Jasper's Basic Mechanisms of the Epilepsies Jasper's Basic Mechanisms of the Epilepsies

Phasic GABAA-Mediated Inhibition

Enrico Cherubini Neurobiology Department, International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA), Via Bonomea 265, 34136 Trieste, Italy


Phasic inhibition consists of fast GABAA-mediated inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs) regulating point to point communication between neurons. In physiological conditions it exerts a powerful control on cell excitability and network oscillations thought to be associated with high cognitive functions. GABAA receptors facing the presynaptic release sites are exposed, for a brief period of time, to high concentration of GABA released by exocytosis of presynaptic vesicles. Once released, GABA diffuses throughout the neuropil before being taken up by selective plasma membrane transporters which contribute to its clearance. In this Chapter different steps contributing to shape synaptic currents, including vesicle exocytosis, dynamics of GABA transient in the synaptic cleft, postsynaptic receptors and GABA transporters will be highlighted. Particular attention will be paid to the regulation of GABA release by the calcium-induced calcium release process and by presynaptic GABAA and/or GABAB receptors. Finally, the heterogeneity of GABAA receptor subunits will be discussed in relation to their ability to give rise to a variety of functional GABAA receptors, differently regulated by endogenous or exogenous molecules useful for the treatment of severe neurological and psychiatric disorders.

γ-Aminobutiric acid (GABA) is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in the adult mammalian CNS. It inhibits neuronal firing by activating two different classes of receptors, GABAA and GABAB. Unlike GABAA receptors which form integral ion channels, GABAB receptors are coupled to ion channels via guanine nucleotide-binding and second messengers. GABAA receptors mediate two distinct forms of inhibition, phasic and tonic. The first consists of fast inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs), regulating point-to-point communication between neurons. The second consists of a persistent inhibitory conductance that plays a crucial role in regulating the membrane potential and network excitability. 1 In the case of phasic inhibition, synaptic GABAA receptors, facing presynaptic release sites, are activated by a brief exposure to a high concentration of GABA released by exocytosis of presynaptic vesicles. Once released, GABA diffuses throughout the neuropil before being taken up by selective plasma membrane transporters, which contribute to the clearance of the neurotransmitter. 2 In the case of tonic inhibition, extrasynaptic GABAA receptors, localized away from the synapses, are persistently exposed to low concentration of “ambient” GABA.

This review will focus on GABAA-mediated phasic inhibition which, in physiological conditions, exerts a powerful control on cell excitability and network oscillations thought to be associated with higher cognitive functions. 3 An impairment of fast GABAergic signaling is involved in various psychiatric and neurological disorders including epilepsy. 4

GABAA-MEDIATED IPSCs: PRESYNAPTIC REGULATION Source of GABA GABA is released from GABAergic interneurons which comprise ~ 15 % of the total neuronal population. It is synthesized from glutamate by the Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase (GAD65 and GAD67) and in particular, by GAD65 which is preferentially localized at GABAergic nerve terminals. GABAergic interneurons constitute a heterogeneous group of Page 2

cells which have been characterized on the basis of their firing patterns, molecular expression profiles and selective innervation of different domains of principal cells. 5 They provide feedback and feed-forward inhibition. 6, 7 In addition, the spatio-temporal dynamics between

Jasper's Basic Mechanisms of the Epilepsies Jasper's Basic Mechanisms of the Epilepsies the activity of interneurons, with extensive axonal arborizations, and that of pyramidal cells leads to coherent network oscillations crucial for information processing. 5, 8

In the majority of cases, the release of GABA from GABAergic interneurons occurs via vesicle exocytosis, the process by which a single vesicle fuses with the presynaptic plasma membrane and releases its content into the synaptic cleft. However, the release of GABA may also occur in a non-vesicular way through the reversal of GABA transporters. 9 Thus, in pathological conditions (e.g. in temporal lobe epilepsy), bursting-induced membrane depolarization and increase in intracellular [Na+] would enhance GAT-1 reversal (GAT-1 is the isoform of GABA transporters localized almost exclusively on axon terminals) and GAT-1-mediated GABA release. 10 Recently, using a heterologous expression system, Wu et al. 9 have provided evidence that the membrane potential at which the GABA transporter GAT-1 reverses is close to the normal resting potential of neurons and that the reversal can occur rapidly enough to release GABA during action potentials. This is consistent with the hypothesis that transporter- mediated GABA release can contribute to maintain phasic GABAA-mediated inhibition also in physiological conditions as in the case of vesicular transmitter failure during high frequency firing, thus acting as a brake to prevent runaway excitation. 10

The release of GABA from presynaptic nerve terminals is influenced by the probability of release P and by the number of release sites N. Large P and/or large N can be used to distinguish strong from weak GABAergic synapses. Strong connections produce large IPSPs with few transmitter failures. Weak synapses with high failure rates exhibit paired-pulse facilitation (facilitation of a second response evoked at a short interval from the first), while strong synapses with low failures rate exhibit paired-pulse depression (depression of a second response occurring at a short interval from the first).

Regulation of GABA Release by Presynaptic Intracellular Calcium Stores Interestingly, P can be affected by spontaneous calcium signals (reminiscent of “calcium sparks”), 11 as those detected at cerebellar interneurons-Purkinje cells synapses. 12 These events (sensitive to ryanodine) depend on the release of calcium from intracellular calcium stores following action potential-dependent increase in intracellular calcium rise. 13 Ryanodine-sensitive calcium stores are likely to mediate large amplitude miniature inhibitory postsynaptic currents (mIPSCs) due to the synchronous release of GABA from several release sites. At the same synapses, presynaptic calcium stores also regulate the evoked release of GABA as demonstrated by ryanodine-induced decrease in paired-pulse ratio and increase in the coefficient of variation, 14 defined as the ratio between the standard deviation and the mean. P can also be also modified in a synapse-selective manner by receptors localized on presynaptic terminals, whose activation up- or down-regulates the release of GABA. In addition, synapses can also differ in the number of functional release sites, N, which can vary from one to tens. For instance, at individual synaptic contacts among stellate cells in the cerebellum, presynaptic action potentials generate synaptic currents presumably arising from single or multiple release sites. 15 In case of multiple release sites, decreasing the probability of GABA release (by modifying the calcium/magnesium ratio) decreases the average number of release sites and shifts the amplitude distribution towards smaller values. In contrast, at single release sites, the amplitude distribution of the evoked currents whose potency (successes without failures) is unaffected by decreasing the release probability can be fitted with a Gaussian function. 16, 17 Some GABAergic synapses are also characterized by multivesicular release. This occurs when the content of several vesicles is released simultaneously by an action potential at a presynaptic active zone leading to fluctuations of inhibitory synaptic events which vary in magnitude

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according to the degree of receptor saturation. For instance, at cerebellar stellate-basket cell synapses, more than one containing vesicle, released slightly asynchronously, leads to a very small increase in the peak amplitude of the synaptic currents, because, at these synapses,

Jasper's Basic Mechanisms of the Epilepsies Jasper's Basic Mechanisms of the Epilepsies receptors occupancy is high and close to saturation. 6,17,18 It is noteworthy that the functionally determined numbers of release sites is usually larger than those structurally defined at electron microscopic level, because a single presynaptic active zone is often made by a large number of functional release sites. 19

Regulation of GABA Release by Presynaptic GABAA and GABAB Receptors The release of GABA is up- or down-regulated by a variety of different receptors localized on GABAergic terminals in proximity of the release sites. Of particular interest are GABAA and GABAB autoreceptors, which can be activated by spillover of GABA from axon terminals or by “ambient” GABA present in the extracellular medium. While high P synapses more likely undergo activity-dependent depression of synaptic transmission, low P synapses undergo activity-dependent facilitation. A decrease in P may result from the shunting effect of GABA, due to the increase in conductance produced by presynaptic receptor activation. This in turn would produce a decrease in amplitude of presynaptic spikes or prevent them for invading axon 20 terminals. Alternatively activation of GABAA receptors may reduce P via inactivation of + ++ Na or Ca channels. An increase in P following activation of axonal GABAA receptors may result from depolarization of presynaptic terminals (due to the high chloride concentration in the terminals and the reversal of GABA, which would be more depolarized respect to the resting membrane potential) with consequent activation of voltage-dependent calcium channels and 21 elevation of intracellular calcium. In the immature hippocampus, activation of GABAA receptors localized on mossy fiber terminals (which in the immediate postnatal period are GABAergic) 22 by spillover of GABA from neighboring GABAergic interneurons or mossy fibers themselves, has been shown to enhance mossy fibers excitability thus contributing to 23 activity-dependent synaptic facilitation . In cerebellar interneurons, activation of GABAA autoreceptors 24 leads to an enhancement of GABA release which is developmentally regulated. 25

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Figure 1. Endogenous activation of presynaptic GABAA receptors enhances GABA release from juvenile cerebellar basket cells A. Gabazine (300 nM) reduced much more potently the amplitude of evoked synaptic currents in the younger than in the older age group (black traces: control; grey traces: + gabazine). However, after scaling to the amplitude of the first response, an increase in the paired-pulse ratio was apparent following gabazine application in the P11–P14 group, but not in the P18–P20 group (bottom panels)[0]”. B. Traces from two connected molecular layer interneurons showing depolarization-driven presynaptic action currents (top), and postsynaptic responses (middle traces), during control conditions (left) and in the presence of gabazine (right). Failure averages (bottom traces) fail to reveal any synaptic currents. Positive and negative current transients mark the onset and offset of the presynaptic depolarizing voltage step, reflecting capacitive coupling between presynaptic and postsynaptic pipettes. In this cell, gabazine reduced the peak current amplitude to 14% of control. C. Amplitude histograms for successful events (open bins) and for failures (closed bins), from the data in A. Note the increase in failure rate with gabazine (Reproduced with permission from Ref. 25).

In contrast to GABAA receptors, activation of presynaptic GABAB receptors always limits GABA release via G--dependent inhibition of P/Q and N types of voltage-dependent calcium channels. 26 For instance, at GABAergic synapses between Golgi cells and granule cells in the cerebellar glomerulus, activation of presynaptic GABAB receptors leads to a reduction of P. 27 In the neonatal hippocampus, spillover of GABA from mossy fiber terminals down-regulates its own release leading sometimes to synapse silencing. 28

DYNAMICS OF GABA TRANSIENTS IN THE SYNAPTIC CLEFT Once released from presynaptic nerve terminals, GABA crosses the synaptic cleft and binds to postsynaptic receptors. Fast synaptic transmission requires that GABA be released at high concentration for a very short period of time. The time course of the agonist in the cleft is therefore a key factor in shaping synaptic currents. Allosteric modifiers of receptor gating have

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allowed to quantitatively estimating the peak concentration of the agonist in the cleft and the time course of its clearance. Using this method, the synaptic GABA transient was estimated to be ~ 3 mM while the speed of GABA clearance was estimated to follow a single exponential

Jasper's Basic Mechanisms of the Epilepsies Jasper's Basic Mechanisms of the Epilepsies 29, 30 function of ~100 μs. Such brief exposure of GABAA receptors to GABA indicates that activation of postsynaptic receptors occur in non-equilibrium conditions. Similar results have been found with fast-off competitive GABAA receptor antagonists. With this approach, synaptic GABA has been proposed to peak at 3–5 mM and to be cleared out within 300–500 31 μs. Although GABAA receptors are exposed to GABA for a very short period of time, synaptic currents outlast the duration of GABA transient. This is because the activated channels have a high probability of entering into long-lived desensitized states, which precede channel re-opening and agonist unbinding. 32

GABA Transients May Regulate Synaptic Variability It is noteworthy that, in cultured hippocampal neurons, fast-off competitive antagonists have been shown to differentially block small and large mIPSCs, suggesting that, at non saturated synapses, changes in the peak concentration and the speed of GABA clearance in the cleft may be important sources of presynaptic variability. 33 Interestingly, in the neocortex slow GABAA receptor-mediated inhibitory postsynaptic currents (IPSCs), originating from neurogliaform cells, are generated by a GABA transient with unusual characteristics as indicated by the large inhibitory effect of the low affinity competitive GABAA receptor antagonist (1,2,5,6-tetrahydropyridin-4-yl)methylphosphinic acid (TPMPA). 34

Figure 2. Slow GABAA-mediated IPSCs originated from neurogliaform cells A. Ten consecutive slow IPSCs (grey, lower trace) and their average (black) evoked in a layer 2/3 pyramidal cell after single action potentials in a layer 1 neurogliaform cell (upper trace). B. IPSCs evoked by a layer 2 fast-spiking basket cell. C. Camera lucida reconstruction of the soma and axons of a neurogliaform cell. Grey lines indicate the borders of cortical layers. D. Comparison of the kinetics of postsynaptic responses evoked by neurogliaform cells (black squares) and fast-spiking basket cells (grey circles). Each point represents an individual connection (Reproduced with permission from Ref. 34).

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It has been proposed that the high density of neurogliaform cell axons could counteract transmitter reuptake mechanisms and that GABA released from these terminals could act as a volume transmitter to reach receptors at synaptic and extrasynaptic sites in the tissue the axons

Jasper's Basic Mechanisms of the Epilepsies Jasper's Basic Mechanisms of the Epilepsies intermingles with. 35

Once released into the cleft, the agonist is cleared by the combined action of diffusion and buffering systems. Diffusion is influenced by the geometry of the cleft and by the viscosity of the extracellular liquid, 36 which is composed of glycoproteins and fibrils. Buffering systems consist of membrane transporters, receptors and other GABA binding sites.

GABA Transporters GABA transporters not only passively bind GABA but also actively remove it from the extracellular space. High affinity Na+/Cl− coupled GABA transporters are expressed on the plasma membrane in close vicinity of the synapses. Among the four GABA transporters identified to date (GAT-1, GAT-2, GAT-3, and BGT-1), GAT-1 prevails at GABAergic synapses and is almost exclusively localized on axon terminals (forming symmetric synaptic contacts) and on distal astrocytic processes. 37 The use of selective GAT-1 inibitors has allowed investigating the functional role of this transporter in GABAA-mediated inhibition. Thus, in rat neocortex and hippocampus, blockers of GAT-1 have been shown to affect not only tonic but also phasic GABAA-mediated inhibition, as indicated by the increase in the decay time of evoked IPSCs. 38–42 GAT-1 seems to play a crucial role during sustained neuronal activity such as that observed during seizures. 43

Recent experiments from neocortical neurons in slices obtained from GAT-1 knock out (KO) mice have demonstrated that high frequency stimulation of GABAergic terminals induces slowly developing bicuculline-sensitive inward currents that last several seconds and are larger in GAT-1 KO respect to WT mice, indicating a severe impairment of GABA clearance from the extracellular space in the former. In addition, in GAT-1 KO mice, stimuli delivered to the same fibers immediately after the high frequency train, evokes synaptic currents smaller in amplitude and exhibiting slower decay kinetics and a slower recovery process. 43

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Figure 3. GAT-1 transporters play a crucial role during sustained synaptic activity A. Prolonged decay of IPSCs evoked from layer II/III pyramidal neurons by local stimulation of GABAergic fibers (in the presence of 20 μM DNQX and 1 μM CGP 55845) in neocortical slices from GAT-1 KO mice as compared to WT. Each column represents the mean decay time constant of IPSCs obtained from WT (n=7) and GAT-1 KO mice (n=7). **p< 0.01. C. Representative traces recorded at −60 mV from WT and GAT-1 KO mice during and after repetitive stimulation of GABAergic fibers (50 stimuli at 100 Hz, horizontal bars) in WT (black) GAT-1 KO mice (grey). Note the larger inward current and the longer recovery time of individual IPSCs in GAT-1 KO. D. Recovery of the decay of individual IPSCs evoked at 200 ms intervals after the high-frequency stimulation train in WT (black) and GAT-1 KO mice (grey). Each point is the average of six experiments. E. Charge transfers associated with GABAA-mediated slow inward currents induced by repetitive activation of presynaptic GABAergic terminals in WT (n = 6) and GAT-1 KO mice (n = 5). *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01 (Adapted from Ref. 43). Interestingly, GAT-1 KO mice exhibited an increased expression of GABA synthesizing GAD65 and GAD67 as an adaptive process for compensating the loss of GAT-1


GABAA Receptors The speed and reliability of inhibitory synaptic transmission require the presence of clustered GABAA receptors at the plasma membrane in precise apposition to presynaptic releasing sites. The postsynaptic organization comprises a large number of proteins that ensure the correct targeting, clustering and stabilization of neurotransmitter receptors. Among them, the tubulin- binding protein gephyrin plays a crucial role in the functional organization of inhibitory synapses. 44 Through its self-oligomerizing properties, gephyrin forms hexagonal lattices that 45, 46 trap and GABAA receptors and link them to the cytoskeleton. Disruption of 47 gephyrin function leads to reduced GABAA receptor clustering, an effect associated with loss of GABAergic innervation. 48 This observation suggests the existence of a cross-talk between the post and the presynaptic sites of the synapse. The backward control of presynaptic

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signaling may occur via neuroligin 2, a postsynaptic cell adhesion molecule which directly binds gephyrin through a conserved cytoplasmatic domain, 49 and transynaptically interacts with neurexins. 50 Jasper's Basic Mechanisms of the Epilepsies Jasper's Basic Mechanisms of the Epilepsies

GABAA receptors belong to the Cys-loop -gated ion channels family which includes nicotine acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs), glycine receptors and ionotropic 5-HT3 receptors. nAChRs and 5-HT3 receptors are cation-selective channels while GABAA and glycine receptors are anionic-selective channels. All the subunit members of this family show 30 % but have a greater similarity at the level of their secondary and tertiary structure. These receptors are organized as pentameric membrane-spanning proteins surrounding a central pore forming the ion channel. Each subunit has a large extracellular N- terminus (containing a signal peptide, a cysteine bridge and glycosylation sites), four hydrophobic transmembrane domains (M1–M4), an intracellular loop between M3 and M4 (containing protein kinase A, protein kinase C and tyrosine kinase phosphorylation sites) and a short C-terminus. M2 is crucial for receptor gating and selectivity. This region lines the channel pore and constitutes the most conserved part of the receptor. Introduction of site-direct mutagenesis of three amino acids from the M2 domain of glycine or GABAA receptors into the M2 segment of α7 nicotine acetylcholine receptors is sufficient to convert a cation-selective channel into an anion-selective channel. 51 Channel opening would result from the concerted tilting of the subunits which rotate around an axis parallel to the membrane plane.

Permeability of GABAA Receptor Channels − Activation of GABAA receptors opens channels largely permeable to Cl . However, a significant, inwardly directed component of GABA-gated anionic current is carried by − 52, 53 + − HCO3 . The passive redistribution of H and HCO3 following activation of GABAA receptors by GABA would lead to a more acidic intraneuronal pH. 54 Hence, the − electrochemical equilibrium potential for HCO3 would be less negative (~ 15 mV) than the − resting membrane potential and since HCO3 can also act as a carrier of a depolarizing current, − GABA reversal potential (EGABA) will not be identical to the equilibrium potential for Cl but 55 − − it will shift towards more positive values. Taking into account a HCO3 and Cl permeability − ratio of 0.2–0.4, the quantitative influence of HCO3 on EGABA can be estimated using the − Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz equation, which shows that the [HCO3 ]i (~15 mM at a pH of 7.1– − 7.2) influences EGABA in the same way as 3–5 mM of [Cl ]i. Thus, the depolarizing influence − − of HCO3 on EGABA will be significant in neurons with low [Cl ]i as in adults but it will be − − negligible in immature neurons in which [Cl ]i is relatively high. High [Cl ]i in immature neurons would make the equilibrium potential for Cl− less negative than the resting membrane potential, providing the driving force that accounts for the depolarizing and excitatory action 56 − of GABA. [Cl ]i is under control of two main cation-chloride co-transporters, the NKCC1 − 55 and KCC2 which increase and lower [Cl ]i, respectively. Due to the low expression of the KCC2 extruder at birth, chloride accumulates inside the neuron via NKCC1. The developmentally up-regulated expression of KCC2 towards the end of the first postnatal week results in the extrusion of chloride, causing the shift of GABA from depolarizing to the hyperpolarizing direction. 57 KCC2 extrudes K+ and Cl− using the electrochemical gradient + − for K . Genetically encoded chloride probes have allowed to directly monitor [Cl ]i in a non- 58 − invasive way. Using this tool it has been clearly demonstrated that [Cl ]i decreases during development in hippocampal neurons. It is worth mentioning that GABA-induced depolarization may still result in inhibition of cell firing if the positive shift in the membrane potential is associated with a strong “shunting inhibition”. 59

GABA may still have a depolarizing and excitatory action in mature CNS neurons when the equilibrium potential of this neurotransmitter (EGABA) is more positive that the resting 60 membrane potential. Shifts of EGABA have been suggested to underline modifications of

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− [Cl ]i observed in the suprachiasmatic nucleus during the circadian cycle of adult mammal neurons 61 (but see Ref. 62). In addition, evidence has been provided that in adult animals, GABA excites layer V cortical cells through an action that critically depends of the resting

Jasper's Basic Mechanisms of the Epilepsies Jasper's Basic Mechanisms of the Epilepsies membrane potential of the cell and on the temporal and spatial (dendritic and somatic) profile of GABAergic synaptic inputs of targeted neurons. 63

Heterogeneity of GABAA Receptors

In mammals, GABAA receptors are highly heterogeneous. Twenty different subunits encoded by different , have been cloned to date. They have a molecular mass ranging between 48000 (γ2) and 64000 (α4) kDa, and can be subdivided into seven structurally related subfamilies (α1–6, β1–4, γ1–3, ɛ, δ, θ, π and ρ1–3) with a high degree of homology. The most common native receptor stoichiometry is two α, two β and one γ/δ/ɛ subunits. 64 However, the θ subunit, cloned from the rat striatum, can also co-assemble with α2, β1 and γ1. 65 In addition, alternative splicing further increases the diversity. Thus, the encoding the γ2 subunit has two splice variants designed short (γ2S) and long (γ2L) that differ only in eight aminoacids inserted into the large intracellular loop. 66 The γ2 splice variants show differential abundance in different brain regions and different age-related changes in the level of their expression. 67 A recent study has demonstrated that the γ2S variant not only serves as an integral subunit of GABAA receptors but also as an accessory protein acting as an external modulator of fully formed receptors. 68 The ρ subunits, identified in the retina and possibly present also in other brain structures, initially described as GABAC receptors based on their different pharmacological properties (they are relatively insensitive to bicuculline but sensitive to the GABA analog cis-aminocrotonic acid), are closely related in sequence, structure and function to other GABAA receptors and therefore they should be fully considered GABAA receptors. 69

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Figure 4. GABAA receptors A. Dendrogram of the known 20 genes for GABAA receptors. The distances along each line are proportional to the degree of sequence identity between different homologous subunits. The Greek letters represent subunit families of high (>70%) identity. B. Schematic representation of the most common GABAA receptor assembly found in the CNS, α1β2γ2, with its appropriate stoichiometry of 2:2:1. C. Schematic representation of agonists binding sites and extracellular modulatory domains within the GABAA receptor (Adapted from Refs. 2 and 70). The multiplicity of subunit combinations has crucial consequences on the function of native receptors, as indicated by recombinant studies. 71 In addition, receptors heterogeneity constitutes the major determinant of receptor pharmacology. The kinetics and pharmacological diversity generated by the interaction of synaptically released GABA with different native receptors is particularly evident during development, when changes in the time course of GABA-mediated transmission are essential for synaptic integration. During the third postnatal week, in granule cells of the dentate gyrus, the acceleration of mIPSCs kinetics is related to the enhanced expression of the α1 subunit. 72 Similarly, the age-dependent decrease in deactivation kinetics of cerebellar granule cells IPSCs and their increased sensitivity to furosemide can be attributed to an enhanced expression of the α6 subunits. 73

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GABAA Receptors Distribution In situ hybridization of mRNA and immunostaining experiments have revealed that the vast 74 majority of GABAA receptors in the CNS contain the γ2 subunit. Among α subunits, the Jasper's Basic Mechanisms of the Epilepsies Jasper's Basic Mechanisms of the Epilepsies α1 is the most abundant, and is often co-expressed with the β2 and γ2 subunits. The α5 subunit is relatively rare except in the olfactory bulb, hypothalamus and hippocampus where it is located manly at extrasynaptic sites. At synaptic sites α5-containing GABAA receptors contribute to the slow decay of IPSCs evoked in the hippocampus by Schaffer collateral or stratum lacunosum-moleculare activation. 75, 76 The α6 subunits, which are highly expressed in the forebrain and cerebellum, are extrasynaptic. The β subunits exist in functional receptors usually with only one type per pentamer (the β2 is widely spread while the β1 is less common). The δ subunit, localized at extrasynaptic dendritic and somatic membranes, is thought to be able to replace the γ subunit in the pentamer. 77 However α4 and α6 subunits are just as often combined with the δ subunit as with the γ2. In cerebellar granule cells the δ subunit is an obligatory partner of the α6 subunit whereas in the forebrain it is primarily associated with the α4. Interestingly, some glutamatergic mossy fiber synapses in the cerebellum express abundant α6, γ2 and β2/3 but not δ subunits. 78 Although the functional role of these receptor subunits has not been fully elucidated, it is reasonable to assume that their activation by spillover of GABA from adjacent synapses may exert a modulatory role on excitatory inputs. The ɛ subunit is rare but in some areas, such as the hypothalamus, it can substitute for the γ or δ subunits. 79 The function of θ and π subunits have not been fully characterized yet.

Modulation of GABAA Receptors

GABAA receptors are the targets for a variety of endogenous modulators or exogenous ligands largely used for the treatment of neurological and psychiatric disorders. Their pharmacological effect strictly depends on the subunit combinations. The use of transgenic mice in which different GABAA receptor subunits have been either deleted (due to gene ablation) or mutated has allowed a better characterization of the functional properties of various receptor subunits.

Modulation of GABAA Receptors by Endogenous Molecules

GABAA receptors are substrates for phosphorylation via protein kinases. The resulting covalent modification constitutes one of the major mechanisms regulating their trafficking, cell surface expression and function. 80 Phosphorylation largely depends on subunits composition. For example, in pyramidal cells, intracellular delivery of PKA, but not of PKC, reduces the amplitude of mIPSCs, whereas in the dentate gyrus PKC but not PKA enhances the peak amplitude of mIPSCs. 81 PKA-dependent phosphorylation strongly depends on the β subunits: PKA increases mIPSC amplitude in olfactory granule cells which express the β3 subunit82 but reduces it in CA1 pyramidal cells which express the β1 subunit. 81

GABAA receptors can be modulated also by zinc, a divalent cation highly expressed in neurons at areas associated with transmitter release. 83 In the hippocampus, zinc is stored with glutamate in synaptic vesicles present on mossy fiber terminals from which it can be released upon nerve stimulation in a calcium-dependent way to regulate synaptic excitation. 83 However, during sustained activation of mossy fibers zinc may spillover to reach synaptic and/or extrasynaptic GABAA receptors. Zinc acts as an inhibitor of GABAA receptors lacking the γ subunits and composed mainly of αβ or αβδ subunits. 83 Therefore, it affects mainly tonic inhibition. However at higher concentrations, zinc can alter also phasic inhibition by interfering with receptor gating. 84 Compelling evidence that endogenously released zinc can modulate IPSCs has been provided by Ruiz et al., 85 who demonstrated that chelating zinc with either calcium- saturated EDTA or N,N,N′,N′-tetrakis (2-pyridylmethyl)ethylenediamine enhances the amplitude of IPSCs evoked by stimulation of the dentate gyrus.

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86 Neuroactive steroids are potent endogenous modulators of GABAA receptors, and play a crucial role in neuronal excitability and brain function. Neuroactive steroids such as allopregnanolone and allotetrahydrodeoxycorticosterone (THDOC) at nanomolar

Jasper's Basic Mechanisms of the Epilepsies Jasper's Basic Mechanisms of the Epilepsies concentrations have been shown to enhance GABA action by prolonging the channel open time, thus producing sedative-hypnotic, anxiolytic and anticonvulsant effects. 87 Natural fluctuations in their level during the menstrual cycle and stress could affect several neuropsychiatric disorders including catamenial epilepsy, anxiety and depression. At higher concentrations (>1 μM), neurosteroids produce a direct opening of GABAA receptor associated chloride channels. 88 This suggests the existence of at least two different binding sites on GABAA receptors although their identification has remained elusive until now. Most of the behavioral effects of neurosteroids are mediated by extrasynaptic receptors containing δ and ɛ subunits. However, these compounds can also modulate synaptic receptors as demonstrated by their ability to prolong IPSCs decay. 89 However the concentrations needed to produce such effect vary considerably between different neurons. 86 Studies designed to mimic synaptic events using rapid application of saturated concentrations of GABA have suggested that neurosteroids produce the observed effect by slowing the recovery of GABAA receptor channels from the desensitized state. 90 Interestingly, modulation of synaptic α3β3γ2 GABAA receptors by neurosteroids may mediate the putative endogenous analgesic action of these compounds in the spinal cord. 91

Modulation of GABAA Receptors by Exogenous Molecules

GABAA receptors can be allosterically modulated by clinically important drugs including benzodiazepines, barbiturates, anesthetics, etc. The pharmacological action of these 92–94 compounds on GABAA receptor function has been extensively reviewed. In this Chapter, I will focus only on benzodiazepenes (BZs) which are widely used in clinical practice as anxiolytic, sedative-hypnotic and anticonvulsants. By enhancing the apparent affinity of GABAA receptors for GABA, BZs potentiate the action of GABA via an increased probability of channel opening. BZs bind at the interface between α and γ subunits and their pharmacology is influenced by these subunits whereas β subunits, although necessary to construct a channel, do not affect the sensitivity of GABAA receptors to these drugs. Since most of the actions of diazepam are mediated by receptors composed of α1βγ2, α2βγ2, α3βγ2, α5βγ2, a point mutation in the genes encoding for α subunits (a histidine to arginine substitution) is able to render these receptors insensitive to BZs. 95 KO mice expressing BZs-insensitive α1 subunits fail to exhibit the sedative effects of diazepam while retaining its anxiolytic response, 96 which seems to 97 98 depend on α2 α3 and/or γ2 subunits. Interestingly, by positively modulating GABAA receptors, BZs can cause addiction in vulnerable individuals. A recent study has provided evidence that the addictive properties of these drugs depend on the increased firing of dopaminergic neurons in the ventral tegmental area following disinhibition. 99 This would rely on the potentiation of α1 containing GABAA receptors, usually absent on midbrain dopaminergic neurons, which in turn would selectively inhibit nearby GABAergic interneurons leading to disinhibition of dopaminergic cells.


Evidence reviewed here shows that GABAA-mediated synaptic currents can be tuned by a variety of different factors acting at pre, cleft and postsynaptic level. The multitude of GABAA receptor subunits can assemble in a restricted and non random way to generate distinct receptor subtypes with different physiological and pharmacological properties.

Although much remains to be learned about the mechanisms controlling GABA release and clearance, neuron-glia interaction, trafficking and anchoring of GABAA receptors and associated proteins, a thorough assessment of GABAA receptor subtype-specific functions will provide the rational basis for developing new therapeutic tools useful for the treatment of

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neuropsychiatric disorders. In addition, using optogenetic techniques 100 to target specific neurons expressing different GABAA receptor subtypes will allow elucidating the functional role that various subunits have in network activity and animal behavior. Jasper's Basic Mechanisms of the Epilepsies Jasper's Basic Mechanisms of the Epilepsies Finally a better understanding of the mechanisms by which excitatory GABAergic signaling (phasic and tonic) controls adult neurogenesis and the integration of newborn neurons into existing neuronal circuits 101 will allow highlighting the plasticity and regenerative capacities of the adult mammalian brain in response to experience.

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This work was supported by grants from the European Union and from Ministero Istruzione Universita’ e Ricerca (MIUR). I wish to tank the colleagues who contributed to some of the original work reported in this chapter and all Jasper's Basic Mechanisms of the Epilepsies Jasper's Basic Mechanisms of the Epilepsies members of my laboratory for useful discussions.

ABBREVIATIONS BZ, benzodiazepines CNS, central nervous system GABA, γ-aminobutirric acid GAD, glutamic acid decarboxylase GAT-1, GABA transporter type 1 KO, knock-out N, number of release site IPSP, inhibitory post synaptic potential IPSC, inhibitory post synaptic current M, transmembrane domain P, probability of transmitter release THDOC, allotetrahydrodeoxycorticosterone TPMPA, (1; 2; 5; 6-tetrahydropyridin-4-yl) methylphosphinic acid

Phasic GABAA-Mediated Inhibition