visit to India on ‰‰ Another letter of intent between Indian Oil and Israel's January 14-19. He arrived at the airport on Jan- Yeda Research and Development Co. Ltd. was signed uary 14. Indian PM Narendra Modi broke protocol and him- for cooperation in the area of concentrated solar thermal self went to the airport to receive him. Both leaders warmly technologies. begged each other, indicating the warmth of relationship between the two countries. The visiting dignitary was ac- Key Points corded a ceremonial and an unprecedented warm welcome • Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu paid an official visit to at the Rashtrapati Bhawan. India on January 14-18, 2018. During the joint conference on Jan. 15, 2018 the Israeli • Both countries signed nine agreements, including in the areas of defence, cyber security and oil and gas. PM lauded his Indian countepart as a revolutionary leader Both agreed on their companies to invest in each in the best sense of the word nd let him know that he was other's countries. tanyahu with his Indian counterpart available for a yoga • PM Netanyahu visited Agra, and class with him any time. . In Ahmedabad he visited along with PM Modi Both leaders also announced that they had a wide range Sabarmar Ashram and paid floral tributes to Mahatma of discussions and signed various cooperation deals in Gandhi : He visited the iCreate (International Centre for Entrepreneur-ship and Technology) and the centre cutting edge areas in agriculture, science and technology for Excellence tori Protected cultivation and Precision and defence and security as well as in people-to-people Farming on vegetables a symbol of Indo-Israel cultural exchanges to deepen a bond "that goes back to a cooperation. 1,000 years." • In Mumbai, he addressed leaders of business Striking a sombre note Netanyahu talked about both India community He paid tributes to the 2008 Mumbai and Israel "knowing the pain of terror attacks." terror attack victims and interacted with Bollywood personalities. Both Countries Sign Nine Agreements • His visit further cemented Indo-Israel friendship. India and Israel on January 15, 2018 signed nine agreements, including in the areas of cyber security and oil and gas, Dr. K. Sivan Appointed New ISRO Chairman: following delegation level talks headed by Prime Minister The'Rocket Man'who Helped send 104 Satellite in Narendra Modi and Benjamin Netanyahu in New Delhi. a Single Mission ‰‰ A memorandum of understanding (MoU) on cooperation Dr. K. Sivar^-who was Director of Vikram Sarabhai Space in cyber security was signed. A second memorandum Centre (VSSC) Trivendrum, was on January 10/2018 of understanding was signed between the Ministry of appointed the neV. chairman of Indian Space Research Petroleum and Natural Gas and Israel's Ministry of Organisation (ISRO) to replace A. S. Kiran Kumar who Energy in oil and gas sector. retired on January 14, 2018. Mr. Kumar had taken as ‰‰ A protocol between India and Israel on amendments to ISRO chairman on January 12, 2015. the air transport agreement was also signed. Another Dr. Sivan is popularly known as the 'Rocket Man' for his agreement was on film-co-production between India significant contribution in the development of cryogenic and Israel. engines for India's Space Programme. ‰‰ A third MoU between the Central Council for Research The announcement of Sivan as ISRO chief came two in Homeopathy, Ministry of AYUSH and the Centre for days ahead of the most successful launch of ISRO's 100th Integrative Complementary Medicine, Shaare Zedek satellite along with 30 others in a single mission from Medical Centre of Israel, related to cooperation in the Sriharikota on January 12, 2018. field of research in homeopathic medicine. ISRO Again Scripts History: Places 100th Satellite ‰‰ Another MoU between Indian Institute of Space Science into Orbit and Technology (IIST) and the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology for cooperation in the field of space was After a lull of over four months, the Indian Space Research signed. Organisation (ISRO) is back in the game as its work horse

Teachwell CORPORATE OFFICE : 415, 4th Floor., Amba Tower, DC Chowk Complex, Sec-9 Rohini, Delhi-110085 (1) Institute Ph.: 27860899, Mob: 9015557890; Website: www.teachwell.co.in GK Jan Part-1 Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV-C40) successfully considered lesser risk than terrorism or climate change." placed 31 satellites in two different orbits in one of the lon- Protectionism is rearing its ugly head and there is risk gest missions on January 12, 2018. of new tariff and non-tariff barriers coming up, the Prime The launch was also significant for another reason— Minister said, as he mentioned that division is not the ISRO demonstrated multiple-burn technology that it tested solution to this problem of anti-globalisation. in three previous launches. Noting that in an interconnected world, globalisation is "This is PSLV's 40th successful launch" project director losing its lustre, he wondered, "Do global organisations R. Hutton said. created after the Second World War really reflect the PSLV-C40, in its 42nd flight, placed 31 satellites +— aspirations and dreams of mankind today ? With respect to Cartosat-2 series, Microsat, 28 foreign nano satellites and the developing counttries there is a very big gap." an Indian nano satellite—into orbit. The foreign nano- Asserting that India is proud of its democracy and diversity, satellites are from the US, France, Finland, the UK, South he said the country has always contributed to global peace as Korea and Canada. well as promoted values of integration and unity. Around 17 minutes after the lift-off from the launch pad at Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota at 9-28 Modi's Davop Debut am, the rocket injected its main payload—the 710 kg • Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu paid an official visit to weighing Cartosat-2 series, the seventh satellite in the India on January 14-18, 2018. series, into a polar sun synchronous orbit at an altitude of He Said: about 510 km. • We in India are proud of our democracy and diversity. Our government's goal is to reform, perform, transform. Within a span of around seven minutes, the rocket ejected • We have replaced red tape by red carpet for investors 29 satellites as it maneuvered its way up the altitude to 519 PM Talks of Key Global Challenges km. Climate Change—Extreme weather events are "It is an excellent mission. Cartosat's, performance has increasing. We should have come closer to tackle this, been so far satisfactory," said retiring ISRO chairman A. S. have we ? And if we haven't, why not ? Kiran Kumar after Terrorism—Terrorism cases losses in billions of dollars the rocket placed 30 satellites in orbit, with one remaining and threatens the progress, peace and stability of the to be placed in a different orbit. world. Protectionism—Many nations and societies are After the ejection of the 30th satellite, the fourth stage becoming self-centered. This is a threat no less earth storable liquid engine was restarted for the first time worrisome than terrorism and climate change. 30 minutes later and was shut off within five seconds. For the next nearly 45 minutes of coasting period, the rocket ASEAN-lndia Commemorative Summit Held in moved from 505 km to 359 km altitude before the engine was New Delhi restarted again for the second time for another five seconds. ‰‰ PM Modi stresses on maritime security links at summit. Prime Minister Narendra Modi at World Economic ‰‰ India-ASEAN ties to focus on freedom of navigation. Forum Meeting at Davos, Switzerland Security and freedom of navigation will be in the heart World Economic Forum's annual meeting was held at of Indian-ASEAN cooperation in the twenty first century, Davos, Switzerland on January 23-26, 2018. The opening said Prime Minister Narendra Modi on January 25, 2018, plenary session of the forum meeting was first addressed addressing the leaders of the ASEAN countries at the by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The final Mr. ASEAN India Commemorative Summit held in New Delhi. Modi listed three great dangers for the world: Terrorism, The leaders also agreed on establishing a joint mechanism Climate Change and Protectionism. Sending out.a strong to ensure safety and freedom of navigation in the maritime message against protectionism and inward-focused econo- domain. on January 23, mic policies, he 2018 said such tendencies The discussion on this issue took place during the can be as dangerous as terrorism and climate change as he 'Retreat' segment of the summit, held at the Rashtrapati pitched for creating a heaven of freedom. Mr. Modi, who Bhavan. "The mechanism that was discussed was aimed at became the first Indian Prime Minister to address the World addressing both traditional and non-traditional challenges Economic Forum's annual summit at Davos, Switzerland that all of us face collectively in the maritime domain in two decades, talked about grave concerns facing the sector. Delhi Declaration world, including terrorism and climate change. PM Modi The ASEAN-lndia Commemorative Summit also came in his address sought to hard sell India as an investment out with a comprehensive statement targeting terrorism. destination saying those wanting wealth with wellness and Focusing on the presence of the Islamic State and other peace with prosperity should come to the country. forms of radicalism in the region, a joint statement, Seen as an apparent reference to policies like America First, titled Delhi Declaration, issued after the plenary session, Mr. Modi said, "Many countries are becoming inward focused supported a common approach to counter terrorism and and globalisation is shrinking and such tendencies can't be sought a "comprehensive approach to combat terrorism through close cooperation by disrupting and countering

Teachwell CORPORATE OFFICE : 415, 4th Floor., Amba Tower, DC Chowk Complex, Sec-9 Rohini, Delhi-110085 (2) Institute Ph.: 27860899, Mob: 9015557890; Website: www.teachwell.co.in GK Jan Part-1 terrorists, terrorist groups and networks, including by Pakistan Reacts countering cross border movement of terrorists and foreign In a muted response, Pakistan criticised 'shifting goal- terrorist fighters and misuse of Internet including social "pbsts' and said the US suspension of aid was counterpro- media by terror entities." ductive. The last time India hosted a similar summit was in 2012. The Trump administration has said Pakistan can reclaim The leaders of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations or access to the frozen aid by taking specific actions required ASEAN met on January 25, 2018 in New Delhi to observe by the US which, it added, had been privately conveyed to 25 years of ties between India and the 10-nation bloc. the Pakistani leadership. The leaders were also the guests of honour at January 26, Pakistan has received $ 4 billion under the FMF head 2018's Republic Day celebrations, an important diplomatic since 2002. CSF reimbursements are much higher, clocking distinction for India in at $14-5 billion over the same period. The last payment India Celebrates Its 69th Republic Day; Heads of $ 550 million was made in March 2017, cleared by the of State/Government of ASEAN as Chief Guests Trump administration. This amount was due from the 2016 Grace the Occasion budget. Payments for 2017 and 2018 could be frozen. India on January 26, 2018 celebrated its 69th Republic Day N. Koreas Hold Talks, Decide to Solve Issues with its customary display of military might and cultural Peacefully diversity in a parade that saw the rare attendance by heads of state and government from 10 Southeast Asian countries North to send participants to Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang city. in a major departure from established practice. Leaders of countries representing the Association of In the background of the offer of talks by North Korea Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) took the stage along with to the South, North and South Korea on January 9, 2018 their host, Prime Minister Narendra Modi as President Ram agreed on negotiations to resolve problems and military Nath Kovind took the salute at the Rajpath in New Delhi. talks aimed at averting accidental conflict, after their first The presence of the 10 ASEAN leaders signifies India's official dialogue in more than two years, as North Korea's growing strategic interest in its eastern neighbourhood nuclear weapons programme fuels tension. that surrounds the maritime underbelly of Asia—the Indo- Joint Statement Pacific. It also signifies a new beginning in India's ties with In a joint statement after the 11-hour talks the North the ASEAN, which acts as the fulcrum of India's Act East pledged to send a large delegation to February, 2018's Policy. The MEA described the ASEAN-India Summit, Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in the South, but made held on January 25, 2018, and the presence of the leaders a strong complaint after South Korea proposed talks to at the parade as a spectacular success not just in terms of denuclearise the Korean peninsula. substantive engagement but also logistics and protocol. South Korea asked its neighbour to halt hostile acts that Agni-5 Missile successfully test-fired stoke tension on the peninsula, and in return, the North agreed that peace should be guaranteed in the region, the India successfully test-fired on January 18, 2018 its nuclear South's unification ministry said in a separate statement. capable surface-to-surface ballistic missile Agni-5—the The talks had been closely watched by world leaders keen most advanced missile in the Agni series with a strike range for any sign of a reduction in tension, as fears grow over of over 5000 km—from a test range of the Odisha coast. the North's missile launches and development of nucler All radars, tracking systems and range stations monitored weapons, in defiance of United Nations Security Council the flight performance, defence sources said. Describing the trial as 'fully successful", the sources said, the sophisticated Key Points missile travelled for 19 minutes and covered 4,900 km. • Tension between North Korea and South Korea began Agni-5 is most advanced missile in the Agni series with to abate when North Korean Supreme leader Kim new technologies incorporated in it. Jong-un announced reopening of its border hotline with the South. World • The South welcomed the move and US President Donald Trump also described it as a good thing. US Freezes Over $1 Billion Aid to Pakistan • Trump said thaf the US was also open to direct talks with N. Korea to resolve the pending issues including The United States has suspended more than $ 1 hiVUnn the situation created by North's testing atomic bombs in security-related aid for Pakistan until it takes decisive and intercontinental ballistic missiles. action against terrorists operating from its soil, chiefly the • The Koreas eventually held talks during which Haqqani Network and Afghan Taliban. the North ' conveyed to the South that its team will The US did not specify the actions Pakistan is required to participate in Winter Olympics scheduled to be held in S. Korea in February 2019. take to earn back the assistance, mostly extended to enable • South Korea asked its neighbour to halt hostile acts Islamabad to bolster its counter-terrorism capabilities, that stoke tension on the Korean peninsula. including military hardware purchases with American funding:

Teachwell CORPORATE OFFICE : 415, 4th Floor., Amba Tower, DC Chowk Complex, Sec-9 Rohini, Delhi-110085 (3) Institute Ph.: 27860899, Mob: 9015557890; Website: www.teachwell.co.in GK Jan Part-1 French President Emmanuel Macron Visits China: The party's central committee for discipline inspection New Silk Road Cannot be One-way, says Mr. Macron (CCDI) said 71,644 people were booked under 51,008 cases. French President Emmanuel Macron was on an official There was no let-up in investigations and punishments at the three-day visit to China early in January, 2018. On January end of the 19th CPC Congress held in Beijing in October— 8, 2018, he said in Xian that China and Europe should work as many as 10,672 people were punished in December. together. On Beijing's "Belt and Road Initiative," a project State media reported that the number of people punished aiming to build a modern-day 'Silk Road' he said that it saw a sharp increase in 2017, up from 57,700 the previous could not be 'One-Way'. year. "The ancient Silk Roads were never only Chinese", The eight-point frugality code, introduced by the CPC Macron told an audience of Academics, students and Politburo's Central Committee in December 2012, aims businessmen in Xian, an eastern departure point of the to improve party and government officials' working style ancient Silk Road. "By definition, these roads can only be and ethics. The code broadly covers the areas of formalism, shared. If there are roads, they cannot be one-way," he said. bureaucratism, hedonism and extravagance. Unveiled in 2013, the Belt and Road project is aimed The reports further said authorities will keep a watchful at connecting China by land and sea to Southeast Asia, eye on the upcoming Spring Festival or Chinese New Year Pakistan and Central Asia, and beyond to the Middle East, holidays in February. Europe and Africa. Chinese President Xi pledged $124 billion for the plan Regional at a Summit in May but it has faced suspicion in Western capitals that it is intended more to assert Chinese influence. Maharashtra Wins Best Tableau Prize on 69th Re- public Day Pakistan, China Ink 6 Pacts to Develop Gwadar Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman presented the 2018 Pakistan and China signed six agreements on January 29, Republic Day Parade Best Tableau award to Maharashtra Z018 for the development of Gwadar port as Islamabad in Delhi cantonment on January 28, 2018. Maharashtra's formally inaugurated an economic free zone in Balochistan tableau was titled 'Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Coronation. province that will be a part of a multi-billion dollar transit The best marching contingent award among the three corridor. services went to Punjab Regiment Contingent. The ceremonial Republic Day Parade 2018 was organized China Denies Pak Base Plan on January 26, 2018 at Rajpath to celebrate 69th Republic China denied as "unnecessary" speculation reports Day of India. that it .was planning to build a military base in Pakistan's Assam's tableau depicting traditional 'masks and sastras' Balochistan province close to the strategic Chabahar port, which is being jointly developed by India, Iran and bagged the second prize among states. Afghanistan. The third prize went to Chhattisgarh's display of Reports said Pakistan may allow China to build the base Ramgarh's ancient amphitheatre and artistes performing in Jiwani, near the Gwadar port being developed by Beijing. dance based on Kalidasa's Meghadootam. When asked about it, Chinese foreign ministry spokesman The Indo-Tibetan Border Police won the top honour Lu Kang said, 'I am not aware of what you mentioned.' among the paramilitary and other auxiliary forces in the Representatives from the two countries signed five Republic Day parade this year. agreements and a memorandum of understanding in the presence of Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi after the National and International inauguration of the first phase of Gwadar Free Zone. Two agreements declared Pakistan's Gwadar and China's Acronyms Tianjin as sister ports, and Gwadar and Piung as sister SFIO: Serious Fraud Investigation Office cities. Another agreement was for cooperation between Pakistan State Oil, Gwadar International Terminals Limited D.P. Singh Takes Charge as UGC Chairman and Gwadar Port. With D.P, Singh assuming charge as University Grants The Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan Commission chairman, the higher education regulator has and China's Free Trade Zone Company and Gwadar port a new full-time head atter several months following the and HAT A Trade City inked two agreements on coopera- retirement of previous chairman Ved Prakash. tion. Park Geun-Hye China Punished More than 71,000 for Graft in 2017 Ousted South Korean president to be charged with accepting The Communist Party of China punished more than 71,000 bribes from the state spy agency. people for breaking a strict eight-point frugality code laid Park allegedly received between 50 and 200 million won down by President Xi Jinping as part of his ongoing anti- (now $ 47,000 to $ 188,000) from the National Intelli-gence corruption campaign in 2017.

Teachwell CORPORATE OFFICE : 415, 4th Floor., Amba Tower, DC Chowk Complex, Sec-9 Rohini, Delhi-110085 (4) Institute Ph.: 27860899, Mob: 9015557890; Website: www.teachwell.co.in GK Jan Part-1 Service (NIS) every month from soon after her swearing-in ‰‰ Biest Film—' Medium' in early 2013 until mid-2016, media reports said. ‰‰ Critics' Award for Best Film—'Newton' The cash, said to total 3-8 billion won, was reportedly ‰‰ Best Actor In A Leading Role (Female)—Vidya Balan delivered by NIS agents to Park's aides in parking lots or for 'Tumhari Sulu' in back alleys near the presidential Blue House, said the ‰‰ Best Actor In A Leading Role (Male) —Irrfan Khan for reports citing prosecutors. 'Hindi Medium'. The money came from the spy agency's 'blind budget' millions of dollars of special funds that can be spent without 60th Grammy Awards : Major Winners receipts for anti-espionage activities Yonhap news agency ‰‰ Record of the Year: 24K Magic — Bruno Mars. reported. Padma Awards-2018 Joshua Wong President Ram Nath Kovind has announced names recip- Hong Kong activist jailed for a second time for his role in ients of year 2018 Padma awards viz., Padma Vibhushan, mass pro-democracy protests. Padma Bhushan and Padma Shri. He approved conferment Wong 21, who became the face of the 2014 Umbrella of Padma Awards on 85 persons. Padma Awards, the coun- Movement, was on January 17, 2018 handed a three-month try's highest civilian award bestowed for distinguished sentence on a contempt charge for obstructing clearance of service of high order various disciplines-art, social work, a major protest encampment, to which he pleaded guilty. public affairs, science and engineering trade and industry, He was already on bail pending an appeal over a six-month medicine, literature and education, sports, civil service etc. sentence for another protest-related offence. Padma Vibhushan Doodhnath Singh, an Eminent Hindi Writer Passes It is the second highest civilian award : Illaiyaraja (Art-Mu- away sic), Ghulam Mustafa Khan (Art-Music), Pararne-swaran Eminent Hindi writer Doodhnath Singh passed away in Parameswaran (Literature and Education). Allahabad early on January 12, 2018 hospital authorities said. He was 81. Singh, who was suffering from prostrate Padma Bhushan cancer, is survived by two sons and a daughter. His literary It is the third highest civilian award : Pankaj Advani journey had many milestones. He is known for his works like (Sports-Billiards/Snooker), Philipose Mar Chrysostom 'Sapaat Chehre Wala Aadmi', 'Aakhri Kalaam', 'Nishkaasan', (Others-Spiritualism), Mahendra Singh Dhoni (Sports- 'Bhai Ka Shok Geet', 'Dharmakshetra-Kurukshetra' and ), Alexander Kadakin (Foreigner) (Public Affairs), 'Surang se Lautate Huye. Ramachandran Nagaswamy (Others-Archaeology), Ved Prakash Nanda (OCI) (Literature and Education), Laxman Sarod Maestro Buddhadev Dasgupta Dies at 84 Pai (Art-Painting), Arvind Parikh (Art-Music), Sharda Sarod maestro Pt. Buddhadev Dasgupta, an exponent of the Sinha (Art-Music). Shahjahanpur gharana and a celebrated performer with a deep cerebral approach to music, died of a cardiac arrest at New Dubai Building Poised to Become World's his south residence on January 16-2018. He was 84 Tallest Structure and is survived by his wife and two sons. The deep foundation testing for Dubai Creek Tower, struc- ture which is set to eclipse the Burj Khalifa, the world's ICC Awards 2017: Major Winners tallest structure, was successfully completed in December ‰‰ Sir Garfield Sobers Trophy for Men's Cricketer of the 2017 as experts cleared the sky-scraper's complex design. ‰‰ Year—ViratKohli It is designed to be almost 100 metres (322 feet) taller ‰‰ Men's Test Cricketer of the Year—Steve Smith thah the 828-metre (2,717-foot) Burj Khalifa, which has ‰‰ Men's ODI Cricketer of the Year— beerrthe world's tallest building since it was completed in ‰‰ Men's Emerging Cricketer of the Year—Hasan Ali 2010. 75th Golden Globes Awards: Major Winners India 30th on WEF Global mfg Index ‰‰ Best motion picture, drama—"Three Billboards Outside The World Economic Forum (WEF) has ranked India at the Ebbing, Missouri" 30th position on a global manufacturing index—below Chi- na's 5th place but above other BRICS peers, Brazil, Russia 63rd Jio Filmfare Awards-2018 and South Africa. 63rd Jio Filmfare Awards 2018, one of the most prestigious Japan has been found to have the best structure of film awards in India were conferred in different categories production in the Geneva-based WEF's first 'Readiness for at a spectacular award ceremony organized at National the future of production report' and is followed by South Sports Club of India, Dome at Worli in Mumbai on January Korea, Germany, Switzerland, China, Czech Republic, the 21, 2018. US, Sweden, Austria and Ireland in the top 10.

Teachwell CORPORATE OFFICE : 415, 4th Floor., Amba Tower, DC Chowk Complex, Sec-9 Rohini, Delhi-110085 (5) Institute Ph.: 27860899, Mob: 9015557890; Website: www.teachwell.co.in GK Jan Part-1 Among BRICS nations, Russia is ranked 35th, Brazil will be organized by Antigua and Barbuda, Guyana and St. 41st and South Africa at 45th place. Lucia from November 9 to 24, this year. Hosts Windies will The report, which analyses development of modern defend the title they claimed with an eight victory industrial strategies and urges collaborative action, has over Australia in the final in Kolkata in 2016. categorised 100 countries into four groups—leading (strong South Africa Wins Test Series Against India current base, high level of readiness for future), high potential, legacy (strong current base, at risk for future), India defeated South Africa by 63 runs in the Third Test of or nascent (limited current base, low level of readiness for three Tests India-South Africa Series on January 28, 2018 to future. salvage its prestige in the Series which it had lost to South Africa after being beaten in first two Tests. But by winning Important Days/Weeks/Years the third Test of the Series India maintained its unbeaten March 2018 record at the Wanderers, Johannesburg. National Days South Africa defeated India by 72 runs in the first Test of the Series on January 8, 2018 at Newlands in Cape Town ‰‰ March 3 National Defence Day and took 1-0 lead in the series. South Africa took a 2-0 ‰‰ March 4 National Safety Day unbeatable lead in the three Tests series when it defeated ‰‰ March 18 Ordnance Factories Day India by 135 runs in the second Test at Centurion on January International Days 17. ‰‰ March 8 International Women's Day Jaydev Unadkat/Emerges Most Expensive Indian Player United Nations Day for Women's in IPL 2018 Auction Indian pace bowler Jaydev Unadkat Right and International Peace emerged the most expensive Indian cricketer in the Indian ‰‰ March 15 World Consumer Rights Day Premier League auction for 2018, concluded on January 28, ‰‰ March 21 World Forestry Day, International 2018 in Bengaluru. bought Unadkat for Day for the Elimination of Racial a whopping 11-5 crore, He was the second highest buy in Discrimination this year's mega IPL auction of players, only behind Ben Stokes with whom Unadkat will share bowling duties for ‰‰ March 22 World Water Day RR. Stokes, the English all-rounder was bought by RR for ? ‰‰ March 23 World Meteorological Day 12-5 crore on the first day of auction i.e., 27 January. ‰‰ March 24 World Tuberculosis Day ‰‰ March 27 World Theatre Day Australian Open-2018: Results in Brief Competition/ Winners Runners-up Score Event Sports World Men's Singles Roger Federer Marin Cilic 6-2,6-7(5), 6-3, (Switzerland) (Croatia) 3-6, 6-1 Women's Caroline Simona Halep 7-6(2), 3-6, 6-4 India Retains Blind Cricket World Cup-2018 Singles Wozniacki (Romania) Defending Champion India prevailed over its arch rival (Denmark) Pakistan by two in the summit clash of the Blind R. Umadevi Nagaraj Clinches Senior National Cricket World Cup on January 20, 2018 in Sharjah to retain Women's Billiards Title the title. first, Pakistan set the target of 309 runs before India to defend the Blind Cricket World Cup. India R. Uma devi Nagraj from Karnataka clinched the Senior achieved the target with the help of brilliant knocks from National Women's Billiards title, beating M. Chitra 76-51, Sunil Ramesh (93 runs) and Ajai Kumar Reddy (62 runs). 77-23, 31-76, 76-65 in the final on January 22, 2018 at India remained unbeaten in the championship. KSBA in Bengaluru. It is Umadevi's sixth senior national India won the Blind Cricket World Cup in 2014 beating billiards title triumph. the same opponent (Pakistan) in the final at Cape Town, Keerath Bhandaal from Delhi secured third place in the South Africa. tournament as she defeated Varshaa Sanjeev 14-51, 50-19, 50-31 in a third place playoff. ‰‰ Ajai Kumar Reddy was the captain of the champion team while Nisar Ali was the skipper of Pakistan team. ‰‰ India is also the T20 World Champion in blind cricket. Memorable Points won the title last year. National ‰‰ Vidarbha Wins Maiden Title 2017-18 ‰‰ Who has been appointed ISRO Chairman —K. Sivan West Indies Declared Host of ICC Women's T20  Renowned scientist K. Sivan was on January 10, World Cup 2018 2018 appointed as the new Chairman of Indian The International Cricket Council (ICC) declared West Space Research Organisation (ISRO) for a three Indies as the host of the 2018 ICC Women's T20 World year term after the Appointment Committee Cup in January 2018. The mega event of women's cricket of Cabinet (ACC) approved his name for the

Teachwell CORPORATE OFFICE : 415, 4th Floor., Amba Tower, DC Chowk Complex, Sec-9 Rohini, Delhi-110085 (6) Institute Ph.: 27860899, Mob: 9015557890; Website: www.teachwell.co.in GK Jan Part-1 top ISRO post to succeed A.S. Kiran Kumar. generally referred to as the 'silence period' and its Mr. Sivan is popularly known as the .^Rocket implications in view of Section 126 of the RP Act. Man1) for his significant contribution in the The Umesh Sinha Committee will submit its report development of cryogenic engines for India's space to the EC within the three months, programme. Prior to his elevation as the ISRO ‰‰ What is the name of India's fastest supercomputer head, Mr. Sivan, an alumnus of IIT Bombay, was recently installed at IITM, ? —Pratyush the Director of Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre in  Union Minister for Science and Technology Mr. , Kerala. He joined ISRO in Harsh Vardhan dedicated India's fastest and first 1982 in the PSLV Project. multi-petaflops supercomputer to the nation at the ‰‰ Who has been appointed DG of the National Security Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM) Guard (NSG) ? — Sudeep Lakhtakia Pune on January 9, 2018. Christened as 'Pratyush'  Sudeep Lakhtakia was on January 19, 2018 it is the fourth fastest supercomputer in the world appointed Director-General of the National Security dedicated for weather and climate research. 'Pratyush' Guard as the Appointment Committee of the Union means the sun. It can deliver a peak power of 6-8 Cabinet headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi petaflops. Petaflops is a unit to measure a computer's cleared his name for the appointment on the top processing speed. One petaflop isj| million billion NSG post. Sudeep is a 1984 IPS officer of the floating point operations persecorid. Telangana cadre. Prior to his appointment as NSG ‰‰ Who has been honoured with the Hindu Prize 2017? Chief, he was a special DG of Central Reserve —Deepak Unnikrishnan Police Force (CRPF). NSG, generally referred to  Deepak Unnikrishnan, a teacher at New York as 'Black Cat Commandos' is a special forces unit University Abu Dhabi, was honoured with the of the Centre government, raised in 1984 to combat Hindu Prize-2017 for his novel 'Temporary People' terrorism. at the Hindu Lit for Life 2018 in on ‰‰ Who has been appointed the new Chief Election January 15, 2018. It was the eighth edition of the Commissioner of India ? —Om Frakash Rawat prize. Five authors were shortlisted for the award  Election Commissioner Om Prakash Rawat was including Unnikrishnan. Arurtdhati Roy for 'The appointed as the Chief Election Commissioner Ministry of Utmost Happiness', Prayaag Akbar (CEC) of India on January 21, 2018, succeeding for 'Leila', Anees Salim for 'The Small Town Sea' A.K. Joti on this post. The Central government and Meena Kandasamy for 'when I hit you' were followed the tradition of appointing seniormost the other short-listed writers for the award. British EC as the head of India's electoral body with the novelist Sebastian Faulks felicitated Unnikrishnan promotion of Mr. Rawat as CEC. Mr. Rawat, a with the Hindu Prize at an award ceremony. cadre IAS officer, will have ‰‰ What is India's rank on the WEF's Global Manufacturing a tenure of almost a year till his retirement in Index ? —30th Rank December 2018 as the CEC. Former Finance  The World Economic Forum (WEF) on January 14, Secretary Ashok Lawasa was appointed as Election 2018 released its 'Global Manufacturing Index' in Commissioner to fill the vacancy created by Mr. which India was placed on 30th position out of 100 Rawat's elevation in the three member Election countries across the world. Japan topped the Index Commission of India. Sunil Arora is the third EC. for developing the best structure of production ‰‰ The Election Commission formed a Committee to sug- followed by South Korea and Germany. The gest changes in the RP Act. The Committee will be Index analysed development of modern industrial chaired by — Umesh Sinha strategies in 100 countries and categorized them  The Election Commission of India on January into four groups—Leading, High Potential, Legacy 11, 2018 formed a 14 member Committee to and Nascent. India has been placed in the 'Legacy' make recommendations about section 126 of the group. Leading countries are in the best position in Representation of the People Act, (RP Act), 1951 the index. India is the 5th largest manufacturer in in view of social media expansion. The Committee the world with a total manufacturing value added will be headed by senior Deputy Election of over $ 420 billion in 2016. Commissioner Umesh Sinha. There will be eight ‰‰ Which new app was used in the fourth All-India Tiger other members from the EC in the Committee. estimation ? —M-StrIPES There will be one member each from the Law  The fourth All-India Tiger estimation process Ministry, the I & B Ministry, The IT Ministry, began digitally in the Nagarjunasagar-Srisailam National Broadcasters Association and Press Tiger Reserve (NSTR) on January 22, 2018. Council of India in the Committee. The Committee Forest officials used android phones and a new will study the impact of new media and social app to collect the-field data of the big cats. The media during the 48 hours period prior to polls, app—'Monitoring System for Tigers—Intensive

Teachwell CORPORATE OFFICE : 415, 4th Floor., Amba Tower, DC Chowk Complex, Sec-9 Rohini, Delhi-110085 (7) Institute Ph.: 27860899, Mob: 9015557890; Website: www.teachwell.co.in GK Jan Part-1 Protection and Ecological Status (M-StrIPES) was World Economic Forum's Inclusive Development used for the first time in the process to avoid human Index for 2018 released on January 22, 2018. The error involved in the traditional recording of the WEF measured progress of 103 economies of the pugmarks and other signs of the tigers in forests. world on three individual pillars—growth and ‰‰ Which team clinched T20 development, inclusion and inter-generational Trophy-2018 ? —Delhi equity in the index. Living standards, environmental  Delhi clinched its maiden Syed Mushtaq Ali T20 sustainability and protection of future generations Trophy, beating Rajasthan by 41 runs in the summit from further indebtedness were other points clash on January 26, 2018 at the to prepare the index. Iceland and Luxembourg Kolkata. Delhi set the target of 154 runs before secured second and third positions on the index Rajasthan which was bundled out for just 112 runs respectively. India was placed on 62nd rank on the before Delhi's disciplined bowling. Delhi's Unmukt index. Chand scored a half-century to post a challenging ‰‰ Who has been honoured with the Cecil B. Demille target before Rajasthan. Pradeep Sangwan was the award at the 75th Golden Globes ? —Oprah Winfrey captain of Delhi team.  Actress and producer Oprah Winfrey was honoured with the coveted Cecil B. DeMille award for the International Lifetime Achievement in recognition of her ‰‰ Which African nation got a FIFA star as its President ? outstanding contribution to film and television —Liberia in Hollywood at the 75th Golden Globe awards  Former international soccer star George Weah ceremony on January 7, 2018 at the Beverly was sworn in as the new President of Liberia, an Hilton, Los Angeles. Winfrey is the first black impoverished West African nation on January woman to win this top Golden Globe honour. She 22, 2018. Weah was FIFA's Player of the Year in was described as the role model of women and 1995. He emerged winner in a -off vote to be youngsters. She joined the club of 'Meryl Streep', the President of Liberia. Weah succeeded Ellen 'Steven Spielberg', 'Barbra Streisand' and 'Sophia Johnson Sirleaf as the President. Sirleaf was the Loren' etc. as the winner of the Cecil B. Demille first female President of Africa. Award. ‰‰ Which European country appointed its first-ever ‰‰ Which cricketer was honoured with Sir Garfield Sobers minister for loneliness ? —Britain Trophy-2017 ? —Virat Kohli  British Prime Minister Theresa May on January  Virat Kohli, men's cricket team captain of India 17, 2018 appointed a minister for loneliness in her was declared the winner of prestigious Sir Garfield government to carry forward the work of murdered Sobers Trophy-2017 for the ICC Cricketer of the Labour Party MP Jo Cox who was killed in June Year honour as the ICC released its annual award 2016. Tracey Crouch, minister for Sports and list on January 18, 2018. Kohli outvoted Australia's Civil Society has been tasked with the portfolio of Steve Smith to win this honour. He also won the loneliness, a ministry created for the first time. It ICC ODI Cricketer of the Year honour, becoming will coordinate across the government on policy the third Indian cricketer to bag two top ICC issues related to loneliness, including funding for honours in the same year. (2004) and groups working to address the problem. R. Ashwin (2016) are two other Indians who had ‰‰ Which Asian country joined the Australia Group as its achieved this milestone before Kohli. He was also 43rd member ? —India named captain of the ICC ODI and Test teams.  India on January 19, 2018 joined the Australia ‰‰ Who emerged Australian Open Singles titles Champion Group, an informal forum of countries which aims in 2018 ? to prevent proliferation of biological and chemical Roger Federer (Men's title) and Caroline Wozniacki weapons in the world. India got the entry in the (Women's title) Group as its 43rd participant. Membership in the  Switzerland's Roger Federer clinched his sixth Australia Group comes months after India secured a Australian Open Men's Singles Crown and 20th berth in the Wassernaar Arrangement in December Grand Slam Singles title overall, beating Marin last year. The Australia Group is an important Cilic of Croatia 6-2, 6-7(5), 6-3, 3-6, 6-1 in the non-proliferation body which seeks to ensure that final on January 28, 2018 at the Rod Laver Arena, exports do not contribute to the development of Melbourne. He was also the champion of the chemical and biological weapons. Australian Open Men's Singles title in 2017. In I ‰‰ Which country topped the WEF's Inclusive Develop- Australian Open Women's Singles final, Caroline ment Index-2018 ? —Norway Wozniacki of Denmark defeated top seed Simona  Norway remains the world's most inclusive Halep of Romania 7-6(2), 3-6, 6-4 to lift her first advanced economy as it secured position on the Grand Slam Singles title.

Teachwell CORPORATE OFFICE : 415, 4th Floor., Amba Tower, DC Chowk Complex, Sec-9 Rohini, Delhi-110085 (8) Institute Ph.: 27860899, Mob: 9015557890; Website: www.teachwell.co.in GK Jan Part-1 Republic of the Congo and Nepal rounding out the bottom economic scenario five," said the latest biennial report by the Yale and Columbia First Advance Estimates of National Income, 2017- universities in collaboration with the WEF. 18 The report said that low ranking of the emerging economies—China (120) and India reflect "the strain The Central Statistics Office (CSO), Ministry of Statistics population pressures and rapid economic growth impose on and Programme Implementation has released the First Ad- the environment". The report said substantial populations vance estimates of national income at constant (2011-12) still suffer from poor air quality, most notably in India, and current prices, for the financial year 2017-18.A China, and Pakistan (169). World Bank Projects 7-3% Growth for India Report mentions that the low scores on the EPI are World bank has projected India's growth rate at 7-3% and indicative of the need for national sustainability efforts 7-5% for the years 2018 and 2019 respectively. According on a number of fronts, especially cleaning up air quality, to the World Bank, Indian economy has "enormous growth protecting biodiversity and reducing GHG (greenhouse potential" compared to other emerging economies with the gas) emissions. In report's opinion, some of the lowest- implementation of comprehensive reforms. According to ranking nations face "broader challenges (like) civil unrest the 2018 Global Economics Prospect released by the World but the low scores for others can be attributed to weak Bank, India is estimated to have grown at 6.7% in 2017 governance." The report has found that air quality was the despite initial setbacks from demonetisation and the Goods leading environmental threat to public health worldwide. and Services Tax (GST). World bank has also extended the Switzerland leads the world in sustainability, followed by view that in all likelihood, India is going to register higher France, Denmark, Malta and Sweden. growth rate than oth'er major emerging market economies in the next decade. World Panorama

India to Grow at 7-4% in FY 19 : IMF BIMSTEC: Gaining Ground According to IMF's January 2018 update of the World The Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi Sectoral Technical Economic Outlook (WEO), India's GDP growth rate is and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC), appears to have projected at 7-4 per cent for 2018-19 against 6-7 per cent gained fresh impetus in view of the BRICS-BIMSTEC this year, making India being the 'fastest-growing' economy outreach summit held during the BRICS —Summit in among the emerging economies., The IMF has projected a October 2016. The immediate reason for inviting BIMS- 7-8 per cent growth rate for India in 2019-20. TEC members instead of SAARC, was the growing ten- India's GDP Growth Expected 7-2% in 2018, 7-4% sions between India and Pakistan, which rendered SAARC in 2019: UN Report as a non-viable forum for regional cooperation. The imme- diate background of rising tensions between the two coun- According to the report 'World Economic Situation tries was the repeated Pakistani sponsored terrorist attacks Prospects' released by the United Nations, India's growth against India. In January 2016 Pathan-kot airbase was at- rate is projected to accelerate to 7-2 per cent in 2018 tacked followed by terrorist attack at the military base at and 7-4 per cent in 2019 which describs the outlook for Uri, Jammu and Kashmir on September 19, 2016. As a the country as 'largely positive'. Despite the slowdown reaction, India not only launched a surgical strike against observed in early 2017 and the lingering effects from the the terrorist training camps in Pak Occupied Kashmir, but demonetisation policy, the outlook for India remains largely also refused to participate in the 19th SAARC Summit pro- positive, underpinned by robust private consumption and posed in November 2016 at Islamabad. Five other SAARC public investment as well as ongoing structural reforms, the members—Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Bhutan United Nations said. and Maldives-also supported India's line, which resulted in lndia Ranks 177 out of 180 in Environmental the postponement of SAARC summit by Pakistan. It was in Performance Index, 2018 this background that BIMSTEC members were invited for outreach Summit with BRICS in Goa in October 2016. It A new green index has ranked India the fourth worst country should be noted that Pakistan is not a member of the BIM- worldwide in curbing environmental pollution. According STEC association. Ever since then, India has assigned more to the latest global Environmental Performance Index (EPI) importance to BIMSTEC in her regional policy framework. rankings released on January 23, 2018 on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum meet in Davos, India is at 177th Origin of BIMSTEC—The idea of BIMSTEC was mooted spot down from 141st position two years ago in the list of by Thailand. With this idea, India moved ahead to launch 180 countries. Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral technological and Economic Cooperation or BIMSTEC in 1997 in Bang- The EPI ranks 180 countries on 24 performance indicators kok. Initially it included only four members—Thailand, In- across 10 issue categories covering environmental health dia, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Myanmar. and ecosystem vitality. "India and Bangladesh come in near trie bottom of the rankings, with Burundi, Democratic When the organization was set up it was known as BIST- EC with first letters of four members—Bangladesh, India,

Teachwell CORPORATE OFFICE : 415, 4th Floor., Amba Tower, DC Chowk Complex, Sec-9 Rohini, Delhi-110085 (9) Institute Ph.: 27860899, Mob: 9015557890; Website: www.teachwell.co.in GK Jan Part-1 Sri Lanka, Thailand Economic Cooperation. However, of the member states take part in the Summit meetings. Myanmar joined as the fifth member in 1997 itself, but However, its Summit meetings have not been held, at regular name was not changed. Later Nepal and Bhutan also joined interval, which impede the momentum in the__ activities of this organization in 2004, raising its membership to sev- the association. So far, three summits of BIMSTEC have en nations. Thus, in the first summit in 2004, the name of been held, which are given below: the organization was changed as 'Bay of Bengal Initiative The First Summit meeting of BIMSTEC was held in for Multi-Sectoral Technological and Economic Coopera- 2004 at Bangkok. In this meet, 14 priority areas of mutual tion'. The membership of BIMSTEC is cross cutting with cooperation were identified and each or more areas were that of ASEAN and SAARC. The two members of BIMS- assigned to one or other member for leading in cooperative TEC-Thailand and Myanmar are the members of the ASE- activities. The lead country was given the responsibility AN and rest of the five members also hold the membership to coordinate the process of regional integration in the of SAARC also. Hence it projected as a bridge between assigned areas. The fourteen areas with their lead countries South Asia and South East Asia. This is the most distinctive are: feature of BIMSTEC. 1. India—Environment, Transport and Communications, Aims and Objectives—The BIMSTEC was established Disaster Management, Terrorism by the Bangkok Declaration signed by the original members 2. Thailand—Tourism and Fish Production on June 6, 1997. According to the Bangkok Declaration, the 3. Myanmar—Agriculture and Energy aims and purposes of BIMSTEC are: 4. Sri Lanka—Technological Cooperation 1. To create an enabling environment for rapid economic deve-opment. 5. Nepal—People to People contact and Poverty Alleviation 2. To accelerate social progress in the sub-region. 6. Bhutan—Cultural Cooperation. 3. To promote active collaboration and mutual assistance on matters of common interest. 7. Bangladesh—Trade and Investment The Second Summit of BIMSTEC was held after four 4. To provide assistance to each other in the form of years in 2008 in New Delhi. In this summit leaders resolved training and research facilities. to enhance physical connectivity through land, air and sea 5. To cooperate more effectively in joint efforts that are routes for the promotion of cooperation in the field of cul- supportive of, and complementary to, national ture, tourism and people to people contact. They also decid- development plans of member states. ed to develop a common viewpoint with respect to pressing 6. To maintain close and beneficial cooperation with global issues like climate change, trade negotiations etc. At existing international and regional organizations, and present the total intra-BIMSTEC trade is only 1-7 billion 7. To cooperate in projects that can be dealt with most dollars, which needs to be increased. productively on a sub-regional basis and which make The Third BIMSTEC Summit was held in 2014. The best use of available synergies. third Summit meeting was held after a gap of six years. Organization—At present, there are two organizational The last summit meeting was held in 2004 in New Delhi. mechanisms to carry on the activities of this organization. The third summit was held on March 4, 2014 in Nay Pyi The first is Ministerial Meeting, which is held on annual Taw, the new capital city of Myanmar. All the Heads of basis and consists of Foreign Ministers of member the government/state, except Thailand, participated in this countries. The Second is the Summit Meeting consisting of summit. The Prime Minister of Thailand did not take part in the apex leaders of the member countries. This is the highest the summit due to domestic political disturbances and was decision making body of BIMSTEC. The BIMSTEC has represented by the special envoy. also established some supporting organizational structures. India was represented by the Prime Minister Manmohan In 2004 it was decided to establish a Technical Support Singh who informed the leaders that physical and digital Facility in Thailand. This Technical Support Facility connectivity is the key to the vision of cooperating and would serve the BIMSTEC Working Group (BWG) and integration in the region. He also informed that India is to coordinate BIMSTEC activities, including those of working with BIMSTEC members to improve physical the BIMSTEC Chamber of Commerce. In 2005, Asian connectivity through various projects such as India- Development Bank became development partner of Myanmar-Thailand trilateral highway, the Kaladan multi- BIMSTEC. The Asian Development has conducted a Study modal transport project in Afghanistan, the Asian Highway on the improvement of transport infrastructure and logistics and the ASEAN Master Plan for connectivity. In his address, in the region. This is a significant beginning as it will help Indian Prime Minister laid emphasis on cooperation in in promoting connectivity among the Members. During various areas such as trade and investment, tourism, disaster the third Summit, 2014, it was decided to establish the management, energy, trans-national organized crimes and Headquarters of BIMSTEC at Dhaka, Bangladesh. anti-terrorism operations. It should be noted that India Summit Meetings—Summit is the highest decision- has forged a mutually beneficial partnership with almost making body of the Association. The heads of Government all members of BIMSTEC. For example, at present, India

Teachwell CORPORATE OFFICE : 415, 4th Floor., Amba Tower, DC Chowk Complex, Sec-9 Rohini, Delhi-110085 (10) Institute Ph.: 27860899, Mob: 9015557890; Website: www.teachwell.co.in GK Jan Part-1 offers nearly 1350 scholarships to students of BIMSTEC Secretariat of BIMSTEC at Dhaka, Bangladesh. members. The Secretariat will coordinate and facilitate The Summit Declaration issued at the end highlighted the implementation of the BIMSTEC activities the following points: and projects and to provide support meetings of 1. It recognizes the possibility of close relationship BIMSTEC. The Secretariat will start functioning and deepening engagements among the members of from May 2014. Sumith Nakandala of Sri Lanka BIMSTEC in view of geographical proximity and has been appointed as the first Secretary General close historical and cultural linkages. of BIMSTEC. So far BIMSTEC did not have 2. It reiterated that in view of the abundance of human its permanent secretariat which hampered its and natural resources, the members have potential for effective functioning. development through mutually beneficial cooperation. 2. Memorandum of Association for Establishment of 3. The Least Developed Countries of the region need a BIMSTEC Centre for Weather and Climate-The special support in their development efforts. purpose of the MoA is to establish the Weather and Climate Centre in India which will promote 4. The wellbeing and prosperity of member states can cooperation in identified areas of fundamental and be enhanced through improved connectivity and applied scientific research in weather prediction cooperation. and climate modeling and capacity building in 5. Terrorism and other forms of organized transnational weather and climate research. Ministry of Earth terrorism are the grave threat to the peace and stability Sciences, government of India, is establishing in the region. Hence, member states are required to the Centre in premises of National Centre for strengthen cooperation to eliminate this threat in all Medium Range Weather Forecasting, NOIDA. its forms and manifestations. 3. Memorandum of Understanding for the 6. It was decided to finalize the draft agreements for Establishment of the BIMSTEC Cultural trade in goods as well as mutual assistance in customs Industries Commission (BCIC) and BIMSTEC matters. Cultural Industries Observatory (BCIO). The 7. The technology and skill base of member countries objective of the MoA is to set up Observatory should be enhanced through mutual cooperation and in Bhutan, which will serve as a repository for partnership among member countries. information on cultural industries, disseminate 8. The declaration expressed satisfaction on the ongoing such information and facilitate its access by programmes of physical connectivity and promotion the Member States. The Cultural Industries of tourism. They laid emphasis on the enhanced Commission is a high level oversight mechanism cooperation in the field of energy, agriculture, for the observatory, which will develop plans and environment protection and fisheries, health and programmes in this area. traditional medicine which have been identified as The Fourth Summit—The Fourth Summit meeting was priority areas of cooperation among member states. scheduled to be held in Kathmandu at the end of 2017, but In the field of energy, they recognized the role of it could not be organized in time. BIMSTEC Energy Centre in Bengaluru, India. Performance—The BIMSTEC countries are home to 9. They agreed to implement BIMSTEC Poverty Plan of a population of around 1.5 billion, approximately 21 per Action, which was adopted in the second ministerial cent of global population, with a cumulative GDP of US meeting on poverty alleviation held in Nepal in $ 2-5 trillion. The annual GDP growth rate has averaged January 2012. around six percent. Despite having the potential to enhance 10. They also agreed to enhance cultural cooperation and regional cooperation, BIMSTEC has been sluggish, promote people to people exchanges among member and so far—due to lack of resources, disinterest, and countries. They also decided to liberalize visa regime poor coordination among its member states—has held and visa exemption schemes. only three summit meetings. The BIMSTEC permanent 11. The leaders decided to enhance cooperation among secretariat was finally set up in Dhaka in 2014. BIMSTEC members for addressing adverse impacts of climate has identified 14 priority sectors and has signed an FTA change in the region. (2004) and a Convention on Cooperation in Combating International Terrorism, Transnational Organized Crime Three Agreements—During the third summit held and Illicit Drug Trafficking (2009). Implementation of on March 4, 2014, the member countries signed some various measures has been slow. A major milestone in the agreements to strengthen the organizational structure life of this organization is the signing of Free Trade Area and cooperative mechanism of BIMSTEC. These Framework Agreement, which was proposed and signed agreements are briefly mentioned below: during the 6th Ministerial Meet held in September 2004 at 1. Memorandum of Association on the Establishment Phuket, Thailand. The Negotiating Committee was set up to of the BIMSTEC Permanent Secretariat— chalk out the details and terms and conditions of proposed Objective of this MoA is to establish a permanent

Teachwell CORPORATE OFFICE : 415, 4th Floor., Amba Tower, DC Chowk Complex, Sec-9 Rohini, Delhi-110085 (11) Institute Ph.: 27860899, Mob: 9015557890; Website: www.teachwell.co.in GK Jan Part-1 Free trade Area. These negotiations cover the trade in goods the 'zero sum game' paradigm of diplomacy, either you are and services, investment, economic cooperation, trade with us or you are against us. Thus, India continues to be facilitation and technical assistance to Least Developed committed to the cause of independent Palestine state, and Countries of BIMSTEC. However, the negotiations are yet has close strategic ties with Saudi Arabia, Iran and Kuwait to take conclusive form and actual implementation of FTA (all arch rivals of Israel), yet it is on the way to strengthen in BIMSTEC region has not become a reality. At present, strategic and economic ties with Israel also. Or, India has the total intra-BIMSTEC trade is less than 2 billion dollars, close relations with the US, yet recently, she has cast her which needs to be increased. The signing of FTA will boost vote in UN General Assembly for the motion abhorring the intra-regional trade among member countries. the latest US decision declaring Jerusalem as the capital India and The BIMSTEC— India is the founder member of Israel. These tendencies may puzzle the observers of of the BIMSTEC, which is a sub-regional cooperative global politics, but they are likely to continue to define mechanism. India has actively participated in the entire international diplomacy till the structure of international range of activities of this association. India has also been relations are not besieged by the extreme polarization seen designated as the lead country in four important priority in the cold war era. areas namely Environment, Transport and Communications, India and Israel—It is in this background that the ongoing Disaster Management, Terrorism. BIMSTEC seems to, be bonhomie between India and Israel may be understood and the ideal vehicle available for India to pursue its geostrategic explained. During cold war, it was unthinkable for India to and geo-economic goals in the Bay of Bengal and the Asia- establish full diplomatic ties with Israel as India was staunch Pacific in the face of intense competition from China. India supporter of the Palestine cause. India also supported Arabs has many natural advantages, including its traditional ties in the four wars fought between Israel and Arabs in 1948, with BIMSTEC member countries India's northeastern 1956, 1967 and 1973. The Arab Israel conflict became states, which lack connectivity and development, will the bone of contention between the two super powers benefit from the renewed focus on BIMSTEC. It willbe during the cold war. While the US and her European allies in the long-term interest of India's Northeast to have the supported Israel, the Soviet bloc including India stood with special laws on investment drafted for both domestic and Palestine. Following the end of cold war in 1991, Israel and FDI for this region. In brief, India needs this association Palestine launched Oslo Peace process in 1991 and signed for a number of reasons. First, BIMSTEC may become an Oslo Peace Accord in 1993, which led to the establishment important instrument for the success of India's 'Act East' of partially independent Palestine State in the West bank policy as it has cross-cutting membership from South and Gaza Strip, the two territories controlled by Israel since Asian and South-East Asia. Thus, it can be an effective 1967 Arab Israel war. Though, there are many hurdles on bridge between South Asia and South-East Asia. Second, the way of establishment of fully independent and sovereign with SAARC faltering due to non-cooperative role of Palestine state, India changed her policy towards Israel and Pakistan, BIMSTEC emerges a logical choice for regional established diplomatic relations with her in 1992. cooperation in the region. As Pakistan is absent from this India till stands committed to that cause even now but group, there are no major disputes or irritants that can India's close relations with Israel raise eyebrows in some impede cooperation within the framework of BIMSTEC. diplomatic circles. During cold war India recognized Israel Third, this mechanism of sub-regional cooperation may go and permitted her to open her consular office in Mumbai a long way in promoting regional connectivity, maritime but did not establish full diplomatic relations. It was only in security, containing terrorism and forging trade and 1992 that India established full diplomatic ties with Israel investment links in the region and beyond. These issues and both countries opened their embassies in respective hold crucial importance for India's contemporary regional capitals. Ever since then, there has been steady increase in objectives. the exchange of high level visits between the two countries. Israeli President Ezer Weizmann visited India in 1996. India And Israel: Strengthening Strategic Bonds Prime Minister Ariel Sharon visited India in 2003. This was Changing Face of Diplomacy-International diplomacy the first visit of an Israeli Prime Minister to India since the in the post-cold war era displays two new tendencies, birth of Israel in 1948. President Pranab Mukherjee visited which underline the fluidity of the prevailing strategic Israel in October 2015 becoming the first Indian President environment. First, relations among nations are not one to do so. The visit by Israeli take affair. Countries may develop close ties in one sector President Reuven Rivlin to India in November 2016 and still be at loggerheads in another sector. For example, further consolidated political ties. In between these high India has many differences with China like boundary level visits, foreign ministers and other high officials of two dispute, strategic rivalry in South Asia and South-East Asia countries exchanged many visits. and so on, but China continues to be the second largest It should be noted that, even before India had formal trading partner of India after the US. Thus, the political diplomatic ties with Israel, the two countries developed differences between India and China have not been able to mutually beneficial cooperation in the fields of defence and restrict their close economic ties. Second, in the absence of security and agriculture. In 1992, the total bilateral trade extreme polarization of cold war era, nations are free from

Teachwell CORPORATE OFFICE : 415, 4th Floor., Amba Tower, DC Chowk Complex, Sec-9 Rohini, Delhi-110085 (12) Institute Ph.: 27860899, Mob: 9015557890; Website: www.teachwell.co.in GK Jan Part-1 (non-defence) between the two countries was merely $ 200 terrorism poses a grave threat to global peace and stability, million, which increased to around $ 5 billion in 2011 but the two Prime Ministers reiterated their strong commitment now stands at $ 4.5 billion in 2016-17. India and Israel have to combat it in all its forms and manifestations. During a bilateral agreement for cooperation in agriculture. The this visit, India and Israel signed seven agreements for bilateral action plan for 2015-18 is currently operational. cooperation in various fields such as Science, technology 15 out of the proposed 26 Centers of Excellence in and innovation; drinking water and sanitation, space agriculture being developed in India with Israeli help are research and development cooperation. active in different states such as Haryana, Maharashtra, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Visits India: Rajasthan, Gujarat etc. India has benefited from Israeli If Modi's visit to Israel laid the foundation of strategic expertise and technologies in horticulture mechanization, ties between India and Israel, Netanyahu's six-day official protected cultivation, orchard and canopy management, visit to India on January 14-18, 2018 is aimed to further nursery management, micro-irrigation and post-harvest consolidate this strategic partnership. During his visit management. Israeli drip irrigation technologies and Netanyahu held discussion with his Indian counterpart products are now widely used in India. The two countries Narendra Modi on various bilateral, regional and global signed an MoU on Cooperation in Water Resources issues of mutual interest. He visited Agra to see the Taj Management, as well as a Declaration of Intent to further Mahal. Modi and Netanyahu together held 8 kilometer long cooperation in agriculture during the visit of President road show beginning from Sabarmati Ashram in Ahmeda- Rivlin to India in November 2016. bad in Gujarat. The Israeli PM also attended a start-up Both countries signed a S&T Cooperation Agreement in exhibition with Modi in Ahmedabad and encouraged 1993. In addition, under an MOU on Industrial Research innovators. Describing the Indian PM as his 'dear friend', and Development Initiative signed in 2005, a joint industrial Netanyahu said, "Now PM Modi is changing India by the R&D fund was set up to promote joint industrial R&D and force and vision of his leadership. He is revolutionizing specific projects. In February 2014, India and Israel signed India. He is catapulting it into the future as one of the three important agreements on Mutual Legal Assistance in world's great powers and he is doing it with the power of Criminal Matters, Cooperation in Homeland and Public innovation." At the last leg of his visit Netanyahu went to Security, and Protection of Classified Material. There is Mumbai, where he had a 'power breakfast' with India's top ongoing cooperation on counter-terrorism issues, including business leaders and participated in an India-Israel business through a Joint Working Group on Counter-Terrorism seminar. He paid rich tributes to the 2008 Mumbai terror which held its last meeting in Jerusalem in July 2015. attack victims during wreath-laying ceremony at the Taj Modi's Historic Visit to Israel-Indian Prime Minister Mahal Hotel in Mumbai, and visited the Nariman House Narendra Modi made a three-day official visit to Israel on and the Chabad Centre, the famous Jews centres in India. July 4, 2017. He was the first Indian Prime Minister to visit Joint Statement—During the visit India and Israel Israel. Thus, it was a historic visit. In fact, the first ever visit issued a joint statement, which highlight the ongoing of any Indian Prime Minister to Israel in July 2017 marks a cooperation and future direction of their relationship. The new and the third phase in the bilateral relations. The first main highlights of the Joint statement are: phase began with the recognition of Israel by India in 1950; 1. On the occasion of 25th anniversary of their and second phase with establishment of formal diplomatic diplomatic relationship, both leaders decided to relations in 1992. Israel's consulate was opened in Mumbai raise their bilateral cooperation in diverse sectors in 1952, which led to limited commercial exchange between to a qualitatively new level in consonance with our the two countries. Strategic Partnership. Besides ongoing cooperation Modi's visit was mediated by the 25th anniversary of in the field of agriculture and water, both agreed to the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two deepen cooperation in innovation, business and trade, countries. On this occasion, both decided to raise their space, homeland security and cyber, higher education relationship to the level of strategic partnership. Both and research, science and technology, tourism and agreed to establish a "Strategic Partnership in Water and culture. The cooperation in the field of agriculture Agriculture". They decided to boost bilateral cooperation is aimed at increasing farmers' productivity and in innovation and entre-preneurship and called for greater optimization of water use efficiency in India. collaboration in the field of start-ups. They agreed to 2. India-Israel Industrial R&D and Technological upgrade their scientific and technological collaboration by Innovation Fund (I4F) was launched during the supporting joint research and development projects in the visit which will act as a significant platform for cutting edge areas, including 'Big Data Analytics in Health undertaking joint R&D projects in innovative and Care'. They agreed to strengthen cooperation in the field of futuristic technologies and products for the benefit of defence and decided that future developments in this sphere the two peoples. They underscored the role of youth should focus on joint development of defence products, in enhancing future collaboration in innovation, and including transfer of technology from Israel, with a special have decided to commence an annual exchange of emphasis on the 'Make in India' initiative. Recognizing that visits of one hundred youth from the science streams.

Teachwell CORPORATE OFFICE : 415, 4th Floor., Amba Tower, DC Chowk Complex, Sec-9 Rohini, Delhi-110085 (13) Institute Ph.: 27860899, Mob: 9015557890; Website: www.teachwell.co.in GK Jan Part-1 3. The two countries initiated the cooperation in the energy closer partnership as they did not have full diplomatic ties sector with the signing of an MoU on Cooperation in due to India's strong commitment to the Palestine cause. the Oil and Gas sector that will promote, inter alia, With the end of cold war and rapprochement between Israel collaboration in the upstream sectors, research and and Palestine, the ground realities changed, which paved development in future technologies and start-ups in the way for development of close tie between the two oil and gas. They also decided to begin collaboration countries. Since the establishment of full diplomatic ties in the areas of metal air batteries for stationary energy in 1992, the two countries embarked upon the exchange storage systems and in solar thermal technologies. of high level visits, which culminated in the first ever visit 4. The two Prime Ministers agreed that renewed efforts of an Indian Prime Minister to Israel in July 2017. During are required to realize the full potential for bilateral this visit, both countries decided to upgrade their ties to trade and investment, and urged the private sector the level of strategic partnership. In last one decade India to actively explore investment opportunities in and Israel have developed close relations and cooperation both countries, / including through India's flagship in various fields like defence, agriculture, irrigation and programmes such as Make j in India, Start-Up India water conservation as well as innovation and science and and Digital India. technology. The present visit of the Israeli Prime Minister 5. Both leaders underlined that better connectivity is is likely to strengthen this mutually beneficial partnership. required for promoting trade and business. They In spite of this, one cannot set aside the sensibilities of decided to expedite the conclusion of an Agreement Arab world towards Israel. The dream of an independent on Maritime Transport that will encourage greater Palestine state is yet to be fulfilled. India stands for the business between the shipping organizations of India cause of an independent Palestine state and has cultivated and Israel, and create new opportunities in maritime close relations with Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iran and other services and training. Islamic countries of the region. In view of this, India needs to balance her relations with both sides with due care and 6. With respect to fighting terrorism, both leaders attention. This may prove to be a difficult task in case of reiterated that there can be no justification for acts further deterioration of Arab-Israel relations. of terror on any grounds whatsoever and advocated strong measures against terrorists, terror organizations, those who sponsor, encourage or finance terrorism or FRDI Bill: Fear of Depositors and provide sanctuary to terrorists and terror groups. Other Stakeholders 7. Both Prime Ministers noted the significance of sharing The Financial Resolution and Deposit Insurance Bill, 2017 their respective development experiences with other (FRDI Bill), introduced in the Lok Sabha on August 10, 2017, countries. They agreed to explore ways to develop is presently under the consideration of the Joint Committee joint programmes of assistance for third countries of the Parliament. The Joint Committee is consulting all the in the areas of training, capacity building, and the stakeholders on the provisions of the FRDI Bill. Certain development of small projects in the agriculture, misgivings have been expressed in the media regarding water, healthcare and education sectors. certain aspects, particularly the 'bail-in' provisions of the 8. Netanyahu conveyed the readiness of Israeli FRDI Bill. There are differences of opinion among the companies to enter into joint ventures with Indian depositors on the one side and the government on the other companies in the defence sector under the Make in side. The depositors fear that they will be hit badly in case India initiative including transfer of technology as of the insolvency of the banks as the losses will be met out well as joint research and development in defence and by their deposits. While the government is of the view that security fields. the provisions contained in the FRDI Bill, as introduced 9. Both leaders also agreed to promote people to people in the Parliament, do not modify present protections to the contacts and cultural cooperation bet-ween the two depositors adversely at all. They provide rather additional countries. For promoting cultural understanding, an protections to the depositors in a more transparent manner. Indian cultural centre will be opened in 2018 in Israel. Officials of the Ministry of Finance, including the Finance 10. During this visit the two countries also signed nine Minister, claim that the FRDI Bill is far more depositor agreements to enhance cooperation in various fields friendly than many other jurisdictions, which provide for like cyber security, oil and gas, air transport, film co- statutory bail-in, where consent of creditors / depositors is production, investment, energy, solar technology and not required for bail-in. space research. The FRDI Bill does not propose in any way to limit the scope of powers for the Government to extend financing Conclusion and resolution support to banks, including Public Sector India and Israel had enjoyed close cultural contacts since Banks. The Government's implicit guarantee for Public long time. A significant Jews community is concentrated Sector Banks remains unaffected. in Mumbai and . Since India's independence in Indian Banks have adequate capital and are also under 1947 till the end of cold war, the two countries did not have prudent regulations and supervision to ensure safety and

Teachwell CORPORATE OFFICE : 415, 4th Floor., Amba Tower, DC Chowk Complex, Sec-9 Rohini, Delhi-110085 (14) Institute Ph.: 27860899, Mob: 9015557890; Website: www.teachwell.co.in GK Jan Part-1 soundness, as well as systemic stability. The existing laws formed. The dual regulatory structure may even have an ensure the integrity, security and safety of the banking impact on 'ease of doing business'. The RBI has sought system. In India, all possible steps and policy measures have amendments to clause 36(5) of the Bill, which equips the been taken to prevent the failure of banks and protection RC with powers to specify the criteria of classification of interests of depositors (e.g., issue of directions/prompt of risk of a particular service provider. Currently, the corrective action measures, capital adequacy and prudential sector regulator decides on such matters. The RBI is of norms). The FRDI Bill will strengthen the system by the view that the 'risk to viability' should be determined adding a comprehensive resolution regime that will help by the appropriate regulator, in consultation with the RC, ensure that, in the rare event of failure of a financial service and said the classification of risk up to the 'imminent' provider, there is a system of quick, orderly and efficient stage should be left to the regulator. resolution in favour of depositors. ‰‰ The RBI further said that the risk to viability should be determined by the appropriate regulator in consultation Background of the FRDI Bill with RC and the classification of risk up to imminent India now has a law to swiftly address the issue of insolvency stage should be left to the regulator. The IBA (Indian of companies in the manufacturing sector. Essentially, that Banks Association) has backed this proposal of the law aims at finding and finalising a resolution plan to get a RBI. Banks have also expressed reservation on the troubled company back on track, or, in the event of failure, Bill omitting the mention of deposits till ? 1 lakh being ensure a quick winding up. The plan is to have a similar insured. On the bail-in provision, they have demanded law for firms in the financial sector—so that if a bank, a clarity. Non Banking Finance Company (NBFC), an. insurance ‰‰ Simultaneously, the Union Bank of India has termed company, a pension fund or a mutual fund run by an asset the powers vested with the Resolution Council as management company, fails, a quick solution is available 'draconian' and said that it should be subject to the to either sell that firm, merge it with another firm, or close overarching power of the Centre, otherwise confidence it down, with the least disruption to the system, to the in the financial system will crumble. Chapter 6 of the economy, and to investors and other stakeholders. This is FRDI Bill creates an unwarranted conflict zone between to be done through a new entity, a Financial Resolution the regulator and the RC. Regulators are better suited Corporation—envisaged as an agency that will classify firms to job risk categorisation and the RC's role should be according to the risks they pose, carry out inspections and, confined to resolution and liquidation. The Insurance at a later stage, take over control. This was recommended Regulatory and Development Authority of India by the Financial Sector Legislative Reforms Commission (IRDAI) has questioned Clause 14(1) that gives the RC (FSLRC) headed by Justice B.N. Srikrishna. the power of investigation. The RBI pointed out that Concerns About the Bill and Its Provisions there is no clarity on the duration for which a service provider will be required to pay a resolution fee. The proposed Financial Resolution and Deposit Insurance ‰‰ The RBI has sought a clarification on 'eligible cooperative (FRDI) Bill is set to be the next big political faultline, with banks' under the FRDI's ambit. It has suggested that all the main stakeholders—regulators (RBI, SEBI, IRDAI such banks may not be contributing to the resolution PFRDA), banks, stock exchanges, insurance companies, fund, and so the 'corporation insurance fund' could be depositories and depositors—voicing serious objections to used under the resolution scheme, as is currently being various clauses of the Bill. The stakeholders have outlined done under the Deposit and Credit Insurance and Credit these objections before a Joint Parliamentary Committee Guarantee Corporation (DICGC) Act, 1961. (JPC) headed by BJP MP Bhupender Yadav and the issues ‰‰ All these institutions have demanded clarity from raised have led to a heated debate within the panel. The key the-Centre on clauses pertaining to the specific areas objections pertain to regulatory overlap/areas of conflict of conflict between RC and existing regulators in the between the proposed Resolution Corporation (RC), the Financial Resolution and Deposit Insurance (FRDI) sector regulators and the Centre; issues related to deposit Bill. insurance; bail-in and bail-out provisions; matters relating to cooperative banks and the criteria for classification of a ‰‰ Private Banks, especially ICICI Bank, are clear in their specific service provider into low / moderate / material / assertion that dual regulatory structure is in conflict imminent and critical risk to viability. with the principle of ease of doing business. ICICI Bank maintained that the RC should be a specialised body Specific Concerns and Objections that steps in only when the regulator The fine-print has several red flags. A closer examination of ‰‰ classifies that a service provider is at critical risk of the nature of the concerns and objections reveals that every viability. HDFC Bank pointed out that while Japan has major stakeholder, including the RBI, that has objected to a separate RC, in Singapore and England the central specific clauses of the Bill. For instance: bank oversees the powers of the resolution authority. ‰‰ The RBI has questioned the possible overlap and clubbing All the main stakeholders told the parliamentary panel together of functions if a Resolution Corporation(RC) is that assigning the power of a super-regulator to the RC

Teachwell CORPORATE OFFICE : 415, 4th Floor., Amba Tower, DC Chowk Complex, Sec-9 Rohini, Delhi-110085 (15) Institute Ph.: 27860899, Mob: 9015557890; Website: www.teachwell.co.in GK Jan Part-1 should not be at the cost of a weakened RBI and other regulators. Along with public sector banks, the IBA and Tr. GlK. the RBI, private sector lenders such as HDFC Bank Indian Polity and Constitution and ICICI Bank, various financial service providers, ‰‰ The Constituent Assembly of India held its first meeting government institutions such as Finance Industry on —December 9,1946 Development Council (FIDC), Central Depository Services Limited (CDSL) and National Securities ‰‰ Who was appointed as the Constitutional advisor to the Depository Limited (NSDL), have voiced their concerns Constituent Assembly of India ? —Sir B.N. over the Bill. ‰‰ The first elected Parliament with the two Houses came ‰‰ The FIDC feels that since the issues related to viability into being in —May 1952 or bankruptcy are addressed by the Insolvency and ‰‰ Articles 352 to 360 of the Indian Constitution deal with Bankruptcy Code and the RBI has powers to address the —Emergency provisions stress among non-banking financial companies, setting ‰‰ Which part of the Indian Constitution deals with the up of the RC may lead to confusion and litigation. Scheduled and Tribal Areas ? —Part X ‰‰ CDSL suggested that depositories under the FRDI ‰‰ The method of election of President and nomination of will be a regulatory overkill of the securities market as members to the Upper House (Rajya Sabha) in the Indi- they are already closely regulated by SEBI with a high an Constitution are originally taken from standard of governance and code of conduct. —The Irish Constitution ‰‰ The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority ‰‰ Money bills can be introduced in the Lok Sabha only of India (IRDAI) flagged Clause 14(1) of the Bill that with prior recommendation of gives the RC the power of investigation. The IRDAI is of —The President of India the view that the RC has been given powers to investigate ‰‰ A money bill can be detained by the Rajya Sabha for a even before an entity is classified as critical or imminent maximum period of —14 days risk to viability and it creates a conflict with the role ‰‰ Which part of the Indian Parliament is permanent and of regulator. Life Insurance Corporation suggested that not subject to dissolution ? —The Rajya Sabha to avoid conflict, the RC should obtain information and ‰‰ Who presides over the first sitting of the newly-elected ensure compliance through the regulator. LIC objected Lok Sabha ? —Speaker Pro Tern to the anomaly regarding premium calculation. The basis of premium calculation Indian National Movement ‰‰ has not been provided in the Bill and this will increase ‰‰ The period between 1885 and 1905 is generally known the expenses and affect the returns and investment of as the period of —Moderate Nationalism the insurance company. There should be a distinction ‰‰ During the Surat split of the Indian National Congress between insurance companies that follow stringent between Moderates and Extremists in 1907, who was investment norms and other financial institutions. the President of the INC Surat Session ? ‰‰ Deposit Insurance Cover : To What Extent will it —Rash Behari Ghosh Continue ? ‰‰ What was the actual name of Tantiya Tope, the great ‰‰ The Bill replaces the Deposit and Credit Insurance and fighter of the 1857 Revolt? Credit Guarantee Corporation (DICGC) Act of 1961 —Ramchandra Pandurang and the proposed RC will subsume the powers of the ‰‰ Who is the author of the book— 'India for Indians' ? DICGC. The DICGC is an extended arm of the RBI —C.R. Das and there is a high level of coordination between the ‰‰ Mahatma Gandhi gave the slogan of 'Do or Die' during two in cases of merger, acquisition, liquidation, etc., the launch of —The Quit India Movement, 1942 of banks. The RBI suggests that when the RC takes ‰‰ 'New Lamps for Old' was a series of articles published over this role, there should be proper harmonisation in 1893 by —Sri Aurobindo Ghosh of roles and responsibilities between the RBI and the ‰‰ Who said "the British rule was a bleeding drain from RC. The existing deposit insurance coverage of ^ 1 lakh India" ? —Dadabhai Naoroji will continue till it is revised, the Centre has assured ‰‰ Who accompanied Sardar Bhagat Singh in throwing the Joint Committee of Parliament on the Financial bombs in the Central Assembly Hall, New Delhi in Resolution and Deposit Insurance (FRDI) Bill. The April 1929 ? —B.K. Dutt Centre has told the panel that Clause 29(1) of the Bill ‰‰ Who was the President of the Indian National Congress gives scope for enhancement of the deposit insurance Session in Calcutta in 1906 in which 'Swaraj' (self-rule) level of a depositor. The Clause says that the proposed was adopted as the goal of Indians ? Resolution Corporation (RC) shall, in consultation —Dadabhai Naoroji with the appropriate regulator, specify the total amount ‰‰ A leading British politician admitted that the 1857 payable by the Corporation with respect to any one Revolt was a 'National Revolt', not merely a 'sepoy depositor, as to his deposit insured under this Act. mutiny' ? —Benjamin Disraeli

Teachwell CORPORATE OFFICE : 415, 4th Floor., Amba Tower, DC Chowk Complex, Sec-9 Rohini, Delhi-110085 (16) Institute Ph.: 27860899, Mob: 9015557890; Website: www.teachwell.co.in GK Jan Part-1 History and Culture of India ‰‰ The headquarters of South Central Railway is located ‰‰ Which veda is divided into two parts—'Krishna' and in —Secunderabad 'Shukla' ? —Yajur Veda ‰‰ Kandla in Gujarat is a good example of —Tidal port ‰‰ The names of two Jain Tirthan-karas are found in the ‰‰ New York is located on the bank of the river —Hudson Rig Veda. ‰‰ Which pressure belt is generally referred to as 'Horse ‰‰ The names of those Tirthankaras are found in Rig latitudes' ? —Sub-tropical high pressure belt Veda. —Rishabha and Arishtanemi ‰‰ Gurusikhar Peak (1,722 m) is the highest point of ‰‰ Which Mauryan King was referred to as 'Amitrochates' —The Aravalli mountain range by the Greek writers ? —Bindusara Science & Technology ‰‰ Who was the President of the third Sangam event held ‰‰ The process of direct conversion of vapour into solid is in Madurai ? —Nakkirar called —Hoar Frost ‰‰ The 'Du-aspa' and 'Seh-aspa' ranks were first introduced ‰‰ There are three secondary colours. They are during the reign of —Mughal emperor Jahangir —Yellow, Magenta and Cyan ‰‰ 'Pietra-dura' technique of surface ornamentation was ‰‰ A device used to detect and measure small electric cur- first adopted in India in —Itimad-ud-Daula's tomb rent in a circuit is called —Galvanometer ‰‰ Which Lodi Sultan transferred his capital from Delhi to ‰‰ The concept of expanding universe is based on Agra ? —Sultan Sikandar Lodi —Doppler effect ‰‰ Which British Governor-General abolished the evil of ‰‰ Onion and garlic have sharp odour due to the presence slavery in India ? —Lord Ellenbourough of —Potassium ‰‰ The second Anglo-Mysore war came to an end with the ‰‰ Angstrom is the unit for measuring the wavelength of —Treaty of Mangalore —Light ‰‰ Which city was named Khizra-bad by Sultan Alauddin ‰‰ The normal function of human kidney is Khilji after the conquest ? —Chittor —Regulation of sugar level in the blood Economic Affairs of India ‰‰ Deficiency of Vitamin Bj (Thiamine) causes ‰‰ The Global Entrepreneurship Summit-2017 was held in —Beri-Beri November 2017 in — (India) ‰‰ 'Kwashiorkor' and 'Marasmus' are the diseases caused ‰‰ What was the theme of the Global Entrepreneurship by deficiency of —Protein Summit-2017? —Women First, Prosperity for All ‰‰ Which vitamin is also known as 'Niacin' ? ‰‰ Who has been appointed the Director-General of —Vitamin B6 Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) ? —Abhay Agriculture ‰‰ Which sector contributes the highest share in 'Gross ‰‰ High yielding dwarf varieties of wheat—T.V. 18' and Domestic Savings' ? —Domestic sector 'Sonora 64' were first developed in —Mexico ‰‰ What is 'Zero Base Budgeting' ? ‰‰ Cool climate, clayey alluvial soils and about 30 cm —Preparation of new budget every time rainfall during growing period are ideal conditions for ‰‰ 'Namma Metro' is the name given to metro rail service the cultivation of —Wheat in —Bengalura ‰‰ Sonalika, an early maturing wheat variety takes about ‰‰ Scheduled Bank is that bank which is included in —105 days to mature —The Second Schedule of RBI ‰‰ Mangrove vegetation in India is most extensive in ‰‰ First Payments Bank has been launched by —Airtel —Sunderbans ‰‰ The apex organisation of industrial finance in India is ‰‰ UP 308 is a variety of —Wheat —IDBI ‰‰ CHS-1 is a variety of —Jowar ‰‰ 'Antyodaya Day' is observed on —September 25 ‰‰ In fruits and vegetables, wax emulsion is used for Geography (India and the World) —Extension of storage life ‰‰ ‰‰ 'Marble', 'Slate', 'Schist' and 'Diamond' are examples of The National Academy of Agricultural Research and —Metamorphic rocks Management (NAARM) is located at —Hyderabad ‰‰ ‰‰ 'Limestone', 'Sandstone', 'Shale' and Coal are examples White colour of soil is due to the presence of of —Sedimentary rocks —Manganese oxide ‰‰ ‰‰ The Benguela current is a cold water current of 'Yellow Revolution' is associated with —The oilseeds —The Atlantic ocean Environment, Biodiversity, Climate Change etc. ‰‰ Where is the Attacama desert located ? ‰‰ What is India's rank on the Climate Change Perfor- —South America mance Index-2017 ? —14th rank ‰‰ Which country has the largest coastline in the World ? ‰‰ World Wetlands Day is observed on —February 2 —Canada (2,02,080 km)

Teachwell CORPORATE OFFICE : 415, 4th Floor., Amba Tower, DC Chowk Complex, Sec-9 Rohini, Delhi-110085 (17) Institute Ph.: 27860899, Mob: 9015557890; Website: www.teachwell.co.in GK Jan Part-1 ‰‰ Centre for Ecological Science is located in ‰‰ Which Indian batsman recently scored his record third —Bengaluru ODI double century ? — ‰‰ Indira Gandhi National Forestry Academy is located in ‰‰ The Commonwealth Games 2022 will be hosted in —Dehradun —Birmingham (England) ‰‰ Who is the author of the book— 'Civilization and Cli- ‰‰ Kenenisa Bekele and Degitu Azimeraw, the men's and mate' ? —Huntington women's champion of the Kolkata 25 K marathon-2017 ‰‰ 'Environment, Race and Migration' is a book written by respectively are from —Ethiopia —Griffith Taylor ‰‰ Pankaj Advani, Kamal Chawla and Sourav Kothari are ‰‰ The main cause for the forest loss is famous Indian players of —Billiards and Snooker —Agricultural development ‰‰ 'Mathias Boe', 'Carsten Mogen-sen', 'Viktor Axelsen', ‰‰ The concept of 'Green House Gases' was postulated by 'Christinna Pedersen' and 'Kamila Rytter Juhl' are —Joseph Fourier famous badminton players from —Denmark ‰‰ The water pollution in a river is determined by measur- ‰‰ Who emerged the champion of the World Rapid Chess ing the dissolved amount of —Oxygen Championship-2017 ? —Viswanathan Anand ‰‰ Dachigam Sanctuary is located in ‰‰ is located in — —Jamrnu and Kashmir ‰‰ Stadium is located in — Communication Miscellany ‰‰ A good communicator begins his/her presentation with ‰‰ Where does a computer add and compare its data ? —An ice-breaker —CPU ‰‰ A message beneath a message is called —Sub-text ‰‰ Who is the author of the book 'Gandhi and Stalin' ? ‰‰ Communication with oneself is known as —Louis Fisher —Intrapersonal communication ‰‰ What is permanent memory called in computers ? ‰‰ The information function of mass communication is —Read Only Memory (ROM) described as —Surveillance ‰‰ Oscar Awards, prestigious awards of Hollywood films, ‰‰ In communication, chatting in internet is are originally known as —Academy Awards —Parallel communication ‰‰ International Day of Nonviolence is observed on ‰‰ Communication becomes circular when —October 2 —The decoder becomes as encoder ‰‰ International Literacy Day is observed on ‰‰ The chronological order of nonverbal communication —September 8 is —Signs, Symbols, Codes, Colours An example of ‰‰ 'Gathering Storm' is a book written by asynchronous medium is —Newspaper —Winston Churchill ‰‰ Effective communication needs a supportive—Social ‰‰ Who was the founder of 'League of Nations' ? environment In an organisation, the two basic types of —Woodrow Willson correspondence are —Internal and external ‰‰ 'Jhumar', 'Daph', 'Dhamal', 'Gugga' are folk dances of —Haryana Sports and Games ‰‰ Where is the headquarters of 'United Nations Interna- ‰‰ Who has been elected the President of the Indian Olym- tional Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF)? pic Association (IOA) ? —Narinder Batra —New York ‰‰ Australia retains Hockey World League Finals Title 2017, beating ...... in the final. —Argentina

Teachwell CORPORATE OFFICE : 415, 4th Floor., Amba Tower, DC Chowk Complex, Sec-9 Rohini, Delhi-110085 (18) Institute Ph.: 27860899, Mob: 9015557890; Website: www.teachwell.co.in GK Jan Part-1