Hualapai Boundaries E. Richard Hart Bibliography and Exhibit List 1
Hualapai Boundaries E. Richard Hart Bibliography and Exhibit List 1. Adams, Ward R. History of Arizona. Phoenix: Record Publishing Co., 1930. 2. Anderson, Michael F. Polishing the Jewel: An Administrative History of Grand Canyon National Park. Grand Canyon, Arizona: Grand Canyon Association, 2000. 3. Arizona Engineering Commission. “Report Based on Reconnaissance Investigation of Arizona Land Irrigable from the Colorado River,” 1922-1923 and Smith, G. E. P. “A Discussion of Certain Colorado River Problems,” University of Arizona, College of Agriculture, Agricultural Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 100. Tucson: University of Arizona, February 10, 1925; in Arizona. Colorado River–Misc. Arizona Documents, a volume of bound documents relating to Arizona water from the 1920s, Huntington Library. 4. Babbitt, Bruce (ed.). Grand Canyon: An Anthology. Flagstaff: Northland Press, 1978. 5. Bailey, Garrick and Roberta Glenn Bailey. A History of the Navajos: The Reservation Years. Santa Fe, New Mexico: School of American Research, 1986, pp. 17-27, 47-49, 80, 95 and 114. 6. Bancroft, Hubert Howe. History of Arizona and New Mexico, 1530-1888. Albuquerque: Horn & Wallace, Publishers, 1962 (facsimile reprint of 1889 edition), pp. 546-547 and 585. 7. Bandel, Eugene. Frontier Life in the Army, 1854-1861 (translated by Olga Bandel and Richard Jente; edited by Ralph P. Bieber). Philadelphia: Porcupine Press, 1974, pp. 57 and 248. 8. Barber, Abe, Law Examiner, General Land Office and Felix S. Cohen, Assistant Solicitor, (approved by Oscar L. Chapman, Assistant Secretary), “Examiners’ Report on Tribal Claims to Released Railroad Lands in Northwestern Arizona together with Transcript of Final Hearing and Exhibits,” May 28, 1942, Record Group 279, Indian Claims Commission, Docket 90, Box 1054, Plaintiff’s Exhibit No.
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