Medal of Honor Awards – Posthumously WWII
GO 11 4 stubborn resistance brought the Zd Battalton to within striking distance of the main enemy position. High winds and typhoon rains hampered engineer and pioneer operations and made supply and evacuation by hand carry extremely difficult. Well-trained enemy infantry in good physical condition and armed with a high percentage of automatic weapons, defended the knife-cdged ridga of the positions, which were completely tunnelled through and honeycombed with cares. Jungle arid ver~icalrlilfa on either pank canalize3 the attack of the 26 Battalion. For 4 days, i.he 2d Buttalion hurled attacks against this position unlil it was finally taken on 5 July by a savage assault with hand grenades, bayonets, and satchel charges. The enemy fought to the death, and friendly casualties were high. During. the nighls of TAand G7 July, the enemy attemptd to retake the position with fielrc counterattacks which were beaten back. During the period 23 June to 7 July 1945, 345 enemy dead were counted on the front of the 2d Battalion and two prisoners of war werc taken. The defeat was a decisive one and opened the way to the seizure of Kiangan. Tons of ammunition and large amounts of vehicles, supplies, and equipment mere captured along the route of aduarxe. The losses of the battalion werc 18 dead and 42 wounded. Every officer and nlan disvlased-. the hiahest kind of fortitude, resourcefulness. and deuolion to dnty. The distinguished performance of duty by the 2d Battalion, 6.?d Ififanli'~,Rroiment, rxemgllfles the true sllirit of the American Arms and piled States Army Forces, Pacific.) ,J6.The 2d Battalioi&,Sllth Infantrff Regiment, is cited for outstandinp per- Germany, against fanatical defense.
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