
Every week, priests reminded Christians of the awful things that The happenedto sinful people in hell. The only escape was to do penance, but it was difficult to know if they had done enoughto avoid hell. Without this confidence, manylived in fear. However, 4% 1 a Rewrite Source A Wyle Lil} objectives an indulgence was a guaranteethatall their bad deeds would be using modern forgiven. It was like a Christian get-out-of-hell-free card. language. e Understand the reasons whypeople joined the First Crusade, What do you think people in ‘ sg b Present your its key features and consequences. medieval times would have speechto a partner. e Identify and use a rangeofhistorical terms in your writing. been willing to fight and die for? Another reason forjoining the was chivalry*. Urban II They should note launched the First Crusade in November1095. He made it clear that a down any words crusade waslike a for . They could usetheir skills in that Urban would In November 1095, Pope Urban II launched the First Crusade. battle and siege warfare and earn a place in heaven. definitely not have Gathering many important churchmen around him, he gave a used. powerful speech. He told tales of Turks torturing Christians, cutting *:An area of land Land and booty a 2 Pick out five historical open to see if they had hidden gold in their intestines and in the that is Somecrusaders went to the Holy Land in search of booty*, hoping terms from this page spreading their blood across holy sites. He begged his audience to Seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeoeeeeoeeeeeeesed important to Christians, to return homewith great riches. Others wanted land. For example, and use them to try to help their fellow Christians. These were strong words and they spread Muslimsand .It includes BohemondofTaranto, whosefamily land in had been lost, convince your partner quickly. Soon, 60,000 people prepared to march to . There placeslike Jerusalem that are hoped to capture some in the Holy Land. When the crusaders took to go on crusade. were a numberofreasons that led people to become crusaders. linked to the life of the important city of on the wayto Jerusalem, Bohemond Christ. Fighting for God made himself its prince. He had achieved his personal aim and he abandonedthe crusade. Indulgence*: The grant of a One reason wasto fight a war with religious goal. The aim was reduction in punishmentfor to capture Jerusalem from the and take control of the Chivalry*: The way a sins. Conical helmet Eh Shield Holy Land*.In return, they were offered an extraordinary reward. was supposed to behave. Whether they succeededor not, anyone Knights were expected to be Chainmail who went on crusade would receive an strong, brave and skilled in Afraid of Hell? Worried you haven't done indulgence* (see Figure 3.6). An indulgence Lance warfare. enough good works to was oneof the best rewards the Church had Booty*: The valuable items makeup for your sins? to offer medieval people. stolen by the winner after a siege or battle. Then do theultimate penance:join the Source A: From Pope Urban Il’s speech > to the Council of Clermont in 1095. It was Figure 3.7: A knight at the time of the First Crusade. Crusade. First written by a monk who mayhave been Source B: From the written by ) present when the speech was delivered. Anna Comnena between 1143 and 1153. Jerusalem, situated in the middle of the Yourtum She was the daughter of Emperor Alexius |. world, is now held captive by God’s enemies 1 Sum up Anna Comnena’s message in 140 ‘There were amongthe crusaders such men and is made servant, by those who know not characters for a social media site. as [Bohemond] andhis fellow advisers, God, for the ceremonies of the heathen.It #%2 Read your messageoutto a partner. Ask who,eager to take the for looks for help from you [knights], especially, them to explain why Anna Comnenathinks themselves, had been looking with greed upon because, as we have said, God has given glory the crusaders went to the Byzantine it for a long time. Seeing an openingfortheir in arms upon you morethan on any other Empire. plansin the expedition to Jerusalem, they Reward: forgiveness of F nation. Undertakethis journey, therefore, sa 3 Bohemond had attacked the Byzantine stirred up this huge movementand,in order all your sins, guaranteed for the [forgiveness] of your sins, with the Empire in the 1080s. Discuss with your to trick the more simple, they faked a crusade place in heaven! promiseof ‘glory which cannotfade’ in the partner how this might affect the against the Turks to regain the Holy Sepulchre kingdom of heaven. reliability of the source. andsoldall their possessions. ee S X P S Figure 3.6: Whatis a crusade indulgence? @eeeeeeeSeeeeeeeeeeeeseeeeoeasoeoeeoeaeeeeeeeeoe end 84 85

The Crusades Why was Jerusalem worth dying =o

Events and consequencesofthe First Crusade Checkpoint

October 1097 Antioch: The Key BE i 1 Explain why people crusaders set up camp at Antioch oes be Bee es and begin a siege. They makelittle == == volunteered to join the progress and begin to starve, so January 1098 Antioch: Northern French ” —pz many give up and return home. First Crusade. Use at least Thinking God wasagainst === = Raymond of the siege, the crusaders sent one of the following words N == == Bohemond of Taranto all the women away, hoping ? AG Se === = Baldwin of Boulogne in your answer: penance, 1 City of Antioch this would impress him. ies ee = === Combined armiesof the First Crusade chivalry, booty.

2 List three places that Iron Gate were importantin the

First Crusade and write a November1096 — May 1097 : _ | February 1098 : = pcos a short description of what Citadel Crusaders begin to pass through the city on ee Baldwin of Boulogne defeats 7 VEZ en ,3 } - *S. Cistern e their way to the Holy Land. a few groupsof Turksin happened at each. ae battle. The Armenian people

Us e e ‘ aE 1", ig FS,Constantinople of Edessainvite him to

V/ ek ae i rd =? 3 Create a recruitment becometheir new leader. poster to encourage

ee=e*® _ GNicaeaa ome = 3 June 1098 Antioch: SS ' Phe @ Edessa Bohemondof Taranto people to help protect the holds secret talks with a May 1097 : The ‘ ee 1097 Holy Land after 1099.

ee SwHerakleia! ¢I be eorlob. - gatekeeper, who helps the crusaderswin their first ~ => os aw 1 i 3 une ‘ St George crusaders break into the city. siege by blocking off rae

Gate accessto the city and Me "OS | battering its walls with ® April 1099 Arqah: Thefinder

SNS 4 June 1098 Antioch: A ‘| siege weapons. huge army of Turks, led by Agana of the decides to

l/ , arrives and traps I prove his advice comesfrom the crusadersin the city. ; } God. He walksthroughfire, t lance in hand, but dies 12 . dayslater from the burns. i Jerusalem® >

June 1099 Jerusalem: The 15 July 1099 Jerusalem: 14 June 1098 Antioch: crusaders reach Jerusalem Jerusalem is captured. The A dug up a and begin to besiegethe city. crusaders murder the Muslims

28 June 1098 Antioch: called the Holy Lance. The and Jews.Thentheyvisit the Bohemondleads the discovery motivates the “| Church of the Holy Sepulchre crusaders out of the city crusadersto fight the Turks. to thank Godfor their victory. and risks a battle with the muchlarger Muslim army. Against the odds, the crusaderswin.

Figure 3.8: Events and consequencesof the First Crusade.

Short-term consequences ¢ The loss of crusaders: After Jerusalem was Why was Jerusalem worth dying for? The First Crusade was a success, but the captured, most crusaders went home. Few were immediate consequence was that the crusaders left to protect their new possessions. In groupsof three, identify three groups who were preparedto die for Jerusalem. had to look after what they had won. There were a ¢ Anew crusadefailed: In 1101, the pope asked numberof problems. Each person should represent a group, researching the reasons why they would fight and die for those who had run awayfrom the First Crusade Jerusalem. Write up the research onto small cards. ¢ Protecting captured land: Edessa, Antioch and to go on a new one. It was unsuccessful, leaving Jerusalem were now under Christian control, the Holy Land defenceless. Put all the cards on the table. Move cards that have a similar point on them near to each other. but they were surrounded by Muslim forces who Use the cards to help write an answer to the question: ‘Why was Jerusalem worth dying for?’ wanted the cities back. 86

What have you learned? Writing historically

In this section, you have learned: You are going to write an answerto the question ‘Howreliable is Source A for an enquiry into how Baldwin Utility becameruler of Edessa?’ This is a reliability question, so it is asking you to think about the provenanceof ¢ aboutIslamic civilisation, the Byzantine Empire and the First Crusade questions A sevpmecemicmmenneniene Source A in order to make a decision. The activities on this page will help you to construct a strong answer. ¢ how to use historical sources to find out aboutthe past.

Introduction Whatare their views Is it a story, a piece of Wasthis during or after Whatis provenance? should demonstrate that you understand whatthe question is about.As it isa or background? art or something else? what they describe? The introduction The provenanceofa sourceis reliability question focused on specific enquiry, you shouldbriefly describe the enquiry. An example \ | / the background detail about the introduction mightsay: Whoproducedit? Whatdid they produce? Whendid they person who producedit and the produceit? circumstances in which it was ‘Source A describes how Baldwin of Boulogne became ruler of Edessa. In 1098, Baldwin was made heir to the produced. Figure 3.9 shows how you ruler of Edessa. When the heir was murdered shortly after this, Baldwin took over asruler.

can use the H and W questions (see page 36 in Chapter 1) to identify OF THE these details. Paragraphs FIRST A good answer to this question will refer to the provenanceofthe source. To do so,it will: CRUSADE Importance of provenance The provenanceof a source can help e begin with a reliable or unreliable feature historians. It can be used to decide ° give some evidence to describethe reliable or unreliable feature what enquiries a source would be ¢ explain whythis evidence makesit reliable or unreliable for the enquiry in the question. reliable for. For example, Source B on page 85 is from Anna Comnena, the An example of a good answer could look something like this: Whydid they How did they Wheredid they produceit? produceit? produceit? daughterof the Byzantine Emperor.

Her father was an importantindividual ‘Source A is reliable because the writer was present when Baldwin became ruler of Edessa. It is written by in the First Crusade, but he did not Fulcher of , who travelled with Baldwin of Boulogne and worked for him. This makesit reliable for an Did they wantto record Did they writeit, Did they witness like how the crusaders behaved. | enquiry into how Baldwin became ruler, because he saw the events and so is able to describe them. what happenedor to draw it or perform it? whatthey describe? change what happened? Consequently, Source B can give a reliable view of the Byzantine attitude The problem with the answer aboveis thatit assumes that being present at an event somehow makes Figure 3.9: Using 5Ws and an H with historical sources. to the crusaders, but an unreliable you morereliable. A better answer would also consider an unreliable feature of the provenance. Have view of the crusader’s motives. a go at producing your own strong answer.

You could begin your answer with: ‘Source A is less reliable because the writer worked for Baldwin of Boulogne...) \ sa 1 Copy out the ‘5Ws Source A: From The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres, written \

and an H’ questions between 1101 and 1128. Fulcher was a cleric who travelled with from Figure 3.9, then the crusaders to Edessa, where he joined Baldwin of Boulogne and became his chaplain. answer each one This is where you give a judgementthat answers the question. It asks ‘howreliable’, so use a using Source A. Baldwin was invited to go to Edessa, so that he and theruler ofthe city measuring word in your conclusion. Some choicesare‘very’, ‘partially’ or ‘not atall’. You should then 6@ 2 Choose one of your would becomefriends. It was agreed that if the Edessan should die, try to explain your choice of measuring word. You could begin your conclusion with: answers. Explain how Baldwin would possess the city and his wholeland in inheritance forever. it would affect the It was decided because they were unable to defend themselves from the Source A is... reliable for an enquiry into how Baldwin became ruler of Edessa.’ ) reliability of Source A Turks andthe duke wished to have his land defended by Baldwin andhis in helping to find out soldiers, who he had heard were brave warriors. After we had been there how Baldwin became fifteen days, thecitizens of the city wickedly plotted to kill their prince, You could then write a paragraph about a reliable or unreliable feature of the contentof the source. {hom they hated, and to put Baldwin in thepalaceto rule. ruler of Edessa. The ‘Writing historically’ section on pages 60-61 explains howyou can selectreliable content from SA a source. 88 89

was even more risky. RENT RSE Se PLT SSLTTGRe SENSESIE TTWOE LPT LTRT UATSS PNETRTA PENT RE MR ED Life in the countryside interpre I

the Holy and jue communities, IOS After the First Crusade, some crusaders and other settlers from Europe took over Christian settlers lived in small Christopher Tyerman,written in 2006. using large plots of land to grow their own food under 100 yearslater, they were forced to abandon mostofit. SSSR where Christians lived and produce goods for sale.In return for their In cities by side with Muslims, they During that time, did anything really change in the Holy Land? This section of the book will look at: land, villagers were expected to defend it. They At Acre, to protect them, so adapted to each other. ¢ howlife changedin the crusader had no walls, towers or gates states for Muslims and those who settled there where the two faiths shared a they had to fight if attacked. as well as a

¢ the way the changed in response to the new crusaderstates converted mosque Bate RT , Muslim visitors were


* waysin which individual leaders, like SRR Richard | and , changed the Holy Land Outremer was treated fairly. Mosques still The most powerful state in PEAT in Tyre and Jerusalem. In 1099, the Kingdom of Jerusalem was operated openly Important Muslims were | set up with a crusader, Godfrey of Bouillon,as its elsewhere. the lands Living with the enemy leader, At this point, the Christians only controlled able to travel through banned a few cities within the kingdom and neededto of Outremer. Although in 1120 Arab there, make some changesto survive. These included from living Learning objectives by the the following. ' traders were encouraged ¢ Learn the key featuresoflife in Outremer. king to sell food in Jerusalem. How do youthink the ° : The new rulers attacked and In large parts of the countryside | e Find out how an eventlike the First Crusade can result in crusaders treated the Muslims? seaports of Acre and Tyre first. land change. captured the Muslim villagers farmed the byship This meant European help could come | under Christian ownership paying and traders could buy and sell overseas. | taxes without protest. Outremer © Powerful lords: The lords of Jerusalem were given a lot of land and power.In return, they Outremer is French for ‘beyond the sea’ COUNTY would protect the kingdom from attack. A EDESSAOrc’.Edessa and is the name usedfor the * captured by Christians during ° Settlers: Europeans were offered land with Crusaderstates*: The lands taken by the and immediately after the First Crusade - low taxation and cheap rent. It was important crusaders and ruled by the Christians. Edessa, Antioch, Jerusalem and Tripoli (see they came so that they could help lords if the Figure 3.10). There were very few Christians Muslims invaded. to govern and protect them, so the Christian rulers accepted that Muslims were needed TRIPOLI to farm the lands and to trade with. To the Expedition > Read Interpretation 1. In bullet points, survive, the Christians had to acceptliving Source A: From of 441 1095-1127 by Fulcher of Chartres, note two things that changed for é e alongside the same group of people they to Jerusalem, about events in the crusader states in the Holy Land because had attacked during the First Crusade. who wrote Muslims Acre between 1095 and 1127. Christians took over and one thing that / Jerusalem Most Christians who cameto settle in We who were once westerners have now become stayed the same. Outremer lived in towns. Markets were held, easterners. He who wasof Rheimsor Chartres has sy 2 Read Source A. Find one piece of ) selling food, clothing and with luxury goodslike now becomea citizen ofTyre or Antioch. Some evidence in Source A that agrees spices. Business with visitors such as traders have taken wives notonly of their own people, one of your bullet points from and pilgrims helped to make townspeople but , or even Muslims who question 1 and write it down. rich, but it also meant they wereat risk from have converted to . Wordsofdifferent 3. Think of a question you could ask Muslim attack. To protect them, towns were languages have become commonproperty to each Fulcher of Chartres to find out if surroundedby walls, guarded by towers and nationality, and shared faith unites us. He who was Interpretation 1 is correct. Write it down could only be accessed through gates. born a stranger is now as one bornhere; he who HSSSHHHHSHHSHHSHSHHHHSHHHHHHHHHHHOHOS and discuss, with a partner, whathis Figure 3.10: The crusader states of Outremer. an born a foreigner has becomea native. y answermightbe.


91 90

Taking control: crusader Source D: From In Praise of One big change a Muslim living in Outremer the New Knighthood,written would have noticed in the was in the 1130s by the preacher that a lot more castles were built. These . It was had different designs (see Figure 3.11) and written to encourage support a range of purposes, which included the for the Templars. following. When waris announced they arm themselves on the ¢ Defence: They were garrisoned* by inside with faith and on the knights, who protected keycities and outside with iron, notgold, defended main roads. Their role was to fight off invaders and protect traders. so thattheystrike fear into ee Bre es the enemybytheir arms and ¢ Showing off: The castles werelike an Source C: Two Templars, from the chronicle of , written do not encourage greed by advert, proving how much power the in the mid-13th century. their gold. They choose their Christians had. This helped convince horsesfor their strength and Source B: The remains of the at Saone.It was villagers to pay their taxes and force speed, nottheir colouror their built by a Muslim emir in the mid-tenth century, but traders to pay them too. Keeping control: Templars and Hospitallers accessories. Their thoughts are the crusaders gave it a major overhaul in the mid-12th A few hundred knights signed up to join the military ordersin the on the battle and victory, not century. e Attack: Castles could be used as a base order was made up of men who lived like display andglory. Their aim is from which to launch attacks. One was 12th century. A military most of the same rules, but they were allowed to bring fear, not admiration. built near Tripoli to supply troops during monks,following founded around 1120 Theyare not impulsive, but the long siege to capturethe city. to fight. The first group, the Templars, was becauseof attacks on pilgrims on their journey to Jerusalem. They they assemble and form their were based in Jerusalem and had about 500 membersliving across battle formation thoughtfully Land carefully. J SCOSHSHHOHSSHTHSHESHSHEHHHOSSHOSSHOHSHSSCHHOSOESEEELE Outremer. Garrison*: The knights who 1 In pairs, prepare a sales pitch to encourage one of the The other order was called the Hospitallers. Before they became a defendeda castle.A lord following to settle in Outremer: an adventurous lord, a military force, they had run hospital in Jerusalem, providing care usually expected his knights young knight, a trader or a farmer. for the poor andsick. In 1130,they started to take on similar jobs to to do this for a fixed number 2 Present your pitch to a small group, without mentioning the Templars. Both would defend castles and cities, provide military of days each year. a Howdid Christians change who your target audience is. Ask them to work out who advice to the rulers of Outremer and help them out in battle. you werepitchingfor. Without them, Outremer would have been much easierto invade. the Holy Land? % 53 3 After your pitch, ask the group tolist two ways your 2 Whatdid Christians keep target settler might changelife for Muslims in Outremer. the same in Outremer? SSSSSSHSHHHSHSHHOHHEHSHHHHSHEHRHOEHSHSHOSHSHOHHOHSHHOHEECHEHHOHOEEHOOEEOOEE 3 How was Outremer 1 Sources B and C show twodifferent ways Outremer was protected from attack? defended. Decide which one you think would lead to 4 Create an information the biggest change. Write a short explanation for your leaflet for European decision. Christians who plan to Imagine you are a lord who lives near Muslim land. N move to Outremer.Include Design a plan to defend your land, including a diagram a description of the people and a list of resources needed. who live there, the jobs : a 3 List three changes you think your plan will lead to. Try to and how the newcomers

rank them in order of importance. will be protected. SCOSCHOSHHHOSSHHOHBASEHHSEOKOSEE Figure 3.11; Crusader defences.(a) Fortified tower. (b) Concentric enclosure. (c) Walled town. e@eeeeoeoooeooeaeoeoeoeoeooeoeoeeeeeeod SCOHOSSHSHOHSHHSSHSHSHHSSSHSHSHHSHSSHHHHSHHHHSHSHSHHSHHHHHHHSHHOHSHHSHHHHEEED 92 oS

At first the jihad was led by a ruler called Zengi, who realised the The Muslim fightback best way to defeat the Christians was to unite Muslims under one leader. This process meant Zengi had enoughsoldiers to capture The was Edessa from the Christians in 1144. However, shortly after this, he launched after Zengi captured Learning objectives was stabbed to death by one of his ownslaves.It was now up to his Edessa. It was a disaster for * Understand the idea of jihad and the importance of the son, Nur ad-Din, to finish what Zengi had started. the crusaders. The leaders unification of the Muslim world. How do you think Muslim did not work together and spent ages arguing over ¢ Find out how the actions of key individuals can cause changes, leaders respondedto the First Source A:A eulogy* to Zengi by Ibn al-Athir. He was a Muslim ) which are notall as important as each other. Crusade? chronicler who wrote 13 volumesofhistory in the early 13th century. the crusade’s goal. In the end, they gave up after and the presence Before Zengi came to powerthe absenceofstrongrulers, an unsuccessful siege on of the Christians nearby, had made the country a wilderness, but he made The Islamic civilisations in the Near East were not ready for the First Damascus in 1148. it flower again. The population increased, andso did its wealth. During Crusade.Instead, they argued and fought with each other. When his reign he was entirely surroundedbyhostile states, all doing their best the crusaders arrived at their first target, Nicaea, its Muslim ruler Jihad*: A holy war fought to seize his kingdom. But he neverlet a year pass without taking over a was busy fighting a rival Turk. When the Christians got to Antioch, against Christians and other piece of enemyterritory. At his death he had taken overa lot of land from the Muslim leader in charge could not convincehis allies to help a non-Muslim groups. The term his neighbours. J Eulogy*: A piece of writing can also mean a personal him. Finally, as the crusaders marched south, some Muslim leaders \ that praises a person. It is struggle to improve a guided them to Jerusalem. This was a huge help to the crusaders, usually written or spoken Nur ad-Din’s first task was to scare the Christians, who thought they believer’s faith in . but a disaster for the Muslim world. after their death. were safe nowthat Zengi was dead. To do this he crushed revolt Jihad in Edessa,killing 30,000 rebels. Then he attacked Antioch,killing its After the First Crusade, it took a while for the Muslim world to Christian prince. These attacks gave Nur ad-Din time to unite most recover from the shock of four new Christian states on its doorstep. of the Muslim world around Outremer, providing the next leader When it did, a jihad* was launched against the Christians. This was a with enoughstrength to defeat the Christians. holy war with the aim of forcing the Christians out of Outremer.

Unification of the Muslim world underZengi #41 List three changes that happened ® Nicaea and Nur ad-Din ~ in the Muslim world after the First Crusade. 1127: Zengi — —— 1128: Zengi takes ‘4842 Use Figure 3.12 and the timeline to becomes governor control of help you to write a description of the Key of [_]Christian lands progress made by the Muslim world [| Muslim lands after the First Crusade. == Zengi’sterritory 1144: Zengis —= “4843 Read Source A. Give one waythat by 1145 —— 1146: Zengiis Zengi contributed to this change. [Nur ad-Din’s territory forces capture by 1174 Edessa stabbed to death “4% 4 Look at Figure 3.12 and the timeline.

1154: Nurad-Din——§ «aN replaced by Give one way that Nur ad-Din r ad-Din attacks and nu contributed to this change. SCHOSOHSHSSSHNHSHSHSHSHSHHSHOHHSHHHHSHSHSHHHHHHHHHHHHOO®E captures Damascus

—= 1169: Nur ad-Din’s commander, , captures Figure 3.12: Map of the Muslim lands after the First Crusade. 94 95

| The Crusades

ar — ay Keyterm WhowasSaladin? F Source B: A description af Saladin’s victory ’ Saladin is the most famous leaderof the jihad against the Christians. _ at the in 1187 by Imad al-Din, *: A leader who ran an This is partly because of his personality. He was thoughtof as | who was Saladin’s secretary and friend. the Christians and Lake Islamic country onaday- generous and deeply religious, He was also ambitious and worked | Our army stood between hard to become the vizier* of when his commander, Shirkuh, oe . , to-day basis. Thei vizier was ; ' . Devastated by thirst the Christians stood chosen bya caliph, but had died unexpectedly. E rorepowerenSH tHe cal(otl _ patiently. Saladin moved amonghis soldiers, These qualities made him a memorable figure, but his actions _ encouraging them and promising them the

against the Christians are the main reason heis significant. victory they expected from God. Our army was Figure 3.13 shows howSaladin took over Egypt and then spent the | strengthenedby thesight of him. They blocked Some years 1174-86 taking control of Nur ad-Din’s old lands. Once he had the enemy’s attack and threw them back. Saladin could show great done this, he was ready to take on the Christians. | of our holy warriorsset fire to the grass. The heat } ee : — kindness. According to a became intense. No matter how hard they fought Interpretation L galadints5 statue innDamascus, Hafez al-Assad Muslim chronicler, a Christian Reconquest of Jerusalem the Christians were beaten back. They retreated to It was commissioned by President woman cameto Saladin’s Saladin’s plan was to try and get the Christians to fight an all-out . | MountHattin but they were surrounded. | of in 1992 and emphasises Saladin’s military

camp oneday. She wascrying battle with him. In 1183, he raided the Kingdom of Jerusalem, | EEE # skill as leader of a jihad. to anger Outremer’s leaders and make them fight back. | a. . ; i : because her daughter had hoping \ been kidnapped by Muslims. However, the Christians did notfall for Saladin’s trick, so he returned Saladin captured the town ofTiberias, hoping the \ crusaders would try and takeit back. If they did, the Saladin sent someoneto the to his own territory. A few yearslater, he was more successful. 7 en Christians would be falling into a trap because Saladin Stee OUNELENELEHEPES In 1187, while the Christians were in disagreement over who should controlled all the water supplies in the area. When 20,000 She was found and everyone . ; ; ; ‘ : sip be king, Saladin marched into the Kingdom of Jerusalem with 30,000 Christians headed for the small town, Saladin’s troops present cried with joy. ar ’ men. He had been able to do so because a Christian, one of those surrounded them,cutting off their access to water, and who wantedto be king, had asked for Saladin’s help. This gave the defeated them at the Battle of Hattin. Muslim leader a chanceto attack targets deep within Outremer. ; Most of Outremer’s knights were now dead orprisoners Saladin’s first invasion of Egypt 1174: Nur ad-Din dies. Saladin July 1187: Saladin leads some Christians of Saladin. With few men left to defend it, Jerusalem was fails. begins to take over his empire. Two into a trap, where they cannotget water, captured in 1187. Saladin then moved from castleto castle, 9: Successful attack on Eayot. years later, he marries Nur ad-Din’s and defeats them at Hattin. . . : _ |

Saladin soon becomesits cera widow. Octobe : Jerusalem is defended pradually destroying Christian defences. The situationin Outremer was now so bad that the pope launched the Ap! ’: Makesa treaty with a by a small force of recently knighted ‘ Source C: A picture of Saladin maven Christian, using it as an excuse to teenagers. Saladin capturesit. . p start an invasion of Outremer. around 1180.It shows him as a pious leader and in a position that suggests he is deep in thought.

Your turn! vee ee 1 StudyInterpretation 1. List two 1 Whatwasa jihad? qualities it suggests that Saladin had. 2 How did Zengi and Nur ad-Din unite the 2 Look at Source C. Add a third quality Muslim world? to your list that is missing from Interpretation 1. 3 Whatactions did Saladin take to reverse the ? sm 3 Next to one of the qualities in your changes made.bythe crusaders! list, write how this might help reverse 4 Imagine you are a Christian chronicler living the changes made by the crusaders. in Outremer. Write a short history of the 12th | century, describing the growth of Muslim power.

Include words that describe your reaction to it. Figure. 3.13: Saladin’sLysrise to power. : 96

The Crusades Did the Crusades change the Holy Land? Changes to the Holy Land Wekaka What do youthink? ¢ Understand the waysin which the Crusades changed the Holy Land. What could make a leader ¢ Learn how a person’s actions can make them significant. significant?

1108: Bohemondforced to 1161: The Byzantine emperor, 1185: Andronicus|, the Byzantine accept Byzantine emperor, ManuelI, marries Maria of | emperor,signs a treaty with Saladin.

Alexius | as his overlord. Antioch, the daughterof the

ruler of Antioch.


Your turn! wwe G8 Capturedcities: OUTREMER Acre (1104) oil,

bse1 Figure 3.14 shows a room in a medieval Tripoli (1109) ayy Tyre (1124) -~ Majorlosses: castle which is packedfull of objects. Ascalon (1153) Edessa (1144) ' Each represents a change in the Holy Jerusalem (1187) 12th century. Create a Ascalon (1191) Land during the timeline from 1100 to 1200. Add all the

events you can find represented in the ul | ESIC room. On your timeline colour code a decade where thereis a lot of change. 1115 Built Montreal castle to protect Jerusalem.

you have created. Strengthened castle at Saone to defend Antioch. Look at the timeline

Write a summaryof the changesthat TST] Ss took place in the Holy Land during the

period of the Crusades. Trade goods: Venetiansin are a prisoner ina Now imagine you Tyre (1124). room in a medieval castle. Your task is | Bible and Koran: to escape the room,using one of the Christians and guard to Muslimssettled in objects to help convince your Tripoli (1109). free you. Workin pairs and takeit in turns to be the prisoner and the guard. should pick one item that A 8 The prisoner represents a change that affected most 1 147-49: Second Crusadefails to re-take Edessa. to and explain their choice people | their partner. If the guard is convinced, 1189-92: Third Crusade protects coast of Outremer. the If not, the prisoner has escaped. prisoner should try another item until =_— they succeed. | Figure 3.14: Escape the room: changesin the Holy Land during the 12th century. | 98

The Crusades

Did the Crusades change anything?

The First Crusade had captured the keycities that became Outremer. Formation*: The way a 1 List one way the in the short term, more land was taken and the crusader states military force is organised. Crusades changed expanded. However, once the Muslim world united, the situation During Richard’s march to the landscapeof the changed. As Muslim forces attacked Outremer, the crusaderstates , he split his army into Holy Land and one shrank to a small series of states on the coastline. Figure 3.15 shows way they changed divisions (sections) and how muchhadreally changed by the end of the century. columns (lines) to protect the the people who lived soldiers carrying supplies. in the longer term, the Crusades caused even less change. There there. were a numberoffailed crusades in the 13th century, but none Truce*: An agreement to stop 2 Whyis King Richard| managedto recapture Jerusalem permanently. Instead, Outremer fighting for a certain period SourceA: An early 14th century illustration of Richard | fighting a significant person Saladin in the Third Crusade. Although showntogether, it is unlikely faced repeated Muslim invasions. In 1291, Acre was the last major of time. Richard's truce with in the history of the the two ever met. city to fall. After that, Outremer was abandonedbytheChristians. Saladin was arranged in 1192. Crusades?

3 How were the SEE, Source B: From the chronicle of Richard de Crusadercase study: King Richard| following people

Templo, written around 30 yearsafter the Third _/ The Third Crusade, planned after Saladin captured affected by the Third Crusade. Here he is describing a battle fought Jerusalem in 1187, was the last one in the 12th Crusade: during the Third Crusade. century. Several mighty kings, including a_ pilgrims Richard | of , Philip Il of and Guy of What of the king [Richard I], one man surrounded b the people of Acre Jerusalem, joined forces to defeat Saladin. by many thousands? Thefingersstiffen to write - c_ Saladin? of it and the mindis amazed to think of it. Who In 1189, Guy began the siege of a coastal city 4 Plan your ownideas has heard of anyonelike him? I do not know how called Acre. Two years later, when Richard and for an ‘Escape the

he remained invincible and invulnerable among Philip arrived, Acre was recaptured. This was a room’activity, using all his enemies, perhaps by God’s protection. His significant victory because the Christians needed items that represent

body was like brass protected against any sort of to control the coast so that extra help could come A lot changed in In the long term most of Richard I's actions

EE the short term. the changesdid notlast. weapon. His right hand brandished his sword with by ship. during the Third rapid strokes, slicing through the charging enemy, Crusade. Figure 3.15: Did the Crusades change the Holy Land? cutting them in two as he met them,first on this After this success, Richard was abandonedbyhis igs then on that. allies, but decided to retake the rest of the coast _S without them. He marchedhis army south to Jaffa, defeating an attack from Saladin along the way.It Did the Crusades change the Holy Land? was his last major victory. Richard hoped to recapture Jerusalem, but Your turn! after two unsuccessful attempts, he gave up and returned home. Create a table comparing the situation before the First Crusade with the situation after the Third Even thoughthe Third Crusade failed to retake Jerusalem, Richardis Crusade. In the first column, headed ‘Before First Crusade’, write the following statements. ‘sy 1 Lookatthe © rememberedasa significant figure because he was: information and e In 1095 there were no crusader states. eeeoeosg . sources on this ¢ atalented military leader: his army marchedto Jaffa ina ° page.List Richard I's disciplined formation* e In 1095 there were no defencesfor Christians in the area surrounding Jerusalem. ; actions during the e In 1095 the Muslim world was disunited. ‘ Third Crusade. ¢ a sensible decision-maker: he did not capture Jerusalem because he knew he would notbe able to defend it against Saladin ; a 2 Next to each item eeeeeoeeeoeoooee e In 1095 Jerusalem was under Muslim control.

ee . on your list, add any ¢ askilled peacemaker: in 1192 he agreed a truce* that protected In the second column, headed ‘After Third Crusade’, write your own entries for 1192, using the material changeshis actions Outremer’s coastal cities and allowed pilgrims to visit Muslim-held from this section. Then write an explanation of whether you think the Crusades really changed the °. led to. Jerusalem.